
GRR Martin The Winds of Winter



Histoire internationale

Bomb N : ressources, mysteries and opportunities of the Congo basin. Advocacy of Denis Sassou N'Guesso for the protection of the planet

This book of Michel Innocent Peya is devoted to the Congo Basin, the second largest reserve in the world : its natural ressources, its mysteries, legal and institutional frameworks, national, subregional and international levels that protect it. The basin of Congo is an African opportunity for the whole world. Its preservation and its protection over time are an action of conscience, will, commitment, determination and sacrifices for the benefit of humanity. Nature cannot be defending alone ; the Congo Basin finds among his children in love with nature a spokesperson or a soulmate in the person of the President of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou N'Guesso. He is one with nature. This is why, time and time again, he cries out against the abusive and irrational exploitation of the Earth, which is the source of delayed natural disasters, irreversible, and mass destruction : the Bomb "N". This saving son of the world demonstrates his involvement by his career and his advocacy at several international, subregional and national summits on protection of the global environment. This book puts in the world place the intrinsic qualities of its international environmental policy, an arduous fight for thirty years for the preservation of nature, the balance of global climate. It plays the role of a climatoecological pivot in the Congo Basin subregion. His climate leadership is the result of coordinated sectoral planned policies, implemented, objectives clearly defined and adapted, credible and effective diplomacy. His sacrifices for humanity, its dedication to the cause of our planet and its management for the future of humanity and future generations give it the status of patrimonium of mankind. Protector as well as defender of the Congo Basin, he receives the blows and the backlash from mafia networks who wish to illegally exploit the huge ressources of this part of the Earth. It reveals to the donor community climatic conditions and to all human civilization the opportunities offered by the Congo (ecotourism, development of the pharmaceutical industry and the market Common Forest of Central African Countries). Peat bogs constitute for the Congo Basin the largest terrestrial reserve of organic carbon. They store twice as much carbon as other forests in the world. He calls on the conscience of climate hinders, because the peat bog is an essential source of ecological stability, a precious reserve of carbon and the cradle of unique flora and fauna to the world and its survival also requires the integration of local communities' indigenous peoples through sustainable projects. This book is a reference tool for understanding and analyzing the basin of Congo, its natural wealth, its legal and institutional framework, in the dynamics of climate-political leadership and its myriad opportunities for the planet. As a result, the author believes that the achievement of these objectives is dependent on climate-political leadership that the Congo Basin space exerts in the concert nations. As it is said in Africa, one finger cannot wash the whole face.




Flash .Net. Dynamic content for designers with Flash remoting MX and ASP.NET

Flash.NET is the book which is your ticket to the future of application design. Two cutting-edge technologies, joined in union to provide the perfect marriage. Macromedia Flash MX really excels when it comes to presenting graphical, interactive content. It's a superb tool for building user interfaces and for presenting content that changes over time. Microsoft's NET Framework is a suite of tools for building powerful applications, both on and off the Web. Put them together, and a whole raft of new possibilities opens up for both: powerful logic and functionality with a rich, flexible interface on the front. Put them together, and you get Flash.NET. In this book, a team of expert designers and developers show you how to add dynamic NET content and turbocharged server-side functionality to your Flash MX projects. In short, you need this book if you're a Flash designer who wants a cutting-edge advantage and doesn't want to get left behind when ail the cool people have started utilizing the power of NET with their applications. To run the examples in this book for yourself, you'll need: • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP • Macromedia Flash MX • Microsoft NET Framework SDK (free download from Microsoft) The book also covers Macromedia Flash Remoting MX



Littérature française

Tales on exile

In exile one leaves behind the familiar, one becomes a foreigner in a strange place. There are many kinds of exile, and the reasons one seeks a form of escape may differ. You may reinvent yourself and adapt to new circumstances. Throughout this complex process you try to find a way to cling on to your roots. Nostalgia is imminent and sometimes confusing. Each metamorphosis is not only geographic, but also deeply personal. The characters in this collection have confronted exile in their own way.




