
bundle ebook



Non classé

Priscilla, (White) Queen of the Desert

Written for an international audience, Priscilla, (White) Queen of the Desert speaks to the current crisis in queer rights and representation in the context of colonial nations. Focusing on issues of identity, but exploring concerns as wide ranging as morality, same-sex marriage, state sanction, families, and history, this book will appeal to students, activists and academics alike. Asking hard questions of queer rights movements, and the identity politics that often inform them, the book calls for a sustained engagement with the theorisation of queer racial identity and queer race privilege.



Sciences de la terre et de la

The Extended Organism. The Physiology of Animal-Built Structures

Can the structures that animals build-from the humble burrows of earthworms to towering termite mounds to the Great Barrier Reef-be said to live ? However counterintuitive the idea might first seem, physiological ecologist Scott Turner demonstrates in this book that many animals construct and use structures to harness and control the flow of energy from their environment to their own advantage. Building on Richard Dawkins's classic book The Extended Phenotype, Turner shows why drawing the boundary of an organism's physiology at the skin of the animal is arbitrary.



Livres 0-3 ans

Don't tickle the bear !

Little children just won't be able to resist touching the soft patches to hear the animal sounds in this delightful book.



Histoire internationale

Each Child Is My Only One

In Each Child Is My Only One : Lotte Carlebach-Preuss, the Portrait of a Mother and Rabbi's Wife, Miriam Gillis-Carlebach, the daughter of Rabbi Dr. Joseph Zvi Carlebach (1883–1942), last Chief Rabbi of Hamburg and its surroundings, describes her childhood in the lively household of a rabbi's family with nine children, focusing on the special personality of her mother, Lotte Carlebach, née Preuss (1900–1942). The book starts with the history of the Preuss family, goes on to describe the marriage of Lotte to Joseph Carlebach, and portrays in detail their dynamic family life – until their deportation with their four youngest children to a Latvian concentration camp in 1942. The book is composed of two main parts. In the first section the reader learns about the events up to 1938, both inside and outside the Carlebach home ; the second section covers the years 1938–1941, in which there was a lively correspondence mainly between the mother and those of her children who succeeded in emigrating from Nazi Germany. This part concludes with several testimonies portraying the special personalities of Rabbi Carlebach and his wife and their devotion to the unfortunate who benefited from their unbounded assistance and altruism during the Holocaust. Many photographs are included in the book, several of them taken by Lotte Carlebach herself. The book is a unique and personal testimony about Jewish life in Germany during the years of persecution that relentlessly led to the conflagration of the Holocaust.





Lévy processes are rich mathematical objects and constitute perhaps the most basic class of stochastic processes with a continuous time parameter. This book is intended to provide the reader with comprehensive basic knowledge of Lévy processes, and at the same time serve as an introduction to stochastic processes in general. No specialist knowledge is assumed and proofs are given in detail. Systematic study is made of stable and semi-stable processes, and the author gives special emphasis to the correspondence between Lévy processes and infinitely divisible distributions. All serious students of random phenomena will find that this book has much to offer.



Anglais apprentissage

Jazz chants for children

This delightful, beautifully illustrated book, designed especially for children, uses chants, songs, and poems to teach conversational American English. Each two-page unit consists of a chant, song, or poem, which focuses on a grammatical structure, and a related picture activity. The chants, songs, and poems all highlight situations that children continually encounter. The picture activities include puzzles, mazes, and matching games. An accompanying cassette contains ail the chants, songs, and poems recorded by the author and a group of children. A Teacher's Edition is also available and contains reduced Student Book pages and detailed suggestions for presentation.



Littérature française

Le Hollandais Volant a touché terre / The Flying Dutchman has landed

Ce livre est en français à gauche. Ce livre est un roman d'amour, enfin, en quelque sorte ; plutôt une quête. Un homme recherche une femme en Russie. Le mythe du Hollandais Volant court en parallèle à l'histoire, qui elle, est bien d'aujourd'hui. This book is in English on the right pages. This book is a novel, a love story, a kind of ; I could qualify it as a quest. A man searches for a woman in Russia. The myth of the Flying Dutchman runs in parallel with the story, which is very much in today's world.




Revelation and Theology

This book examines the theological epistemologies of two of this century's most prominent theologians, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Barth. Both theologians responded to modernist theologies by drawing from the best of their own traditions. Both tried to reinstate theology as a true science which takes its object, namely, the revelation of God in Jesus Christ, seriously. They therefore make excellent conversation partners. This book closely traces their arguments as they seek to formulate their understanding of theological knowledge and theological science from a christological and trinitarian perspective, based on the concrete self-disclosure of God in Jesus Christ.



