
Takeo Kawabe




Glimpses of african cultures. Echos des cultures africaines, Edition bilingue français-anglais

This book covers various aspects of African traditional cultures that include: communication, marriage ceremonies, funerals, traditional rites, witchcraft, traditional cultural activities, and traditional beliefs. It will undoubtedly appeal to anyone who wants to understand better our African cultures. The reading of some of the stories will certainly raise existential questions about the nature of spirits, truth, and the place of God in the collective mind of the Africans. Some of the questions are the following: how is it possible that a human being has his double in an animal known as his totem ? How corne that, for people who do not believe in reincarnation, it is the chief who determines the future of the soul of the deceased ? In "Mourning habits in the West province of Cameroon," it appears that, if the soul is not taken care of, it will cause physical havoc in the society. Could there be a link between our souls and the physical elements of nature ? Is skull worshiping among the Bamileke merely a traditional practice or are they really able to communicate with their ancestors through the skulls ? What has led the Aghem people to firmly believe that lakes can physically move, that the dead live in their lakes, that children live in their pre-human state as caterpillars and may transform into reptiles when they are still babies ? What makes it possible for the human mind to communicate with animais, exchange messages as is shown in "How animais and things can speak and communicate in the Yambassa culture" ? Apart from the physical world as we know it, could there truly be a spiritual world that witches and wizards have access to and which system of values could this spiritual world be subjected to ? Every single paper of the more than 80 papers and squibs this book comprises is truly an invitation to explore further the untapped richness of African cultures.



Thèmes photo

Hecho en barrio

Hecho en Barrio est un travail photographique au long cours commencé en 2007 par Jean-Félix Fayolle sur la jeunesse des quartiers populaires au Mexique, principalement dans la ville de San Luis Potosí, capitale de l'Etat du même nom. Cette agglomération de 2 millions d'habitants se situe dans le centre- nord du pays à 400 kilomètres au nord de la Ville de Mexico. Ce sujet de cette jeunesse oubliée est donc la raison pour laquelle il décide d'emblée de troquer sa casquette d'économiste contre celle de reporter photographe. "Mais comment montrer ces images, quelles images et pourquoi ? Qu'est-ce que je veux raconter ? Des choses positives, négatives, les deux ? Eviter les clichés et surtout respecter les personnes photographiées, et ce pays tout entier". Car au début, comme quiconque, il flashe sur les stéréotypes : la drogue, les tatouages, les armes... Mais il s'en détache au fur et à mesure, ces clichés n'étant finalement pas la représentation la plus objective de cet univers. "Ce qui m'anime, c'est de pouvoir continuer à témoigner de ces réalités, ce quotidien qui devient de plus en plus complexe Avec un suivi régulier depuis près de 15 ans, Jean-Félix Fayolle partage une partie de cette expérience à travers son livre HECHO EN BARRIO. Il compile différentes tranches de vie et thématiques, représentatives du quotidien de toute une génération, d'une jeunesse de San Luis Potosí sur fond de fêtes religieuses comme celles de la Vierge, de San Judas Tadeo ou de la Santa Muerte, et de funérailles aussi, avec l'escalade de la violence liée à la guerre contre le narcotrafic. "J'espère que ce travail permettra de mieux comprendre le quotidien des jeunes au Mexique, nés dans un quartier populaire, laissés en marge de la société de par leur apparence physique et leur milieu social dans un contexte miné par l'hyperviolence".




Calligraphics. La calligraphie vue par 101 artistes contemporains

Le langage, l'écriture et les lettres sont les fondements de notre communication en tant qu'êtres humains, et la calligraphie célèbre la beauté inhérente de ce besoin de partage et de connexion. Ce volume présente ce que la calligraphie est devenue au XXIe siècle, avec 101 artistes issus du monde du graffiti, du tatouage, du graphisme, de la peinture, de l'illustration, de l'art de l'affiche, de la bande dessinée, et bien plus encore. Leurs différents supports, styles et langages, y compris imaginaires, montrent le potentiel et l'inspiration infinis de la transformation des lettres en art. Chaque artiste présente une brève biographie expliquant son parcours et ses inspirations, des exemples de ses oeuvres et un alphabet original. Les artistes, originaires de 20 pays, partagent des alphabets en couleurs vives et en noir et blanc, en clarté et en chaos, au crayon sur papier et à la peinture sur les murs. A notre époque numérique, où les écrans et les claviers ont pris le dessus, cet art ancien continue de prospérer. Language, writing, and letters are the basis of our communication as human beings-and calligraphy celebrates the inherent beauty of this need to share and connect. This volume showcases what calligraphy has grown to be in the 21st century, featuring 101 artists from the worlds of graffiti, tattooing, graphic design, painting, illustration, poster art, comics, and more. Their different mediums, styles, and languages, including imaginary ones, show the endless potential and inspiration of turning letters into art. Each artist featured has a brief bio explaining their background and inspirations, examples of their artwork, and an original alphabet. The artists, from 20 countries, share alphabets in vibrant color and black and white, in clarity and in chaos, in pencil on paper and paint on walls. In our digital age, where screens and keyboards have taken over, this ancient art still thrives.




Immersion N° 7, mai 2023 : Adolescences japonaises

Persuadés que le jeu vidéo sera l'art majeur du XXIème siècle, Immersion a l'ambition de faire émerger une vraie pensée critique sur le sujet. Histoire de l'art, sociologie, philosophie : chacun de nos articles est une proposition intellectuelle et graphique à part entière. A l'occasion de ce numéro 7, nous avons complètement repensé la revue afin de proposer à nos lecteurs et lectrices une expérience plus innovante. Une nouvelle maquette qui replace l'imagerie vidéoludique au coeur de la création contemporaine et numérique. Chez Immersion, nous sommes mus par la volonté de ne pas nous contenter de célébrer le jeu vidéo, mais de le questionner et d'en déconstruire les représentations. Pour cela, nous nous attachons à explorer les grands enjeux socioculturels et esthétiques qui traversent la création vidéoludique, au sein d'une revue à la fois accessible et d'une grande rigueur intellectuelle. Publication de référence sur le sujet, Immersion est un objet unique dans le paysage éditorial européen qui s'adresse donc autant aux passionnés qu'à celles et ceux qui souhaitent découvrir comment les jeux vidéo influencent la société et les pratiques artistiques contemporaines. Au sommaire : - Victor Moisan - Un monde sans adultes - Pierre Lovati - J-RPG et système éducatif - Julie le Baron - Interview avec Dan Salvato, créateur de Doki Doki Literature Club - Carin Klonowski et Alix Desaubliaux - Teenagers with baggage - Angelo Careri - Touhou, les fleurs de feu - Clémence Leleu - Interview avec Agnès Giard, anthropologue spécialiste du Japon - Guillaume Grandjean - Pokémon, l'enfant et la mort - Jérôme Dittmar - Haruka, grandir à l'ombre de Yakuzas - Angelo Careri - Interview avec Christophe Galati, créateur de Save me Mr Tako - Virginie Nebbia - Shin Megami Tensei, le voyage intérieur Portraits : Shigesato Itoi, Junko Kawano, Ikumi Nakamura




Penser l'histoire des médias

Penser l'histoire des médias ... le chemin historiographique et académique qu'elle a parcouru, mais aussi son actualité et ses perspectives, telles sont les ambitions relevées par la cinquantaine de contributions de ce livre. Quatre dimensions ont été placées au coeur de cette réflexion collective : les enjeux d'ordre méthodologique et la diversité des démarches mobilisées par les chercheurs qui ont les médias pour objet d'étude ; les singularités des rapports entretenus par l'historien avec ses sources ; le spectre des objets d'étude ; enfin les finalités et l'utilité sociale du savoir produit par l'historien des médias. Ces dimensions se dévoilent au fil des chapitres de synthèse, des études de cas et de récits d'égo-histoire qui se répondent et prolongent le premier Congrès international de la Société pour l'histoire des médias (SPHM), tenu à l'Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines en mai 2016. Au terme de cet ouvrage, le lecteur aura sans doute le sentiment que nous vivons un temps de redéfinition des frontières de l'histoire des médias, fécondée par d'autres approches et disciplines. Il en saisira d'autant mieux les défis en ayant son histoire à l'esprit, en un vaste panorama par médias, mais aussi par notions, thématiques et tendances de la recherche. Les auteurs : Jade Almeida ; Marine Beccarelli ; Delphine Benoit ; Laurent Bihl ; Claire Blandin ; Alexandre Borrell ; Jérôme Bourdon ; Josette Brun ; Virginie Cerdeira ; Delphine Chedaleux ; Jean-Jacques Cheval ; Emmanuelle Chevry Pébayle ; Frédéric Clavert ; Evelyn Cohen ; Ross F. Collins ; Diana Cooper-Richet ; Mario Cuxac ; Etienne Damome ; Simon Dawes ; Simona De Iulio ; Christian Delporte ; Mehdi Derfoufi ; Emmanuelle Fantin ; Adreas Fickers ; Claire-Lise Gaillard ; Isabelle Garcin-Marrou ; Alexie Geers ; Eric George ; Anne-Marie Granet-Abisset ; Pascal Griset ; Guylaine Gueraud-Pinet ; Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo ; Zdravka Konstantinova ; Pascal Laborderie ; Benoit Lafon ; Thibault Le Hégarat ; Fabiola Leone ; Sylvain Lesage ; Cécile Méadel ; Mike Meißner ; Michael Palmer ; Félix Patiès ; Léa Pawelski ; Géraldine Poels ; François Robinet ; Raphaëlle Ruppen Coutaz ; Aranzazu Sarria Buil ; Valérie Schafer ; Claire Sécail ; Michel Sénécal, Philomen Schönhagen ; Céline Ségur ; Mélodie Simard-Houde ; Evan Spritzer ; Beatriz Tadeo Fuica ; Sonia Temimi ; Philippe Tétart ; Marie-Eve Thérenty ; Dominique Trudel ; François Vallotton ; Nelly Valsangiacomo ; Isabelle Veyrat-Masson ; Graziela Mello Vianna ; Anne-Katrin Weber.



