
The Call of Cthulhu




Make the exorcist fall in love Tome 1

Un jeune prêtre, entraîné par le Vatican pour devenir l'exorciste le plus puissant du monde, reçoit pour mission divine de protéger une jeune artiste, Imuri Atsuki. Sur les conseils de son mentor, il espère néanmoins trouver l'amour afin de soulager son esprit du lourd fardeau qui lui incombe. Imuri sera-t-elle celle qui lui apportera son salut ?



12 ans et +

Sky Fall Tome 3 : Let the wind rise

Vane Weston, le dernier sylphe de l'Ouest, est enfin résolu à se jeter dans la bataille. Ses adversaires ? L'armée de Raiden, mais aussi les Veilleurs - qui se laissent peu à peu corrompre par le mal -, et même sa propre nature, profondément pacifique. Pour assurer la sécurité d'Audra, il est prêt à tout, y compris prendre d'assaut la forteresse ennemie en compagnie des trois êtres dont il se méfie le plus au monde. Mais Audra, elle, n'a pas l'intention de l'attendre. Epaulée par Raf, le gardien avec qui elle a été capturée, elle décide de suivre les indications laissées derrière lui par le seul prisonnier qui soit jamais parvenu à échapper à Raiden. Les vents ont choisi leur camp, elle le sent ! Convaincue qu'ils la soutiendront dans l'épreuve qui l'attend, elle joue le tout pour le tout. Mais Vane et Audra se sont dressés contre l'oppresseur ensemble. Ils livreront donc la dernière bataille côte à côte...



12 ans et +

Sky Fall Tome 2 : Let the Storm Break

Vane Weston, le dernier sylphe de l'Ouest, a survécu à son premier affrontement avec l'ennemi. Il reste cependant une cible de choix, car lui seul détient le pouvoir des quatre vents... du moins c'est ce que tous s'imaginent. Car Audra, depuis qu'elle s'est unie à lui en se laissant voler un baiser - trahissant par là son serment de gardienne et tous les sylphes - maîtrise, elle aussi, la même force secrète. Partie loin au nord pour fuir de terribles révélations sur son passé, la jeune fille se retrouve malgré elle attirée dans la Vallée de la Mort, repaire de Raiden et de ses guerriers. Et ce qu'elle y découvre la terrifie. Fane et Audra se trouvent face à un dilemme : révéler leur secret aux Veilleurs afin de leur permettre de combattre Raiden, et réduire ainsi à néant le sacrifice de tout un peuple, ou s'entêter à refuser au risque de perdre la guerre S'ils parviennent à survivre aux forces venues les détruire, leur restera-t-il quoi que ce soit après le passage de l'ouragan ? Dans Let the Storm Break, la suite de Let the Sky Fall, Shannon Messenger mêle toujours avec autant de talent scènes d'action, créatures fantastiques et humour rafraîchissant. Laissez-vous entraîner par le souffle épique de sa nouvelle série !




Make the exorcist fall in love Tome 4

Un jeune prêtre, entraîné par le Vatican pour devenir l'exorciste le plus puissant du monde, reçoit pour mission divine de protéger une jeune artiste, Imuri Atsuki. Sur les conseils de son mentor, il espère néanmoins trouver l'amour afin de soulager son esprit du lourd fardeau qui lui incombe. Imuri sera-t-elle celle qui lui apportera son salut ?



Littérature érotique et sentim

Call me bitch

Jude, l'irrécupérable dandy milliardaire, et Joe, la ravissante grande gueule au sale caractère, se voient confier la garde de la petite Birdie pendant qu'Emmett et Sidonie roucoulent aux Bermudes. Un joli coup monté ? Si seulement... Placez dans une demeure londonienne les pires baby-sitters de la terre et les meilleurs ennemis du monde, ajoutez un enfant pourri gâté et laissez mijoter deux semaines. Le plan le plus foireux de l'Univers ou la recette d'une passion épicée avec juste ce qu'il faut d'amour, de haine, d'humour et de désir ? Ce roman comporte des scènes au contenu explicite non adapté au jeune public. Spin-off de Call me Baby. Peut être lu séparément.


