
Practice and Problems in English Grammar and Usage



Non classé

Practice and Problems in English Grammar and Usage

This book aims to bridge the gap between theoretical and didactic grammar by familiarizing students with traditional terminology and notorious problem areas of English grammar - often otherwise ignored or neglected - and presenting them with a range of carefully chosen practice questions including challenging translation exercises for German students. Because it is often not simply ungrammaticality, but a certain un-Englishness, oddness, or awkwardness that marks students' English, this book is also a workbook on usage and style. A grammatical workbook and textbook in one, it has the unique advantage that almost all practice questions can be answered on the basis of information provided within the book and as a result can be used for individual study as well as school and university work. It will greatly help reinforce students' knowledge of grammar and give students the much needed practice and training in not only grammatically correct, but stylistically appropriate and natural English usage.



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Practice and Problems in Language Testing 1

The First International Symposium of the Interuniversitäre Sprachtestgruppe at the Bundessprachenamt, Hürth, brought together a group of experts in language testing from a wide variety of backgrounds. This volume contains selected papers from the meeting and represents a broad range of topics in language testing, from Bernard Spolsky's paper on ethical questions, to Madeline Lutjeharms' contribution dealing with testing in a multilingual context, Nicolas Ferguson's computerized approach to oral assessment, and Günter Trost's and Horst Bickel's research into aptitude testing. The lively and often critical discussions following these and the other papers by Joseph Rohrer, Douglas K. Stevenson, Jan van Weeren, Wieland and Ulrich Raatz, Helmut J. Vollmer and Veronica Smith/Christine Klein-Braley are included, as is the panel discussion among several of the experts present.



Non classé

Focusing in English and Korean

English and Korean have various ways of expressing grammatical prominence. While focusing in English has been studied over the past twenty years by a number of generative and functional grammarians, there is as yet no comprehensive treatment of focus phenomena in Korean. This monograph treats five focusing constructions of English and looks at their grammatical and lexical equivalents in Korean. English and Korean are different typologically. Since this difference is important, if one wishes to make sense of the diverging focusing strategies in these two languages, it is necessary to give a typological outline of English and Korean. The follwing two typological approaches figure prominently in this monograph : the basic word order typology developed by Greenberg, and the language typology proposed by Li and Thompson.



Non classé

Papers on Semantics and Grammar

The six revised papers collected here - two have been translated into English - address in their different ways questions relating to grammatical meaning (both semantics and pragmatics) and the analysis of constructions. Though they cover a period of about 10 years, they can be said to share a view of linguistic analysis that is holistic rather than modular and descriptive rather than generative. The topics discussed are : the semantics and pragmatics of get-passives ; the semantics of epistemic modality ; the status, function and analysis of participial and gerundial -ing constructions ; four controversies in the analysis of modality and modal auxiliaries ; the functional classification of adverbials and the pragmatics of their position ; the semantics and pragmatics of prepositional phrases with for.




Structuring Design. Graphic Grids in Theory and Practice

La communication visuelle s'efforce de structurer les contenus et de tenir compte des principes inhérents à chaque type de produits de manière à ce qu'un roman, un magazine ou un catalogue d'oeuvres d'art soit immédiatement identifié en tant que tel. Le présent ouvrage contient une foule d'explications, conseils pratiques et informations de base sur ce thème. Il accorde une place de choix à la grille, principe fondamental de toute maquette dont la fonction et les diverses applications sont présentées en détail. La grille facilite en effet à la fois la lecture et la compréhension des contenus. Dans une seconde partie, l'auteur donne des précisions sur ce qu'il convient de respecter durant les différentes phases d'élaboration d'une maquette. La troisième partie est plus théorique puisqu'elle aborde les rapports entre la méthode et l'intuition. L'ouvrage se termine par un glossaire exhaustif.



Non classé

On Deixis in English and Polish

Deixis verges on the borderline of philosophy, semantics and pragmatics. Since no satisfactory theory of deixis has been proposed so far, this book gives a critical examination of the state of the art and suggests a solution within the framework of discourse analysis. The deictic systems of English and Polish are compared in termes of algorithms, which determine the distribution of demonstrative pronouns in the two languages. Many difficulties found in other approaches can be escaped through the application of algorithms accounting for the speaker's choices in his use of demonstratives during the discourse flow.



Non classé

Problems and Perspectives

The 18 investigations collected in this volume, 4 of which are published for the first time, represent a cross section of the research in German baroque literature by the American scholar, Blake Lee Spahr. Individual issues of "German Baroque Literature" are discussed from a broad perspective, while specific problems are dealt with via a neopositivistic approach which highlights the limitations as well as the possibilities of American research in German literature.



