
Into the Woods Disney



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Disney Classiques

Un cahier de plus de 90 coloriages en noir et blanc des personnages Disney ! - De grandes illustrations pour colorier Lilo et Stitch, Simba, Hercule, Dumbo et leurs amis selon ses envies ! - Un papier épais, adapté au coloriage au feutre. Dès 4 ans.



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Disney Princesses

Un cahier d'activités pour s'amuser à colorier les Princesses Disney, et à décorer ses affaires avec les stickers ! - Un cahier grand format de 24 pages qui propose de magnifiques coloriages en noir et blanc. - Une planche de stickers pour animer les pages du cahier et/ou décorer toutes ses affaires. Dès 4 ans.



Coloriages adultes

Disney Babies

100 coloriages mystères inédits. Redécouvrez dans cet ouvrage les personnages les plus mignons des films d'animation Disney à travers 100 illustrations inédites : Panpan, Dumbo, Michel, Marie... Grâce aux codes couleurs, démêlez les entrelacs des lignes, appliquez chaque nuance dans la zone correspondante et révélez la scène représentée. Retrouvez calme et sérénité en plongeant dans un univers coloré et fantastique. Détendez-vous, retrouvez votre âme d'enfant ainsi que le plaisir de créer.



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Disney classiques

Un grand livre de coloriages avec des illustrations soignées et modernes, à coloriser selon ses envies ! - Un cahier grand format de 32 pages qui propose des coloriages en noir et blanc accompagnés d'éléments en couleurs. - Les enfants retrouvent leurs personnages de Disney préférés ! - Le papier est épais, idéal pour le coloriage au feutre. Dès 6 ans.



Loisirs et jeux

Disney Princesses

Un grand livre de coloriages contenant plus de 90 coloriages en noir et blanc pour colorier les plus belles Princesses Disney ! Un papier blanc et suffisamment épais pour le coloriage au feutre. Dès 4 ans.



Loisirs et jeux

Disney Princesses

Grâce à ce cahier d'activités, l'enfant s'amuse à colorier ses personnages préférés du film Raiponce en s'aidant des modèles en couleurs et décore ses pages ou ses affaires avec les stickers !



Loisirs et jeux

Disney Princesses

Plus de 30 illustrations faciles à colorier !



Loisirs et jeux

Disney Animaux

Prends tes plus beaux crayons et feutres pour colorier près de 100 dessins de tes animaux Disney préférés !



Techniques artistiques

Disney Mandalas

De Mowgli aux Aristochats, en passant par Belle, Tiana, Baymax, Vaiana, Nick Wilde ou Simba, les personnages les plus emblématiques des films d'animation Disney vous invitent à un voyage dans un monde de détente. 100 mandalas, supports de méditation et de concentration pour vous offrir détente et paix intérieure. Inclus, des marque-pages à colorier. Préparez vos crayons, détendez-vous et retrouvez votre âme d'enfant !



Dessins animés

Disney : Vilains

Découvrez tout l'art des Méchants Disney dans ce mini-grimoire ponctué d'illustrations rares et d'anecdotes amusantes.



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Disney Classiques

Un grand livre de coloriages avec des illustrations soignées et modernes, à coloriser selon ses envies ! - Un cahier grand format de 32 pages qui propose des coloriages en noir et blanc accompagnés d'éléments en couleurs. - Les enfants retrouvent leurs personnages Disney préférés ! - Le papier est épais, idéal pour le coloriage au feutre. Dès 6 ans.



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Disney Junior

Un cahier de plus de près de 100 coloriages en noir et blanc des personnages Disney Junior ! - De grandes illustrations pour colorier Mickey et ses amis selon ses envies ! - Un papier épais, adapté au coloriage au feutre. Dès 4 ans.



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Disney. Vaïana

Retrouve tes personnages Disney préférés dans un super livre de coloriages. A tes crayons, petit artiste !



Techniques artistiques

Disney Princesses

Les princesses Disney sont iconiques. Belles et courageuses, fortes et bienveillantes, ces jeunes femmes font rêver et nous prouvent qu'il est possible d'allier combativité et féminité, douceur et vigueur, maintien princier et caractère bien trempé. De Blanche-Neige à Mérida en passant par Cendrillon, Belle, Pocahontas ou Tiana, redécouvrez les princesses Disney à travers 60 illustrations originales et redonnez des couleurs à ces héroïnes qui le méritent.