Littérature érotique et sentim

Call me baby

Objectif numéro un : ne jamais céder en premier. Objectif numéro deux : ne pas tomber amoureux. En débarquant à Londres avec sa soeur jumelle, Sidonie s'attendait à tout sauf à devenir la nounou de Birdie, la petite fille capricieuse du richissime Emmett Rochester. Alors que la jeune Française vient de perdre sa mère, son nouveau patron, lui, pleure sa femme, disparue deux ans plus tôt dans un violent incendie. Cabossés par la vie, ces deux durs meurtris se sont endurcis. Leur credo : pour ne plus souffrir, il suffit de ne rien ressentir. Mais entre eux, l'attirance est fatale et la cohabitation s'annonce... explosive. Lequel des deux craquera le premier ?



Yaoi/homosexualité masculine

Play After Call

Kurashina est un lycéen complexé par sa nature de dominant. Il développe également un complexe d'infériorité face à Isshiki, l'imposant président du conseil d'élèves. Mais un jour, Kurashina découvre Isshiki effondré dans les escaliers du lycée. Ne pouvant ignorer son camarade dans cet état de faiblesse si inhabituel, Il décide de lui venir en aide. C'est à ce moment-là qu'Isshiki lui avoue qu'il est en réalité de nature soumise. Jusque-là persuadé du contraire, Kurashina se sent alors envahi par la culpabilité pour avoir eu cette attitude aussi froide envers lui. Comme pour se faire pardonner, Le lycéen propose alors à son camarade des jeux de rôle légers pour résoudre ses problèmes de santé, provoqués par l'absence de communication avec un partenaire dominant... Une jeunesse tourmentée par le sexe... Un dominant sensuel et un soumi dont les sentiments balancent entre partenaire et amant.



Romance sexy

Call me bitch

Il a ce flegme british que rien ni personne ne perturbe. Sauf elle : une vraie bombe à retardement. Jude, l'irrécupérable dandy, et Joe, la rebelle un brin revêche, se voient confier la garde de la petite Birdie, 3 ans. Un joli coup monté par leurs amis ? Si seulement... Réunissez dans une demeure londonienne les pires baby-sitters de la terre et les meilleurs ennemis du monde, ajoutez une enfant pourrie gâtée et laissez mijoter deux semaines. Le plan le plus foireux de l'univers ou la recette d'une passion piquante avec juste ce qu'il faut d'amour, de haine, d'humour et de désir... Ce livre est une édition augmentée de Call Me Bitch.



Histoire internationale

The power of hope. The First Lady of Burundi. My story

She was born in Mwumba, in the north of Burundi. Shy and hardworking, Denise Bucumi met a man, Pierre Nkurunziza. But in 1993, war broke out in this central African country formely known as "the Switzerland of Africa", taking with it the dream of a peaceful household. When the family's father left for the bush, Denise found herself face to face with her worst enemy : loneliness. What a lot of fighting and many tears to reunite her again with her family for a more beautiful destiny : the Presidential Palace.




RAJ Vol. 1 - The Missing Nabobs of the City of Gold

Au 19eme siècle, au Raj - l'empire colonial britannique aux Indes - un jeune agent de la couronne idéaliste se heurte aux sordides réalités du colonialisme et de ses conséquences. Tome un sur deux. Bombay, 1831. Fraichement débarqué de Londres, Alexander Martin prend son poste à l'Indian Political Service - un organisme gouvernemental dont la fonction n'est guère plus que d'aider l'East India Company à étendre son monopole sur les Indes. Le jeune homme, enthousiaste et un peu idéaliste, déplait vite à l'establishment britannique, et est tenu à l'écart de la bonne société ... jusqu'au jour où certains membres influents de celle-ci commencent à disparaitre, forçant Alexander à enquêter ...



