
Crusading Ideas and Fear of the Turks in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Textes en français et anglais



Sciences politiques

Politique européenne N° 81/2023 : EU Digital Policies and Politics. Textes en français et anglais

Dossier 8Céleste Bonnamy, Clément Perarnaud Introduction EU Digital Policies and Politics Unpacking the European Approach to Regulate the "Digital" 28Orsolya Gulyás Digital Sovereignty, Competitiveness, and the Illusion of Freedom An Arendtian Approach to EU Digital Policy 54Julien Rossi La structure argumentative d'un demi-siècle de politique européenne de protection des données à caractère personnel 86Chloé Bérut Strategic Europeanisation A "Context-driven" Approach of the Use of European Instruments in Digital Health Policies 110Samuel Cipers, Trisha Meyer "Free Speech is Not Free Reach" How Platforms Self-regulate Misinformation, Political Ads and Election Campaigns 142Sebastian Heidebrecht Platform Accountability in the European Union The Cases of Data Protection and Digital Services Regulation LECTURES CRITIQUES 170Julien Louis Aurélie Dianara Andry, Social Europe, the Road not Taken. The Left and European Integration in the Long 1970s, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 333 p. 176Laura Chazel Giuliano Bobba et Nicolas Hubé, Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe, Londres, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 161 p.



Droit européen des affaires

Antitrust Between EU Law and National Law. Textes en anglais et en italien

The most salient and current issues in the antitrust field, at international, EU and national level The book includes the papers drafted by the authors who took part as speakers in the XV Treviso Antitrust Conference, regarding the most salient and current issues in the antitrust field, at international, EU and national level.




Burmese Silver from the Colonial Period

This stunning catalogue presents an exceptional collection of rare Burmese silver. Accompanied by detailed photographs and explanatory texts, this ground-breaking book proposes a new way of looking at Burmese silver. Names, dates, places, and stories - identifying the who, when, where, and what of Burmese silver has been the focus of publications on the topic. Are these questions the best way to understand silver, however ? Alexandra Green argues that they are not. Too few pieces provide reliable information about silversmiths, production locations, and dates to allow for a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Instead, a close examination of silver patterns reveals strong links with Burmese art history reaching as far back as the Bagan period (11th to 13th centuries), connections with contemporary artistic trends, and participation within the wider world of silversmithing. The first European to write about Burmese silver was H L Tilly, a colonial official from the late 19th into the early 20th century. Tasked with collecting objects for various fairs and exhibitions, he took an interest in Burmese art, publishing articles and books from the 1880s onwards. While much of what he wrote was factually inaccurate and coloured by the prejudices and stereotypes common at the time, his two volumes on Burmese silver published in 1902 and 1904 contain pictures of pieces from the early to mid 19th century. These enable a reconstruction of how silver designs evolved as the country was absorbed into the Indian Raj, and British and other Westerners became consumers of local silver products. Tilly was also correct in his interest in silver designs. Green uses the visual information from his books to describe the continuities and innovations of designs found on silver from the mid 19th through the mid 20th century, and she places these trends within local, regional, and global flows of ideas. Many studies of Burmese silver have been plagued by a lack of understanding of the Burmese context. In contrast, Green examines silver from a local perspective, drawing on Burmese texts and information that allows for a nuanced view of the motifs, designs, and patterns that appear repetitively on silver pieces. Using Graham Honeybill's collection, formed over many years, as a basis, she explores how designs and patterns circulated around the country and were innovatively combined and recombined on pieces by silversmiths producing objects for Burmese, Western, and commercial clients.




To Dance With the Devil. Textes en français et anglais

"Corpus développé autour du personnage de Catherine, la mère du photographe. Le livre document le principe de marginalité et de dérive à travers la complexité de la famille et questionne la place de la normalité dans l'anormal, à travers différents schémas temporels et narratifs, liant images d'archives, documents, textes et images contemporaines".



