
bundle ebook




Oeuvres complètes

L'oeuvre complète enfin réunie du dessinateur le plus fou de l'industrie du comic book, actif seulement entre 1939 et 1941, dont L'An 2 avait déjà publié un choix d'histoires sous le titre "Je détruirai toutes les planètes civilisées !" (épuisé).



Loisirs et jeux

Mandalas, merveilles du monde. + de 60 modèles à colorier

Plus de 60 mandalas à colorier ou à imaginer avec une multitude de couleurs. Feutres, peintures, pastels, choisis la meilleure technique et laisse libre cours à ta créativité. Au fil des pages, ton ART Book à colorier devient un livre d'art original !



Beaux arts

Jean-Marc Bustamante. Edition anglaise

This book was published on the occasion of Jean-Marc Bustamante's exhibition at the French Pavilion of the 50th Venice Biennale (15 June - 2 November 2003), for which the artist asked Alfred Pacquement and Jean-Pierre Criqui to serve as curators.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy

The concept of mass is one of the most fundamental notions in physics, comparable in importance only to those of space and time. But in contrast to the latter, which are the subject of innumerable physical and philosophical studies, the concept of mass has been but rarely investigated. Here Max Jammer, a leading philosopher and historian of physics, provides a concise but comprehensive, coherent, and self-contained study of the concept of mass as it is defined, interpreted, and applied in contemporary physics and as it is critically examined in the modern philosophy of science. With its focus on theories proposed after the mid-1950s, the book is the first of its kind, covering the most recent experimental and theoretical investigations into the nature of mass and its role in modern physics, from the realm of elementary particles to the cosmology of galaxies. The book begins with an analysis of the persistent difficulties of defining inertial mass in a noncircular manner and discusses the related question of whether mass is an observational or a theoretical concept. It then studies the notion of mass in special relativity and the delicate problem of whether the relativistic rest mass is the only legitimate notion of mass and whether it is identical with the classical (Newtonian) mass. This is followed by a critical analysis of the different derivations of the famous mass-energy relationship E = mc2 and its conflicting interpretations. Jammer then devotes a chapter to the distinction between inertial and gravitational mass and to the various versions of the so-called equivalence principle with which Newton initiated his Principia but which also became the starting point of Einstein's general relativity, which supersedes Newtonian physics. The book concludes with a presentation of recently proposed global and local dynamical theories of the origin and nature of mass. Destined to become a much-consulted reference for philosophers and physicists, this book is also written for the nonprofessional general reader interested in the foundations of physics.



Loisirs et jeux

Mandalas kawaï. + de 60 modèles à colorier

Plus de 60 mandalas "kawaï" à colorier ou à imaginer avec une multitude de couleurs. Feutres, peintures, pastels, choisis la meilleure technique et laisse libre cours à ta créativité. Au fil des pages, ton Art Book à colorier devient un livre d'art original !



Non classé

Islam in the West

This book studies the historical, religious and political concerns of the Iraqi Shi‘i community as interpreted by the members of that community who now live in the United Kingdom and Ireland, following the 2003-2010 war and occupation in Iraq. It opens up a creative space to explore dialogue between Islam and the West, looking at issues such as intra-Muslim conflict, Muslim-Christian relations, the changing face of Arab Islam and the experience of Iraq in the crossfire of violence and terrorism – all themes which are currently emerging in preaching and in discussion among Iraqi Shi‘a in exile. The book's aim is to explore possibilities for dialogue with Iraqi Shi‘i communities who wish, in the midst of political, social and religious transition, to engage with elements of Christian theology such as pastoral and liberation theology.



Non classé

Black Sheep, Red Herrings, and Blue Murder

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) was an inveterate user of proverbs in her fictional writings, the sales of which number in excess of one billion. An active writer for fifty-four years, Christie used proverbs in a manner that both reflected and shaped contemporary British speech. This lexicographical book examines 3,290 proverbs and proverbial sayings uttered by 785 characters in sixty-six novels, 142 short stories, seventeen dramas, and six romances. The author's premise is that Christie modeled all her fictional works on the well-made play formula and that proverbs are employed not in isolation, but as a function of plot, character, and thought. In addition to an introductory essay, the book contains a list of the distribution of Christie's proverbs according to title, a keyword index with citations of standard authorities, and an appendix containing six statistical tables.