Non classé

Cultural Democracy and Ethnic Pluralism

This book presents a wide variety of approaches to and attitudes towards multiculturalism on the level of language, on the level of education and on the level of policy making. Several of the chapters refer specifically to Australia, since that country has taken the bold step of defining what it understands by the term 'multicultural'. This book, however, also takes the reader to Europe, South-Africa, Canada and Japan. Without exception the authors embrace a humanistic approach to sociology, which includes the notion of cultural core values and the desirability of creating an overarching framework of shared values in multicultural states.



Non classé

Rethinking East-Central Europe: family systems and co-residence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

This book reconstructs fundamental aspects of family organization across historical Poland-Lithuania, one of the largest political entities in early modern Europe. Using a plethora of quantitative measurements and demographic microsimulation, the author captures and elucidates the complex patterns of leaving home and life-cycle service, marriage and household formation, along with domestic group structures and living arrangements among different subpopulations of Poland-Lithuania, highlighting a variety of ways in which these patterns were nested in their respective local and regional contexts. By showing that at the end of the 18th century at least three distinct family systems existed in the Polish-Lithuanian territories, Szo ? tysek challenges a number of orthodoxies in the ‘master narratives' on the European geography of family forms of F. Le Play, J. Hajnal, P. Laslett, and their followers. Volume two of the book contains an extensive bibliography along with a thorough archival documentation of the census-like microdata used in the book, and provides detailed information on their quality and further technicalities pertaining to data analysis.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Redwood Tome 6 : Logan

En tant que seule fille de sa fratrie, et princesse des Redwood, Cailin Jamenson a toujours dû lutter contre les limites qu'on a voulu lui imposer. A présent, l'arrivée d'un nouveau loup parmi les siens menace tout ce pour quoi elle s'est battue. Logan a fui sa propre meute, et peine à faire confiance à ses nouveaux alliés, cherchant à tout prix à affirmer son indépendance. Mais lorsqu'une tragédie frappe la meute, ces deux âmes rebelles devront faire face ensemble à leur sort. Car la bataille qui s'annonce pourrait mettre fin à la guerre entre les loups... s'ils n'y laissent pas la vie. " J'adore tous les loups de la meute Redwood et j'anticipe avec plaisir l'histoire de chaque frère. Une excellente série que tous les fans de bit-lit aimeront ! " Book Vixen " Des métamorphes sexy comme on les aime ! " Under the Covers Book Blog " Un roman de bit-lit sexy et bourré d'action ! " TBQ Book Palace



Droit des affaires

Compliance Monumental Goals

This book takes practical topics for using this notion to find new solutions in many sectors and difficult situations, such as Crisis or International Competitive Confrontation.



Littérature française

Un thé à la cardamome

Environ 129 pages au format Ebook. Sommaire interactif avec hyperliens. Pourquoi a-t-on brutalement assassiné Nirmal, le vieux vendeur d'épices avec lequel Fabio s'était noué d'amitié ? Pourquoi a-t-on gravé un symbole sur la paume de sa main ? Enquête policière et histoire d'amour interdit prennent l'allure d'un voyage initiatique haletant lorsqu'elles nous guident à travers une Inde à la fois envoûtante et secrète. L'enquête de Fabio sur la mort de l'un de ses amis l'emmènera bien plus loin qu'il ne pensait et ouvrira son coeur à une connaissance dont il ignorait jusqu'à la nature.




Plume, l'intégrale

Plume, sirène intrépide et peu loquace, se passionne depuis toujours pour le monde terrestre. Toutefois, suite à d'anciennes querelles, son peuple fuit les va-pieds autant que possible. Rien ne semble pourtant pouvoir la retenir. Plume souhaite en découvrir toujours plus sur cet univers inconnu qui l'attire sans cesse. Ses escapades la conduiront à faire des rencontres incroyables, qui changeront sa vie de manière définitive. Malgré les difficultés qu'elle affrontera, parviendra-t-elle à trouver l'équilibre entre terre et océan ? Cette version papier comprend : - Un Noël Océan (paru dans The Christmas codex) - Plume, merveille de l'océan (paru en ebook) - Plume, entre Terre et Océan (texte inédit)



Critique littéraire

French industrial studies. a bibliography and guide. A bibliography and guide

The heart of the book is a bibliography of over 1, 000 items, classified by means of a detailed index, bearing on major research projects undertaken in France since 1945 in the areas of industrial sociology, labour relations, organisational behaviour, management and of theoretical contributions in these fields. This information is supplemented by a list of research institutes and an explanatory introduction which gives a brief history of modern French industrial studies and provides criteria for judging the utility of items. The book is unique as a source of informations for teachers, researchers and students who propose to introduce a comparative element into their work.