Olive oil

Olive oil is good for preparing food and increases the natural flavors of ingredients without modifying their taste. The olive tree has been the symbol of eternal peace for thousands of years. One of my ancestors, a senior civil servant in the Spanish government, used to recount that culture and agriculture are the two best ways of making the most of one's time and money. Today, the seventh generation of our family of olive farmers still is in firm belief of the same ethos. Olive oil holds the heart and soul of Mediterranean culture, and we have used all of our passion and knowledge to strive to reach perfection, while at the same time respecting nature, and mixing traditions with avant-garde techniques. In today's ever-globalized society, where cultures meet and mix, olive oil, an eons-long symbol of the Mediterranean, finds itself on tables from Scandinavia to Australia to Japan. Basically, it is nothing more than the delicate and subtle juice of the olive. At the house of Nunez de Prado - ever conscious of maintaining quality - we harvest all of our olives by hand including those having fallen to the ground. Only hours later is the crop carried to the mill where the fruit is broken up by granite rolls and pressed. The precious liquid extracted from the produce is decanted naturally to isolate that minute quantity of vegetal deliciousness that is the oil. Though appearing simple, this extraction process, especially for a high quality oil, is nearly as complex as the production of a quality château wine, the term used in Spanish to describe olive oils as well.



Ethnologie et anthropologie

The Wolves Rise Again. New elites born out of chaos

The successive shocks that strike our time have acted as an indicator of men : the bland elites of yesteryear, suddenly rejected by the masses, went back silently into the void where they had first come from. This opportunist plutarchy, that maintained itself so far, thanks to the industry of lying, the targeted elimination of creative people, will soon be engulfed. Around these illusionists with no audience, the hidden alphas will begin to rise. Within a few months, alphas, forged in a new metal, invaded public space. How can it be explained ? In troubled times, the hierarchies of peacetime had left, suddenly, a place to the atomisation of individuals. Chaos then allows the individual alphas to rise to power. Like a pack of wolves, these alphas quickly take the lead of small human groups organising themselves into rival packs. The French Revolution is a striking example of this evolution : the masters of yesterday were relegated because of their unsuitability.



Non classé

Living in Two Worlds

This is a study of Singapore pastors' worldview & understanding of the epidemiology, symptomatology and management of possession behaviour. The pastors' accounts are compared with those from the scientific disciplines, and convergences and divergences noted. Factors shaping both the pastors' and the scientific discourses are examined. The pastors are shown to respond to competing scientific paradigms by reinforcing their two-worlds worldview. They either live mainly in the other world, or in each world at a time, or between the two worlds. Based on theological reflection focusing on epistemology, theodicy & cosmology, the author shows that the paradigm of living in both worlds simultaneously is the most appropriate pastoral response. The theological vision of the coexisting worlds and the pastoral task of unmasking and resisting evil in all its varieties and depths are then discussed.



Beaux arts

George Stubbs. "All done from Nature"

George Stubbs (1724-1806) produced exceptional images of animals and people throughout his career. These were a product of his keen scientific eye and uncommon sense of compassion. Rather than trust to history and the untested example of his precursors, he championed doing as a way of thinking and deployed picture-making in pursuit of reality. On the title page of The Anatomy of the Horse, his groundbreaking publication that rewrote our understanding of equine biology, Stubbs confirmed that everything that followed was "all done from Nature" - meaning that it all derived from his own painstaking analysis of the subject in front of him. This book accompanies a major exhibition of Stubbs's work at MK Gallery in Milton Keynes and the Mauritshuis in The Hague and includes new writing on the artist by Nicholas Clee, Martin Myrone, Martin Postle, Roger Robinson, Jenny Uglow and Alison E. Wright.



Non classé

The Great Good Place?

Ever since Arthur Conan Doyle's hawk-faced detective Sherlock Holmes and his chronicler Dr Watson followed the advice of Horace, to seek truth "inter silvas Academi", the groves of Academus have been swept by a wave of violence. Judging from the impressive number of bodies discovered on American and British campuses in fiction, it does not seem far-fetched to draw the conclusion that behind the Eden-like façade of the Great Good Place each of the seven Deadly Sins is enjoyed to the full. Looking back on almost nine decades of college mystery novels, the genre has certainly lost none of its appeal. Considering its hybrid nature, the aim of the present anthology is to cover numerous aspects of the productive field of college mystery novels.



