
A Comparative Analysis of Four Psychotherapy Manuals and a Proposed Model for Psychotherapy Manuals





While the first design goal of the XML Recommendation states that "XML shall be straightforwardly usable over the Internet," it can be demonstrated that XML has broad application in such areas as e-commerce. With this in mind, CORBA Developer's Guide with XML focuses on XML document type definition (DTD) design using the structures of CORBA to present a new perspective to programming in an object-oriented environment. This book does not teach XML but rather discusses design for experienced object-oriented developers. Programmers need to comprehend how an analysis of an environment, CORBA, assists in the design and development of XML elements, attributes, and entities that reflect that environment. The companion CD-ROM included with this book contains a trial version of XML Authority from Extensibility, Inc., and a multimedia presentation to explain the essential concepts of the XML Recommendation. This book: > Reviews the popular markup language XML for designing applications appropriate for CORBAservices and CORBAfacilities. > Discusses the significance of document type definitions (DTDs) and the Document Object Model (DOM) for the development of XML applications. > Uses the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) specifications to establish CORBA infrastructure interfaces and associated variables. > Explains how to design Extensible Markup Language (XML) document type definitions using CORBA infrastructure. > Includes the XML production rules, XML terms, and markup examples.



Non classé

Central and Eastern Europe on its way to European Union

The transition of the Eastern Central European countries from centrally planned economies to developed market economies has been one of the major structural changes in Europe. It started a new stage of enlargement of the European Union. The monograph presents the results of an international research effort aimed at the analysis of macroeconomic aspects of joining the European Union by the Central European countries. This analysis was based on country and world economy models and rests on a series of alternative scenarios of economic development up to the year 2010. It provides the reader with a broad historical background and a discussion of recent trends of Central Europe. It summarises the experience of the new members of the European Union. The scenario simulations show the likely path of future economic development for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, analysing the pros and contras of joining the European Union.



Non classé


The Weierstrass-Stone Theorem is one of the main tools of modern analysis, and several parts of functional analysis would not exist without it. The purpose of this monograph is to present its true nature by proving several increasing generalizations of this theorem, going from the classical case of subalgebras to submodules and to arbitrary subsets of continuous functions over compact spaces. Some closely connected results on uniform approximation which are important for many applications are also presented, namely the Choquet-Deny and the Kakutani Theorems for semi-lattices and for lattices of continuous functions, respectively. The beautiful variation of the Weierstrass-Stone Theorem due to von Neumann is also included with the proof due to R. I. Jewett. The monograph ends with several recent results on uniform approximation of bounded continuous functions over non-compact spaces.



Non classé

Beyond the Zeus Principle

Patriarchal rule, termed "Zeus Principle" by Günter Grass, has always been resisted and transcended. A central area for this resistance is the continual change in gender roles. Most notedly, around 1800 the notion of equality revolutionized the concept of love, a process that can be best understood as a complex interrelationship between literature and society. By illustrating the rise and fall of Romantic Love from Romanticism via Realism to Modernism, this book provides the foundation for an examination of how German novels between 1959 and 1989 respond in form and content to "familial allegiances" in a fatherless society. The comprehensive survey of almost one hundred novels, including an in-depth analysis of twelve key novels, is founded in a Critical Social Psychology and supports the central hypothesis of a (re)turn of Romantic Love in contemporary literature.




Sources and Dynamics of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Switzerland: Evidence from a Structural Vector Autoregressive Approach

The economic stagnation experienced in Switzerland in the 1990s has intensified the debate about the primary causes of economic fluctuations in small-open-economies. However, conclusive empirical evidence on the relative importance of real vs. nominal and domestic vs. foreign influences is scarce. A lack of identification often prevents the unveiling of underlying fundamental shocks and causes empirical puzzles in applied work. In a model for the Swiss economy these problems can be overcome with a correct specification of the open-economy setting and the identification of monetary policy. Structural vector autoregressions provide an effective tool to incorporate these structural aspects into modeling, without restricting dynamic interactions among the variables. This model can be applied to assess the transmission channels and the relative importance of different sources of shocks for the Swiss business cycle. The evidence is clear-cut : real domestic shocks and foreign shocks by far dominate economic activity in Switzerland. Exchange rates emerge as an important transmission channel for foreign shocks in the Swiss economy. Therefore, even though monetary policy does not seem to be a major source of fluctuations by itself, it still has a potentially important role to play in macroeconomic stabilization. The model is applied to study the specific situation of the Swiss economy in the nineties. During that period it can be shown, that Switzerland witnessed two mini cycles with substantially different sources.



