
Exquisite French Cuisine. The ABC to turn French in 60 recipes




Traditional Textiles of Central Asia. Edition en langue anglaise

No region has a textile tradition more vivid and romantic than that of Central Asia. This book provides a spectacularly illustrated survey of these textiles, displaying in more than 200 colour plates the opulent silks and velvets, the exquisite embroideries, the magnificent felts and woollen fabrics, and the fine cotton weaves produced throughout the area - in the workshops of the oasis towns of the Silk Route, the houses of the smaller villages and towns, and in the nomads' tents and on their outdoor looms. Janet Harvey describes the decorative motifs, the materials, dyes and looms ; the types of objects made and their diverse regional and tribal variations ; the clothes and costumes ; and the lavish embroideries and embellishments. A valuable source of information for designers and students, collectors and travellers, the book includes a glossary, a bibliography and a list of collections. Janet Harvey has travelled extensively in Central Asia, studying at first hand the making and uses of the textiles to central to the lifestyle of the region.




Diane. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Now regrettably obscure, Nicolas de Montreux published prolifically in various genres during the 1590s (under the anagrammatic pseudonym of "Olénix du Mont Sacré"). He produced most of his work in Nantes under the patronage of Philippe-Emmanuel de Lorraine, Duke of Mercoeur, when the latter was Governor of Brittany — hence the frequent political cast of his writing, since Mercoeur was the ultimate hold-out for the ultra-Catholic Holy League against Henri IV. Yet Montreux also contributed significantly to the diffusion in France of Italian-inspired romantic pastoral, and his comedy Diane, whose title evokes the Diana of Montemayor, was his major dramatic composition in this vein. First appended to the third volume of his popular Bergeries (Tours, 1594), which otherwise mingle prose and verse, Diane recalls Italian models : Tasso's Aminta, Guarini's Il Pastor Fido, the commedia dell'arte. It displays exuberant theatricality in pushing towards absurdity its inevitable theme — the disruptive power of terrestrial love, which is finally aligned with that which brings harmony to the universe. Magical intervention is the means ; multiple marriages mark the end. The overlap with Shakespeare's romantic comedies, especially A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595-96), offers a special rationale for translating Montreux's work into English. Besides an Introduction exploring the play's contexts and affiliations, the volume includes an annotated edition of the French text, unpublished since Montreux's era.




Towards the Sun. The Artist - Traveller at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Bien qu'il y ait eu des monographies sur les artistes voyageurs britanniques du XVIIIème et du début du XIXème siècles, il n'existe aucune enquête de ce que l'écrivain Henry Blackburn décrivait de "voyage artistique" un siècle plus tard. A partir de 1900, le "Grand Touriste" est devenu un globe-trotteur muni d'un appareil photo et, malgré le développement de la photographie instantanée, l'enregistrement visuel immédiat en huile et aquarelle reste le plus répandu. Kenneth McConkey's exciting new book explores the complex reasons for this in a series of chapters that take the reader from southern Europe to north Africa, the Middle East, India and Japan revealing many artist-travellers whose lives and works are scarcely remembered today. He alerts us to a generation of painters, trained in academies and artists' colonies in Europe that acted as crèches for those would go on to explore life and landscape further afi eld. The seeds of wanderlust were sown in student years in places where tuition was conducted in French or German, and models were often Spanish, Italian, or North African. At fi rst the countries of western Europe were explored afresh and cities like Tangier became artists' haunts. Training that prioritized plein air naturalism led to the common belief that a well-schooled young painter should be capable of working anywhere, and in any circumstances. At the height of British Imperial power, and facilitated by engineering and technological advance, the burgeoning tourism and travel industry rippled into the production of specialist goods and services that included a dedicated publishing sector. Essential to this phenomenon, the artist-traveller was often commissioned by London dealers to supply themed exhibitions that coincided with contracts for colour-illustrated books recording those exotic parts of the world that were newly available to the tourist, traveller, explorer, emigrant, or colonial civil servant. These works were not, however, value-neutral, and in some instances, they directly address Orientalism, Imperialism, and the Post-Colonial, in pictures that hybridize, or mimic indigenous ways of life. Behind each there is a range of interesting questions. Does experience live up to expectation ? Is the street more desirable than the ancient ruin or sacred site ? How were older ideas of the 'picturesque' reborn in an age when 'Grand Tours' once confi ned to Italy, now encompassed the globe ? McConkey's wideranging survey hopes to address some of these issues. This richly illustrated book explores key sites visited by artist-travellers and investigates artists including Frank Brangwyn, Mary Cameron, Alfred East, John Lavery, Arthur Melville, Mortimer Menpes, as well as other under-researched British artists. Drawing the strands together, it redefi nes the picturesque, by considering issues of visualization and verisimilitude, dissemination and aesthetic value.



