
A guide to sugarcane diseases

Philippe Rott, Roger A. Bailey, Jack C. Comstock, Barry J. Croft, Salem A. Saumtally

The pathology section of ISSCT (International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists) and Cirad decided to publish a new book on sugarcane diseases. The objective is to supply sufficient and updated information regarding scientific knowledge and practical aspects of disease control to those who have to deal with sugarcane. Each disease is thoroughly described and information regarding strains of the pathogen, diagnosis and control are also provided. References are cited and each disease is illustrated by several color pictures.

Par Philippe Rott, Roger A. Bailey, Jack C. Comstock, Barry J. Croft, Salem A. Saumtally
Chez Cirad

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01/01/2000 340 pages 75,80 €
Scannez le code barre 9782876143869
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