
Monsters of Verity - Tome 1 This Savage song



Non classé

Read Ancient African scripts from any current African language. Volume 2

The son of Douaouf, the brilliant, scribe of the early XIIth Dynasty Xty " Khety " said this : "The man continues to subsist after reaching the haven of death and his actions are beside him in a heap. " If regression is the main cause of the alarming situation of Africa and its tails the perceptibles consequences at all levels, the solution to this problem is eminently political. It inevitably involves the constitution of a pan-African State. For men, there is no unity without memory of the past. In fact, the construction of a federal state inevitably involves the restoration of African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language. The unification of Africa will only be possible if it takes the measure of its linguistic unification issue. To a lesser extent but like Cheikh Anta Diop in his book titled the Cultural Unity, I was animated throughout this heuristic by the idea that only the true knowledge of the past can maintain the consciousness and the feeling of a historical continuity essential to the consolidation of a nation for the purpose of building a multinational state in line with its past. Like Cheikh Anta Diop, I build my sureness on the legitimate idea that a people who lost a significant part of their historical memory must engage in the investigation of their past in every possible way. This investigation can take the contours of a reconnection with its past through so-called old languages. But a people can not live only with by merely repeating of what others tell them about themselves. The investigation through its linguistic past allows especially a direct knowledge of oneself. In addition to the fact that this knowledge simply highlights its weaknesses, it allows also to become aware by an introspective and therefore reflective of its real abilities and strengths. It structures being and the consciousness of being to resist any form of servile and degrading ideology. This quest for the past, not founded on blind passion but objectivity, nourishes a healthy ambition for a real universalism. To know one's past is already to project one's future. To know one's past is to give oneself the capacity to be able to bring to others in a perspective of giving and receiving. To know one's past is to refuse intellectual guardianship and wait-and-seeism. To know one's past is to be reborn.



Non classé

Read Ancient African scripts from any current African language. Volume 1

The son of Douaouf, the brilliant, scribe of the early XIIth Dynasty Xty " Khety " said this : "The man continues to subsist after reaching the haven of death and his actions are beside him in a heap. " If regression is the main cause of the alarming situation of Africa and its tails the perceptibles consequences at all levels, the solution to this problem is eminently political. It inevitably involves the constitution of a pan-African State. For men, there is no unity without memory of the past. In fact, the construction of a federal state inevitably involves the restoration of African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language. The unification of Africa will only be possible if it takes the measure of its linguistic unification issue. To a lesser extent but like Cheikh Anta Diop in his book titled the Cultural Unity, I was animated throughout this heuristic by the idea that only the true knowledge of the past can maintain the consciousness and the feeling of a historical continuity essential to the consolidation of a nation for the purpose of building a multinational state in line with its past. Like Cheikh Anta Diop, I build my sureness on the legitimate idea that a people who lost a significant part of their historical memory must engage in the investigation of their past in every possible way. This investigation can take the contours of a reconnection with its past through so-called old languages. But a people can not live only with by merely repeating of what others tell them about themselves. The investigation through its linguistic past allows especially a direct knowledge of oneself. In addition to the fact that this knowledge simply highlights its weaknesses, it allows also to become aware by an introspective and therefore reflective of its real abilities and strengths. It structures being and the consciousness of being to resist any form of servile and degrading ideology. This quest for the past, not founded on blind passion but objectivity, nourishes a healthy ambition for a real universalism. To know one's past is already to project one's future. To know one's past is to give oneself the capacity to be able to bring to others in a perspective of giving and receiving. To know one's past is to refuse intellectual guardianship and wait-and-seeism. To know one's past is to be reborn.



Littérature française

Poet Nightingale Bharathiyar, life story of Bharathiyar

Poet Nightingale Bharathiyar Subramaniya Bharathiyar was born on 11th December 1882 in Ettayapuram, which is now part of Thoothukudi District. He died on 11th September 1921. Bharathiar was educated at a local high school where his talents as a poet were recognized even at the age of 11. He had a voracious appetite for learning ancient and contemporary Tamil literature and had a gifted intellect to derive astonishing truths from ancient poems. He was also one of the prominent leaders of the Indian independence movement. His national integration songs earned him the title "Desiya Kavi" (National Poet). His patriotic songs emphasize nationalism, unity of India, equality of men and the greatness of the Tamil language. It is a real and great pleasure for me to present this nice treatise on Poet Nightingale Bharathiyar to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Poet Nightingale Bharathiyar to us. The first edition of this book is dated 1955 in Tamil. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Non classé

