
Aria The Masterpiece Tome 5




Aria The Masterpiece Tome 5

Alors qu'elle s'apprête a s'entraîner avec ses amies, Alice tombe par hasard sur un petit chaton abandonné cou jolis yeux de panda... D'abord introduit chez Orange Planet en catimini, l'animal devient vite la nouvelle mascotte de l'agence ! De son coté, Akari sa prend a rêver qu'elle voyage à bord d'un mystérieux train traversant la Voie lactée. Quelle n'est par sa surprise lorsque le directeur d'ARIA lui offre un billet pour une excursion magique au coeur de la nuit ! Mais, bientôt l'hiver va laisser sa place au printemps... et quoi de mieux, pour fêter le retour der beaux jours, qu'un barbecue au bord de l'eau ? La série phénomène qui a rendu célèbre Kozue Amano (Amanchu ! ) est enfin de retour dons une édition somptueuse aux couvertures et pages couleur inédites qui ravira les fans comme les nouveaux venus ! ARIA The Masterpiece vous fera voguer dans une Venise imaginaire empreinte de mystère, futuriste et nostalgique a la fois... Prenez un grand bol d'air avec cette chronique d'un quotidien atypique et plein de fraîcheur !




Aria The Masterpiece Tome 4

Le grand retour d'un chef-d'oeuvre de la fantasy onirique ! En prévision de la fête du Redentore, Akari, Aika et Alice ont reçu une mission toute particulière : elles vont devoir organiser une soirée pour leurs amis à bord d'une embarcation louée pour l'occasion ! Les trois jeunes filles s'attellent à la tâche avec ardeur et enthousiasme, à tel point qu'elles ne voient pas le temps filer. Malgré leurs appréhensions, l'événement est un franc succès ! Les invités sont ravis de passer un moment inoubliable ensemble, en plus de pouvoir admirer les feux d'artifice qui marquent la fin de l'été. Mais voilà que l'automne pointe déjà le bout de son nez et, avec lui, un client singulier venu faire appel aux ondines d'ARIA...




Aria The Masterpiece Tome 1

Au XXIVe siècle, la planète Mars a été terraformée sur le modèle de Venise. Elle abrite maintenant une magnifique cité bâtie sur les eaux, où les canaux jouent le rôle de routes et les bateliers celui de guides incontournables pour naviguer dans les méandres de cette ville au charme légendaire... Akari, terrienne d'origine, réalise un rêve d'enfance quand elle débarque à Néo-Venise afin de commencer son apprentissage du métier d'ondine, qui fera d'elle une professionnelle de la gondole. Pour cela, elle entre chez ARIA, une société tenue par... un chat doué d'intelligence ! L'unique employée, la belle et douce Alicia, sera son mentor et sa protectrice dans ce monde dont Akari a tout à apprendre...



Mouvements artistiques

From scribble to cartoon. Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens

In this exhibition, the Museum Plantin-Moretus shows the 80 most beautiful old master drawings from Flemish collections. From scribble to cartoon : Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens in Flemish Collections (Van Crabbelinge tot Carton : Tekeningen van Bruegel tot Rubens in Vlaamse Collecties) gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 2020, the Flemish government placed a large number of old master drawings on their masterpiece list, including rare artworks by Frans Floris, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony Van Dyck, Jacques Jordaens, Otto van Veen, Jan Fijt and many more. The majority of these masterpieces are kept in the Museum Plantin-Moretus. The museum takes the official recognition of these drawings as masterpieces as an opportunity to put its unique collection in the spotlight. The exhibition presents an overview that illustrates who, why and how people drew in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries



Anglais apprentissage

"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain (S.L. Clemens)

A central work in the national canon, an inspiration for some of the greatest American writers of our century, and the first literary masterpiece in multi-voiced, regional vernacular, Huckleberry Finn is, as Walter Blair observed, unique in being held in the highest esteem by critics and at the same time prodigiously popular in the United States and throughout the world . This study explores the peculiar dynamics of space and time in Huck Finn before shifting to an analysis of the fate of illusion, one of the enduring themes in Twain. Emphasis is placed throughout on the subtlety and complexity of Twain's artistic vision, which projects a world of doublings, reversals, instability, and paradox, drawing all the while on the tremendous evocative force of the river, which, like Huck himself in T. S. Eliot's words, has no beginning and no end .