Coloriages adultes

Disney Princesses

Vaiana ou Blanche-Neige ? Cendrillon ou Ariel ? Belle ou Mulan ? Tiana ou Pocahontas ? Aurore ou Raiponce ? Retrouvez 100 coloriages mystères inédits à découvrir case après case. Appliquez les couleurs et faites apparaître les plus iconiques des princesses Disney.



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Disney Animaux

Retrouve tous les animaux Disney à colorier dans un superbe livre, pour seulement 3, 50 ? ! Marie, Baloo, Dumbo, Bambi et tous les animaux Disney sont mis à l'honneur dans ce bel album de coloriages. Amusement garanti !



Loisirs et jeux

Disney Classiques

Prends tes plus beaux crayons et feutres pour colorier près de 100 dessins de tes personnages Disney préférés !



Coloriages adultes

Nature Disney

Retrouvez vos personnages préférés des chefs-d'oeuvre Disney et Pixar dans un coloriage dédié à la nature : des prairies verdoyantes de Bambi aux paysages glacés de La Reine des neiges, suivez le code couleur et révélez 100 scènes mystères inédites !




Cuboquiz fake news. 200 questions & défis

Distinguez le vrai du faux, testez votre culture et amusez-vous de l'actualité ! Le cuboquiz Fake News vous promet de l'inouï, des infos ou des intox, et la bonne humeur, le tout dans un format nomade. Qu'elles soient réellement fausses ou plutôt truquées, les fake news ont envahi nos écrans, mais saurez-vous les identifier à coup sûr ? C'est ce qu'il vous faudra tenter de faire dans ce jeu qui vous propose 200 questions mêlant fake news, idées reçues, légendes urbaines, vrais faits surprenants mais aussi des pièges inventés de toutes pièces. Jouez seul ou en équipe à Fake News, en distinguant les infos des intox des 5 rubriques du jeu : Science et environnement, Politique et international, Actualité et people, Histoire et géographie, Arts et culture. Exemples : Science et environnement : Les blonds et les roux sont condamnés à disparaître de l'humanité. Info ou intox ? Politique et international : Donald Trump a écrit sur Twitter : " Mon compte Twitter est devenu tellement puissant que je peux forcer mes ennemis à dire la vérité. ". Info ou intox ? People et actualité : Ryan Gosling et Justin Timberlake ont vécu sous le même toit pendant 6 mois durant leur adolescence. Info ou intox ? Histoire et géographie : Adhérent du parti nazi, le couturier Hugo Boss a dessiné les uniformes de la SS et d'autres organes officiels nazis. Info ou Intox ? Arts et culture : C'est pendant la première du film J'irai cracher sur vos tombes, adapté de son propre roman, que Boris Vian est mort. Info ou Intox ?



Sciences politiques

The Structure of Political Communication in the United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany

Political Communication in The United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany differs in terms of what the peoples expect to take issue with, how they are prepared to talk about them, which choices they can make to solve problems and, finally, whom or which organizations they delegate to resolve them. This comparative media study of The Economist, Time and Der Spiegel attempts to extract the differences in politics of the three societies.



Non classé

The Church of North India

This book presents historical and theological insight into the Church of North India against the background of the modern missionary movement, Indian nationalism and the church union negotiations. The questions of Christian identity, the nature of the church and the appropriate form of Christianity in India are evaluated with a view to present an ecumenical ecclesiology by interrelating three basic categories of narrative, doctrine and institution.



Anglais apprentissage

Encountering the Chinese. A Guide for Americans, Second Edition

To fathom the complex culture of China is a daunting task, but Hu Wenzhong and Cornelius Grove, in this substantially revised and updated edition of their popular book, have risen to the challenge. They provide a practical and sensitive cross-cultural analysis of Chinese culture along with insights into how best to communicate and interact with Chinese people. As the economic and diplomatie climate in China has changed, the frequency of contact between Chinese and Americans has increased in all areas : business, academic, scientific, professional, personal and cultural, making this book even more valuable. Relying on Hu's knowledge of his native Chinese culture and Grove's American perspective from his substantial experience in China, Encountering the Chinese will enable Westerners to establish more productive and rewarding relationships with the Chinese, both inside and outside the PRC. As in the first edition, the authors retain fondamental information on basic Chinese values, cultural norms, and mindsets and identify the cross-cultural factors that often lead to failed business negotiations, embarrassing faux pas and misunderstandings when Americans and other Westerners encounter the Chinese. In this second edition they have added a discussion of economic changes and the gradual demise of state-owned companies, and they give special attention to the shift among young urban professionals and businesspeople from traditional collectivist values toward individualism and a market economy mentality. There is also a new section for American women working in China.