Non classé

From Scarcity to Sustainability

For futures studies and environmentalism the late 1960s and early 1970s were a heyday period of great publicity, and much scientific interest was devoted to them. The study 'Limits to Growth', commissioned by the Club of Rome, has played an important role for the further advancement of these fascinating fields. Each of them in its own way deals with the long term prospects of humankind and desirable future paths of humanity and the globe. This investigation illustrates a very important phase in the development of these two areas and writes a history of ideas and a history of impact of the Limits to Growth debate and other activities of the Club of Rome. It includes information that has so far only been known to a very limited number of directly involved individuals and looks into very recent stages of the sustainable development debate and newest developments of more pragmatic and critical futures studies. For the purpose of this study some 100 interviews have been made worldwide with very well known and often influential individuals. Among them are : Sicco Mansholt, Alexander King, Jan Tinbergen, Robert Jungk, Saburo Okita, Lord Kennet, Johan Galtung, Barry Commoner and Philip de Seynes.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Persuasion. Textes en français et anglais

Watch as Anne Elliot reunites with Frederick Wentworth, whose proposal she rejected eight years ago for fear of compromising herself by marrying a young officer at the beginning of his career, poor and with an uncertain future. Classique - Niveau avancé Découvrez notre édition avec des notes de bas de page pour traduire les mots et expressions que le lecteur est susceptible de ne pas connaître, permettant une lecture ininterrompue de l'ouvrage.




La connaissance des termes techniques anglais aussi bien que français est une nécessité absolue pour comprendre les évolutions en cours et conquérir des marchés. Avec plus de 25 000 termes choisis parmi les plus importants employés dans l'univers de l'architecture et du bâtiment, ce dictionnaire est un instrument de travail indispensable pour tout professionnel de la construction. C'est avant tout un dictionnaire technique, au sens large, centré sur la construction. Il a été patiemment élaboré afin d'apporter une aide efficace à tous ceux qui pratiquent le bâtiment en deux langues. Il est conçu pour apporter directement des réponses précises aux maîtres d'ouvrage, programmateurs, concepteurs, architectes, ingénieurs, économistes, bureaux d'études, entreprises, promoteurs, etc., confrontés au développement des coopérations internationales - européennes en particulier - qui, le plus souvent, exigent des connaissances très spécifiques. Architecte amené à se déplacer dans le monde entier parce qu'il travaille dans de nombreuses instances internationales du bâtiment, l'auteur, Dogan Hasol, a progressivement forgé cet outil de travail qui deviendra vite indispensable au quotidien pour tout praticien soucieux de trouver le mot juste en anglais, ou désireux de comprendre des textes non traduits en français.



Beaux arts

Ezra Pound's Medievalism

Among the denumerable traits of the longest poem in English is a strong emphasis on the Middle Ages. Perhaps the strongest single literature of form-giving dimension is the literature of the Middle Ages. Due to the early experience of Medieval ideas and forms Pound could arrive at what film-maker Hollis Frampton has called a "thesaurus of compositional strategies". This study provides a survey of Ezra Pound's life-long dialogue with the Middle Ages culminating in essays on Chaucer and Dante.