Non classé

The Image of the Woman in the Works of Ingeborg Bachmann

In this study an analysis of the women characters, who play a dominant part in Bachmann's prose writings, was presented. The results suggested a complex but coherent image. It was found that although the characteristics of this image deserved the appellation "sex-specific" and "traditional" they were infused with new values : the values of individualism, of a specifically female identity and of particular intense personal freedom. It was also found that the theme of personal freedom underlies all motivations, conflicts and situations of tragedy of Bachmann's heroines. Finally, it was found that the image of the woman is not only part of a distinct female-male antithesis, which often assumes violent dimensions, but has a redeeming function for a de-humanized world.




Écoute ma chanson pleine de vent. Listen to my song full of wind

Dans ce premier recueil de poésies l'auteur nous invite à partager avec des mots simples une aventure du coeur où la candeur, la gravité et l'humour s'entremêlent pour exprimer les émois, les craintes et les espérances de l'amant solitaire. La femme sublimée vit entre ciel et réalité quotidienne. Tantôt le vieil adolescent-poète aimerait qu'elle se rapproche de lui, accepte de le suivre, là où il n'y a ni tapage ni grillage, voudrait qu'elle le comprenne et l'accepte dans sa douce nature tout en l'aidant à être plus dur. Tantôt il lui affirme qu'il a la force requise pour la protéger comme un roi. Ces chansons pleines de soies et de drôleries portent la marque d'un regard tourné vers le haut, qu'il s'agisse de Dieu, d'un idéal de pureté ou d'un monde où la justice serait l'unique valeur. Mais François Tassin sait aussi être lucide sur le monde d'aujourd'hui et sur les folies qui sévissent. Si l'aventure n'est pas toujours à la hauteur des rêves, le poète laisse toujours la porte ouverte pour que le vent de l'espérance entre et enchante. Sa longue chanson adressée à l'âme-soeur devient aussi la nôtre et continue à résonner en nous longtemps après que nous l'ayons écoutée dans la nuit éclaircie. In this first collection of poetries the author invites us to share with simple words an adventure of the heart where the innocence, the gravity and the humor become entangled to express the emotions, the fears and the expectations of the solitary lover. The sublimated woman lives between sky and daily reality. Sometimes the old teenager-poet would like that she gets closer to him, agrees to follow him, where there is neither noise nor wire netting, would want that she understands him and accepts him in his soft nature quite there the helper to be harder. Sometimes he asserts her that he has the strength required to protect her as king. These songs full of silks and jokes carry the mark of a sour look upward, that it is about God, about an ideal of purity or about a world where the justice would be the unique value. But François Tassin knows also how to be lucid on the world of today and on the madnesses which rage. If the adventure is not still as high as the dreams, the poet always leaves the open door so that the wind of the hope enters and enchants. His long song sent to the soul mate also becomes ours and continues to resound in us long after we listened to her at night cleared up.



Critique littéraire

Winter is coming. Les racines médiévales de Game of Thrones

La saga Game of Thrones, qu'il s'agisse des romans de fantasy de George R. R. Martin ou de la série qui en a été tirée, fait l'objet de vives discussions à propos des surprenantes représentations du pouvoir, des structures sociales ou du rôle des femmes qu'elle met en scène. Pourtant, aucun auteur n'avait encore révélé aussi finement en quoi l'univers de Martin s'est construit sur les réalités d'un Moyen Age aussi bien anglais (citons la guerre des Deux-Roses) et français (le poids de la chevalerie) que chinois (la pression des Mongols) ou scandinave (les raids vikings). Pour en rendre compte, Carolyne Larrington va à la rencontre des géants, dragons et loups-garous dans les textes médiévaux ; elle cherche corbeaux, anciens dieux et autres sauvageons dans les mythes nordiques, avant de retrouver les sources de l'Orient gothique et exotique imaginé par Martin. Des marcheurs blancs aux Fer-nés, de Castral Roc aux cavaliers Dothrakis, l'auteur offre un guide indispensable pour comprendre le fond et le souffle historique de la plus importante création fantastique du XXIe siècle. Traduit de l'anglais par Antoine Bourguilleau



Livres 0-3 ans


YAOUNDE BABA SCARED ? ... ME ? ... NO WAY ! YAOUNDE goes off in search of his little goat, BEEE, who, in spite of the young boy's watchful eye, has gone missing. On the way he meets ZOULÏA, a friendly mouse, and ARWANE, a little ant, who help him to find the little goat. Their search will lead them to an isolated hill where a very strange creature lives - a creature capable of transforming itself into unimaginably frightening shapes and forms to scare away anybody who dares to set foot on its steep hill. In order to find BEEE, YAOUNDE and his two friends will have little choice. They will have to cross its territory and confront this incredible and terrifying creature. 6 to 10 Years.