Non classé

Waste Management in Poland and Germany

Poland attracts foreign investment. This holds also true for foreign enterprises involved in waste management. In order to do efficiently and successfully waste management-related business in Poland, it is of great importance to get acquainted with the following issues : general waste management situation, market conditions and business openings for waste management firms, and the legal framework governing waste management in Poland. Given that Poland hopes to be admitted to the European Union by the turn of the coming century, co-ordination and harmonization of the different national waste management programs are imperative. Therefore, for comparative reasons, the German waste management system and the waste management policies in the European Union are discussed as well.



Non classé

Problems of Applied Analysis

This volume contains the papers on problems of applied analysis presented to the 11th conference on "Methods and Techniques of Mathematical Physics", held on December 1-7, 1985 at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.




THE AWESOME POWER OF DIRECT 3D/DIRECTX. DirectX version 5.0, compact disk included

If you are programming real-time 3D applications for simulations, games, marketing, demonstrations or computer-animated videos using " Microsoft's Direct 3D Software Development Kit ", this book is for you. Unlike other books, " The awesome power of direct 3D/DirectX " shows you how to build a complete working 3D application, including 3D sound, joystick input, animation, textures, shadows, and even collision detection ! It shows you how to write a complete project using Retained Mode. It does not bury the code in "wrappers" that hide the nuances of the SDK. Nothing is hidden. What's inside ? : complete step-by-step tutorial for Direct 3D ; retained mode (windowed and full-screen) applications ; basics of DirectDraw ; how to integrate all DirectX components into a working program ; special techniques for shadows and 3D sound ; integration of direct input devices like joystick and mouse ; comprehensive library of high-quality, free, reusable 3D objects and textures cross-referenced DirectX retained mode command library ; all steps necessary to set up an immediate mode framework which you can then use to create a complete program. An independent developer of 3D graphics applications and games, Peter J. Kovach has been a vice president with a national developer of virtual reality and arcade systems and CEO of a corporation developing 3D system for advertising and product development. CD-ROM contains : more than 140 DirectX.x objects, some with animation (70 megs) ; 3ds originals of the .x objects (58 megs) ; 52 high-quality textures (4 megs) ; Microsoft's DirectX 6 SDK and samples (386 megs) ; all the code from the text.



Non classé

Nonlinear Dynamics and Unemployment Theory

This book attempts to integrate two lines of research. It joins the tradition of nonlinear macrodynamic models of cyclical growth, in particular the Goodwin/Kaldor/Phillips-type models of persistent fluctuations and limit cycles. Capital deepening and capital widening investment is introduced into models of cyclical growth. This approach is combined with recent neo-Keynesian analysis of wage-price formation and unemployment theory. Unemployment is decomposed in terms of demand deficiencies, job shortages, and the impact of capital-labor substitution. In this way a dynamic analysis of unemployment in terms of Classical, Keynesian and technological elements is obtained. It is shown that different components of unemployment can display their own cyclical frequencies and patterns. In this way the typical long and short term cyclical behavior of unemployment is simulated by an integrated nonlinear model of persistent growth cycles.




(Re)invent your business model. With the Odyssée 3.14 method

Innovation is the new business imperative. Every company, big or small, and regardless of its industry, is trying to find the magic formula for innovation. Odyssey 3. 14 offers an original approach through invitation to a real journey that combines innovation and strategy. Starting with the 3 pillars that make up the business model, this approach recommends 14 directions to consider for inventing or reinventing the business model. Odyssey 3. 14 is the result of over ten years of research, consulting and teaching by the three authors. They have thoroughly analysed over 80 companies that have successfully invented or reinvented their business models. 15 new business cases : Hello Fresh, Ticket restaurant - Endered, EdemMcCallum, Zample, Lemonade, Jonhson & Jonhson Velcade responses, Nickel account, Tesla, Recycle bank, Uber, Anticafé, Desso, Salesforce. com, Xiaomi, Redbus.




