
Fuseli and the Modern Woman. Fashion, Fantasy, Fetishism




Magiciennes fantasy - bloc à spirale

Un bloc à spirale avec 21 silhouettes à habiller grâce à 7 planches d'autocollants (dont une planche avec des détails dorés et une planche avec des détails pailletés), 1 planche de stickers accessoires et 2 planches de strass sur le thème des magiciennes. Chaque tenue porposée représente une magicienne (magicienne de l'eau, de l'hiver, de la nature, céleste...).




A Fantasy Lazy Life T14

Zenshirô Yamai est un employé ordinaire cumulant les heures supplémentaires. Un jour, il se retrouve invoqué dans un autre monde par une reine à la peau mate et aux formes généreuses. Après lui avoir expliqué qu'il est le descendant d'une famille royale, elle lui propose une vie de confort et d'oisiveté, s'il accepte de l'épouser et de rester dans ce monde pour les 30 prochaines années.




La légende Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2 et Lightning Returns : trois jeux qui, pour certains, cristallisent le déclin du studio Square Enix et du jeu de rôle japonais dans son ensemble. Pour d'autres, ce sont des aventures inoubliables, étonnantes, radicales. Que l'on apprécie ou non la trilogie FFXIII, ce qu'elle nous dit, dans le récit de sa conception comme dans son histoire même, est précieux. "La Légende Final Fantasy XIII" est une invitation à comprendre les enjeux complexes qui entourent le développement des grands jeux vidéo, mais aussi à arpenter les contours ésotériques d'une histoire surprenante, qui s'appuie sur un mythe entièrement imaginé pour cette trilogie !




L'épopée Final Fantasy. VI

De sa conception à sa consécration, plongez dans l'histoire de l'un des plus grands RPG de tous les temps ! Commercialisé en avril 1994 sur la mythique Super Famicom, Final Fantasy VI fait aujourd'hui figure d'objet culte et se voit considéré comme le chef-d'oeuvre absolu de la longue série de RPG initiée par Squaresoft. Son inaccessibilité relative pendant des années aura contribué à son aura et entretenu le désir chez les fans. Rapidement, il devient un mythe vidéoludique dont tout le monde parle, mais que personne n'a jamais vraiment vu. Final Fantasy VI existe-t-il réellement ? Est-ce le sixième ou plutôt le troisième épisode de la série, comme les Américains le prétendent ? Arrivera-t-il seulement un jour chez nous ? Sans Internet, à la seule lecture des magazines de jeux vidéo extrapolant parfois des informations incomplètes ou mal traduites, les joueurs de l'époque élèvent ce jeu au rang de citadelle imprenable, objet d'une fascination étrange. Et lorsqu'il s'expose aux regards dans la vitrine d'une boutique de jeux vidéo, c'est à un prix soulignant son statut exceptionnel. Bien au-delà de ses qualités fantasmées, et pourtant bien réelles, la légende s'est ainsi construite. Célébrer un tel jeu au travers d'un ouvrage dédié, de sa création jusqu'à sa consécration, était une évidence. Mais lorsque nous avons imaginé son contenu, nous souhaitions dès le départ inclure le témoignage de talents ayant un lien historique avec Final Fantasy, seul moyen d'élever le livre au rang que nous souhaitions, au-delà de nos humbles contributions. Au fil de nombreux mois d'incertitude, nous avons eu l'immense plaisir d'accueillir Akira Ueda à nos côtés. Cet artiste pluridisciplinaire, célèbre pour son travail sur Final Fantasy IV et Secret of Mana, proche ami de Hironobu Sakaguchi et Nobuo Uematsu, reste un témoin privilégié de cette époque. Il signe la passionnante préface du livre que vous tenez entre vos mains. La cerise sur le gâteau, que nous voulions délectable, nous est accordée par la présence de Kiyoshi Arai, artiste sur les jeux Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XIV et Xenoblade Chronicles X, qui a réalisé les illustrations originales de cet ouvrage, et notamment sa superbe couverture. Bon voyage...