Littérature étrangère

Le jardin de Winter

Anton Winter a grandi en pleine nature, dans un jardin luxuriant et des bois touffus, un cocon de verdure gouverné par sa grand-mère, à distance du monde contemporain. Devenu adulte, il vit sur le toit d'un gratte-ciel, contemplant à l'occasion une ville dévastée. Il s'occupe de ses oiseaux et observe une apocalypse imminente. Le chaos règne à l'approche d'une mystérieuse fin du monde programmée, les suicides de masse se multiplient. Puis Anton rencontre Frederike et tombe amoureux pour la première fois. Dans l'hôpital abandonné où elle travaille, Frederike se lie d'amitié avec Marta, enceinte, qui s'avère être la femme de Leander, le frère qu'Anton a perdu de vue depuis des années… Ensemble, ils tentent d'imaginer un futur impossible.




Arrival of Mira, Love story between Bhojan and Mira

Arrival of Mira Foreword Arrival of Mira tells the story of a beautiful young woman who held true to her faith despite many severe hardships. Mira was still only a child when she decided that Ginidhara Gopal (Lord Krishna) was her 'husband' and that she wanted to devote her life to serving and worshipping him. Later, the now orphaned Mira was married to Bhojan, the prince of Mewar and son of Rana, the king of Chittoor. Bhojan fell in love at first sight but found it hard to understand Mira's utter devotion to Ginidhara. Mira suffered at the hands of her in-laws who could not understand the depth of her love for Ginidhara and wanted her to follow their worship of Kali (in the form of Durga). Mira suffered imprisonment in a haunted palace and then exile for her beliefs. Even her friends were persecuted because of her uncompromising love for Lord Krishna. Eventually Bhojan came to understand his wife's piety. The story is told in the form of a musical play where the love story is interwoven with delightful songs and dances. The character of Mira is one to win the hearts of all who read of her. Her gentle devotion and steadfast belief are an inspiration to everyone. Thank you, Dr Shuddhananda Bharati for having made this beautiful story available to us. Daye Craddock Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget




Fantastic Beasts in Antiquity. Looking for the monster, discovering the Human, Textes en français et anglais

Not satisfied with what nature offered, human beings wanted to go beyond reality and invented mysterious and intriguing creatures populating their world. During Antiquity, every culture had its own strange creatures, that mixed the forms of one or more animal, plant and human species in an infinite number of more-or-less fanciful combinations. Griffins, sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs, satyrs, pygmies, werewolves, winged monsters and unspeakable hybrids, fantastic beasts abound in the imagination of many populations throughout Antiquity. Most of them continue to live, sometimes transformed, through fairy tales, literature, movies and videogames. Faced with the abundance and variety of the ancient fantastic bestiary, the questions that come to mind are : Where do fantastic beasts come from ? How do they appear in different cultures ? What is their history, how did they survive until now ? And above all, what are fantastic beasts ? This book will explore these questions through the lens of archaeology, art history, philology and philosophy. The result is a hybrid book, precisely like the fantastic animals that constitute its object, a book which offers different approaches of analysis while being aware that our means are often vain to capture these elusive figures, which ultimately are more like us than they seem. Man, like Oedipus, will often prove to be more monstrous than the Sphinx...



Anglais apprentissage

THE CANTERBURY TALES. Avec cassette audio

'In April when the sweet showers fall... then people want to go on pilgrimages.' A group of pilgrims travelling from London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury decide that each traveller should tell a story. The Knight tells a tale of high romance. The Pardoner tells a story of death. And the Wife of Bath tells the story of her five husbands and her fight to control the men in her life. But The Tales end with the story of the perfect marriage and how, if we are generous to one another, we can find the perfect society. A selection of stories from Chaucer's masterpiece depicting life in fourteenth century England is presented here in modern English. There is a wide range of activities and special informative sections on Chaucer and his times. The accompanying cassette contains the complete story and the extra listening activities.