Beaux arts

Tiepolo in Milan. The Lost Frescoes of Palazzo Archinto

Tiepolo in Milan : The Lost Frescoes of Palazzo Archinto brings together preparatory drawings and paintings, as well as documentary photographs, to commemorate an extraordinary fresco cycle by the Venetian painter Giambattista Tiepolo (1696-1770). Painted for Palazzo Archinto in Milan, the frescoes were destroyed in a bombing during World War II. The catalogue accompanies an exhibition at The Frick Collection. In 1730-31, Tiepolo undertook his first significant project outside the Veneto, frescoes for five ceilings in Palazzo Archinto in Milan. The paintings were commissioned by Count Carlo Archinto (1670-1732), likely in honor of the marriage of his son, Filippo, to Giulia Borromeo. Tiepolo's mythological and allegorical scenes-Triumph of Arts and Sciences ; Apollo and Phaëton ; Perseus and Andromeda ; Juno, Fortune, and Venus ; and Nobility-were painted in some of the largest rooms of the palazzo. Unfortunately, the palazzo was bombed during World War II and its interior completely destroyed. Only a series of black-and-white photographs, taken between 1897 and the late 1930s, preserves the frescoes' appearance, but a number of preparatory drawings and paintings provide precious information, including three painted sketches (Triumph of Arts and Sciences, the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon ; Apollo and Phaëton, Los Angeles County Museum ; and Perseus and Andromeda, The Frick Collection). Three drawings from the British Museum in London, the Museo Civico in Trieste, and the Sinebrychoff Art Museum in Helsinki are the only related graphic works. These-along with other drawings and prints by Tiepolo and some books- have been reunited for the first time in order to bring to life these extraordinary works of art. On view at The Frick Collection from April 16 to July 14, 2019, the exhibition is curated by Xavier F. Salomon, Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator at the Frick, with Andrea Tomezzoli, Professor at the University of Padua, and Denis Ton, Curator of the Musei Civici in Belluno. Included in the publication are essays on Tiepolo's work in Palazzo Archinto (Salomon), on the role of the frescoes in Tiepolo's career (Tomezzoli), on the intellectual world of the Archinto family (Ton), and on the architectural history of the palace (Kluzer).



Histoire de France

Christian Democrat Internationalism. Its Action in Europe and Worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s- Volume III: The European People’s Party- Continental and Social Cooperation

From September 2011 to December 2013 the Luigi Sturzo Institute in Rome along with the Centre of European Studies planned a series of international scientific meetings to study one highly important political subject : the commitment of Christian Democrats on an international level. This project has been organised thanks to the support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and the International Labour Organisation. Internationalism is a Key Element for the Christian Democrat Identity. In fact, CD is a political movement of thought and action whose roots lie in a specific ideology : to use the German word Weltanschauung, it is based on a particular framework of ideas and beliefs that leads the party to interpret the relationship between men and nations from an international point of view, ensuring the human being a central place in every social policy. The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, wrote in a Message to these Meetings : "We can consider ourselves very lucky that 50 years ago forward-thinking personalities founded the World Union of Christian Democrats. From then on, the world, through globalisation, has been deeply changed. Events that take place in other continents immediately impact on our lives. We will be able to protect ourselves from terrorism, achieve economic and social security, and defend our environment only through common global action. This is the task of our generation : to overcome these global challenges. [...] Our parties and our political organisations share a common Christian ideal of man. This ideal, grounded on the inalienability of human dignity, is at the core of one important value : to this man has linked a social and economic model that combines economic success and social responsibility." Her message clearly shows the need to use historical knowledge, to return to and explore a rich and challenging past as well as to develop a reflection on and a course of action for the present and the future.




Le grand livre de l'Ichimoku pour réussir en bourse et en trading. De l'étude des originaux de Hosoda à l'interprétation contemporaine

Transformez votre approche du marché financier avec l'Ichimoku Kinko Hyo ! L'Ichimoku Kinko Hyo est un outil d'analyse technique visuel permettant d'évaluer différents actifs financiers (actions, cryptomonnaies, devises, indices, matières premières...) et de définir d'un seul coup d'oeil les tendances à la hausse ou à la baisse, les niveaux de support ou de résistance. Créé dans les années 1930 par le Japonais Goichi Hosoda, il est toujours d'actualité et utilisé par de nombreux traders. Cet ouvrage est le guide ultime de l'Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, écrit par Patrick Riguet, expert chevronné et grand pédagogue. Il établit des bases solides en partant des fondamentaux de l'analyse technique, pour offrir une analyse poussée de cet indicateur. Chaque composant est interprété avec clarté, et l'auteur vous guide sur la manière de les combiner pour une utilisation optimale. - Un guide pratique et poussé qui s'adapte à votre profil, que vous soyez adepte du day trading, du swing trading ou de l'investissement à long terme. - De nombreux exemples et captures d'écran analysés. - Un chapitre dédié aux théories des vagues, du temps et des prix de Goichi Hosoda et les parallèles entre l'utilisation contemporaine de l'Ichimoku et la vision originelle de son créateur. Apprenez à entrer sur le marché avec confiance, à placer vos stops et take profits avec précision, à suivre des tendances et à naviguer entre différentes unités de temps. Vous aurez ainsi toutes les clés pour maîtriser cet outil puissant qu'est l'Ichimoku et devenir non seulement compétent en trading, mais également dégager du profit de votre investissement boursier. Patrick Riguet a découvert l'Ichimoku en 2012. Depuis, il n'a cessé de l'étudier et de l'utiliser au quotidien pour son propre trading et ses investissements. Il a formé plus de 1 000 personnes à l'Ichimoku via ses formations en ligne et est devenu un expert incontournable. Il cumule plusieurs dizaines de milliers de followers sur X, YouTube, Facebook et son blog, tous dédiés à l'Ichimoku.



Livres 0-3 ans

The discovery of magic

Queen Vispa and King Dungammei are the beloved rulers of their respective kingdoms. The two territories live in harmony, sharing a temple that crosses their mutual border, but they pray to different gods and have little in common outside of geography. The monarchs seem an unlikely pair, but when each violates the rules of the temple - one by entering the temple as a woman, and the other by praying to the other kingdom's god - both find themselves abandoned by their people, deciding soon after to declare the approval and presence of both gods in their hearts, as well as their love for each other. The King and Queen's subjects also abandon the shared temple, leaving it to the disobedient pair and building separate temples in their own territories. The monarchs' happy life together is, however, short-lived, as Queen Vispa dies upon giving birth to their child Delarai. The King is urged to repent and return to his kingdom. He complies, leaving princess Delarai with Magi, a nurse from a remote village, to raise her. Delarai rows up in near isolation, far from other people, spending most of her time among flowers and animals of the beautiful temple garden. Meanwhile, battles rage between the two kingdoms following the King's return. Delaware, a son begotten to the King and his next wife, gets badly wounded some years later in an attempt to stop the fighting. On his deathbed, the Prince insists on being taken to the forbidden temple to be buried there. The King, though ill himself, agrees to fulfill his son's dying wish. It is there where Delarai, having become quite an expert at herbal remedies, comes to their aid, preparing a special potion while praying to the temple's two gods in her nurse Magi's native language. As Delarai completes the life-saving act of curing the Prince, she tries to call for Magi, but the word that leaves her lips is "magic". Those who witness the event soon spread the word, and Delarai becomes recognized across both kingdoms as the creator of magic. The King, however, succumbs to old age, imparting his last kernel of wisdom unto his daughter : the two temple gods are one and the same. With this knowledge and their newfound inner strength, Delarai and Delaware unify the two kingdoms, and live happily ever after.