Anglais des affaires

Economic and Business English

Cet ouvrage propose : - Une méthodologie des concours (ELVi, ECRICOME, IENA) - Un cours d'économieen anglais - L'essentiel de la grammaire anglaise en 7 chapitres - Un précis de vocabulaire spécialisé (3000 mots) en anglais économique, commercial, des finances, du marketing, de la comptabilité, de la gestion, etc. - Plus de 100 phrases de thème grammatical contemporain corrigées - Plus de 10 textes de version traduits et des phrases de version grammaticale Il permet de : - délivrer de meilleurs résultats aux épreuves d'anglais des concours d'entrée aux grandes écoles de commerce de type HEC ; - de comprendre le monde de l'entreprise et les principes du commerce international à l'ère de la mondialisation, et au lendemain de la pandémie Covid-19 et du Brexit ; - de maîtriser l'anglais économique et commercial. Il s'adresse principalement aux étudiants de CPGE économiques et commerciales mais conviendra également aux étudiants des 1er et 2ème cycles universitaires (Licence / Master, BTS, IUT et DUT) ainsi qu'aux professionnels de l'entreprise.




Of Sand and Stones

A partir d'extraits de textes de Gaston BACHELARD, Reyner BANHAM, Laurence COSSE, Gilles DELEUZE & Félix GUATTARI, Marguerite DURAS, Jean-ClaudeGALL, André GIDE, André GUILLERME, Jean-Yves JOUANNAIS, Maylis de KERANGAL, Pierre REVERDY, Marie RICHEUX, Robert SMITHSON, VITRUVE, Emile WITH et Marguerite YOURCENAR, de dessins et de photographies de Julien HOURCADE Of Sand and Stones raconte la construction d'un programme à usage mixte (cinéma, centre culturel, centre communautaire avec théâtre boîte noire, 342 logements, commerces et jardin), construit avec un système de façade porteuse préfabriquée aux couleurs naturelles dans le quartier de Clichy-Batignolles à Paris entre 2013 et 2018.



Scolaire lycée général et tech

English Grammar Revision. A visual approach to understanding grammar, Edition 2019

250 exercices corrigés : s'entraîner ; vérifier ses acquis ; progresser. 30 infographies : réviser l'essentiel ; comprendre en un seul coup d'oeil ; mémoriser facilement. 300 quiz en ligne : s'autoévaluer.



Non classé

Variation and Diachrony, with Early American English in Focus

This study of diachronic variation addresses two topics, the development of modal auxiliaries can (could), may (might), shall (should) and will (would), and the emergence of early American English as a new variety in the seventeenth century. Within the framework of socio-historical variation analysis, the author aims at accounting for diachronic change by examining the interplay of various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the light of evidence drawn from various corpora. The study concentrates on the language spoken and written in the New England area between 1620 and 1720, but to widen the scope in time and region, counterparts for comparison are found in the material included in the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts. The results indicate a gradual change (rather than a sudden re-structuring) in the system of the English modals from early stages on. Cumulative evidence is found for the rise of the forms can and will ; in early American English conservative (rather than innovative) tendencies characterize the development.



Non classé

Friendship and Love in the Middle English Metrical Romances

"Friendship and Love in the Middle English Metrical Romances" groups together a representative cross-section of the genre, according to variants of love relationships, and to ideas of friendship. The horizontal and the vertical structure of the relatonship are tripartite. The horizontal stages are attraction, separation-testing-trial, and reunion, the vertical spheres are the personal, social/political, and religious. All relationships fail into two types, the restorative-concordant and the innovative-discordant. These are defined by the relative position of the partners in the social-political sphere of their relationship. The groups of relationship are defined by the initially more active partner : forward heroine, fairy mistress, forward hero, mutual love, married love ; friendship, lords and retainers. Surveys of the Insular understanding of courtly love, and of Caxton's prose romances, complement the findings.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


Ivres pensées est un cheminement introspectif que l'auteur offre à tout lecteur, passionné ou non de poésie. A l'image d'un tableau, il existe toujours une trame de fond sur laquelle se dessine les mots, instruments immortels au travers desquels l'on saisit la force de l'idée qui jaillit. Amour, passions, colères, joies, douceurs et tourments, chaque page traite dans un style à la fois simple et souvent incompréhensible de thèmes universels auxquels chacun de nous a du souvent faire face. Cette oeuvre est un regard à travers nous même par le biais de l'autre.