Comics divers

DIE Tome 1 : Mortelle fantasy

En 1991, six adolescents se retrouvent chez leur Maître de Jeu et jouent à un jeu de rôle fantastique... mais disparaissent sans laisser de traces. Deux ans plus tard, cinq d'entre eux sont de retour. Près de trente ans ont passé et il est temps pour ces adultes de reprendre la partie : le jeu n'en a pas fini avec eux. Kieron Gillen (Dark Vador) et Stéphanie Hans (Avengers Origins) collaborent de nouveau après Journey Into Mystery, Angela et The Wicked + The Divine pour leur première série indépendante qu'ils ont imaginé ensemble. Nous plongeons dans l'univers des Jeux de Rôles (façon Dungeons & Dragons), un loisir plus à la mode que jamais. Ce récit, qui évoque une version sombre et violente de Jumanji, a reçu des critiques dithyrambiques et un accueil chaleureux du public : meilleure vente pour une nouvelle série et sixième meilleure vente de l'année en 2019 aux Etats-Unis.



Livres 3 ans et +

Little Zebra is gifted

Little Zebra is at kindergarten. He reads and he has an amazing memory. The teacher wonders if Little Zebra is gifted. She talks to his parents. Then Little Zebra will meet a psychologist with whom he will make funny activities to determine if he is gifted. The psychologist will also explain to Little Zebra, his parents and the teacher what is intellectual precocity.



12 ans et +

Les 8 royaumes mortels Tome 1 : La cité de Pierre-de-Vie

Raised as a slave in the Darkoath camps of Aqshy, Kiri dreams of a better life. Of a city of wonders, the place of her birth… Lifestone ! She despairs of ever reaching it until a fateful day arrives when her barbarian captors are attacked by Sigmar's noblest warriors, the Stormcast Eternals. Seizing her chance, Kiri flees through a mysterious realmgate that takes her far from the fiery lands of Aqshy. She arrives in the realm of Ghyran and finds the city of Lifestone. But a curse lies on this place, withering its noble spirit. Her path leads her to a special group of children who, like her, are realm-marked the prophecised saviours of Lifestone. There's Thanis, the fighter ; Alish, the inventor ; Kaspar ; the sneak and Elio, the healer. But dark forces are allying against the children and will do anything to stop them achieving their destiny.



Tourisme étranger

Moroccan tracks Volume 11. The sagho djebel

The Sagho djebel is the eastern extension of the Anti-Atlas, a volcanic mountain with granitic mamelons, basaltic organs, chaos of black shales, pink sandstones... at the gates of the Sahara. As far as the eye can see, large wild, arid spaces. A desolate land made for the lonely DPM. And for a thousand miles around, silence is the only companion. Absolute plenitude and the desire to take to the track. From flat expanses to rolling hills, from sharp relief to steep canyons : pure, original nature. The character is strong, rustic but the heart is soft. The colours are soft and gentle. Ochre, pink, brown, violet, the colour chart stretches in a gradation of shimmering pastels, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming heat. Eldorado in the heart of the desert, rare are the oases ; modest green spots in the infinitely large, they are the reminders that we are on African soil. The wild charm of the Sagho is due to its exceptional geology : high cliffs and steep peaks, tabular escarpments and deep canyons in the middle of which caravans of camels and mules circulate. When you arrive on these immense plateaus, the lunar horizon is so vast that you want to go everywhere at once to see if it is really as beautiful elsewhere ! The Sagho also surprises by the richness of its lights : limpid like those of the nearby Sahara, or sometimes in half-tone, as in the neighbouring Dades valley. The Sagho is also the Morocco of the last Berber nomads, descendants of the ancient lords Aït Atta. In autumn, after leaving the snows of the High Atlas, they set up their dark wool tents on the slopes of the jebel until spring. They can neither read nor write, but they are sure of their way through the Atlas Mountains and the Moroccan desert. In the Sagho, they have built houses of unbaked stone, dug wells, planted almond trees, grown wheat, barley and various vegetables. Others built herds of goats and sheep, and caravans of camels. Most of them are now sedentary, semi-nomadic or nomadic...



