
How to Be a Man



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Lucifer's Legacy. The Meaning of Asymmetry

In Lucifer's Legacy, physicist and broadcaster Frank Close explores the origins of asymmetry from life to the Universe at large. He asks whether this multitude of examples can be traced back to a single act that took place at the origin of our Universe. Inspired by a chance meeting with Lucifer in the Tuilerie gardens in Paris, Close takes the reader on a sweeping tour of asymmetry in the world around us, from the development of human embryos to the mysterious Higgs boson. His tour culminates in the research now underway in Switzerland, where scientists are preparing an experiment to recreate the Big Bang and hope to resolve the mystery of original asymmetry. Lucifer's Legacy describes the possible outcomes of this experiment, and assesses their implications for our understanding of the Universe.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Romance sexy

Liberté de cow-boy. Les cow-boys, T5

Après avoir purgé sa peine, Skyler est habitué à devoir se battre pour obtenir ce qu'il veut, et ce qu'il désire le plus au monde, c'est un travail au Rocking C. Mais Sterling Chandler, le patron de Sky, est un homophobe notoire et ses employés ne font pas vraiment confiance à un ancien détenu. Sky est prêt à ignorer leur comportement, car être à nouveau libre et travailler au grand air lui suffit. Il souhaite oublier son passé et compte bien ne s'occuper que de ses affaires ; en espérant que les hommes avec qui il travaille en fassent autant. Pourtant, ça ne signifie pas qu'il n'aimerait pas un ami... tout particulièrement un comme ce géant de Rock Evans. #MM #cowboys #western --- "Bien écrit, avec une histoire et une intrigue solides, ainsi que des personnages très sympathiques. Mes promesses de cow-boy est le genre d'histoire que je veux voir plus souvent ! " Unconventional Book Reviews " Ce n'est un secret pour personne que c'est l'une de mes séries préférées. Les personnages de Sky et Rock sont complexes et intrigants. Leurs points de vue sont éclairants. J'aime toujours quand une histoire montre que les obstacles que la vie met en travers du chemin peuvent être surmontés avec de la compréhension et de l'amour". JR - Goodreads



Romance sexy

Promesse du cow-boy. Les cow-boys, T4

Pour devenir l'homme qu'il est censé être, il va devoir révéler son plus grand secret... Ryder Dent est un véritable cow-boy. Fils, mari et père dévoué, sa vie n'est pourtant que mensonge. Lorsqu'ils étaient jeunes, Ryder et sa meilleure amie Andy pensaient avoir trouvé la solution parfaite à leurs problèmes. Elle était une future mère célibataire, il cachait son homosexualité. Ils se sont mariés et ont élevé Jonas ensemble. Mais quand Ryder se blesse et que le Dr Declan Winters vient à sa rescousse, l'attirance entre eux est soudaine, puissante et indéniable. Ryder aime Andy et la famille qu'ils se sont créée. Mais ils ont tous deux besoin de bien plus. Pourront-ils suivre leur coeur sans anéantir leur vie et perdre le fils qu'ils aiment ? #Cow-boy #ComingOut #MM --- "J'ai trouvé que c'était une lecture formidable, remplie de personnages en trois dimensions et d'une intrigue complète et inhabituelle". Ontheother hand - Amazon "Pour moi, cette série s'améliore avec chaque tome. Celui-ci ne fait pas exception. C'est un véritable tourbillon d'émotions. Des montagnes russes sur lesquelles je serais ravie de remonter une seconde fois". JR - Goodreads "Le pouvoir de la famille (qu'on se choisit et qui nous trouve), c'est le message que transmet ce livre". Joyfully Jay



Anglais apprentissage

The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter " A " stands for " Adultery ". In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child bore outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her tife. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child?




Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.




Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.



Non classé

Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.



Non classé

Beyond the Zeus Principle

Patriarchal rule, termed "Zeus Principle" by Günter Grass, has always been resisted and transcended. A central area for this resistance is the continual change in gender roles. Most notedly, around 1800 the notion of equality revolutionized the concept of love, a process that can be best understood as a complex interrelationship between literature and society. By illustrating the rise and fall of Romantic Love from Romanticism via Realism to Modernism, this book provides the foundation for an examination of how German novels between 1959 and 1989 respond in form and content to "familial allegiances" in a fatherless society. The comprehensive survey of almost one hundred novels, including an in-depth analysis of twelve key novels, is founded in a Critical Social Psychology and supports the central hypothesis of a (re)turn of Romantic Love in contemporary literature.



