
The Most Notorious Talker Tome 7



12 ans et +

Axel Valker Tome 2 : La Légende Noire

Depuis le jour de ses vingt ans, la vie d'Axel Valker a basculé : par un concours de circonstances, il s'est vu confier la dangereuse mission de protéger La Légende Noire, ce manuscrit médiéval qui, mal utilisé, pourrait provoquer des cataclysmes inimaginables. Sa quête a déjà mené Axel à Dijon où il a trouvé un rameau de l'Arbre de Vie, l'un des trois éléments essentiels pour accéder au manuscrit tant convoité. C'est désormais une course contre la montre qui s'amorce pour lui. Aidé par ses amis et par les Protecteurs, accompagné par le loup qui ne le quitte plus, il doit devancer ses ennemis et être le premier à retrouver La Légende Noire. Ce deuxième et dernier volet des aventures d'Axe) nous emmène dans la capitale des Ducs d'Anjou puis dans la région de Saumur, dans les sites troglodytiques du Val de Loire.




The Vampire and the Rose Tome 7

Chiyu est une lycéenne qui croit au grand amour. Dans sa classe, Yomiya fait tourner toutes les têtes. Il est séduisant, intelligent, sportif et... c'est un vampire ! Malgré tout, elle lui propose son sang lorsqu'un beau jour, elle le trouve en train de faire un malaise. Il découvre alors son goût délicieux et n'a pas l'intention de renoncer à d'autres rations...




Antoine et Cléopâtre

ATTENDANT News, my good Lord, from Rome. ANTONY Grates me ! The sum. CLEOPATRA Nay, hear them, Antony : Fulvia perchance is angry ; or, who knows If the scarce-bearded Cæsar have not sent His powerful mandate to you, "Do this, or this ; Take in that kingdom, and enfranchise that ; Perform't or else we damn thee". ANTONY How, my love ? CLEOPATRA Perchance ? nay, and most like : You must not stay here longer, your dismission Is come from Cæsar, therefore hear it, Antony. LE SERVITEUR Des nouvelles, monseigneur, de Rome. ANTOINE C'est fâcheux ! Résume. CLEOPÂTRE Non, écoute-les, Antoine : Fulvie peut-être est irritée, ou qui sait Si ce César presqu'imberbe ne t'envoie pas Ses puissants commandements : " Fais ceci ou cela ; Saisis ce royaume, et affranchis cet autre ; Exécute, ou sinon nous sévissons ". Antoine Comment, mon amour ? CLEOPÂTRE Peut-être, ai-je dit ? C'est bien plutôt certain : Tu ne dois pas t'attarder ici plus longtemps ; ta révocation Est là, qui vient de César, c'est pourquoi prête l'oreille, Antoine.




The One Tome 7

La graine de l'amour de Lele pour Eros aurait-elle déjà germé ? Lorsque Lele côtoie Eros, elle peine à contrôler les battements de son coeur, qui ne cesse de s'emballer. Après en avoir appris davantage sur l'enfance malheureuse d'Eros, Lele se sent encore plus attachée émotionnellement à lui. Elle met en place une thérapie à base d'étreintes : tous deux s'enlacent passionnément en pleine rue...



Sciences politiques

The Structure of Political Communication in the United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany

Political Communication in The United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany differs in terms of what the peoples expect to take issue with, how they are prepared to talk about them, which choices they can make to solve problems and, finally, whom or which organizations they delegate to resolve them. This comparative media study of The Economist, Time and Der Spiegel attempts to extract the differences in politics of the three societies.




Gustave Moreau. The Fables

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) is one of the most brilliant and enigmatic artists associated with the French Symbolist movement. This book accompanies an exhibition of some of the most extraordinary works he ever made, unseen in public for over a century. Moreau's watercolours of the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) were created between 1879 and 1885 for the art collector Antony Roux and their stylistic range encompasses historicism and the picturesque, orientalist fantasies and near-abstract chromatic experiments. They were exhibited to great acclaim in Paris in the 1880s and in London in 1886, where critics compared the artist to Edward Burne-Jones. One critic commented on Moreau's ' keen apprehension of the weird. ' There were originally 64 works in the series, which was subsequently acquired by Miriam Alexandrine de Rothschild (1884-1965), but nearly half were lost during the Nazi era. The surviving works have not been exhibited since 1906 and they have only ever been published in black and white. This book is the first to reproduce them in colour - many shown actual size. Created at the height of the French 19th-century revival of watercolour, the variety of subject matter and technique, their colouristic effects and the sophistication of Moreau's storytelling, will be a revelation to readers. Preparatory drawings for the Fables, including animal studies made from life in the Jardin des Plantes demonstrate the wide-ranging research that informed Moreau's visions. Prints after Moreau's Fables by Félix Bracquemond (1833-1914) translate the jewel-like colours into monochrome in some of the most innovative etchings of the age, while the most delicate effects of the watercolours were also transformed into vitreous enamels. In-depth accounts of each watercolour, explaining the story and exploring Moreau's response to it. The introduction will place the series in the long history of illustrations of La Fontaine's canonical work, whose sources include Aesop's fables and traditional European and Asian tales, as well as considering Moreau in the context of his own, turbulent, times.



