
The Journey of a Successful Entrepreneur. The great story of a huge collective success



Physique, chimie


This book provides an accessible introduction to the fundamentals of civil and military aircraft design. Giving a largely descriptive overview of all aspects of the design process, this well-illustrated account provides an insight into the requirements of each specialist in an aircraft design team. After discussing the need for new designs, the text assesses the merits of different aircraft shapes from micro-lights and helicopters to super-jumbos and WSTOL aircraft. Following chapters explore structures, airframe systems, avionics and weapons systems. Later chapters examine the costs involved in the acquisition and operation of new aircraft, aircraft reliability and maintainability, and a variety of partially successful projects to see what conclusions can be drawn. Three appendices and a bibliography give a wealth of useful information, much not published elsewhere, that includes simple aerodynamic formulae; aircraft, engine and equipment data; and a detailed description of a parametric study of a 500-seat transport aircraft. Introduction to Aircraft Design is a useful text for undergraduate and graduate aeronautical engineering students and a valuable reference for professionals working in the aerospace industry. It will be of interest to aviation enthusiasts.



Beaux arts

SISLEY. Edition en anglais

Alfred Sisley is now recognized as one of the great landscape painters of the nineteenth century, and a leading figure in the Impressionist movement. He divided his time between France and England, and the 55 colour illustrations in this book include the celebrated snow scenes of the Paris suburbs, his views of the flooded Seine at Port-Marly and his paintings of the colourful regattas on the Thames which Kenneth Clark described as embodying 'the perfect moment of Impressionism'. Richard Shone has completely updated his essay, first published in 1979, and selected new colour plates and added extensive commentaries on the illustrations to make this book an ideal introduction to the work of Alfred Sisley. Richard Shone is Associate Editor of The Burlinglon Magazine. His publications include Bloomsbury Portraits (1976, revised 1993), Walter Sickert (1988) and Sisley (1992), all published by Phaidon.



Anglais apprentissage

Lord Jim

A hundred years ago a seaman's life was full of danger, but Jim, the first mate on board the Patna, is not afraid of danger. He is young, strong, confident of his bravery. He dreams of great adventures - and the chance to show the world what a hero he is. But the sea is no place for dreamers. When the chance comes, on a calm moonlit night in the Indian Ocean, Jim fails the test, and his world falls to pieces around him. He disappears into the jungles of south-east Asia, searching for a way to prove himself, once and for all...


Littérature française


The mere fact of existing is already a battle of every moment, but that of being born a woman is seen as the most arduous of battles, in a society that considers women not only less than men, but below men. The simple attributes devolved to human being are sometimes denied to them, under the indifferent eye of the society. Who is to blame for this general contemptuous attitude vis-à-vis the woman ? The man ? Society ? Or the woman herself ? Woman parenthood, excision, rape, sexual harassment, the prison, early marriages and widowhood are core points tackled in the seven short stories of this book where the main characters ; Micheline, Amina, Jenaëlle, Ann-Lise, Lucie, Violet and Bernadette shall each take the reader through their stories using their own words. Based on true stories, these fictions are a personal move to throw more light on the stumbling blocks faced by the woman in her struggle for optimal fulfillment. Through the life stories clearly depicted in this book, most readers can picture their own lives, the lives of a mother, a sister, a friend or a daughter. Two objectives constitute the backbone of this book ; draw attention on the way the woman is perceived by the African society and Cameroon in particular and raise awareness in the woman so that she can come to understand that the key to her destiny lies within herself and nowhere else. Hence the need to portray womanhood as society sees it : a handicap.




Marital Separation in Contemporary Ireland

This book is based on detailed interviews with a group of Irish women who have experienced marital separation. It links the women's accounts with literature on the values and beliefs about marriage, women and family which were prevalent when they were growing up in Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s. The book chronicles their young adult years, the early stages of their marriages and the events and processes which led to their separations. It explores the women's emotional reactions at the time of separating, the types of support which they found beneficial and the personal, social and financial consequences of having separated. Although the book is written from a sociological perspective, the combination of theory and practical insights make it accessible to a wide variety of readers. It aims to generate discussion and deepen understanding of an area into which there has been minimal research in Ireland and which poses a range of important questions for future researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.



Sciences de la terre et de la

The Extended Organism. The Physiology of Animal-Built Structures

Can the structures that animals build-from the humble burrows of earthworms to towering termite mounds to the Great Barrier Reef-be said to live ? However counterintuitive the idea might first seem, physiological ecologist Scott Turner demonstrates in this book that many animals construct and use structures to harness and control the flow of energy from their environment to their own advantage. Building on Richard Dawkins's classic book The Extended Phenotype, Turner shows why drawing the boundary of an organism's physiology at the skin of the animal is arbitrary.



