
Thaïs Cousigné



Rageot - Cascade

Le ranch des mustangs Tome 1 : Cheval rêvé

Meg est ravie ! Son amie new-yorkaise Alison l'invite pour les vacances chez sa cousine Becky, dans un ranch isolé au coeur d'une réserve naturelle des montagnes Rocheuses. Mais sur la route du ranch, une violente tempête de neige les immobilise. Bientôt leur pick-up refuse de démarrer et elles doivent poursuivre à cheval...



Littérature française


The mere fact of existing is already a battle of every moment, but that of being born a woman is seen as the most arduous of battles, in a society that considers women not only less than men, but below men. The simple attributes devolved to human being are sometimes denied to them, under the indifferent eye of the society. Who is to blame for this general contemptuous attitude vis-à-vis the woman ? The man ? Society ? Or the woman herself ? Woman parenthood, excision, rape, sexual harassment, the prison, early marriages and widowhood are core points tackled in the seven short stories of this book where the main characters ; Micheline, Amina, Jenaëlle, Ann-Lise, Lucie, Violet and Bernadette shall each take the reader through their stories using their own words. Based on true stories, these fictions are a personal move to throw more light on the stumbling blocks faced by the woman in her struggle for optimal fulfillment. Through the life stories clearly depicted in this book, most readers can picture their own lives, the lives of a mother, a sister, a friend or a daughter. Two objectives constitute the backbone of this book ; draw attention on the way the woman is perceived by the African society and Cameroon in particular and raise awareness in the woman so that she can come to understand that the key to her destiny lies within herself and nowhere else. Hence the need to portray womanhood as society sees it : a handicap.




A Handbook of Global Citizenship Education. The Belgian perspective

Presented as a response to contemporary global issues (such as sustainable development, interculturality or democracy), Global Citizenship Education (GCE) aims to "open people's eyes and minds to the realities of the world and awaken them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all". Given that GCE is now perceived as a means of bringing contemporary world issues into classrooms, teachers and school principals are increasingly encouraged to adopt it. Indeed, new skills frameworks require students to develop knowledge on global issues, while students themselves are demanding this education because they seek the means to play a greater role in the world. Often addressed in the form of social or environmental issues perceived as being of serious concern, GCE is expected to feature increasingly in the curricula of schools and universities in the future. But in Belgium and around the world, Global Citizenship Education (GCE) has been the subject of debate in recent years. This handbook reflects these various debates. Initially published in French, it is, above all, an attempt to compensate for the absence of texts on the subject from the French-speaking world, notably from the Belgian research and practice world. This English version enhances the international visibility of the vital academic, institutional, and professional sectors addressing GCE in Belgium, and highlights the specific features of GCE in this country. It will be particularly useful for students, teachers and practitioners, and everyone who wants to understand the challenges of Global Citizenship Education today.




Orion Recall - Version anglaise

"Greetings, beloved peoples of the One. Welcome to the sacred and consecrated space from which I now address you : the space where the 12 An Master Crystals of Orion reside. The time has come for you to remember who you are and learn about your galactic heritage. Many of you have fought in the great wars that began on Orion. That's why you need to learn the truth-so you can free yourselves from the past and turn your full attention to the Plan that brought you here to this planet called Earth. These Memoirs will help you understand". Are you one of the volunteers living on this magnificent planet working to bring an end to the great conflicts between the evolved and devolved forces-conflicts that originated in Orion's solar systems and converged to Earth millenniums ago ? Find out how it all began, from when a Messenger from the 24 Elders first gave instructions to the High Council of Sirius to the moment when Plan Earth Rising was put into action. The path you take matters now more than ever because your conscious choices determine how your individual and collective solar beings are integrated. This integration is the key to activating your beloved planet as one of the twelve galactic libraries, the one on which everything depends. This book is a summons to the volunteer souls : Remember Mintaka. Remember the reason you are here at the start of a major new evolutionary cycle-for your sphere of life and for the entire Galactic Federation.



Grands textes illustrés

1001 Nights. Edition français-anglais-allemand

In the late 1910s, in a Europe ravaged by World War I, Danish illustrator Kay Nielsen put the finishing touches on his illustrations of A Thousand and One Nights. The results are considered masterpieces of early 20th-century illustration : bursting with sumptuous colors of deep blues, reds, and gold leaf, and evoking all the magic of this legendary collection of Indo-Persian and Arabic folktales, compiled between the 8th and 13th centuries. However, publishers retreated from Nielsen's project in the financially strapped postwar climate, and the publication never happened. A rising star, Nielsen moved on to other work. This world heritage classic's spectacular pen, ink, and watercolor images remained under lock and key for 40 years. Published just once in the 1970s, the illustrations were rescued from oblivion after Nielsen's death in 1957 and are now held by the UCLA Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, the Art Institute of Chicago, and in two private collections. This publication is a unique compilation of fine art prints and stunning illustrations reproduced directly from Nielsen's original watercolors-the only complete set of his extraordinary drawings to have survived. The book features descriptions of all of the images and three generously illustrated essays on the making of this series, the origin of Nielsen's unique imagery, and a history of the tales. In addition, it shows many unpublished or rarely seen artworks by Nielsen and intricate black-and-white drawings Nielsen created for the original publication.