12 ans et +

Sky Fall Tome 3 : Let the wind rise

Vane Weston, le dernier sylphe de l'Ouest, est enfin résolu à se jeter dans la bataille. Ses adversaires ? L'armée de Raiden, mais aussi les Veilleurs - qui se laissent peu à peu corrompre par le mal -, et même sa propre nature, profondément pacifique. Pour assurer la sécurité d'Audra, il est prêt à tout, y compris prendre d'assaut la forteresse ennemie en compagnie des trois êtres dont il se méfie le plus au monde. Mais Audra, elle, n'a pas l'intention de l'attendre. Epaulée par Raf, le gardien avec qui elle a été capturée, elle décide de suivre les indications laissées derrière lui par le seul prisonnier qui soit jamais parvenu à échapper à Raiden. Les vents ont choisi leur camp, elle le sent ! Convaincue qu'ils la soutiendront dans l'épreuve qui l'attend, elle joue le tout pour le tout. Mais Vane et Audra se sont dressés contre l'oppresseur ensemble. Ils livreront donc la dernière bataille côte à côte...




Secret Seville

Far from the crowds and the well-worn clichés, Seville still has many hidden gems it only reveals to locals and visitors who head off the beaten track. An essential guide for those who thought they knew Seville well or are seeking to discover another side of the city. Why is there a stone relief of Grace Kelly on the wall of Seville Town Hall and how can you track down the railway from the Ibero-American Expo of 1929 ? Where might you find the legacy of Christopher Columbus' son, a medieval Jewish cemetery in a car park, the oddest of barbershops, forgotten souvenirs from the Guadalquivir steamboats, Masonic symbols in a church, the last remaining vestiges of the Andalusian pavilions from the '29 Expo, a little-known Modernist electric power station, an example of the Nazi Enigma machine, a collection of Chinese and Japanese art in a Renaissance mansion or the pillars of a medieval synagogue ?



Lectures graduées

Death of a Salesman

Willy Loman is a salesman who believes in the American Dream. He has spent his whole career on the road, going all over New England to sell products. At sixty, he is far from retiring : he needs to keep on working to earn money in order to pay his mortgage and loans. But he does not sell as much as he used to and struggles to make ends meet. His relationship with his elder son, Biff, is chaotic : he does not understand why his son does not live up to his expectations. Thus, they fight all the time. But at the heart of the tension between them lies a secret that only the two of them know... Death of a Salesman explores the depth and complexity of human relationships and shows what happens when a man gets lost in his own dreams.



Non classé

«America's my Home»- Interviews with Young Blacks from Georgia

This book presents six interviews with young, upwardly mobile blacks from the state of Georgia, USA, as a contribution to American oral history and culture. The time span covered comprises the years 1960 to 1975, a period which marked a transitional phase in race relations. The interviewees state their experiences with and feelings on desegregation, their political and ethnic loyalties, their aspirations in life, and their value systems. Despite a varied socio-economic background, they show a heightened sense of racial and cultural identity and an integrationist orientation with Martin Luther King as a culture hero.



Critique littéraire

Ancient Greek by Its Translators

When not familiar with the language itself, most readers over the centuries have had access to the ancient Greek texts only or mostly through (Latin or vernacular) translations. Such an approach is not only indirect and mediated, but also distorted and even impoverishing : meaning then prevails over the linguistic form and substance of the texts themselves. What do later or modern readers read when they read translated texts written in an ancient so-called dead language ? They read a given meaning - sometimes unfaithful, often inaccurate - dictated by a genuine understanding, the blind continuation of tradition, or an untold hidden intention. The complex range of significances conveyed by meaning simultaneously reflects the time and space (called synchrony) of when and where a text has been translated, the historical learning and linguistic skills of the translators, as well as their ideas and style. As a contribution to the perennial debate about translation (mere literary transliteration vs. creative transposition), this volume aims at analyzing some striking cases of various (literary or not) texts translated from ancient Greek showing how much for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries aesthetics and ideology matter as much as - and often even more than - rigorous philology.



Mouvements artistiques

The Artist Helen Coombe (1864–1937). The Tragedy of Roger Fry's Wife

This fascinating book presents the ? rst biography of Helen Coombe, a woman admired not only for her artistic skill, but also for her intellect, personality and wit. It reveals her family background and education, her place in the Arts and Crafts Movement and her outstanding artistic output. Helen Coombe was married to Roger Fry, an artist who was to achieve most fame as an art critic, historian and protagonist of the Bloomsbury Group. Soon after their marriage in 1896, she displayed symptoms of schizophrenia. After the ? rst episode, she temporarily resumed her career and had two children with Fry, but for the last thirty years of her life she was sectioned under the Lunacy Act and committed to an institution. This thoroughly researched book makes full use of archival material, including correspondence, diaries and medical records. It illuminates late Victorian and Edwardian society and culture. It throws new light, by no means all of it favourable, on Roger Fry. It is a 'must' for all interested in the Bloomsbury Group, art history, and the handling of mental illness at a time before ef ? cacious antipsychotic drugs were available.