Beaux arts

Klee. Edition en langue anglaise

Few artists of this century have exercised so wide an influence as Paul Klee (1879-1940). He was one of the most inventive and prolific of the modern masters, working in a dozen different styles, each of which he made uniquely his own, so that a work from his brush is unmistakable in any style. The forty-eight full-page colour plates in this book illustrate the unparalleled way in which he combined unrivalled imaginative gifts with supreme technical and formal proficiency, from the playfulness of such early pictures as Red and White Domes to the more threatening, bitter satire of the later work. Accompanying the plates are extensive notes and an authoritative introduction, which discusses Klee's life and the development of his thought and achievement. Douglas Hall is the former Director of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh and an acknowledged expert on the art of Paul Klee. His essay on the artist, first published in 1977, bas here been revised, expanded and updated, to make this an invaluable introduction to an extraordinary painter.



Mouvements artistiques

The Artist Helen Coombe (1864–1937). The Tragedy of Roger Fry's Wife

This fascinating book presents the ? rst biography of Helen Coombe, a woman admired not only for her artistic skill, but also for her intellect, personality and wit. It reveals her family background and education, her place in the Arts and Crafts Movement and her outstanding artistic output. Helen Coombe was married to Roger Fry, an artist who was to achieve most fame as an art critic, historian and protagonist of the Bloomsbury Group. Soon after their marriage in 1896, she displayed symptoms of schizophrenia. After the ? rst episode, she temporarily resumed her career and had two children with Fry, but for the last thirty years of her life she was sectioned under the Lunacy Act and committed to an institution. This thoroughly researched book makes full use of archival material, including correspondence, diaries and medical records. It illuminates late Victorian and Edwardian society and culture. It throws new light, by no means all of it favourable, on Roger Fry. It is a 'must' for all interested in the Bloomsbury Group, art history, and the handling of mental illness at a time before ef ? cacious antipsychotic drugs were available.



Littérature française

No womans's land

Alice, comédienne en mal de reconnaissance, tombe folle amoureuse de Drog, barman macho dans une pizzeria gay. Drog vient de Là-bas, un pays en guerre jamais nommé et qu'on devine être l'ex-Yougoslavie. Des nuits entières, il fume, boit, écoute les Rolling Stones, et parle avec lyrisme du pays qu'il a laissé, de sa maison qui a brûlé, de ses amis fauchés par les bombes, jusqu'à oublier Alice. Un jour, Drog disparaît. Alice passe de l'autre côté du miroir : elle part à son tour Là-bas, sur les traces du bel indifférent. Slalomant entre les tireurs embusqués, égarée parmi les ruines d'une capitale déchue, d'une fosse commune à une fête rock, dans la frénésie de vivre de l'après-guerre, elle découvre que les histoires singulières font la grande Histoire. Hymne à la vie, écrit entre réalisme et fantaisie, No Woman s Land s'ouvre comme une comédie, se poursuit comme une tragédie, et s'achève sur le sourire d'une jeune femme qui a trouvé sa raison d'être.



Littérature française

Tina shot me between the eyes and other stories

"Tidjani Alou's writing sketches the commonplace and the metaphysical, with heft, honesty, and audacity. The range is compelling, as she takes us through lives in places as diverse as Accra and Niamey. The prose is deft, her metaphors sting with accuracy. This is a writer to think and feel with". - Emmanuel Iduma, editor, Saraba Magazine. In fifteen formidable lyrical prose, Tina Shot Me Between the Eyes explores how the self is shaped and transformed by the knots we yearn to tie around ourselves : familial, spousal, parental, and societal. It tackles how we struggle in relationships for nourishment and fulfilment, and how connections could kill us and how we could kill to survive - a potent force for understanding humanity and the nuances of acts of violence, tolerance, faith and love.



BD tout public

Silex and the city Tome 1 : (Avant notre ère)

L'auteur de "Il faut tuer José Bové" et de "La Croisade s'amuse" revient avec une série en costumes: chez les Dotcom, famille moyenne du paléolithique, toute l'actualité contemporaine défile en peaux de bêtes, pour une parodie au vitriol de notre société. C'est la crise? Investissez dans l'Age de pierre!



