
Seraph of the end Tome 23



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The Big Book of Breasts. Volume 2, Edition français-anglais-allemand

The Big Book of Breasts was an immediate best seller when it debuted in 2006. Its 396 pages introduced readers to the top naturally bountiful nude models of the 1950s, '60s and '70s, amazingly mammiferous beauties including Joan Brinkman, Virginia Bell, Roberta Pedon, Mary Waters, Margaret Middleton, Keli Stewart and many more. The one and only complaint was that there was no biographical information on these curvaceous cuties, no lists of their magazines and films to give readers a more intimate connection. We listened, and The Bigger Book of Breasts answers ! Not only are there more pages with all new photos of your favorite big breast models of the '50s through '70s, there are also personal profiles for each and every one. Which model married comedian Richard Pryor ? Who inspired Russ Meyer's first film ? Where are those free Mary Waters loops ? And yes, Roberta Pedon is alive and well ! Further updating the "Bigger" theme, we added the 12 most incredible, natural, and provocative breast models of today, gathered from across the world by Berlin-based photographer, Bernd Daktari Lorenz. Nadine Jansen, Milena Velba, Luna Amor, Valory Irene, Miosotis Claribel and the incredible Hitomi Tanaka prove breasts are bigger than ever, and bigger is beautiful, for both breasts and books. Wrap it up with stunning photos of our original cover girl Kelly Madison and The Bigger Book of Breasts is a bigger treat for all.




National and European Law on the Threshold to the Single Market

The volume contains the reports and discussion papers presented at an English-German Colloquium in May 1992. Scholars and practicing lawyers from the United Kingdom and Germany deal with seven important fields of law : History of Environmental Law - Current Issues of Local Government - Immigration and Asylum - Towards European Private Law Principles - Product Safety and Product Liability - Social Security - The Single Market and the Legal Profession.



Critique littéraire

Bibliothèque. Tome 1, Codices 1-83, Edition bilingue français-grec ancien

Lettre à Tarasius 1 Théodore, 2 Adrien, 3 Nonnosos, 4 Théodore d'Antioche, 5 Sophronios, 6-7 Grégoire de Nysse, 8 Origène, 9-13 Eusèbe, 14 Apollinaire, 15-20 Synodes, 21 Philopon, 22 Théodose, 23 Conon, 24 Sur Philopon, 25 Jean Chrysostome, 26 Synésius, 27 Eusèbe, 28 Socrate de Constantinople, 29 Evagre, 30 Sozomène, 31 Théodoret de Cyr, 32 Athanase, 33 Justus, 34 Africanus, 35 Philippe, 36 Livre du Chrétien, 37 Sur la politique, 38 Théodore, 39 Eusèbe, 40 Philostorge, 41 Jean d'Egée, 42 Basile, 43 Philopon, 44 Philostrate, 45 Andronicianus, 46 Théodoret de Cyr, 47-48 Josèphe, 49 Cyrille, 50 Nicias, 51 Hésychius, 52 Synode de Sidè, 53-54 Synode contre Pélage et Céleste, 55 Philopon, 56 Théodoret, 57 Appien, 58 Arrien, 59 Synode du chêne, 60 Hérodote, 61 Eschine, 62 Praxagoras, 63 Procope, 64 Théophane, 65 Théophylacte, 66 Nicéphore, 67 Serge, 68 Céphalion, 69 Hésychius, 70 Diodore, 71 Dion Cassius, 72 Ctésias, 73 Héliodore, 74 Thémistius, Lesbonax, 75 Philopon, 76 Josèphe, 77 Eunape, 78 Malchus, 79 Candidus, 80 Olympiodore, 81 Théodore, 82 Dexippe, 83 Denys d'Halicarnasse




Purple Fashion N° 39 : The New York Issue

The next issue is all about New York. After a few years in Los Angeles and in Mexico City, the magazine is coming back to New York City to explore the vibrant intellectual and artistic capital of the US. New York City has historically been a magnet : the center of contemporary art and the heart of underground culture in America. The magazine will explore the city who has always inspired Purple through its creativity, as well as generations of artists, talents, and designers attracted by its relentless energy. What's new in NYC today ? What's going on now in the music scene, in the artworld, in fashion ? What is the New York style today ? What are the new places, faces, and designers ? And who are the people that today shape the city as a progressive and creative megalopolis ? What is the mythology of the city, its true spirit ? What about the sexual and queer revolution that the city ushered in since the 70s ? What possibilities can New York provide for the world today ?