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


In modern industrial society, the tic between science and technology seems clear, even inevitable. But historically, as James E. McClellan III and Harold Dorn remind us, the connection was far less apparent. For much of human history, technology depended more on the innovation of skilled artisans than it did on the speculation of scientists. Technology as "applied science," the authors argue, emerged relatively recently, as industry and governments began funding scientific research that would lead directly to new or improved technologies. In Science and Technology in World History, McClellan and Dorn offer an introduction to this changing relationship. McClellan and Dorn review the historical record beginning with the thinking and tool making of prehistoric humans. Neolithic people, for example, developed metallurgy of a sort, using naturally occurring raw copper, and kept systematic records of the moon's phases. Neolithic craftsmen possessed practical knowledge of the behavior of clay, fire, and other elements of their environment, but though they may have had explanations for the phenomena of their crafts, they toiled without any systematic science of materials or the self-conscious application of theory to practice. Without neglecting important figures of Western science such as Newton and Einstein, the authors demonstrate the great achievements of non-Western cultures. They remind us that scientific traditions took root in China, India, and Central and South America, as well as in a series of Near Eastern empires, during late antiquity and the Middle Ages, including the vast region that formed the Islamic conquest. From this comparative perspective, the authors explore the emergence of Europe as a scientific and technological power. Continuing their narrative through the Manhattan Project, NASA, and modern medical research, the authors weave the converging histories of science and technology into an integrated, perceptive, and highly readable narrative. "Professors McClellan and Dorn have written a survey that does not present the historical development of science simply as a Western phenomenon but as the result of wide-ranging human curiosity about nature and attempts to harness its powers in order to serve human needs. This is an impressive amount of material to organize in a single textbook." - Paula Findlen, Stanford University



Littérature française


Carla déteste la routine et change de vie tous les six mois. Nouvelle maison, nouveaux amis, nouveaux collègues, rien ne reste mais rien ne part vraiment. Elle n'oublie aucun lieu ni aucune âme. Partout où elle passe, elle raconte des histoires nourries de sa riche expérience. Carla est douée mais paresseuse. Alors elle a mis au point une technique infaillible. Régulièrement, elle fait des promesses à son entourage et comme elle est très fière, elle arrive toujours à les tenir. Carla hates routine and changes her life every six months. A new house, new friends, new colleagues, nothing stays the same but then nothing is really left behind either. She doesn't forget any of the places or people she has known. Wherever she goes, she tells stories based on her rich experience. Carla is gifted but somewhat lazy, so she has developed a technique that never fails. She regularly makes promises to those around her, that, because of her pride in herself, she always somehow manages to keep. Ouvrage de fiction conçu, annoté et commenté avec le concours de collaborateurs d'une entreprise de logistique. This is a work of fiction designed, annotated and commented with the contribution of supply chain professionals.



Non classé

Fast Darkness III: Moonwords. Sextet for flute, clarinet, piano and string trio. flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello. Partition et parties.

Fast Darkness III is the last part of the trilogy Fast Darkness, 2020-2022. Written in 2022, it is a 16 minutes long virtuosic, wild, and overgrown exploration. Fast gestures, drawn by a sharp pen and loaded with excited energy inform the listener of a large universe that they are enveloping. Just like an entangled climbing branch may give a sense of the house it is climbing on, the energy-laden gestures in Fast Darkness III, reveal the presence of the universe they are enveloping. This revelation never comes to be heard in the piece, but hopefully, it is an after-effect of it. Chaya Czernowin Instrumentation : flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello




The Threat of Logical Mathematism

The present survey of the critique of mathematical logic in Germany at the turn of the 20th century attempts to answer several interesting questions : How did the contemporary German philosophers see the role and significance of logic ? What kind of relationships did they claim to exist between logic, mathematics, linguistics and psychology ? Pulkkinen starts by giving a historical survey of the development of German logic 1830-1920 as it appears against the background of German academic philosophy. Next he studies the interrelationships between logic and psychology, logic and linguistics, and logic and mathematics. After this the author presents the general features of the reception of mathematical logic in Germany between 1880 and 1920. This is followed by a more detailed account of the arguments of three individual critics : Fritz Mauthner, Heinrich Rickert, and Theodor Ziehen.



Non classé

A Life of Her Own

This study reconstructs Brittain's feminist theory, which mainly refutes assumptions made about women, supports companionate marriage, and demands the communal reorganization of child care and domestic work to enable a married woman to work outside her home. It compares her theory to her five novels. Doing so, it uncovers revealing feminist 'flaws', above all that marriage remains, the sine qua non for a woman's happiness. The study describes Brittain's way to the top as a formidable obstacle race, in which she constantly had to fight the men she loved, her children, her parents, and resulting domesticity in order to find time to write "the book of the decade". She reached her goal with the publication of Testament of Youth in 1933.




