
Breizh of the Dead



Littérature française

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba)

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba) This book is dedicated to the unique One who has assumed a form and name to lead the play of universal existence. He throbs in our loving heart ; He breathes in our living soul. He sings in our fervent spirit and he thinks in our purified mind. That infinite Ancient One from his supernal height, bends towards us to embrace us in his love, and to feed our soul with the nectar of his bliss. Blessed are they that have the mind to know him, the heart to feel him and the love to live in his consciousness ! He may have been born to human parents in Poona, studied in a college, played cricket, left home, have seen great souls, sat alone silent, spoken in gestures, written books - but that is not his history. Many live such a life ; many scholars write books ; many saints sit in contemplation ; many monks leave home for mountain resorts ; but they cannot be one like him. Millions of bulbs challenge in vain the darkness of night. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. We have seen monks, yogins and saints. Some live alone for peace. Some open Ashrams and collect donations to run them. Some comercialise their name and form. Some display miracles to surprise human minds ; some offer boons ; some predict the future ; some curse you when you do not offer them what they want. Some seek pleasure and treasure. But who seeks God and finds God in the self to awaken God-awareness in other men and women ? Who says "I am God and you are God too"? Who rises above the prattle of words, the rattle of weapons and battle of ideologies to the lofty peace of supersonic silence and pours his blessings from the dizzy height of the soul in tune with God ? Who is he that embraces all in the heart and awakens the soul which has none of the human creations of caste, religion, race, pedigree nor colour ? Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Histoire internationale

On the Border - The Otherness of God and the Multiplicity of the Religions

The Christian theology of religions at present faces a crisis. What precisely is the task of the theology of religions ? Does it merely consist in interpreting the non-Christian religions as steps, phases or contributions in the light of Christianity ? Has one from the theological side conceded the maximum to the non-Christian religions by acknowledging them as anonymous Christianity (Karl Rahner)? This study is an exploration on how one shall liberate the religion of the other from anonymity : how one shall leave the other with his/her own name. The model of thought employed in this study is gained through an analysis of the intercultural process of understanding, explained with instances from Africa and South America.




Death Games - (Looking for Sally II). (Looking for Sally II)

At the end of a deadly roadtrip, Charlie sets out on a frantic search for her father left for dead, following a trail of breadcrumbs laid by an increasingly vicious demon on the verge of incarnation. The countdown is on as Sally embarks on a dangerous experiment and the death toll keeps on rising... A gory, disturbing thriller that takes us deeper and deeper into the darkness of the human psyche. Readers discretion is advised.




Igai, the Play Dead/Alive Tome 7

A l'instant où Furuchi réalise qu'il a contracté le virus qui transforme en Zombie, il décide de s'ôter la vie. En voyant son ami se suicider devant lui, Akira est dévasté. Mais le murmure de Kisaragi lui met la puce à l'oreille. "Il ne porte aucune trace de morsure... " Décidant de questionner Hojo, qui a passé un certain temps enfermé dans une pièce avec Furuchi, ils découvrent une effrayante vérité !




The Dead Club Tome 1 : Caire Obscur

Dany Roche, un adolescent qui vit au Caire en 1930, découvre qu'il est le petit-fils de Daniel-Marie Fouquet, le célèbre égyptologue. Depuis toujours, il porte autour du cou une médaille représentant une divinité inconnue : Usil. En découvrant le journal de bord de son grand-père, Dany comprend que Fouquet a découvert ce médaillon en démaillotant une momie. L'égyptologue possédait d'ailleurs une superbe collection de pièces antiques et de momies qui a été démantelée lors d'une vente aux enchères. Avec l'aide de sa bande d'amis, Dany va tenter de suivre la trace de la "momie d'Usil", et de percer le secret de la quête mystérieuse de son grand-père. Dany lors de cette aventure découvrira ce que sont l'archéologie et les mystères des dieux égyptiens, et vivra des aventures palpitantes ! Mais les membres du "Dead club" ne sont pas les seuls à suivre la trace des trésors du Docteur Fouquet.