ORACLE8i. Database Administration

Here's a practical book based on the authors long experience managing Oracle systems. It runs the gamut from the important details of database administration to advanced topics like Oracle replication and the standby database. It shows you how to implement a host of new features offered by Oracle8i. Written for intermediate and advanced database administrators, Oracle8i Database Administration is also a great resource for database users, application programmers, systems analysts, project managers, system administrators and data warehousing professionals. If you've had any questions about Oracle8i, the answer is probably right here. This book shows you solutions, teaches you workarounds, and provides you with tips that will save you time. What's inside - Detalled solutions to, common database problems - How to, implement range, hash and composite partitioning - Steps to, implement a standby database environment - Details on installation, tablespaces, objects, triggers, stored procedures, PL/SQL, backup and recovery - Real-world examples for OLTP and data warehousing applications - New features of Oracle8i such as online index creation, transportable tablespaces, function-based index and more - Advanced topics like performance and timing, parallel execution, advanced replication - Hundreds of tested scripts for UNIX, LINUX and Windows NT



Sciences politiques

Cinquante ans de guerre froide. Le conflit Est-Ouest raconté par les manuels scolaires français

Les manuels d'histoire présentent aujourd'hui la chute de l'URSS comme l'aboutissement inéluctable d'une expérience vouée à l'échec. C'est oublier le temps où, reproduisant la vision alors dominante en Occident, ils considéraient l'URSS comme une grande puissance dont personne ne pouvait imaginer la fin. Il en va de même pour la guerre froide, qui opposa les "deux Grands" pendant presque cinquante ans : qui aurait pu, malgré les premiers doutes de la décennie 70, en prévoir le dénouement ? Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de montrer comment les manuels scolaires ont raconté cette histoire aux élèves. Portant sur plus de 150 manuels d'histoire et de géographie de 1960 à nos jours, il analyse comment leur discours - celui du texte de la leçon, mais aussi les images, les documents sources, les cartes - met en scène le conflit Est-Ouest et dessine une nouvelle image du monde. Quelle y est la place de la France et de l'Europe ? Le récit de la guerre froide dans les manuels scolaires met en jeu la notion centrale de "partage du monde". Il construit, autour de quelques images types d'une remarquable récurrence, les bases de nouveaux repères historiques, géographiques et culturels.




Polish Psychological Verbs at the Lexicon-Syntax Interface in Cross-linguistic Perspective

This book is a comparative study of Polish psychological verbs. The analysis concentrates on the lexicon-syntax interface of psych verbs, and constitutes an argument in favour of its strong dependence on event structure. The aim of this study is to show that the class of Polish psych verbs, as in many other languages, is not uniform. The analysed subclasses are differentiated on the basis of their causation and stativity. The marriage of those semantic traits and their structural representation is possible only if it is performed via event structure configuration, a layer which appears to underlie the conceptualisation of events.




Manuels de lecture et initiation littéraire au Sénégal et en Guinée

Ce livre pose le problème de la conception des manuels scolaires dans l'espace francophone des Républiques de Guinée et du Sénégal. L'auteur étudie les dispositifs mis en oeuvre et prône un esprit nouveau de l'enseignement de la lecture. La réflexion initiée cherche à situer les enjeux didactiques, esthétiques et citoyens qui doivent sous-tendre la réalisation des manuels destinés aux écoliers. Cet ouvrage engage à une refondation morale et civique de la formation littéraire en mettant au centre de son étude la question des méthodes utilisées (méthode syllabique, globale, mixte, fonctionnelle...).



Sciences politiques

The Crisis of Representative Democracy

The ideological background and the deficiencies of the concept of representation are being analyzed. It is shown that the present crisis of the Western democratic system is to be attributed to the form of oligarchy which has developed as a result of the "dogma of representation". The fictitious character of representation is being elaborated on the ontological, psychological and normative levels. An analysis of present and historical forms of parliamentary systems (as examples for the ideology of representation) is followed by a reflection on possible alternatives to this traditional system of power. Various forms of direct democracy are examined in regard to their practicability.