Histoire de la musique

Musique, images, instruments N° 18 : Représenter la musique dans l'Antiquité. Textes en français et anglais

MUSIQUE | IMAGES | INSTRUMENTS est une revue scientifique annuelle consacrée à l'organologie et à l'iconographie musicale en Occident. Elle aborde l'étude des instruments et la représentation de la musique dans les arts visuels. Elle se propose de regrouper les différents champs disciplinaires (facture instrumentale ; acoustique instru-mentale ; histoire des collections ; restau-ration ; collecte et analyse des sujets musicaux figurés dans les arts plastiques) et invite à la confrontation des approches les plus diverses. Les textes sont publiés en français ou en anglais avec un résumé dans les deux langues. MUSIQUE | IMAGES | INSTRUMENTS is a scientific journal of Western organology and musical iconography. It deals with studies of instruments and the representation of music in the visual arts. It regroups various disciplinary fields of research such as instruments making ; instrumental acoustics ; the history of collections ; restoration ; the collection and analysis of musical subjects taken from visual arts. The journal is issued once a year and the texts are published in French or English and include an abstract in both languages. Christophe Vendries et Florence Gétreau, Editorial REPRESENTER LA MUSIQUE DANS L'ANTIQUITE Christophe Vendries, Un instrument de musique peut en cacher un autre. Réflexions sur l'iconographie musicale dans la Rome antique. François Lissarrague, Des lyres dans l'imagerie grecque : pour une iconologie musicale tempérée. Daniela Castaldo, The kithara in the Hellenistic Age between Greece and Magna Graecia. Fábio Vergara Cerqueira et Claude Pouzadoux, La cithare rectangulaire dans la céramique apulienne : aspects morphologiques, symboliques et sociaux. Valérie Huet, Images sacrificielles et sonores : sur les pas du tibicen auprès de l'autel. Katherine M. D. Dunbabin, The Masked Pipe-Player and the choraules in the Roman World. Françoise Gury, Les Amours musiciens. Anne-Françoise Jaccottet, Qui mène la danse dionysiaque ? Analyse d'un concept entre scène de genre, imaginaire culturel et reflet d'une pratique rituelle. Susanna Sarti, Musical Themes on the Baratti Amphora. Sibylle Emerit, Musiciens et processions dans le temple d'Hathor à Dendara : iconographie et espace rituel. NOTES ET DOCUMENTS Vanja Hug, Le prétendu portrait de Wolfgang Mozart et Thomas Linley chez les Gavard des Pivets à Florence. Thilo Hirsch, L'énigme de la Chanson trompette de Nicolas de Larmessin. Denise Yim, The Portrait of Giovanni Battista Viotti by Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun. Zdravko Blazekovic, The Symbolism and Decorative Transformation of the Gusle among the Croats and Serbs. RECENSIONS ET NOUVELLES PUBLICATIONS BIOGRAPHIES, RESUMES, ABSTRACTS



Animaux, nature

D'un continent à l'autre. Portraits animaliers, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Partir en voyage et explorer de nouvelles contrées sauvages, c’est la certitude de vivre des expériences inoubliables. Ce livre est la concrétisation d’un rêve ; il est à notre image …. Tel un Conte de Fées, d’un Continent à l’Autre, une aventure au milieu des grands espaces naturels de notre Planète. Dans les airs, sur la terre, sur les océans, partout la vie animale ne cesse de nous surprendre et de nous émerveiller, mais il faut prendre le temps de s’arrêter, de contempler, et il faut être là au bon moment pour en photographier chaque instant. Loin de la frénésie des hommes, les Grues, les Oies, les Cygnes, sillonnent le ciel de notre Planète depuis des millions d’années, répétant inlassablement leurs longues migrations, parfois d’un pôle à l’autre, comme les Sternes Arctiques qui traversent chaque année le globe, du Nord au Sud (32.000 km aller-retour). Sur les océans, il faut s’en remettre au bon vouloir de la mer, partir en bateau, suivre l’itinéraire des grands voyageurs et des premiers marins explorateurs, afin d’apercevoir de temps en temps la queue d’une Baleine émergeant des profondeurs océanes, ou approcher d’une colonie de Lions de Mer. Et au bout de chaque traversée en bateau, il y a toujours une nouvelle terre, une nouvelle aventure, un nouveau Continent, des espèces animales inattendues. Les saumons remontent le cours des rivières afin de retourner frayer sur leurs lieux de naissance ; les Grizzlis les attendent au passage ; et tout au Nord sur la banquise en perpétuelle évolution, l’Ours Polaire règne encore en maître sur les étendues gelées de l’Océan Arctique. De l’autre côté de l’océan, sur le Continent Africain, la nature nous donne rendez-vous avec une débauche de couleurs et de démesure. Assister au lever du soleil sur les hauts plateaux de la Vallée du Rift, descendre à l’intérieur du Cratère du Ngorongoro, c’est la promesse d’observer la grande faune d’Afrique : Lions, Guépards, Eléphants, Girafes, Hippopotames, Zèbres et Gazelles. D’un Continent à l’Autre, ce livre de photographies animalières est un hommage à la Nature et à la diversité de la vie sur notre Planète. Chaque photo est en elle-même une nouvelle histoire à découvrir. Travelling, it is the best opportunity to live some unforgettable experiences. This book is the accomplishment of our dream …. Like a Fairy Tale, from Continent to Continent, an adventure in the wild places of the Planet. In the air, on earth, inside the oceans, everywhere the wildlife is surprising us, but you need to take your time and look with your kid’s eyes, you need to be here at the good moment for catching every movements of the nature. Far away from the busy life of humans, the cranes, the geese, the swans, are flying in the sky of our Planet since millions of years, going for their long migrations, sometimes from Pole to Pole like the Arctic Terns that are crossing the complete globe from North to South (20.000 miles back and forth each year). If you want to find the marine’s fauna, to see the tale of the whale coming from the deep mysterious waters, or approaching the Sea Lions colonies, you need to take a boat, to accept the conditions of the sea, to follow the itinerary of the first sailors going to discover the world. At the end of each boat’s trip, there is a new land, a new adventure to come, a new Continent, some unexpected animal’s species. Salmons are swimming against the rivers for going back to the place where they were born ; Grizzly Bears are waiting for them on the way ; and in the North on the frozen ice, the Polar Bears are still the kings of the Arctic Ocean. On the other side of the ocean, the African’s Continent is showing us a rainbow of colors and diversity. Early in the morning, looking at the sunrise waking up the savannah, or going down inside the Ngorongoro Crater, gives you the opportunity to meet Lions, Cheetahs, Elephants, Giraffes, Hippopotamus, Zebras and Gazelles. From Continent to Continent, this book of wildlife photography is a wonderful tribute to Nature and to the diversity of the life on our Planet. Each picture itself is a little story, a little fairy tale.



Histoire de la philosophie

Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism

The twelve lessons forming this volume were originally issued in the shape of monthly lessons, known as "The Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism" during a period of twelve months beginning with October 1904, and ending September 1905. We have been told, so often, that we must take certain things "on faith, " and that it was "no use bothering our minds concerning them, " but this is only a partial statement of truth, for the Intellect does give us a reliable report concerning the real nature of things. . ". New Thought proponents at the turn of the twentieth century sought to use mysticism to unleash the forces of the universe in themselves. One of the most influential thinkers of this early "New Age" philosophy promises here, in this 1904 book, to show the reader "to see with the clear vision of the Spirit" and how to "achieve the peace of the awakened and conscious soul". As the yogi reminds us, "No occult teaching is ever wasted-all bears fruit in its own good time". With this significant document of the New Thought movement back in print, now may be the time. Content : Lesson I. Light On The Path Lesson II. Some More Light On The Path Lesson III. Spiritual Consciousness Lesson IV. The Voice Of Silence Lesson V. Karma Yoga Lesson VI. Gnani Yoga Lesson VII. Bhakti Yoga Lesson VIII. Dharma Lesson IX. More About Dharma Lesson X. Riddle Of The Universe Lesson XI. Matter And Force Lesson XII. Mind And Spirit American writer WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON (1862-1932)-aka Yogi Ramacharaka-was born in Baltimore and had built up a successful law practice in Pennsylvania before professional burnout led him to the religious New Thought movement. He served as editor of the popular magazine New Thought from 1901 to 1905, and as editor of the journal Advanced Thought from 1916 to 1919. He authored dozens of New Thought books-including The Philosophies and Religions of India, Arcane Formula or Mental Alchemy and Vril, or Vital Magnetism-under numerous pseudonyms, some of which are likely still unknown today.



Tourisme étranger

Moroccan tracks Volume 11. The sagho djebel

The Sagho djebel is the eastern extension of the Anti-Atlas, a volcanic mountain with granitic mamelons, basaltic organs, chaos of black shales, pink sandstones... at the gates of the Sahara. As far as the eye can see, large wild, arid spaces. A desolate land made for the lonely DPM. And for a thousand miles around, silence is the only companion. Absolute plenitude and the desire to take to the track. From flat expanses to rolling hills, from sharp relief to steep canyons : pure, original nature. The character is strong, rustic but the heart is soft. The colours are soft and gentle. Ochre, pink, brown, violet, the colour chart stretches in a gradation of shimmering pastels, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming heat. Eldorado in the heart of the desert, rare are the oases ; modest green spots in the infinitely large, they are the reminders that we are on African soil. The wild charm of the Sagho is due to its exceptional geology : high cliffs and steep peaks, tabular escarpments and deep canyons in the middle of which caravans of camels and mules circulate. When you arrive on these immense plateaus, the lunar horizon is so vast that you want to go everywhere at once to see if it is really as beautiful elsewhere ! The Sagho also surprises by the richness of its lights : limpid like those of the nearby Sahara, or sometimes in half-tone, as in the neighbouring Dades valley. The Sagho is also the Morocco of the last Berber nomads, descendants of the ancient lords Aït Atta. In autumn, after leaving the snows of the High Atlas, they set up their dark wool tents on the slopes of the jebel until spring. They can neither read nor write, but they are sure of their way through the Atlas Mountains and the Moroccan desert. In the Sagho, they have built houses of unbaked stone, dug wells, planted almond trees, grown wheat, barley and various vegetables. Others built herds of goats and sheep, and caravans of camels. Most of them are now sedentary, semi-nomadic or nomadic...