Chu Teh-Chun. In Nebula, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Chu Teh-Chun (1920-2014) est un acteur majeur de la peinture gestuelle abstraite. Né en Chine au sein d'une famille d'amateurs d'art, il est formé à l'Académie des beaux-arts mais subit la guerre sino-japonaise, des tragédies familiales, la disparition quasi totale de ses oeuvres de jeunesse puis l'exil - en 1949 vers Taïwan et en 1955 vers Paris, où il s'installe enfin. C'est dans ce cadre apaisé que son abstraction orageuse voit le jour. Excluant toute géométrie patente, celle-ci est constituée de nébuleuses et autres maelströms polychromes, modelés par de puissants effets de clair-obscur. Atmosphérique et hors échelle, chaque tableau est une matrice où notre vision se projette et s'abîme, nous faisant perdre tout repère spatial ou sémantique. Nourri de peinture tant classique que moderne, tant asiatique qu'occidentale, Chu formule la sensation mnésique du paysage, l'essence dynamique du geste et le surgissement de la lumière. La mise en perspective historique, au gré de parallèles, analogies et autres résonances, nous invite à cerner la singularité d'un régime abstrait sous-tendu par la logique organique du vivant, les formes et les forces de la nature, leurs phénomènes naturels, leur fluidité éruptive et leurs révolutions cosmogoniques. Car Chu s'est longtemps trouvé quelque peu en marge de son époque, en raison peut-être d'une personnalité réservée et d'un rejet de principe de toute stratégie commerciale. L'objet de cette monographie est donc, à l'aune du recul historique et du succès actuel de l'oeuvre, de qualifier certains de ses enjeux esthétiques et d'aider à dissiper quelques malentendus qui ont pu entourer sa réception. Chu Teh-Chun (1920-2014) is a major figure in the history of gestural abstract painting. Born in China into a family of art lovers, he trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou. Then came the Second Sino-Japanese war, family tragedy, the loss of nearly all his early work, and finally, exile-to Taiwan in 1949, then, in 1955, to Paris, where he settled. This peaceful home witnessed the emergence of his tortured abstraction, devoid of obvious geometry, in which polychrome nebulae and maelstroms clash with violent chiaroscuro effects. Atmospheric, impossible to scale, each painting is an arena into which vision is projected and submerged amid a loss of spatial and semantic bearings. Steeped in painting both classical and modern, Asian and Western, Chu's art recreates the memory of a landscape, the dynamic essence of gesture, and the brilliance of light. This study, by placing his work in its context, using parallels, analogies, and other resonances, focuses on the singularity of his approach to abstraction, underpinned by the organic logic of the living world, by natural phenomena, forms, forces, and by their eruptive fluidity and cosmogonic revolutions. For many years, Chu remained a somewhat marginal figure, perhaps because of his reserved personality and his principled rejection of commercial strategies. Making the most of historical perspective, and in light of the artist's current recognition, this monograph sets out to define some of the aesthetic themes shaping his work and to help dispel some of the misunderstandings that have surrounded its reception.



Littérature française

Understanding human nature the psychology of personality

"Understanding Human Nature : The Psychology of Personality" is a seminal work by Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Published in 1927, this book presents Adler's theories on personality and human behavior, which laid the foundation for the school of individual psychology. In the book, Adler explores the fundamental aspects of human nature, including the dynamics of personality development, the influence of social factors, and the significance of individual experiences and perceptions. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the subjective experiences of individuals and how they shape their behavior and worldview. One of Adler's key concepts is the "inferiority complex, " which he argues is a driving force behind human behavior. He suggests that individuals strive for superiority to overcome feelings of inferiority, and that these efforts shape their personality and motivations. "Understanding Human Nature" offers insights into various aspects of human psychology, including the formation of personality traits, the role of early childhood experiences, and the impact of societal influences. Adler's holistic approach to understanding human behavior continues to influence psychology and psychotherapy to this day.



Non classé

Confrontation with Exile: Studies in the German Novel

These studies are linked together by a central theme, namely the state of exile created by the Nazi rise to power. Each novel is examined against the socio-political background of the exile scene. Traditional artistic concepts and ideologies, carried over into the new environment, reveal problems of form and content which are treated in detail through individual analysis.