Embracing Democracy

Hermann Broch wrote two of the most significant novels of German modernism, The Sleepwalkers and The Death of Virgil, which established his importance to German literature. His writings on democracy, mass delusion and internationalism are more obscure. Embracing Democracy examines the central political, social and psychological tenets of Broch's concept of "total democracy" as an expression of the synthesis of his European intellectual development – his Viennese Bildung – and his new position as an exile from fascism. This book chronicles Broch's experiences from the founding of the Austrian First Republic to his exile in the United States (1918 to 1951). The author traces two seemingly contradictory narratives in Broch's political consciousness. On the one hand, Broch held an intellectual position in his post-exile political theory that was consistent with the philosophy of history, psychology and epistemology of his Viennese milieu. On the other hand, he significantly reconceived the utility of politics for his theory of value construction, while also becoming more involved in political activism. This book provides new perspectives on the work of Hermann Broch beyond his literary oeuvre and offers insights into the development of political theory among exiled European intellectuals in the United States.




Chu Teh-Chun. In Nebula, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Chu Teh-Chun (1920-2014) est un acteur majeur de la peinture gestuelle abstraite. Né en Chine au sein d'une famille d'amateurs d'art, il est formé à l'Académie des beaux-arts mais subit la guerre sino-japonaise, des tragédies familiales, la disparition quasi totale de ses oeuvres de jeunesse puis l'exil - en 1949 vers Taïwan et en 1955 vers Paris, où il s'installe enfin. C'est dans ce cadre apaisé que son abstraction orageuse voit le jour. Excluant toute géométrie patente, celle-ci est constituée de nébuleuses et autres maelströms polychromes, modelés par de puissants effets de clair-obscur. Atmosphérique et hors échelle, chaque tableau est une matrice où notre vision se projette et s'abîme, nous faisant perdre tout repère spatial ou sémantique. Nourri de peinture tant classique que moderne, tant asiatique qu'occidentale, Chu formule la sensation mnésique du paysage, l'essence dynamique du geste et le surgissement de la lumière. La mise en perspective historique, au gré de parallèles, analogies et autres résonances, nous invite à cerner la singularité d'un régime abstrait sous-tendu par la logique organique du vivant, les formes et les forces de la nature, leurs phénomènes naturels, leur fluidité éruptive et leurs révolutions cosmogoniques. Car Chu s'est longtemps trouvé quelque peu en marge de son époque, en raison peut-être d'une personnalité réservée et d'un rejet de principe de toute stratégie commerciale. L'objet de cette monographie est donc, à l'aune du recul historique et du succès actuel de l'oeuvre, de qualifier certains de ses enjeux esthétiques et d'aider à dissiper quelques malentendus qui ont pu entourer sa réception. Chu Teh-Chun (1920-2014) is a major figure in the history of gestural abstract painting. Born in China into a family of art lovers, he trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou. Then came the Second Sino-Japanese war, family tragedy, the loss of nearly all his early work, and finally, exile-to Taiwan in 1949, then, in 1955, to Paris, where he settled. This peaceful home witnessed the emergence of his tortured abstraction, devoid of obvious geometry, in which polychrome nebulae and maelstroms clash with violent chiaroscuro effects. Atmospheric, impossible to scale, each painting is an arena into which vision is projected and submerged amid a loss of spatial and semantic bearings. Steeped in painting both classical and modern, Asian and Western, Chu's art recreates the memory of a landscape, the dynamic essence of gesture, and the brilliance of light. This study, by placing his work in its context, using parallels, analogies, and other resonances, focuses on the singularity of his approach to abstraction, underpinned by the organic logic of the living world, by natural phenomena, forms, forces, and by their eruptive fluidity and cosmogonic revolutions. For many years, Chu remained a somewhat marginal figure, perhaps because of his reserved personality and his principled rejection of commercial strategies. Making the most of historical perspective, and in light of the artist's current recognition, this monograph sets out to define some of the aesthetic themes shaping his work and to help dispel some of the misunderstandings that have surrounded its reception.