Beaux arts

Italian Maiolica and Other Early Modern Ceramics in the Courtauld Gallery

This is the first catalogue of the collection of early modern ceramics in the Courtauld. The pieces in the collection showcase brilliantly the skill of potters and pottery painters working at the time of Raphael and Titian. Maiolica is one of the most revealing expressions of Renaissance art. Its extraordinary range of colours retain the vividness that they had when they left the potter's kiln. Italian potters absorbed techniques and shapes from the Islamic world and incorporated ornament and subject matter from the arts of ancient Rome. This new approach to pottery making, combined with the invention of printing, woodcut and engraving, resulted in an extraordinary type of painted pottery, praised by Vasari in his Lives of the Artists for 'surpassing the ancient with its brilliance of glaze and variety of painting'. The collection boasts a magnificent group of vessels made during the high Renaissance, the golden age of Italian maiolica. It includes precious and delicate Deruta lustreware with imagery deriving from Perugino and Raphael, as well as vessels painted in a narrative style of pottery painting known as istoriato. Highlights include vessels depicting episodes taken from the first printed Bibles of the Renaissance. Istoriato maiolica flourished particularly in the lands of the Dukes of Urbino, who promoted this craft by sending painted pottery to prestigious patrons across Europe. Emblems and devices painted on the pottery help us understand that they were meant to be used and enjoyed by the elites in Renaissance society, such as the Medici and other great Tuscan families. The catalogue will include two recent gifts to the Courtauld, a rare tile of the famous patroness of the arts Marchioness Isabella D'Este, and a refined dish painted with the story of Diana and Actaeon. All major Renaissance pottery centres are represented in the collection, including Siena, Faenza and Venice, as well as splendid examples of the mysterious pharmacy jars made at the foot of the mountain of Gran Sasso in the town of Castelli d'Abruzzo. These achievements of the art of pottery in the early modern period are completed by fine examples of Ottoman pottery, as well as examples of Valencian lustreware. Sani's introductory essay on the Victorian collector Thomas Gambier Parry will shed new light on the development of this fascinating collection, making links between Gambier Parry's artistic practice and his collecting and revealing new insights into his taste as a collector. Each detailed entry uncovers a wealth of new information on the provenance of the pieces.



Mouvements artistiques

Look Close, Think Far. Art at the Ackland

This richly illustrated volume introduces one of America's finest university art museums - one whose directors, curators, donors, and patrons have left a remarkable legacy, a museum collection that encourages us all to "look close, think far. " The selection of over 280 highlights is presented with brief commentaries and an essay that traces the growth of the Ackland Art Museum's outstanding collection. The Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the United States' most distinguished public university art museums. Founded in 1958, it now houses over 20, 000 works of art, covering some 5, 000 years of cultures from around the globe. "Look Close, Think Far" is the tagline of the Ackland, informing everything from the dynamic and varied program of special exhibitions to ambitious interpretation, education, and outreach activities. It applies especially strongly to the museum's extensive permanent collection. Although an integral part of the oldest public university in the United States, the Ackland is a relatively young institution. Now approaching its sixty-fifth year, it has become the proud steward of over 20, 000 works of art from an impressively broad range of world cultures and time periods. The Museum is known for its special strengths in art of the European tradition, with very strong holdings in prints and drawings ; the arts of Asia, and especially China, Japan, and India ; a small but fine collection of classical art from Africa ; and recent and contemporary art. This publication showcases a cross-section though the diverse collection, with 283 works, giving an impression of the Ackland's permanent collection that is true to its character, representative of its breadth, and indicative of its quality. The essay gives special attention to the early stages and the less obvious, more idiosyncratic moments that have contributed to the Ackland's personality and individuality. The approach taken by the editor Peter Nisbet, deputy director for curatorial affairs at the Ackland, differs from most conventional volumes of museum collection highlights in several refreshing ways. Instead of separating works along the lines of curatorial departments, the arrangement emphasizes the unity of the collection by merging works from different cultures. These are presented in a largely chronological sequence, but one that surprises by starting with the present and extending back in time. Within this order, works of art are deliberately paired across individual page openings, to stimulate visual attention, reflective thinking, and sometimes maybe just a smile.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Cuckoos, Cowbirds and Other Cheats

Cuckoos and cowbirds are amongst the select bird groups renowned as professional parasites, who always lay their eggs in the nests of other species. Occasional parasitic laying is also widespread in many other birds, who gladly parasitise the nests of their own kind when the opportunity arises. In this fascinating new book, Nick Davies describes the natural histories of all the brood parasites and examines the exciting questions they raise about the evolution of cheating and the arms race between parasites and their hosts. Brood parasites fill their armoury with adaptations including exquisite egg mimicry, rapid laying, ejection of host eggs, murder of host young, chick mimicry and manipulative begging behaviour: ploys shown by recent research to have evolved in response to host defence behaviour or through competition among the parasites themselves. While many host species appear defenceless, accepting parasite eggs quite unlike their own, others are more discriminating against odd-looking eggs and some have evolved the ability to discriminate against odd-looking chicks as well. How does this arms race proceed? Will defenceless hosts improve their armoury in time, or are there sometimes constraints on hosts which allow the parasites to gain the upper hand? And why are so few species obliged only to lay eggs in host nests? Have host defences limited the success of brood parasitism, or is it in fact much commoner than we suspect, but occurring mainly when birds parasitise the nests of their own kind? All of these puzzles are examined in descriptions of the natural history of each of the groups of parasites in turn. Here is a book with wide appeal, both to amateur naturalists fascinated by this most singular and macabre of behaviours and to ornithologists and ecologists interested in the evolution of ecology and behaviour. The story takes us from the strange tales of folklore to the classic field work earlier this century by pioneer ornithologists such as Edgar Chance, Stuart Baker, Herbert Friedmann and others, through to the recent experimental field work and molecular techniques of today's leading scientists. We visit brood parasites in Europe, Asia, Japan, Africa, Australasia, and North and South America, to look at some of the world's most interesting birds and sortie of biology's most interesting questions, many of which still beg answers from ornithologists in the future. Brilliant illustrations by David Quinn depict many behaviours for the first time and convey the thrill of watching these astonishing birds in the wild.




Claude Gillot. Satire in the Age of Reason

This scholarly publication presents the work of the designer, painter and illustrator Claude Gillot (1673-1722). The first volume on the artist in English, it accompanies a major exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum that explores Gillot's inventive and highly original draftsmanship and places his work in the context of artistic and intellectual activity in Paris ca. 1700. The history of eighteenth-century French art under the ancien régime is dominated by great names. But the artistic scene in Paris at the dawn of the century was diverse and included artists who forged careers largely outside of the Royal Academy. Among them was Claude Gillot. Known primarily as a draftsman, Gillot specialized in witty scenes taken from the Italian commedia dell'arte plays performed at fairground theaters and vignettes of satyrs enacting rituals that expose human folly. The book will address Gillot's work as a designer, painter, and book illustrator, and advance a chronology for his career. Crafting a timeline for Gillot's life and work will clarify his relationship with his younger collaborators Antoine Watteau and Nicolas Lancret. Through an artistic biography and six chapters, each devoted to an aspect of his oeuvre, Gillot's role in developing quintessential rococo subjects is established. We follow Gillot from his start as the son of a decorative painter in the bishopric of Langres to his arrival in Paris in the 1690s, as the city and its secular entertainments flourished apart from the royal court at Versailles. Myriad opportunities awaited artists outside official channels, and Gillot built his career working in the theater and as a painter and designer long before seeking official academic status. His involvement with writers, playwrights, and printmakers helped define his sphere. Gillot's preference for theatrical subjects brought him critical attention, and also attracted talented assistants such as Watteau and Lancret. Gillot came to prominence around 1712 working at the Paris Opéra and as a printmaker and illustrator of books, lending his droll humor to satires. By 1720, Gillot was enlisted to design costumes for the last royal ballet, one of the final projects of his career. He died nine months after his most celebrated pupil, Watteau. The sale of his estate, which including his designs and many etched copper plates, provided material for printmakers and publishers and ensured Gillot's lasting fame among print connoisseurs. His oeuvre as a draftsman and painter, however, was largely forgotten until drawings and canvases began to emerge in the first half of the twentieth century.




La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis. Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove, Textes en français et anglais

Ce Liber Amicorum, qui rend hommage à Gilles de Kerchove, coordinateur de l'Union européenne pour la lutte contre le terrorisme de 2007 à 2021, dresse le bilan de ce qui a été mené dans ce secteur ces dernières années et se penche également sur les défis à venir. Après une introduction retraçant le parcours du récipiendaire, la première partie se penche sur différents aspects de la coopération au sein de l'Union européenne, allant du mandat d'arrêt européen, à la protection des droits fondamentaux en passant par le rôle de certaines institutions ou agences de l'UE. La deuxième partie traite de la coopération entre l'UE et le reste du monde, qu'il s'agisse d'organisations mondiales ou de certains Etats en particulier, comme les Etats-Unis. La troisième partie, plus transversale, rassemble des contributions diverses touchant notamment à l'Etat islamique, au financement du terrorisme, aux victimes et aux nouvelles technologies. L'ouvrage se clôt par une quatrième partie relative à la prévention, à la lutte contre la radicalisation, aux valeurs, à la liberté de la presse et à la littérature. Les auteurs, issus de diverses parties du monde, présentent des profils très divers, parmi lesquels d'éminentes figures politiques, des fonctionnaires européens, des académiques, des magistrats et des journalistes. L'ouvrage a été coordonné par Dr. Christiane Höhn, Conseillère principale de Gilles de Kerchove, Isabel Saavedra, son Assistante personnelle et Prof. Anne Weyembergh, Professeur ordinaire à l'Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). This Liber Amicorum, which pays tribute to Gilles de Kerchove, EU counter-terrorism coordinator from 2007 to 2021, takes stock of what has been achieved in this field in recent years and looks at the challenges ahead. After an introduction tracing the recipient's background, the first part looks at different aspects of cooperation within the European Union, ranging from the European arrest warrant, to the protection of fundamental rights and the role of certain EU institutions or agencies. The second part deals with cooperation between the EU and the rest of the world, both with global organisations and with specific States, such as the United States. The third, cross-cutting part brings together various contributions relating to the Islamic State, the financing of terrorism, victims and new technologies. The book concludes with a fourth part on prevention, the fight against radicalisation, values, freedom of the press and literature. The authors come from various parts of the world and present a wide range of profiles, including prominent political figures, EU officials, academics, magistrates and journalists. The book was coordinated by Dr. Christiane Höhn, Principal Advisor to Gilles de Kerchove, Isabel Saavedra, his Personal Assistant and Prof. Anne Weyembergh, Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).




