
The aumakua. The great white shark novel




The aumakua. The great white shark novel

Just as I finished grabbing it, a sharp pain suddenly was erupting on the inside edge of my lair ! Simultaneously, a tension as unbearable as it was horrifying blocked me trying to pull me towards the surface. The kanakäs had just intercepted me through this lethal decoy ! So, with all my mass and was arching my body with all my strength in the opposite direction, I was regained some slack on this terribly resistant link, feeling all the mass of the platform preventing me from probing like the dontokä before. However, I was determined to show them which of us would be most worthy of remaining in the Incompressible, when with a devastating lateral movement, I severed with a sharp blow the lethal and imperceptible tether ! By this counter blow, I was as if immediately ejected : the perfidious artifact still embedded in my lair lying painfully like a relic of this ubiquitous creature of the System.




The Day the Great Flood Came

The Day the Great Flood Came The Saga of the Annunaki, Volume 2 This is the story of Atlantis, of its high culture and of the people who lived there and loved and fought and died. It is a story of bravery and personal courage, of betrayal and of friendship, in the face of a looming cataclysm... Ea Anki, Lord of Ki, and Lady Anta In-Anna, his wife, find themselves lost in Hyperspace -- the Abzu -- with their space ship. They are carried along by a torrent in spacetime, where Anki has a vision of the future : he sees a gigantic flood drowning Atlantis, or Atalantash as the Ancients called it ! So, he sends Anta to warn Ashan, King of Atalantash, of the threat to his beloved city of learning and of knowledge. And he knows that he must find a way to alert the other Annunaki, in spite of the opposition from a hidden power on Ki.



Autres personnages

Roquinou, The little Shark

Roquinou le petit requin avait beaucoup de mal à se faire des amis car tout le monde le craignait et le pensait effrayant. Toutefois un jour, grâce à sa force et son courage il conquit le coeur des autres poissons et devint l'ami tant espéré et attendu de tous... Cette petite histoire courte pour enfant, est la création d'un jeune auteur âgé de 7 ans. Son récit est parfaitement adapté pour un jeune public, car il est le reflet de ce qu'un enfant est capable d'imaginer dans sa tête. Ce livre sollicite des émotions que les enfants peuvent connaitre dès leur premier âge en collectivité et leur montre que grâce à la générosité et la bravoure ils peuvent affronter certaines étapes pour vivre paisiblement.



Récits de voyage

The White Darkness

Comme souvent dans les récits de David Grann, un homme est dévoré par son idéal. Ce personnage d'un autre temps se nomme Henry Worsley. The White Darkness raconte son extraordinaire histoire. Celle d'un militaire britannique fasciné par l'exemple d'Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922) et par ses expéditions polaires ; un homme excentrique, généreux, d'une volonté exceptionnelle, qui réussira ce que Shackleton avait raté un siècle plus tôt : relier à pied une extrémité du continent à l'autre. Une fois à la retraite, il tentera d'aller encore plus loin en traversant l'Antarctique seul, sans assistance, au péril de sa vie. Le récit magnifique d'un homme animé par une quête d'impossible. Journaliste au New Yorker, David Grann est l'auteur de La Cité perdu de Z et Le Diable et Sherlock Holmes, disponibles chez Points. Traduit de l'anglais (Etats-Unis) par Johan-Frédérik Hel Guedj



Littérature étrangère

The White Darkness

"L'homme se sentait comme un grain de poussière dans le néant gelé. Tout autour de lui, il voyait la glace s'étendre jusqu'aux confins de la Terre : de la glace blanche et de la glace bleue, des langues et des saillies de glace. Il n j, avait pas de créatures vivantes en vue. Pas un phoque ni même un oiseau. Rien, à part lui. Il avait du mal à respirer et à chaque expiration la buée gelait sur son visage : un lustre de cristaux pendait à sa barbe ; ses sourcils étaient durcis par le givre, tels deux spécimens préservés dans la glace ; chaque fois qu'il battait des paupières, ses cils craquelaient. Si tu prends l'eau, t'es mort, se répétait-il fréquemment. Il faisait près de moins quatre degrés, mais la sensation de froid était renforcée par le vent, lequel soulevait parfois un nuage aveuglant de particules de glace qui le fouettait et le désorientait tant qu'il basculait, ses os s'entrechoquant à l'impact contre le sol."