Anglais apprentissage

Jefferson and Nature. An Interpretation

Jefferson and Nature is the first comprehensive study to take Jefferson completely at his word-his favorite word. Nature-the term and the many ideas associated with it-pervades Jefferson's life and writings. It sets hem apart from his colleagues in the American Enlightenment and provides the distinctive gateway to his thought and action. By no means consistent and at tunes apparently opportunistic in his use of the term, Jefferson nevertheless draws nearly every realm of life back to this essential word and idea. Charles Miller's book tells why this is so.



Anglais apprentissage

Thirteen Modern English and American Short Stories

Une inquiétante logeuse et un non moins inquiétant locataire. Un espion...espionné et un sergent épris de paix... Une grinçante " histoire de fous "... Les (peu joyeuses) commères des Hébrides et quelques fantômes anglais... Présentées par Henri Yvinec Cette collection s'adresse à tous ceux qui désirent découvrir ou redécouvrir le plaisir de lire directement dans la langue d'origine des œuvres choisies pour leurs qualités littéraires autant que pour leur intérêt linguistique. L'abondance des notes, rédigées en langue étrangère et placées en regard du texte, dispense d'un recours fastidieux au dictionnaire. En fin de volume, un lexique de plus de 1 000 mots, extraits des nouvelles elles-mêmes, permet au lecteur d'enrichir son vocabulaire.



Histoire internationale

Direct and Inverse Boundary Value Problems

This volume contains papers presented to the 12th conference on "Methods and Techniques of Mathematical Physics" held on November 26 - December 2, 1989 at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.The papers mainly focus at direct and inverse boundary value problems arising in classical scattering theory, fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics, and potential theory and they aim at interchanging mathematical tools and ideas among mathematicians, physicists, and engineers.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


In modern industrial society, the tic between science and technology seems clear, even inevitable. But historically, as James E. McClellan III and Harold Dorn remind us, the connection was far less apparent. For much of human history, technology depended more on the innovation of skilled artisans than it did on the speculation of scientists. Technology as "applied science," the authors argue, emerged relatively recently, as industry and governments began funding scientific research that would lead directly to new or improved technologies. In Science and Technology in World History, McClellan and Dorn offer an introduction to this changing relationship. McClellan and Dorn review the historical record beginning with the thinking and tool making of prehistoric humans. Neolithic people, for example, developed metallurgy of a sort, using naturally occurring raw copper, and kept systematic records of the moon's phases. Neolithic craftsmen possessed practical knowledge of the behavior of clay, fire, and other elements of their environment, but though they may have had explanations for the phenomena of their crafts, they toiled without any systematic science of materials or the self-conscious application of theory to practice. Without neglecting important figures of Western science such as Newton and Einstein, the authors demonstrate the great achievements of non-Western cultures. They remind us that scientific traditions took root in China, India, and Central and South America, as well as in a series of Near Eastern empires, during late antiquity and the Middle Ages, including the vast region that formed the Islamic conquest. From this comparative perspective, the authors explore the emergence of Europe as a scientific and technological power. Continuing their narrative through the Manhattan Project, NASA, and modern medical research, the authors weave the converging histories of science and technology into an integrated, perceptive, and highly readable narrative. "Professors McClellan and Dorn have written a survey that does not present the historical development of science simply as a Western phenomenon but as the result of wide-ranging human curiosity about nature and attempts to harness its powers in order to serve human needs. This is an impressive amount of material to organize in a single textbook." - Paula Findlen, Stanford University



Non classé

Nietzsche and the End of Freedom

Nietzsche's writing is not some game of 'freeplay' and terms like 'intertextuality' are useless in discussing its influence. This study takes Nietzsche, then Kafka's Trial, Thomas Mann's Death in Venice, Heinrich Mann's Man of Straw, Rilke's Malte Laurids Brigge and Musil's Törless. It argues that Nietzsche mediates and modernises the dilemmas of Romanticism and that a properly differentiated account of his literary reception can illuminate the dynamics of German culture on the eve of the Great War.



Littérature française

Land's end

Photographe professionnelle reconnue, Julie tente depuis des années de se réaliser dans tous les domaines de sa vie, malgré un traumatisme d’enfance qui la hante. Elle décide de tout quitter du jour au lendemain pour partir s’installer dans un endroit des plus reculés d’Angleterre : Land’s End. Cette aventure lui réservera bien des surprises… Une histoire de burn-out, de changement de vie radical, sur fond de spiritualité, de questionnement personnel, de voyage, de nature.