Yaoi/homosexualité masculine

The Secret of Me and My Boss Tome 2

Anezaki et Mikado sont en couple depuis un mois, et tout se passe pour le mieux entre eux... si ce n'est qu'Anezaki est terrifié d'avance à l'idée que leur histoire se termine. Aussi, lorsque Mikado décide de prévoir un voyage de deux jours pour qu'ils partent en amoureux, les choses se compliquent, surtout pour Anezaki, qui n'aime pas particulièrement sortir...




Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost Tome 2

Pour éclaircir le mystère de sa naissance et tenter de retrouver sa mère, Belle accepte de travailler comme couturière au château de la Bête, le Prince Cyril, qui lui a sauvé la vie. Mais sa curiosité la pousse à ouvrir une porte interdite, derrière laquelle elle découvre le secret du Prince... De son côté, la Médium, cette cruelle sorcière, essaie de retrouver la trace de son ennemi juré : la Bête !



Romance historique

Garland Cousins. Tome 1 : Primrose and the dreadful duke

Primrose Garland est ravie que son ami Oliver soit rentré des Indes. Le charmant gredin de son enfance a beau avoir hérité d'une couronne ducale, c'est toujours ce cher Ollie avec qui elle prend tant de plaisir à se chamailler. Quand survient une série d'accidents étranges, le doute n'est plus permis : quelqu'un cherche à tuer son ami. Et qui mieux que Prim pourrait le protéger ? Car elle a un secret : un don de téléportation. Une garden-party sera l'occasion idéale pour tendre un piège au meurtrier. Mais il va falloir faire très attention. Le danger rôde... et l'amour aussi !



Mondes fantastiques

The Night and its Moon Tome 1 . Edition collector

D'une beauté surnaturelle car elles sont de sang-mêlé Faé et Humain, Nox et Amaris grandissent dans un orphelinat. Inséparables, les deux jeunes filles se font une promesse : un jour, elles vivront ensemble, loin de cet enfer où elles ne sont que de vulgaires marchandises. Mais lorsque la patronne d'une maison close offre une fortune pour acheter Nox, celle-ci devient esclave de plaisirs au service d'hommes riches et puissants. Amaris réussit alors à s'enfuir dans les montagnes du Royaume du Nord, dans une forteresse où elle s'initie aux arts de la guerre. Malgré la distance et les difficultés, Nox et Amaris n'oublient pas leur promesse et sont prêtes à tout pour se retrouver. Alors qu'une guerre entre Humains et Faés éclate, elles sont entraînées dans un dangereux jeu de complots. Le destin des royaumes est entre les mains des deux orphelines... et de leur amour.




Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost Tome 4

Belle, la fiancée de la Bête, se réveille enfin de son long sommeil. Belle la couturière se résout donc à enfouir définitivement ses sentiments pour le Prince Cyril mais voilà que l'autre Belle les révèle au grand jour ! De son côté, la Médium convainc le Roi de prendre une décision qui lui permettra de mettre la touche finale à sa vengeance...



Histoire internationale

Knowledge and Symbolization in Saint John of the Cross

The works of Juan de la Cruz contains numerous passages dealing with human cognition both ordinary and mystical. This study traces San Juan's examination of the mystic's knowledge in and through God. The sixteenth-century Spanish thinker stresses that conditionality is a fundamental character of all human knowledge, and brings to light a complex movement of contiguity between one and another mode of cognitive activity. Also discussed is the expression, through the instruments of prose and poetry, of the mystic's supereminent and therefore ineffable experience of knowledge and love. Relying upon Juan de la Cruz's own texts, it is shown how a relative communication can be effected despite the barriers separating mystical from ordinary cognition.



Non classé

Marriage and Divorce in the Plays of Hermann Sudermann

This study investigates Sudermann's plays from a socio-historical and literary-historical perspective. His plays are a response to a crisis of marriage. That crisis had its roots in the Romantic period and came to a head when the conservative Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch was introduced in 1900. Of particular significance is Es lebe das Leben (1902). The manuscripts of this play reveal that here Sudermann moved from a Realist treatment of marital difficulties to an exploration of the crisis of the realist literary system and a search for a Modernist treatment of divorce. His plays on marriage, divorce, courtship and the problems of single men and women constitute a sustained attempt to modify or at times radically to challenge the presentation of marriage in the Realist literary system.