Transport and Risk Communication

The process of transnationalization in Europe is reflected in the growth of transport flows and the rapid development of new infrastructure facilities. The highly transport sector confronts policy makers with pressing challenges because some major environmental problems are attached to transport. Decision making in the field of transport and the environment is very complicated because of the complexity of the infrastructures themselves and because of the involvement of local actors in the decision making process. The central task of this book is to show how regions and countries deal with this complexity and the new challenges, different ways in which three small European countries face the many uncertainties and controversies surrounding infrastructural policies. Economical constraints, institutional and cultural factors are shown to interfere with the debates on transport-issues and the environmental risks attached to them. Each case-study describes the national characteristics of the transport sector and analyses in some detail one of the major controversies which recently arised around infrastructural projects.




Tracto Breizh. Drôle de Tro Breizh...

Jean Landrezac, un paysan à la retraite, a promis à sa femme Francine de faire le Tro Breizh, afin qu'elle ne brûle pas en enfer. Il commence alors, à partir de La Vraie-Croix, son tour de Bretagne en... tracteur. Il va se rendre sur les traces des sept saints fondateurs en passant par Vannes, Quimper, Saint-Pol-de-Léon, Tréguier, Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Malo et Dol-de-Bretagne. Et toutes les villes intermédiaires. La folle équipée sur Bienvenu, le Massey Fergusson, se déroule en compagnie de Francine (dans son cadre) et du chien Camembert, et amène le paysan à bien des rencontres des plus insolites, voire même "miraculeuses"... Mais à chaque étape, on découvre un cadavre. Jean Landrezac est-il coupable ou victime d'une machination ? Géraldine Buisson, une détective privée, et Johnny Rosko, un commandant de police, tentent de percer ce mystère. Il leur faudra beaucoup de persévérance pour trouver le mystérieux assassin à la dent de herse...



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

The Undergrowth of Science. Delusion, self-deception and human frailty

Walter Gratzer's themes in the stories he relates in The Undergrowth of Science are collective delusion and human folly. Science is generally seen as a process bound by rigorous rules, which its practitioners must not transgress. Deliberate fraud occasionally intrudes, but it is soon detected, the perpetrators cast out and the course of discovery barely disturbed. Far more interesting are the outbreaks of self-delusion that from time to time afflict upright and competent researchers, and then spread like an epidemic or mass-hysteria through a sober and respectable scientific community. When this happens the rules by which scientists normally govern their working lives are suddenly suspended. Sometimes these episodes are provoked by personal vanity, an unwillingness to acknowledge error or even contemplate the possibility that a hard-won success is a will o' the wisp; at other times they stem from loyalty to a respected and trusted guru, or even from patriotic pride; and, worst of ail, they may be a consequence of a political ideology which imposes its own interpretation on scientists' observations of the natural world. Unreason and credulity supervene, illusory phenomena are described and measured, and theories are developed to explain them - until suddenly, often for no single reason, the bubble bursts, leaving behind it a residue of acrimony, recrimination, embarrassment and ruined reputations. Here, then, are radiations, measured with high precision yet existing only in the minds of those who observed them; the Russian water, which some thought might congeal the oceans: phantom diseases which called for heroic surgery; monkey testis implants that restored the sexual powers of ageing roués and of tired sheep; truths about genetics and about the nature of matter, perceptible only to Aryan scientists in the Third Reich or Marxist ideologues in the Soviet Union; and much more. The Undergrowth of Science explores, in terms accessible to the lay reader, the history of such episodes, up to our own time, in ail their absurdity, tragedy and pathos.



