
Battle Through The Heavens T10. La voie du dou-qi




Yuan Zun Tome 3

Zhou Yuan poursuit son entraînement qui le mènera à lexécution de sa vengeance et au retour de lâge dor de sa famille. Pendant cette phase de progression, il améliore sa compréhension de son arme sacrée, de son Yuan-Qi et il a la joie daffronter son père pour la première fois. Sensuit son premier tournoi où nous verrons si la calligraphie runique peut rivaliser avec les maîtres Yuan. Cette épreuve sera déterminante et elle sera la première dune longue liste pour atteindre son objectif.




The Elusive Samurai Tome 10

L'esquive est parfois la meilleure attaque !




The Quintessential Quintuplets Tome 10

Un temps démis de ses fonctions, Fûtarô redevient officiellement le professeur particulier des quintuplées après avoir prouvé à leur père qu'il faisait bien partie du top 10 des meilleurs élèves au niveau national. L'heure est maintenant venue de partir en voyage scolaire à Kyoto et de se détendre. Hélas pour Fûtarô, les jumelles ne lui laissent aucun répit, chacune d'elles ayant décidé d'accaparer son attention aux dépens des activités prévues. Une lutte sans merci s'engage alors entre les soeurs, où tous les coups sont permis...




The Killer Inside Tome 10

Le psychopathe qui sommeille en moi... Après s'être évadé de prison, Eiji se rend à l'hôpital pour régler ses comptes avec Kyoka, devenue le principal suspect du meurtre de Yoko. En effet, elle est peut-être la dernière personne capable de lui révéler la véritable identité de LL... Malheureusement, il est contraint de fuir avant d'avoir obtenu une quelconque réponse. Peu de temps après, alors que Rei et Eiji tentent d'établir un plan, l'inspecteur Momoi leur pose un ultimatum : ils ont trois jours pour prouver l'innocence de Makoto ! Aux yeux du jeune homme, il est clair que l'individu qui a fait passer son père pour le tueur en série est aussi celui qui l'a assassiné... Un serial killer peut-il frapper par-delà la mort ? Avec son scénario travaillé au millimètre et son atmosphère oppressante, ce thriller horrifique vous fera douter de tout... et de tous !



Non classé

Read Ancient African scripts from any current African language. Volume 2

The son of Douaouf, the brilliant, scribe of the early XIIth Dynasty Xty " Khety " said this : "The man continues to subsist after reaching the haven of death and his actions are beside him in a heap. " If regression is the main cause of the alarming situation of Africa and its tails the perceptibles consequences at all levels, the solution to this problem is eminently political. It inevitably involves the constitution of a pan-African State. For men, there is no unity without memory of the past. In fact, the construction of a federal state inevitably involves the restoration of African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language. The unification of Africa will only be possible if it takes the measure of its linguistic unification issue. To a lesser extent but like Cheikh Anta Diop in his book titled the Cultural Unity, I was animated throughout this heuristic by the idea that only the true knowledge of the past can maintain the consciousness and the feeling of a historical continuity essential to the consolidation of a nation for the purpose of building a multinational state in line with its past. Like Cheikh Anta Diop, I build my sureness on the legitimate idea that a people who lost a significant part of their historical memory must engage in the investigation of their past in every possible way. This investigation can take the contours of a reconnection with its past through so-called old languages. But a people can not live only with by merely repeating of what others tell them about themselves. The investigation through its linguistic past allows especially a direct knowledge of oneself. In addition to the fact that this knowledge simply highlights its weaknesses, it allows also to become aware by an introspective and therefore reflective of its real abilities and strengths. It structures being and the consciousness of being to resist any form of servile and degrading ideology. This quest for the past, not founded on blind passion but objectivity, nourishes a healthy ambition for a real universalism. To know one's past is already to project one's future. To know one's past is to give oneself the capacity to be able to bring to others in a perspective of giving and receiving. To know one's past is to refuse intellectual guardianship and wait-and-seeism. To know one's past is to be reborn.



