





Célébrades est un recueil d'éclats poétiques qui célèbrent l'immortelle Brigitte Bardot à qui nous devons notre "délivrance" et "liberté colorée" . Des poèmes courts, à la japonaise, lui rendent un vibrant hommage. L'une de ces stances chante "intrépide au pinacle / l'aigle dans sa gloire n'a pu / monter plus haut" . Regroupées autour de cinq autres thèmes, soit l'hiver, l'amour, la nature, le quotidien, les voyages, ces pages saisissent la beauté instantanée et l'âme des choses. L'émerveillement et l'observation lapidaire en constituent la trame commune. Le suffixe -ade qui indique l'action, ajouté aux titres, les met en mouvement et dynamise leur portée significative.



Thèmes photo

Michael Kenna. Arbres, Edition bilingue français-anglais

For almost fifty years, trees have marked the career of Michael Kenna, a photographer known and recognised for the virtuosity of his technique. An essential link with the earth, sky, air, light, silence, and reflections, Kenna pays tribute to them by taking their portrait. Pictorial, dreamlike, graphic, romantic, hazy, poetic, the artist celebrates these great lords of nature. The photographer, a tireless wanderer, travels the world, from France to New Zealand, to the United States, criss-crossing Japan, to immortalise trees and forests. From dense woods to light-filled canopies, to tiny trees isolated in majesty within idyllic white landscapes, beauty is offered to us in the range of species photographed as much as in the variation of compositions. Exclusively in black and white, these photographs unfurl through the seasons, giving rhythm and emphasis to time.




The Winter of Democracy. Partitocracy in Belgium

In itself, partitocracy can be simply defined as a political regime where power is - in an excessive degree - in the hands of political parties. In Belgium, partitocracy has perhaps reached its highest level of elaboration, with complex interactions between citizens, candidates and elected representatives, parties as well as parliaments and governments. The Winter of Democracy : Partitocracy in Belgium aligns a dozen of scientific contributions that tackle the mutltifaceted concept of partitocracy from multiple perspectives. The book also celebrates the academic career of Lieven De Winter, almost five decades of a rich research commitment that spanned both at Université catholique de Louvain and at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, as well as across numerous institutions, projects and networks all around Europe. Lieven De Winter has significantly contributed to the study of all dimensions that constitute the core object of this book : Partitocracy in Belgium.



Instruments de musique

Musical Postcards for Alto Saxophone. 10 pieces in 10 styles from around the world. alto saxophone.

From Rio to Red Square, Mike Mower's Musical Postcards features ten captivating pieces in different musical styles from around the world. Experience the thrill of Puerto Rican salsa, the magic of an Irish reel, the romance of French café music, and much more ... Available in editions for alto saxophone, flute, clarinet, trumpet and violin, each book contains melody lines with chord symbols to aid improvisation. Every piece is brought to life with a postcard of essential background information and playing tips. A book of keyboard accompaniments is available separately. Spectacular and authentic audio performances and backing tracks of every piece played by bands and musicians from all ten countries are available online. A professional musician for 40 years, Mike Mower has played in orchestras, big bands, chamber ensembles, shows, jazz bands, and recording sessions around the world in classical, jazz, Latin, and rock styles on flutes, saxophones, and clarinets. He has written concertos for international solo artists and orchestras and concert music for ensembles of all sizes - in addition to composing, arranging, and producing TV themes and commercial music albums. His fun but challenging educational music has been enjoyed by a generation of younger players. The Musical Postcards and Junior Musical Postcards series (with accompaniment by some international recording artists too famous to mention ! ) celebrates authentic music genres from all over the globe. Instrumentation : alto saxophone



Beaux arts

Pissaro. Edition en langue anglaise

Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) was not only a central figure in the Impressionist movement, but a major influence on the development of modern art. He was the only artist to exhibit at ail eight of the Impressionist exhibitions between 1874 and 1886, and his letters are a fascinating and invaluable source of information on the theoretical aspects and practical implications of Impressionism. Pissarro's career touched that of an extraordinary number of his contemporaries, to whom he was often a teacher and always a friend. In his early years he worked with Monet; in the 1870s he painted in close friendship with Cézanne; he was a guide for Gauguin, whom he introduced to the Impressionist group; and in the 1880s bc flirted with Neo-Impressionism with Seurat. This marvellously illustrated book charts the evolution of his painting, and celebrates his compositional brilliance, technical skill and innovatory approach. Forty-eight full-page colour plates illustrate the extraordinary quality of Pissarro's work from ail periods, and these combined with Christopher Lloyd's illuminating text constitute a superb introduction to the artist. Christopher Lloyd is the Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures. His essay on Pissarro, first published in 1979, bas been revised and updated, with the addition of commentaries to each plate, written by Amanda Renshaw, and a wide selection of comparative illustrations.




Calligraphics. La calligraphie vue par 101 artistes contemporains

Le langage, l'écriture et les lettres sont les fondements de notre communication en tant qu'êtres humains, et la calligraphie célèbre la beauté inhérente de ce besoin de partage et de connexion. Ce volume présente ce que la calligraphie est devenue au XXIe siècle, avec 101 artistes issus du monde du graffiti, du tatouage, du graphisme, de la peinture, de l'illustration, de l'art de l'affiche, de la bande dessinée, et bien plus encore. Leurs différents supports, styles et langages, y compris imaginaires, montrent le potentiel et l'inspiration infinis de la transformation des lettres en art. Chaque artiste présente une brève biographie expliquant son parcours et ses inspirations, des exemples de ses oeuvres et un alphabet original. Les artistes, originaires de 20 pays, partagent des alphabets en couleurs vives et en noir et blanc, en clarté et en chaos, au crayon sur papier et à la peinture sur les murs. A notre époque numérique, où les écrans et les claviers ont pris le dessus, cet art ancien continue de prospérer. Language, writing, and letters are the basis of our communication as human beings-and calligraphy celebrates the inherent beauty of this need to share and connect. This volume showcases what calligraphy has grown to be in the 21st century, featuring 101 artists from the worlds of graffiti, tattooing, graphic design, painting, illustration, poster art, comics, and more. Their different mediums, styles, and languages, including imaginary ones, show the endless potential and inspiration of turning letters into art. Each artist featured has a brief bio explaining their background and inspirations, examples of their artwork, and an original alphabet. The artists, from 20 countries, share alphabets in vibrant color and black and white, in clarity and in chaos, in pencil on paper and paint on walls. In our digital age, where screens and keyboards have taken over, this ancient art still thrives.


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