
Development Program Monitoring and Evaluation System Effectiveness




Development Program Monitoring and Evaluation System Effectiveness

This book is a contribution to the building of a knowledge base for the effectiveness of M&E-Systems in the field of development management. The primary focus is to contribute to the clarification of what rigorous frameworks would apply to understand and meaningfully measure M&E-System effectiveness. The book has the aim of translating outcomes from Dr. Ba's thesis research on M&E-System effectiveness into an actionable contribution to better reach development practitioners and managers. The book is mainly devoted to development managers and M&E experts who wish to find superior ways of managing M&ESystems for improved decision-making and measured risk-taking in moving development policies and programs towards the greater freedom and welfare of people mainly in Africa. The book focuses on M&E-System effectiveness and how it influences the dynamic capabilities of development organizations and institutions in managing development programs and projects. The book presents the challenges in seeking an effective M&E-System, examines the gaps and limits in assessing it, and finally proposes ways to rigorously measure its effectiveness. The book may also contribute to the scientific and professional discussions on what would be the meaningful framework to better understand the success factors that underlie an effective M&E-System and also how they help improve development management.



Non classé

Behavior Therapy with Aggressive Children and Adolescents

This book provides a short overview of the development of aggressive behavior, assessment guidelines and the contents and materials of two training programs. The Training with Aggressive Children and Training with Adolescents are recognized multimodal cognitive-behavioral training programs developed for the treatment of aggressive behavior (oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder) in children and adolescents. The individual and group training modules are supported by parent and family counseling. The training programs are based on the modern learning theory. The effectiveness of the training programs was proven through empirical studies. The children and adolescents concerned showed important improvement and significant changes with respect to problem behavior as well as an increased prosocial behavior.




Lifelong Learning and Teacher Development

The papers in this collection contribute to our understanding of several aspects of lifelong learning. Two papers highlight the characteristics of reflection among teachers including self-evaluation and blogging. Two other papers study cooperation in lifelong learning – one, the impact of communities on professional learning among university lecturers, and the other, teacher-principal-parent partnerships in early childhood education. Universities offer a variety of courses and one paper analyses the impact on students of a course in educational psychology. The experience of dilemmas in history teaching is described in the next paper, and the reading habits of Estonian adolescents according to the PISA study are analysed in the final paper.



Non classé

Health and Development in Africa

In order to account for the multiplicity of the development problem the interaction of health and development has been discussed at an international interdisciplinary symposium. Scholars from both humanities and sciences from the United States, Africa and Europe examined jointly economic and health problems not leaving apart cultural anthropological aspects.



Non classé

Development and Developing International and European Law

This book contains more than 40 contributions from academics, specialists and practitioners in International and European law as well as transnational constitutional law. The articles focus on recent developments in these fields and in particular on legal aspects of development. The book is dedicated to Konrad Ginther whose own academic research and work have always been devoted to new developments in international law and the shift of legal paradigms at universal and regional levels. International law in transformation and the right to (sustainable) development as a legal principle have been important aspects of his work. The contributions of his colleagues, friends and scholars, published in honour of his 65th birthday, reflect the interplay of theory, dogmatics and the practice of development in international, European and national constitutional law.



Sciences politiques

Educational Assistance and School Development in Sierra Leone

The subject of foreign assistance in education for developing countries has gained increasing importance in the last twenty years. The fact that the efforts of both donors and recipients of assistance have not been entirely satisfying has resulted in repeated appeals for intensified scientific investigation into this area. This study represents a response to those appeals from the point of view of an educationist from a recipient country (Sierra Leone).Using historical and field investigations, case studies of three representative agencies were conducted between 1988 and 1989 : a multilateral (UNESCO), a bilateral (British) and a private (Baptist Church).The results indicate that both the approach and goals of aid agencies as well as the degree of involvement of target groups leave a lot to be desired. On the basis of these results, recommendations are made for future cooperation.