Non classé

The Great Good Place?

Ever since Arthur Conan Doyle's hawk-faced detective Sherlock Holmes and his chronicler Dr Watson followed the advice of Horace, to seek truth "inter silvas Academi", the groves of Academus have been swept by a wave of violence. Judging from the impressive number of bodies discovered on American and British campuses in fiction, it does not seem far-fetched to draw the conclusion that behind the Eden-like façade of the Great Good Place each of the seven Deadly Sins is enjoyed to the full. Looking back on almost nine decades of college mystery novels, the genre has certainly lost none of its appeal. Considering its hybrid nature, the aim of the present anthology is to cover numerous aspects of the productive field of college mystery novels.



Littérature française

The Great American Disaster

Shmuel T. Meyer aime 'La Ville'. Dans - Ah j'oubliais l'effarante beauté des lieux chez Métropolis, il tombait amoureux de Genève. Ici c'est NEW YORK. Un New York rythmé par la gémissante trompette de Miles et le sax de l'ange Coltrane. Un New York que le lieutenant Gantz, fil conducteur du livre, connaît par coeur. Après la chair et le sang de la guerre de Corée, Gantz ne sait plus aimer. Il le pense. Et puis, il y a Thelma et sa fille, repêchée dans l'East River. Et cette autre mère qui attend son dernier fils vivant, Winston. Un fils qui tarde à rentrer dans un quartier où souvent les balles se perdent dans la tête des enfants noirs. Ce que la guerre fait des humains, ce que le racisme, ce que l'antisémitisme font des humains ; ce que le jazz, et l'amour font des femmes et des hommes. Le nouvelliste Shmuel T. Meyer plante le décor, une odeur, son tempo et enclenche un plan séquence aussi subtil, qu'écorché, tendre et drôle aussi. Pour le lecteur, un voyage immobile, une musique.




The Whites

Milieu des années quatre-vingt-dix. Le jeune Billy Graves est flic au sein d'une brigade anticriminalité de l'un des pires districts du Bronx. Il fait partie d'un groupe de policiers prometteurs, les Wild Geese, et une carrière brillante lui semble assurée. Jusqu'au jour où il tire accidentellement sur un gamin. L'affaire, fortement médiatisée, lui vaut d'être mis au placard quelque temps. Aujourd'hui, Billy est devenu chef d'une équipe de nuit du NYPD. Son quotidien : sillonner les rues de New York, de Wall Street à Harlem, pour en assurer la sécurité, même s'il sait que certains criminels passeront toujours au travers des mailles du filet. Ces derniers, il les surnomme les « whites », ceux qui s'en sortent blancs comme neige. Chaque policier en a un qui l'obsède. Puis vient un appel qui change tout : un meurtre a eu lieu à Penn Station. Et la victime n'est autre que le white d'un de ses anciens coéquipiers. Lorsqu'un autre white est assassiné, Billy commence à s'interroger : quelqu'un serait-il en train de régler ses comptes ? Et qui est cet homme qui, soudainement, paraît s'intéresser à sa femme et à ses enfants, au point de les suivre en filature ?