Littérature française

Lost in the Bush

Entre Carrie Bradshaw et Bridget Jones, Suzelle est une femme moderne, bien décidée à ne pas rentrer dans les cases, ni à faire ce que l'on attend d'elle. Un peu paumée, mais toujours droite dans ses bottes à talons, elle se moque qu'on la trouve jolie, grosse ou mal fagotée. Elle mange des frites quand ça lui chante, et des graines si ça lui dit. Elle cherche l'amour, et des amis, mais surtout une carrière. Partie sur un coup de tête en Australie, elle décide de reprendre sa vie à zéro. Mais entre ses nouvelles copines prêtes à tout pour un sac de luxe et son travail pour une styliste tyrannique, l'aventure se révèle bien moins facile que prévue. Il lui faudra une bonne dose de courage, (ou peut-être est-ce son goût immodéré mais mal assumé pour le masochisme ? ) pour ne pas prendre ses jambes à son cou et remonter dans le premier avion pour Paris.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Cuckoos, Cowbirds and Other Cheats

Cuckoos and cowbirds are amongst the select bird groups renowned as professional parasites, who always lay their eggs in the nests of other species. Occasional parasitic laying is also widespread in many other birds, who gladly parasitise the nests of their own kind when the opportunity arises. In this fascinating new book, Nick Davies describes the natural histories of all the brood parasites and examines the exciting questions they raise about the evolution of cheating and the arms race between parasites and their hosts. Brood parasites fill their armoury with adaptations including exquisite egg mimicry, rapid laying, ejection of host eggs, murder of host young, chick mimicry and manipulative begging behaviour: ploys shown by recent research to have evolved in response to host defence behaviour or through competition among the parasites themselves. While many host species appear defenceless, accepting parasite eggs quite unlike their own, others are more discriminating against odd-looking eggs and some have evolved the ability to discriminate against odd-looking chicks as well. How does this arms race proceed? Will defenceless hosts improve their armoury in time, or are there sometimes constraints on hosts which allow the parasites to gain the upper hand? And why are so few species obliged only to lay eggs in host nests? Have host defences limited the success of brood parasitism, or is it in fact much commoner than we suspect, but occurring mainly when birds parasitise the nests of their own kind? All of these puzzles are examined in descriptions of the natural history of each of the groups of parasites in turn. Here is a book with wide appeal, both to amateur naturalists fascinated by this most singular and macabre of behaviours and to ornithologists and ecologists interested in the evolution of ecology and behaviour. The story takes us from the strange tales of folklore to the classic field work earlier this century by pioneer ornithologists such as Edgar Chance, Stuart Baker, Herbert Friedmann and others, through to the recent experimental field work and molecular techniques of today's leading scientists. We visit brood parasites in Europe, Asia, Japan, Africa, Australasia, and North and South America, to look at some of the world's most interesting birds and sortie of biology's most interesting questions, many of which still beg answers from ornithologists in the future. Brilliant illustrations by David Quinn depict many behaviours for the first time and convey the thrill of watching these astonishing birds in the wild.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