Detailed information on how to... * Learn the latest proven OOA (Object Oriented Analysis) techniques from a leader in the field! * Go beyond the basics and apply advanced design techniques to your applications. * Master all of the development languages available to you in Domino! You'll find three chapters each on the Formula Language, LotusScript, Java and JavaScript, and a chapter on HTML, plus a chapter to help you determine when to use each language. * Analyze your Domino applications using TeamStudio Analyzer. * Use all of the new features in R5: Resources, Outlines, Pages, Framesets and more! * Work effectively with Notes security in your applications. * Take full advantage of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). * Rev up your Web and intranet applications with Java, JavaScript, HTML and Domino URLs. * The complete book and source code is contained in a searchable Domino database available on the CD.




THE AWESOME POWER OF DIRECT 3D/DIRECTX. DirectX version 5.0, compact disk included

If you are programming real-time 3D applications for simulations, games, marketing, demonstrations or computer-animated videos using " Microsoft's Direct 3D Software Development Kit ", this book is for you. Unlike other books, " The awesome power of direct 3D/DirectX " shows you how to build a complete working 3D application, including 3D sound, joystick input, animation, textures, shadows, and even collision detection ! It shows you how to write a complete project using Retained Mode. It does not bury the code in "wrappers" that hide the nuances of the SDK. Nothing is hidden. What's inside ? : complete step-by-step tutorial for Direct 3D ; retained mode (windowed and full-screen) applications ; basics of DirectDraw ; how to integrate all DirectX components into a working program ; special techniques for shadows and 3D sound ; integration of direct input devices like joystick and mouse ; comprehensive library of high-quality, free, reusable 3D objects and textures cross-referenced DirectX retained mode command library ; all steps necessary to set up an immediate mode framework which you can then use to create a complete program. An independent developer of 3D graphics applications and games, Peter J. Kovach has been a vice president with a national developer of virtual reality and arcade systems and CEO of a corporation developing 3D system for advertising and product development. CD-ROM contains : more than 140 DirectX.x objects, some with animation (70 megs) ; 3ds originals of the .x objects (58 megs) ; 52 high-quality textures (4 megs) ; Microsoft's DirectX 6 SDK and samples (386 megs) ; all the code from the text.




Assessment, Evaluation, and School. Ideology, common sense, and research culture

Une fois introduite la réalité italienne en matière d'éducation, l'auteur aborde les problèmes liés au déterminisme du système scolaire, incapable de surmonter les inégalités et porteur d'une idéologie néolibérale qui favorise un modèle d'enseignement "orienté vers le business" . La seconde partie du livre présente les résultats d'une étude empirique consacrée à l'évaluation formative en Italie. L'essai est enrichi per une contribution d'Andrea Giacomantonio.




Heart program Tome 1

Kyû USAMI vit seul avec sa mère. Un jour d'été, il voit débarquer chez lui un robot qui ressemble à s'y méprendre à une jeune fille. Cette créature est venue étudier l'âme humaine, et le jeune Kyû va rapidement se rendre compte qu'on peut facilement tomber amoureux d'un être pourtant dépourvu de coeur...





With PowerBuilder 7 you have a powerful tool for distributed applications! Jaguar Development with PowerBuilder 7 will leverage your current PowerBuilder knowledge to a broad, new level of usefulness. Packed with code samples and step-by-step explanations including useful screen shots, this book gives you a quick way to learn Jaguar CTS. If you have any experience with PowerBuilder and want to move beyond two-tier computing, this book is for you. What's inside * An overview of distributed computing * How to set up and install Jaguar * Overview of Jaguar CTS and how it handles components, databases and transactions * PB as a component model * How to build jaguar clients with PB * Keys to DataWindow sychronization * How to build a multi-threaded PB application * Overview of CORBA




Database Development Environment. Oracle Architecture

This book is not a training book like the others ; this is not a self-study book, nor a reference manual, nor a practical manual... This book presents the database development environment to namely ORACLE, which aims to initiate and master the Oracle environment by presenting its architecture. Notes that I have used over the last decade to the Higher In-stitute of Management of Gabes (Tunisia) within the IT depart-ment applied this course to management. This book suitable for computer lessons for degree students and for students in Computer Engineering. The main chapters covered in this book are : - The Oracle architecture basics - The logical structure of ORACLE database - Transaction management - The Administrative Tools - Backup and Recovery