Littérature française

La Grande Intrigue Tome 5 : Time to turn

Turn ! Au début des années 2010, ce mot surgit sur les affiches et les écrans, comme une injonction à changer de vie, d'habitudes, de références, de pays. Au seuil de World V, le nouveau monde délocalisé prévu par le mystérieux "Charlemagne", cela peut être la métamorphose aussi bien que l'abandon ou le reniement. On ne sait pas. Mais le concept éclaire la vie ou la mort des personnages qui peuplent La Grande Intrigue. Greg rencontre Clara, ancienne confidente de " Charlemagne ". C'est d'abord une belle histoire d'amour, et puis cela se transforme (turn !) : le jeune homme découvre en lui une puissance de jalousie destructrice. Dans le même temps, Nicolas, son père, parti faire de l'urbanisme en Afrique (turn !), entame une aventure avec une nommée Anne-Lise. A l'inverse de l'histoire naïve et sincère que vit son fils, c'est une relation empreinte de défiance entre deux personnes dites " adultes ", plus ou moins désillusionnées. Dans quelle mesure sommes-nous capables d'amour ? Cependant François Rubien, l'ancien vétérinaire de Villefleurs, est mort en 2009. Emmanuelle, une des soeurs de Nicolas, va se réinstaller dans la maison provinciale de la famille, à Vernery-sur-Arre, peut-être pour préserver tant bien que mal un lien entre passé et présent. La Grande Intrigue finit ici - à moins qu'elle ne commence. Le lecteur, lui, peut débuter là. Dans ce volume comme dans les précédents, la chronologie est oubliée : les morts et les vivants, l'origine et le turn, l'advenu et l'avenir se font miroir, réfractant les métamorphoses de notre temps.



Non classé

The Reception of Grabbe's Hannibal in the German Theatre

After publication in 1835, Grabbe's Hannibal was overlooked by the theatre until this century. Because the drama does not lend itself easily to stage production, a number of adaptations were printed : these are analysed and their merits and shortcomings evaluated. The history of all productions is then viewed against the background of Germany's political and cultural history from 1918 to 1958, examining in detail the approaches of such producers as Jessner, Martin, Schmitt and Schalla and their audience impact. This analysis in turn sheds light on essential qualities of Hannibal.