Antiquité - Généralités

Egyptian Cults and Sanctuaries on Delos

Renowned to this day for its Sanctuary of Apollo, the island of Delos was a flourishing trading port in antiquity that drew both Greeks and foreigners to its shores for commercial purposes. Many exotic deities - some hailing from the east and others, introduced by the Italian community, from the west - were worshipped on the island. Among these foreign divinities, the Egyptian gods figured prominently, and their first appearance can be dated to the 3rd century BC. The spread of Egyptian-Greek cults beyond the Nile Valley favoured the worship of the goddess Isis. While the goddess was the object of great devotion on Delos as elsewhere, it was actually the god Sarapis who was at the centre of a pantheon forming a triad with Isis and Anubis, joined by Harpocrates, Ammon and Osiris.



Histoire internationale

New Man, New Nation, New World

In this new interpretation of the French Revolution, Jan Baszkiewicz examines revolutionary attempts to "regenerate" man, France and the world in the face of deep-seated and persistent traditions. Using a broad array of primary sources – including pamphlets, diaries, police reports, and debate protocols – Baszkiewicz analyzes the tools French revolutionaries used to build a new society on the wreckage of the Ancien Régime : Spectacular holidays, reforms in family and marriage law, general schooling, the Republican Calendar, the "liberation" of public spaces, education through work, a new religion, terror and war. In the end, the great plans for regeneration failed, though the myths that surrounded those failures lived on well into the twentieth century.



Littérature française

What Pig Are You Feeding?

Hello and welcome to this nice journey, More than anything I want the journey to show how easy and sane humor & fun are, they very often give us relief from the burden of Blessedness and Ugliness. We should laugh at the absurdity of it all. I'm afraid this book does not offer concrete solutions. However, I'm quite sure these nice reflections would help you spotting amazing cases and strange situations whenever you want to laugh at everything, whenever you want some relief, whenever you want humor... It's always worthwhile to wear a smile. All the best SalmaMichele



Littérature française

Titania 2.0. - Version anglaise

Grand Prix de la Francophonie 2015 : Best French-Language Manuscript ! Paris, 22nd century. In an ultra-liberal society where everything is for sale, against a background of multiple virtual realities, the latest craze is personal creation, or "self art". Titania is one of the many names of a young woman addicted to this art : everything about her is artificial and modified. The story relates the fleeting love affair between a rather old-fashioned poet in mourning and this elusive creature. "Through the medium of an enthralling love story, Titania 2. 0 brilliantly poses the existential questions of our time. Pauline Pucciano's style in this book is a skillful balance of fluidity, poetry and precision. The tale is discerning, tender and incisive, and the plot rides a wave of irresistible suspense. " Wilfried N'Sondé, Grand Prix de la Francophonie. Pauline Pucciano specializes in fantasy fiction. Inventive writing and psychologically convincing characters are constants in her diverse worlds, invariably characterized by an unerring esthetic sense.




The testament of sister new devil - Storm Tome 3

Le roi des démons meurt en laissant comme seule héritière Mio, sa fille de 16 ans. Ses pouvoirs n'étant pas encore révélés, elle devient la cible de tous les démons et chasseurs de démons. Son amie Maria, un succube, et elle vont se cacher chez les Tojo. En découvrant qu'ils sont issus d'une famille dotée de pouvoirs pour lutter contre les démons, Maria va conclure un pacte d'allégeance magique entre Basara Tojo et Mio. Mais des effets secondaires inattendus vont apparaître, ils sont condamnés à sombrer tous les jours dans la débauche !




The testament of sister new devil - Storm Tome 4

Le lycéen et ancien membre des héros Basara se retrouve littéralement a vivre avec son harem : ses nouvelles soeurs Mio la fille du Roi des Démons, et Maria le succube, ainsi que ses amies d'enfance, les soeurs Yuhi et Kurumi !! Mais voila que vient s'ajouter à ce harem déjà très sensuel Zest, une démone hyper sexy ! Entre le voyage à la mer, les stations thermales et la fête de l'école, vous allez profiter de nombreux épisodes inédits dans la série originale !