The Whites

Milieu des années 1990. Le jeune Billy Graves est flic au sein d'une brigade anticriminalité de l'un des pires districts du Bronx. Il fait partie d'un groupe de policiers prometteurs, les "Wild Geese", et une carrière brillante lui semble assurée. Jusqu'au jour où il tire accidentellement sur un gamin. L'affaire, fortement médiatisée, lui vaut d'être mis au placard quelque temps. Aujourd'hui, Billy est devenu chef d'une équipe de nuit du NYPD. Son quotidien : sillonner les rues de New York, de Wall Street à Harlem, pour en assurer la sécurité, même s'il sait que certains criminels passeront toujours au travers des mailles du filet. Ces derniers, il les surnomme les "whites", ceux qui s'en sortent blancs comme neige. Chaque policier en a un qui l'obsède. Puis vient un appel qui change tout : un meurtre a eu lieu à Penn Station. Et la victime n'est autre que le white d'un de ses anciens coéquipiers. Lorsqu'un autre white est assassiné, Billy commence à s'interroger : quelqu'un serait-il en train de régler ses comptes ? Et qui est cet homme qui, soudainement, paraît s'intéresser à sa femme et à ses enfants, au point de les suivre en filature ?




Goebius' Strange Model

A company elaborates in great secrecy a project, vital to its very survival. As the project develops, it leads the protagonists far beyond the originally envisioned simple business strategy, and brings them close to the forefront of the physical laws governing the behavior of the universe. Two intrigues intertwine... will they meet ? Or do they form the single-sided face of a Möbius strip ? "This novel is as unexpected as a UFO, and refreshing..." Cédric Villani, Fields Medal 2010. "This book is fascinating, I read it all at once..." Etienne Ghys, Perpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences.



BD tout public

I am GooGol - The Great Invasion

Their arrival was heralded as a new beginning for the human race. Humans were no longer alone in the cosmos. Instead, they were suddenly thrust into an arena much larger than they were ready to deal with. In an age of technological advancement, Toughware and the wiki implants were the culmination of the first successful blending of human and alien technology. Suddenly, anyone with a wiki implant could ride the data streams. Hackers became celebrities as the neural landscape became the world's playground. And for a special few, a startling side effect was discovered. Fearing the worst, the Lambda Initiative was created to police wiki infractions and to protect the fabled Lambda Time Travel Restrictions. Anyone, human or alien, attempting to bypass the Lambda Protocols was subject to prosecution under this new law. To enforce this law, the G-Men were created. Culled from specialists with military and law enforcement experience, the G-Men sought out Lambda Protocol violators with swift and violent response. With wiki crimes on the rise and a growing anti-alien movement gaining strength, something had to be done. The government needed a solution, but they weren't sure what to do. And then they discovered a teenage girl living in Brazil with a special affinity for traversing and moulding the data stream. They had discovered the first Googol. And the world was about to change.



Comics Super-héros

Batman : Beyond the White Knight

Dix ans après que Gotham s'est interrogée sur l'efficacité réelle du Chevalier Noir, Derek Powers a pris le contrôle des actifs de la famille Wayne et utilise l'unité anti-terroriste de la ville pour protéger les citoyens... mais à quel prix ? Le justicier de Gotham est toujours en prison et, en son absence, c'est à Terry McGinnis de prendre la relève. Mais dans cette ville futuriste dystopique, seul le vrai Batman est conscient des dangers à venir...




Gustave Moreau. The Fables

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) is one of the most brilliant and enigmatic artists associated with the French Symbolist movement. This book accompanies an exhibition of some of the most extraordinary works he ever made, unseen in public for over a century. Moreau's watercolours of the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) were created between 1879 and 1885 for the art collector Antony Roux and their stylistic range encompasses historicism and the picturesque, orientalist fantasies and near-abstract chromatic experiments. They were exhibited to great acclaim in Paris in the 1880s and in London in 1886, where critics compared the artist to Edward Burne-Jones. One critic commented on Moreau's ' keen apprehension of the weird. ' There were originally 64 works in the series, which was subsequently acquired by Miriam Alexandrine de Rothschild (1884-1965), but nearly half were lost during the Nazi era. The surviving works have not been exhibited since 1906 and they have only ever been published in black and white. This book is the first to reproduce them in colour - many shown actual size. Created at the height of the French 19th-century revival of watercolour, the variety of subject matter and technique, their colouristic effects and the sophistication of Moreau's storytelling, will be a revelation to readers. Preparatory drawings for the Fables, including animal studies made from life in the Jardin des Plantes demonstrate the wide-ranging research that informed Moreau's visions. Prints after Moreau's Fables by Félix Bracquemond (1833-1914) translate the jewel-like colours into monochrome in some of the most innovative etchings of the age, while the most delicate effects of the watercolours were also transformed into vitreous enamels. In-depth accounts of each watercolour, explaining the story and exploring Moreau's response to it. The introduction will place the series in the long history of illustrations of La Fontaine's canonical work, whose sources include Aesop's fables and traditional European and Asian tales, as well as considering Moreau in the context of his own, turbulent, times.