Techniques artistiques

Inspirer dessiner. L'art de la respiration, de la pleine conscience et de la méditation

Explorez les sensations apaisantes de votre propre respiration comme jamais auparavant avec les exercices simples, rapides et relaxants à l'intérieur de Draw Breath . Méditatif et magnifiquement illustré, ce livre primé ne ressemble à rien d'autre dans le monde du bien être. Draw Breath est recommandé par certains des principaux auteurs et chercheurs cliniques en méditation. Il suffit d'un crayon et de respirer pour découvrir une nouvelle façon de nourrir l'âme ! - Récompensé par deux prix en 2020 : Living Now Book Awards et Nautilus Book Awards, c'est un ouvrage qui va dans la lignée des Zentangles. - Un ouvrage qui mêle toutes les tendances actuelles de la relaxation : art thérapie, respiration, méditation et moment présent. Si vous le faites pendant votre Miracle Morning, c'est encore un point supplémentaire ! - Un format très agréable pour contenter les esprits les plus artistiques




Past to Future. La Grande Carrière Wincqz

This book documents the conversion and restoration project of the Grande Carrière Wincqz in Soignies, Belgium. Built in the 19th century to excavate the world-renowned Belgian blue stone, today, the quarry is home to an ambitious project : the Pôle de la Pierre, a training centre specialising in the stone industry. The book covers the transformation of the site in three essays : - a photographic essay by Marie Noëlle Dailly exploring the interior and exterior spaces and landscapes of the transformed site - a conceptual essay inscribing the Soignies project in the more general context of the reuse of industrial heritage ; - a graphic essay that reconstructs the transformation of the site as a process of place-making as well as a collective process of meaning-making by means of documents, photographs of the construction phases, drawings, and sketches.



Beaux arts

SISLEY. Edition en anglais

Alfred Sisley is now recognized as one of the great landscape painters of the nineteenth century, and a leading figure in the Impressionist movement. He divided his time between France and England, and the 55 colour illustrations in this book include the celebrated snow scenes of the Paris suburbs, his views of the flooded Seine at Port-Marly and his paintings of the colourful regattas on the Thames which Kenneth Clark described as embodying 'the perfect moment of Impressionism'. Richard Shone has completely updated his essay, first published in 1979, and selected new colour plates and added extensive commentaries on the illustrations to make this book an ideal introduction to the work of Alfred Sisley. Richard Shone is Associate Editor of The Burlinglon Magazine. His publications include Bloomsbury Portraits (1976, revised 1993), Walter Sickert (1988) and Sisley (1992), all published by Phaidon.



Littérature française


Readings From Chinese Writers (1949-1986) presents a selection of Chinese literary works written after the establishment of the People's Republic of China. This book can be used as supplementary reading for teaching Chinese literature in colleges and universities abroad, or as self-teaching material for those students of Chinese literature with some mastery of Chinese. The book includes masterpieces of the main writers of each historical period. Taking into account differences in the level of the reader's Chinese, the works selected are intended to be easily comprehensible. A biographical sketch of each author is provided. Each piece is accompanied by a brief introduction and analysis. To facilitate teaching and reading, difficult words and sentences, dialectal expressions, and idioms are accompanied by pinyin, as well as by English and French translations and by necessary explanations.



Non classé

Steering and Auditing

The purpose of this book is to evaluate the functioning of the management by results (MbR) reform in the Finnish public administration, especially from the point of view of parliamentary steering and auditing : how the relations between the parliamentary actors and public administration have developed since the reform. The question is analysed using documents and expert interviews. The book indicates that the shift to the MbR system has meant in many cases a shift to a new, more flexible way to steer the administration. However, the reform is not yet complete from the point of view of parliamentary steering and auditing. The information on the realization of the civil service agencies' and state institutions' result targets could be forwarded more effectively to the ministries. Thus far the management reform insufficiently enables the realization of parliamentary steering and auditing.