The McCarthy collection. Sculpture

This substantial catalogue explores a remarkable collection of medieval European sculpture. Richly detailed with plentiful illustrations and original research, it is a notable contribution to medieval scholarship. The McCarthy collection comprises more than 150 specimens of medieval European sculpture, produced over a period of nearly 600 years. A testimony to the comprehensiveness of Robert McCarthy's interest in the art and culture of the Middle Ages, its geographical, chronological and typological breadth place it among the most important of its kind in private hands. Including a few early examples from Merovingian France, Anglo-Saxon England and Visigothic Spain, its holdings have a strong focus on Romanesque art, with over fifty capitals and other architectural carvings from Iberia, France and the Italian Peninsula. Some of these pieces are associable with such notable workshops as those of Gislebertus, the Master of Agüero and Compostela's Master Mateo, while a great number can be closely compared to anonymous works in major and provincial sites. Notable monuments like the monastic powerhouse of Cluny or the abbatial churches of Autun and Savigny are represented through important sculptural fragments - most published here for the first time. The transition to the Gothic style and the period of its splendour, particularly in France, are witnessed by an ample selection of statuary and architectural fragments - some traceable to such important buildings as Noyon cathedral and Paris' Notre Dame, and others, more loosely, to the artistic circles that gravitated around the great projects of the age. Freestanding sculpture in stone or wood, including a small but precious nucleus of Virgin and Child statuary and some Spanish polychrome figures, constitutes an interesting subset of the collection's late medieval holdings, as do some especially fine examples of Italian trecento sculpture. Enriched with outstanding photography by Barney Hindle and Mark French, entries aim to provide detailed stylistic, iconographic and contextual analyses, with special attention paid to comparanda in public and other private collections. This approach, complemented in some cases by petrographic analysis, has allowed the. authors to connect much of the material presented in these pages with specific buildings, workshops or regional schools, contributing to a better understanding of the pieces themselves, their original settings and their cultural and artistic milieux. This catalogue follows the publication of three volumes dedicated to Robert McCarthy's vast collection of Western miniatures and manuscript leaves (2018-2021), and is part of an ambitious project to document the entirety of his holdings - which also include notable selections of medieval ivories, stained glass and East Christian Art.



Anglais apprentissage

Mark SaFranko: The Creative Itineraries of a "Renaissance Man". Textes en français et anglais

From October 2018 to January 2019, Mark SaFranko, an American writer, painter and musician from New Jersey, was the first author in residence at Université de Lorraine in Nancy. During his four-month residence, Mark took part in numerous academic, public and media events in Nancy and the Grand Est region. This volume provides insights into some of these events and displays various aspects of the work carried out during this very active period - from interviews about his literary creation and its critical reception, to personal or collective translation projects around his works, and an exhibition of his pictorial self-portraits. These variegated fragments of creative endeavours will allow readers of this volume to grasp the warm and open personality of a multitalented artist, a jack of all trades who offers first-hand testimony and candid reflections on the practice of his arts.




Like Man, Like Woman

Modern scholarship often discusses Roman women in terms of their difference from their male counterparts, frequently defining them as ‘other'. This book shows how Roman male writers at the turn of the first century actually described women as not so different from men : the same qualities and abilities pertaining to the domains of parenthood, intellect and morals are ascribed by writers to women as well as to men. There are two voices, however : a traditional, ideal voice and an individual, realistic voice. This creates a duality of representations of women, which recurs across literary genres and reflects a duality of mentality. How can we interpret the paradoxical information about Roman women given by the male-authored texts ? How does this duality of mentality inform us about gender roles and gender hierarchy ? This work analyses well-known, as well as overlooked, passages from the writings of Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Suetonius, Quintilian, Statius, Martial and Juvenal and sheds new light on Roman views of women and their abilities, on the notions of private and public and on conjugal relationships. In the process, the famous sixth satire of Juvenal is revisited and its topic reassessed, providing further insights into the complex issues of gender roles, marriage and emotions. By contrasting representations of women across a broad spectrum of literary genres, this book provides consistent findings that have wide significance for the study of Latin literature and the social history of the late first and early second centuries.




Hilma af Klint. The Five Notebook 1

In 1896, Hilma af Klint and four other like-minded women artists left the Edelweiss Society and founded the "Friday Group", also known as "The Five". They met every Friday for spiritual meetings, including prayers, studies of the New Testament, meditation and séances. The medium exercised automatic writing and mediumistic drawing. Eventually they established contact with spiritual beings whom they called "The High Ones". In 1896, the five women began taking meticulous notes of the mediumistic messages conveyed by the spirits. In time, Hilma af Klint felt she had been selected for more important messages. After ten years of esoteric training with "The Five", aged 43, Hilma af Klint accepted a major assignment, the execution of The Paintings for the Temple. This commission, which engaged the artist from 1906 to 1915, changed the course of her life. In 1908, Rudolf Steiner, leader of the German Theosophical Society, held several lectures in Stockholm. He also visited af Klint's studio and saw some of the early Paintings for the Temple. In 1913, Steiner founded the Anthroposophical Society, which af Klint joined in 1920 and remained a member for the rest of her life.