The Rural Novel

Comparative in scope and theoretical rather than historical in approach, this study develops new methods for discussion of the rural novel, combining the insights of rural sociologists with those of theoreticians of fiction. The main focus of attention is the nexus of relationships between narrator, characters and community. While recognizing that conflicts of purpose often arise in the rural novel, which may aim both to record a supposedly real community and to suggest a model of social life, this study reaffirms the genre's value as a challenge to unthinking acceptance of a linear model of human progress.



Thèmes photo

Michael Kenna. Arbres, Edition bilingue français-anglais

For almost fifty years, trees have marked the career of Michael Kenna, a photographer known and recognised for the virtuosity of his technique. An essential link with the earth, sky, air, light, silence, and reflections, Kenna pays tribute to them by taking their portrait. Pictorial, dreamlike, graphic, romantic, hazy, poetic, the artist celebrates these great lords of nature. The photographer, a tireless wanderer, travels the world, from France to New Zealand, to the United States, criss-crossing Japan, to immortalise trees and forests. From dense woods to light-filled canopies, to tiny trees isolated in majesty within idyllic white landscapes, beauty is offered to us in the range of species photographed as much as in the variation of compositions. Exclusively in black and white, these photographs unfurl through the seasons, giving rhythm and emphasis to time.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Littérature française

A walk on the white side

" Un roman qui se libère des stéréotypes misogynes de la littérature. " De soirées arrosées en matins difficiles, de séparations en trahisons, Solveig, ses amis et leurs petits secrets voguent en quête de bonheur et de stabilité. Mais confrontés à la mort d'un des leurs, ils sont poussés dans leurs retranchements. Alors que Solveig cherche à oublier ses blessures, une disparition mystérieuse vient tout bouleverser. Quant tout perd son sens, chacun cherche ses réponses. Et si le plus difficile à trouver était soi-même ?



Comics Super-héros

Batman. Curse of the White Knight

Le fléau Jack Napier, le Joker, est de nouveau derrière les barreaux, mais Gotham est loin d'avoir retrouvé son calme. En plein doute quant au bien-fondé de sa mission, Batman a vu son image durablement dégradée à la suite des récents événements. La disparition d'Alfred laisse cependant derrière elle un héritage inattendu qui requerra toute l'attention de Bruce : le journal d'Edmond Wayne daté de 1985, premier de sa lignée à s'installer à Gotham et adversaire d'un certain Lafayette Akrham, dont les ossements ont récemment été découverts dans la cellule du Joker.



Non classé

Priscilla, (White) Queen of the Desert

Written for an international audience, Priscilla, (White) Queen of the Desert speaks to the current crisis in queer rights and representation in the context of colonial nations. Focusing on issues of identity, but exploring concerns as wide ranging as morality, same-sex marriage, state sanction, families, and history, this book will appeal to students, activists and academics alike. Asking hard questions of queer rights movements, and the identity politics that often inform them, the book calls for a sustained engagement with the theorisation of queer racial identity and queer race privilege.