Histoire internationale

Perfect fundamental values and the development of Africa. From African Renaissance to Illumination

This book is the result of fundamental research on the thorny issue of Africa's development. It demonstrates that the development of human societies is first and foremost a resultant of true, perfect and eternal knowledge, a process of conversion of the soul to the True, the Good and the Beautiful, before becoming a quest for material and financial means. To acquire this knowledge, one must resort to all knowledge that deals with life and man, beginning with that of God who is the source of this authentic knowledge. Man, made in the image of God, if he goes back to this source, finds the universal fundamentals of perfect knowledge which open to him the path of complete and eternal knowledge. This enables him to launch victoriously into development. All human cultures have this opportunity to resort to the original sources of knowledge : Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and animism. This true and perfect knowledge sets the man in the certainties that renew his intelligence and make him a new, perfect and creative being of development. All the people who have developed have gone through this salutary way. Africa cannot be an exception to this golden rule. With the assistance of CERCUDE and OVAFOPAC.



BD tout public

Hot space Tome 1 : Crash program

"...Inutile d'attendre. Qui est le pilote sacrifié ? " "Nous avons touché le gros lot ! Il s'agit du lieutenant Nohraïa Kovalski. Mise aux arrêts pour coups et blessures graves sur trois officiers. Nous avons pu la muter sur Ouranos. A elle toute-seule, elle a littéralement brisé trois pilotes à mains nues ! Cette fille ne va manquer à personne. Elle réunit toutes les conditions pour être sacrifiée."




40 ans de mesure et d'évaluation

Cet ouvrage célèbre les quarante ans de l'Association pour le développement des méthodologies d'évaluation en éducation (ADMEE-Canada) en brossant un portrait rétrospectif et prospectif de la mesure et de l'évaluation dans les contextes canadien et européen. Dans une perspective de formation, de vulgarisation et de recherche, il rassemble les contributions de quinze témoins privilégiés de l'évolution du domaine. Les textes présentées ont une portée emblématique et critique sur les tendances, les mouvements de fonds et l'émergence d'enjeux pratiques, politiques et épistémiques de la recherche en mesure et évaluation.



Pédagogie du sport


Souvent associée au contrôle et à la sanction, l'évaluation scolaire est aussi un moyen de régulation des apprentissages, vecteur de progrès, de motivation et d'autonomie pour les élèves. Cet ouvrage s'appuie sur des recherches issues de différents champs disciplinaires pour dépasser ce clivage et proposer, en EPS, des dispositifs permettant d'articuler les différentes modalités d'évaluation en tenant compte de la singularité de chaque élève. Pour faire le lien entre les savoirs et les pratiques : - une synthèse des connaissances scientifiques les plus actuelles ; - une analyse de situations concrètes décrivant des procédures et des outils utilisés sur le terrain.




TCL/TK. CD-ROM included

In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, you will be up and programming in Tcl/Tk. Using a straightforward, step-bystep approach, each lesson builds upon the previous one, enabling you to learn the essentials of Tcl/Tk from the ground up. Find your answers to... * Exploring Tcl/Tk for GUI developrrient * Understanding events, callbacks, and resources * Building Tcl expressions, control structures, lists, and arrays * Using WISH * Interacting with the operating system * Creating Widgets * Building your own user interfaces * Using Tcl/Tk to interface to legacy programs and systems * Creating Web applications with Tcl/Tk * Using Tk with Perl and C



Non classé

Democracy in Nigeria

Democracy is much more than a system of government. It is also, and above all, a way of life. To build a sustainable democracy, Nigeria - a country very rich in natural and human resources but unfortunately battered by lack of unity, poor leadership and management, inadequate socio-economic structures and services, lack of social justice and security, corruption and indiscipline - must not only have the democratic principles and institutions in place, its people must also cultivate the democratic virtues and its leaders must be responsible and accountable. Moreover, the dignity and development of the human person, as well as the common good, must form the basis of all its political, social and economic decisions, structures and developments.