Sciences de la terre et de la

The Biomechanics of Insect Flight. Form, Function, Evolution

From the rain forests of Borneo to the tenements of Manhattan, winged insects are a conspicuous and abundant feature of life on earth. Here, Robert Dudley presents the first comprehensive explanation of how insects fly. The author relates the biomechanics of flight to insect ecology and evolution in a major new work of synthesis. The book begins with an overview of insect flight biomechanics. Dudley explains insect morphology, wing motions, aerodynamics, flight energetics, and flight metabolism within a modern phylogenetic setting. Drawing on biomechanical principles, he describes and evaluates flight behavior and the limits to flight performance. The author then takes the next step by developing evolutionary explanations of insect flight. He analyzes the origins of flight in insects, the roles of natural and sexual selection in determining how insects fly, and the relationship between flight and insect size, pollination, predation, dispersal, and migration. Dudley ranges widely - from basic aerodynamics to muscle physiology and swarming behavior - but his focus is the explanation of functional design from evolutionary and ecological perspectives. The importance of flight in the lives of insects has long been recognized but never systematically evaluated. This book addresses that shortcoming. Robert Dudley provides an introduction to insect flight that will be welcomed by students and researchers in biomechanics, entomology, evolution, ecology, and behavior.



Guides pratiques

Fast Talk French 5ed -anglais

Although you can get by in France without speaking the language, knowing just a few essential phrases can help you make friends, enjoy service with a smile, and discover richer, more rewarding travel experiences. Fast Talk French is the concise language guide that is guaranteed to get you talking with confidence. Taste your way around the cellars of Champagne, explore the sights of Paris, or grab that great shopping bargain. Essential phrases to meet all your travel needs How to get local recommendations Easy-to-use pronunciation guides Expert tips to boost your confidence



BD tout public

No way out. Version anglaise

" The stock market crash in '29 and the Dust Bowl left us with nothing, out on the streets, our youth our only asset. We were to reduced to wandering from place to place- no work, no future. What we were yet to realize, was that our only hope of saving our skins would be to risk our lives".



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Don’t leave me

Jordan and Florence had made a promise never to part with each other, having managed to heal their past pains. Unfortunately, one day she will return to France, leaving Jordan, alone, in Boston. Their love, their carnal complicity in which they always found refuge and had fun in unusual places, cannot be ended on a whim. The death of a child, of a parent, suicide, disability, so many trials that will test their love, so that they admit they are nothing without the other. Will they succeed, knowing that when one is loved, one strength is increased tenfold when one encounters an obstacle ? Besides, distance is nothing when two people love each other so passionately, destiny is supposed to bring those who love each other together.



Non classé

African Image of the Ultimate Reality

The question of human existence and its ultimate meaning demand doctrinal answers. Such answers depend on man's conception of the Ruler of the Universe ; and on the answers depends man's attitude to life. This study explores and expands the Igbo answer to the question of the ultimate meaning of human existence in relation to Chukwu-God. It also seeks to open up religious springboards which will be of value to the Gospel-carriers in Igboland and to the inter-faith dialogue.




Allaitement Divin. To be breastfed by the Lord

C'est à la sortie de couches après l'accouchement de mon 2nd fils, en Juillet 2012, que le Seigneur m'inspira d'écrire ce livre sur l'allaitement divin.L'allaitement maternel est de loin le mode d'alimentation qui est le plus recommandé par les institutions en relation avec l'enfance, et les spécialistes de la santé. Et cela pour plusieurs raisons. Tout comme l'Amour de DIEU pour l'Homme est la meilleure formule qui puisse être reçue par l'enfant de DIEU.C'est un reflet parfait de la relation entre DIEU et ses enfants. " Allaitement Divin " fera donc ce parallèle entre ces 2 images emblématiques, afin de nous porter dans une autre dimension de la relation avec DIEU.Car ainsi parle l'Eternel : Voici, je dirigerai vers elle la paix comme un fleuve, Et la gloire des nations comme un torrent débordé, Et vous serez allaités ; Vous serez portés sur les bras, Et caressés sur les genoux ". Esaïe : 66.12



Romans, témoignages & Co

The Way I Used to Be Tome 1

"Les quatorze années précédentes n'ont été qu'une répétition générale pour me préparer à bien la fermer maintenant". Une nuit, le monde d'Edie bascule et ses certitudes volent en éclats. Une nuit où le meilleur ami de son frère la viole et la laisse anéantie. Alors Edie enterre au plus profond de son être celle qu'elle était. Les amies, les mecs, plus rien ne pourra jamais être comme avant. Désormais, elle prendra tous les matins le chemin du lycée les poings serrés et les yeux secs.