Anglais apprentissage

Acacia thorn in my heart

I started writing "Acacia thorn in my heart" after reading the book of a white South African woman about her childhood in the same region as mine but relating a completely different experience. She had maids, her father drove her to school and she played with real toys. I lived in the heart of the country, away from everything and had to walk five miles to go to school. I was born in Natal. My father rented a plot of land from a white owner to do market gardening. Although Indian families tended not to educate daughters, our parents decided that education was a priority for us. Despite financial difficulties, they were able to send us to school. We had to get up at five o'clock in order to catch the school train. In winter, as we were scantily clad, we shivered all the way to the station.




Epilepsy: the invisible pain

They say life is a long stretch of a calm river, but not for everyone ! She was for me until the day when everything rocked, the day my destiny was changed dramatically. People do not realize how life can be so sweet and so beautiful. They complain all day long for trivialities. They are not even aware that they have before their eyes the most beautiful wealth : the luck and happiness of living in good health. I was rich before. Now I am poor because my child has an incurable disease, that has currently no hope of being healed. As a parent, how can we accept that ? , How to continue living carrying the bundle of pain in my head ? , How to overcome this feeling of helplessness ? When I started speaking to my heart, I didn't know myself that this was the beginning of a new life : a rebirth as a poet. When I learnt that my 7-year-old daughter was suffering from the Dravet Syndrome, a rare genetic epileptic encephalopathy, this was like an earthquake in my life. Then, I needed to write in order to express my sorrow and my pain. Words and rhymes came naturally to my mind. This was obvious that poetry would be my survival weapon.



Musique classique

Songs of Love. 12 Romances. 12 Lieder. Soprano (tenor) and piano.

Leokadiya Kashperova (1872-1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920. Songs of Love was first published in 1904. No evidence survives of any public performance in Kashperova's lifetime although it is very likely that they were performed at her regular 'musical evenings at home on Tuesdays' mentioned in her Memoirs. The transparency of the piano writing strongly suggests that she would accompany herself singing. Kashperova, by all accounts, possessed a fine voice, and in the summer of 1906 she decided 'to learn from the artistry', as she put it, of the tenor Raimond von Zur-Mühlen who was widely celebrated for having developed (with Clara Schumann) the Lieder-Abend tradition. His summer-schools on the Baltic coast were frequented by aspiring singers from all over Europe, even Japan and India. Kashperova herself was responsible for the poetic lyrics of Songs of Love (in both Russian and German), which may well have emerged from her own bittersweet experience of life and love ; she was not to marry until 1916 at the age of forty-four. That Kashperova is the author of both the music and the lyrics of Songs of Love would suggest that they express very personal sentiments. Instrumentation : soprano (tenor) and piano



Autres éditeurs (A à E)

Little Blacky and Little Whity : Les parfums. Edition bilingue français-espagnol

Little Blacky, Little Whity et leurs cousins découvrent les parfums de Provence en les humant et en les savourant dans de délicieuses crèmes glacées... Le plaisir des yeux, du nez et de la bouche ! Little Blacky, Little Whity y sus primos descubren los perfumes de la Provenza absorbiéndolos y saboreándolos en forma de deliciosos helados... ¡Un placer garantizado para la vista, el gusto y el olfato ! Little Blacky, Little Whity and their cousins discover the flavours of Provence by smelling them and savouring them in delicious ice creams... What a treat for the eyes, nose and mouth !