The testament of sister new devil - Storm Tome 5

Le roi des démons meurt en laissant comme seule héritière Mio, sa fille de 16 ans. Ses pouvoirs n'étant pas encore révélés, elle devient la cible de tous les démons et chasseurs de démons. Son amie Maria, un succube, et elle vont se cacher chez les Tojo. En découvrant qu'ils sont issus d'une famille dotée de pouvoirs pour lutter contre les démons, Maria va conclure un pacte d'allégeance magique entre Basara Tojo et Mio. Mais des effets secondaires inattendus vont apparaître, ils sont condamnés à sombrer tous les jours dans la débauche !



Histoire internationale


This volume asserts that there was tacit cooperation in the Nazi extermination of the Jewish population of Europe by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Second World War. Although the Allies publicly recognized the Nazi massacre of the Jews in the London Declaration of December 17, 1942, the policies they pursued allowed the genocide to continue. They did so, the author claims, in three ways : (1) refusal to publicly and personally speak about and against the Nazi extermination of the Jews ; (2) refusal to commit even one soldier, one plane, or one warship to any forcible opposition to the "Final Solution" throughout the Second World War ; and (3) obstruction of Jewish escape from Hitler's Europe. This book explores the motivation for the policies Churchill and Roosevelt pursued.



Non classé

The Philosophical Background to Friedrich Schiller's Aesthetics of Living Form

Schiller defined the object of beauty as "living form." He explicitly related his thesis to a rationalistic aesthetics of form and to an empiricistic aesthetics of life. First the problem of aesthetic theorizing is treated. In the light of this discussion, respectively, the aesthetics of life, form, and living form are analyzed. First the respective ontological universe of each aesthetic theory is developed, then the aesthetic universe in terms of ontological commitments, and finally the specific interpretation of beauty is outlined.




The Rejection of the Humble Messianic King

Although the prominence of Matthew's anti-Jewish polemic has been widely recognized in recent years, curiously little attention has thus far been given to the contribution made by chapters 11 and 12 to this theme. Often dismissed as a loose compendium of controversy-stories, this narrative section actually displays a solid, thematic unity dealing with the tragic fact of Jesus'rejection by the covenant people, Israel. Matthew's usually thoughtful style is evident in these chapters as he proceeds in a quite independent manner to clarify the unexpectedly humble nature of the messianic mission, the consequences of its rejection and the identity of the true people of God.




Understanding the World. The Atlas of Infographics

Saisissant par sa taille, sa diversité et ses détails, le monde ne cesse de déciller nos yeux et d'exciter notre curiosité. Depuis les plus anciennes peintures rupestres, les êtres humains considèrent cette Terre comme leur demeure et cherchent à la comprendre. Cet atlas visuel de grande envergure présente les façons les plus passionnantes, créatives et inspirantes d'expliquer le monde à travers l'infographie. Divisé en cinq chapitres, il couvre environnement, technologie, économie, société et culture, pour traduire une partie des aspects les plus complexes de notre monde sous une forme visuelle accessible. Avec plus de 280 graphiques, reproduits en grand format, dont sept dépliants, ce recueil se concentre avant tout sur le début du XXIe siècle, mais inclut aussi des chefs-d'oeuvre plus anciens qui mettent notre situation actuelle en perspective. Nigel Holmes présente l'ouvrage avec un graphisme de son cru, spécialement conçu pour l'occasion, tandis que Sandra Rendgen livre un essai historique illustré qui retrace la manière dont le monde a été étudié et interprété au fil des siècles. Avec ses graphismes d'information issus de Fortune, National Geographic et The Guardian, entre autres références, ce livre n'est pas seulement une vitrine où s'expose la crème de l'infographie, cette branche particulière du design, mais aussi un fascinant condensé de nos cadre et mode de vie.



Non classé

The Peoples of the Jos Plateau, Nigeria

From an investigation of the way of life of the inhabitants of this little-known region, the author attempts to deduce and evaluate the system of thought which governs, at least implicitly, the life-style of the tribal people in question. The significance of the highly spiritual quality of their mental attitudes is discussed from the philosophical angle.



Histoire de France

The External Relations of the European Union

The book analyses the attitudes of non-EU countries towards European integration in historical and contemporary perspectives. The authors study a range of actors in Europe and beyond to explain the impact of the creation of the European Communities on the international system and how the EU is perceived in the world. The book further shows the significance of the institutional interplay within the EU, and between EU institutions, member states and external actors led by their own internal dynamics to explain policy outcomes. It investigates to what extent the perceptions of the international community towards the European Communities and the EU have been influenced by the complexity of their decision-making and the difficulty of reconciling the views of member states on key external relations issues. The authors also study the interplay of non-EU countries and the EU within the broader context of international and regional institutions and forums for international cooperation.