BD tout public

Aria Tome 15 : Vendéric

Aventurière, curieuse et intrépide, Aria croise la route d'un homme étrange. Poète mystique et rebelle, Vendéric est l'une des victimes de l'empereur Cirénodule qui a envahi les vastes régions nordiques. Crucifié, au bord de l'agonie, Vendéric a juste le temps de révéler son secret à Aria. Dès lors, celle-ci va poursuivre l'œuvre du poète pour libérer les contrées soumises par le tyran. Les instruments de sa mission ? Une harpe et des sceptres de lumière... Avec Vendéric, quinzième titre de la série " Aria ", Michel Weyland joue à merveille de ses mots et de son pinceau pour composer un récit envoûtant comme une ballade irlandaise.




Secret Mexico City

An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew the city well or who would like to discover its many other facets. The forgotten café where Fidel Castro and Che Guevara used to meet, a tribute to the city's ghosts, a mammoth in the metro, a cave transformed into a shrine, an underground parking lot with mosaics dating from 1930, a Baroque altarpiece made from papier mâché, a village based on the principles of Thomas More's Utopia, secret masterpieces of colonial art in rooms only open around two hours a week, the largest roof garden in Latin America, the photo on which the Oscar statuette is modelled, the first building in the world faced with a material that can trap urban smog, a road surface designed for praying as you walk ...



Poches Littérature internation


"Autrefois, quand j'étais petit, je chantais des arias. De petits contes, des cris dans la nuit. Quand tu chantes une aria, le monde n'ignore plus rien de tes rêves et de tes secrets. De tes douleurs et de tes amours". Téhéran, 1953. Par une nuit enneigée, Behrouz, humble chauffeur de l'armée, entend des pleurs monter d'une ruelle. Au pied d'un mûrier, il découvre une fillette aux yeux bleus, âgée de quelques jours à peine. Il décide de la ramener chez lui, bouleversant ainsi sa vie et celle de l'enfant, qu'il prénomme Aria. De ses premiers pas dans les quartiers sud de Téhéran aux grilles du très chic lycée Razi, trois figures maternelles façonneront l'existence de l'indomptable Aria : la cruelle Zahra - femme de Behrouz -, la riche veuve Ferdowsi et la mystérieuse Mehri. Une saga inoubliable, portée par une héroïne dont le destin s'entremêle à celui de l'Iran pris dans la tourmente de la Révolution. Ce texte pose manifestement les fondations d'une oeuvre puissante et évocatrice. Eglal Errera, Le Monde des livres. Une fresque poétique aux accents de vérité. Patricia Resnikov, Lire. Traduit de l'anglais (Canada) par Marc Amfreville.





Notes pour Aria Guetter - consigner dans l'attente la notion de probabilité d'apparition. Acter chaque jour ou presque que des lieux élus (ou un lieu pluriel), assidûment fréquentés, auront comme harponnés la langue, la forçant alors à reconsidérer son chant - son ton, tantôt raidi, tantôt assoupli, et droit dans les yeux changeants des lieux, assujetti à leurs humeurs variables, son rythme qui assimile les noeuds d'émotion. En faisant office de ponctuation, les lignes déliées et sinueuses de la plasticienne Tomoko Kitaoka viennent renforcer l'étoilement dans lequel se trouve parfois piégée la langue du poème, elles sont têtes chercheuses et tendraient à connecter, dirait-on, des coups de foudre simultanés.