Non classé

Read Ancient African scripts from any current African language. Volume 1

The son of Douaouf, the brilliant, scribe of the early XIIth Dynasty Xty " Khety " said this : "The man continues to subsist after reaching the haven of death and his actions are beside him in a heap. " If regression is the main cause of the alarming situation of Africa and its tails the perceptibles consequences at all levels, the solution to this problem is eminently political. It inevitably involves the constitution of a pan-African State. For men, there is no unity without memory of the past. In fact, the construction of a federal state inevitably involves the restoration of African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language. The unification of Africa will only be possible if it takes the measure of its linguistic unification issue. To a lesser extent but like Cheikh Anta Diop in his book titled the Cultural Unity, I was animated throughout this heuristic by the idea that only the true knowledge of the past can maintain the consciousness and the feeling of a historical continuity essential to the consolidation of a nation for the purpose of building a multinational state in line with its past. Like Cheikh Anta Diop, I build my sureness on the legitimate idea that a people who lost a significant part of their historical memory must engage in the investigation of their past in every possible way. This investigation can take the contours of a reconnection with its past through so-called old languages. But a people can not live only with by merely repeating of what others tell them about themselves. The investigation through its linguistic past allows especially a direct knowledge of oneself. In addition to the fact that this knowledge simply highlights its weaknesses, it allows also to become aware by an introspective and therefore reflective of its real abilities and strengths. It structures being and the consciousness of being to resist any form of servile and degrading ideology. This quest for the past, not founded on blind passion but objectivity, nourishes a healthy ambition for a real universalism. To know one's past is already to project one's future. To know one's past is to give oneself the capacity to be able to bring to others in a perspective of giving and receiving. To know one's past is to refuse intellectual guardianship and wait-and-seeism. To know one's past is to be reborn.



Non classé

Foreign Devils

Foreign Devils investigates representations of exile in Hollywood cinema from 1930 to 1956 through the films of Peter Lorre, Béla Lugosi, and Conrad Veidt. This book dispels the assumption that by virtue of its hegemonic, reactionary, and exclusionary modes of representation, otherness is excluded from or only obliquely alluded to in classical Hollywood cinema. This book contends that Hollywood uses European émigré actors to speak of the experience of exile and the often-futile exilic attempts at integration into the host nation. This original, cross-disciplinary study incorporates a number of research interests in film studies – specifically Hollywood cinema, exile and émigré filmmakers, the Golden Age of the studio system, the Universal Horror cycle, and Poverty Row filmmaking. Foreign Devils combines the close reading of key texts with a theoretical framework that encompasses body theory and theories of space and nation with historical accounts of immigration to the United States and American concepts of nationhood through the symbolism of blood and death studies. Film studies students and academics, both undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as scholars in other disciplines, and anyone with an interest in Hollywood cinema, Central European culture in the 1930s-1950s, and European emigration to the United States will benefit from reading this book. Foreign Devils is also a valuable resource for courses in Hollywood filmmaking, émigré film, exile, Central European culture, nationalism studies, and Jewish studies.



Non classé

The Church of Constantinople in the Nineteenth Century

Ivan Sokolov's work, first published in 1904, begins with a balanced overview of the situation of the Orthodox Church under Ottoman rule from the fall of Constantinople (1453) to the beginning of the nineteenth century. The author then gives a detailed description of the external situation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople from 1789 to 1900. This is followed by a discussion of the career and activity of each patriarch during this period, their relations with the bishops, their initiatives in the field of education, their regulations concerning marriage, and their work with parishes and monasteries. The book concludes with a thorough analysis of the administration of the Patriarchate during these years. Although written over a hundred years ago, this classic work has not been superseded. It is based on original sources, particularly on the patriarchal archives, to which few scholars have had access. No other existing study deals with the nineteenth-century Ecumenical Patriarchate in such a systematic and specific way. It constitutes an invaluable tool of reference. Translated from the Russian.



Autres collections (9 à 12 ans

Sergueï le cerf qui ne voulait pas se battre

Sergueï, jeune cerf polonais, vient passer ses vacances en famille, au camping du Lac Vert, dans les Alpes. Malheureusement pour lui, celles-ci ne seront pas de tout repos ! Il faudra qu'il prouve à son papa, à travers de multiples épreuves, que lui aussi est beau, fort et courageux. Mais aura-t-il l'étoffe des rois des forêts ?



Poches Littérature internation

L'histoire d'un coeur qui apprit à battre

Marie grandit dans une ville merveilleuse où planent des cerfs-volants comme des oiseaux de paradis. Elle a pour ami Lanmo, un serpent doré aux yeux rubis qui terrifient les hommes. Lui n'a jamais aimé que cette enfant. Bientôt, la ville de Marie s'attriste, quand les bombes s'abattent et que le spectre de la guerre la dévore. Le puissant Lanmo aurait-il commis une imprudence en s'attachant à un être si fragile ? Et si cette humaine au destin vacillant recelait un précieux mystère ?



Littérature étrangère

Le miracle du thé. La maison de Nan Hogan ; La fille prodigue ; Le miracle du thé

Kilbeg, petit village d'Irlande, début du XXe siècle. Lorsque Nan Hogan, vieille femme acariâtre, tombe malade, le village décide, contre son gré, de l'envoyer à l'hospice. Là, elle rencontre Maura Casey, une femme de ménage, à qui elle confie ses malheurs et qui, pour avoir un endroit à elle, part s'installer dans la maison de Nan, dont elle prétend être la gardienne. Devant son assurance, les habitants laissent faire, mais quand Nan veut rentrer chez elle, les deux femmes s'affrontent autour de la maison... ainsi qu'une voisine, Sara Finnessy, ennemie jurée de Nan. Portraits de femmes et subtile évocation de la vie de village, ce récit de Seumas O'Kelly décrit avec finesse la vie d'une maison très humble qui cristallise les conflits et les intérêts... mais qui sera aussi la source de résolution de la dispute.



Non classé

On Deixis in English and Polish

Deixis verges on the borderline of philosophy, semantics and pragmatics. Since no satisfactory theory of deixis has been proposed so far, this book gives a critical examination of the state of the art and suggests a solution within the framework of discourse analysis. The deictic systems of English and Polish are compared in termes of algorithms, which determine the distribution of demonstrative pronouns in the two languages. Many difficulties found in other approaches can be escaped through the application of algorithms accounting for the speaker's choices in his use of demonstratives during the discourse flow.




The Expanse Tome 10 : La légion des souvenirs

De L'Eveil du Léviathan à La Chute du Léviathan, les neufs romans de la saga "The Expanse", récompensée par le prix Hugo, ont redéfini le space-opera moderne. Cet ultime volume, qui réunit pour la première fois l'ensemble des nouvelles et novellas écrites au fil des années dans l'univers de la série, forme un complément indispensable pour tous les fans.




Burmese Silver from the Colonial Period

This stunning catalogue presents an exceptional collection of rare Burmese silver. Accompanied by detailed photographs and explanatory texts, this ground-breaking book proposes a new way of looking at Burmese silver. Names, dates, places, and stories - identifying the who, when, where, and what of Burmese silver has been the focus of publications on the topic. Are these questions the best way to understand silver, however ? Alexandra Green argues that they are not. Too few pieces provide reliable information about silversmiths, production locations, and dates to allow for a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Instead, a close examination of silver patterns reveals strong links with Burmese art history reaching as far back as the Bagan period (11th to 13th centuries), connections with contemporary artistic trends, and participation within the wider world of silversmithing. The first European to write about Burmese silver was H L Tilly, a colonial official from the late 19th into the early 20th century. Tasked with collecting objects for various fairs and exhibitions, he took an interest in Burmese art, publishing articles and books from the 1880s onwards. While much of what he wrote was factually inaccurate and coloured by the prejudices and stereotypes common at the time, his two volumes on Burmese silver published in 1902 and 1904 contain pictures of pieces from the early to mid 19th century. These enable a reconstruction of how silver designs evolved as the country was absorbed into the Indian Raj, and British and other Westerners became consumers of local silver products. Tilly was also correct in his interest in silver designs. Green uses the visual information from his books to describe the continuities and innovations of designs found on silver from the mid 19th through the mid 20th century, and she places these trends within local, regional, and global flows of ideas. Many studies of Burmese silver have been plagued by a lack of understanding of the Burmese context. In contrast, Green examines silver from a local perspective, drawing on Burmese texts and information that allows for a nuanced view of the motifs, designs, and patterns that appear repetitively on silver pieces. Using Graham Honeybill's collection, formed over many years, as a basis, she explores how designs and patterns circulated around the country and were innovatively combined and recombined on pieces by silversmiths producing objects for Burmese, Western, and commercial clients.