Fuseli and the Modern Woman. Fashion, Fantasy, Fetishism

This catalogue accompanies the first exhibition devoted to a fascinating group of drawings by the Anglo-Swiss Henry Fuseli (1741-1825), one of eighteenth-century Europe's most idiosyncratic, original and controversial artists. Best known for his notoriously provocative painting The Nightmare, Fuseli energetically cultivated a reputation for eccentricity, with vividly stylised images of supernatural creatures, muscle-bound heroes, and damsels in distress. While these convinced some viewers of the greatness of his genius, others dismissed him as a charlatan, or as completely mad. Fuseli's contemporaries might have thought him even crazier had they been aware that in private he harboured an obsessive preoccupation with the figure of the modern woman, which he pursued almost exclusively in his drawings. Where one might have expected idealised bodies with the grace and proportions of classical statues, here instead we encounter figures whose anatomies have been shaped by stiff bodices, waistbands, puffed sleeves, and pointed shoes, and whose heads are crowned by coiffures of the most bizarre and complicated sort. Often based on the artist's wife Sophia Rawlins, the women who populate Fuseli's graphic work tend to adopt brazenly aggressive attitudes, either fixing their gaze directly on the viewer or ignoring our presence altogether. Usually they appear on their own, in isolation on the page ; sometimes they are grouped together to form disturbing narratives, erotic fantasies that may be mysterious, vaguely menacing, or overtly transgressive, but where women always play a dominant role. Among the many intriguing questions raised by these works is the extent to which his wife Sophia was actively involved in fashioning her appearance for her own pleasure, as well as for the benefit of her husband. By bringing together more than fifty of these studies (roughly a third of the known total), The Courtauld Gallery will give audiences an unprecedented opportunity to see one of the finest Romantic-period draughtsmen at his most innovative and exciting. Visitors to the show and readers of the lavishly illustrated catalogue will further be invited to consider how Fuseli's drawings of women, as products of the turbulent aftermath of the American and French Revolutions, speak to concerns about gender and sexuality that have never been more relevant than they are today. The exhibition showcases drawings brought together from international collections, including the Kunsthaus in Zurich, the Auckland Art Gallery in New Zealand, and from other European and North American institutions.




Je suis n. Disciples de Jésus en terre d'islam, ils racontent

""Je suis n"? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Lorsque les combattants de l'Etat islamique sont arrivés au nord de l'Irak, ils ont commencé à marquer les maisons des chrétiens ou leurs églises de la lettre "noun" en arabe (ce qui correspond à "n" en français). Cette simple lettre était à elle seule une accusation aux conséquences terribles : elle déclarait que les occupants du lieu étaient des "nazaréens", des personnes qui suivaient Jésus de Nazareth."" Ils viennent d'Egypte, d'Iran, du Nigeria, d'Asie centrale, de Syrie, du Pakistan et d'autres contrées lointaines... Ils s'appellent Ali, Jamil, Amina, Hussein, Suleiman, Nadia... Tous, ils persévèrent dans la foi au milieu d'un environnement hostile à l'Evangile. Loin de notre confort et de notre tranquillité, ils sont prêts à payer le prix pour demeurer fidèles à Celui qui a changé leur vie. Des témoignages saisissants, qui nous encouragent mais aussi nous bousculent et nous interpellent."



Beaux arts

GOYA. Edition en anglais

Goya (1746-1828) is one of Spain's most famous artists and is widely acknowledged as an outstanding painter in the European tradition, often called the last of the Old Masters and the first of the Modems. He is appreciated as a portrait painter; a creator of menacing and melancholy images in oils; a master of enigmatic, satirical and revolutionary drawing and etching; the champion of the Spanish people in their struggle against oppression and the recorder of their life and sufferings in war. This book brings out many of Goya's moods, from the gaiety and tenderness of the tapestry cartoons to the mysterious ferocity of the Black Paintings made in his old age. Enriqueta Harris, former Curator of the Photographic Collection of the Warburg Institute. University of London, is a world-renowned expert on Spanish art. She has curated numerous exhibitions and is the author of Velazquez (Phaidon, 1982).