Area D Tome 5

Le chaos règne dans le manoir d'Asura. Après avoir échappé à sa première illusion, nos amis sont assaillis par les gardes de la sorcière de l'ouest. Celle-ci parvient à coincer Jin dans sa "tragédie grecque", mais son attaque finit par mettre en relief ses faiblesses. Alors que la victoire semblait acquise à Jin, la colère d'Asura entraîne tous les protagonistes dans le labyrinthe de la mémoire de notre héros.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

The Undergrowth of Science. Delusion, self-deception and human frailty

Walter Gratzer's themes in the stories he relates in The Undergrowth of Science are collective delusion and human folly. Science is generally seen as a process bound by rigorous rules, which its practitioners must not transgress. Deliberate fraud occasionally intrudes, but it is soon detected, the perpetrators cast out and the course of discovery barely disturbed. Far more interesting are the outbreaks of self-delusion that from time to time afflict upright and competent researchers, and then spread like an epidemic or mass-hysteria through a sober and respectable scientific community. When this happens the rules by which scientists normally govern their working lives are suddenly suspended. Sometimes these episodes are provoked by personal vanity, an unwillingness to acknowledge error or even contemplate the possibility that a hard-won success is a will o' the wisp; at other times they stem from loyalty to a respected and trusted guru, or even from patriotic pride; and, worst of ail, they may be a consequence of a political ideology which imposes its own interpretation on scientists' observations of the natural world. Unreason and credulity supervene, illusory phenomena are described and measured, and theories are developed to explain them - until suddenly, often for no single reason, the bubble bursts, leaving behind it a residue of acrimony, recrimination, embarrassment and ruined reputations. Here, then, are radiations, measured with high precision yet existing only in the minds of those who observed them; the Russian water, which some thought might congeal the oceans: phantom diseases which called for heroic surgery; monkey testis implants that restored the sexual powers of ageing roués and of tired sheep; truths about genetics and about the nature of matter, perceptible only to Aryan scientists in the Third Reich or Marxist ideologues in the Soviet Union; and much more. The Undergrowth of Science explores, in terms accessible to the lay reader, the history of such episodes, up to our own time, in ail their absurdity, tragedy and pathos.



Littérature érotique et sentim

The elements Tome 1 : The air he breathes

Tout le monde m'avait avertie au sujet de Tristan Cole. "Garde tes distances avec lui", me disait-on. "Il est cruel, il est froid, il est bousillé". C'est facile de juger un homme sur son passé. De regarder Tristan et de voir en lui un monstre. Mais je n'ai pas pu réagir de la sorte. J'ai reconnu la désolation qu'il portait parce qu'elle était comparable à celle qui m'habitait, et je l'ai acceptée. Lui et moi, nous étions des coquilles vides. Nous étions tous deux à la recherche d'autre chose. De quelque chose de plus. Nous voulions tous deux recoller les morceaux éparpillés de nos passés respectifs. C'était peut-être la condition pour que nous puissions finalement réapprendre à respirer.


Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

The Elements Tome 1 : The air he breathes

THE AIR HE BREATHESThe Elements livre 1Retrouveront-ils goût à la vie ? Premier volume d'une série de 4 titres de Brittainy Cherry, 4 standalones qui se lisent de manière indépendante, dont chaque volume correspond aux 4 éléments de l'univers : l'air, le feu, l'eau, et la terre. The Air He Breathes #1 (L'air)Fire Between High & Lo #2 (Le Feu)The Silent Waters #3 (L'eau)The Gravity of Us #4 (La terre) Tout le monde m'avait avertie au sujet de Tristan Cole. Garde tes distances avec lui me disait-on. Il est cruel. Il est froid. Il est bousillé. C'est facile de juger un homme sur son passé. De regarder Tristan et de ne voir en lui qu'un monstre. Mais je n'ai pas pu réagir de la sorte. J'ai reconnu la désolation qu'il portait parce qu'elle était comparable à celle qui m'habitait et je l'ai acceptée. Lui et moi nous étions des coquilles vides. Nous étions tous deux à la recherche d'autre chose. De quelque chose de plus. Nous voulions tous deux recoller les morceaux éparpillés de nos passé respectifs. C'était peut-être la condition pour que nous puissions finalement réapprendre à respirer. " Certains auteurs vous murmurent directement au coeur, et leurs mots ne vous quittent plus jamais. Brittainy C. Cherry en fait partie. On ne résiste pas au charme de The Air He Breathes. " San Francisco Chronicle