Développement durable-Ecologie


Learning GLIM will almost certainly change the way you do statistics. The flexibility and generality of the GLIM language encourage a different approach to statistical analysis, which stresses parameter estimation and model criticism rather than hypothesis testing. The GLIM package can handle most of the models that ecologists are likely to fit to their data, including log-linear models of count data using Poisson errors, logistic regression of proportion data using binomial errors, and a wide variety of models for the analysis of survival data. It also allows an extremely general approach to more familiar procedures such as analysis of variance, multiple regression and the analysis of contingency tables. The book provides a practical approach to learning the rationale and methods of linear modelling, starting from absolute basics and progressing in simple steps to cover the critical analysis of experimental and observational data. Minimal background in mathematics or statistical theory is assumed, and the book is aimed at all ecologists front students to experienced researchers. Statistical modelling in GLIM is introduced through an extensive series of ecological examples, where graphical display, model criticism, model simplification, plots of residuals and tests of assumptions about error specification are explained in full. The reader is encouraged to work through examples while sitting at a computer, and all of the necessary data, along with numerous exercises and fully worked answers, are provided on a disk supplied at the back of the book. GLIM for Ecologists is not a statistical recipe book; it informs and educates on the proper use of statistics in ecology, on experimental design and on how to get the most out of your data. Learning GLIM Will certainly bc worth the effort. It's not a question of finding out how to do the same old tests in yet another new statistics package. On the contrary, it involves mastering a powerful set of tools that were originally developed for professional statisticians, but which are now accessible to ecologists through the simple step-by-step approach adopted in this book. The Methods in Ecology Series The aim of this series is to provide ecologists with concise and authoritative books that will guide them in choosing and applying an appropriate methodology to their problem. New technologies are a feature of the series.




Introduction générale à la philosophie chez les commentateurs néoplatoniciens French; English

Les prolégomènes à la philosophie a été le tout premier ouvrage abordé par les étudiants en philosophie dans l'Antiquité tardive. Cette oeuvre, à caractère propédeutique et déclinée en plusieurs versions au fil des générations, nous donne un bon aperçu du raffinement pédagogique qui était alors en usage dans l'école néoplatonicienne. Les définitions et les divisions de la philosophie qu'on y lisait avaient pour but de donner un avant-goût du cursus philosophique et de l'orientation exégétique adoptée par l'enseignant. Cette littérature isagogique dont l'influence s'est étendue jusqu'aux sphères culturelles de langue arabe et syriaque, reste encore le " parent pauvre " des études néoplatoniciennes, alors qu'elle renferme encore des aspects méconnus qui demandent à être élucidées et approfondis. Ce volume, qui réunit cinq contributions, vise donc à clarifier certaines questions clés susceptibles d'apporter un éclairage nouveau sur la naissance, l'évolution et la diffusion de cette oeuvre représentative du savoir-faire pédagogique de l'Antiquité tardive.




Start-up mania. La French Tech à l'épreuve des faits

En France, les start-up sont devenues l'objet d'un véritable culte. On s'extasie à juste titre sur les "licornes" françaises : Doctolib, BlaBlaCar, Criteo... Mais ces réussites incontestables sont l'arbre qui cache la forêt de start-up aussi vite pliées qu'elles ont été créées, et de celles qui végètent puis s'étiolent après un départ fulgurant. Ce n'est pas faute de financements : grâce aux business angels et aux venture capitalists, l'argent coule à flots dès qu'on prononce le mot magique de "start-up". Et l'Etat n'est pas en reste. Pour que la France accède au statut de start-up nation qu'Emmanuel Macron appelle de ses voeux, il arrose l'écosystème de la French Tech d'aides en tous genres. Pourtant, tout devrait éveiller la méfiance des investisseurs : les start-up sont évaluées non pas en fonction de leurs profits - inexistants -, mais de nouveaux critères non orthodoxes, inventés pour les besoins de la cause et qui autorisent toutes les extravagances. Si ce n'est pas une bulle spéculative, ça y ressemble... Déjà, le doute s'insinue. Après la fête, la gueule de bois ? L'éclatement de la bulle Internet en 2000 est dans toutes les mémoires. Documenté, drôle et enlevé, Start-up mania est une enquête à l'ancienne sur cette curieuse nouvelle économie, avec ses personnalités hors normes, ses codes, ses rituels... et sa novlangue américaine (un glossaire des cent mots-clés du parfait start-upper figure en fin d'ouvrage).