The Winter of Democracy. Partitocracy in Belgium

In itself, partitocracy can be simply defined as a political regime where power is - in an excessive degree - in the hands of political parties. In Belgium, partitocracy has perhaps reached its highest level of elaboration, with complex interactions between citizens, candidates and elected representatives, parties as well as parliaments and governments. The Winter of Democracy : Partitocracy in Belgium aligns a dozen of scientific contributions that tackle the mutltifaceted concept of partitocracy from multiple perspectives. The book also celebrates the academic career of Lieven De Winter, almost five decades of a rich research commitment that spanned both at Université catholique de Louvain and at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, as well as across numerous institutions, projects and networks all around Europe. Lieven De Winter has significantly contributed to the study of all dimensions that constitute the core object of this book : Partitocracy in Belgium.




The Art of Positive Communication

How we communicate with each other matters greatly. Our identity, our friendships and marriages, our families, and our culture are the product of how we speak to one another. Our words affect our hopes and dreams, as well as those of our children. We insult, complain, or criticize. We compliment, offer support, and inspire. These are choices that take place in the crevices of our most private and public conversations with others. This book bridges communication theory and practice to foreground an important message : positive communication matters. By examining closely how people talk to each other at home or at work, this book enables undergraduate and graduate students to communicate more positively. The Art of Positive Communication is an ideal text for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in interpersonal communication courses and as a supplemental text to inspire all students to communicate better.



Littérature francophone

La clé de verre

Apportez un support physique au livre numérique CARDBOOK va vous permettre de pouvoir vendre des ebook avec un support physique pour que vos lecteurs conserve un souvenir du produit au même titre qu'un livre papier. Grace a CARDBOOK vos lecteurs découvrirons des oeuvres classiques ainsi que de nouveaux auteurs . Les nouveaux auteurs seront disponible au format papier ce qui vous permettra un gain de place . Permettre aux modestes auteurs de faire leur place en librairie . RESUME Dans la capitale, le spectacle est un peu plus difficile que dans ses rêves : sa première vision sera celle de la du Barry que l'on va guillotiner, la seconde celle d'Arsène, une danseuse qui porte à son cou un collier de velours... . Enivré par le désir de posséder cette jeune femme.



Littérature française

Les aventures de Mr Pickwick 2. tome 2

Apportez un support physique au livre numérique CARDBOOK va vous permettre de pouvoir vendre des ebook avec un support physique pour que vos lecteurs conserve un souvenir du produit au même titre qu'un livre papier. Grace a CARDBOOK vos lecteurs découvrirons des oeuvres classiques ainsi que de nouveaux auteurs . Les nouveaux auteurs seront disponible au format papier ce qui vous permettra un gain de place . Permettre aux modestes auteurs de faire leur place en librairie . RESUME Grâce à Mr Pickwick et à son club on se délecte des conventions sociales d'un certaine Angleterre. Ce roman satirique, où l'absurde se fait poésie, est un chef d'oeuvre d'humour ! ... Plusieurs institutions ou coutumes de l'Angleterre des années 1830 sont attaquées dans ce livre de "gentlemen" (esquires).



Littérature francophone

Le barbier de Séville

Apportez un support physique au livre numérique CARDBOOK va vous permettre de pouvoir vendre des ebook avec un support physique pour que vos lecteurs conserve un souvenir du produit au même titre qu'un livre papier. Grace a CARDBOOK vos lecteurs découvrirons des oeuvres classiques ainsi que de nouveaux auteurs . Les nouveaux auteurs seront disponible au format papier ce qui vous permettra un gain de place . Permettre aux modestes auteurs de faire leur place en librairie . RESUME A Séville, au XVIIIe siècle. Le joyeux barbier Figaro aide le Comte Almaviva a conquérir Rosine. Mais Rosine, qui n'est pas restée indifférente aux sérénades de son mystérieux soupirant, est jalousement gardée par le vieux Docteur Bartholo, qui compte bien, aidé du sinistre Don Basilio, épouser sa pupille au plus vite.