Anglais apprentissage


When the vicar's wife went off with a young and penniless man the scandal knew no bounds. Her two little girls were only seven and nine years old respectively. And the vicar was such a good husband. True, his hair was grey. But his moustache was dark, he was handsome, and still full of furtive passion for his unrestrained and beautiful wife. Why did she go ? Why did she burst away with such an éclat of revulsion, like a touch of madness ? Nobody gave any answer. Only the pious said she was a bad woman. While some of the good women kept silent. They knew. The two little girls never knew. Wounded, they decided that it was because their mother found them negligible. The ill wind that blows nobody any good swept away the vicarage family on its blast. Then lo and behold ! the vicar, who was somewhat distinguished as an essayist and a controversialist, and whose case had aroused sympathy among the bookish men, received the living of Papplewick. The Lord had tempered the wind of misfortune with a rectorate in the north country. [...] "Lorsque la femme du pasteur s'enfuit avec un jeune homme sans le sou, le scandale ne connut pas de bornes. Ses deux fillettes n'avaient que sept et neuf ans respectivement. Et le pasteur était un si bon mari. Certes, il avait les cheveux gris, mais sa moustache était restée noire, il était bel homme et brûlait encore d'une passion furtive pour sa belle épouse immodeste. Pourquoi était-elle partie ? Pourquoi s'était-elle arrachée à lui, dans un tel éclat de dégoût, comme un grain de folie ? Personne n'apporta de réponse. Seules, les dévotes dirent que c'était une mauvaise femme. Cependant que certaines femmes de bien gardaient le silence. Elles comprenaient, elles. Les deux fillettes ne comprirent jamais. Blessées, elles jugèrent que c'était parce que leur mère les tenait pour quantité négligeable. Le vent du malheur qui est censé être bon à quelque chose balaya de son souffle les habitants de la cure. Puis, miracle, le pasteur, qui avait une certaine éminence comme essayiste et polémiste, et dont la situation avait su émouvoir certains intellectuels, fut nommé à la paroisse de Papplewick. Le Seigneur avait adouci l'ouragan du malheur par un bénéfice de recteur dans le nord du pays. " [...]



Sciences de la terre et de la

SATELLITES OF THE OUTER PLANETS. Worlds in their own right, Second Edition

"Rothery does an excellent job of synthesizing the research inspired by the Voyager missions into a coherent description of outer solar system geology." -Jonathan I. Lunine, Sky & Telescope "A highly readable, respectably accurate and complete nontechnical summary of planetary satellites for general and scientific audiences." -Paul M. Schenk, Icarus "Rothery brings these satellites to life." -David Hughes, New Scientist. "The depth and authority of the treatment of physical geological processes makes this a good introduction to the outer satellites for undergraduate students, while the clarity of the text ensures that things do not become too complicated for less expert readers." -Lionel Wilson, Times Higher Eduation Supplement. Extensively revised and updated, this new edition of this acclaimed geological guide to the outer solar system includes results and close-up color and black-and-white images from both the 1995-1999 Galileo mission to Jupiter and the Voyager space probe. Rothery explains the geological aspects of the major satellites of the outer planets, from Jupiter to Neptune and the Pluto-Charon system. In particular he shows how tectonic and volcanic processes, driven by heat from within, have shaped the rigid outer layers of these worlds. Rothery also discusses the similarities and differences among them and the ways in which they resemble Earth-like planets.




Arguing about justice. Essays for Philippe Van Parijs

"A book of quick and sharp thoughts on a grand theme is a novel way of paying tribute to a leading philosopher. But it has worked beautifully here, both as a stimulating book of ideas on justice, and as a fitting recognition of the intellectual contributions of Philippe Van Parijs, who is one of the most original and most creative thinkers of our time". Amartya Sen, Harvard University, 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences This book brings together fifty of today's finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van Parijs's sixtieth birthday. Rather than restricting themselves to comments on his numerous writings, the authors engage with the topics on which he has focused his attention over the years, especially with the various dimensions of justice, its scope, and its demands. They discuss issues ranging from the fair distribution of marriage opportunities to the limits of argumentation in a democracy, the deep roots of inequality, the challenges to basic income and the requirements of linguistic justice. They provide ample food for thought for both academic and general readers.