Histoire de l'art

A History of Arcadia in Art and Literature: Volume I. Earlier Renaissance

Longtemps attendu et extrêmement bien accueilli, A History of Arcadia de Paul Holberton constitue l'examen approfondi et minutieux d'un grand nombre de textes originaux de poésie pastorale classique des époques moderne et contemporaine, de littérature et de théâtre en grec ancien, en latin, en italien, en français, en espagnol, en portugais, en néerlandais, en allemand et en anglais et d'un large éventail d'images prenant fin juste avant 1800. L'ouvrage analyse le développement de la pastorale comme moyen de représentation du bonheur humain sur Terre à travers la cour réciproque entre un garçon et une fille, et leurs sentiments auxquels la pastorale de l'époque donne voix. This tremendous book is an iconographic study of Renaissance and Baroque pastoral andrelated subject matter, with an important chapter on the 18th century, both in the visual arts, where pastoral is very poorly understood, and in words and performance, about which many false preconceptions prevail. The study begins with Virgil's use of Theocritus and an analysis of what basis Virgil provided for Renaissance pastoral and what, by contrast, stemmed from the medieval pastourelle. Pastoral developed notably in the Venetian High Renaissance. Its texts incorporated Petrarchist and Neoplatonic ideas of love, of which this book charts the development and evolution with unprecedented precision, considering also the female nude in art. There is a novel and polemical discussion of the development of landscape subjects in art, from Giorgione to Claude. The contributions of the most influential or representative authors - Petrarch, Sannazaro, Montemayor, Tasso, Guarino, Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Honoré d'Urfé, Cornelis de Hooft, Shakespeare and lastly Salomon Gessner - are considered beside many interesting more minor ones - Arsocchi, Bernardim Ribeiro, Clément Marot, Cieco d'Adria, John Fletcher, Fontenelle - and the verses of madrigals. There is a chapter on 'Being Rural' - what we can say about the reality of life in the country in the early modern period. There is a chapter on 'Et in Arcadia Ego' that introduces new evidence for the dating of Poussin's famous work by reference to a neglected work by Sébastien Bourdon in Yale ; another on a pastoral composition by Rubens that has not been considered as such. There is an important and bold discussion of self-projection ('metachronic' representation) by monarchs and courtiers across Europe in the 17th century, both within pastoral and without, which illuminates profound differences between Protestant and Catholic culture. Coming from the study of earlier periods, the author is able to throw new light on the Rococo - figures such as John Gay, Watteau, Gessner and Gainsborough - and to explain the termination of pastoral writing and art with the embrace of modernity in form and means of expression. All texts are given in the original language and all translated into English, while the visuals are beautifully reproduced : the book is also an anthology.



Non classé

Studies in Scottish Fiction:- Nineteenth Century

The contributors to this volume of essays take a new look at nineteenth-century Scottish prose writing. Adopting diverse approaches, they discuss critically and in detail pre-Victorian and Victorian Scottish fiction represented by James Hogg, Sir Walter Scott, John Galt, Susan Edmonstone Ferrier, John Gibson Lockhart, Thomas Carlyle, William Edmonstoune Aytoun, George MacDonald, Robert Louis Stevenson, John Davidson, Samuel Rutherford Crockett, and James Matthew Barrie. There is a rich diversity in nineteenth-century Scottish literature, but there is also the distinct voice of cultural identity and national self-consciousness.



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A linguistic picture of women's position in society

A discussion of English and Polish gender systems, generic words, forms of address, referring expressions and other topics, provides evidence that in these two languages males and females are not treated equally. The main concern of this book is linguistic sexism. The data indicate that speakers of both languages treat male as the norm, attribute less desirable qualities to the speech and behaviour of women, stereotype women more than men, or simply make women linguistically invisible members of society.



