#Beaux livres

Wilmotte - Murano

Bruno Racine, Marzia Scalon, Alessandra Chemollo

This book, published in the wake of the "Agua e fogo" - "Water and Fire" - exhibition, highlights the work of French designer Jean-Michel Wilmotte in collaboration with Murano's glassblowers and craftsmen. Wilmotte's " Vessels " collection is a blend of nostalgia and modernity. Its 60 creations (chandeliers, table lamps, wall lamps, vases) are inspired by the designer's childhood memories of contemplating his father's pharmaceutical laboratory. Using the transparency and malleability of glass, each piece is delicate and refined, emphasising symmetry and balance - themes that Wilmotte is very fond of in his work. Alessandra Chemollo's photographs, shot exclusively in Venice, suggest a journey through the city, its craftsmen's workshops and its reflections. Architecture and craftsmanship are thus merged, in a quest for continuity and complementarity.

Par Bruno Racine, Marzia Scalon, Alessandra Chemollo
Chez Skira

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Verre, dinanderie, céramique



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27/09/2023 168 pages 45,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782370742247
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