Littérature française

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba)

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba) This book is dedicated to the unique One who has assumed a form and name to lead the play of universal existence. He throbs in our loving heart ; He breathes in our living soul. He sings in our fervent spirit and he thinks in our purified mind. That infinite Ancient One from his supernal height, bends towards us to embrace us in his love, and to feed our soul with the nectar of his bliss. Blessed are they that have the mind to know him, the heart to feel him and the love to live in his consciousness ! He may have been born to human parents in Poona, studied in a college, played cricket, left home, have seen great souls, sat alone silent, spoken in gestures, written books - but that is not his history. Many live such a life ; many scholars write books ; many saints sit in contemplation ; many monks leave home for mountain resorts ; but they cannot be one like him. Millions of bulbs challenge in vain the darkness of night. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. We have seen monks, yogins and saints. Some live alone for peace. Some open Ashrams and collect donations to run them. Some comercialise their name and form. Some display miracles to surprise human minds ; some offer boons ; some predict the future ; some curse you when you do not offer them what they want. Some seek pleasure and treasure. But who seeks God and finds God in the self to awaken God-awareness in other men and women ? Who says "I am God and you are God too"? Who rises above the prattle of words, the rattle of weapons and battle of ideologies to the lofty peace of supersonic silence and pours his blessings from the dizzy height of the soul in tune with God ? Who is he that embraces all in the heart and awakens the soul which has none of the human creations of caste, religion, race, pedigree nor colour ? Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Non classé

Cognitive Perspectives on Language

The papers collected in the present volume show that the terms cognitivism and cognitive, so common in present day linguistic discourse, do not refer to a single theoretical mode or approach to language. Firstly, the papers show that cognitivism is a lively research area accommodating a wide spectrum of approaches. Secondly, they address a number of issues ranging from grammaticalization, event structure, semantic representation, equivalence, image schematic representations and lexicography to poetry, metaphor, metonymy, and national mentality. Some of the contributions deal with the linguistic phenomena in one language, while others take up a cross-linguistic approach.



Non classé

Literary Marriages

A series of intertextual short stories by Joyce Carol Oates, published in 1972, constitutes the subject-matter of the present work. Having entered into ‘literary marriages' with beloved masters, such as Kafka, Joyce, Thoreau, Flaubert, James and Chekhov, Oates has ‘re-imagined' their classic masterpieces. This study aims at finding out whether Oates remains ‘faithful' to the original versions. What elements besides the titles are retained, or added ? Why does a young American woman writer undertake a dialogue with deceased authors and their texts ? Why the short story genre ? What is Oates's relationship to intertextuality, literary tradition, or the very aesthetics of her own art ? Grounded in theories of intertextuality, comparative analyses show that Oates remains ‘faithful' in some of her spiritual unions, while committing ‘infidelities' in others. For a woman writer in the 1970s transgression was a necessity for survival ; these stories thus belong to the revisionary movement. While assimilating and engendering a strongly Eurocentred male literary tradition, Oates manages to unlock energy from the original stories transforming them into expressions of her very own distinct literary voice.



XXe siècle

Victory will be next ! A Diary, 6th June - 10th August 1944

The story takes place in Brittany, focussing on Rennes and Redon, i.e. about 200 kilometres (125 miles) from the D-Day landing beaches in Normandy, about fifteen minutes by plane as the crow flies. The months of June and July 1944 were very difficult for the allied troops. They relentlessly fought to block German reinforcements coming from the West and the South, which resulted in constant bombing and machine-gunning of the rear boundary of the front line, the area where we were living. As civilians, we did not take part in the fighting and everyday life alternated between calm periods, on the verge of being "normal", and tragic moments of great tension. ''Victory will be next ! " is a set of notes written at that moment in time, day by day, by a fifteen-year-old boy. They are, obviously, fragmented, even a little naive, But they are nonetheless a testimony of a snapshot of history within the larger picture of WWII. They should be taken as such.