Anglais apprentissage

Daniel Defoe. Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress, Textes en français et anglais

Roxana (1724) est considéré comme le dernier roman de Daniel Defoe. si tant est que l'on puisse lui attribuer cette étiquette générique pourtant refusée par l'auteur lui-même, qui situe son récit dans une hésitation entre Story et History, entre fiction et Histoire. Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux étudiants préparant l'Agrégation d'anglais et s'attache à proposer, à travers une dizaine d'articles (rédigés en anglais et en français), des pistes de réflexion sur les différents aspects problématiques de cette oeuvre qui est plus complexe qu'elle ne paraît de prime abord. Le contexte et la chronologie double de Roxana, les questions de genre littéraire, la voix féminine et les différents niveaux de la narration, la structure parataxique de l'oeuvre, l'utilisation de l'espace et les grands thèmes qui parcourent ce roman (argent, déguisement, individu, individualisme économique, vérité, mensonge, liberté, survie, sexe, mariage, prostitution, figure du diable, etc.) sont ainsi tour à tour traités. Certains essais sont des articles de fond, qui permettent d'entrer de manière détaillée dans un sujet traité ; d'autres se veulent plus proches d'une leçon ou d'une dissertation d'agrégation et fournissent aux candidats des exemples d'alternance entre analyse générale/ conceptuelle et micro-lecture fondée sur des analyses stylistiques précises du texte.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


In modern industrial society, the tic between science and technology seems clear, even inevitable. But historically, as James E. McClellan III and Harold Dorn remind us, the connection was far less apparent. For much of human history, technology depended more on the innovation of skilled artisans than it did on the speculation of scientists. Technology as "applied science," the authors argue, emerged relatively recently, as industry and governments began funding scientific research that would lead directly to new or improved technologies. In Science and Technology in World History, McClellan and Dorn offer an introduction to this changing relationship. McClellan and Dorn review the historical record beginning with the thinking and tool making of prehistoric humans. Neolithic people, for example, developed metallurgy of a sort, using naturally occurring raw copper, and kept systematic records of the moon's phases. Neolithic craftsmen possessed practical knowledge of the behavior of clay, fire, and other elements of their environment, but though they may have had explanations for the phenomena of their crafts, they toiled without any systematic science of materials or the self-conscious application of theory to practice. Without neglecting important figures of Western science such as Newton and Einstein, the authors demonstrate the great achievements of non-Western cultures. They remind us that scientific traditions took root in China, India, and Central and South America, as well as in a series of Near Eastern empires, during late antiquity and the Middle Ages, including the vast region that formed the Islamic conquest. From this comparative perspective, the authors explore the emergence of Europe as a scientific and technological power. Continuing their narrative through the Manhattan Project, NASA, and modern medical research, the authors weave the converging histories of science and technology into an integrated, perceptive, and highly readable narrative. "Professors McClellan and Dorn have written a survey that does not present the historical development of science simply as a Western phenomenon but as the result of wide-ranging human curiosity about nature and attempts to harness its powers in order to serve human needs. This is an impressive amount of material to organize in a single textbook." - Paula Findlen, Stanford University



Beaux arts

Klee. Edition en langue anglaise

Few artists of this century have exercised so wide an influence as Paul Klee (1879-1940). He was one of the most inventive and prolific of the modern masters, working in a dozen different styles, each of which he made uniquely his own, so that a work from his brush is unmistakable in any style. The forty-eight full-page colour plates in this book illustrate the unparalleled way in which he combined unrivalled imaginative gifts with supreme technical and formal proficiency, from the playfulness of such early pictures as Red and White Domes to the more threatening, bitter satire of the later work. Accompanying the plates are extensive notes and an authoritative introduction, which discusses Klee's life and the development of his thought and achievement. Douglas Hall is the former Director of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh and an acknowledged expert on the art of Paul Klee. His essay on the artist, first published in 1977, bas here been revised, expanded and updated, to make this an invaluable introduction to an extraordinary painter.