Archaeonautica N° 21/2021 : Open Sea / Closed Sea. Local and Inter-Regional Traditions in Shipbuilding, Textes en français et anglais

Open Sea | Closed Sea Local and Inter-Regional Traditions in Shipbuilding Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology Marseilles 2018 Edited by Giulia Boetto, Patrice Pomey and Pierre Poveda Open Sea | Closed Sea. Local and Inter-Regional Traditions in Shipbuilding Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology Marseilles 2018 Twenty-four years after the seventh ISBSA was held on the island of Tatihou, it became the turn of Marseille on the Mediterranean coast of France to have the honour of hosting the fifteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (ISBSA 15), which brought together, from 22 to 27 October 2018, some 300 scholars, PhD and post-doctoral researchers, and students from 36 countries belonging to almost 130 research bodies. The conference was organised by the Centre Camille Jullian - UMR 7299, which, on the occasion of ISBSA 15, celebrated 50 years of activity in the field of nautical archaeology. This volume includes 60 contributions from 93 authors covering different nautical areas (the Mediterranean, North Sea, Baltic, Atlantic, Pacific and South China Sea) from prehistory to the modern era. The papers are organised around a number of different themes, the principal being "Open Sea, Closed Sea : Local and Inter-Regional Traditions in Shipbuilding'. The intention is to reveal interactions between local and inter-regional traditions of open and enclosed waters through examples taken from nautical areas as varied and representative as possible. Mer Fermée | Mer Ouverte. Traditions locales et interrégionales dans la construction navale Actes du Quinzième Colloque international d'archéologie navale Marseille 2018 Vingt-quatre ans après le septième ISBSA, tenu en 1994 à l'île Tatihou, la façade méditerranéenne de la France a été mise à l'honneur en recevant à Marseille la quinzième édition de l'International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (ISBSA 15), qui a réuni du 22 au 27 octobre 2018 près de trois cents chercheurs, jeunes chercheurs (post-doctorants et doctorants) et étudiants, provenant de 36 pays et appartenant à près de 130 organismes de recherche. Le colloque a été organisé par le Centre Camille Jullian qui, à cette occasion, a fêté ses 50 ans de recherche dans le domaine de l'archéologie navale. Le volume regroupe soixante contributions de quatre-vingt-treize auteurs portant sur différents espaces nautiques (Méditerranée, mer du Nord, Baltique, Atlantique, Pacifique, mer de Chine), de la Préhistoire à l'époque moderne. Ces actes sont organisés autour de différents thèmes : le principal d'entre eux s'intéresse aux interactions entre traditions locales et traditions interrégionales, mers ouvertes et mers fermées, mises en évidence à travers des exemples pris dans des régions aussi variées et représentatives que possible.



Histoire internationale

La société civile face à l'Etat dans les traditions chinoise, japonaise, coeéenne et vietnamienne

Civil Society versus State In Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese Tradition Proceeding of the American-European Symposium, Paris, May 29-31 The study of the social nature of man has been given a new dimension by work like those of Jürgen Habermas that no longer simply analyze the relations between the individual and the group, but that take into account both the effects the members of a group acting freely and spontaneously among themselves have upon the organization of a community and the constraints the very structure of the group exert upon itself, and these two aspects of the problem are now seen as interacting dialectically. How is a civil society created in the context of state rule ? How do the private and public sectors intrude upon one another ? What cultural and ideological conditions are necessary to create a given form of civil society ? A colloquium of specialists on East Asia who gathered together in Paris in 1991 tried to find at least partial answers to these questions as they concern the history of societies in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. This collection of the papers presented - in English and French - gives us a striking panoramic view of some of the most characteristic forms of the social systems of ancient, medieval and China, of feudal and post-feudal Japan, of traditional Korea and of Vietnam in the seventeenth century. La société civile face à l'Etat Dans les traditions chinoise, japonaise, coréenne et vietnamienne Actes du colloque américano-européen de Paris, 29-31 mai 1991, édités par Léon Vandermeersch La problématique de la sociabilité a été renouvelée par les travaux qui, comme ceux de Jürgen Habermas, engagent l'analyse non plus simplement sur les rapports de l'individu et du groupe, mais sur l'organisation de la collectivité sous l'effet de la libre spontanéité de ses membres d'une part, et du pouvoir contraignant d'autre part, en interaction dialectique. Comment se constitue la société civile face à l'Etat ? La sphère privée en interférence avec la sphère publique ? Dans quelles conditions de la production culturelle et idéologique ? A ces questions, un colloque de spécialistes de l'Asie orientale, réuni à Paris en 1991, a voulu apporter des éléments de réponse relativement à l'histoire des sociétés chinoise, japonaise, coréenne et vietnamienne. Le recueil des communications présentées - en anglais et en français - met en perspective certaines des formes les plus caractéristiques du système social de la Chine ancienne, médiévale et moderne, du Japon féodal et postféodal, de la Corée traditionnelle, du Viet-nam du XVIIè siècle.




Defaced! Money, Conflict, Protest

This fully illustrated catalogue is the first of its kind to examine the relationship between money, power, resistance and dissent. It accompanies major exhibitions at The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge and the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. War, revolution and protest are defining themes in all periods of world history, shaping national identities and influencing material and visual culture in myriad ways. The ubiquity of money makes it a powerful vehicle for diseminating the messages of the state to the public, but the symbolic and nationalistic iconography of currency could also be subverted or mutilated in powerful acts of defiance, rebellion and propaganda. Beginning in Britain in the wake of the American and French Revolutions, the exhibition explores the political and social tensions present in society, and communicated through the production or defacement of money, over the past 200 years. It contrasts the use of money by the radicals of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, such as Thomas Spence, and the Suffragette movement, with the money produced by European empires as they scrambled to dominate the rest of the world. The currency histories of the two World Wars reveal the subversion of the very nature of what money is, and highlight the role of money as the tool of occupation, imprisonment, resistance and remembrance. The coins countermarked during the Troubles in Northern Ireland hint at the polarised nature of political discourse and sectarian violence. The exhibition culminates with the work of contemporary artists and activists who use money to highlight the challenges of the modern world, both locally and globally - as a canvas, as a raw material, or as a powerful means of communication. From a unique coin commemorating the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 to a Syrian banknote refashioned to raise awareness of the refugee crisis, this publication showcases many newly acquired objects from the Fitzwilliam Museum collection, alongside materials from the Archive of Modern Conflict. These objects are enhanced by a number of important loans from museums and private collections, including the cannon used at the Battle of Mafeking, an exploded transit van and contemporary art works that take money, its authority and destruction as their theme. Each object constitutes a witness statement to its time and its conflict, and each section has its own story to tell. The chapters - by archaeologists, historians, curators, and artists - create a rich context for the more than 130 objects in the catalogue, most of which have never been studied in depth or published before.




Towards the Sun. The Artist - Traveller at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Bien qu'il y ait eu des monographies sur les artistes voyageurs britanniques du XVIIIème et du début du XIXème siècles, il n'existe aucune enquête de ce que l'écrivain Henry Blackburn décrivait de "voyage artistique" un siècle plus tard. A partir de 1900, le "Grand Touriste" est devenu un globe-trotteur muni d'un appareil photo et, malgré le développement de la photographie instantanée, l'enregistrement visuel immédiat en huile et aquarelle reste le plus répandu. Kenneth McConkey's exciting new book explores the complex reasons for this in a series of chapters that take the reader from southern Europe to north Africa, the Middle East, India and Japan revealing many artist-travellers whose lives and works are scarcely remembered today. He alerts us to a generation of painters, trained in academies and artists' colonies in Europe that acted as crèches for those would go on to explore life and landscape further afi eld. The seeds of wanderlust were sown in student years in places where tuition was conducted in French or German, and models were often Spanish, Italian, or North African. At fi rst the countries of western Europe were explored afresh and cities like Tangier became artists' haunts. Training that prioritized plein air naturalism led to the common belief that a well-schooled young painter should be capable of working anywhere, and in any circumstances. At the height of British Imperial power, and facilitated by engineering and technological advance, the burgeoning tourism and travel industry rippled into the production of specialist goods and services that included a dedicated publishing sector. Essential to this phenomenon, the artist-traveller was often commissioned by London dealers to supply themed exhibitions that coincided with contracts for colour-illustrated books recording those exotic parts of the world that were newly available to the tourist, traveller, explorer, emigrant, or colonial civil servant. These works were not, however, value-neutral, and in some instances, they directly address Orientalism, Imperialism, and the Post-Colonial, in pictures that hybridize, or mimic indigenous ways of life. Behind each there is a range of interesting questions. Does experience live up to expectation ? Is the street more desirable than the ancient ruin or sacred site ? How were older ideas of the 'picturesque' reborn in an age when 'Grand Tours' once confi ned to Italy, now encompassed the globe ? McConkey's wideranging survey hopes to address some of these issues. This richly illustrated book explores key sites visited by artist-travellers and investigates artists including Frank Brangwyn, Mary Cameron, Alfred East, John Lavery, Arthur Melville, Mortimer Menpes, as well as other under-researched British artists. Drawing the strands together, it redefi nes the picturesque, by considering issues of visualization and verisimilitude, dissemination and aesthetic value.