Critique littéraire

French industrial studies. a bibliography and guide. A bibliography and guide

The heart of the book is a bibliography of over 1, 000 items, classified by means of a detailed index, bearing on major research projects undertaken in France since 1945 in the areas of industrial sociology, labour relations, organisational behaviour, management and of theoretical contributions in these fields. This information is supplemented by a list of research institutes and an explanatory introduction which gives a brief history of modern French industrial studies and provides criteria for judging the utility of items. The book is unique as a source of informations for teachers, researchers and students who propose to introduce a comparative element into their work.



Non classé

Metamorphosis of the Administrative Welfare State

The book's conceptual framework is built upon an analysis of different varieties of rationality. A conception of political rationality is elaborated. First, orientations of contemporary administrative theory and research are analysed from the point of view of that rationality. Next, the same viewpoint is applied to an analysis of an entity called the 'administrative welfare state'. This concept is used to cover the typical institutional shape of the leading highly developed countries until the 1980s. The strengths and the weaknesses of the contemporary 'new public management' reforms are also evaluated from the point of view of political rationality. Finally, steps are taken to define elements of actual reform programmes in the terms of the political rationality.




Les Cahiers de l'Arbitrage N° 2/2020

Sommaire 2020-2 Editorial par Charles Kaplan et Philippe Pinsolle - Piero Bernardini (1938-2020), par Luca Radicati di Brozolo Doctrine - Débats / Articles - Debates -The Inseparability of Separability : Where the Severability - Autonomy of the Arbitration Clause meets the Insurance Policy, by Duarte G. Henriques and Avani Agarwal - L'arbitrage en matière de marchés publics en Italie, par Ilaria Lombardini - An Analytical Approach on raison d'être for Allowing Enforcement of a Foreign Award by the Supreme Court of India in Vijay Karia and Others vs. Prysmain Cavi E Sistemi SRL & Others, 2020 SCC Online SC 177, by Surjendu Sankar Das Commentaires de jurisprudence / Case Law Sous la direction de Christophe Seraglini - L'arrêt Alstom Transport du 28 mai 2019 : les singularités de l'ordre public matériel et de la corruption dans le contrôle de régularité de la sentence arbitrale internationale, par Louis Christophe Delanoy et Romain Dethomas - Commentaire de l'arrêt rendu par la cour d'appel de Paris le 24 septembre 2019, République de Moldavie c. Komstroy, par Anne-Sophie Gidoin Panorama international de jurisprudence / Panorama of World Case Law - France, par Priscille Pedone - Italie, par Michele Sabatini et Gregorio Baldoli - Suisse, par Pierre Yves Gunter et Nadia Smahi




Efficiency in Higher Education: An Annotated Bibliography

In these times of increasing public budgetary constraints and of shifting governmental priorities, a keen interest in efficiency problems in higher education can be observed not only in the Federal Republic of Germany, but also in many other Western European countries. Problems of the internal economics of institutions of higher education are an integral part of the economics of higher education ; issues of how to identify and measure inputs and outputs, costs and returns, are clearly related to productivity and efficiency concepts in higher education.




Global Environmental Resources

This volume contains two papers which use the ozone problem as the empirical starting of their analysis. Gladwin/Ugelow/Walter survey empirically the sectors of the economy which produce fluorcarbons. The regional origin of fluorcarbons in the world and possible international ozone management strategies (e.g. interactions between the USA and Europe) are discussed. Pethig attacks the issue of ozone management from a theoretical aspect and uses game theory in order to discuss potential solutions.



Non classé

Rudolf Borchardt and the Middle Ages

This study about Rudolf Borchardt analyses and investigates his comprehension of the German and European Culture of the Middle Ages. The selection of this particular aspect is a result of Borchardt's preoccupation with the Middle Ages which form a substantial part of his whole oeuvre. It is also an attempt to interpret Borchardt's controversial nationalistic opinions and attitudes.