Droit international

Hidden dividend distributions & hidden capital contributions, 2e édition. A technical guide

Luxembourg companies have a legal personality that is separate from that of their shareholder(s). Consequently, they may enter into agreements with their shareholders as they do with third parties. However, when the terms and conditions of those agreements do not adhere to the arm's length standard, tax adjustments may be required in accordance with the concepts of hidden dividend distribution and hidden capital contribution. Both concepts aim at a separation of the sphere of the company (which is itself subject to corporate income tax on its worldwide income) from that of its shareholders. As such, the concepts of hidden dividend distribution and hidden capital contribution are cornerstones of Luxembourg's transfer pricing rules. In addition, in the context of associated enterprises (in a group of companies), tax adjustments might be required under Article 56 of the Luxembourg Income Tax Law ("LITL"). Hence, a clear distinction must be made between agreements that adhere to the arm's length principle and agreements that, motivated by the shareholding relationship, shift advantages from the company to the shareholder or vice versa. Therefore, each contractual relationship between a company and its shareholder(s) must be considered. Luxembourg tax law does not provide for exhaustive definitions of hidden dividend distributions and hidden capital contributions. Both concepts have their origins in case law of the German Reich Tax Court (Reichsfinanzhof) and have been carefully extended and refined through the years by the German Federal Tax Court (Bundesfinanzhof). Since the publication of the first edition of this book back in 2011, the Luxembourg Courts had to decide in numerous cases involving both concepts. This book offers a one-of-a-kind, practical insight into the tax treatment of hidden dividend distributions, hidden capital contributions and triangular cases. Charts, case studies and checklists aid the reader in identifying and assessing the various cases in which hidden dividend distributions and hidden capital contributions may arise. A new chapter with practical case studies considers situations that may occur in the context of multinational groups, Luxembourg alternative funds and individual shareholders. Reading this thorough guide is indispensable for an in-depth understanding of the concepts of hidden dividend distribution and hidden capital contribution. Tax advisers, practitioners and tax students should gain substantially from the insights provided in this book.




The New Tattoo

Tattoos are everywhere-especially where they are least expected. Once the specialty of bikers and sailors, they now are frequently spotted in art galleries, fashion shows, and even corporate boardrooms. "Mom-in-a-heart" has been replaced by striking monochromatic patterns; intricate reproductions of famous artworks; elaborate mythical beasts and deities; and the oddly unclassifiable (the innards of a video camera, a monolithic black wedge). This sophisticated look at the latest high-style skin decorations, created by the most creative contemporary tattoo artists, is divided into five chapters: Tribal; Paintings, Prints, and Portraits; Imagination and Fantasy; Neotraditional; and All the Rest. A lively introduction provides a cogent history of tattooing through the ages, making clear that the compulsion to personalize the body has characterized humanity throughout recorded history. Concluding the introduction is an informative evaluation of how the tattoo scene has changed since the "tattoo renaissance" that began in the 1960s and has culminated in today's heady mix of inventive old masters and young artschool-trained hotshots. An invaluable appendix gives answers to the questions anyone should ask before getting a tattoo, including: How Is a Tattoo Made? Is It Safe? How Do I Find the Right Tattoo Artist? How Do I Pick the Right Design? How Much Will It Cost? How Long Does It Take? What Maintenance Does a Tattoo Require? Can 1 Get Rid of It?



Non classé

Exchange Marriages in South Punjab, Pakistan

This book deals with the system of exchange marriages in South Punjab, Pakistan. This system does not only regulate mate selection, but it is also an institutional guarantee of reciprocity, welfare and social cohesion. It connects families by means of one marriage, and also creates a double bond between two (or sometimes more) couples. This establishes specific conditions for stability and possible changes in marriage pattern. Valuation and stigmatization as social mechanisms are used to maintain the system of the exchange. It also shows to what degree new forms of cultural values and new patterns of social exchange come into play, create contradictions and undermine the traditional cultural norms. The study focuses on the interplay between structure, culture, and agency (Archer 1996). Thereby, not only the functions and dysfunctions of the system come into view, but also the conditions under which the system is actively being maintained by different actors ; the tensions that it produces between individual and collective perspectives ; as well as the cultural and structural conditions under which marriage practices and concepts are gradually being transformed.




Universalism according to the Gospel of Matthew

This work studies the theme of universalism, namely the sharing of the gentile nations in salvation according to the gospel of Matthew. The method being employed is synchronic. All the texts that are relevant to the theme are interpreted, taking into account their context and their synoptic parallels. The study reveals that the theme of universalism is well organized and gradually developed in the gospel of Matthew. It constitutes one important theme.



Non classé

From Regularity to Anomaly

This book discusses the removal of i-umlaut alternations from the inflectional system of Middle English. After presenting the scope and nature of the process in Germanic languages, it offers a detailed investigation into its lexicalisation in main dialects of Middle English. The observed developments are viewed as an interplay of four main factors : the degree of optimal patterning, type frequency, language contact and paradigmatic pressure.