WHY SEX MATTERS. A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior

Why are men, like other primate usually the aggressors and risk takers? Why do women typically have fewer sexual partners? Why is killing infants routine in some cultures, but forbidden in others? Why is incest everywhere taboo? Bobbi Low ranges from ancient Rome to modern America, from the Amazon to the Arctic, and from single-celled organisms to international politics to show that these and many other questions about human behavior largely come down to evolution and sex. More precisely, as she shows in this uniquely comprehensive and accessible survey of behavioral and evolutionary ecology, they come down to the basic principle that all organisms evolved to maximize their reproductive success and seek resources to do so. Low begins by reviewing the fundamental arguments and assumptions of behavioral ecology: selfish genes, conflicts of interest, and the tendency for sexes to reproduce through different behaviors. She explains why in primate species-from chimpanzees and apes to humans-males seek to spread their genes by devoting extraordinary efforts to finding mates, while females find it profitable to expend more effort on parenting. Low illustrates these sexual differences among humans by showing that in places as diverse as the parishes of nineteenth-century Sweden, the villages of seventeenth-century China, and the forests of twentieth-century Brasil, men have tended to seek power and resources, from cattle to money, to attract mates, while women have sought a secure environment for raising children. She makes it clear, however, they have not done so simply through individual efforts or in a vacuum, but that men and women act in complex ways that involve cooperation and coalition building and that are shaped by culture, technology, tradition, and the availability of resources. Low also considers how file evolutionary drive to acquire resources leads to environmental degradation and warfare and asks whether our behavior could be channeled in more constructive ways. Why Sex Matters is a compelling work of biology, sociology, and anthropology and a penetrating study of the deep motivations that underlie individual and social behavior.




Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas - Chronicles Tome 6

Dôko, Chevalier d'Or de la Balance, est un des deux chevaliers survivants de la Guerre Sainte entre Hadès et Athéna. Il s'est écoulé quelques années depuis la fin de la Guerre Sainte et Dôko continue de méditer sur les montagnes des Cinq Vieux Pics lorsque des émissaires viennent l'assassiner. Dôko a du mal à contenir sa surprise lorsqu'il se rend compte qu'un des émissaires ressemble à Tenma, le Chevalier Pégase, comme deux gouttes d'eau...




Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas - Chronicles Tome 4

Maître et disciple, haine et amour ! Un conflit sur le point d'exploser dans un énorme feu d'artifice ! Alors qu'il se bat contre une organisation criminelle du nom de Nero, Manigoldo va se trouver confronté à un adversaire qui utilise les mêmes techniques que lui ! Qui est donc le mystérieux chef de Nero ?




Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas - Chronicles Tome 15

Sage, le Grand Pope et Hakurei, le Chevalier d'Autel. Le récit des es jumeaux qui ont changé le Sanctuaire !! Voici le dernier chapitre de la grande saga de Lost Canvas. Il conte le récit de Sage et Hakurei survivants de deux guerres Sainte. Qu'ont-ils appris des enseignements de l'ancien Grand Pope, quelles étaient les motivations qui les ont amenés à devenir Chevaliers ?!



Romance et érotique LGBT

The Lost Boys Tome 2 : Quand tu reviendras

Holden Parish a survécu aux terribles tentatives de ses parents de faire de lui "le fils parfait" . Après un séjour d'un an dans un établissement suisse pour se rétablir, il s'est juré de ne plus jamais se laisser piéger par quoi que ce soit - ou qui que ce soit. Brillant, mais brisé, il se réfugie dans l'alcool et le sexe sans lendemain, et utilise son sens de l'humour pour tenir les gens à distance. Il n'a qu'un an à passer dans la ville côtière de Santa Cruz avec son oncle et sa tante avant d'hériter de ses milliards et de pouvoir s'échapper. Disparaître. Tomber amoureux ne fait pas partie de ses plans. River Whitmore. Quarterback vedette de l'équipe de football de Central High, roi de la promo, M. Populaire, homme à femmes. Il mène une vie parfaite... mais tout cela n'est qu'un mensonge. Son père a déjà planifié l'avenir de River dans la NFL, tandis que ce dernier rêve de diriger l'entreprise familiale dans la ville qu'il aime. Mais la maladie de sa mère déchire sa famille et River devient la force qui les fait tous tenir. Comment pourrait-il briser encore plus le coeur de son père alors qu'il est déjà en morceaux ? La façade soigneusement fabriquée de River explose lorsqu'il rencontre Holden Parish. Un type qui s'habille de manteaux et d'écharpes toute l'année, boit de la vodka hors de prix et passe son temps libre à cambrioler des maisons pour le plaisir. Ils sont complètement opposés. River cherche une vie tranquille, loin des projecteurs. Holden préfèrerait se faire arracher des dents plutôt que de se ranger. Les démons de Holden et les responsabilités de River menacent de les séparer, tandis que leur indéniable attirance les écrase encore et encore, grandissant en quelque chose de profond et de réel, peu importe à quel point ils tentent d'y résister. Jusqu'à ce qu'une nuit terrible change tout.




