
The power of hope. The First Lady of Burundi. My story

Denise Bucumi-Nkurunziza

She was born in Mwumba, in the north of Burundi. Shy and hardworking, Denise Bucumi met a man, Pierre Nkurunziza. But in 1993, war broke out in this central African country formely known as "the Switzerland of Africa", taking with it the dream of a peaceful household. When the family's father left for the bush, Denise found herself face to face with her worst enemy : loneliness. What a lot of fighting and many tears to reunite her again with her family for a more beautiful destiny : the Presidential Palace.

Par Denise Bucumi-Nkurunziza
Chez Editions L'Harmattan

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01/07/2013 176 pages 18,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782336301648
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