Issues in the Philosophy of Language Past and Present

In the light of contemporary perspectives a good deal of traditional philosophical thought can be read as relating to the issue of 'Language versus Reality'. The chapters of this book vindicate this claim ; bringing together thinkers different both in temperament and interests like Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Aquinas, Heidegger and Gadamer they suggest that some of their major tenets reflect conceptual assumptions concerning linguistic meaning and reference. In trying to both identify and elucidate the assumptions at stake the author shows, both historically and systematically, that some of the problems experienced in the past as well as much of our contemporary concern with the same issue form a continuous line and a common endeavour ; and they have not yet come to an end.



Sciences politiques

European Union Foreign Policy and the Global Climate Regime

Ever since the first international negotiations on climate change in the early 1990s, the European Union has aspired to play a leading role in global climate politics. This book engages in a longitudinal analysis of the EU's participation in and impact on the United Nations climate regime. It provides not only comprehensive insights into the evolution of EU foreign climate policy, but also a thought-provoking audit of the potential and limits of the EU's influence in a major domain of global affairs.



Non classé

The best Approximation and Optimization in Locally Convex Spaces

This book presents several new results on the best simultaneous approximation in locally convex spaces. The concept of nuclear cone is systematically used to establish some interesting relations with Pareto optimization and the duality for vectorial optimization programs with multifunctions.



Non classé

Willibald Alexis' Zeitroman «Das Haus Düsterweg» and the «Vormärz»

On publication in 1835 Willibald Alexis' Zeitroman Das Haus Düsterweg sparked controversy only to be subsequently ignored by specialists on the Vormärz (1815-48). It has been viewed as an anomaly in Alexis' literary production, but in fact lies at the core of the intellectual interests and formal experimentation of Alexis, the prominent Vormärz author, theorist, critic and journalist. Based on techniques derived from Walter Scott, it anticipates the theory and practice of Gutzkow's "Roman des Nebeneinander". Under the aspect of Zerrissenheit it records and analyzes the psychological and political agony of the contemporary scene.



Non classé

Frontier and Utopia in the Fiction of Charles Sealsfield

This study examines the work of Charles Sealsfield (1793-1864), the Moravian-American writer, whose fiction marked the first serious literary treatment of America in the German language. More specifically, Sealsfield's work is discussed in the light of his experience in America and, above all, in the light of his change of identity from Karl Anton Postl - Moravian monk to Charles Sealsfield - American writer. It employs two concepts - frontier and utopia - to show how Sealsfield was influenced by the antebellum tradition in America, and how he, in turn, used the governing myths and symbols of his time to create an important statement about the relationship between ideology and power in the Age of Jackson.



Non classé

Ambivalence and Irony in the Works of Joseph Roth

Did Joseph Roth, the socialist, revolutionary and sceptic, become a monarchist, reactionary and believer ? This work attributes the contradictory manifestations in the life and personality of Roth to the attitude of ambivalence and irony that characterised him and his generation. The historical and intellectual situation that led to the dominance of this attitude and Roth's susceptibility to it due to the circumstances of his life are discussed. A meticulous study of Roth's letters, journalistic work and novels follows substantiating the thesis advanced.



Non classé

Black and White Speech in the Southern United States

This study compares the pronunciation of the stressed vowel nuclei of black and white southerners interviewed for the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States. The informants from Maryland (two pairs), Virginia (seven pairs), and North Carolina (seven pairs), were all interviewed in the period 1933-1939 by a single field worker, Guy S. Lowman, Jr., and were matched as closely as possible for age, education, social class, and geographical proximity. The principal findings of the study are that systematic differences exist between black and white speakers in the pronunciation of the stressed vowels, on the phonic or subphonemic level. This is the same type of variation that is used to characterize dialect differences in the United States. The differences in speech, however, while systematic, are not categorical : i.e., there are no speech features examined that exist solely for black or white speakers. Another finding was that regional variation in speech was less apparent for black speakers than for white speakers.