The Biblical Vision of the Human Person

Although modern study of the Bible has made impressive philological advances, it lacks an adequate philosophical frame of reference that would link the symbolism of the Biblical narrative to the problems of human existence. The present work sets out to provide the germ of a philosophy of language and human consciousness that would serve as a basis for a proper exegesis of the Biblical text. Part One establishes the historical, philosophical and hermeneutical framework by examining the link between experience, symbolization and the structure of human consciousness as elaborated historically in myth and philosophy. Part Two applies this framework to representative anthropological texts from the Old and New Testaments in order to forge a link between the Biblical symbolism and the fundamental problems of human existence. Part Three draws attention to the implications of the inquiry for a philosophical anthropology and a more comprehensive hermeneutical framework.



Beaux arts

Machines de ville. Edition bilingue français-anglais

François Delaroziere, diplômé de l'Ecole des beaux-arts de Marseille, est le directeur artistique de la compagnie La Machine, dont les ateliers sont installés à Nantes et Tournefeuille. Depuis toujours, il explore l'univers de l'objet en mouvement et sa théàtralité, redessine les manèges et participe au développement de projets urbains. Constructeur de décors et d'inventions pour le théâtre de rue, il conçoit et dirige la fabrication, depuis plus de vingt ans, de grandes machines de spectacle. Parmi les plus emblématiques des pièces maîtresses de ces scénographies urbaines : le Géant, le Rhinocéros, le Petit Géant, les Girafes, la Petite Géante, le Grand Eléphant, les Araignées géantes... Il réalise de fascinants carrousels qui voyagent de ville en ville et font tourner les têtes, comme le Manège magique, le Beau Manège à Toulouse, le Manège d'Andréa, le Manège Carré Sénart et celui des Mondes marins. Il a aussi été scénographe associé pour la réhabilitation du Channel, Scène nationale de Calais. Il est l'auteur avec Pierre Orefice des Machines de l'île à Nantes. A La Roche-sur-Yon, il accompagne avec les Animaux de la place, le réaménagement de la place Napoléon mené par l'architecte Alexandre Chemetoff. Il crée à Toulouse la Halle de La Machine, une écurie de machines de spectacle notamment habitée par le Minotaure, et construit pour la ville de Calais : un Dragon des mers. Enfin, il continue de développer, avec sa compagnie, la création de spectacles dans les grandes villes du monde. François Delaroziere, a graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Marseille, is the artistic director of the company La Machine, with workshops situated in Nantes and Tournefeuille. His work has always explored the world of moving objects and their theatricality, designing carousels and taking part in the development of urban projects. As a maker of sets and inventions for street theatre, he has been conceiving and overseeing the construction of large-scale theatre machines for over twenty years. Among the most iconic of the urban theatre performances are the Giant, the Rhinoceros, the Little Giants, the Giraffes, the Great Elephant, and the Giant Spiders. He is the figure behind wonderful carousels that turn heads as they travel from one town or city to the next, such as the Magic Roundabout, the Beau Manège in Toulouse, Andrea's Carousel, the Carré Sénart Square Carousel and the Marine Worlds Carousel. He was also the associate designer for the renovation of Le Channel, Scène Nationale de Calais. He is the creator, with Pierre Orefice, of Les Machines de l'lle in Nantes. In La Roche-sur-Yon, with Animals of the Square, he was part of architect Alexandre Chemetoff's renovation of Place Napoléon. In Toulouse he created La Machine's Hall, a stable of performance machines notably inhabited by the Minotaur, and he built a Sea Dragon for the city of Calais. He and his company continue to create performances in the world's great cities.




Gem of the Ocean

J'ai la mémoire puissante. J'ai la mémoire longue. Les gens disent que je suis folle de me souvenir. Mais j'ai pas peur de me souvenir. J'essaye de me souvenir tout haut. Je garde mes souvenirs en vie. Je les nourris. Il faut les nourrir sinon ils me rongent. Mes souvenirs remontent à très loin. Je les porte pour bien des gens. Les gens du temps jadis. Je porte leurs souvenirs et je porte les miens. Après la mort d'un ouvrier à Pittsburgh en 1904, un jeune Africain-Américain appelé Citoyen Barlow se présente à la porte de la maison de Tante Ester, un lieu de paix et de fraternité. Il demande à cette ancienne esclave de deux cent quatre-vingt-cinq ans de "laver son âme". Dans une ville en proie aux manifestations ouvrières au début du XXe siècle, le jeune Citoyen devra traverser "la grande eau" et retrouver la "Cité des Os" afin de se réconcilier avec son histoire, celle de sa courte vie et celle de son "peuple".