Poches Littérature internation

Love Story

" - Jenny, je suis désolé... - Tais-toi ! M'ayant ainsi interrompu, elle dit très calmement : - L'amour, c'est n'avoir jamais à dire qu'on est désolé. "



Littérature française

Malgré toute ma rage

C'est enfin la liberté et l'insouciance pour Juliette, Chloé, Manon et Thaïs : les premières vacances entre amies, à l'autre bout du monde - l'Afrique du Sud. Mais celles-ci vont être de courte durée : l'une d'entre elles est enlevée au bout de quelques jours et sauvagement assassinée. Alors que l'enquête commence au Cap, les proches de la victime, évoluant dans le milieu feutré et trompeur de l'édition parisienne, tentent douloureusement de faire leur deuil. Véritable déflagration familiale, la mort de la jeune fille encourage les protagonistes à se dévoiler peu à peu, et souvent pour le pire.



Littérature française

Les enfants, le miroir et Monsieur S

Monsieur S est un professeur inhabituel et surprenant. Attentif à ses élèves et aidé de son fidèle ami le Miroir, il leur permet d'accepter leur différence, de s'affirmer, de développer leur confiance et leur créativité, d'être libre. Cette année, Thais apprendra que venir d'ailleurs est une richesse, Cyrel vaincra sa peur des autres, Camille comprendra que mentir c'est mentir à soi même, Noa saura trouver sa place auprès des autres... 9 enfants échangeront avec le Miroir qui les encouragera à trouver l'animal caché en eux, le faire sortir afin de surmonter une difficulté. Ils pourront ainsi continuer à grandir sereinement.



Littérature française

Paradoxe et dualité. Ou le suicide, méthode lente

Triste et risible, Funeste et burlesque, Amour et mort Tour à tour chéris et haïs, Une page arrachée à la vie, Ecornée, froissée, Que nadie sepa mi sufrir...




La recherche entre vécu et concept. Histoires de vie et choix théoriques en sciences sociales

Les chercheurs du Laboratoire de Changement Social et Politique (LCSP) de l'Université Paris Diderot qui inscrivent leurs travaux dans une orientation clinique en sciences sociales, organisent régulièrement des séminaires "Histoires de vie et choix théoriques". Des scientifiques y sont invités à livrer un récit autobiographique à partir de la consigne : "Quel rapport faites-vous entre votre histoire (personnelle, familiale, sociale) et vos choix théoriques, épistémologiques, méthodologiques ? "



Littérature française

Vladimir Vladimirovitch

Pendant une année, Vladimir Vladimirovitch Poutine, homonyme du président russe, consigne la vie de son double dans trois cahiers. Le cahier rouge raconte son enfance puis son entrée au KGB. Le gris retrace ses cinq années comme agent secret en Allemagne puis sa lente métamorphose en homme de l'ombre dans les années 1990. Le noir décrit sa vie depuis son accession à la présidence.



Histoire internationale

Pensées pour moi-même. Le livre autorisé des citations

Durant toutes ses années de lutte, Nelson Mandela a consigné ses pensées sur d'innombrables carnets : il est devenu un homme de l'écrit. Ce recueil réunit les phrases les plus significatives de Mandela, sur la discrimination, la vie, la pauvreté ou encore l'amour ; on découvre là une facette plus spirituelle de l'homme politique, devenu le symbole de la tolérance et de l'humanisme.



Maternelle parascolaire

Mon année de petite section Mickey

Bienvenue dans l'univers de Mickey et ses amis ! Ce cahier rassemble des activités simples et ludiques pour que votre enfant apprenne tout en s'amusant. Retrouvez toutes les notions travaillées en Petite Section (lecture, écriture, maths et logique), déclinées au fil des pages avec : - une consigne claire (entoure, barre, colorie...) - une progression dans les apprentissages - des thèmes qui éveillent la curiosité - un objectif pédagogique