Beaux arts

New worlds

"New Worlds" presents a selection of five outstanding nautical atlases known as portolan charts, or "portalans".These historic documents are the work of eminent scholars from Majorca, Lisbon, Le Havre, and Amsterdam. Cartographers by trade, and sometimes also skilled illuminators, they mapped what was the most probable imago mundi for their time, each exemplar crafting a fascinating visual chronicle. Jean-Yves Sarazin, head of Charts and Maps at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, scrutinizes thèse charts or atlases, and situates them in the great history of European discoveries and voyages from the early 14th to the late 17th century, from the Portuguese reconnaissance of the coasts of Africa, through the adventures of Columbus,Vespucci, and Magellan, to the Dutch voyages in the Pacific and Australia.The book's many colour reproductions are alive with picturesque details: camel caravans in the heart ofAsia, Portuguese andArab ships sailing in the Indian Ocean, wild beasts or chimaera, countless exotic plants, naval battles, and not least the frequent strangeness of the indigenous people.



Non classé

Agricultural Price Policy and Export and Food Production in Cameroon

This volume discusses the issue of agricultural price policy for the coffee-based farming systems in Cameroon. It presents a farming systems based analysis of the impact of different agricultural policies on food and export crop production in small mixed farming systems. The analysis shows what impact price policy and changing price relationships have on the production of coffee as well as food crops. The two major coffee-based production systems in Cameroon are modeled in a linear programming framework and the reaction of the farmers to varying price relations, institutional settings and technology changes are analyzed. It also highlights how price policy affects inter- and intrahousehold income distribution.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

A Passion for DNA. Genes. Genomes, and Society

In 1953, two young scientists sparked a revolution. James Watson and Francis Crick deduced the molecular composition of DNA and immediately realized that the structure implied how genes were copied and passed on from one generation to the next. Their observation had extraordinary consequences; the discovery of a genetic code; the ability to alter an organism's genetic make-up; new ways of fighting disease; and the means of cloning plants and animals. Nobel Prize-winner, James Watson, has long been a commentator on DNA science and its implications for society. In essays and lectures he delivered dispatches from the front lines of the revolution. Collected here is a selection of these outspoken and topical pieces, mingling with memoirs of distinguished former colleagues, advice for young scientists, and a pointed account of Germany's troubled historical relationship with genetics. Augmented by elegant commentaries from the distinguished molecular biologist Walter Gratzer, this volume portrays the thoughts and work of an intellectual leader of the twentieth century.




Venice. A Private Invitation

Venice of a thousand reflections ; Venice of mirror and glass, of silk and gold ; Venice of light and lace, of transparency and porcelain. With her expert knowledge and insight, Servane Giol takes us to the heart of the Venetian art de vivre, a warm and private invitation to meet some of the most creative people living in the city today. Accompanying us into historic private palazzi as well as more recently restored houses and apartments, she introduces us to a new generation of artists and designers who are attracted by the radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle of the Serenissima-a charmed circle of talented friends who are bringing a fresh dynamism and elegance to the city, shining a new light on some of its rarest and most exquisite traditional crafts, and lovingly safeguarding them for future generations. This love letter to the hidden beauties of Venice and to the skills for which the city is famed is brilliantly complemented by the photography of Mattia Aquila. It offers both a revelation and an everlasting memory for all those who will never forget their dazzling first sight of the domes, the campaniles, and the shimmering golden silence of this legendary city that floats between sea and sky.