Non classé

Jorge Semprún

Jorge Semprún is a leading writer from the first generation of Spanish Civil War exiles, yet studies of his work have often focused solely on his literary testimony to the concentration camps and his political activities. Although Semprún's work derives from his incarceration in Buchenwald and his expulsion from the Spanish Communist Party in 1964, limiting the discussion of his works to the autobiographical details or to the realm of Holocaust studies is reductive. The responses by many influential writers to his recent death highlight that the significance of Semprún's work goes beyond the testimony of historical events. His self-identification as a Spanish exile has often been neglected and there is no comprehensive study of his works available in English. This book provides a global view of his oeuvre and extends literary analysis to texts that have received little critical attention. The author investigates the role played by memory in some of Semprún's works, drawing on current debates in the field of memory studies. A detailed analysis of these works allows related concepts, such as exile and nostalgia, the Holocaust, the interplay between memory and writing, politics and collective memory, and postmemory and identity, to be examined and discussed.



Non classé

Philip Freneau- Tomo Cheeki, the Creek Indian in Philadelphia

Philip Freneau (1752-1832) was one of the first Americans to gain wide recognition as a writer. He is generally remembered as the "father of American poetry," but his prose writings have not always received the attention they deserve. As the editor of three important papers in the late 18th century (The National Gazette. The Jersey Chronicle, and The Time-Piece and Literary Companion) and as a contributor to many others, Freneau produced a large number of political and literary essays. The "Tomo Cheeki Essays", which were published in 1795 and in 1797, constitute an excellent example of Freneau's prose work. These pseudo-autobiographical accounts of an Indian visiting a city of the Whites are based upon the model of the European "oriental tale," while simultaneously incorporating American subject matter. The essays are representative of a decisive period of American literary history, since they reveal both Freneau's indebtedness to European culture and his role in the process of overcoming this indebtedness in the beginning creation of an independent national literature. The present edition provides the first complete and separate modern collection of the essays, which gives the reader an opportunity to get acquainted with an important example of early American prose writing that has been virtually inaccessible up to now.



Droit européen des affaires

Lobbyst. Revelations from the EU Labyrinth, 2e édition

I feel the need to enlighten the public on the way the European Union functions, or rather malfunctions. For most readers, this could come as a great shock : how can one imagine that the legislator no longer legislates and that he delegates his legislative power to obscure cenacles called "trilogues" ? Today, being a lobbyist is considered to be bad. A defender of business, of multinationals, of capitalism, ... and by extension of pesticides, intensive agriculture and junk food. That is the image ! The aim of this book is not to correct this image, but to provide elements of appreciation and to give a form of objectivity to the debate. Daniel Guéguen is the longest serving EU lobbyist. He is the former head of the European sugar lobby and then of the European farmers unions. Now a consultant, he is at the heart of the lobbying issues that make the news. Longtime professor in the United States, notably at Georgetown and Harvard. Now at the College of Europe. Multi-author, editorialist, blogger, Daniel Guéguen remains a convinced pro-European, but fiercely critical of an opaque, bureaucratic and, to put it bluntly, anti-democratic system.




Father, I don't want this marriage Tome 1

Vivre dans l'univers d'un roman, qui n'en a jamais rêvé ? Notre héroïne, elle, s'en serait bien passé... Victime d'un accident mortel, elle se retrouve propulsée dans l'histoire du livre qu'elle a lu ! Réincarnée dans la peau de Juvelian, fille de duc odieuse, elle mettra fin à ses jours après avoir été accusée à tort de meurtre... Sauf que ce rôle de méchante condamnée ne lui convient pas ! Notre héroïne décide de réécrire l'histoire et de changer la destinée du personnage qu'elle incarne. Mais prise entre la rancune de son ex-fiancé de prince et le désamour de son duc de père, Juvelian peut-elle seulement espérer échapper à une fin tragique ?



Histoire internationale

Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne

The historiography concerning The War of the Jews by Flavius Josephus has underlined the various aspects (economic, social, political, religious) of the Roman-Jewish conflict from 66 to 73 AD. A study of the Jew's vision of himself and the Other, the Roman, makes it possible to see this conflict from the point of view of the conquered. Analysis of the events which, from 6 to 66 AD, resulted in the opening of hostilities, suggests that the Jewish-Roman conflict was also a conflict of mentalities. The Jewish mentality implies a concept of war which contributed to the development of the divisions and schisms between the supporters of full-scale war against Rome (the Zealots) and the non-belligerents (Rabbi Yohanan ben Zaccaï and the Yavne School, Flavius Josephus). Furthermore, the discourse of Flavius Josephus is Jewish discourse. So far as certain options are concerned, such as his rejection of the war against Rome on the one hand, and his hatred of the Zealots on the other, a literal reading of that discourse shows that they are in the direct line of Jewish tradition as represented by RYBZ and his Yavne School. Josephus can be taken literally ; the interest of his writing lies in its presentation of an internal cohesion and in the light that throws on the points of convergence and divergence in the same Pharisaic options. Finally, Josephus' text leads us to reconsider the problem of his 'betrayal'.