Lecture 6-9 ans

L'énigme du sabre. Edition bilingue français-anglais

C'est dimanche et comme souvent Louise et Arthur viennent rendre visite à leur grand-mère. Ils aiment bien y aller, elle joue avec eux et leur raconte plein d'histoires. Mais aujourd'hui, elle n'a pas le temps et les deux cousins s'ennuient. Alors, ils décident de grimper dans le grenier où sont entreposés de vieux souvenirs et objets abandonnés. Ils y ont déjà été, mais maintenant ils sont plus grands et peut-être trouveront-ils un trésor qu'ils n'avaient pas aperçu, lors de la dernière visite. Après un long moment de recherche, dans un coin, Louise découvre une malle poussiéreuse. Les deux cousins, l'ouvrent et entrevoient un sabre avec une inscription. Une trouvaille qui va les mener jusqu'à l'école militaire de Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, sur les traces de leur grand père. It's a Sunday and often as not, Louise and Arthur go and visit their grandmother. They like to go there, she plays with them and tells them lots of stories. But this Sunday she does not have the time, so the two cousins are bored. They decide to climb up into the attic, where old memorabilia and abandoned objects are stored. They have been there before, but now that they are taller, maybe they will find a treasure they did not see during their last visit. After a long moment of searching, in a corner, Louise discovers a dusty trunk. The two cousins open it and see a sword with an inscription. A discovery that will lead them to the military school at Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, in the footsteps of their grandfather.




Kaina of the Great Snow Sea Tome 1

Au-dessus d'un monde où les terres ont été englouties par les neiges, le jeune Kaina mène une vie frugale sur la Canopée, une membrane qui relie les cimes des colossaux arbres orbitaux, avec quelques autres rescapés de l'humanité. Mais sa rencontre avec une mystérieuse fille originaire de la mer Blanche, l'immense étendue de neige qui recouvre le monde d'en bas qu'on pensait inhabité, va l'entraîner dans une épopée cruciale pour le genre humain...



Thèmes photo

The Great Offshore. Art - Argent - Souveraineté - Gouvernance - Colonialisme

Ces cahiers photographiques ponctuent cinq grandes parties thématiques, portant sur cinq itérations parmi les plus remarquables du phénomène offshore : le marché spéculatif des crypto-monnaies à Malte ; la financiarisation du marché de l'art et l'émergence des freeports en Suisse, au Luxembourg et à Singapour ; le business florissant des sociétés "boîtes-aux-lettres" aux Pays-Bas ; l'influence que la Corporation de la City maintient dans l'ancien Empire britannique ; la législation du Luxembourg qui drague les fonds spéculatifs les plus futuristes. Chacun de ces chapitres, rassemblant des textes d'auteurs, de philosophes et d'artistes, est mis en regard avec le travail photographique de terrain du collectif RYBN.ORG.



Littérature française

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba)

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba) This book is dedicated to the unique One who has assumed a form and name to lead the play of universal existence. He throbs in our loving heart ; He breathes in our living soul. He sings in our fervent spirit and he thinks in our purified mind. That infinite Ancient One from his supernal height, bends towards us to embrace us in his love, and to feed our soul with the nectar of his bliss. Blessed are they that have the mind to know him, the heart to feel him and the love to live in his consciousness ! He may have been born to human parents in Poona, studied in a college, played cricket, left home, have seen great souls, sat alone silent, spoken in gestures, written books - but that is not his history. Many live such a life ; many scholars write books ; many saints sit in contemplation ; many monks leave home for mountain resorts ; but they cannot be one like him. Millions of bulbs challenge in vain the darkness of night. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. We have seen monks, yogins and saints. Some live alone for peace. Some open Ashrams and collect donations to run them. Some comercialise their name and form. Some display miracles to surprise human minds ; some offer boons ; some predict the future ; some curse you when you do not offer them what they want. Some seek pleasure and treasure. But who seeks God and finds God in the self to awaken God-awareness in other men and women ? Who says "I am God and you are God too"? Who rises above the prattle of words, the rattle of weapons and battle of ideologies to the lofty peace of supersonic silence and pours his blessings from the dizzy height of the soul in tune with God ? Who is he that embraces all in the heart and awakens the soul which has none of the human creations of caste, religion, race, pedigree nor colour ? Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget
