
The God of High School



Non classé

Participation and Litigation Rights of Environmental Associations in Europe

This book assembles the revised papers of an international conference and thus offers a comprehensive comparative overview of the participation and litigation rights of environmental associations in Europe. This is supplemented by a compilation of the relevant statutory law in force. Besides the legal background, the focus of interest is above all on practical experience with participation and litigation rights from the point of view of the environmental associations.The contributions show that the effectivity of group actions is extremely high. In none of the analysed countries were there the slightest indications of any undue strain being placed on the judicial system by this instrument. There can be no doubt that the participation and litigation rights of environmental organizations are important instruments in reducing the enforcement deficit in environmental protection. With a view to the fact that Europe is growing more and more into one entity, the need of participation of environmental NGO's on the European level becomes a pressing necessity.



Non classé

The Christology of Mark

In our world of research, logics and measurement many of the ideas of (the New Testament and of) the Fathers (pre-existence, incarnation, Virgin Birth, demons,etc.) are today no longer acceptable. For those people who, like the author, see in the Chalcedonian Jesus Christ a mythological creature, Markus' christology is an alternative which at present will surely be more welcome. "Jesus could be, ontologically speaking, nothing more than a man and, nevertheless, he could have been used by God... in a unique way for the sake of our salvation".



Non classé

Practice and Problems in English Grammar and Usage

This book aims to bridge the gap between theoretical and didactic grammar by familiarizing students with traditional terminology and notorious problem areas of English grammar - often otherwise ignored or neglected - and presenting them with a range of carefully chosen practice questions including challenging translation exercises for German students. Because it is often not simply ungrammaticality, but a certain un-Englishness, oddness, or awkwardness that marks students' English, this book is also a workbook on usage and style. A grammatical workbook and textbook in one, it has the unique advantage that almost all practice questions can be answered on the basis of information provided within the book and as a result can be used for individual study as well as school and university work. It will greatly help reinforce students' knowledge of grammar and give students the much needed practice and training in not only grammatically correct, but stylistically appropriate and natural English usage.



Non classé

Bonoure and Buxum

If married in church, medieval women vowed before God and their husbands to be ‘bonoure and buxum', that is, meek and obedient in bed and at table. This book is a study of wives in a variety of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century romance, fabliaux, cycle drama, life-writing, lyrics and hagiography. The volume examines key moments that defined life as a married woman : her eligibility to become a wife, the wedding ceremony, her conjugal rights and duties, childbirth and her contribution to the family economy. The book explores the way in which the literary representation of wives is in dialogue with discourses that strove to construct and regulate the role of ‘wife'; canon and secular law, marriage liturgy, medical treatises on the female body, sermons, manuals of spiritual instruction, biblical paradigms, conduct books and misogamous writings. Moreover, the volume examines the possibilities for subversion of these paradigms by listening to literary wives speak both within and against these discourses. Real women's attitudes, and strategies of subversion, are woven into the volume throughout, as recorded in church and manorial court records, in their wills and in their writing.



Littérature française

Les inventeurs. Essai

What do Christopher Columbus, Reneke, Zénobe Gramme and Louis Pasteur have in common ? They were all inventors. Well fine, but who invented the crab's claw, the suction cups and the flight of squids or the proboscis of blood sucking insects ? Is invention intellectual fantasy, an industrial tool or a fundamental biological reaction ? How is this riddle to be solved ? Should we go through the list of inventions or inventors ? Is it a question of circumstances or motivations ? Who is in charge ? The Material or the Spirit ? In order to try to find a way of answering these questions, first a few very different inventors and their inventions will be presented. A few paradoxes emerge from this first part. Then we will devote an entire chapter to an exceptional inventor whose extraordinary work revolutionized how we now approach this topic. Finally, what can be said about all the inventions like the wings of birds or butterflies, the eyes of fish or insects, the leaves of trees or the social organization of beehives ? In these cases, man is not the inventor. There are countless marvels like these in the world around us. Can we explain them ? This will be the subject of the third part of this essay.




Goebius' Strange Model

A company elaborates in great secrecy a project, vital to its very survival. As the project develops, it leads the protagonists far beyond the originally envisioned simple business strategy, and brings them close to the forefront of the physical laws governing the behavior of the universe. Two intrigues intertwine... will they meet ? Or do they form the single-sided face of a Möbius strip ? "This novel is as unexpected as a UFO, and refreshing..." Cédric Villani, Fields Medal 2010. "This book is fascinating, I read it all at once..." Etienne Ghys, Perpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences.



Anglais apprentissage

Star school on Tour

Paper Planes Teens : des histoires cools, captivantes et en anglais ! Quand les adolescents passent à l'action c'est Class Acts ! Dans ce 3e volet des aventures des élèves de la légendaire Star School, ils partent en tournée à travers l'Angleterre : Oxford, Stratford-on-Avon et d'autres lieux chargés d'histoire. Un voyage de rêve jusqu'à ce qu'ils se perdent dans un quartier de Londres qu'il aurait mieux valu éviter.



Guides pratiques

Val Briard en anglais Carnet 2022 Petit Futé

Do you know the Val Briard ? Probably if you are from the Ile-de-France. If you don't, that's unlucky ! The purpose of this book is to help you discover it. A fertile and largely wooded territory, the Val Briard is home to landscapes, where crops, forests and meadows alternate with streams and ponds. In addition, there are charming villages with medieval houses, listed churches and, in the countryside, romantic romantic farms and castles with their stone and brickwork, half-timber and gazebos. With its 21 communes and 27, 243 inhabitants, the Val Briard is an attractive area offering a high quality of rural life. It is also a green and sparsely urbanised area suitable for gentle tourism, where you can enjoy hiking, pleasant cycling routes and forest paths that are popular among horse riders.




Etudes sur l'histoire et l'archéologie de Lydie de la période proto-lydienne à la fin de l'Antiquité. Textes en français et anglais

Lydia, lying between the Aegean coast and the Anatolian plateau, has been associated since Antiquity with the Pactolus river, which carried gold from the Tmolus mountain, and with the wealth of Croesus. Populated by Lydians and Maeonians, and marked by the presence of Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines, it has attracted the attention of researchers since the end of the 18th century. This book aims to cover the chronology of Lydian studies from the protohistoric period to the beginning of the Byzantine period and to bring together the contributions of international researchers and scholars from a wide range of disciplines that includes history, archeology, epigraphy, and numismatics, and from different perspectives. The various studies discuss society, social structures, military aspects, economy, religion, arts, architecture, and material culture. This diachronic approach makes it possible in particular to question continuity and discontinuity between the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods, as well as with those that preceded them.




The Turkish Boudoir of Marie Antoinette and Joséphine at Fontainebleau

Ten years apart, Marie Antoinette gives to Fontainebleau two jewels made by the greatest artists of her time : the Turkish boudoir (1777) and the silver boudoir (1786). In these homes of retirement, the queen escapes the label of the Court and combines a fancy Orient with the expression of the most extravagant novelties. The craze for turqueries did not fade in the early nineteenth century and the Empress Joséphine moved a few years later in this women's shelter offering a new sparkle to this universe of the Thousand and One Nights. She had a sumptuous and atypical furniture, which combines mahogany and gilded bronzes with lamé fabrics, embroidered and fringed with gold. After a painstaking restoration, the graceful carved, painted and gilded paneling of Marie Antoinette's boudoir is once again the setting for Joséphine's luxurious furniture. Nestled in a corner of the ancestral castle of Fontainebleau, the Turkish boudoir is the only decoration of its kind preserved in France and one of the most exceptional sets of furniture created for Joséphine.



Histoire internationale

Knowledge and Symbolization in Saint John of the Cross

The works of Juan de la Cruz contains numerous passages dealing with human cognition both ordinary and mystical. This study traces San Juan's examination of the mystic's knowledge in and through God. The sixteenth-century Spanish thinker stresses that conditionality is a fundamental character of all human knowledge, and brings to light a complex movement of contiguity between one and another mode of cognitive activity. Also discussed is the expression, through the instruments of prose and poetry, of the mystic's supereminent and therefore ineffable experience of knowledge and love. Relying upon Juan de la Cruz's own texts, it is shown how a relative communication can be effected despite the barriers separating mystical from ordinary cognition.