Maternelle parascolaire

Mon année de toute petite section Mickey

Bienvenue dans l'univers de Mickey et ses amis ! Ce cahier rassemble des activités simples et ludiques pour que votre enfant apprenne tout en s'amusant. Retrouvez toutes les notions travaillées en Toute Petite Section (observation, graphisme, logique, découverte), déclinées au fil des pages avec : - une consigne claire (entoure, barre, colorie...) - une progression dans les apprentissages - des thèmes qui éveillent la curiosité - un objectif pédagogique




L'Ange aux ailes de lumière L'intégrale

Pour leur première mission, Jatred et Valika n'ont reçu qu'une consigne : se tenir à carreau. Moins de vingt-quatre heures après leur arrivée sur Vroya, la moitié de la planète est à leurs trousses... Réussiront-ils à rallier le pays des anges aux ailes de lumière ? Un récit librement adapté du roman de Julia Verlanger, grand classique de la science-fiction française.



Maternelle parascolaire

Mon année de moyenne section Mickey

Bienvenue dans l'univers de Mickey et ses amis ! Ce cahier rassemble des activités simples et ludiques pour que votre enfant apprenne tout en s'amusant. Retrouvez toutes les notions travaillées en Moyenne Section (lecture, écriture, maths et logique), déclinées au fil des pages avec : - une consigne claire (entoure, barre, colorie...) - une progression dans les apprentissages - des thèmes qui éveillent la curiosité - un objectif pédagogique





Plus de 60 recettes. Une présentation des ingrédients essentiels. Les techniques de base expliquées en pas à pas De Phuket à Chiang Mai, en passant par Bangkok, traversez la Thaïlande et découvrez ses saveurs parfumées en un peu plus de 60 recettes : Tartare de boeuf thaï, petits raviolis vapeur à la crevette et à la ciboulette, brochette de poulet au saté, Soupe de nouilles khao soy, curry massaman de veau, pad Thaï, Bananes grillées à la crème de noix de coco et curcuma, Riz gluant sucré... Retrouvez également toutes les astuces pour préparer vous-même facilement les sauces et pâtes de curry qui sont l'âme de la cuisine thaïlandaise.




The Rejection of the Humble Messianic King

Although the prominence of Matthew's anti-Jewish polemic has been widely recognized in recent years, curiously little attention has thus far been given to the contribution made by chapters 11 and 12 to this theme. Often dismissed as a loose compendium of controversy-stories, this narrative section actually displays a solid, thematic unity dealing with the tragic fact of Jesus'rejection by the covenant people, Israel. Matthew's usually thoughtful style is evident in these chapters as he proceeds in a quite independent manner to clarify the unexpectedly humble nature of the messianic mission, the consequences of its rejection and the identity of the true people of God.



Gastronomie en langue étrangèr

Exquisite French Cuisine. The ABC to turn French in 60 recipes

EXQUISITE French Cuisine HOW TO MASTER FRENCH COOKING, AND BECOME AA CHEF WITH 60 ESSENTIAL RECIPES Discover how to prepare a caramel, a bechamel sauce or an onion confit, and experiment recipes such as cheese soufflé and filet mignon in a crust, or regional specialties such as bouillabaisse or gratin dauphinois. And for the gourmets, dive into the preparation of a mirabelle plum tart or à creamy chocolate mousse. What a way to combine quality with pleasure ! You will find everything you need to delight your guests in this book. Bring a little piece of France home with this book of traditional recipes for all lovers of French cuisine.





Do you like to learn by doing? Do manuals leave you craving for real-world examples? Are you looking for concrete training that goes beyond theory and reference materials? Learn Dreamweaver by following classroom-proven exercises that will teach you to build sophisticated web pages. This book is geared toward people who have never written HTML or those who would like to switch from coding by hand to a visual HTML editor. Complete with insider tips, illustrated with detailed graphics, and accompanied by a CD-ROM that's loaded with guided exercises, demo software and QuickTime movies, this book ensures that you'll learn all the key features of Dreamweaver 2.



Littérature française

La métisse du peuple des épines

Dans l'immensite? luisante de la brousse, il n'y avait que le vent de la liberte?, celui que mon grand-pe?re, le dernier roi du Peuple des E?pines, avait glisse? dans mes re?ves. A? Madagascar, j'avais en moi une famille aux racines ancre?es. Ce roi aux pages de le?gendes dont la voix me poursuivait, ces parents des deux rives dont j'e?tais la me?tisse couleur cre?me, cette grande fratrie dont j'e?tais la reine. Devant moi, des feuillus aux pointes ace?re?es et un chemin a? parcourir. Comment ne pas se sentir diffe?rente ? Comment ne pas chanter ?