Non classé

Peter Altenberg

This study offers a revaluation of the works of Peter Altenberg, a neglected writer of the Viennese "Jahrhundertwende", who influenced such diverse figures as Karl Kraus, Robert Musil, Rainer Maria Rilke, Franz Kafka and Georg Kaiser. Presenting Altenberg within the context of Vienna at the turn of the century, it provides a comprehensive analysis of his thought, literary theory and practice. It examines : his socio-cultural critique ; his blueprint for a new society ; the principle of aesthetic reductionism which he pioneered ; his conception of woman ; and his presentation of modern man's existential crisis.



Non classé

Brides on Sale

Beginning in the 1990s large numbers of women from Mainland China and Southeast Asia married men in Taiwan. They now number over 400,000, warranting some to call them "Taiwan's Fifth Ethnic Group". This book argues that the rise of these marriages is a gendered and relational phenomenon, linked to the forces of globalization. Traditional ideas of marriage, such as the belief that a woman "marries out" of her natal family to be dependent upon her husband and his family, and the idea that a man should "marry down" to a woman of a lesser social and economic status, have not kept pace with changes in women's educational and career opportunities. How these relationships are formed, how they impact gendered understandings of women and men, how families are constituted and relationships developed, and how they affect the children of these families and their education, are the issues explored in this book. It breaks new ground in our understanding of transnational and cross-border marriages by looking at the long-term effects of such marriages on communities, families, and individuals.



Anglais apprentissage

Jefferson and Nature. An Interpretation

Jefferson and Nature is the first comprehensive study to take Jefferson completely at his word-his favorite word. Nature-the term and the many ideas associated with it-pervades Jefferson's life and writings. It sets hem apart from his colleagues in the American Enlightenment and provides the distinctive gateway to his thought and action. By no means consistent and at tunes apparently opportunistic in his use of the term, Jefferson nevertheless draws nearly every realm of life back to this essential word and idea. Charles Miller's book tells why this is so.



Non classé

From Scarcity to Sustainability

For futures studies and environmentalism the late 1960s and early 1970s were a heyday period of great publicity, and much scientific interest was devoted to them. The study 'Limits to Growth', commissioned by the Club of Rome, has played an important role for the further advancement of these fascinating fields. Each of them in its own way deals with the long term prospects of humankind and desirable future paths of humanity and the globe. This investigation illustrates a very important phase in the development of these two areas and writes a history of ideas and a history of impact of the Limits to Growth debate and other activities of the Club of Rome. It includes information that has so far only been known to a very limited number of directly involved individuals and looks into very recent stages of the sustainable development debate and newest developments of more pragmatic and critical futures studies. For the purpose of this study some 100 interviews have been made worldwide with very well known and often influential individuals. Among them are : Sicco Mansholt, Alexander King, Jan Tinbergen, Robert Jungk, Saburo Okita, Lord Kennet, Johan Galtung, Barry Commoner and Philip de Seynes.



Beaux arts

Capturing the British Landscape. Alfred Augustus Glendening (1840–1921)