Andrea Sacchi and Cardinal del Monte. The Rediscovered Frescoes in the Palazzo di Ripetta in Rome

This fascinating and beautifully illustrated book presents for the first time the rediscovered frescoes painted by Andrea Sacchi (1599-1661) for the loggia of Cardinal del Monte's Roman palace near via di Ripetta, Rome. Considered lost by generations of scholars, Andrea Sacchi's fresco cycle has survived in a private apartment in Rome. Largely unpublished and rarely mentioned in recent literature, the frescoes underwent a revelatory restoration in 2010-11. For the past three years, the author was granted exclusive access to study them thoroughly - resulting in this monograph. Accompanied by beautiful and full photographic documentation, this study aims to compare the painted images with the detailed description given by the biographer Giovan Pietro Bellori ; to shed light on the iconography and style, above all with respect to the sources used ; and to integrate this key commission within Sacchi's early career. The cycle's iconography is explored with careful verification of early sources that now allows us to resolve some particularly complex problems of interpretation - above all those relating to alchemy. Cardinal del Monte's Palazzo di Ripetta housed a fully equipped pharmacological laboratory. Research on this cycle of frescoes has also made it possible to discover new archival evidence regarding Sacchi's date and place of birth.



BD tout public

Doctor Gachet's portrait

A picture named "Doctor Gachet's portrait" has been stolen a night from a museum. Immediately, the news offer the event and our heroes start the research after some clue that leads them to the thief. After travelling across some countries following his trace, they realize that a smuggling network is behind the robbery, led by minister Goring. Among their loot is an enormous amount of pictures stolen from private collectors, with the aim of transporting and hiding them beyond their frontiers.



Musique classique

Songs of Love. 12 Romances. 12 Lieder. Soprano (tenor) and piano.

Leokadiya Kashperova (1872-1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920. Songs of Love was first published in 1904. No evidence survives of any public performance in Kashperova's lifetime although it is very likely that they were performed at her regular 'musical evenings at home on Tuesdays' mentioned in her Memoirs. The transparency of the piano writing strongly suggests that she would accompany herself singing. Kashperova, by all accounts, possessed a fine voice, and in the summer of 1906 she decided 'to learn from the artistry', as she put it, of the tenor Raimond von Zur-Mühlen who was widely celebrated for having developed (with Clara Schumann) the Lieder-Abend tradition. His summer-schools on the Baltic coast were frequented by aspiring singers from all over Europe, even Japan and India. Kashperova herself was responsible for the poetic lyrics of Songs of Love (in both Russian and German), which may well have emerged from her own bittersweet experience of life and love ; she was not to marry until 1916 at the age of forty-four. That Kashperova is the author of both the music and the lyrics of Songs of Love would suggest that they express very personal sentiments. Instrumentation : soprano (tenor) and piano




By the grace of the gods Tome 7

Ryôma Takebayashi, un salarié japonais trentenaire, travaillait dans une entreprise qui l'exploitait. Désormais réincarné en enfant dans le monde de Seilfall, il a ouvert sa propre laverie, et les affaires marchent bien... si bien, même, que l'ouverture d'un deuxième magasin s'impose déjà ! En dehors de ça, Ryôma et Eliaria se préparent à tenter d'apprivoiser des limours. La vie est belle, mais hélas, l'heure des au revoir avec la famille ducale approche, et la solitude de Ryôma risque d'être à la hauteur de son bonheur.




Hilma af Klint. The Five Notebook 1

In 1896, Hilma af Klint and four other like-minded women artists left the Edelweiss Society and founded the "Friday Group", also known as "The Five". They met every Friday for spiritual meetings, including prayers, studies of the New Testament, meditation and séances. The medium exercised automatic writing and mediumistic drawing. Eventually they established contact with spiritual beings whom they called "The High Ones". In 1896, the five women began taking meticulous notes of the mediumistic messages conveyed by the spirits. In time, Hilma af Klint felt she had been selected for more important messages. After ten years of esoteric training with "The Five", aged 43, Hilma af Klint accepted a major assignment, the execution of The Paintings for the Temple. This commission, which engaged the artist from 1906 to 1915, changed the course of her life. In 1908, Rudolf Steiner, leader of the German Theosophical Society, held several lectures in Stockholm. He also visited af Klint's studio and saw some of the early Paintings for the Temple. In 1913, Steiner founded the Anthroposophical Society, which af Klint joined in 1920 and remained a member for the rest of her life.