Hs les arts dessines n°3 - ugo bienvenu - broche. Les grands entretiens

Ugo Bienvenu est né le 10 mai 1987. Ce nouvel Hors-série des Arts Dessinés après ceux consacré à Catherine Meurisse et Laurent Durieux, revient sur le parcours pluridisciplinaire de ce réalisateur et un dessinateur français via une longue interview séparée en quatre chapitres : les influences, la bande dessinée, l'animation et l'illustration. Il sera enrichi d'entretiens avec des proches et des membres de sa famille, histoire d'offrir un regard inédit sur cet immense auteur. Sortie prévue le 17 juin 2022 en version broché (100 pages, 15 ? ) et cartonné (128 pages, 25 ? ) Biographie express Après un diplôme de métier d'art en illustration à l'école Estienne, il intègre la section cinéma d'animation des Gobelins1. En 2010, à la suite de son séjour au California Institute of the Arts de Los Angeles, il s'oriente vers l'animation expérimentale. Depuis 2010, il écrit et réalise des clips et des courts-métrages, seul ou accompagné (de Kevin Manach, Benjamin Charbit ou Félix de Givry). Ses films sont diffusés sur Arte et Canal+. En 2014, il signe sa première BD sur papier, Sukkwan Island, adaptation du roman éponyme de David Vann. En 2016, il dessine pour la presse et développe la mini-série Antman, à nouveau avec Kevin Manach. En 2017, il publie un deuxième album BD, Paiement accepté, où il imagine la vie d'un fils de Donald Trump, exilé en France après une guerre civile aux Etats-Unis. En 2018, il crée la société de production, Remembers, avec Félix de Givry ainsi que la maison d'édition Réalistes avec Charles Ameline et Cedric Kpannou. En 2019, il dirige à nouveau des films publicitaires pour Hermès, mais aussi pour la marque de lunettes Coréenne Gentle Monster. La même année, il publie deux nouvelles BD, toutes deux remarquées. La première, Premium +, est sur le destin d'un homme, pétri de certitudes, un financier au parcours brillant qui chute finalement. Son autre BD de 2019, Préférence système, reçoit le grand prix de la critique6, fait partie de la sélection officielle au Festival d'Angoulême 2020 En 2020, il sort sa cinquième bande dessinée B. 0, comme un Dieu, chez les requins marteaux. Il réalise, dans la foulée, une campagne publicitaire Hermès pour la Chine mettant en scène son propre carré. En 2021 toujours sortent aux éditions Réalistes, Développement durable, la suite de Premium+ ainsi que Malavalle, premier livre en tant que scénariste dessiné par Josselin Facon. Il commence le développement de son premier long métrage Arco au sein de son studio. Bande dessinée -Sukkwan Island, d'après David Vann, préf. Fabrice Colin, Denoël Graphic 2014. Sélection officielle au Festival d'Angoulême 2015. -Paiement accepté, Denoël Graphic, mai 2017 - Premium +, éditions Réalistes, juin 2019 - Préférence système, Denoël Graphic, octobre 2019. Grand prix de la critique 2020 - Sélection officielle au Festival d'Angoulême 2020. - B. 0, comme un Dieu, Les Requins Marteaux, septembre 2020 - Développement durable, éditions Réalistes, juin 2021 -Malavalle, scénario, dessin de Josselin Facon, éditions Réalistes, juin 2021 -Total, éditions Denoël Graphic, octobre 2021. Filmographie Réalisation -2010 : Fragment clip pour Chris Adams -2010 : Voyage chromatique, avec Kevin Manach clip pour Renart -2011 : Singing clip pour Agoria -2012 : La Fin du monde, avec Benjamin Charbit et Kevin Manach court métrage -2013 : Maman, avec Kevin Manach court métrage -2015 : FOG, avec Kevin Manach clip pour Jabberwocky -2015 : Holding up clip pour Jabberwocky -2017 : Antman mini-série pour Marvel/Disney -2017 : Dolly. zero clip pour Antoine Debarge -2018 : Sphere of existence clip pour Antoine Kogut -2018 : L'Entretien co-réalisé avec Félix de Givry court-métrage - Pochettes d'albums -Lunar Lane de Jabberwocky Polidor Universal 2015 -Dolly. zéro d'Antoine Debarge Single10 -Sphere of existence d'Antoine Kogut chez Antinote -Love de JeSunde chez Vietnam -Tako Tsubo de L'Impératrice chez Miqroclima Récompenses -2019 : grand prix de la critique : Préférence système6