Gustave Moreau. The Fables

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) is one of the most brilliant and enigmatic artists associated with the French Symbolist movement. This book accompanies an exhibition of some of the most extraordinary works he ever made, unseen in public for over a century. Moreau's watercolours of the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) were created between 1879 and 1885 for the art collector Antony Roux and their stylistic range encompasses historicism and the picturesque, orientalist fantasies and near-abstract chromatic experiments. They were exhibited to great acclaim in Paris in the 1880s and in London in 1886, where critics compared the artist to Edward Burne-Jones. One critic commented on Moreau's ' keen apprehension of the weird. ' There were originally 64 works in the series, which was subsequently acquired by Miriam Alexandrine de Rothschild (1884-1965), but nearly half were lost during the Nazi era. The surviving works have not been exhibited since 1906 and they have only ever been published in black and white. This book is the first to reproduce them in colour - many shown actual size. Created at the height of the French 19th-century revival of watercolour, the variety of subject matter and technique, their colouristic effects and the sophistication of Moreau's storytelling, will be a revelation to readers. Preparatory drawings for the Fables, including animal studies made from life in the Jardin des Plantes demonstrate the wide-ranging research that informed Moreau's visions. Prints after Moreau's Fables by Félix Bracquemond (1833-1914) translate the jewel-like colours into monochrome in some of the most innovative etchings of the age, while the most delicate effects of the watercolours were also transformed into vitreous enamels. In-depth accounts of each watercolour, explaining the story and exploring Moreau's response to it. The introduction will place the series in the long history of illustrations of La Fontaine's canonical work, whose sources include Aesop's fables and traditional European and Asian tales, as well as considering Moreau in the context of his own, turbulent, times.



Beaux arts

Walls of change : the story of the wynwood walls

L'histoire de Wynwood Walls est celle du changement par la passion, l'art et la communauté. Lorsque Tony Goldman est tombé sur l'étendue des bâtiments d'entrepôt dans le quartier de Wynwood à Miami, il a vu une toile vierge. En 2009, le célèbre visionnaire a entrepris de transformer la région en un centre d'exploration culturelle - avec l'aide des artistes de rue les plus innovants et reconnus du monde. Walls of Change : The Story of The Wynwood Walls est une redécouverte d'une décennie d'art, d'inspiration et d'innovation, avec les peintures murales les plus célèbres de Wynwood, avec des photographies inédites du développement de The Walls et des commentaires spéciaux des plus emblématiques du street art. figures, dont Shepard Fairey, Maya Hayuk, Kenny Scharf, Ron English et les conservateurs actuels Jessica Goldman Srebnick et la famille Goldman, entre autres. En seulement dix ans, The Wynwood Walls est devenu un phénomène à part entière, connu comme un jalon dans la carrière des artistes, avec une capacité à catapulter des inconnus et des vétérans. Sous la direction de la PDG Jessica Goldman Srebnick, The Wynwood Walls est devenue l'une des destinations d'art de rue les plus en vue au monde, accueillant plus de trois millions de visiteurs par an.



Non classé

German-Irish Corporate Relationships

The book addresses the question of whether, in an age of internationalisation and globalisation, cultural differences are still relevant to German-Irish corporate relationships ? The first three chapters establish the theoretical framework for the analysis by exploring the notion of culture, profiling the business cultures of both countries, and examining existing approaches to the study of parent company-foreign subsidiary relationships. In the following three chapters, using interviews carried out with two sample groups (fifteen German parent companies and fourteen of their Irish operations ; seven Irish parent companies and nine of their German operations), the parent companies in both groups are examined to see whether they demonstrate characteristics which are in keeping with their national business cultures. Their foreign operations are then analysed as is the parent company-foreign subsidiary relationship to determine whether any parent company influences are visible. The general approaches adopted by the two groups of parent companies to their foreign operations are compared and contrasted. Finally differences in national attitudes and values are identified and their impact assessed.



Critique littéraire

To catch the sun in the water

Marie was born around the end of World War II in a small village near Chaveniac-Lafayette where General Lafayette lived. It is the mountainous region of Auvergne known as the heart of France. Take Marie's hand and she will guide you through her humble childhood. Through her eyes you will see what it was like to live in the country in France. With Marie's many brothers end sisters you will participate in hay making, harvesting... At this time, they used traditional methods and tools. Her parents will demonstrate the making of bread, butter and cheese... It's here that you meet Mathias, a boy her age, who becomes her best friend. Later, their love story unfolds... Just after the war, it was a time when the French countryside was populated with farmers that still lived in economic self-sufficiency. In the story, the author makes these peasants from depths of France come alive. The feeling, the candor, and the authenticity of the book will remind you of the Little House on the Prairie