Littérature française


Mal'aria, c'est le mauvais air, lourd et flasque comme une bulle qui peine à remonter à la surface. Chacun le respire à un moment de sa vie, petit ou grand, lorsque la conscience est chahutée, lorsqu'elle se fissure. Ici, c'est Paolo qui est malmené. Giuliana, sa tante de 85 ans, veut lui léguer sa maison. Mais avant, elle veut lui raconter les secrets, les meurtres cachés et toute la honte de la famille Giacconi.



Policiers historiques

Aria Caeleste

La profanation d'orgues dans plusieurs édifices religieux d'Europe amène le Vatican à dépêcher un groupe d'enquêteurs afin de mettre rapidement la main sur une partition musicale dissimulée dans un instrument-roi. Une course contre la montre s'engage pour récupérer une composition inédite de Mozart, convoitée à la fois par des loges maçonniques mais aussi par une mystérieuse équipe, agissant dans l'ombre de la mission papale. Il se dit que cette musique serait source de pouvoirs surnaturels à qui l'entendrait jouer, mais cette légende est-elle réellement la cause des étranges évènements qui vont jalonner cette enquête et dont l'Humanité pourrait ne pas se relever ?




Arts du Nigéria Central revisités. Mumuye et peuples environnants

In previous studies, Jan Strybol pointed out that sculpture in Northern Nigeria - contrary to what is generally assumed - flourished. Wood sculptures could be found just about everywhere, with the exception of a part of the Far North. In this study, the author first examines the sculptural traditions of a number of peoples in Central Nigeria, in particular from the Jos Plateau and from the valley of the Middle Benue to the source area of the Taraba River. These peoples can be described as non-centralized communities where mainly art in perishable materials was produced by part-time specialists, in contrast to the centralized empires in the South (Ife, Benin) where full-time specialists created complex works of art in durable materials (stone, bronze, iron). Perhaps the most well-known ethnic group in the Middle Benue region among aficionados of African art are the Mumuye. Since the end of the last century, the traditional rites of the Mumuye have rapidly disappeared as a result of the advance of the world religions and with them the Mumuye sculpture so much admired in Europe and America. In addition to wood sculpture, Jan Strybol also pays attention to objects in bronze, iron, terracotta and other materials. Until now, these art forms have been very underexposed and have now almost completely disappeared. Finally, the author also elaborates on some artistic achievements of a number of little-known residual groups within the Mumuye territory, which can boast a rich art tradition.




A Tale of Two Monkeys. Adventures in the Art World

Anthony Speelman is the doyen of English art dealers specializing in Dutch Golden Age art. Vividly written and handsomely illustrated, his memoirs offer fascinating insight into the sometimes secretive world of Old Masters. This book will appeal not only to dealers, collectors and others in the fine art world, but also to would-be collectors eager for a glimpse behind the curtain. These memoirs cover a lifetime of dealing in Old Masters at the very highest level. Speelman's career started under the guidance of his father Edward, whose own biography has much to tell. Over the years, Speelman has sold paintings to many of the world's greatest collectors, including Norton Simon, Paul Mellon, Baron Thyssen, Harold Samuel, Charles Clore and the Wrightsmans in New York, along with world renowned museums such as the Getty, the Louvre and the National Gallery, London, among many others. He writes about his encounters with these eminent bodies in a light-hearted style, sometimes amusing, always extremely interesting - including an anecdote about a recent meeting with a Chinese billionaire with a penchant for fine wine. The two monkeys in the title refer to two paintings of a monkey holding a peach by George Stubbs, the outstanding English animal painter. Anthony describes how he discovered one of these masterpieces as a 'sleeper' in a Sotheby's sale. Early in his career Anthony's rooms in Piccadilly were broken into and a number of paintings stolen, including a George Stubbs painting of a spaniel. An intriguing tale follows, ending with the paintings recovered some eighteen months later after a failed blackmail attempt on the part of the thieves. Amongst his accomplishments, Speelman was for many years chairman of the vetting committee at the annual Maastricht art fair. He describes the working of the committees which ensure that all works exhibited are correctly described. Still active in the art world, he is currently chairman of the vetting committee of the prestigious annual Masterpiece art fair in London. Other chapters detail Speelman's travels to California, New York and Paris, his interest in gastronomy and his thrilling adventures in the world of horseracing. The book is beautifully illustrated with examples of works that have passed through the author's hands. The wide range of illustrations is not limited to Dutch art and includes works by Canaletto, Stubbs, Raphael, Tiepolo, Melendez and other Old Masters.