Paléorient N° 47.1/2021

In Memoriam Geneviève Dollfus (1938-2020) par A. -M. Tillier, B. Vandermeersch et V. de Castéja Ofer Bar-Yosef (1937-2020) par B. Vandermeersch, L. Meignen, A. -M. Tillier et F. Valla Paul Sanlaville (1933-2021) by B. Geyer, R. Dalongeville, S. Muhesen, M. Traboulsi et E. Coqueugniot Dossier thématique/Thematic issuecoordonné par/coordinated by F. Le Mort and A. -M. Tillier Les populations du Proche-Orient et des régions voisines : évolution du régime alimentaire et de l'état de santé de la néolithisation au Bronze ancien The populations of the Near East and nearby regions : evolution of diet and health status from the Neolithization to the Early Bronze Age J. Guilaine, Préface A. -M. Tillier, Aspects of health status in Pre-Sedentism Populations of Southwestern Asia. Evidence from Qafzeh Site, Lower Galilee J. Stutz, F. Bocquentin, B. Chamel and M. Anton, The Effects of Early Childhood Stress on Mortality under Neolithization in the Levant : New Perspectives on Health Disparities in the Transition to Agriculture Hershkovitz, R. Sarig and H. May, Trends in Ancient Populations' Osteobiography during the Holocene : the Levantine Perspective Chamel, Dental health status changes during the Neolithisation in Syria : a diachronic perspective (9, 820-6, 000 cal. BC)J. O. Baker, B. Chamel and O. Dutour, New paleopathological evidence of the presence of tuberculosis in immature skeletal remains from Tell Aswad (8, 730-8, 290 BC cal. , Southern Syria) F. Le Mort and H. Duday, Probable Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) in Pre-Pottery Neolithic Cyprus : Evidence from Khirokitia Y. S. Erdal, Tooth as a Tool : Activity Induced Dental Abrasion in Prehistoric Anatolia E. Herrscher, M. Poulmarc'h, G. Palumbi, S. Paz, E. Rova, G. Gogochuri, C. Longford, M. Jalabadze, L. Bitadze, N. Vanishvili, F. Le Mort, C. Chataigner, R. Badalyan and G. André, Dietary practices, cultural and social identity in the Early Bronze Age Southern Caucasus : The case of the Kura-Araxes culture F. Le Mort et A. -M. Tillier, Conclusion Recensions Nakamura S. , Adachi T. et Abe M. (éd.) 2019. Decades in Deserts. Essays on Near Eastern Archaeology in honour of Sumio Fujii. Tokyo : Rokuichi Syobou. 362 p. Par W. Abu-Azizeh Becker J. A. , von Wickeded A. (éd.) 2018. Cavi Tarlasi : Identität und Kontakt am Beispiel eines spätneolithischen Fundplatzes der ? alaf-Zeit, I-II. Berlin : Ex oriente (Bibiliotheca Neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis). 615 p. Par E. Baudouin Major J. 2018. Wadi Hammeh 27, Jordan Valley. Natufian Art items, a Contextual Analysis. Berlin : Ex oriente (Bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis). 372 p. By A. Belfer-Cohen Levy J. 2020. The Genesis of the Textile Industry from Adorned Nudity to Ritual Regalia. The Changing Role of Fibre Crafts and their Evolving Techniques of Manufacture in the Ancient Near East from the Natufian to the Ghassulian. Oxford : Archaeopress Publishing Ltd. 322 p. Par C. Breniquet Baumer C. et Novák M. (éd.). 2019. Urban Cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanids. Learnings and conclusions from new archaeological investigations and discoveries. Proceedings of the First International Congress on Central Asian Archaeology held at the University of Bern, 4-6 February 2016. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag (Schriften zur vorderasiatischen Archäologie 12). 463 p. Par H. -P. Francfort Schachner A. 2020. Ausgrabungen in Giricano II : Die chalkolithische Siedlung von Giricano am Oberen Tigris. Turnhout : Brepols (Subartu XLIV). XX + 202 p. By B. Helwing Becker J. , Beuger C. et Müller-Neuhof B. (éd.) 2019. Human iconography and symbolic meaning in Near Eastern Prehistory. Proceedings of the workshop held at 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016. Vienne : Austrian Academy of Sciences (Oriental and European Archaeology 11). 246 p. Par A. Le Brun Sauvage M. (éd.) 2020. Atlas historique du Proche-Orient ancien. Beirut and Paris : Institut Français du Proche- Orient and Les Belles Lettres. XVII + 208 p. By D. T. Potts



Histoire internationale

Nationalism and reparation in west Africa

After more than 50 years of independence, sustainable reconstruction in the form of effective African integration and development has not been in line with the aspiration of African people. This has been symbolised by the transformation of the Organisation of African Unity to the African Union in 2002. Will the new African Union be able to remedy this situation ? What is the essence of African reparation in this modern age of diplomacy and globalisation ?



Histoire de la musique

Musique, images, instruments N° 18 : Représenter la musique dans l'Antiquité. Textes en français et anglais

MUSIQUE | IMAGES | INSTRUMENTS est une revue scientifique annuelle consacrée à l'organologie et à l'iconographie musicale en Occident. Elle aborde l'étude des instruments et la représentation de la musique dans les arts visuels. Elle se propose de regrouper les différents champs disciplinaires (facture instrumentale ; acoustique instru-mentale ; histoire des collections ; restau-ration ; collecte et analyse des sujets musicaux figurés dans les arts plastiques) et invite à la confrontation des approches les plus diverses. Les textes sont publiés en français ou en anglais avec un résumé dans les deux langues. MUSIQUE | IMAGES | INSTRUMENTS is a scientific journal of Western organology and musical iconography. It deals with studies of instruments and the representation of music in the visual arts. It regroups various disciplinary fields of research such as instruments making ; instrumental acoustics ; the history of collections ; restoration ; the collection and analysis of musical subjects taken from visual arts. The journal is issued once a year and the texts are published in French or English and include an abstract in both languages. Christophe Vendries et Florence Gétreau, Editorial REPRESENTER LA MUSIQUE DANS L'ANTIQUITE Christophe Vendries, Un instrument de musique peut en cacher un autre. Réflexions sur l'iconographie musicale dans la Rome antique. François Lissarrague, Des lyres dans l'imagerie grecque : pour une iconologie musicale tempérée. Daniela Castaldo, The kithara in the Hellenistic Age between Greece and Magna Graecia. Fábio Vergara Cerqueira et Claude Pouzadoux, La cithare rectangulaire dans la céramique apulienne : aspects morphologiques, symboliques et sociaux. Valérie Huet, Images sacrificielles et sonores : sur les pas du tibicen auprès de l'autel. Katherine M. D. Dunbabin, The Masked Pipe-Player and the choraules in the Roman World. Françoise Gury, Les Amours musiciens. Anne-Françoise Jaccottet, Qui mène la danse dionysiaque ? Analyse d'un concept entre scène de genre, imaginaire culturel et reflet d'une pratique rituelle. Susanna Sarti, Musical Themes on the Baratti Amphora. Sibylle Emerit, Musiciens et processions dans le temple d'Hathor à Dendara : iconographie et espace rituel. NOTES ET DOCUMENTS Vanja Hug, Le prétendu portrait de Wolfgang Mozart et Thomas Linley chez les Gavard des Pivets à Florence. Thilo Hirsch, L'énigme de la Chanson trompette de Nicolas de Larmessin. Denise Yim, The Portrait of Giovanni Battista Viotti by Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun. Zdravko Blazekovic, The Symbolism and Decorative Transformation of the Gusle among the Croats and Serbs. RECENSIONS ET NOUVELLES PUBLICATIONS BIOGRAPHIES, RESUMES, ABSTRACTS



Non classé

Planning as Social Process

Planning in this century has been largely influenced by the appeal of scientific activity on the one hand and by reform movements on the other. As a result of this influence, two roles of planning developed with one predominating : an advisory role which adheres to the scientific canon of deta ched objectivity and which is the prevailing version, and an active role where intervention into the development of society is promoted. This duality creates problems for planning theory and practice, especially since the positivist foundation of planning has proven to be inadequate. An examination of logical positivism indicates that a correct social theory can only be critical. This suggests that planning should use critical theory as new epistemological framework.




«Philos»: A Designation for the Jesus-Disciple Relationship

The Biblical understanding of "divine-human friendship" is developed by the Fourth Evangelist as a "master-disciple relationship" by employing the term "philos". This term emphasizes both divine initiative and human response as the constitutive elements of such a relationship. This book is an exegetico-theological study of "philos", which analyzes the implications of the term for the Johannine theology of friendship between Jesus and the believers.



Non classé

Border and Border Experience

This interdisciplinary study aims to understand the complex experience of what is an essentially German debate on a philosophical and literary motif. It suggests Karl Jaspers' Existenzerhellung as a distinctive way of thinking about borders and thresholds. The threshold analogy, in particular, lends itself to the analysis of German literature on border and border experience in the second half of the twentieth century.



Non classé

Educational Alternatives and the Determination of Earnings in Brazilian Industry

The major objective of the study reported in this book was to determine the effects of alternative forms of education on the earnings distribution of factory workers employed in an industrializing area. The data were collected from life-history interviews conducted in northeastern Brazil and were analyzed using a variety of statistical approaches, including path-analytic techniques. The findings provide a basis for better understanding education/labor market relationships and for using education (both in-school and extra-school) as an effective instrument for individual and societal development.



Non classé

Nonlinear Dynamics and Unemployment Theory

This book attempts to integrate two lines of research. It joins the tradition of nonlinear macrodynamic models of cyclical growth, in particular the Goodwin/Kaldor/Phillips-type models of persistent fluctuations and limit cycles. Capital deepening and capital widening investment is introduced into models of cyclical growth. This approach is combined with recent neo-Keynesian analysis of wage-price formation and unemployment theory. Unemployment is decomposed in terms of demand deficiencies, job shortages, and the impact of capital-labor substitution. In this way a dynamic analysis of unemployment in terms of Classical, Keynesian and technological elements is obtained. It is shown that different components of unemployment can display their own cyclical frequencies and patterns. In this way the typical long and short term cyclical behavior of unemployment is simulated by an integrated nonlinear model of persistent growth cycles.



Thèmes photo

The Other End of the Rainbow. Edition bilingue français-anglais

"En substituant l'absence à la preuve directe, Kourtney Roy souligne les impossibilités d'un discours d'évidence sur ces vies "minuscules" qui n'attirent jamais l'attention. En Colombie Britannique (Canada), depuis 1969, c'est-à-dire pendant plus de 50 ans, les meurtres vont s'étaler dans le temps. Des dizaines de femmes et de filles vont disparaître, quelques unes seront retrouvées mortes, dispersées le long de ce que l'on appelle désormais "l'autoroute des larmes" . Disparitions et crimes en majeure partie non élucidés. Ainsi ce transport ne sera en rien la description pittoresque du Grand Nord. Roy nous met à l'épreuve de percevoir, depuis des lieux vides en eux-mêmes et sans vie apparente, une humanité sacrifiée et reléguée. Face au déni d'une société, le rôle que Kourtney Roy accorde à la photographie est de s'attacher, malgré tout, à partager une douleur et à faire ressentir une tension qui ne peut trouver d'exutoire que dans le drame.



Sciences politiques

Africa : 50 years of independence

The International Development Policy Series is a key reference source on international cooperation and development policies. It is published in English and in French by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studios in Geneva. The Series includes articles and in-depth pieces by authors from both industrialised countries and the South in order to offer readers a rich diversity of perspectives. It also draws on the expertise of international actors based in Geneva and illuminates the policy debates and negotiations that take place in the city.



Non classé

Widows in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Britain

This volume provides a comprehensive study of widowhood in Medieval Britain based on literary and historical sources from the seventh to the fifteenth centuries. The book is divided into two parts : the first deals with the Anglo-Saxon period, the second with the Medieval period. Because widows shared certain preoccupations specific to their status, the two parts deal with similar topics : the fundamental role played by the Church in the doctrine of marriage, and the dominant male discourse about widows. Widows had a specific legal status : special laws affected their lives and their relationships with their children and other relatives. Much attention is consequently devoted to family structures and to the legal and social aspects of inheritance. The volume also explores the various options widowhood offered and the highly debated degree of independence widows had in their life choices.



Non classé

From Regularity to Anomaly

This book discusses the removal of i-umlaut alternations from the inflectional system of Middle English. After presenting the scope and nature of the process in Germanic languages, it offers a detailed investigation into its lexicalisation in main dialects of Middle English. The observed developments are viewed as an interplay of four main factors : the degree of optimal patterning, type frequency, language contact and paradigmatic pressure.



Non classé

Studies in Elizabethan Audience Response to the Theatre

The aim of this volume is to apply the findings of volume 1, the actor-character relationship in documentary evidence of Elizabethans, to a set of plays particularly teasing to the visual sense : the female page plays, in which a boy actor presents a female character in male disguise. The study concludes that such transformations were often intentionally deceiving. As a consequence, the homoerotic aspect deserves further consideration, which results in an analysis of the ways in which male sexual disguise and feminine men or boys were related in the power structure of Elizabethan society as expressed in (literary) texts. A detailed analysis of the individual plays points out where, when, and how authors used the device of the female page, distinguishing between the several theatres and groups in Elizabethan London.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Lucifer's Legacy. The Meaning of Asymmetry

In Lucifer's Legacy, physicist and broadcaster Frank Close explores the origins of asymmetry from life to the Universe at large. He asks whether this multitude of examples can be traced back to a single act that took place at the origin of our Universe. Inspired by a chance meeting with Lucifer in the Tuilerie gardens in Paris, Close takes the reader on a sweeping tour of asymmetry in the world around us, from the development of human embryos to the mysterious Higgs boson. His tour culminates in the research now underway in Switzerland, where scientists are preparing an experiment to recreate the Big Bang and hope to resolve the mystery of original asymmetry. Lucifer's Legacy describes the possible outcomes of this experiment, and assesses their implications for our understanding of the Universe.



Non classé

Practice and Problems in Language Testing 1

The First International Symposium of the Interuniversitäre Sprachtestgruppe at the Bundessprachenamt, Hürth, brought together a group of experts in language testing from a wide variety of backgrounds. This volume contains selected papers from the meeting and represents a broad range of topics in language testing, from Bernard Spolsky's paper on ethical questions, to Madeline Lutjeharms' contribution dealing with testing in a multilingual context, Nicolas Ferguson's computerized approach to oral assessment, and Günter Trost's and Horst Bickel's research into aptitude testing. The lively and often critical discussions following these and the other papers by Joseph Rohrer, Douglas K. Stevenson, Jan van Weeren, Wieland and Ulrich Raatz, Helmut J. Vollmer and Veronica Smith/Christine Klein-Braley are included, as is the panel discussion among several of the experts present.



Littérature comparée

Mentoring through the Centuries. On the Dynamics of Personal and professional Growth

Ce volume rassemble des réflexions sur les relations forgées par les mentors et les mentorés dans l'histoire, la littérature et les arts du spectacle. Ces dix essais examinent les différentes formes du mentorat, ses dynamiques de pouvoir, ainsi que le processus de changement réciproque que la relation de mentorat peut induire.




Georges troubat

Le jeu, toujours recommencé, est donc infini. Assemblages, recouvrements, juxtapositions. Bleus, rouges, jaunes. Lignes, surfaces, figures. Une exposition de Georges Troubat est toujours une expérience singulière : comme un musicien avec un ensemble limité de notes, l'artiste multiplie les variations, les improvisions, offrant l'étonnante impression d'un ruissellement permanent. Cet homme a toujours été très actif dans sa vie ; rien n'est définitif, le courant nous emporte et il nous faut nager avec lui. L'acte créatif n'existe que répété puisqu'il est lié à la marche, aux mouvements du temps, aux passages des saisons, aux rythmes du monde. La peinture de Georges Troubat est vivante, au sens plein : elle régie son pas sur les impulsions du vivant. Son animation procède de la vie elle-même, à laquelle elle retourne comme un acquiescement permanent. Cet homme que l'on croit pressé est un nageur ébloui, et sa peinture témoigne pour un monde qui ne serait qu'éblouissement. The game that is started over and over, is then infinite. Assemblages, collections, juxtapositions. Blus, reds, yellows. Lines, textures, shapes. An exhibition of Georges Troubat is always a peculiar experience : just like a musician with a few limited notes, the artist multiplies the variations, improvisations, offering the astonishing feeling of an on-going flow. This man was always very active in his life, but nothing lasts forever, the flow takes us with it and we have to swim with it. The creative act only exists by repetition as it's tied to the pace, to the mouvements of time, to the passing seasons, to the world's rhythms. George Troubat's painting is alive, taking on the whole meaning of the word : it regulates its pace on the impulsion of the living. Its animation begins from life itself, to whom it goes back to, like a perpetual approbation. This man, who we think in a hurry, is a dazzling swimmer and his painting attests for a world which would only be dazzling.