Non classé

Autobiography: Self Into Form

"The autobiographical impulse" dominated German-language literature of the 1970's, finding its expression in autobiographies of crisis, women's coming-to-consciousness, and disrupted childhoods. This study examines the historical, sociological, political and literary-historical context for this phenomenon, and in so doing engages the critical international discussion of autobiography as a changing genre. Detailed analyses of works by Ingeborg Bachmann, Elisabeth Plessen, Christa Wolf and Peter Handke suggest new critical approaches to autobiographical form. The author provides an extensive bibliography of primary and secondary sources, as well as a chronological table of autobiographical works of the decade.




Flash .Net. Dynamic content for designers with Flash remoting MX and ASP.NET

Flash.NET is the book which is your ticket to the future of application design. Two cutting-edge technologies, joined in union to provide the perfect marriage. Macromedia Flash MX really excels when it comes to presenting graphical, interactive content. It's a superb tool for building user interfaces and for presenting content that changes over time. Microsoft's NET Framework is a suite of tools for building powerful applications, both on and off the Web. Put them together, and a whole raft of new possibilities opens up for both: powerful logic and functionality with a rich, flexible interface on the front. Put them together, and you get Flash.NET. In this book, a team of expert designers and developers show you how to add dynamic NET content and turbocharged server-side functionality to your Flash MX projects. In short, you need this book if you're a Flash designer who wants a cutting-edge advantage and doesn't want to get left behind when ail the cool people have started utilizing the power of NET with their applications. To run the examples in this book for yourself, you'll need: • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP • Macromedia Flash MX • Microsoft NET Framework SDK (free download from Microsoft) The book also covers Macromedia Flash Remoting MX




Practical Applications of Linear Programming Duality

The objective of this book is the application of main theoretical ideas concerning linear programming dual prices to the analysis of specific planning problems. Among the new applied problems considered there are : elimination of production bottlenecks, decentralized planning, river transport, coordination of economic interests and production plans, optimal development strategies, mutually profitable trade, pricing for new equipment. Some new theoretical results are also provided (algorithms for block angular linear programs, stability domains of dual prices, conditions for preservation of the optimal basis). The exposition is amply illustrated with numerical examples solved in detail.



Non classé

Sir Charles Sedley’s «The Mulberry-Garden» (1668) and «Bellamira: or, The Mistress» (1687)

In his own time, the court wit Sir Charles Sedley (1639-1701) was praised for his poetic skill rather than for his dramatic talent. Yet, as this old-spelling critical edition of his two comedies shows, Sedley was also a satirist whose plays are worth reading along with the ones of his more celebrated fellow-artists Etherege, Wycherley, and Shadwell. After a biographical introduction, a detailed analysis of the plays and characters concentrates on Sedley's satiric strategies which lambaste the marriage of convenience as well as the conduct of a hypocritical and materialistic society.





Learn ActiveX Development Using Visual C++ 6.0 presents the basics of the Component Object Model, the ActiveX Template Library, and the Microsoft Foundation Classes, and explains how these technologies all work together to create cutting-edge components for modem applications and web pages. The text then covers the creation of several types of ActiveX controls in both ATL and MFC, and how to support Property Pages and events in both ATL and MFC. Finally, the author explores the mechanics of using ActiveX on the Internet. Learn ActiveX Development Using Visual C++ 6.0 is the first in Wordware's series of ActiveX/COM-oriented books for Visual C++ programmers. While some of the information within these books overlaps to ensure that each book stands alone, each does focus on a specific ActiveX/COM-related technology. Look for these other titles: Learn OLE DB Development with Visual C++ 6.0 (1-55622634-9), Learn ActiveX Template Library Development with Visual C++ 6.0 (1-55622-633-0), and Learn Microsoft Transaction Server Development Using Visual C++ 6.0 (1-55622-629-2). This book: > Presents the basics of COM, ATL, and MFC. > Shows how to create several types of controls in both ATL and MFC. > Demonstrates Property Page and event support in ATL and MFC. > Explores the use of ActiveX on the Internet. > Includes a CD containing complete source code and projects; several third-party applications and utilities for creating HTML, CDF, OSD, and ASP files; and trial versions of Borland tools.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

A Passion for DNA. Genes. Genomes, and Society

In 1953, two young scientists sparked a revolution. James Watson and Francis Crick deduced the molecular composition of DNA and immediately realized that the structure implied how genes were copied and passed on from one generation to the next. Their observation had extraordinary consequences; the discovery of a genetic code; the ability to alter an organism's genetic make-up; new ways of fighting disease; and the means of cloning plants and animals. Nobel Prize-winner, James Watson, has long been a commentator on DNA science and its implications for society. In essays and lectures he delivered dispatches from the front lines of the revolution. Collected here is a selection of these outspoken and topical pieces, mingling with memoirs of distinguished former colleagues, advice for young scientists, and a pointed account of Germany's troubled historical relationship with genetics. Augmented by elegant commentaries from the distinguished molecular biologist Walter Gratzer, this volume portrays the thoughts and work of an intellectual leader of the twentieth century.