Littérature française

Wheelchair hop on hop off

Clotilde recounts her daily life during her studies with her chronic disease, often flanked by her trustworthy wheelchair. It's not always easy to manage studies, hospitalizations, internships, and outings in a wheelchair, all of which are ­affected by the uncertainties of a chronic disease ! Despite the moments of discouragement and the many obstacles, it is with humour, optimism and determination that the young woman continues to lead her life, which she shares with us through her encounters and days of varying fitness. This book is an ­invitation to change one's view of the wheelchair and disability by discovering its joys and sorrows !



Tourisme France

Regards croisés en Bretagne. Volume 2, Edition français-anglais-breton

Le collectif Breizhscapes poursuit ses évasions au coeur des paysages de Bretagne avec ce second recueil de photographies. Au rythme de nouvelles lumières, ce deuxième opus "Regards croisés en Bretagne" vous emmène dans des lieux inédits qui viendront compléter notre premier livre. Plus que jamais, nous sommes mués par ce plaisir de fouler la Bretagne d'est en ouest afin de vous proposer nos plus belles images. // The collective Breizhscapes continue their escape into the heart of the landscapes of Brittany with this second collection of photographs. This second opus "Regards croisés en Bretagne"(Combined views of Brittany) you will walk in new places, at the pace of these new highlights that completed our first book, with, as always, the same pleasure to amble through this beautiful region and offer you our most beautiful images. // Kendelc'her a ra ar stroll tud Breizhscapes da gantren dre maezioù Breizh gant an eil dastumad luc'hskeudennoù-man. Kaset e viot gant an eil levrenn-man, "Selloù kroaz-digroaz e Breizh", da lec'hioù nevez da heul gouleier all hag a zeuy da glokaat hol levr kentan gant ar memes plijadur da vale a-hed hag a-dreuz ar vro-man ken kaer evit rein deoc'h hor gwellan skeudennoù da welet.



Non classé

Cognitive Perspectives on Language

The papers collected in the present volume show that the terms cognitivism and cognitive, so common in present day linguistic discourse, do not refer to a single theoretical mode or approach to language. Firstly, the papers show that cognitivism is a lively research area accommodating a wide spectrum of approaches. Secondly, they address a number of issues ranging from grammaticalization, event structure, semantic representation, equivalence, image schematic representations and lexicography to poetry, metaphor, metonymy, and national mentality. Some of the contributions deal with the linguistic phenomena in one language, while others take up a cross-linguistic approach.



Non classé

Towards a Cross-Linguisitic Assessment of Speech Production

The contributions to this volume by H.W. Dechert, A.K. Fathman, F. Grosjean, D.C. O'Connell, M. Raupach, K. Sajavaara/J. Lehtonen, H.W. Seliger and R. Wiese all deal with speech data from native speakers of different languages, or native speakers and language learners of the same language, or speakers in their native and their second languages. They are the results of various methodological attempts to assess speech using a cross-linguistic approach and represent an area of research which may be called "Contrastive Psycholinguistics".



Anglais apprentissage


When the vicar's wife went off with a young and penniless man the scandal knew no bounds. Her two little girls were only seven and nine years old respectively. And the vicar was such a good husband. True, his hair was grey. But his moustache was dark, he was handsome, and still full of furtive passion for his unrestrained and beautiful wife. Why did she go ? Why did she burst away with such an éclat of revulsion, like a touch of madness ? Nobody gave any answer. Only the pious said she was a bad woman. While some of the good women kept silent. They knew. The two little girls never knew. Wounded, they decided that it was because their mother found them negligible. The ill wind that blows nobody any good swept away the vicarage family on its blast. Then lo and behold ! the vicar, who was somewhat distinguished as an essayist and a controversialist, and whose case had aroused sympathy among the bookish men, received the living of Papplewick. The Lord had tempered the wind of misfortune with a rectorate in the north country. [...] "Lorsque la femme du pasteur s'enfuit avec un jeune homme sans le sou, le scandale ne connut pas de bornes. Ses deux fillettes n'avaient que sept et neuf ans respectivement. Et le pasteur était un si bon mari. Certes, il avait les cheveux gris, mais sa moustache était restée noire, il était bel homme et brûlait encore d'une passion furtive pour sa belle épouse immodeste. Pourquoi était-elle partie ? Pourquoi s'était-elle arrachée à lui, dans un tel éclat de dégoût, comme un grain de folie ? Personne n'apporta de réponse. Seules, les dévotes dirent que c'était une mauvaise femme. Cependant que certaines femmes de bien gardaient le silence. Elles comprenaient, elles. Les deux fillettes ne comprirent jamais. Blessées, elles jugèrent que c'était parce que leur mère les tenait pour quantité négligeable. Le vent du malheur qui est censé être bon à quelque chose balaya de son souffle les habitants de la cure. Puis, miracle, le pasteur, qui avait une certaine éminence comme essayiste et polémiste, et dont la situation avait su émouvoir certains intellectuels, fut nommé à la paroisse de Papplewick. Le Seigneur avait adouci l'ouragan du malheur par un bénéfice de recteur dans le nord du pays. " [...]