Tom Petty. It's Good To Be King

En pleine vague punk et alors que les radios américaines boudaient son premier album, Tom Petty et ses fidèles Heartbreakers devaient connaître le succès en Europe lors d'une tournée anglaise en première partie de Nils Lofgren et en Europe continentale aux côtés des Kinks. Et pourtant, Petty et sa bande n'avaient rien à voir avec les punks, bien au contraire. La musique que jouait Petty et son groupe était fortement américaine, et puisait dans les racines musicales de ce pays. Du rock'n roll bien sûr, mais également des morceaux empruntant au blues, au folk et à la country music. Bien vite, grâce à ce judicieux mélange des genres, il devint une méga star aux Etats-Unis et accrocha une poignée de fidèles dans le monde entier. Pour le blondinet, né dans un bled paumé de Floride, la gloire, le succès n'ont jamais changé sa façon de vivre, ni de travailler. Reconnu par ses pairs, il aura également joué avec les plus grands musiciens, ses idoles de jeunesse pour la plupart. Son extraordinaire talent de singer/songwriter en fait l'un des musiciens les plus intéressants de ces quarante dernières années. Il se situe, sans conteste possible, dans la veine d'un Bob Dylan - avec qui il a joué au sein des Traveling Wilburys - d'un Neil Young, voire même d'un Bruce Springsteen. Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers, une histoire américaine, mais, heureusement pour nous, pas qu'américaine.



Sciences politiques

A Morbid Democracy. Old and New Populisms

The crisis of democracy in Europe and the inability of the political parties and élites to adequately meet the challenges of globalisation exposes the increasingly fragmented middle classes to the temptations of Euroscepticism, and, in some cases, xenophobia. This appears to be a portrait of contemporary reality, but the current crisis has deep roots. The Spanish thinker José Ortega y Gasset described the pathologies of the mass man and of the nascent democratic system as far back as the beginning of the twentieth century, in a significant text entitled Una democracia morbosa, which appears to foreshadow the present state of affairs. The crisis of the average man, the degradation and devaluation of culture appear to be the distinctive traits of the new, post-ideological democracy of our times, known as "audience democracy". The political parties, faced with this profound crisis, in some cases seek dangerous shortcuts through demagogic and rhetorical use of the term "people", while the charismatic figure of the leader gains in prestige as a reference model. Resentment, caused by lack of representation of the just demands of the citizens, can turn to anger and destabilise the institutions of democracy. There is therefore an urgent need for an inclusive Europe with a renewed welfare system, based around the citizenry and not the masses.



BD tout public

Prelude to a Kiss

Premier livre à L'ASSOCIATION d'El Don Guillermo, jeune auteur issu du collectif Misma à Toulouse qui publie la revue Dopututto. Les histoires courtes qui composent ce recueil abordent toutes des relations sentimentales sous un angle très personnel mêlant humour et sensualité. Ces histoires d'amour modernes, au parfum et au graphisme très libres, augurent d'une nouvelle forte personnalité parmi la jeune génération des auteurs de L'ASSOCIATION.



Non classé

Health Problems in Asia and in the Federal Republic of Germany- How to solve them?

In order to cope with health problems in developing or developed countries, means have to be tested before preventive, promotive and curative measures can be implemented on a nationwide basis by health authorities. Problems and constraints of such intervention trials seem to be similar in developing and developed countries although there are differences in the disease patterns. In the near future, especially the Asian countries will be facing similar health problems as the western countries, in addition to their present problems. Scientists from various Asian countries and the Federal Republic of Germany discussed intervention measures in the field of health delivery system, family planning, parasite control, mother and child health care as well as nutrition.