Second hand band

Groupe d'occasion Etat : Neuf Second Hand Band c'est une conversation entre deux époques : 2015, leur 1er groupe, et 2022, leur version actualisée. Entre ces deux périodes, chacun est allé parfaire son élocution à grand renfort de voyages et d'apprentissage, et revient enrichir la conversation avec de nouvelles couleurs en gardant le même plaisir de jouer ensemble. Ils cultivent sur ce disque leur goût pour le jazz, le rock, le blues, la funk et des inspirations du Portugal, d'Espagne, d'Irlande et d'Inde en invitant Leïla Taïga sur un titre.



Non classé

Thackeray and the Problem of Realism

Although it is traditional to see a certain kind of "realism" as the essence of fiction, in practice novels of course offer not a simple reproduction of experience but a throughgoing organization of it. The novel is, after all, a bourgeois genre and it reflects that bourgeois view of life according to which the world is there merely to be dominated and controlled by man. This study examines both Thackeray's early fiction, in which both the novel form and the manipulative society to which it belongs are attacked, and his later works, in which they are defended, and tries to determine the reasons for this change.



Histoire internationale

Outlawry, Governance, and Law in Medieval England

Outlawry, Governance, and Law in Medieval England evaluates the role of exclusionary practices, namely outlawry, in law and governance in England from the tenth through the thirteenth centuries. Traditional historical narratives dismiss exile, outlawry, and banishment as ineffective and weak methods of maintaining social order. More specifically, the pres¬ent volume reassesses these forms of exclusion in matters of politics, law, and society, as well as their influence on increased use of imprisonment in later medieval England. Outlawry, Governance, and Law in Medieval England is essential reading for scholars working in this field but is also highly recommended as a text for courses that assess medieval law and the practice of outlawry as well as the development of English Common Law.



Instruments de musique

Suite Nr. 1. Für Blasorchester und Schlagzeug. Volume IX opus 7. wind band and percussion

Erich Schmid (1907 - 2000) was an orchestra conductor, choir director and university lecturer who promoted world premieres and radio broadcasts of contemporary music in Switzerland. He himself studied with Bernhard Sekles, among others, then with Arnold Schönberg and followed the aesthetics of the New Viennese School in his compositions. The historical-critical Erich Schmid Edition publishes for the first time all sixteen opus-numbered works as well as three additional piano works. Suite No. 1 is an interesting hybrid that conveys the most modern compositional structure in the genre of light music. Schmid composed it shortly after the end of his year as a master student of Schönberg in Berlin. Like his other works of the time, its unusual instrumentation already shows an effort to move on from classical "high forms" and compose in looser structures, with the free use of the twelve-tone technique providing inner coherence. "Dance", "Waltz", "March" are linked by two inserted "Intermezzi" and introduced by an "Introduction". Not all movements require full instrumentation and are designed for solo rather than group performance. Professional playing techniques such as flutter tonguing and alienating sound effects through damping and muting are used. Instrumentation : wind band and percussion op. 7




Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers. 2nd edition

Whether you need to understand advances in modern technology, prepare for professional exams, or simply brush up on skills acquired long ago, John Fanchi's quick reference guide to applied math is for you. He has updated his 1997 book to include probability and statistics in new chapters with exercises and solutions. Fanchi explains all topics clearly and methodically, from the ground up. He begins with straightforward concepts in college math and gradually progresses to more advanced topics, using practical applications throughout to demonstrate relationships between different areas. The wealth of numerical methods and illustrative examples further enhances the utility of this truly indispensable book. Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition reviews: • Algebra • Geometry, analytic geometry, trigonometry, and hyperbolic functions • Vectors, matrices, and linear algebra • Differential calculus, integral calculus, and special integrals • Partial derivatives • Ordinary differential equations and ODE solution techniques • Partial differential equations • Probability and statistics



Sciences de la terre et de la

Green Plants. Their Origin and Diversity, 2nd Edition

The central theme of Green Plants is the astonishing diversity of forms found in the plant kingdom, from the simplicity of prokaryotic algae to the myriad complexities of flowering plants. To help the reader appreciate this remarkable diversity, the book is arranged according to generally accepted classification schemes, beginning with algae (both prokaryotic and eukaryotic) and moving through liverworts, hornworts, mosses, fern allies, ferns and gymnosperms to flowering plants. Copiously illustrated throughout with clear line diagrams and instructive photographs, Green Plants provides a concise account of all algae and land plants, with information on topics from cellular structure to life cycles and reproduction. The authors maintain a refreshingly cautious and objective approach in discussions of possible phylogenetic relationships. Newly emerging information on features of plants known only as fossils is included, providing as complete a history as possible of the plant kingdom. Throughout the book there are many references to ultrastructural and physiological features which relate growth and form to current concepts in the study of plant development. This new edition has been completely updated to reflect current views on the origin of the major groups of plants and includes information arising from more recently developed techniques such as cladistic analyses. As such, it provides an up-to-date and timely resource for students of botany, and also for researchers needing a comprehensive reference to the plant kingdom.