Romans policiers

La femme au collier de velours

Apportez un support physique au livre numérique CARDBOOK va vous permettre de pouvoir vendre des ebook avec un support physique pour que vos lecteurs conserve un souvenir du produit au même titre qu'un livre papier. Grace a CARDBOOK vos lecteurs découvrirons des oeuvres classiques ainsi que de nouveaux auteurs . Les nouveaux auteurs seront disponible au format papier ce qui vous permettra un gain de place . Permettre aux modestes auteurs de faire leur place en librairie . Dans la capitale, le spectacle est un peu plus difficile que dans ses rêves : sa première vision sera celle de la du Barry que l'on va guillotiner, la seconde celle d'Arsène, une danseuse qui porte à son cou un collier de velours... . Enivré par le désir de posséder cette jeune femme.



Loisirs et jeux

Mandalas du monde. Plus de 60 modèles à colorier

Plus de 60 mandalas aux inspirations variées, à colorier ou à imaginer avec une multitude de couleurs. Feutres, peintures, pastels, choisis la meilleure technique et laisse libre cours à ta créativité. Au fil des pages, ton Art Book à colorier devient un livre d'art original !



Art contemporain

Khalif Tahir Thompson. Edition bilingue français-anglais

This book is the first monograph by prodigy Khalif Tahir Thompson, whose work is already housed in several prestigious institutions. Inspired by family snapshots taken by his grandmother, Betty L. Thompson, the artist creates multicolored patchworks that unfold around Black figures captured amid colorful everyday interiors.




The Principle of Mutual Trust in European Union Law. An Essential Principle Facing a Crisis of Value

Conceptualisation of the principle of mutual trust The principle of mutual trust has become one of the defining principles of the European Union. This book takes a cross-cutting approach to contribute to the understanding of this principle and its connection with the founding values of the EU.



Littérature française

Claude Gueux

Version audio numérique vendue en pochette dans la collection BIP (Book in pochette) Claude Gueux est un court roman de Victor Hugo qui dénonce avec fougue les conditions de détention au XIXe siècle et la peine de mort. Un livre poignant et un plaidoyer intemporel pour la justice.



Cobra Kai. L'histoire de Johnny

Le comic book compagnon de la série Netflix ! La saga Karate Kid continue... Voici l'histoire de Johnny Lawrence, futur sensei du dojo Cobra Kai, alors qu'il n'était qu'un lycéen adepte de karaté. Découvrez comment est née sa rivalité avec Daniel Larusso, disciple de M. Miyagi.



Comics divers


Kevin Eastman et Simon Bisley, deux artistes légendaires et le duo le plus bad-ass de lunivers des Tortues Ninja : RAPHAEL et CASEY JONES réunis pour un comic-book daction hyper violent, grotesquement gore et dangereusement dingue... Un album incontournable pour les grands fans des TMNT et tous les nostalgiques des comics bourrins et allumés des 90s ! Dans les bas-fonds cradingues du New York des 90s, Raphael et Casey Jones se retrouvent impliqués dans une vendetta sanglante où se croisent racailles, gangsters, flilcs, cyborgs, gros calibres, uzis en surchauffe, lames tranchantes et (bien sûr) crosses de hockey... Ne manquez pas ce qui est peut-être la plus longue fusillade de lHistoire des comics ! Après ROBOCOP vs. TERMINATOR par Frank Miller et Walt Simonson, Vestron ramène un autre comic-book CULTE des 90s demeuré jusquici inédit en France. Véritable légende urbaine, BODYCOUNT existe vraiment et arrive chez vous, meilleur que jamais.