Gastronomie en langue étrangèr

Exquisite French Cuisine. The ABC to turn French in 60 recipes

EXQUISITE French Cuisine HOW TO MASTER FRENCH COOKING, AND BECOME AA CHEF WITH 60 ESSENTIAL RECIPES Discover how to prepare a caramel, a bechamel sauce or an onion confit, and experiment recipes such as cheese soufflé and filet mignon in a crust, or regional specialties such as bouillabaisse or gratin dauphinois. And for the gourmets, dive into the preparation of a mirabelle plum tart or à creamy chocolate mousse. What a way to combine quality with pleasure ! You will find everything you need to delight your guests in this book. Bring a little piece of France home with this book of traditional recipes for all lovers of French cuisine.





Do you like to learn by doing? Do manuals leave you craving for real-world examples? Are you looking for concrete training that goes beyond theory and reference materials? Learn Dreamweaver by following classroom-proven exercises that will teach you to build sophisticated web pages. This book is geared toward people who have never written HTML or those who would like to switch from coding by hand to a visual HTML editor. Complete with insider tips, illustrated with detailed graphics, and accompanied by a CD-ROM that's loaded with guided exercises, demo software and QuickTime movies, this book ensures that you'll learn all the key features of Dreamweaver 2.



Littérature étrangère

Le libraire de Wigtown

En 2001, Shaun Bythell rachète la librairie de Wigtown, une petite ville du sud-ouest de l'Ecosse dont il est originaire. Il n'a alors aucune expérience dans le commerce des livres. Grâce à des efforts continus, The Book Shop est désormais la plus importante librairie de livres d'occasion de toute l'Ecosse. Membre fondateur du Wigtown Book Festival qui attire désormais des milliers de visiteurs, il est à l'origine de nombreuses initiatives en faveur de la promotion de la lecture. II adore pêcher et faire du vélo. Surtout pour se rendre au pub. Libraire de Wigtown est son premier livre.



Non classé

Southern Sudan

Southern Sudan is little known to the world - especially in terms of its economic development. This book fills that gap of knowledge to some extent. Due to the persistence of war conditions (since 1955), economic analysis has been done together with the resultant dictates of war and destruction in the area. The sources of data and methodology have of necessity transcended conventional economics embracing political, social, etc. aspects. This multidisciplinarity in approach has enabled the author to provide the foundations for future development of Southern Sudan. The book thus offers a state of the art analysis of the war consequences on society, subsistence and their accompanying economic structures.




Good Law

The purpose of the book is to provide a list of technical criteria for good law. The word "technical" is used in contradistinction to moral criteria for good law.




Galois Theory. 1998, 2nd edition

This text offers a clear, efficient exposition of Galois Theory with complete proofs and exercises. Topics include: cubic and quartic formulas, Fundamental Theory of Galois Theory; insolvability of the quintic; Galois's Great Theorem (solvability by radicals of a polynomial is equivalent to solvability of its Galois Group); and computation of Galois groups of cubics and quartics. There are appendices on group theory, ruler-compass constructions, and the early history of Galois Theory. This book provides a concise introduction to Galois Theory suitable for first-year graduate students, either as a text for a course or for study outside the classroom. This new edition has been completely rewritten. Proofs are now clearer because more details are given and because the exposition has been reorganized (for example, the discussion of solvability by radicals now appears later in the book). The book now begins with a short section on symmetry groups of polygons in the plane, for there is an analogy between symmetry groups of polygons and Galois groups of polynomials. This analogy can serve as a guide to help readers organize the theoretic definitions and constructions. Several new theorems have also been included; for example, the Casus Irreducibilis.