Les structures élémentaires de la parenté

In Les Structures Elémentaires de la Parenté, the early opus magnum of French Structuralism, Lévi-Strauss tries to explain the systems of kinship and-marriage in their enormous diversity and their frequently bizarre institutions, by means of a single principle: the exchange. Exchange is perceived to be the manifestation of fundamental structural constants of the human mind which may also be discerned in other subsystems of culture, most obviously in language. This book represents the first great result of the author's life-long research, dedicated to exploring this relationship, which also led him into the fields of the classification-systems of language and of mythology.



Non classé

Learner Language and Control

This book presents four closely related reports on the lay-out, data collection and results of a research project on the acquisition of German as a Foreign Language by adult students. A critical description is given of the course of the extensive data collection and the successes and difficulties encountered. This is followed by a theoretical paper in which a model of the production process in second language performance is postulated and discussed. Sections three and four describe analyses of spontaneous self-corrections as evidence of the learner's control of his speech process, which takes into account the influence of individual and linguistic variables.



Non classé

A Comparative Analysis of Four Psychotherapy Manuals and a Proposed Model for Psychotherapy Manuals

The development of psychotherapy manuals may be critical to modern comparative psychotherapy research and the training of therapists. Based on this assumption, four manuals were comparatively analysed according to structural design and content. Furthermore, an empirical study compared how a sample of inexperienced versus experienced therapists (American and German), evaluated the four manuals. Finally, based on these analyses, a generic model for psychotherapy manuals is presented. Since the four manuals studied cover supportive-expressive psychoanalytic therapy, time-limited psychodynamic therapy, interpersonal therapy for depression, and cognitive therapy for depression, this work also provides an overview of how varying approaches can be presented in manual form.



Non classé

Chaos, Control, and Consistency:- The Narrative Vision of Wolfgang Koeppen

Wolfgang Koeppen's critical and popular reputations stem largely from his literary success in the 1950s, a success which has overshadowed the author's activities in the earlier years of his career. It is in the interest of redressing this imbalance that the present study has been undertaken. It traces a consistent line of development from Koeppen's journalistic activities in the Berlin of the 1930s, through his earliest creative writing, and on, in this light, to the post-war publications for which he is most famous. It is thus possible to place the whole of Koeppen's career within the social and literary context of sixty years of German history.



Non classé

Southern Sudan

Southern Sudan is little known to the world - especially in terms of its economic development. This book fills that gap of knowledge to some extent. Due to the persistence of war conditions (since 1955), economic analysis has been done together with the resultant dictates of war and destruction in the area. The sources of data and methodology have of necessity transcended conventional economics embracing political, social, etc. aspects. This multidisciplinarity in approach has enabled the author to provide the foundations for future development of Southern Sudan. The book thus offers a state of the art analysis of the war consequences on society, subsistence and their accompanying economic structures.




Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education

The idea for this book arose from presentations delivered at two conferences in Tartu and in Tallinn in Estonia. These conferences brought together many professionals and researchers working in early education, many from Europe, and also Australia and the USA. This book, written by 37 authors, consists of chapters about the development of early childhood education, children's developing skills and the early childhood curriculum, and about the role of early childhood teachers. Further topics are the role of parents in early childhood education, and the work with children with special needs in the preschool. The book will be of interest to those interested in early childhood practice and policy.



Critique littéraire

Radio pluralism in West Africa

RADIO PLURALISM IN WEST AFRICAThe present survey has been compiled from a project regarding radio broadcasting pluralism in West Africa. This project is part of Regional Programme of the Paris Panos Institute. It includes research as well as a back up plan for the development of radio broadcasting pluralism in West Africa. This survey covers ECOWAS 16 member-countries with the exception of Liberia which is excluded for political reasons. It has been monitored by a committee of participants who are all interested, for various reasons, in the development of radio broadcasting pluralism in West Africa. Surveys were carried out by african journalists and researchers.



Non classé

Thackeray and the Problem of Realism

Although it is traditional to see a certain kind of "realism" as the essence of fiction, in practice novels of course offer not a simple reproduction of experience but a throughgoing organization of it. The novel is, after all, a bourgeois genre and it reflects that bourgeois view of life according to which the world is there merely to be dominated and controlled by man. This study examines both Thackeray's early fiction, in which both the novel form and the manipulative society to which it belongs are attacked, and his later works, in which they are defended, and tries to determine the reasons for this change.



Arts ménagers

The Private Security Dog Handler

Summary : The private security canine handler in today's world. The objective of this work is to provide you with a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the private security canine handler's world. First and foremost, we will examine the evolution of security needs, thus highlighting the increasing importance of this profession. Next, we will study the essential role of the canine handler in the current context, shedding light on the daily challenges they face. We will also delve into the key skills required to be an effective canine handler, such as mastery of training techniques and communication with the security dog. Private security has become a priority.