Critique littéraire

Études anglaises - N°2/2015. The British Contemporary Novel: 2008-2015

Catherine BERNARD Writing Capital, or, John Lanchester's Debt to Realism John Lanchester's fourth novel Capital (2012) offers a scathing, satirical denun- ciation of the excesses of capitalism, commodity fetishism and globalisation. The choral structure of the novel also allows the text to function as a world-novel, embracing as it does the criss-crossing lives of protagonists, each embodying a facet of a ramifed present. Reworking the basic principles of realistic representation, it appropriates the language of materialism to bring it to work paradoxically against the reifcation of affects and identity. With Capital, the "credit crunch" novel claims a different form of accountability that emerges through the very "stuff" of fiction. Le quatrième roman de John Lanchester, Capital (2012), offre un portrait satirique des excès du capitalisme, du fétichisme de la marchandise et de la globalisation. La structure chorale du roman transforme aussi le texte en roman-monde. Il embrasse les vies interdépendantes de protagonistes qui, chacun, incarnent une facette d'un présent densément ramifé. Retravaillant les principes de base du réalisme, le roman s'approprie le langage du matérialisme pour l'amener à oeuvrer contre la réifcation des affects et de l'identité. Avec Capital, le roman "de la crise" ("credit crunch fiction") revendique une forme de responsabilité qui s'incarne dans la matière même de la fiction. Vanessa GUIGNERY The Way We Live Now : Jonathan Coe's Re-evaluation of Political Satire This paper examines Jonathan Coe's oeuvre to discuss the evolution of his modes of portraying contemporary Britain. While Coe is well known for his satirical state-of- the-nation novels and for his commitment to political fiction, his recent essays reveal his misgivings about the effectiveness of political satire and Condition-of- England novels in the new millennium. This paper will navigate between Coe's fiction and non-fiction to examine the forms political engagement may take in the contemporary British novel. Cet article parcourt l'oeuvre de Jonathan Coe afin d'analyser l'évolution de ses modes de représentation de la Grande-Bretagne contemporaine. Coe est connu pour ses romans satiriques qui offrent un "état de la nation" et pour son attache- ment à la fiction politique, mais ses essais récents révèlent ses doutes quant à l'efficacité de la satire politique et de romans qui décrivent la condition de l'Angleterre à l'heure du nouveau millénaire. Cet article naviguera entre les écrits fictionnels et non-fictionnels de Coe pour envisager les formes que peut prendre l'engagement politique dans le roman britannique contemporain. Jean-Michel GANTEAU Vistas of the Humble : Jon McGregor's Fiction Jon McGregor's novels are characterised by a constant attention to detail and to the ordinary. They address the realities of individual, social and anthropological vul- nerability through narratives whose frail form countermands any attempt at abstraction and totalisation. In this article, I evoke the forms and modalities of vulnerability through the prism of the characters' and narratives' dependence on trauma, of systematic relationality and of attention to singularities. By throwing light on invisibilities and by giving voice to the inarticulate, McGregor writes ethical and political novels and uses the position of the precarious witness to contribute to the creation of some narrative democracy whose purpose, in Guillaume Le Blanc's terms, is to enlarge our sense of the common. Les romans de Jon McGregor se donnent pour tâche une attention permanente aux détails et à l'ordinaire. Ils s'ordonnent ainsi à l'évocation de la vulnérabilité indivi- duelle, sociale et anthropologique à travers des récits dont la forme vulnérable refuse toute totalisation. Les modalités et visages de la vulnérabilité sont ici évoqués à travers les motifs de la dépendance au trauma, de la mise en relation systématique, et de l'attention aux singularités. En mettant en lumière l'invisible et les invisibles, et en redonnant voix aux inaudibles, Jon McGregor fait oeuvre éthique et politique : il se pose en témoin précaire et contribue à l'élaboration d'une démocratie narrative dont le but est, selon les termes de Guillaume Le Blanc, de "créer du commun" . Peter CHILDS Food Chain : Predatory Links in the Novels of David Mitchell Humans are for David Mitchell predatory animals, whatever their civilized com- plexity. His novels contain numerous examples of individuals and groups who would oppress others in the name of logic, desire, morality, technology, survival or sheer force of will. That people prey on animals, resources and other human beings is only one dimension to Mitchell's fictional world but it is consistent and stark, from the cannibals that appear in Cloud Atlas and The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet through the warring factions in number9dream to the more fantasti- cal parasitic predators of Ghostwritten and The Bone Clocks. In this essay, I review aspects to this theme while analysing Mitchell's fictional world, which increasingly seems to be governed by interlinkages not only within narratives but metaleptically across them. David Mitchell considère les êtres humains comme des prédateurs, quel que soit leur degré de civilisation. Ses romans comportent de nombreux exemples d'individus et de groupes qui oppriment autrui en invoquant pour cela la logique, le désir, la morale, la technologie, l'instinct de survie ou leur volonté de puissance. Le fait que des hommes s'en prennent à des animaux, à des ressources naturelles ou à d'autres êtres humains n'est qu'un des aspects de l'univers fictionnel de Mitchell, mais il s'agit là d'une dimension structurante, à l'origine de la noirceur de l'oeuvre dans son ensemble - des cannibales de Cloud Atlas et The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet aux prédateurs parasites de type plus fantastique dans Ghostwritten et The Bone Clocks en passant par les factions en guerre dans number9dream. Cet article recense plusieurs composantes de ce motif récurrent dans la fiction de Mitchell, laquelle paraît de plus en plus fortement régie par des liens se tissant non seulement de manière interne aux différents récits, mais aussi de manière externe entre les récits eux-mêmes, sur un mode métaleptique. Marc POREE "What if ?" : The Speculative Turn of Will Self's Fiction "Et si ?" Révélant de lui-même les extravagantes hypothèses de travail dont il aime à procéder, Will Self est friand de spéculation. Une spéculation de type "métaphysique" , rejoignant celle des poètes de la première moitié du dix-septième siècle (cloués au pilori par Johnson avant que d'être réhabilités par T. S. Eliot). Une spéculation, dont le caractère cérébral s'accommode pourtant d'une volonté de faire que le roman s'incorpore et digère ce qui ne relève a priori pas de lui (les sciences, la pensée). Une spéculation, enfin, qui procède à rebours de l'évolution du lectorat et de la technologie, en oeuvrant à renouer avec un mécanisme de "sensibilité unifiée" que Self sait être anachronique, mais qui pose, à nouveaux frais, la question de la nécessaire difficulté en art. "What if ?" Never wary of unveiling the fantastical conceits which he is wont to proceed from, Will Self is (over)fond of speculation. A speculation that is meta- physical in kind, related to that implemented by the poets of the first half of the seventeeenth century (vilified by Johnson before being rehabilitated by T. S. Eliot). A speculation, the cerebral nature of which is found to be more than compatible with the processes of incorporation and digestion, at the hands of the novel, of all that is allegedly foreign to it (the sciences, thought). A speculation, lastly, bent on restoring a mechanism of "unified sensibility" which Self knows to be anachronis- tic, given the average reader's pursuits, but which offers a fresh take on the neces- sary difficulty of art. Camille MANFREDI Tales from the Pigeon-Hole : James Kelman's Migrant Voices This article offers to dwell on James Kelman's concerns with liminality and cultural identity by outlining the dynamics of displacement, dislocation and relocation in his recent novels You Have to be Careful in the Land of the Free (2004), Kieron Smith, Boy (2008) and Mo Said She Was Quirky (2012). While paying attention to Kelman's interest in the potential for subversion of the in-between, the article anal- yses the narrators' strategies of self-preservation and self-transformation with a view to better understand Kelman's own perception of the predicament of the contemporary Scottish writer in the postcolonial and global contexts. Cet article se propose d'éclairer le traitement des motifs de la liminalité et de l'identité culturelle à travers les dynamiques de décentrement, dislocation et délocalisa- tion dans les récents romans de James Kelman, You Have to be Careful in the Land of the Free (2004), Kieron Smith, Boy (2008) et Mo Said She Was Quirky (2012). En gardant à l'esprit l'intérêt de Kelman pour le potentiel subversif de l'entre-deux, cet article analyse les stratégies de préservation et de transformation de soi développées par les narrateurs. Elles permettront d'éclairer la tâche qui, selon Kelman, revient à l'auteur écossais contemporain dans le contexte à la fois du postcolonial et de nos sociétés mondialisées. Christian GUTLEBEN Whither Postmodernism ? Four Tentative Neo-Victorian Answers This paper sets out to examine in what ways recent neo-Victorian fiction illustrates twenty-first-century fiction's quest for new novelistic possibilities. On the basis of David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas (2004), Andrea Levy's The Long Song (2010), Michel Faber's The Crimson Petal and the White (2002) and Rosie Garland's The Palace of Curiosities (2013), it will be argued that neo-Victorianism broadens the scope of postmodernism by conceiving a cosmopoetics in which a referential and an aesthetic globalisation are combined, by imagining alternative forms of fictional historiography, by challenging various forms of orthodoxy and by questioning the limits of the human. Although it suggests evolutions and variations in relation to late twentieth-century historiographic metafiction, the novel of the new millennium nevertheless cannot be said to forsake postmodernism. Cet article se propose d'examiner dans quelle mesure la fiction néo-victorienne récente illustre la tentative de la fiction du vingt-et-unième siècle d'explorer de nouvelles possibilités romanesques. En prenant comme exemples Cloud Atlas de David Mitchell (2004), The Long Song d'Andrea Levy (2010), The Crimson Petal and the White de Michel Faber (2002) et The Palace of Curiosities de Rosie Garland (2013), nous soutiendrons que le néo-victorianisme élargit le spectre du postmodernisme en concevant une cosmopoétique où se mêlent référentialité et esthétique mondialisées, en imaginant d'autres formes d'historiographie fictionnelle, en remettant en cause diverses formes d'orthodoxie et en s'interrogeant sur les limites de l'humain. Bien que le roman du nouveau millénaire suggère des variations et des évolutions par rapport à la métafiction historiographique de la fin du vingtième siècle, on ne peut cependant pas considérer qu'il renonce au postmodernisme.



Critique littéraire

Études germaniques - N°4/2014. Hommage à Friederike Mayröcker Pour son 90e anniversaire