Non classé

Revolution's Urban Landscape

What are the implications of "change" as assessed from a Revolution's discourse point of view ? Did Revolution in its Eastern European mode "happen" only to make its once heroic agents "vulgar banana eaters" (Slavoj Zizek)? To what extent is/was Revolution part of the globalization process (Americanization)? The answer of this book is that it constituted a series of occurrences of both contingency and continuation. It is Romanian Revolution as a metonymic and creative space, incorporating the Event (here the city of Bucharest, December 1989-1990), the Memory (refiguration of identities), the Contact zone (the street as a public place), and the Local-Global (the East-West dialectics) that Revolution's Urban Landscape discusses in much detail. Through combining and analysing materials from both the local cultural field and the international press (witness reports, journalistic documentation, travelogues, fiction, academic publishing, graffiti, etc.), Raoul Granqvist demonstrates a number of aspects of Revolution's self-reflexivity, vitality and amorphousness. The Romanian book industry, through its absorption and introduction of new areas of popular reading (such as the American romance), embodies, this book explains, the basic instincts of Revolution towards openness and interaction.



Beaux arts

Miles Hyman. L'entre-deux mondes

Art-book consacré à Miles Hyman, talentueux dessinateur américain, vivant en France. Connu pour ses illustrations aux couleurs chaudes à l'univers envoûtant, où souvent la femme sublime un univers urbain.



Non classé

Place of the Sacred

There has been a heated international debate over Salman Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses ever since its publication in 1988. The present work examines the ways in which this affair has developed. From the beginning, one can find strong rhetorical emphases ; these are shown to argue for maintenance of meaningful boundaries. The thesis of Kuortti's book is that on each side of the debate, people use similar language to argue for the sanctity of their convictions. This is evident especially in the opposition between the arguments for the sacrality of Islam and literature. In the international exchange, how could we then find more respectful ways of acknowledging that we are not that dissimilar from each other ?




Sudoku & sciences

Avis aux accros du sudoku, ce nouveau WC Book devrait vous plaire. Avec cet ouvrage, plus question de s'ennuyer aux toilettes, surtout si vous êtes des passionnés du calcul et des sudokus.



Littérature francophone

Les trois mousquetaires

Apportez un support physique au livre numérique CARDBOOK va vous permettre de pouvoir vendre des ebook avec un support physique pour que vos lecteurs conserve un souvenir du produit au même titre qu'un livre papier. Grace a CARDBOOK vos lecteurs découvrirons des oeuvres classiques ainsi que de nouveaux auteurs . Les nouveaux auteurs seront disponible au format papier ce qui vous permettra un gain de place . Permettre aux modestes auteurs de faire leur place en librairie . RESUME Aux trois gentilshommes mousquetaires Athos, Porthos et Aramis, toujours prêts à en découdre avec les gardes du Cardinal de Richelieu, s'associe le jeune gascon d'Artagnan fraîchement débarqué de sa province avec pour ambition de servir le roi Louis XIII.




Le manuel

Une version audio numérique vendue en pochette - Book in pochette (BIP) Le manuel introduit aux principales règles de la philosophie stoïcienne. Une oeuvre d'une grande actualité, rédigée par un philosophe grec devenu esclave.


Littérature anglo-saxonne

Dans les Essarts. Onze Sonnets sur soixante-neuf

La forme expérimentale de ces sonnets modernistes doit beaucoup à Edwin Denby, sonnettiste mis en exergue du "Reality Street Book of Sonnets", une anthologie du "linguistically innovative sonnet" éditée par l'auteur en 2008.




French Visual Dictionary. 4000 words and expressions & 2000 photographs, Edition bilingue français-anglais

In this practical guide, you will find everything you need to communicate in French and to understand French words and sentences. Find in this book : more than 4000 words and phrases, and hundreds of photographs.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Redwood Tome 4 : Maddox

Maddox Jamenson est l'Omega de la meute Redwood, celui qui perçoit les émotions de ses proches. Toute sa vie, il a gardé les secrets confiés par son don, cachant le prix à payer, mais le pire est encore à venir. Alors qu'il rencontre enfin son âme soeur, il ne peut encore se lier à elle sous peine de la mettre en danger. Ellie a grandi au sein de la meute Reyes, la fille de l'Alpha le plus haï de tous les temps, victime des attentions de son frère sadique. Lorsqu'elle parvient enfin à s'échapper, la seule personne à pouvoir l'aider lui tourne le dos sans explication. Ellie sombre alors dans le désespoir. La guerre contre les Reyes les force cependant à lutter côte à côte pour la survie des Redwood. Parviendront-ils à surmonter leurs peurs pour défendre le lien fragile qui s'est établi entre eux ? " J'adore tous les loups de la meute Redwood et j'anticipe avec plaisir l'histoire de chaque frère. Une excellente série que tous les fans de bit-lit aimeront ! " Book Vixen " Des métamorphes sexy comme on les aime ! " Under the Covers Book Blog " Un roman de bit-lit sexy et bourré d'action ! " TBQ Book Palace