Non classé

On 'Nominal Non-Predicating' Adjectives in English

The study tries to show - on the basis of a large collection of data - that the labelling of adjectives such as environmental, nuclear, linguistic, urban as 'nominal, non-preicating' does not adequately account for observable language behaviour. 'Lexicalized' terms such as polar bear behave like unitary nouns, but otherwise these adjectives can well be found in predicative position ; they may also accept adverbial modification. Various syntactic tests demonstrate that attempts to explain predicative occurrences as resulting from ellipsis, from Head Noun Deletion, fail in a large number of cases. The conclusion reached in this thesis is that the adjectives in question cannot generally be considered 'attributive-only'.



Musique classique

Songs of Love. 12 Romances. 12 Lieder. Soprano (tenor) and piano.

Leokadiya Kashperova (1872-1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920. Songs of Love was first published in 1904. No evidence survives of any public performance in Kashperova's lifetime although it is very likely that they were performed at her regular 'musical evenings at home on Tuesdays' mentioned in her Memoirs. The transparency of the piano writing strongly suggests that she would accompany herself singing. Kashperova, by all accounts, possessed a fine voice, and in the summer of 1906 she decided 'to learn from the artistry', as she put it, of the tenor Raimond von Zur-Mühlen who was widely celebrated for having developed (with Clara Schumann) the Lieder-Abend tradition. His summer-schools on the Baltic coast were frequented by aspiring singers from all over Europe, even Japan and India. Kashperova herself was responsible for the poetic lyrics of Songs of Love (in both Russian and German), which may well have emerged from her own bittersweet experience of life and love ; she was not to marry until 1916 at the age of forty-four. That Kashperova is the author of both the music and the lyrics of Songs of Love would suggest that they express very personal sentiments. Instrumentation : soprano (tenor) and piano



Mouvements artistiques

Frank Auerbach. The Charcoal Heads

Accompanying an exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery, London, Frank Auerbach : The Charcoal Heads presents a remarkable series of hauntingly beautiful largescale drawings by the artist. The catalogue includes a new piece of writing on one of the drawings from critically acclaimed novelist Colm Tóibín. This catalogue explores one of Frank Auerbach's most remarkable bodies of work - a series of large-scale portrait heads made in charcoal, produced during his early years as a young artist in postwar London. Auerbach (b. 1931) spent months on each drawing, working and reworking them during numerous sessions with his sitters. This prolonged and vigorous process of creation is evident in the finished drawings, which are richly textured and layered. Auerbach would sometimes even break through the paper and patch it up before carrying on. His heads thus emerge from the darkness of the charcoal with burning vitality, born of an artistic as well as a physical struggle with the medium. The process of repeated creation and destruction, of which these images bear the visible scars, speaks profoundly of their times, as people rebuilt their lives after the ruination and upending of the war. The exhibition will be the first time Auerbach's extraordinary drawings, made in the 1950s and early 1960s, have been brought together as a comprehensive group. They will be shown together with a selection of paintings he made of the same sitters ; for the artist, painting and drawing have always been deeply entwined. The accompanying catalogue - by Deputy Head of The Courtauld Gallery, Barnaby Wright, and with an essay by one of the greatest contemporary voices in the English language, Colm Tóibín - is the first publication to explore in depth this magnificent series. Tóibín spent several hours one afternoon in front of Auerbach's Self-Portrait (1958), which features on the front cover of the book, looking closely and taking notes. His essay is an account of his experience and offers new insights into the work and the nature of self-portaiture.