Musique classique

Songs of Love. 12 Romances. 12 Lieder. Soprano (tenor) and piano.

Leokadiya Kashperova (1872-1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920. Songs of Love was first published in 1904. No evidence survives of any public performance in Kashperova's lifetime although it is very likely that they were performed at her regular 'musical evenings at home on Tuesdays' mentioned in her Memoirs. The transparency of the piano writing strongly suggests that she would accompany herself singing. Kashperova, by all accounts, possessed a fine voice, and in the summer of 1906 she decided 'to learn from the artistry', as she put it, of the tenor Raimond von Zur-Mühlen who was widely celebrated for having developed (with Clara Schumann) the Lieder-Abend tradition. His summer-schools on the Baltic coast were frequented by aspiring singers from all over Europe, even Japan and India. Kashperova herself was responsible for the poetic lyrics of Songs of Love (in both Russian and German), which may well have emerged from her own bittersweet experience of life and love ; she was not to marry until 1916 at the age of forty-four. That Kashperova is the author of both the music and the lyrics of Songs of Love would suggest that they express very personal sentiments. Instrumentation : soprano (tenor) and piano




Ethnicity, Structured Inequality, and the State in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany

This volume focuses on the reshaping of ethnicity in Berlin and Toronto that resulted from the economic stagnation, industrial restructuring, and return to conservative government in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s. It addresses a broad range of issues crystalizing around ethnicity, inequality, and the state. It approaches these problems using such diverse methods as systems theory, questionnaires, interviews, various quantitative measures, and historical analysis. Ethnicity is discussed as it functions at the workplace, in the family, in neighborhoods, in immigrant and other organizations, and in the immigrants' relation to the state through its mediating bureaucracies.




Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Battle Tendency Tome 2

En combattant le vampire Straits, Jojo découvre le mystère de "l'homme du pilier", l'être vivant ultime nommé Santana. Afin de sauver Speed Wagon, il s'introduit dans la salle d'expérience des nazis et se retrouve confronté à Santana ! Jojo le bat grâce au sacrifice de Stroheim... L'histoire se déroule désormais à Rome, où trois nouveaux "hommes du piliers" se réveillent au sous-sol des vestiges. Qu'adviendra-t-il de Caesar, le petit-fils de Zeppeli, et de la gemme rouge d'Asia ?




Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Battle Tendency Tome 1

Jonathan Joestar est mort durant son combat contre Dio. Le jeune Joseph, son petit-fils, qui maîtrise l'onde depuis son plus jeune âge, se rend au Mexique à la recherche de l'assassin de Speedwagon. Il tombe sur l'armée nazie qui vient de réveiller un être puissant, immortel et terriblement dangereux. Joseph va vite se rendre compte que ce monstre n'est pas tout seul...



Histoire internationale

Strange Adventures

Strange Adventures examines portrayals of womanhood in the works of prize-winning French author Pierrette Fleutiaux. Fleutiaux's refreshing pictures of womanhood offer insights into how women can become more whole, substantial and free in themselves and in their relationships, as well as how they can contribute to the external world through their creativity and leadership. The study demonstrates how Fleutiaux's heroines navigate the external, bodily and inner situations of adolescence, early adult life, marriage, motherhood, maturity, leadership and death, in the process developing greater inner resources of wisdom, compassion and resilience. This volume considers selections from Fleutiaux's oeuvre, from her first short fiction Histoire de la chauve-souris to her recent Loli le temps venu, including Métamorphoses de la reine (Goncourt de la nouvelle) and Nous sommes éternels (Prix Femina). Using a theoretical framework which draws on Jungian concepts and the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir, the study analyses women's individuation trajectories at each stage of life. Throughout, Fleutiaux's depictions are shown to pose a challenge to existing conceptions of womanhood and individuality, thus opening up new understandings of what it means to be a woman, and to be human.