Non classé

Mass Culture Criticism and «Dissent»

Mass Culture Criticism and 'Dissent' by Lou Anne Bulik offers a provocative new look at the debate over mass culture in American magazines during the post World War II years. Bulik traces the influence of the Frankfurt School's analysis of mass culture on American intellectuals ; explores the course of the mass culture discussion in Politics, Partisan Review, Daedalus, Diogenes, and Dissent ; and suggests that Dissent's approach to the issue differed substantially from that of other magazines. Because Dissent focused on the impact of mass culture on the mind, Bulik suggests that the debate in Dissent was actually an attempt to articulate the presentiment that mass culture, particularly through the paradigm of television, would change patterns of thought and understanding. The study concludes with a look at recent criticism which lends newfound weight to Dissent's discussion of mass culture in the 1950s and early 1960s.



Objets d'art, collection

The Wider Goldsmiths' Trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London

The Wider Goldsmiths' Trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London is the first book to study all aspects of the Goldsmiths' trade. It challenges the assumption that the manufacture of silver plate and gold jewellery was the company's only activity during the seventeenth century. It considers allied trades such as refining, wiredrawing, and the making of small-swords and watches, as well as the development of the modern banking system. On Elizabeth I's accession, England was essentially a 'third world economy', with exports mainly of wool, unfinished woolen cloth and some minerals, whilst imports consisted of a great range of goods including luxuries such as silks, fine linens, and even scissors. By the end of the seventeenth century, the situation was transformed : a burgeoning maritime trade with many parts of the world enabled the import of raw materials as well as some luxury goods and a wide range of exports which included certain goods produced in London with an international reputation for quality, such as beaver hats and mathematical instruments. Throughout the period, religious refugees and economic migrants brought their skills and knowledge to England. At the Restoration, Royalists returning to London from the Continent introduced French and Low Country fashions in dress, manners, cuisine and dining practice. Refining, wiredrawing, and the making of plate, smallwares and jewellery were at the heart of the trade and of concern to the Goldsmiths' Company that had responsibility for ensuring that the correct alloys were used for silver and gold wares. This was not always the case for clocks, watches and swords. Nevertheless, they are included in this study as several members of the Company were instrumental in the development of clock and watch making in the city. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, the great increase in the sale of watches with gold and silver cases forced the Company to become involved in the control of this trade. Similarly, after the Civil Wars, the wearing of the small-sword by all those with aspirations to gentility gave rise to a demarcation dispute between the Goldsmiths' and Cutlers' Companies. Further, during the Commonwealth, goldsmith-bankers developed the clearing system which led to modern retail banking. This book considers the wider Goldsmiths' trade against dynamic changes : the organization and control of its branches and the design, manufacture and sale of its wares. The twelve chapters cover a range of topics - from history and context, to the various branches of the trade.




Archive Vol.5+6 - 2021

In this new issue you will find a total of 111 print campaigns, 48 films and 17 new pieces of work from the digital arena. The latter were selected by Roberto Fara, the Buenos Aires-born Chief Créative Officer at Ogilvy Spain. The main interview in this issue is with Leo Burnett London's Creative Director, Andrew Long. Headlined, Trying to raise an already high standard.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



12 ans et +

Les 8 royaumes mortels Tome 1 : La cité de Pierre-de-Vie

Raised as a slave in the Darkoath camps of Aqshy, Kiri dreams of a better life. Of a city of wonders, the place of her birth… Lifestone ! She despairs of ever reaching it until a fateful day arrives when her barbarian captors are attacked by Sigmar's noblest warriors, the Stormcast Eternals. Seizing her chance, Kiri flees through a mysterious realmgate that takes her far from the fiery lands of Aqshy. She arrives in the realm of Ghyran and finds the city of Lifestone. But a curse lies on this place, withering its noble spirit. Her path leads her to a special group of children who, like her, are realm-marked the prophecised saviours of Lifestone. There's Thanis, the fighter ; Alish, the inventor ; Kaspar ; the sneak and Elio, the healer. But dark forces are allying against the children and will do anything to stop them achieving their destiny.



Non classé

Henry VIII in History, Historiography and Literature

If this anthology on the literary appreciation of the life and times of Henry VIII can show how history, historiography and the history of literature are woven together as threads in a tapestry, if this book can show how varied the sources are from which historical images are fed, especially those of significant historical figures, then it will have surely fulfilled its purpose.




Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work

Since the 1990s and the 2000s, Western social protection systems have experienced a turn towards activation. This turn consists of the multiplication of measures aimed at bringing those who are unemployed closer to participation in the labour market. These measures often induce a strengthening of the conditions that must be met in order to receive social benefits. It is in this well known context that the authors gathered in this book decided to take a closer look at the relationship between activation policies for the unemployed and the right and the duty to work. If activation measures are likely to increase transitions towards the labour market, we can also make the assumption that they may, particularly when they are marked with the seal of coercion, hinder or dramatically reduce the right to freely chosen work. In such circumstances, the realisation of the "right to work", which is often stated to be the aim of those who promote activation, tends in practice to be reduced to an increasing pressure being exerted on the unemployed. In this case, isn't it actually the duty to work that is particularly reinforced ? After an historical and philosophical perspective on the issue, this assumption is confronted with the developments observed in the United States and in France, and then with the guidelines laid down in international human rights instruments. What follows is a discussion of two alternatives to the dominant activation model : the basic income guarantee and the employment guarantee.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Charles Darwin's Zoology Notes & Specimen Lists from H.M.S. Beagle

Two long sets of scientific notes were made by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. Those transcribed here are concerned with natural history, and although in 1839 he drew on them quite extensively in writing his famous " Journal of Researches ", neither they nor his geology notes have previously been published. He was a superb observer, and recorded vividly and accurately his first impressions of the appearance and behaviour of the wide range of animals, from ants to ostriches, encountered during his travels. Often he performed little experiments on the creatures that he captured, and he was never happy until he had exhaustively explored the why and wherefore of every one of his observations. During the long periods on board ship, he carried out a thorough analysis of hitherto unrecognised features of the internal anatomy of a variety of marine invertebrates, and made elegant pencil drawings of them under his dissecting microscope. The volume also includes his lists of 1 500 specimens preserved in Spirits of Wine, and some 3 500 not in Spirits, with impeccably accurate cross references to the main notes. Although his notes were made strictly for his own use, and were often highly technical, they were well written throughout, and contain many highly readable passages. Only towards the very end of the voyage were his first doubts about the immutability of species consciously pressed, but here are to be found the first seeds of his theory of evolution, and of the important new fields of behavioural and ecological study of which he was one of the principal founders.



Anglais apprentissage

Tales from Longpuddle

Tony Kytes is a favourite with the girls but he's not terribly clever. If you meet an old girlfriend and she asks fora ride home in your wagon, do you say yes? And then if you meet the girl you are planning to marry, what do you do? Very soon, Tony is in a great muddle, and does not know how to escape from it. These stories are set in an English country village of the nineteenth century, but Hardy's tales of mistakes and muddles and marriages belong in any place, at any time.



Non classé

Ruling Class Men

What is it like to be a master of the universe ? The authors have researched the desires and fears of the world's most powerful men. The Murdochs, Packers, Kennedys, Agnellis and other men like them, directly determine the fates of thousands and influence the future of the world like no other people. Described as ‘sacred monsters' by one of their own, they are carefully created to be what they are and to enjoy shaping the world in their own likeness. To learn about these often reclusive men, the authors extended the life-history technique to interrogate autobiographies, diaries and biographies and have created a composite picture, a collective portrait, of tycoons over three generations. The book carefully explores the childhoods, schooling, work and play, sexual activities, marriages and deaths of the wealthiest men who have ever lived. It exposes the nature of ruling-class masculinity itself.



Non classé

English-German Contrastive Linguistics: A Bibliography

In the last few years contrastive linguistics has experienced a renaissance. In studies of the German and the English language the fragmentation of interests seems to be particularly undesirable. This bibliography attempts to inventory the contrastive studies concerning the two languages including questions of interference, theory and practice of translation and didactics. The bibliography concerns not only researchers, teachers and students at university, but also practicing teachers in schools and adult education, who are interested in an overview of this linguistic discipline (language teachers, teacher trainers etc.).



Sciences de la terre et de la

Atlas of the Lunar Terminator

This Atlas is based on high-resolution electronic images of the terminator area of the Moon under 47 different illuminations. Each image is displayed across two or three pages. Features as small as 1-2 kilometers can be seen. For each illumination, accompanying text describes the major features shown in each view, along with larger-scale images of selected areas, which are indexed with their positions and dimensions. Two text chapters describe and illustrate the techniques of lunar observing and the types of landforms. Observing data are presented through 2010. Experienced observers will find the Atlas an invaluable planning tool, while beginners will gain an understanding of lunar geography and geology. There is an index of 1000 named lunar formations, cross-referenced to the images. No other atlas shows the Moon under such a variety of observing conditions.