This book presents the life and work of the Victorian landscape painter Alfred Augustus Glendening (1840-1921). With beautiful illustrations of his pictures, showing a timeless countryside, it explores Glendening's rapid rise from railway clerk to acclaimed artist. Whilst critics often reviewed his exhibited works, very little has been written about the artist himself. Here, new and extensive research removes layers of mystery and misinformation about his life, family and career, accurately placing him in the midst of the British art world during much of the nineteenth and into the twentieth century. Glendening was a man from humble origins, working fulltime as a railway clerk, yet was able to make his London exhibition debut at the age of twenty. This would have been almost impossible before the Victorian era, an extraordinary period when social mobility was a real possibility. Although his paintings show a tranquil and unspoiled landscape, his environment was rapidly being transformed by social, scientific and industrial developments, while advances in transport, photography and other technical discoveries undoubtedly influenced him and his fellow painters. Celebrating his uniquely Victorian story, the book places Glendening within his historical context. Running alongside the main text is a timeline outlining significant landmarks, from political and social events to artistic and technical innovations. Thoroughly researched over many years, the narrative explores why and for whom he painted, his artistic training and inspirations. Painting at Hampton and Greenwich, beside the River Thames, Glendening soon discovered the Welsh hills and became a member of the Bettws-y-Coed Artists' Colony, founded by David Cox. His masterful landscapes also include views of the Scottish Highlands, the Lake District, the Norfolk Broads, the South Downs and the Isle of Wight. The book uncovers new information about the Victorian art world and embraces such aspects as Royal Academy prejudices, the popularity of Glendening's work at home and abroad, especially Australia and America, his use of photography, and the sourcing of his art materials. Family trees are included, and other artistic family members discussed, notably his son and pupil Alfred Illman Glendening (1861-1907). There is a comprehensive list of their exhibited works at the Royal Academy and other major institutions, and details of their paintings in public collections.



Littérature française

Letters of Kavi Yogi, Volume 1, Correspondence of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Preface Letters of Kaviyogi is a book which is an inspiration to any reader. This giant of a man was the author of the epic Bharata Shakti but remained a humble seeker after truth and God's grace. During his lifetime, Kaviyogi wrote many letters to his family, fellow poets, fighters for Indian independence and other great thinkers he met during his travels. In these letters he sets out his philosophy and beliefs, describing the struggles he had to overcome in order to live according to his principles. He offers many wise words of guidance on important matters ; including the correct education of young men and women, and the need for justice and fairness in society. We cannot fail to be touched by the insights he offers and his generosity in sharing his thoughts with us. Daye Craddock Editor's Notes A warm thank you to Daye Craddock for her help in careful editing of this book. It is a real pleasure for me to present Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. Christian Piaget



Littérature française

Letters of Kavi Yogi, Volume 2, Correspondence of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Preface Letters of Kaviyogi is a book which is an inspiration to any reader. This giant of a man was the author of the epic Bharata Shakti but remained a humble seeker after truth and God's grace. During his lifetime, Kaviyogi wrote many letters to his family, fellow poets, fighters for Indian independence and other great thinkers he met during his travels. In these letters he sets out his philosophy and beliefs, describing the struggles he had to overcome in order to live according to his principles. He offers many wise words of guidance on important matters ; including the correct education of young men and women, and the need for justice and fairness in society. We cannot fail to be touched by the insights he offers and his generosity in sharing his thoughts with us. Daye Craddock Editor's Notes A warm thank you to Daye Craddock for her help in careful editing of this book. It is a real pleasure for me to present Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. Christian Piaget



Non classé

The Whitman-Hartmann Controversy

The facts in the relationship of Sadakichi Hartmann and Walt Whitman have never been clarified, particularly Hartmann's controversial interview with the poet and its publication in the "New York Herald", April 14, 1889. Of more importance was Hartmann's attempt to found a Whitman Society and the opposition of jealous Whitman associates who frustrated his efforts, although a Whitman Society was founded as the result of his initial work. Further, Hartmann's life-long interest in the poet and his various publications are not generally known. The introduction and edition of his writings will elucidate this literary association.




This teacher is mine ! Tome 7

Ce sera bientôt la saison de la fête de Gion. Seulement voilà, Monsieur Furuya s'agite nerveusement dans son coin sans inviter An ! Et alors qu'il se rend aux festivités avec ses amis de la fac, il y voit An en compagnie de Kimishima ! ? Pour le festival culturel, la classe décide d'organiser un stand de photos costumées ! Tandis que le lien unissant An et Monsieur Furuya se renforce, les relations entre Naruru et Jo évoluent elles aussi. Et enfin, une certaine personne décide de sortir le grand jeu !!