Romans policiers

Apocalypse breizh

Des seniors fortunés et sans famille, des proies rêvées pour des mafieux, prêts à investir de l'argent sale. Cela donne un polar en Bretagne avec un saut en Moldavie, une étrange technologie et des diamants. La nouvelle enquête de Ronan Magyar plonge ses lecteurs dans un univers en trompe-l'oeil. On tourne les pages l'une après l'autre sans s'en rendre compte, jusqu'au final. "Tu es né poussière, tu redeviendras poussière" . Et si... ce n'était pas vrai ?



Littérature classique

Barzhaz Breizh

Le Barzhaz Breizh est un recueil de chants, paroles et musiques collectés au XIX siècle par Hersart de la Villemarqué en Basse-Bretagne. L'auteur a traduit en français l'ensemble de ces chants dont il a mis les musiques en partitions. Publié pour la première fois en 1839, l'ouvrage connut un succès immédiat. La Bretagne doit beaucoup à son auteur qui a fait ce travail considérable à une époque où la tradition orale était encore très forte. De nombreuses oeuvres, y compris contemporaines, ont été inspirées par le Barzhaz Breiz dans le domaine de la poésie, du théâtre, de la musique et de la peinture. Plusieurs de ses chants sont parmi les plus populaires des chants bretons et repris par les grands noms de la chanson bretonne. Ce livre a cette particularité d'être bilingue à parts égales. Le breton a été réécrit en orthographe actuelle



Littérature française

Breizh Metal

Au fil de cette aventure multiface, deux joyeux "metal brothers" s'arrachent à leur conditionnelle pour assister à un festival de trashers, à Ploz, au bout du monde. Malheureusement, les rencontres s'avéreront aussi mortelles qu'un bon morceau de heavy metal. Bien plus, les inséparables Marcus et Guillaume, qui se sont rencontrés en prison, sèment le désordre sur leur passage, au grand déplaisir de la gendarmerie du coin. Ils n'ont pas du tout l'intention de se laisser faire et entreprennent une vengeance qui se mangera au son du growling. Au même moment, Deng Feng, un artiste dont la renommée, dans les galeries parisiennes, commence à prendre de l'ampleur va, pour financer son train de vie, être obligé d'accepter une mission en Bretagne pour un ancien protecteur. Cependant, il méconnaît les lieux, méprise les métalleux et sous-estime celle que le milieu surnomme la Reine des neiges. Entre Wall of death, circle pit et chanteurs déjantés que tout festival de metal se doit d'honorer, regardons attentivement ce petit monde s'accrocher par le collet.



Non classé

The Concept of Man in Igbo Myths

In the vast silence of their isolation, the traditional Igbos have learnt the ways of living in harmony with nature. From their origin in distant time, they have kept a sacred perspective on the natural world. In our age, there is the need for traditional wisdoms to retain their validity and be intrinsic to our philosophic and scientific perceptions of the cosmos. We cannot do without their knowledge, their spiritual perspective, and their deep faith in the harmony of all nature. Ignoring these qualities has profound environmental implications. Global warming, environmental pollution, and the exhaustion of nature's resources are but a few of the symptoms of the nature's experiences as we continue to mistreat it in order to satisfy our own ends. This work helps us to realise that wherever we are, we are a part of nature. All the things around us are as presences, representing forces and powers of life that are not ours and yet are all part of us. Then we find them reflecting in ourselves, because we are nature, though not identical with it.