Histoire internationale

One Artist on Five Continents

Elisabet Delbrück (1876-1967) was one of a number of Germans who came to New Zealand in the late 1930s. Unlike most, she had not intended to emigrate but was touring the country when World War II broke out. She was at first forbidden to leave and then chose to remain in Wellington. Her thirty years in Mahina Bay on Wellington harbour had a profound effect on all who knew her. This study aims to discover why she was so remarkable. It explores her early life, her marriage into a prominent German family and her qualification as an artist. She turned this into a profession, teaching and exhibiting on five continents in the 1920s and 1930s. She always travelled alone, observing the customs and beliefs of the people she met. In Australia and New Zealand in 1938 and 1939 she was wrongly suspected of spreading Nazi propaganda. Her story is also the story of a heroic group of Wellingtonians who helped her in the 1940s and valued her friendship till her death.




La diffamation saisie par les juges en Europe. Textes en français et anglais

Fruit d'un colloque organisé par l'IREDIES à l'automne 2018, La diffamation saisie par les juges en Europe porte sur une question dont l'actualité, à l'ère des réseaux sociaux, est chaque jour plus aiguë. L'accès largement facilité à différents forums d'expression publique radicalise en effet les termes d'un conflit classique. D'un coté, le droit à la réputation ; de l'autre, le droit de parler librement. Le droit à la réputation bénéficie, dans les systèmes de common law comme dans les droits continentaux, d'une protection ancrée dans le temps long, adossée à de fortes justifications philosophiques et politiques. Ceux qui jettent le discrédit sur l'un de leurs concitoyens, sur une institution de la Cité ou sur l'un de ses serviteurs, doivent être appelés à répondre de leurs actes. Il en va de la paix civile, de la simple civilité, mais aussi du respect d'autrui. Les Etats parties au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques ont ainsi l'obligation minimale de protéger chacun contre . des atteintes illégales à son honneur et à sa réputation .. Or les Etats doivent aussi garantir l'exercice de la liberté d'expression, qui inclut évidemment le droit de critiquer, de dénoncer, de brocarder, de révéler des vérités cachées... Mais jusqu'où ? Quelles responsabilités emporte la faculté de " livrer aux chiens l'honneur d'un homme " ? La question posée par François Mitterrand le jour des funérailles de Pierre Bérégovoy tait écho à la définition que la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme donne des journalistes ou des associations lanceuses d'alerte : " chiens de garde de la démocratie ". Aboyer pour alerter la Cité et protéger le bien commun, ou aboyer pour mordre et tuer ? Les contributions réunies dans cet ouvrage montrent que le curseur est difficile A fixer. Les cours régulatrices dont la jurisprudence est ici examinée s'efforcent, en fonction des différents ordres de valeurs juridico-politiques dont elles sont les gardiennes, de fixer un cap aux juridictions du tond appelées, vaille que vaille, à maintenir un équilibre entre deux exigences démocratiques contradictoires.



Critique littéraire

Ancient Greek by Its Translators

When not familiar with the language itself, most readers over the centuries have had access to the ancient Greek texts only or mostly through (Latin or vernacular) translations. Such an approach is not only indirect and mediated, but also distorted and even impoverishing : meaning then prevails over the linguistic form and substance of the texts themselves. What do later or modern readers read when they read translated texts written in an ancient so-called dead language ? They read a given meaning - sometimes unfaithful, often inaccurate - dictated by a genuine understanding, the blind continuation of tradition, or an untold hidden intention. The complex range of significances conveyed by meaning simultaneously reflects the time and space (called synchrony) of when and where a text has been translated, the historical learning and linguistic skills of the translators, as well as their ideas and style. As a contribution to the perennial debate about translation (mere literary transliteration vs. creative transposition), this volume aims at analyzing some striking cases of various (literary or not) texts translated from ancient Greek showing how much for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries aesthetics and ideology matter as much as - and often even more than - rigorous philology.