Techniques instrumentales

Rhapsody in Blue. For solo piano and jazz band (Full Score)

The names of George Gershwin (1898-1937) and Ira Gershwin (1896-1983) are synonymous across the globe with American musical creativity. The Gershwin family estates, their publishers, and the University of Michigan have joined forces to produce The George and Ira Gershwin Critical Edition-the first-ever scholarly edition of the Gershwins' music and lyrics. This all-new practical edition facilitates both study and performance, giving a wide audience of musicians, scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike greater insight into the Gershwins' art. The goal is to create clear and definitive publications that achieve the most accurate representations possible of the Gershwin brothers' unique and pioneering creativity. This all-new critical edition of the original 1924 arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue presents an authoritative transcription of arranger Ferde Grofé's handwritten holograph score preserved in the collection of the United States Library of Congress in Washington, DC. The edition represents as best as possible the piece as premiered by the Paul Whiteman Orchestra at his "Experiment in Modern Music" concert on February 12, 1924. Grofé prepared the score for the specific talents and timbres of the Whiteman Orchestra, largely from an ink fair copy of Gershwin's two-piano short-score manuscript. Gershwin continued to modify the piano solo portion of this short score during rehearsals and, most likely, even after the premiere of the piece. Instrumentation : Jazz Band



Non classé

Marriage in the Christian and Igbo Traditional Context: Towards an Inculturation

Traditional marriage and Christian marriage rites presently exist as two distinct ceremonies in some parts of Africa. Is there no way of bringing the two together to avoid any form of duplication or multiplication of rite ? More so because the Church has always implicitly recognised matrimonial institution as a cultural product. The answer to the above question is located in the whole issue of inculturation. A process that successfully flourished in the Western civilisation and consequently influenced the teaching of the Church on marriage. The answer to our question seeks to establish a marriage rite where couples will genuinely experience the happy marriage between culture and Church. A marriage rite that will fulfil both the traditional and Christian demands.



Instruments de musique

An American Suite. Four pieces for elementary string orchestra. strings (violins I-III and cellos I+II, violas I+II and double bass ad libitum) and piano. Partition et partie.

Simply 4 Strings - Ensemble music for elementary string players from Katherine and Hugh Colledge, composers of Stepping Stones, Waggon Wheels, Fast Forward and Shooting Stars. A complete suite of pieces - ideal for group teaching, perfect for concerts Based on well-known melodies from around the world Optional piano accompaniments Rewarding parts for everyone - even absolute beginners Instrumentation : strings (violins I-III and cellos I+II, violas I+II and double bass ad libitum) and piano



Techniques instrumentales

Rhapsody in Blue. For solo piano and jazz band (Two-Piano Score)

The names of George Gershwin (1898-1937) and Ira Gershwin (1896-1983) are synonymous across the globe with American musical creativity. The Gershwin family estates, their publishers, and the University of Michigan have joined forces to produce The George and Ira Gershwin Critical Edition-the first-ever scholarly edition of the Gershwins' music and lyrics. This all-new practical edition facilitates both study and performance, giving a wide audience of musicians, scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike greater insight into the Gershwins' art. The goal is to create clear and definitive publications that achieve the most accurate representations possible of the Gershwin brothers' unique and pioneering creativity. This all-new critical edition of the original 1924 arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue presents an authoritative transcription of arranger Ferde Grofé's handwritten holograph score preserved in the collection of the United States Library of Congress in Washington, DC. The edition represents as best as possible the piece as premiered by the Paul Whiteman Orchestra at his "Experiment in Modern Music" concert on February 12, 1924. Grofé prepared the score for the specific talents and timbres of the Whiteman Orchestra, largely from an ink fair copy of Gershwin's two-piano short-score manuscript. Gershwin continued to modify the piano solo portion of this short score during rehearsals and, most likely, even after the premiere of the piece. Instrumentation : 2 pianos



Autres éditeurs (K à O)

Ana et l'âne A

Ana et son âne A aiment faire de la musique et jouer avec l'écho. Mais un jour, A disparaît. Ana part à sa recherche et voyage à travers les sons, les espaces et les mythes. Cet album jeunesse aborde le phénomène bien connu de l'écho, et de la relation entre les espaces, les images et les sons.