Littérature française

Ho, l'enfant dragon

" Ce que son pinceau tracera sur la grande feuille, Ho ne le sait pas encore. Ho ignore la signification de ces signes. Il sait seulement qu'ils sont le souffle de son souffle, le souffle de son âme. Il sait qu'on n'a besoin ni de jambes ni de rêves pour les tracer, et qu'ils vous emportent beaucoup plus loin que les jambes et les rêves. Ho essaie de devenir un caillou, pour que plus rien n'entrave l'énergie qui tourne au fond de lui et qui frappe à la porte. Plus rien : ni les souvenirs, ni les regrets, ni les joies, ni les peines, ni les envies, ni les peurs. Un caillou. Et s'il parvient à devenir caillou, il sera aussi bonbon, fleuve, ville, cerisier, chien, montagne... " Ho, l'enfant dragon est l'histoire d'un jeune garçon né sur les bords du fleuve Mékong. Ho est pauvre mais heureux de vivre. Un jour, sa vie va basculer brutalement. Ce conte cruel dénonce les atrocités dont sont victimes les enfants du monde entier, mais c'est aussi une fable humaniste sur la force de l'innocence face à la cruauté des hommes.



Non classé

Thomas Mann's «Joseph und seine Brüder» and the Phallic Theology of the Old Testament

When Thomas Mann began to work on his Joseph novel, he was motivated to do so by the image of the beautiful seventeen-year-old youth and the erotic attraction this image exercised on him personally. He undertook to retell the biblical story of Joseph in order to explore the meaning of this attraction. In the phallic theology of the Old Testament - Israel's covenant with Yahweh was a sacred marriage, outwardly marked by circumcision, for the purpose of mutual sanctification and aggrandizement - Mann discovered the framework of a metaphysics of homoerotic desire. This book explores the many implications Mann found in his biblical source, including the paradoxical notion that a certain degree of suppression of the original desire is required if it is to continue to play its all-important role as a motivating force.



Sciences politiques

The Structure of Political Communication in the United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany

Political Communication in The United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany differs in terms of what the peoples expect to take issue with, how they are prepared to talk about them, which choices they can make to solve problems and, finally, whom or which organizations they delegate to resolve them. This comparative media study of The Economist, Time and Der Spiegel attempts to extract the differences in politics of the three societies.



Anglais apprentissage

A multitude of Sins. Richard Ford

A sequel to Rock Springs and Women with Men, the collection of short stories entitled A Multitude of Sins was published in 2001 and immediately achieved worldwide recognition. If this series of ten short stories seems to feature adultery, it would be a major mistake to believe that the stories can be reduced to what is actually a side issue or a pretext to something else, sometimes of much greater importance. As often with great writers, Richard Ford tackles several other topics along with the sin of unfaithfulness which is a base camp from which to go further up into the knowledge of human deficiency, lack and want. Pondering these sins, Richard Ford lays them all bare while often unveiling the issue of the story right from the beginning, instead of cautiously preserving it as a last chance literary trick to pull it off at the fast moment. Showing insight through observation, his writing is deceptive in as much as it seems natural and easygoing when it requires close analysis and several successive readings to yield up its literary and humane secrets. The comparison some critics have made to Chekhov is not overblown and Agregation students, certainly among the most perceptive readers in the world, should naturally enjoy both reading and studying A Multitude of Sins, pleasure and scholarship being complementary, not antagonistic. The exclusive interview of Richard Ford at the end of the book will certainly be appreciated by Agregation students, who will thus be able to finish off their knowledge of Ford's works.




Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan

From serious illness to natural disasters, humans turn to communication as a major source of strength to help us bounce back and to keep growing and thriving. Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan addresses the various ways in which communication plays an important role in fostering hope and resilience. Adopting a lifespan approach and offering a new framework to expand our understanding of the concepts of "hope" and "resilience" from a communication perspective, contributors highlight the variety of "stressors" that people may encounter in their lives. They examine connections between the cognitive dimensions of hope such as self-worth, self-efficacy, and creative problem solving. They look at the variety of messages that can facilitate or inhibit experiencing hope in relationships, groups, and organizations. Other contributors look at how communication that can build strengths, enhance preparation, and model successful adaptation to change has the potential to lessen the negative impact of stress, demonstrating resilience. As an important counterpoint to recent work focusing on what goes wrong in interpersonal relationships, communication that has the potential to uplift and facilitate responses to stressful circumstances is emphasized throughout this volume. By offering a detailed examination of how to communicate hope and resilience, this book presents practical lessons for individuals, marriages, families, relationship experts, as well as a variety of other practitioners.