The Recovery of Purpose

This book aims to remedy the breakdown in the intelligibility of ethical theory well charted by MacIntyre and others. This aim is pursued through analyses of the phenomenology of morality, of its relation to our generic nature, of the historical cultural divorce between secularism and inherited spirituality, of ways of overcoming this via renewed understanding of the role of love and benevolence in particular. There follows critical discussion of remedies proposed by J. Finnis and G. Grisez, and by P.T. Geach. The work concludes with a defence of human rights based on the worth of the person, finally buttressed by a defence of the need for an external ethical instance as pledge of society's commitment to the good life.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy

The concept of mass is one of the most fundamental notions in physics, comparable in importance only to those of space and time. But in contrast to the latter, which are the subject of innumerable physical and philosophical studies, the concept of mass has been but rarely investigated. Here Max Jammer, a leading philosopher and historian of physics, provides a concise but comprehensive, coherent, and self-contained study of the concept of mass as it is defined, interpreted, and applied in contemporary physics and as it is critically examined in the modern philosophy of science. With its focus on theories proposed after the mid-1950s, the book is the first of its kind, covering the most recent experimental and theoretical investigations into the nature of mass and its role in modern physics, from the realm of elementary particles to the cosmology of galaxies. The book begins with an analysis of the persistent difficulties of defining inertial mass in a noncircular manner and discusses the related question of whether mass is an observational or a theoretical concept. It then studies the notion of mass in special relativity and the delicate problem of whether the relativistic rest mass is the only legitimate notion of mass and whether it is identical with the classical (Newtonian) mass. This is followed by a critical analysis of the different derivations of the famous mass-energy relationship E = mc2 and its conflicting interpretations. Jammer then devotes a chapter to the distinction between inertial and gravitational mass and to the various versions of the so-called equivalence principle with which Newton initiated his Principia but which also became the starting point of Einstein's general relativity, which supersedes Newtonian physics. The book concludes with a presentation of recently proposed global and local dynamical theories of the origin and nature of mass. Destined to become a much-consulted reference for philosophers and physicists, this book is also written for the nonprofessional general reader interested in the foundations of physics.



Sciences de la terre et de la


From the basic to the complex, Gliessman's Field and Laboratory Investigations in Agroecology explores a broad scope of issues relevant to agroecology today. Accessible, illuminating, and indispensable, Gliessman's manual offers step-by-step guidance for laboratory and field investigations. A supplement to the bestselling Agroecology : Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture it also stands alone as a reference in ecology and agriculture. Feature - Investigates 24 topics in sections covering Environmental Factors, Population Dynamics in Soil Systems, Interspecific Interactions in Cropping, Farm and Field Systems, and Food System Studies. - Supplements Gliessman's text Agroecology : Ecological Principles in Sustainable Agriculture. - Includes well structured investigations, with each step outlined to eliminate errors.



Anglais apprentissage

Agrégation anglais. Howards End (E. M. Forster, J. Ivory) : Beyond Heritage. Edition 2021

Reading Forster's novel and Ivory's film together gives a stunning opportunity to re-assess the representation of Pre-World War One modernity. Far from presenting Edwardian England as a golden period, Howards End explores social structures, social mobility, real estate, the ambivalent relation to culture and new technological modes of communication and transport. Stylistically, the novel breaks new ground with its Protean narrative voice, and transitions towards Modernism with its mythic, musical method. The eponymous house becomes a metaphor for ecological balance, a new kind of extended family structure, a network of connections and a new sense of community. If Howards End as a novel reinvents literary legacy and redefines personal and national heritage, Ivory's adaptation must also be reassessed as so-called heritage cinema, far from the clichés of a purely aesthetic approach. It is no period piece or marketable commodity meant to toe a conservative line, but a carefully woven creative transposition, which also raises social and gendered questions.