Non classé

Aspects of the syntax of educated Singaporean English

This work consists of a collection of eight papers on the syntax of English as spoken and written by educated Singaporeans. The topics dealt with include various aspects of verb-phrase structure and use, comparative constructions, and relative pronoun selection. Some of the papers are dialectological in focus and some theoretical, but all were researched through questionnaire-based interviews and/or examination of bodies of written material. Eleven Singapore researchers collaborated with the editor in this project.




La Voie du coeur et la Voix de Dieu. Un voyage soufi

Dans la narration du "Scribe de Dieu" Jean-Bruno Falguière a témoigné pour nous d'un voyage spirituel rare par son intensité. Par son nouvel ouvrage "La Voie du Coeur et La Voix de Dieu" il nous délivre une lumière de la même intensité. Des mots venus d'ailleurs. En voici un extrait : "Cultive chaque matin, tous les soirs avant la nuit, et à chaque moment possible de ta journée les fruits de l'humilité dans le jardin de ton Coeur. Par ta persévérance il sortira de chacun de ces fruits une eau cristalline plus pure que les larmes de l'innocence. Une eau si transparente qu'aucun sentiment d'aucune sorte, pas la plus petite émotion ne pourrait s'y cacher. Une eau si profonde et si claire, une eau insondable tant sa pure clarté dissout toute pensée. Une eau si fraîche et si limpide qu'elle a le pouvoir d'éteindre toute souffrance et toute peur. Cultive sans cesse les fruits de l'humilité dans le jardin de ton Coeur, leur jus sont les larmes de Dieu qui étend sa miséricorde sur les univers et sur l'humanité entière. Lave ton Coeur avec les larmes de Dieu, elles sont l'eau de l'humilité et du soulagement qui dissout et éteint le feu de l'ego".



Histoire de France

La guerre de 1940. Se battre, subir, se souvenir

A la veille du 75e anniversaire du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ce livre propose un nouveau regard sur la débâcle de mai-juin 1940. Les auteurs, chercheurs français et étrangers, adoptent une perspective originale : celle d'une histoire croisée et régionale qui s'intéresse non seulement à l'Allemagne et à la France, mais aussi aux Pays-Bas, au Luxembourg et à la Belgique. C'est donc l'Europe occidentale dans sa totalité qui se trouve au centre de cet ouvrage, en tant que théâtre de cette offensive fulgurante et point de départ des vagues d'exode successives.




Terra Ignota Tome 3 : La Volonté de se battre

Printemps 2454. L'âge d'or dans lequel vivait l'humanité depuis trois siècles a brutalement pris fin : corruption, prévarication, népotisme et meurtres calculés ; le prix véritable de cette exceptionnelle période de prospérité vient d'éclater au grand jour. Alors que le procès des responsables approche, l'opinion publique se divise : faire table rase du passé pour envisager un monde radicalement nouveau sous l'égide de J.E.D.D. Maçon, le dieu vivant, et ainsi plonger dans la Terra Ignota, ou sauver ce qui peut l'être de l'ordre ancien. Ruches et hors-Ruches, Utopistes et sensayers, seigneurs, empereurs et Servants se préparent à un affrontement qui parait inévitable. A commencer parle premier d'entre tous, l'ultime prodige de Bridger, Achille, fils de Thétis et du roi Pélée, le maître des arts de la guerre, le dernier espoir, peut-être, de ce monde au bord du gouffre...



Autres éditeurs (A à E)

Petit Renne et l'ours qui n'a pas sommeil

EDITION BILINGUE ANGLAIS-FRANCAIS DE PETIT RENNE A PEUR DE TOUT __________________________Little Reindeer is walking through the forest when he meets a young bear. "I can't get to sleep ! " says the unhappy bear. Luckily, Little Reindeer knows just how to help. En chemin dans la forêt, Petit Renne rencontre un jeune ours qui n'arrive pas à dormir. Heureusement, Petit Renne ne manque pas de ressources... !