Livres 3 ans et +

L'enfant et la mouche. The child and the fly, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Un jeune enfant décrit en français les faits et geste d'une mouche (sans doute anglaise) puisqu'elle relate en anglais les réactions de l'enfant




Media and Education in the Digital Age

This book is an invitation to informed and critical participation in the current debate on the role of digital technology in education and a comprehensive introduction to the most relevant issues in this debate. After an early wave of enthusiasm about the emancipative opportunities of the digital "revolution" in education, recent contributions invite caution, if not scepticism. This collection rejects extreme interpretations and establishes a conceptual framework for the critical questioning of this role in terms of concepts, assessments and subversions. This book offers conceptual tools, ideas and insights for further research. It also provides motivation and information to foster active participation in debates and politics and encourages teachers, parents and learners to take part in the making of the future of our societies.



Non classé

Variation and Diachrony, with Early American English in Focus

This study of diachronic variation addresses two topics, the development of modal auxiliaries can (could), may (might), shall (should) and will (would), and the emergence of early American English as a new variety in the seventeenth century. Within the framework of socio-historical variation analysis, the author aims at accounting for diachronic change by examining the interplay of various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the light of evidence drawn from various corpora. The study concentrates on the language spoken and written in the New England area between 1620 and 1720, but to widen the scope in time and region, counterparts for comparison are found in the material included in the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts. The results indicate a gradual change (rather than a sudden re-structuring) in the system of the English modals from early stages on. Cumulative evidence is found for the rise of the forms can and will ; in early American English conservative (rather than innovative) tendencies characterize the development.



Cahiers de vacances

The Wizards' Night. De la 4e à la 3e 13-14 ans, Textes en français et anglais

En vacances en Ecosse, Thomas découvre que son correspondant et sa soeur descendent d'une lignée de magiciens. Son étonnement grandit quand il apprend qu'un rituel doit avoir lieu à la pleine lune et changer définitivement la vie de ses amis écossais. Comment Thomas va-t-il aider ses amis à déchiffrer les messages mystérieux et accomplir le rituel ?



BD tout public

Enki Bilal. Textes en français et anglais

La vision d'Enki Bilai est réaliste et fantastique, profondément marquée par l'histoire et d'une force rarement exprimée. Son oeuvre se redécouvre dans cet ouvrage monographique, autour d'un parcours inédit de ses débuts dans la bande dessinée jusqu'à aujourd'hui, à travers un ensemble de dessins, illustrations, affiches, peintures, films et écrits réalisés par l'artiste, mis en résonance avec les grands sujets qui marquent l'histoire de l'art, le cinéma et la littérature : l'humanité, les animaux, la machine, l'hybridation, la violence, l'intimité. Des contributions originales d'Enki Bilai, de Serge Lemoine, professeur émérite à la Sorbonne (Paris) et commissaire général de l'exposition, et de Michel Edouard Leclerc, enrichissent ce catalogue. Elles accompagnent plus de 200 reproductions d'oeuvres de l'artiste. Les planches en noir et blanc des débuts y cohabitent avec ses dernières peintures aux couleurs éclatantes, témoignage de l'évolution de son style et de l'originalité de sa démarche. La série de tableaux qu'il consacre à sa relecture du célèbre Guernica, de Picasso, peinte pour l'exposition de Landerneau, ponctue ce parcours et l'émancipe du seul registre du 9e art pour l'ancrer définitivement dans l'histoire picturale de l'art contemporain.