This teacher is mine ! Tome 6

An sort toujours en secret avec son professeur principal, Monsieur Furuya. Enfin, les voilà partis pour leur voyage de noce, ou plutôt un voyage scolaire ! Le petit groupe se préparant à rejoindre Okinawa se compose toujours des mêmes joyeux membres. En même temps, An remarque que Monsieur Furuya observe souvent Naruru. Elle lui en demande la raison et il répond que Naruru "ressemble à son ex petite amie"... Que comprendre de cela ! ? De plus, Kimishima, en apprenant ça, déclare une guerre ouverte au professeur !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 5

Tout va bien pour An qui passe en classe supérieure ! Et se réjouit de retrouver Furuya en professeur principal. Mais sa rencontre avec de nouveaux camarades laisse présager de sérieuses complication ! Sa relation avec son professeur semble avoir été découverte ?? Elle demande à Kimishiman de l'aider à cacher son secret en faisant semblant de sortir avec elle, mais cette situation semble raviver les sentiments de ce dernier... Une adolescence au parfum d'interdit ! Une belle et douce comédie romantique, au meilleur de sa forme !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 9

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 4

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 11

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 12

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 8

Le précieux ami D'An, Kimishima, l'embrasse soudain et lui déclare son amour ! Devant l'attitude encore plus entreprenante de ce dernier, l'esprit de compétition de Monsieur Furuga se met inconsciemment en branle lui aussi ! Dans ces circonstances, An et le professeur sortent ensemble pour la première fois depuis bien longtemps sur leur jour de congé... Pour ne rien arranger, une ancienne camarade d'université de Monsieur Furuga, Minato, vient effectuer son stage de pratique dans l'enseignement ! Et il semblerait qu'elle soit amoureuse de lui... Non seulement An ne peut pas avouer qu'elle est sa petite amie, mais ayant promis en plus d'aider sa rivale, elle se retrouve dans une situation épineuse !




This teacher is mine ! Tome 2

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !




This teacher is mine ! tome 3

Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : Le professeur Furuya est à elle !



Littérature érotique et sentim

Verity Long Tome 3 : Le coffre hanté

Pouvoir parler aux fantômes, c'est bien, mais Verity n'a pas forcément envie d'en faire un métier. Elle préfère avoir un boulot plus stable. Alors, quand le directeur de la banque locale lui propose un poste en marketing, elle saute de joie... jusqu'à ce qu'elle trouve son nouveau patron assassiné dans la chambre forte de la banque. Même son ami fantôme Frankie reconnaît que c'est de mauvais augure pour la suite de sa carrière ! Soulagée de laisser la police s'occuper de cette affaire, Verity rentre chez elle, déterminée à ne pas s'en mêler. Mais lorsqu'elle apprend que le principal suspect du meurtre n'est autre qu'un mafieux très dangereux, décédé il y a des années, Verity prend les choses en main. Elle fait équipe avec Frankie, le gangster fantôme, et Ellis, le flic hyper sexy. Ce qui les attend : un passage secret, un bar mafieux clandestin, une fusillade, un vieux cimetière. Et bien sûr, encore des fantômes ! Et si ce meurtre était lié à des évènements très anciens ? Attention, Verity emprunte un chemin dangereux qui pourrait faire d'elle la prochaine victime...



Paranormal, Bit-lit, Science-f

Verity Long. Tome 4, La famille maudite

Verity Long est de retour ! C'est officiel, désormais, elle est chasseuse de fantômes. Sa première mission : rendre une petite visite au manoir le plus terrifiant de la ville. Une famille entière est morte dans cet endroit plusieurs décennies auparavant, dans des circonstances dramatiques, après avoir rapporté d'Egypte un trésor et une momie. Verity est là pour exorciser les esprits vengeurs qui hantent les lieux et peut-être, retrouver des objets de valeur qui ont disparu. Du gâteau. Après tout, les fantômes l'aiment bien et ils ont besoin d'elle... Enfin, ça, c'est ce qu'elle croyait. Les fantômes du manoir de Rock Fall sont prêts à tout pour ne pas révéler les circonstances de leur mort. Même à se débarrasser de l'importune chasseuse de fantômes. Verity se démène pour éclaircir ce mystère vieux de presque un siècle. Mais quand elle se retrouve face à un cadavre tout frais, elle réalise que les enjeux la dépassent. Avec l'aide de son petit-ami policier sexy et de son acolyte, Frankie le fantôme, elle brave des jardins maudits, une poupée flippante, un manoir hanté et un fantôme aux instincts meurtriers. Verity remet tout en question : est-elle faite pour ce métier ? Frankie peut-il vraiment l'aider ? Et surtout, en ressortira-t-elle vivante ?