Actualité médiatique France

La battue. L'Etat, la police et les étrangers

Louis Witter a passé dix-huit mois dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Dix-huit mois à enquêter sur la stratégie de politique intérieure lancée par Bernard Cazeneuve et renforcée par Emmanuel Macron et son ministre de l'Intérieur Gérald Darmanin : celle dite du "zéro point de fixation" . Caractérisée par des battues ou chasses à l'homme organisées toutes les 48 heures, cette stratégie de gestion policière des campements de migrants a pour but de dissuader les personnes de s'installer et de se regrouper : une manière de gouverner par l'image, l'exemple et la violence. Dans ce livre, à mi-chemin entre l'enquête et l'essai, Louis Witter montre comment la politique locale, le droit, les politiques institutionnelles et les pratiques policières oeuvrent de concert pour légitimer toujours plus de violences envers les personnes étrangères. Un phénomène qui témoigne d'un rapport particulier, inquiétant et renouvelé que la police et l'Etat entretiennent avec l'étranger et la citoyenneté. Louis Witter est journaliste. La Battue est son première livre.




Epilepsy: the invisible pain

They say life is a long stretch of a calm river, but not for everyone ! She was for me until the day when everything rocked, the day my destiny was changed dramatically. People do not realize how life can be so sweet and so beautiful. They complain all day long for trivialities. They are not even aware that they have before their eyes the most beautiful wealth : the luck and happiness of living in good health. I was rich before. Now I am poor because my child has an incurable disease, that has currently no hope of being healed. As a parent, how can we accept that ? , How to continue living carrying the bundle of pain in my head ? , How to overcome this feeling of helplessness ? When I started speaking to my heart, I didn't know myself that this was the beginning of a new life : a rebirth as a poet. When I learnt that my 7-year-old daughter was suffering from the Dravet Syndrome, a rare genetic epileptic encephalopathy, this was like an earthquake in my life. Then, I needed to write in order to express my sorrow and my pain. Words and rhymes came naturally to my mind. This was obvious that poetry would be my survival weapon.



Non classé

CD He is alive ! Yes, he has changed our lives - CD 1

01. Yes, he has changed our lives 02. Behold him, he comes 03. Father, Lord of heaven and of earth 04. Jesus, he is the way 05. Alleluia, Jesus, Saviour 06. Veni, Sante Spiritus 07. For you, o Lord 08. O Lord, I am yours 09. Alle, Alleluia 10. Ave Maria 11. Sing out your praises 12. In God alone 13. Ave Maria (instrumental) 14. Sing out your praises (instrumental) 15. In God alone (instrumental)



Non classé

Chaos, Control, and Consistency:- The Narrative Vision of Wolfgang Koeppen

Wolfgang Koeppen's critical and popular reputations stem largely from his literary success in the 1950s, a success which has overshadowed the author's activities in the earlier years of his career. It is in the interest of redressing this imbalance that the present study has been undertaken. It traces a consistent line of development from Koeppen's journalistic activities in the Berlin of the 1930s, through his earliest creative writing, and on, in this light, to the post-war publications for which he is most famous. It is thus possible to place the whole of Koeppen's career within the social and literary context of sixty years of German history.




Un thé au bord du lac

Découvrez dans ce coffret : -Une ravissante tasse à thé avec son couvercle pour garder la boisson au chaud. -Un personnage porte-sachet en silicone pour maintenir l'infusette le temps de l'infusion. -Une boule à thé idéale pour diffuser le parfum. -Un livret de 48 pages qui vous fera découvrir tous les secrets du thé !



Littérature française

Elle ferait battre les montagnes

" La tête de 'enfant était un terrain de jeu pour le soleil, et même s'il y avait des nuages, ses cheveux savaient se prêter à toutes les intensités de lumière, tous les gris, tous les bleus, tous les blancs. Cette invraisemblable faculté donnait aux cheveux de la fillette la vie d'un œil capable de changer de couleur selon la mer, selon le vent, selon la colère. Mais ce n'est peut-être même pas ce miracle qui faisait que, pour David, elle était la première. C'était sa voix, sa voix intouchée de fille enfant, qu'il écoutait, unique et indépassable, alors que lui, dans son souffle, dans sa cage thoracique, dans ses cordes, soupçonnait le grondement de l'adolescence. "