Non classé

Experimental Social Dilemmas

Most of the papers on social dilemmas were presented at a conference on social dilemmas that was held at the University of Groningen in the spring of 1984. Social dilemmas are interpersonal situations that are characterized by a conflict between private and collective interest, i.e. in attempting to further their private interests, participants may end up worser off than if they had abandonned self-interest and worked for the good of the community. The chapters in this book describe efforts made by social psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists to advance our understanding of the psychological processes that influence people's behavior in social dilemmas. It is assumed that understanding of these processes can help our search for solutions.



Droit européen des affaires

Lobbyst. Revelations from the EU Labyrinth, 2e édition

I feel the need to enlighten the public on the way the European Union functions, or rather malfunctions. For most readers, this could come as a great shock : how can one imagine that the legislator no longer legislates and that he delegates his legislative power to obscure cenacles called "trilogues" ? Today, being a lobbyist is considered to be bad. A defender of business, of multinationals, of capitalism, ... and by extension of pesticides, intensive agriculture and junk food. That is the image ! The aim of this book is not to correct this image, but to provide elements of appreciation and to give a form of objectivity to the debate. Daniel Guéguen is the longest serving EU lobbyist. He is the former head of the European sugar lobby and then of the European farmers unions. Now a consultant, he is at the heart of the lobbying issues that make the news. Longtime professor in the United States, notably at Georgetown and Harvard. Now at the College of Europe. Multi-author, editorialist, blogger, Daniel Guéguen remains a convinced pro-European, but fiercely critical of an opaque, bureaucratic and, to put it bluntly, anti-democratic system.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Stars and Stellar Evolution

The diverse forms that stars assume in the course of their lives can all be derives from the initial conditions : the mass and the original chemical composition. In this textbook the basic concepts of stellar structure and the main roads of stellar evolution are described. First, the observable parameters are presented, which are based on the radiation emerging from a stellar atmosphere. Then the bascphysics is described, such as the physics of gases, radiation transport, and nuclear processes, followed by essential aspects of modelling the structure of stars. After a chapter on star formation, the various steps in the evolution of stars are presented. This leads us to brown dwarfs, to the way of star changes into the red-giant state and numerous other stages of evolution and ultimately to the stellar ashes such as white dwarfs, supernovae and neutron stars. Stellar winds, stellar rotation and convection all influence the way a star evolves. The evolution of binary stars is included by using several canonical examples in which interactive processes lead to X-Ray binaries and supernovae of type la. Finally, the consequence of the study of stellar evolution are tied to observed mass ans luminosity functions and to the overall evolution of matter in the universe.





Whereas many books in this field deal with individual aspects or texts of the study of family laws, Leviticus : The Priestly Laws and Prohibitions from the Perspective of Ancient Near East and Africa examines extensively biblical texts, ancient Near Eastern text, and oral traditions from Africa. Thus, three different cultures converge : the world of the Hebrew Bible, the world of the ancient Near East, and the world of Africa. This volume examines in detail the history of the development of ancient laws in general and family laws in particular, especially the laws relating to marriages between close relatives. Furthermore, Johnson M. Kimuhu looks at prohibitions and taboos in Africa and the problems they pose with regard to the interpretation and translation of difficult biblical concepts into African languages. In that sense, Kimuhu provides an example of how to contextualize or integrate African traditions into the study of biblical Hebrew, and he also offers insights into the current debate on the study of kinship from the point of view of social/cultural anthropology and the Hebrew Bible legal system. Teachers, students, and researchers in biblical studies, ancient Near Eastern studies, African traditions, and social/cultural anthropology will find this book helpful in their quest to understand family laws, prohibitions, and taboos.