Good Law

The purpose of the book is to provide a list of technical criteria for good law. The word "technical" is used in contradistinction to moral criteria for good law.




My Louvre. 21 prints for a picture-perfect home

This volume presents an expertly curated selection of paintings, portraits, landscapes, and genre scenes, from among the masterpieces of the world-renowned Louvre museum-from Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa to Eugène Delacroix's July 28 : Liberty Leading the People. Iconic works by painterly masters such as Sandro Botticelli, Hieronymus Bosch, Caravaggio, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, and Jacques Louis David are reproduced in this collection of twenty-one high-quality, easily detachable prints, to be displayed alone or grouped together to create your very own Louvre at home. Charles Delaville's text on the back of each print provides the keys to understanding the work of art and the artist's life. Dominique de Font-Réaulx, Director of Interpretation and Cultural Programs at the Louvre, contributes a foreword.



Littérature française

My Ulster haven

1989, a 23-year-old French woman, an English student with a burdensome family background, leaves for Northern Ireland. She's on her way to start her French assistant job. She discovers this unknown part of Ireland, so underestimated and still plunged into civil war. There, she settles down and blossoms until she decides she actually wants to live there. An unexpected event will bring her back to France in 1991, but the link with this country will carry on until the Brexit announcement in 2016, and well beyond. An intimate journey to the core of Irish History, that reaches the depths of its wars, its men, its women, a journey at the very heart of the past. "A page of history - and of my history - is turning and it throws me off."




Education in Mission / Mission in Education

The dissertation investigates the work of the Project in Partnership between Black and White which is based in Birmingham, England. The focus of this experiment in theological education is dialogical and intercultural within the British socio-cultural setting. This programme is compared with the Alternative Theological and Staff Development Experiment of Colgate Divinity School in Rochester, New York ; and the Black Church Experience, the Research in Black Church Studies and Research Study in Oral History at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary, Evanston, Illinois in USA. This study further probes into the trends in general education in South Africa and their influence on the socio-political dynamics and how these in turn influence education for mission. The research analyses these approaches in the light of the work done by the Programme on Theological Education of the World Council of Chruches. The enquiry points to the need to re-think our approach to theological education in all our pluralistic societies.



Histoire internationale

One Artist on Five Continents

Elisabet Delbrück (1876-1967) was one of a number of Germans who came to New Zealand in the late 1930s. Unlike most, she had not intended to emigrate but was touring the country when World War II broke out. She was at first forbidden to leave and then chose to remain in Wellington. Her thirty years in Mahina Bay on Wellington harbour had a profound effect on all who knew her. This study aims to discover why she was so remarkable. It explores her early life, her marriage into a prominent German family and her qualification as an artist. She turned this into a profession, teaching and exhibiting on five continents in the 1920s and 1930s. She always travelled alone, observing the customs and beliefs of the people she met. In Australia and New Zealand in 1938 and 1939 she was wrongly suspected of spreading Nazi propaganda. Her story is also the story of a heroic group of Wellingtonians who helped her in the 1940s and valued her friendship till her death.



Instruments de musique

Slicked Back Tango. for trumpet and piano. trumpet and piano.

Tangos, like ragtimes and waltzes, are an integral part of Elena Kats-Chernin's music, always in a new and varied form. In it, the composer allusively combines her present time with the classical tradition and high art with light music. Slicked Back Tango was originally composed in 1995 for piano four hands and has since been written for numerous other instrumentations. The music "harks back to the time of silent movies. I was thinking of the 1920s and film star Rudolph Valentino. The title refers to his hairstyle", says Kats-Chernin. Instrumentation : trumpet and piano



Instruments de musique

Slicked Back Tango. for cello and piano. cello and piano.

Tangos, like ragtimes and waltzes, are an integral part of Elena Kats-Chernin's music, always in a new and varied form. In it, the composer allusively combines her present time with the classical tradition and high art with light music. Slicked Back Tango was originally composed in 1995 for piano four hands and has since been written for numerous other instrumentations. The music "harks back to the time of silent movies. I was thinking of the 1920s and film star Rudolph Valentino. The title refers to his hairstyle", says Kats-Chernin. Instrumentation : cello and piano