The One Tome 5

La triste nouvelle inacceptable ! Après être rentrée pleine d'enthousiasme à Taïwan, Lele est accueillie par la triste nouvelle du décès de sa grand-mère bien aimée !! Ne pouvant pardonner à sa tante de lui avoir caché la vérité, Lele, sous le choc, tombe dans le coma.



Sciences politiques

The Structure of Political Communication in the United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany

Political Communication in The United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany differs in terms of what the peoples expect to take issue with, how they are prepared to talk about them, which choices they can make to solve problems and, finally, whom or which organizations they delegate to resolve them. This comparative media study of The Economist, Time and Der Spiegel attempts to extract the differences in politics of the three societies.



Mouvements artistiques

The Medieval Body

This fascinating and richly illustrated book accompanies The Medieval Body, the third in a series of vanguard exhibitions that places medieval masterpieces within a contemporary context. The title of the exhibition refers to both a literal thread of figuration that runs throughout the works in the presentation, as well as the complex and often shifting symbolism of the human body in the medieval period. For thinkers and artists of that time, the human body served as a rich source of religious and philosophical significance, one that was in a constant state of flux between idealism and disfigurement. While the early Middle Ages reserved representations of suffering bodies to the margins of their world, the later Middle Ages displayed wounded bodies in the most central spaces of public life. The crucified body of Christ and the wounded bodies of saints assumed important positions as they were displayed on altars, in processions, and on the exteriors of churches. The Medieval Body tells a unique story about the human form as both a physical entity and a recognizable metaphor. Presenting works spanning the course of a thousand years, this exhibition offers insight into the body as an essential imagemaking tool with far-reaching implications for the development of art in the European Middle Ages.



Documentaires jeunesse

Favourite pictures in the Louvre

Over 200 masterpieces of art from Antiquity to the 19th century presented thematically for the pleasure and discovery of young readers and their family.




Marital Separation in Contemporary Ireland

This book is based on detailed interviews with a group of Irish women who have experienced marital separation. It links the women's accounts with literature on the values and beliefs about marriage, women and family which were prevalent when they were growing up in Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s. The book chronicles their young adult years, the early stages of their marriages and the events and processes which led to their separations. It explores the women's emotional reactions at the time of separating, the types of support which they found beneficial and the personal, social and financial consequences of having separated. Although the book is written from a sociological perspective, the combination of theory and practical insights make it accessible to a wide variety of readers. It aims to generate discussion and deepen understanding of an area into which there has been minimal research in Ireland and which poses a range of important questions for future researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.



Anglais apprentissage

THE CANTERBURY TALES. Avec cassette audio

'In April when the sweet showers fall... then people want to go on pilgrimages.' A group of pilgrims travelling from London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury decide that each traveller should tell a story. The Knight tells a tale of high romance. The Pardoner tells a story of death. And the Wife of Bath tells the story of her five husbands and her fight to control the men in her life. But The Tales end with the story of the perfect marriage and how, if we are generous to one another, we can find the perfect society. A selection of stories from Chaucer's masterpiece depicting life in fourteenth century England is presented here in modern English. There is a wide range of activities and special informative sections on Chaucer and his times. The accompanying cassette contains the complete story and the extra listening activities.