Musique, danse

The most beautiful. Ma vie avec Prince

Prince est rapidement devenu l'une des icônes du monde musical. Derrière l'artiste se cachait un homme réservé et énigmatique. Peu ont eu l'opportunité de le connaître véritablement. Mayte Garcia fut sa danseuse, sa muse, son épouse et la mère de son enfant. Dans ce livre, elle partage son regard unique, intime et révélateur, sur la vie personnelle et professionnelle de Prince. Elle évoque tout, de leur rencontre atypique dans les coulisses d'un concert à leur mariage digne d'un conte de fées. Elle nous plonge dans leur univers artistique et révèle les échecs familiaux dévastateurs qui ont mis fin à leur relation. Nul autre n'aurait pu dresser un portrait aussi profond et nuancé de Prince. Un récit surprenant, authentique et émouvant.



Anglais apprentissage

Tales from Longpuddle

Tony Kytes is a favourite with the girls but he's not terribly clever. If you meet an old girlfriend and she asks fora ride home in your wagon, do you say yes? And then if you meet the girl you are planning to marry, what do you do? Very soon, Tony is in a great muddle, and does not know how to escape from it. These stories are set in an English country village of the nineteenth century, but Hardy's tales of mistakes and muddles and marriages belong in any place, at any time.



Critique littéraire

To catch the sun in the water

Marie was born around the end of World War II in a small village near Chaveniac-Lafayette where General Lafayette lived. It is the mountainous region of Auvergne known as the heart of France. Take Marie's hand and she will guide you through her humble childhood. Through her eyes you will see what it was like to live in the country in France. With Marie's many brothers end sisters you will participate in hay making, harvesting... At this time, they used traditional methods and tools. Her parents will demonstrate the making of bread, butter and cheese... It's here that you meet Mathias, a boy her age, who becomes her best friend. Later, their love story unfolds... Just after the war, it was a time when the French countryside was populated with farmers that still lived in economic self-sufficiency. In the story, the author makes these peasants from depths of France come alive. The feeling, the candor, and the authenticity of the book will remind you of the Little House on the Prairie



Non classé

Living in Two Worlds

This is a study of Singapore pastors' worldview & understanding of the epidemiology, symptomatology and management of possession behaviour. The pastors' accounts are compared with those from the scientific disciplines, and convergences and divergences noted. Factors shaping both the pastors' and the scientific discourses are examined. The pastors are shown to respond to competing scientific paradigms by reinforcing their two-worlds worldview. They either live mainly in the other world, or in each world at a time, or between the two worlds. Based on theological reflection focusing on epistemology, theodicy & cosmology, the author shows that the paradigm of living in both worlds simultaneously is the most appropriate pastoral response. The theological vision of the coexisting worlds and the pastoral task of unmasking and resisting evil in all its varieties and depths are then discussed.



Non classé

Practice and Problems in English Grammar and Usage

This book aims to bridge the gap between theoretical and didactic grammar by familiarizing students with traditional terminology and notorious problem areas of English grammar - often otherwise ignored or neglected - and presenting them with a range of carefully chosen practice questions including challenging translation exercises for German students. Because it is often not simply ungrammaticality, but a certain un-Englishness, oddness, or awkwardness that marks students' English, this book is also a workbook on usage and style. A grammatical workbook and textbook in one, it has the unique advantage that almost all practice questions can be answered on the basis of information provided within the book and as a result can be used for individual study as well as school and university work. It will greatly help reinforce students' knowledge of grammar and give students the much needed practice and training in not only grammatically correct, but stylistically appropriate and natural English usage.




Fantastic Beasts in Antiquity. Looking for the monster, discovering the Human, Textes en français et anglais

Not satisfied with what nature offered, human beings wanted to go beyond reality and invented mysterious and intriguing creatures populating their world. During Antiquity, every culture had its own strange creatures, that mixed the forms of one or more animal, plant and human species in an infinite number of more-or-less fanciful combinations. Griffins, sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs, satyrs, pygmies, werewolves, winged monsters and unspeakable hybrids, fantastic beasts abound in the imagination of many populations throughout Antiquity. Most of them continue to live, sometimes transformed, through fairy tales, literature, movies and videogames. Faced with the abundance and variety of the ancient fantastic bestiary, the questions that come to mind are : Where do fantastic beasts come from ? How do they appear in different cultures ? What is their history, how did they survive until now ? And above all, what are fantastic beasts ? This book will explore these questions through the lens of archaeology, art history, philology and philosophy. The result is a hybrid book, precisely like the fantastic animals that constitute its object, a book which offers different approaches of analysis while being aware that our means are often vain to capture these elusive figures, which ultimately are more like us than they seem. Man, like Oedipus, will often prove to be more monstrous than the Sphinx...




The Isolated Zone Tome 7

"Pour la sécurité du Japon, nul ne doit s'en échapper". "Z", une arme biologique développée dans le plus grand secret s'est répandue suite à un grand tremblement de terre qui a ravagé la région du Kantô. Pour endiguer l'épidémie, le gouvernement Japonais décide alors d'isoler la zone abandonnant les quelques survivants à leur triste sort. Après plusieurs années de guerres territoriales, Tetsu réussit à unifier les trois districts de Tokyo et en prend le contrôle grâce au soutien des parrains de la mafia. Il accède au rang de sénateur de l'Empire après avoir livré le Dr. Yaguchi à Monta. Kaoru refait alors surface et décide de s'allier temporairement à Tetsu qui charge Gen d'infiltrer le territoire de l'Empire afin d'initier les préparatifs d'une opération de grande envergure.




The Quintessential Quintuplets Tome 7

Fûtarô Uesugi fait le constat amer qu'il manque d'expérience pour arriver à redresser la barre concernant les résultats scolaires des soeurs Nakano. Face à ses propres lacunes, il décide de démissionner. C'était compter sans l'entêtement des quintuplées qui décident de quitter leur duplex de luxe pour vivre dans un appartement décrépi dans l'unique but de pouvoir garder leur professeur. De quoi redonner l'envie à Fûtaro d'aller au bout de sa mission, et il semble plus déterminé que jamais !




The Killer Inside Tome 7

Le psychopathe qui sommeille en moi... Livré à lui-même après les malheurs qui se sont abattus sur sa famille, Eiji Hachinoi atterrit dans un foyer où il noue de solides liens avec Kiichi Urashima, une ancienne connaissance de son père. Une fois adopté, l'enfant poursuit son but : laver l'honneur de Makoto... L'adolescent remonte donc la piste des Skall, un gang ultra-violent. Seulement, pour en savoir plus, il a besoin de se rapprocher de leur chef. C'est alors qu'il rencontre une certaine Yoko Hatanaka, l'outil parfait pour parvenir à ses fins ! Malheureusement, tout ne se passe pas comme prévu, et Eiji est désormais jugé pour le meurtre de la jeune femme...




Online The Comic Tome 7

Quand un jeu vidéo devient réalité, pour ceux qui sont obligés d'y participer, la vie devient un véritable enfer. Ils n'ont alors qu'une seule solution : jouer ou mourir ! Mai Yashiro est une jeune fille qui mène une vie tout à fait ordinaire. Mais son existence bascule le jour où elle reçoit un mystérieux jeu vidéo dans sa boîte aux lettres. Elle va alors être obligée d'affronter en duel des adversaires de plus en plus forts ! Quand l'un des deux joueurs perd une partie, il est condamné à être mutilé ou voir un de ses proches mourir...




The Elusive Samurai Tome 7

L'esquive est parfois la meilleure attaque !




Venice. A Private Invitation

Venice of a thousand reflections ; Venice of mirror and glass, of silk and gold ; Venice of light and lace, of transparency and porcelain. With her expert knowledge and insight, Servane Giol takes us to the heart of the Venetian art de vivre, a warm and private invitation to meet some of the most creative people living in the city today. Accompanying us into historic private palazzi as well as more recently restored houses and apartments, she introduces us to a new generation of artists and designers who are attracted by the radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle of the Serenissima-a charmed circle of talented friends who are bringing a fresh dynamism and elegance to the city, shining a new light on some of its rarest and most exquisite traditional crafts, and lovingly safeguarding them for future generations. This love letter to the hidden beauties of Venice and to the skills for which the city is famed is brilliantly complemented by the photography of Mattia Aquila. It offers both a revelation and an everlasting memory for all those who will never forget their dazzling first sight of the domes, the campaniles, and the shimmering golden silence of this legendary city that floats between sea and sky.