Géographie humaine

Paysages inhumains. Textes en français et anglais

Paysages inhumains explore un paradoxe ? : les paysages toujours façonnés par l'homme peuvent cependant devenir inhumains, à force de dégradation, de pollution, de répression, de destruction. De la représentation de friches industrielles à celle de conflits armés en passant par des paysages toxiques mais aussi des forêts en apparence "vierges" qui repoussent sur des charniers, il existe un fil rouge, qui est celui de la présence puis de l'effacement, de l'absence de l'humain dans des paysages devenus inhospitaliers. Des historiens, historiens de l'art, géographes, urbanistes, chercheurs en littérature, mais aussi des photographes et des artistes ont contribué à ce volume pluridisciplinaire, car la représentation de tels paysages est un enjeu écologique, esthétique et politique. Nous devons prendre conscience de ces paysages devenus inhumains pour les limiter, ou les réparer et si possible avec eux nous ré-accorder.




Ethnicity, Structured Inequality, and the State in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany

This volume focuses on the reshaping of ethnicity in Berlin and Toronto that resulted from the economic stagnation, industrial restructuring, and return to conservative government in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s. It addresses a broad range of issues crystalizing around ethnicity, inequality, and the state. It approaches these problems using such diverse methods as systems theory, questionnaires, interviews, various quantitative measures, and historical analysis. Ethnicity is discussed as it functions at the workplace, in the family, in neighborhoods, in immigrant and other organizations, and in the immigrants' relation to the state through its mediating bureaucracies.



Non classé

Philip Freneau- Tomo Cheeki, the Creek Indian in Philadelphia

Philip Freneau (1752-1832) was one of the first Americans to gain wide recognition as a writer. He is generally remembered as the "father of American poetry," but his prose writings have not always received the attention they deserve. As the editor of three important papers in the late 18th century (The National Gazette. The Jersey Chronicle, and The Time-Piece and Literary Companion) and as a contributor to many others, Freneau produced a large number of political and literary essays. The "Tomo Cheeki Essays", which were published in 1795 and in 1797, constitute an excellent example of Freneau's prose work. These pseudo-autobiographical accounts of an Indian visiting a city of the Whites are based upon the model of the European "oriental tale," while simultaneously incorporating American subject matter. The essays are representative of a decisive period of American literary history, since they reveal both Freneau's indebtedness to European culture and his role in the process of overcoming this indebtedness in the beginning creation of an independent national literature. The present edition provides the first complete and separate modern collection of the essays, which gives the reader an opportunity to get acquainted with an important example of early American prose writing that has been virtually inaccessible up to now.




Fantastic Beasts in Antiquity. Looking for the monster, discovering the Human, Textes en français et anglais

Not satisfied with what nature offered, human beings wanted to go beyond reality and invented mysterious and intriguing creatures populating their world. During Antiquity, every culture had its own strange creatures, that mixed the forms of one or more animal, plant and human species in an infinite number of more-or-less fanciful combinations. Griffins, sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs, satyrs, pygmies, werewolves, winged monsters and unspeakable hybrids, fantastic beasts abound in the imagination of many populations throughout Antiquity. Most of them continue to live, sometimes transformed, through fairy tales, literature, movies and videogames. Faced with the abundance and variety of the ancient fantastic bestiary, the questions that come to mind are : Where do fantastic beasts come from ? How do they appear in different cultures ? What is their history, how did they survive until now ? And above all, what are fantastic beasts ? This book will explore these questions through the lens of archaeology, art history, philology and philosophy. The result is a hybrid book, precisely like the fantastic animals that constitute its object, a book which offers different approaches of analysis while being aware that our means are often vain to capture these elusive figures, which ultimately are more like us than they seem. Man, like Oedipus, will often prove to be more monstrous than the Sphinx...