Phénomènes occultes

Bâtisseurs d'univers

A l'imitation des forces créatrices naturelles, nous nous enveloppons d'un "micro-univers" qui nous est propre : un "cocon" salvateur, qui causerait notre perte s'il n'entrait pas en constante mutualisation autant avec ses corollaires qu'avec le flux unitaire multiversel ... Colette Mourey, est l'auteure de : "Principes de l'Hypertonalité" , "L'Intelligence musicale" , "Essai sur le son mental" , "Synergies : de l'espace musical à l'espace urbain" , "Himaya" , "Dieu est à la caisse" , "Hélène" , "Les Terres Promises" , "Les Terres Nourricières" , "L'Ombre des Ames" , "Et la Lumière Fut ! " , "D'Encre et de Sang" , "Gliotte et le Ménestrel" , "Contes des Perles de l'Orient" , "Contes des Ebahitiens" , "Petit Précis d'Agriculture Symbiotique" , "Un Triangle de Ciel" , "La Quadrature du Cercle" (Prix Golden Aster Book 2019), "Le Diagramme du Fleuve Lo" (Prix Golden Aster Book 2020), "De l'Analogie aux Métalogiques - Les Déterminants de l'Isomorphisme Universel" .




Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers. 2nd edition

Whether you need to understand advances in modern technology, prepare for professional exams, or simply brush up on skills acquired long ago, John Fanchi's quick reference guide to applied math is for you. He has updated his 1997 book to include probability and statistics in new chapters with exercises and solutions. Fanchi explains all topics clearly and methodically, from the ground up. He begins with straightforward concepts in college math and gradually progresses to more advanced topics, using practical applications throughout to demonstrate relationships between different areas. The wealth of numerical methods and illustrative examples further enhances the utility of this truly indispensable book. Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition reviews: • Algebra • Geometry, analytic geometry, trigonometry, and hyperbolic functions • Vectors, matrices, and linear algebra • Differential calculus, integral calculus, and special integrals • Partial derivatives • Ordinary differential equations and ODE solution techniques • Partial differential equations • Probability and statistics



Sciences politiques

The European Union Transformed. Community Method and Institutional Evolution from the Schuman Plan to the Constitution for Europe

This book has established itself as one of the most concise and authoritative guides to the institutional development of the European Union. Covering the evolution from the original European Communities to the Constitution for Europe, Youri Devuyst introduces the reader to the divisions and dilemmas that have resulted in today's European Union. In doing so, the book provides much-needed clarification of the principles and practice behind the Union's institutions, decision-making and external relations. This knowledge is of crucial importance in grasping not just the Union's way of doing business but also the current debate on the future of the enlarged European Union and its new Constitution. Written in a clear and comprehensible style throughout, The European Union Transformed includes 20 topic-specific guides to further reading, making it the ideal source for all those who wish to understand the functioning of the European institutions.



Développement personnel - Orie

Where to study in the UK. A guide to British schools and universities for parents abroad

This book is for parents living outside of the UK who are considering a UK education for their children. As English has come to be the language of the global economy and as UK schools are accepted to be amongst the best in the world, a British education is widely regarded as an invaluable asset. Consequently, competition for places in both schools and colleges is extremely competitive. Where to Study in the UK provides a clear and accessible description of the UK education and exam system and gives authoritative advice on how to choose the right school or college and how to secure a place for your child. The book, which also includes a series of illustrated profiles of over 50 of the UK's top educational establishments, has been complied by educational consultants Mentor ISC, with contributions from both expert educationalists and practitioners in preparatory, secondary and higher education.




AFRIQUE DU SUD. Théâtre des townships

"Le théâtre des townships est un exemple précieux de ce que l'immédiat peut apporter au théâtre. Et, dans sa forme littéraire, il oblige le lecteur à ne jamais oublier que les mots couchés sur le papier ne sont rien d'autre que la matière première de la représentation.". Peter Book.



Dessins animés

L'art de Nausicaä de la vallée du vent

Les éditions Glénat sont heureuses de présenter le Art Book du premier grand film de Miyazaki (Totoro, Chihiro, Princesse Mononoké...), une compilation regroupant décors, croquis, études de personnages et bien d'autres choses encore. Un ouvrage incontournable pour tous les amateurs de Nausicaä et des talents d'illustrateur de Miyazaki .