Développement durable-Ecologie

Native Land, Stop Eject. Edition en anglais

Created by the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, the exhibition Native Land, Stop Eject proposes a dialogue between filmmaker Raymond Depardon and philosopher Paul Virilio on the notions of being rooted and uprooted today, an epoch in which human migration flows are taking place on an unprecedented scale. In his film Hear Them Speak, created with Claudine Nougaret, Raymond Depardon gives a voice to those who wish to remain on their land but are threatened with exile. Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Mark Hansen, Laura Kurgan, and Ben Rubin give form to Paul Virilio's concepts in six dynamic maps which examine new trends in contemporary human movement due to environmental, political, and economic factors. The texts included here, published for the first time in the catalog Native Land, Stop Eject (Prix Nomad's 2009), offer a chance to explore the themes raised in the exhibition. Accompanied by exhibition views, they incite contemplation on the meaning of sedentariness and nomadism, as well as related questions of identity.




Secret Mexico City

An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew the city well or who would like to discover its many other facets. The forgotten café where Fidel Castro and Che Guevara used to meet, a tribute to the city's ghosts, a mammoth in the metro, a cave transformed into a shrine, an underground parking lot with mosaics dating from 1930, a Baroque altarpiece made from papier mâché, a village based on the principles of Thomas More's Utopia, secret masterpieces of colonial art in rooms only open around two hours a week, the largest roof garden in Latin America, the photo on which the Oscar statuette is modelled, the first building in the world faced with a material that can trap urban smog, a road surface designed for praying as you walk ...



Littérature française

The F.A.G "For All Genres"

Dès sa naissance, Charlie est différente. Le doute s'est installé et ne l'a plus quitté. Transsexuelle, elle le sait depuis sa tendre enfance. Les brimades, le harcèlement, la violence verbale et physique pousseront Charlie à s'enfoncer dans un bourbier nimbé d'alcool et de prostitution. Les différentes étapes de sa vie révèleront les questionnements, les aberrations scolaires, administratives, sociales, familiales et autres que rencontre une personne soi-disant "différente". Un rendez-vous dans un bar à Paris et le récit d'une vie pas comme les autres. Charlie voguera sur les reflets d'un rubis "Sang de Pigeon" au gré de ses souvenirs. Poignant, sombre et inspiré de faits réels, personne n'en ressortira indemne !



Variété internationale

Stray Kids. Everywhere all around the world

Le leader de la K-Pop, c'est désormais Stray Kids ! (Re)découvrez la carrière exceptionnelle de Stray Kids dans un ouvrage inédit. Stray Kids est le leader de sa génération, au sommet de la K-Pop ! Avec des accomplissements toujours plus grandioses sur les scènes musicales coréennes et internationales, le groupe atteste d'une réussite foudroyante. Unique en son genre par sa formation et son mode de production autodidacte, rare dans la K-Pop, Stray Kids est devenu le porte-parole de toute une génération et l'espoir des jeunes. Dans cet ouvrage inédit, vous saurez tout du groupe " self-made ", qui écoule des millions d'albums à travers le monde.



Romance sexy

All the things we lost Tome 1

Le retour de l'autrice de Hide out ! Suite au décès brutal de son mari, Emery, pâtissière de renom dont l'entreprise connaît des déboires, peine à se reconstruire. Elle qui croyait à l'amour véritable, celui avec un grand A, se retranche désormais derrière son chagrin et ne laisse aucun autre homme entrer dans sa vie. N'ayant connu que Julian, elle s'interdit toute relation avec la gent masculine. A l'inverse, Austin collectionne les aventures d'un soir et s'amuse autant qu'il le peut. Aucune attache, et une femme différente à chaque fois. Sa devise : profiter de la vie sans jamais penser aux conséquences. Mais lorsque ces deux êtres que tout oppose se rencontrent, chacun fait vaciller les convictions de l'autre et Austin met au défi Emery de lui laisser deux semaines afin de lui faire lâcher prise. Quatorze jours pour lui prouver que les émotions sont surfaites, quatorze jours pour qu'elle prenne conscience que sa manière de vivre nuit à son épanouissement. Quand passé et présent s'entremêlent, quand la barrière entre distraction et réalité s'effrite, se délite, ne risquent-ils pas de se prendre à leur propre jeu ? Austin saura-t-il percer l'armure qu'Emery s'est forgée ?