Paysages et utopie. Textes en français et anglais

Paysages et utopies explore dans une approche pluridisciplinaire, les relations entre la conception des paysages et l'imaginaire social, l'utopie, dans différentes aires civilisationnelles et à différentes époques, des mondes anciens de la Mésopotamie archaïque aux univers imaginés de la Science-fiction. En effet, le paysage, cette portion d'espace "que l'oeil humain peut percevoir" , est directement appréhendé par le prisme de constructions culturelles. Le paysage reflète une certaine conception de la nature voire du monde à différentes époques, et qu'il soit dit "naturel" ou anthropisé, les hommes y projettent une part de leur imaginaire et de leurs aspirations sociétales. Les différentes sources, iconographiques, littéraires, scientifiques, géographiques, etc. , proposent ainsi à travers l'histoire du paysage, une conception du monde, voire de l'univers tout entier où les hommes imaginent trois types d'espaces utopiques, ceux dépassant leurs moyens sensoriels, le cosmos et les paysages dit "célestes" ; les lieux paradisiaques et rêvés associés à un idéal perdu et à retrouver dans un monde à venir ; ceux enfin, qui construits par l'homme, reflètent cet idéal primordial spiritualisé ou parfois, un idéal sociétal guidé par une idéologie sousjacente. Enfin, en conclusion, on évoquera les paysages apocalyptiques ou de fin des temps. Le paysage est donc le cadre indispensable de l'utopie comme l'utopie s'inscrit dans des paysages choisis pour leur pouvoir évocateur où l'homme se plaît à inscrire son passé, son présent et son devenir.



Philosophie du droit

Race et droit. Textes en français et anglais

"Race et droit colonial" constitue le thème d'un séminaire qui entendait susciter une réflexion sur le concept de "race" , et la manière dont ce dernier serait susceptible d'enrichir la compréhension du droit français, en particulier des discriminations raciales. Evoquer la "race" dans une discipline qui, jusqu'ici, restait relativement épargnée par les controverses sur le sujet - généralement entretenues dans le domaine des sciences sociales et des humanités - pourrait surprendre à première vue. Pourquoi maintenant ? Pourquoi faire référence à un concept tant connoté, dont les usages et appropriations - en dehors de la sphère académique notamment - ne sont pas dénués de risques ? Après plusieurs décennies de travaux publiés en sciences sociales et dans les humanités, il est apparu important non seulement de faire un point sur les principaux travaux qui ont pris pour objet le matériau juridique ces dernières années, mais aussi d'interroger ce que la discipline pouvait apporter à ce débat.



Beaux arts

Portrait et tapisserie. Textes en français et anglais

Portrait tissé, portrait en tapisserie : l'association des deux termes est inattendue. On craint d'avoir affaire à un oxymore avancé au hasard, à une somme de contradictions. Ce serait la rencontre forcée entre un genre tourné vers la description naturaliste et un médium visuel caractérisé par des principes décoratifs et utilitaires. En tant que pratique sociale à l'époque moderne le portrait puise sa légitimité dans la sécularisation croissante des sociétés et des cultures européennes. Il se greffe sur l'intérêt accordé à l'histoire des individus dans leur existence terrestre, tandis que la tapisserie depuis ses origines fonde son attrait sur les histoires fantastiques qu'elle illustre pour faire prier ou rêver. Le portrait rattache le spectateur directement au monde, la tapisserie l'aide à s'en détacher. Certes la poétique de cour sert un discours de fondation familiale et de légitimation historique, aux enjeux de pouvoir bien concrets et le plus souvent sanglants, comme dans les tentures à sujets troyens des XIVe et XVe siècles, mais l'allusion généalogique n'est pas envisagée comme un obstacle à l'imagination. Les portraits tissés à l'époque de la Renaissance participent à l'avènement d'une nouvelle sensibilité historique, nourrie de témoignages pris sur le vif, et supplantent un " art de mémoire " et ses figures-types. La présence de personnalités contemporaines dans les tentures dut sembler aussi naturelle que de les voir peupler les enluminures, les retables et les vitraux : l'aura ancien de la tapisserie se trouvait amplifié par l'aura du genre nouveau du portrait. Plusieurs circonstances et facteurs aident à comprendre pourquoi la tapisserie fut adoptée comme support du portrait au cours des siècles. Les études de cas réunies dans ce volume permettent d'évoquer plusieurs des étapes significatives du développement du portrait tissé, de la fin du Moyen Age à l'entre-deux-guerres.