Food and Agricultural Policies under Structural Adjustment

After more than a decade of experience with structural adjustment programs, the Hohenheim-Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists "Food and Agricultural Policies under Structural Adjustment" brought together researchers and development experts to exchange research results and experiences ; to explore alternative approaches that might be more effective for growth, institutional development and welfare ; and to draw conclusions for food and agricultural policy design. The book consistently emphasizes that appart from agricultural prices non-price factors constitute in many countries the binding constraints to better agricultural performance. Improvements are needed in education, health, social services, transport and rural support institutions. Alleviating such constraints are longterm processes, and success cannot be expected overnight. At the same time, immediate actions are needed to protect the poor against negative effects of structural adjustment measures.



Littérature française


Sous la menace d'une guerre qui se précise, l'ensemble de la population de Tel-Aviv est évacué. Sauf qu'à la dernière minute, Saba, le grand-père de Naor, descend du bus, entraînant le jeune homme et sa petite-amie Yaël dans une dérive clandestine – dangereuse et privilégiée – au coeur de la cité désertée. Une ode urbaine au désir de vivre. Par l'auteur de "Sauver Mozart" et de "La Confrérie des chasseurs de livres."




Work Capacity Restraints in Tropical Agricultural Development

Starting from the frequent observation that the work capacity of a tropical rural population is rather restricted, the author examines whether this may be attributed to the immediate influence of the tropical climate and/or the state of health of the working population, and what influence work capacity restraints per worker have on agricultural development and planning.




Finances et développement rural en Afrique de l'Ouest : Finance and rural development in West Africa

Lire Platon est un grand plaisir. C'est même une grande joie. Les textes admirables où une perfection unique de la forme se marie avec une profondeur unique de la pensée ont résisté à l'usure du temps. Ils n'ont pas vieilli. Ils sont toujours vivants. Vivants comme aux jours lointains où ils furent écrits. Les questions indiscrètes et gênantes - qu'est-ce la vertu ? le courage ? la piété ? qu'est-ce que ces termes veulent dire ? -, questions par lesquelles Socrate ennuyait et exaspérait ses concitoyens, sont aussi actuelles - et, d'ailleurs, aussi embarrassantes et aussi gênantes - que jadis.




Of Sand and Stones

A partir d'extraits de textes de Gaston BACHELARD, Reyner BANHAM, Laurence COSSE, Gilles DELEUZE & Félix GUATTARI, Marguerite DURAS, Jean-ClaudeGALL, André GIDE, André GUILLERME, Jean-Yves JOUANNAIS, Maylis de KERANGAL, Pierre REVERDY, Marie RICHEUX, Robert SMITHSON, VITRUVE, Emile WITH et Marguerite YOURCENAR, de dessins et de photographies de Julien HOURCADE Of Sand and Stones raconte la construction d'un programme à usage mixte (cinéma, centre culturel, centre communautaire avec théâtre boîte noire, 342 logements, commerces et jardin), construit avec un système de façade porteuse préfabriquée aux couleurs naturelles dans le quartier de Clichy-Batignolles à Paris entre 2013 et 2018.




The Development of Methodism in Barbados 1823-1883

Like other plantation societies in the West Indies, Barbadian society was full of those prejudices that were characteristic of the times. Not least of the features of that society was church establishment with its implied - but not enforced - uniformity. The end of slavery did not put an end to these prejudices. It was in such an atmosphere that Methodists sought to establish themselves in this island. This book is an attempt to analyse their experience.



Sciences politiques

A New Development Model - A New Communication Policy?

After the overthrow of the Somoza regime in July 1979 a political movement assumed power in Nicaragua whose approach to development was totally different from that of the previous dictatorship. Thus the question arises, how these changes affected the country's communication system. Main emphasis in this empirical study is on mass communication. Besides the structure of the communication system and its development, its interrelations with other subsystems of society - like politics, economy, and education - are also examined.




Practical Applications of Linear Programming Duality

The objective of this book is the application of main theoretical ideas concerning linear programming dual prices to the analysis of specific planning problems. Among the new applied problems considered there are : elimination of production bottlenecks, decentralized planning, river transport, coordination of economic interests and production plans, optimal development strategies, mutually profitable trade, pricing for new equipment. Some new theoretical results are also provided (algorithms for block angular linear programs, stability domains of dual prices, conditions for preservation of the optimal basis). The exposition is amply illustrated with numerical examples solved in detail.