Documentaires jeunesse

Quentin Blake and the Demoiselles des Bords de Seine

Quentin Blake is one of the best-known illustrators of our time. He was Roald Dahl's regular illustrator, and their books have enjoyed world popularity with generations of children. Blake has collaborated with many other well-known authors and also created his own picture-books such as Clown and Zagazoo. Quentin Blake was born in England in 1932. For more than 20 years he taught in and then led the illustration department of the Royal College of Art. In 1999 he became the first Children's Laureate and in 2005 was appointed CBE for his services to children's literature. In France, where he spends a great deal of his time and where he has been published by Gallimard for the past 30 years, Quentin Blake has the same huge reputation as in Great Britain. His work has been exhibited there, and he has produced several books especially for French readers. In 2002 he was made a Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres. It was on account of this reputation that he was invited by the Petit Palais to select and present the exhibition Quentin Blake et les Demoiselles des Bords de Seine, and in the exhibition and this book he displays his enthusiasm for 19th century French art with a perceptiveness and liveliness which will speak to readers of all ages.




Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost Tome 1

Les cheveux mauves de Belle ne ressemblent ni à ceux de sa mère ni à ceux de son père. Lorsque cettejeune fille à part brise l'interdit et s'aventure dans la forêt, elle croise le chemin d'une Bête qui a la réputation d'enlever les femmes d'une beauté rare pour les enfermer dans son château. La mère de Belle se sacrifie alors pour sauver sa fille, qui s'attire ainsi les foudres de son père. Dévoré par la rancoeur et le chagrin, celui-ci la retient prisonnière de leur maison. Les années passent puis un jour, la Bête croise à nouveau le chemin de Belle...



Mouvements artistiques

Hockney's Eye. The Art and Technology of Depiction

David Hockney is the best known and most widely admired painter in the world. This vibrant catalogue accompanies a major exhibition at the The Fitzwilliam Museum and the Heong Gallery in Cambridge, as well as the Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Netherlands. Throughout his long career, David Hockney has insistently explored diverse ways of depicting the visible world. He has scrutinised the methods of the old masters, and explored radical departures from their cherished assumptions The exhibition and accompanying book are the first to focus on this central theme in his art. "Western art" from the Renaissance until at least the late 19th century has been dominated by the depiction of nature. Was this to be accomplished by direct looking (called "eyeballing" by Hockney) or with the assistance of optical theory and devices, such as cameras ? Hockney has experimented with the full range of existing strategies, overtly using perspective in some of his classic pictures and rigorously investigating optical aids for the imitation of nature, including the camera obscura and camera lucida. Yet he has come to reject the photograph as the definitive image of what we see. Along the way, he has identified a "camera culture'' in European painting from 1400, arguing very controversially that the supreme naturalism of painters like Jan van Eyck are the product of optical devices. His book, Secret Knowledge (2001), with its majestic panorama of paintings over the course of five centuries, claims that art historians have missed the central aspect of painters' practice. The "Hockney thesis" has been received more favourably outside the professional world of art history than in it. His own artistic practice has been in vigorous dialogue with his radical thesis, and he has progressively demonstrated new and dynamic ways of characterising the visual world without perspective and other conventional techniques. This quest results a series of joyous challenges to our ways of seeing in the major exhibition in Cambridge at the Fitzwilliam Museum and in the Heong Gallery (Downing College). It will look at the whole span of Hockney's varied career and at the nature of the optical devices he has tested. His vision will be explored in the setting of traditional masterpieces of naturalistic observation, and in the context of modern sciences and technologies of seeing. The first section of the book looks at his thrilling experiments in seeing and representing in broad historical and contemporary contexts. This is followed by discussions of pre-photographic devices for capturing the appearances of things by optical means. The third section includes essays on Hockney's experiments from the perspectives of neuroscience and computer vision. In short, it reveals in a new way the working of Hockney's unique eye.