Non classé

Temporal Logic, Omniscience, Human Freedom - Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy

The work shows the usefulness and limitation of modern logic in the study of traditional metaphysical problems. As is the usual case in all criticism of analytic philosophers against traditional philosophy, word usage must be limited to what the human mind can know. The notion of timeless knowledge for example contradicts our normal mode of word usage and cannot serve as adequate in reference to knowledge be it that of man or of God. If timeless knowledge applied to divine mode of knowing then there cannot be human freedom.



Critique littéraire

Marsilio Ficino in Germany from Renaissance to Enlightenment. A Reception History

The philosopher and humanist Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499) has attracted scholarly attention as translator of Plato, the Corpus Hermeticum, Plotinus and other Neoplatonists, and for his complex synthesis of Platonism and Christianity. While most previous studies of Ficino's reception have focussed on Italy, France, England and Spain, this book presents a comprehensive study of his reception in Germany and neighbouring areas, examining how Northern writers between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries remembered and reinvented Ficino's person and work. Focused chapters examine the ways German authors adapted his theories of the Ancient Theology, melancholia, celestial influence and poetic inspiration, and used his writings in related fields such as alchemy and witchcraft. It also studies those who rejected Ficino's work, providing context for those who embraced his ideas. The most comprehensive bibliography of printed editions of Ficino's work since Kristeller forms the basis for a bibliometric analysis.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


In modern industrial society, the tic between science and technology seems clear, even inevitable. But historically, as James E. McClellan III and Harold Dorn remind us, the connection was far less apparent. For much of human history, technology depended more on the innovation of skilled artisans than it did on the speculation of scientists. Technology as "applied science," the authors argue, emerged relatively recently, as industry and governments began funding scientific research that would lead directly to new or improved technologies. In Science and Technology in World History, McClellan and Dorn offer an introduction to this changing relationship. McClellan and Dorn review the historical record beginning with the thinking and tool making of prehistoric humans. Neolithic people, for example, developed metallurgy of a sort, using naturally occurring raw copper, and kept systematic records of the moon's phases. Neolithic craftsmen possessed practical knowledge of the behavior of clay, fire, and other elements of their environment, but though they may have had explanations for the phenomena of their crafts, they toiled without any systematic science of materials or the self-conscious application of theory to practice. Without neglecting important figures of Western science such as Newton and Einstein, the authors demonstrate the great achievements of non-Western cultures. They remind us that scientific traditions took root in China, India, and Central and South America, as well as in a series of Near Eastern empires, during late antiquity and the Middle Ages, including the vast region that formed the Islamic conquest. From this comparative perspective, the authors explore the emergence of Europe as a scientific and technological power. Continuing their narrative through the Manhattan Project, NASA, and modern medical research, the authors weave the converging histories of science and technology into an integrated, perceptive, and highly readable narrative. "Professors McClellan and Dorn have written a survey that does not present the historical development of science simply as a Western phenomenon but as the result of wide-ranging human curiosity about nature and attempts to harness its powers in order to serve human needs. This is an impressive amount of material to organize in a single textbook." - Paula Findlen, Stanford University



Littérature française

L'amnésique. Fou à lier

Nous avons passé des moments difficiles pendant la décennie dite noire. Puis vint ta dépression sans crier gare ! Ton humeur s'altéra, ta raison chancela, tu n'étais plus le même ! Tu me ridiculisais et m'insultais à tout bout de champ, allant jusqu'à porter ta main sur moi ! Fragile que j'étais, je ne pouvais pas supporter autant d'épreuves qui venaient s'accumuler sur mes frêles épaules. J'eus une amnésie d'origine psychologique due à un fort stress. En un mot, j'avais perdu la mémoire.




Anatomy of Style

Fashioning your signature style without losing your shirt has never been easier : just take your cue from the iconic looks of 120 celebrities. IN FOUR CHAPTERS YOU'LL FIND : - VIP style hacks to steal - clever tips and tricks for unforgettable looks - wardrobe essentials and how to spice them up - so-called "fashion faux pas" that you should dare to commit This highly illustrated book (354 photos)- a stylish accessory in its own right-reads like a mood board and has fresh inspiration for every occasion.