Aria Tome 40 : Carnet de voyage

Michel Weyland aurait-il des pouvoirs magiques ? Car il semble qu'il se soit dissimulé dans les fontes d'Aria lors des 39 albums de cette saga pleine d'aventure et de fantastique. Il en a rapporté des dizaines de dessins en couleur directe et d'anecdotes complémentaires aux récits d'Aria, ainsi que trois histoires inédites en album. De quoi composer un ultime tome permettant de découvrir l'envers du décor, nourri de commentaires et d'anecdotes. L'occasion de se rappeler à quel point Michel Weyland est un grand de la bande dessinée et de l'imaginaire !



Guides gastronomiques

Alain Ducasse (édition en anglais). The Art of Manufacture

Discover the artistry that begins with a craftsman's hand-be it a roaster, chocolatier, ice-cream maker, or pastry chef. It's a delicate, beautiful gesture that embodies the philosophy of "A l'origine, le goût" or "Taste, from inception". Since Chef Alain Ducasse's first Manufacture opened in 2013, he has breathed new life into artisanal techniques and exceptional craftsmanship dating back to the nineteenth century. His mission ? To create the world's finest products. Embracing raw ingredients and artisanal creation, Chef Ducasse's Manufactures adhere to a simple principle : the pursuit of the highest quality and a distinctive taste. Whether it's crafting chocolate, coffee, gelato, or biscuits, control and mastery are ever-present. The Manufactures prioritize quality over quantity, blending craftsmanship with carefully selected ingredients. Here, machinery and gesture come together to elevate tradition into a contemporary masterpiece. This volume offers an exclusive look behind the scenes of each Parisian Manufacture-Le Chocolat, Le Café, La Glace, and Le Biscuit. Illustrated with exclusive imagery by Laziz Hamani, it immerses readers in the remarkable process of creating some of today's most coveted delicacies. Enriched by insights from each Manufacture's chef, The Art of Manufacture : Alain Ducasse is a testament to the unique beauty and refinement that French craftsmanship represents. Explore it today and savor the essence of culinary excellence.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

WHY SEX MATTERS. A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior

Why are men, like other primate usually the aggressors and risk takers? Why do women typically have fewer sexual partners? Why is killing infants routine in some cultures, but forbidden in others? Why is incest everywhere taboo? Bobbi Low ranges from ancient Rome to modern America, from the Amazon to the Arctic, and from single-celled organisms to international politics to show that these and many other questions about human behavior largely come down to evolution and sex. More precisely, as she shows in this uniquely comprehensive and accessible survey of behavioral and evolutionary ecology, they come down to the basic principle that all organisms evolved to maximize their reproductive success and seek resources to do so. Low begins by reviewing the fundamental arguments and assumptions of behavioral ecology: selfish genes, conflicts of interest, and the tendency for sexes to reproduce through different behaviors. She explains why in primate species-from chimpanzees and apes to humans-males seek to spread their genes by devoting extraordinary efforts to finding mates, while females find it profitable to expend more effort on parenting. Low illustrates these sexual differences among humans by showing that in places as diverse as the parishes of nineteenth-century Sweden, the villages of seventeenth-century China, and the forests of twentieth-century Brasil, men have tended to seek power and resources, from cattle to money, to attract mates, while women have sought a secure environment for raising children. She makes it clear, however, they have not done so simply through individual efforts or in a vacuum, but that men and women act in complex ways that involve cooperation and coalition building and that are shaped by culture, technology, tradition, and the availability of resources. Low also considers how file evolutionary drive to acquire resources leads to environmental degradation and warfare and asks whether our behavior could be channeled in more constructive ways. Why Sex Matters is a compelling work of biology, sociology, and anthropology and a penetrating study of the deep motivations that underlie individual and social behavior.