Inge ARTEEL Biographie einer Biographielosen Based on my experiences writing a monographical biography of Friederike Mayröcker I explore some dilemma's and paradoxes of biographical writing, both in the texts of Mayröcker herself and in the writing about her texts. In her prose texts as well as in paratexts Mayröcker cites and parodies conventions of (auto)biographical literature ; referential truth is both suggested and thwarted. When writing a biographical portrait, these ambivalences should be taken into account. En me fondant sur mon expérience d'écrire une biographie monographique de Friederike Mayröcker, j'examinerai quelques dilemmes et paradoxes de l'écriture biographique dans les textes de Mayröcker même et dans les écrits qui traitent de ses textes. Dans ses textes en prose ainsi que dans les paratextes, Mayröcker cite et parodie des conventions de la littérature (auto)biographique ; la vérité référentielle est en même temps suggérée et troublée/contrariée. Lors de l'écriture d'un portrait biographique, ces ambivalences doivent être prises en compte. Klaus KASTBERGER Geheimnisse des Archivs Friederike Mayröcker und ihre Wohnung The Essay deals with photographs of Friederike Mayröcker's apartment in Vienna, where the author is immersed in slips of paper, manuscripts, newspaper cuttings, brochures, folders and books. The spatiality of the room is held to be an important condition for the specific appearance and an appropriate understanding of Mayröcker's literature. The guest, who is invited to the cramped room, can be seen as a deputy of the reader. Both of them have to step onto areas, which show narrow contacts between the body of the author and the hoarded materials. In that way, Friederike Mayröcker is a challenge for literary criticism as well as for modern archival theory. Le présent article traite de photographies de l'appartement viennois de Friederike Mayröcker dans lequel l'auteure est immergée dans des morceaux de papier, des manuscrits, des coupures de journaux, des brochures, des prospectus et des livres. La spatialité de la pièce apparaît comme une condition importante pour appréhender cet aspect spécifique et comme un moyen approprié pour comprendre la littérature mayröckerienne. L'hôte qui est invité dans la pièce exiguë peut être considéré comme un représentant du lecteur. Tous deux doivent avancer dans des espaces qui révèlent d'étroits contacts entre le corps de l'auteure et la masse de matériaux. A cet égard, Friederike Mayröcker constitue un défi pour la critique littéraire aussi bien que pour la théorie moderne d'archivage. Aurélie LE NEE Friederike Mayröcker et le surréalisme selon André Breton Friederike Mayröcker's work has often been defined as "surreal", even if the signification of the adjective remains vague. This paper tries to clarify this concept by referring to Breton's Theorization of Surrealism in the two manifestoes, and to highlight Friederike Mayröcker's relation to this movement. The confrontation of Breton's manifestoes with extracts from Mayröcker's Magische Blätter and Gesammelte Gedichte leads to an analysis of keywords of Surrealism such as madness, dream, psychic automatism, association of ideas, magic, surreality, and reveals not only similarities, but also important differences in Breton's and Friederike Mayröcker's conception and practice of their art. Friederike Mayröckers Werk wird oft als "surreal" bezeichnet, wobei die Bedeutung des Adjektivs vage bleibt. Der vorliegende Artikel versucht, den Begriff zu präzisieren, indem er sich auf Bretons Theoretisierung des Surrealismus in den beiden Manifesten bezieht, und Friederike Mayröckers Verhältnis zu dieser Strömung hervorzuheben. Die Gegenüberstellung der Manifeste Bretons mit Auszügen aus den Magischen Blättern und Gesammelten Gedichten Mayröckers führt zu einer Analyse von Kernbegriffen des Surrealismus wie Wahnsinn, Traum, automatischem Schreiben, Ideenassoziation, Magie, Surrealität, und bringt mehrere Ähnlichkeiten, aber auch wichtige Unterschiede zwischen Bretons und Friederike Mayröckers Kunstauffassung und -praxis ans Licht. Michael HAMMERSCHMID Stilleben. Reflexionen zur Ding-, Schreib- und Sprachwahrnehmung bei Friederike Mayröcker und mit Francis Ponge My essay focuses on the thing (Ding) as an entity (or thing itself) which crosses Friederike Mayröcker's work and is questioned deeply in "Stilleben" (1991) where Friederike Mayröcker refers to art and art history as well as to the status of language, writing, the book and the perception and creation of these entities. As a referring point the research of Francis Ponge in the field of things and their "visualization" in language helped a lot to open a space by comparing the poetics of these two great poets. The formulation of six thesis to Friederike Mayröcker's "Stilleben" tries to outline six views that interact with each other, so that the question of how we see things and their relation to language and what literature can thereby show us could be traced out more clearly. 1) The thing of "Stilleben" is the book, 2) The thing "book" is dissolved, 3) The image of "Stilleben" is the thing, 4) The thing must be created, 5) The "I" is a subject-object, 6) The thing is not the thing, but the poetic. Mon article se concentre sur la chose (Ding), comprise comme une entité (ou chose en soi) qui traverse l'oeuvre de Friederike Mayröcker et est interrogée de manière approfondie dans Stilleben (1991), ouvrage dans lequel Friederike Mayröcker se refère à l'art et à l'histoire de l'art aussi bien qu'au statut du langage, rattachant le livre, la perception et la création à ces entités. Prises comme point de référence, les recherches de Francis Ponge dans le domaine des choses et de leur "visualisation" dans le langage ont contribué à une comparaison entre les poétiques de ces deux grands auteurs. La formulation de six thèses sur Stilleben de Friederike Mayröcker tente d'esquisser six postulats qui interagissent les uns les autres de telle sorte que l'on peut cerner de manière plus précise la question de savoir comment nous percevons les choses et leur relation au langage et ce que la littérature peut nous montrer dans ce cas. 1) La chose de Stilleben est le livre, 2) La chose "livre" est dissoute, 3) L'image de Stilleben est la chose, 4) La chose doit être créée, 5) Le "je" est un sujet-objet, 6) La chose n'est pas la chose, mais la poétique. Françoise LARTILLOT Lire le poststructuralisme en poète. Résistance tropologique de Friederike Mayröcker dans les étu-des (2013) In études, Mayröcker's art establishes itself once again in a remarkable way with the specific use of French verbal and cultural fragments which enhance Mayröcker's tropological style. It reminds certainly of post-structuralist figurality (which is itself a result of the renewed interpretation of Symbolism), but it is combined with a sensitive and sensuous fabric : with this hybridization, Mayröcker fits into this tradition in an original way, and she resists the scourges of the contemporary era. In études behauptet sich Mayröckers Kunst durch den Einsatz von französischen Sprach- und Kulturfragmenten erneut auf beeindruckende Weise. Der darin aufscheinende tropologische Schreibduktus erinnert zwar an die poststrukturalistische Figuralität (als Ergebnis einer erneuten Deutung des Symbolismus), ist bei Mayröcker jedoch sinnlich und sensibel unterwandert : durch diese Anverwandlung reiht sich Mayröcker eigenwillig in diese Tradition ein und leistet Widerstand gegen die Plagen der kontemporären Zeit. Valérie BAUMANN "Tous frères (de) Grimm" , Jacques et Jean. Place du nom dans l'écriture de Friederike Mayröcker This paper proposes a close reading of a passage from Friederike Mayröcker's text entitled vom Umhalsen der Sperlingswand, oder 1 Schumannwahnsinn. This analysis will explain how the proper noun lost its raison d'être in Mayröcker's writing (particularly in this very text of poetic prose). The issue of "the monolingualism of the other" (Derrida) is confronted with a perception of things which discerns meaning as "point of flight of jouissance" (Barthes/Nancy). Diese Lektüre untersucht in der Weise vom close reading einen Auszug aus Friederike Mayröckers vom Umhalsen der Sperlingswand, oder 1 Schumannwahnsinn. Der Kommentar verdeutlicht, wie der Name (Eigenname) im Verfall liegt, was den Schreibgestus des "Schumannwahnsinns" anbelangt. Die nachvollziehbare Herausforderung vom "Monolinguismus des Anderen" (Derrida) bildet allerdings die Spannung zum Wahrhaben des Sinnes als "Fluchtpunktes der sinnlichen Lusterfahrung" (Barthes/Nancy). Andrei CORBEA-HOISIE Paul Celan Student an der Sorbonne The paper represents the first biographical synthesis dedicated to the university studies of the young Paul Celan, registered at Sorbonne immediately after his arrival in Paris in the summer of 1945, that is more than half of year after he had left Romania. The path towards obtaining the degree in "humanities" and his intentions to elaborate a PhD-thesis are placed in the larger context of his efforts to integrate himself in the French society on the one hand and in the context of his efforts to establish himself as a German-speaking poet, on the other. We exploit here a number of unpublished documentary materials from the French archive, as well as a number of interviews, again unpublished, that we took between 1998 and 2000 with a number of persons close at that time to Paul Celan. Cette étude est une première synthèse biographique consacrée aux études universitaires du jeune Paul Celan, qui s'est fait inscrire à la Sorbonne dès son arrivée à Paris pendant l'été 1948, plus de six mois après avoir quitté la Roumanie. Le trajet sur lequel il s'inscrivit pour l'obtention d'une maîtrise ès "Lettres" et son projet de thèse de doctorat sont placés dans le contexte plus large de son désir de s'intégrer à la société française mais aussi de s'affirmer en tant que poète de langue allemande. Cette étude exploite toute une série de documents inédits des archives françaises ainsi que des interviews, elles aussi inédites, que l'auteur a réalisées entre 1998 et 2000 auprès de personnalités qui faisaient partie à cette époque du cercle des proches de Paul Celan. Laurent DEDRYVERE Les guerres du Schleswig-Holstein, lieu de mémoire nationaliste dans l'Allemagne wilhelminienne The present paper deals with German nationalist "lieux de mémoire" (sites of memory) related to the Schleswig-Holstein wars (1848-1851 and 1864) in the German Empire. Eight historical novels, published between 1881 and 1914, were used as primary sources for this article. These books played an important part in the popula-rization of the historical arguments justifying the an-nexation of both duchies by Prussia. Most novels were written either while Köller was Oberpräsident of the Prussian province of Schleswig-Holstein, or a little later, and they can only be understood in the light of the Germanization policy which was carried out in this province. In the case of Northern Schleswig, nationalist intellectuals were confronted with two difficulties. Firstly, even the champions of the German cause in Northern Schleswig spoke a Danish dialect as their mother tongue. Secondly, individual members of one and the same family sometimes declared their support for different national camps. So neither the mother tongue and the national-political opinions, nor the "lineage" and the national-political opinions could be automatically equated. Most authors payed attention to the national peculiarities of Northern Schleswig in their work, whilst at the same time supporting the Germanization policy. The detour via the German history allowed a legitimation of the Köllerian politics. Some radical völkisch novelists apparently promoted a German-Danish reconciliation. But this was not aimed at the "real" Danish speakers. An imagined union of all Germanic peoples was at stake, not the political rights of an ethnic minority. Der vorliegende Artikel untersucht die deutschen nationalistischen Erinnerungsorte der beiden schleswig-holsteinischen Kriege (1848-1851 und 1864) im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Als Quelle dienen acht historische Romane, die zwischen 1881 und 1914 veröffentlicht wurden. Eine wesentliche Funktion dieser Werke bestand darin, historische Argumente für einen Verzicht Dänemarks auf die Herzogtümer und für ihre Abtretung an Preußen in populärer Form anzuführen. Die meisten Romane wurden während Köllers Oberpräsidentschaft in Schleswig-Holstein oder kurz danach verfasst und sind nur vor dem Hintergrund der Germanisierungspolitik in Nordschleswig zu verstehen. Die nationalistischen Intellektuellen waren im Falle Nordschleswigs mit zwei Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert. Erstens hatten selbst die Vorkämpfer der deutschen Sache in Nordschleswig einen dänischen Dialekt als Muttersprache. Zweitens bekannten sich manchmal Mitglieder ein und derselben Familie zu unterschiedlichen nationalen Lagern. Es gab also weder zwischen Muttersprache und national-politischer Gesinnung noch zwischen "Abstammung" und national-politischer Gesinnung eine systematische Korrelation. Die meisten Verfasser beachten in ihren Werken die nationalen Besonderheiten Schleswigs, sprechen sich aber gleichzeitig für die Germanisierungspolitik aus. Der Umweg über die jüngste deutsche Geschichte dient also der Legitimierung der Köllerschen Politik. Manche radikal völkischen Schriftsteller treten für eine deutsch-dänische Versöhnung ein. In keinem Fall sind aber die wirklichen Dänischsprachigen gemeint. Es geht um ein erträumtes Bündnis aller Germanen, nicht um die politischen Rechte einer ethnischen Minderheit.