MAXIMUM LINUX SECURITY. A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Linux Server and Workstation, CD-Rom included

Maximum Linux Security.- A Hackers Guide to Protecting Your Linux Server and Workstation is designed for system administrators, managers, or Linux users who wish to protect their Linux servers and workstations from unauthorized intrusions and other external threats to their systems' integrity. Written by an experienced hacker-someone who knows which systems are Vulnerable and how crackers get into them-this unique guide to Linux security identifies existing and potential security holes and faults, and then describes how to go about fixing them. • Learn in-depth configuration tips and techniques to help eliminate security threats to your Linux-based computer or network. • Discover common Linux System holes and cracking techniques. • Explore both commercial and open source programs and utilities that can help identify and solve security weaknesses. • Learn about the wide array of tools that crackers have at their disposal to penetrate your Linux system. • Find out how to safely configure and run many popular Linux-based applications and services, including Sendmail, Apache, FTPd, and many more. • Utilize technologies such as SSL and MD5 to create a secure computing environment for yourself and your users. CD-ROM includes A comprehensive collection of Linux security products: • Intrusion detection tools-including HortSentry and HostSentry from the Abacus Project • Sniffers and electronic monitors-including the Ksniff sniffer for K Desktop Environment and COLD • Network management tools-including Cistron RADIUS server and Linux Virtual Server toolkit • Scanners and host assessment tools-including SATAN and the saint network security scanner • Firewall tools-including EDGE Router Project tools and Mason • Encryption tools-including Linux FreeS/WAN Project.



Garder la forme

Body tone program. Améliorez vos performances, avec 1 DVD

Renforcement musculaire, endurance, coordination. Un vrai programme personnalisé pour travailler les groupes de muscles que vous souhaitez. Les séances sollicitant les biceps, les fessiers, les abdominaux vont améliorer votre coordination intra et intermusculaire. Les étirements, en fin de séance, vous permettront de récupérer en toute tranquillité. Les exercices de renforcement musculaire vous prépareront à la pratique de sports intenses, tel que le ski, le tennis, etc. Avec ce programme, vous transformerez votre corps en véritable outil pour répondre aux exigences de toute pratique sportive de fitness.



Fitness, stretching

Fitness énergie. Body Fat Burner Program, avec 1 DVD

Endurance – Brûle-graisse – Cuisses, abdos et fessiers. Ce livre-DVD propose un véritable programme personnalisé pour travailler les groupes de muscles que vous souhaitez. Les séances sollicitant les cuisses, les fessiers et les abdominaux amélioreront votre coordination intra et intermusculaire, et développeront votre endurance. Les chorégraphies autour de pas de base de step et de boxe engendreront une haute dépense énergétique et dirigeront l'effort sur les graisses stockées par votre organisme. Les étirements, en fin de séance, seront utiles pour récupérer en toute tranquillité. Les bienfaits de ce programme vous suivront dans votre quotidien et vous permettront de brûler davantage de calories au jour le jour.



Management international

Revue amazonienne d'études du développement international et du management. Amazonian Journal Of International Development And Management Studies

L'étude du développement international est ouverte sur tous les espaces du monde. Elle s'ancre avant tout, dans le domaine disciplinaire de l'analyste. L'Amazonie et la Caraïbe offrent des étendues continentales et insulaires dans l'hémisphère sud-américain où tous les attentifs aux questions de développement trouveront à s'y intéresser. Ce volume n°2-3 porte sur des thématiques de développement d'Amérique du Sud, de l'océan Indien, de l'Afrique et de la Caraïbe. En partant de la Guyane française, les auteurs éclairent des sujets variés : la recherche universitaire, l'orpaillage illégal, le développement à Madagascar, la performance des entreprises aux Antilles françaises, la migration des haïtiens vers le Chili, la coopération régionale entre le Brésil et Cuba, les effets du changement climatique sur le tourisme au Sénégal, l'indivision successorale en Amazonie française et une interrogation sur les modèles standards de développement.