Non classé

The History and some Problems of Television Service in Anambra State of Nigeria

The television medium has reached the heights of complication. This complication is the aftereffect of the fact that broadcasting in itself (both TV and Radio) recognizes little or no boundaries. Broadcasting breaks the boundaries of, inter alia, political, cultural, linguistic, socio-economical and socio-psychological identities. It reaches extensive "possibilities" embracing, collecting and connecting nationalities and people, languages and cultures. This situation must continue to raise the question why such a global-transcontinental and transnational communications' "inter-flux". This work is in this context an aid towards possible solutions of the present question on the TV-medium. The interest of this work can be said to be the presentation of facts that brought Anambra State of Nigeria to this "embrace" of the world's extensive television technology.



Histoire internationale

Knowledge and Symbolization in Saint John of the Cross

The works of Juan de la Cruz contains numerous passages dealing with human cognition both ordinary and mystical. This study traces San Juan's examination of the mystic's knowledge in and through God. The sixteenth-century Spanish thinker stresses that conditionality is a fundamental character of all human knowledge, and brings to light a complex movement of contiguity between one and another mode of cognitive activity. Also discussed is the expression, through the instruments of prose and poetry, of the mystic's supereminent and therefore ineffable experience of knowledge and love. Relying upon Juan de la Cruz's own texts, it is shown how a relative communication can be effected despite the barriers separating mystical from ordinary cognition.



Sciences de la terre et de la

The Extended Organism. The Physiology of Animal-Built Structures

Can the structures that animals build-from the humble burrows of earthworms to towering termite mounds to the Great Barrier Reef-be said to live ? However counterintuitive the idea might first seem, physiological ecologist Scott Turner demonstrates in this book that many animals construct and use structures to harness and control the flow of energy from their environment to their own advantage. Building on Richard Dawkins's classic book The Extended Phenotype, Turner shows why drawing the boundary of an organism's physiology at the skin of the animal is arbitrary.



Sciences de la terre et de la

LA FORET EN JEU. L'extractivisme en Amazonie centrale

Souvent présenté comme une activité archaïque, l'extractivisme, c'est-à-dire l'exploitation de produits forestiers à des fins commerciales, pourrait n'être que le témoignage de l'un des divers cycles économiques que le Brésil a vécus. Mais les mouvements des collecteurs de latex d'hévéa, aux revendications relayées par diverses institutions, et une opinion publique sensibilisée aux problèmes écologiques l'ont propulsé au centre des débats sur la gestion des écosystèmes forestiers. La question de sa place dans le développement régional est posée. Mais que sait-on de sa viabilité écologique ? Comment peut-il s'adapter aux changements écologiques et sociaux qui affectent aujourd'hui l'Amazonie ? Dans un contexte mondial de mise en culture de nombreuses espèces, de fabrication massive de produits de synthèse, pourquoi un tel intérêt autour de cette activité ? Comment l'extractivisme peut-il participer à de nouvelles formes de gestion de la forêt associant conservation et mise en valeur ? Often presented as an archaic activity, extractivism, that is to say the exploitation of the forest products for commercial purposes, might be merely a feature of one of the various economic cycles that Brazil has experienced. However, movements of rubber tree latex collectors, with claims relayed by various institutions, and public opinion aware of ecological problems, have made it a central element of discussions concerning the management of forest ecosystems. The question of its position in regional development is raised. But what is known about its ecological viability? How can it adapt to the ecological and social changes that currently affect Amazonia? Why is so much interest shown in this activity in a global context in which numerous species are cultivated and massive quantities of synthetic products are manufactured? How can extractivism form part of new types of forest management combining conservation and development?




PURE JAVASCRIPT. A Code-Intensive Premium Reference

Pure JavaScript is a premium reference for experienced JavaScript programmers. It contains concise descriptions of JavaScript forms, cookies, windows, and layers. It also includes an accelerated introduction to JavaScript concepts and components. Beyond the brief descriptions and short syntax snippets found in most references, this book provides real-life, well-commented JavaScript examples for each documented object, property, method, and event handler. This not only helps your understanding of the syntax, but also provides a contextual aid in determining how and why a specific object or method may be used. Pure JavaScript also includes: • A special reference section dedicated to server-side JavaScript • Coverage of JScript and Microsoft's Active Scripting • A complete reference to browser-supported JavaScript, including support for Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Opera.