On l'appelait Bugaled Breizh

Le 15 janvier 2004, en début d'après-midi, par beau temps, le puissant chalutier Bugaled Breizh (enfants de la Bretagne) périt corps et biens au sud du cap Lizard, comme effacé par la succion d'un maelström ou quelque force exogène, dira la justice, en 57 secondes exactement... Cinq hommes à bord : Yves, Pascal, Georges, Eric, Patrick. "Je chavire" sont les derniers mots du capitaine à la VHF, puis on entend la mer s'engouffrer. Accident naturel, aléa marin, dit la justice en 2009. Accident nullement naturel, disent les proches, constitués en parties civiles. Le jour même du drame, au sud du cap Lizard, l'Otan entraînait ses meilleurs sous-marins à la guerre nucléaire en eau peu profonde. Ils étaient anglais, allemands, hollandais, espagnols, français et se pourchassaient dans la zone où le Bugaled tirait son chalut. Fausses pistes, destruction de preuves (le canot de sauvetage de la Royal Navy), rétractations... Ce livre retentissant étaie l'intime conviction que le Bugaled Breizh n'est pas descendu mystérieusement sous la mer, et que cinq marins ont été noyés sous un mensonge d'État.



Romance sexy

A Deal with the Devil

Toujours bien lire les petites lignes du contrat... Jamais Tali n'aurait imaginé travailler un jour pour un homme aussi odieux (et sexy) que Hayes Flynn, le chirurgien esthétique le plus recherché de Los Angeles. L'ami qui l'a recommandée avait bien tenté de la mettre en garde, mais il n'avait pas mentionné que travailler au domicile de Hayes Flynn impliquait de le voir dès le matin au saut du lit, répondre à tous ses caprices et mettre à la porte ses conquêtes d'un soir (en tâchant de deviner leur prénom). Alors, aucun risque qu'elle déroge à la sacro-sainte règle de ne jamais coucher avec son boss ! D'ailleurs, elle méprise tellement son attitude désinvolte de séducteur qu'elle est incapable de prendre sur elle, et ils n'arrêtent pas de se disputer. Heureusement qu'ils se détestent car elle doit bien avouer que Hayes a un charme indéniable. Le genre de charme qui électrise tout son corps et lui donne des idées tout à fait déplacées... A propos de l'autrice Elizabeth O'Roark est rédactrice scientifique et vit à Washington. Lorsqu'elle ne s'occupe pas de ses trois enfants, elle s'adonne sans réserve au jogging et à l'écriture de romances, ses deux passions complémentaires. Avis de lecteurs : " Un slow burn de qualité !! Je n'ai pas vu les pages défiler. Une très très bonne romance que je recommande ! " lemondedejuliiie " Foncez découvrir cette romance qui vous fera rire et frémir ! De plus, la plume de l'auteure est parfaite ; elle nous envoûte dès la première ligne. " blogdelyosa




Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.




Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.



Non classé

Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.



Littérature française

Les inventeurs. Essai

What do Christopher Columbus, Reneke, Zénobe Gramme and Louis Pasteur have in common ? They were all inventors. Well fine, but who invented the crab's claw, the suction cups and the flight of squids or the proboscis of blood sucking insects ? Is invention intellectual fantasy, an industrial tool or a fundamental biological reaction ? How is this riddle to be solved ? Should we go through the list of inventions or inventors ? Is it a question of circumstances or motivations ? Who is in charge ? The Material or the Spirit ? In order to try to find a way of answering these questions, first a few very different inventors and their inventions will be presented. A few paradoxes emerge from this first part. Then we will devote an entire chapter to an exceptional inventor whose extraordinary work revolutionized how we now approach this topic. Finally, what can be said about all the inventions like the wings of birds or butterflies, the eyes of fish or insects, the leaves of trees or the social organization of beehives ? In these cases, man is not the inventor. There are countless marvels like these in the world around us. Can we explain them ? This will be the subject of the third part of this essay.