12 ans et +

The Rule of Many

Les jumelles Ava et Mira défient la loi de l'enfant unique par le simple fait d'exister. Traquées par le gouverneur Roth et sa garde redoutable, elles sont devenues le symbole de la révolte populaire. Réfugiées au Canada, les deux soeurs se cachent parmi les rebelles de la Commune. Mais quand elles apprennent que leur père, resté aux Etats-Unis, a été froidement abattu, Ava et Mira décident de sortir de la clandestinité. Il est temps pour elles de prendre part à la lutte. Roth étend rapidement son influence ; elles doivent agir vite. Chacune, pour la première fois de sa vie, devra tracer sa propre voie. Et trouver seule les alliés auxquels accorder sa confiance...




Breizh of the Dead

En rentrant en Bretagne pour me présenter à sa famille et faire son coming out, Florent ne savait pas à quoi s'attendre. Une chose est sûre, il ne s'attendait pas à devoir composer avec une invasion de morts-vivants. Ni moi non plus, d'ailleurs... Pendant un an, les choses n'ont pas trop mal tourné pour nous. Jusqu'à ce qu'un néonazi et sa bande de fanatiques investissent le supermarché où nous avions trouvé refuge aux côtés d'un groupe hétéroclite de rescapés de l'apocalypse et décident de massacrer tout le monde. Tout le monde... ou presque. Nous laisser pour morts était une erreur : moi et mon mec, on est des battants. Et pour étancher notre soif de vengeance, on est bien déterminés à survivre encore une journée. Reste à savoir si notre couple y survivra...




Highschool of the Head

Ce livre est une parodie de Highschool of the Dead. Ami lecteur, puisse la lecture de ce livre te rassasier de plaisir... Tu veux survivre ? Alors, ris !




Shadow of the Colossus

Oeuvre Majeure, Shadow of the colossus est un voyage poétique intense, d'une incroyable beauté, aux confins de l'imaginaire réalisé en 2005 par Fumito Ueda. L'auteur Nick Suttner a rencontré Ueda à plusieurs reprises et revient avec émotion sur les coulisses de sa création. Il analyse aussi les raisons pour lesquelles cette aventure est toujours autant vénérée par les joueurs de nos jours...




The baby of Mâcon

En des temps de peste, alors que la communauté de l'Evêché de Mâcon est frappée par la stérilité, un bel enfant en bonne santé, va naître. Sa soeur et l'Eglise y voient matière à profit. En apportant la prospérité, l'Enfant pris pour un saint, devient objet de cupidité et de convoitises délirantes... jusqu'au sacrifice.



Histoire de France

The Borders of Schengen

Currently, we are witnessing a "border game" with participants on a global scale. The massive movement of illegal immigrants and refugees who have arrived in Europe over the last few months has led political leaders, activists' movements and anonymous citizens to rethink practices and discourses. The media have multiplied news stories about mobilization initiatives that go well beyond the sphere of the state and even operate on the fringes of the law. Nationalism and identity issues have found their way onto the EU and its member-states' agenda while the international community argues about the urgency to collaborate to address one of the greatest problems seen in Europe since the Second World War. Schengen borders have been suffering reconfigurations on an almost daily basis and Schengen has even been temporarily suspended in some countries, with the ghost of the end of the Union hovering over Europe. The series of multidisciplinary texts collected in this book offer the reader a variety of perspectives on the understanding of the Schengen area. Broadly speaking, this volume includes reflections on subjects that embrace the debates on the concept and practices of the free movement of persons within Europe, the security dimension of the European Union, illegal immigration and migration management, human rights and the role of various players and interests. This is the book to read if you wish to understand the latest developments in the Schengen area on its 30th anniversary.



Littérature étrangère

The Call of Cthulhu

Découvrez en VO des nouvelles cultes de HP Lovecraft, l'un des maîtres de la littérature fantastique, avec des traductions en marge pour vous aider à bien comprendre le texte original. While sorting the affairs of his late Uncle, a man accidentally stumbles across a series of dark secrets connected to an ancient horror waiting to be freed. .



Non classé

The Invention of Nature

This book brings together chapters written by scholars providing a wide interdisciplinary background (anthropology, archaeology, comparative religion, art history, philosophy, and biology). It offers both descriptive data on the way non-Western people conceive what Westerners call "Nature", and philosophical investigations into meaning of this concept in Western thought. The book intends not only to demonstrate how very differently humans think about the elusive concept of Nature, it also tries to show where "primitive" thought and Western philosophy meet.