Creative Paris. Urban interiors, inspiring innovators

So, you've visited the Eiffel Tower, Sacré-Coeur, and the Louvre. You sampled buttery croissants, 365 cheeses, and the bubbliest of champagnes. Think you've seen it all ? Well ... not quite. You brushed right past the real Paris. The one that will make your heart skip a beat. The one hidden behind Haussmannian façades and tucked beneath zinc rooftopsinside, where true Parisians live, work, entertain, dream, and create. For the past decade, French online phenomenon My Little Paris has divulged the city's best kept secrets in fashion, food, housewares, and lifestyle to their dedicated followers. Now, this creative team of dynamic entrepreneurs takes us inside their homes and workplaces, sharing Paris's freshest interior inspiration. More than thirty spaceseach brimming with Parisian chicreveal their singular style and are replete with ideas for sparking creativity. In a relaxed apartment on the edge of the Canal Saint Martin, an aquamarine wall complements a matching retro fridge and coffee mugs, all in the same hue. Bird cages, vinyl records, and colorful kimonos coexist harmoniously with vintage photographs, vibrant African wax cushions, and contemporary art. In an 11th arrondissement apartment, a pair of silver Margiela designer boots, plush orange bomber jacket, and hot pink visor pepper the furniture, in a riot of fashion showroom style. An old carousel factory in Montmartre houses the My Little Paris office, with a dream room, green wall, and rooftop terrace-with-a-view. Each location offers a place to recharge your batteries, slip into airplane mode, and kick-start ideas. Step inside the My Little Paris universe, where creativity is a watchword and visionary thinking is a daily event.



Non classé

Love and Sexuality

The papers collected in this volume are selected from the proceedings of the Love and Sexuality conference held at the University of Leeds in 2002. They bring together a cross-section of new directions in the study of love and sexuality currently being explored in French Studies. The central focus of the collection is the representation of love, desire, erotica and sexuality in the couple, in particular in relation to depictions of women. The contributions share a common concern with problematising issues of love and sexuality across various disciplines, focusing on literary texts, cinema, gender studies, theatre studies, history, visual iconography and cultural studies, and ranging from the sixteenth century to the present day.




A New Family

The 'success' of a conversion depends on the group into which the convert is introduced. This study in early Christian ecclesiology from the perspective of house and family is guided by this sociological theory. Converts often met with problems in relation to their family. They joined a fellowship which conceived of itself as a family of brothers and sisters. It is the aim of this investigation to present the potential of the Christian fellowship to take the role of a new family in relation to its converts. This is done by means of historical material and cross-cultural comparisons. The relevance of the material for present-day churches and mission is considered.




Revelation and Theology

This book examines the theological epistemologies of two of this century's most prominent theologians, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Barth. Both theologians responded to modernist theologies by drawing from the best of their own traditions. Both tried to reinstate theology as a true science which takes its object, namely, the revelation of God in Jesus Christ, seriously. They therefore make excellent conversation partners. This book closely traces their arguments as they seek to formulate their understanding of theological knowledge and theological science from a christological and trinitarian perspective, based on the concrete self-disclosure of God in Jesus Christ.



Sciences de la terre et de la

A thin cosmic rain : particles from outer space

Enigmatic for many years, cosmic rays are now known to be not rays at all, but particles, the nuclei of atoms, raining down continually on the earth, where they can be detected throughout the atmosphere and sometimes even thousands of feet underground. This book tells the long-running detective story behind the discovery and study of cosmic rays, a story that stretches from the early days of subatomic particle physics in the 1890s to the frontiers of high-energy astrophysics today.



Non classé

Political Economy and Fiction in the Early Works of Harriet Martineau

This book examines the early work of Harriet Martineau (1802-1876), writer, journalist and woman of letters. She became famous in the 1830s with her Illustrations of Political Economy, a series of 25 short novels popularizing the basic principles of Political Economy. Also discussed are her two shorter series of tales from that period, Poor Laws and Paupers Illustrated and Illustrations of Taxation. With these works Martineau took part in an intense debate about the role of economic theory in English society. Drawing on such authorities as Adam Smith Martineau offered her readers the possibility of understanding the impact of the Industrial Revolution and its concomitant changes.




GOLD, Objectif Bayeux

On the night of the 31st of December 1943, two British commandos successfully collected a few samples of sand and peat under the very nose of the Germans posted at Ver-sur-Mer. Five months later, some 25, 000 men followed in their footsteps and landed on the same shores, codenamed Gold Beach. Barely had they landed, the British troops set out to building an artificial harbour, undoubtedly one of the finest technical feats of the Second World War. It was to prove a major asset for securing Allied supremacy in the months that followed the D-Day Landings.