La French Line face à la mondialisation de l'espace maritime

Ile de France, Normandie, Liberté, France : les noms mythiques des prestigieux paquebots de la French Line résonnent encore dans notre mémoire collective. Comment un armateur de lignes régulières si puissant dans les années 1950, la Transat devenue en 1977 la Compagnie Générale Maritime, entre-t-il dans la spirale du déclin pour échouer face au défi de la mondialisation ? Le présent ouvrage réponde à cette question en renouvelant l'approche géographique du transport océanique par la définition du concept d'espace maritime. La complexité des évolutions analysées de 1945 à 1995 motive l'approche pluridisciplinaire. Le paquebot France, devenu Norway, rythme cette aventure d'un demi-siècle.



Revues de cinéma

French Mania N° 2, printemps-été 2021 : Des français à Hollywood

La playlist du numéro par Barbara Carlotti. Le Frenchverse est consacré aux films de Woody Allen. Dans la partie "A l'oeuvre" , plongez-vous dans le moodboard de Mintaka, premier film de Chris Huby. Le pitch de Vingt Ans de Lidia Leber Terki et le journal de bord de Christian Carion sur le tournage de My Son avec James McAvoy et Claire Foy Dossier : Des Français à Hollywood, leur(s) histoire(s) avec les témoignages de Claude Lelouch, Laure de Clermont -Tonnerre, Olivier Megaton, Julie Delpy et Roxane Mesquida. Dans la partie "Rencontres" , Amine Bouhafa raconte son métier de compositeur de musique de films, Francis Lee évoque ses films français et francophones de chevet et Ducastel et Martineau reviennent sur leurs films fantômes, ceux qu'ils n'ont jamais tournés. Côté "Feuilletons" , découvrez le deuxième épisode de la grande histoire des séries françaises, de l'histoire de la quête de la parité dans le cinéma français ainsi que de notre récit d'anticipation, Les écrans et nous en 2030 et la suite de Sang neuf, scénario inédit pour lequel Anna Cazenave Cambet succède à Catherine Corsini. Un cahier de tendances spécial Alex Lutz. La pépite : Un homme qui me plaît de Claude Lelouch. La nouvelle inédite, Falaises, est signée Anne Pauly. Films à croquer : Le Kebab de Grave. Stéphane Foenkinos se la joue Marguerite Duras.




The Fakir's Travels

Advising people to take this attitude or that are a waste of time. Those who see or/and are aware realise also that it is none of their business to goad and advise others. Our job at best can be to answer questions by the light of our knowledge but in no way can anyone be dogmatic about it. Let us all be first aware of - Do we know ? What do we know ? How do we know that we know ? To me it is the part where we first accept that there is room for change for the better in us. Then we observe ourselves. And finally we try to bring in the change in ourselves with our will with sincerity and objectivity.



Non classé

Ruling Class Men

What is it like to be a master of the universe ? The authors have researched the desires and fears of the world's most powerful men. The Murdochs, Packers, Kennedys, Agnellis and other men like them, directly determine the fates of thousands and influence the future of the world like no other people. Described as ‘sacred monsters' by one of their own, they are carefully created to be what they are and to enjoy shaping the world in their own likeness. To learn about these often reclusive men, the authors extended the life-history technique to interrogate autobiographies, diaries and biographies and have created a composite picture, a collective portrait, of tycoons over three generations. The book carefully explores the childhoods, schooling, work and play, sexual activities, marriages and deaths of the wealthiest men who have ever lived. It exposes the nature of ruling-class masculinity itself.




Dirty Panties (English Edition)

Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers. This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end ? Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold. Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.




Borders and Ecotones in the Indian Ocean. Cultural and Literary Perspectives, Textes en français et anglais

This collection of critical essays anchors itself in the Indian Ocean and explores the multiple ways dynamic exchanges have shaped this multilingual region of the world, from India to the Mascarene Islands to Southern Africa. Borders, edges and third spaces are revisited through the notion of the ecotone, a transitional zone between two ecosystems. If the term has primarily been used by biologists and ecologists, the metaphorical angle proves to be fruitful as it authorizes transdisciplinary approaches and empowers fresh perspectives. In French and in English, this volume aims to contribute to scholarship already published across various disciplinary fields and to participate in the development of Indoceanic studies. The authors of the volume rethink those ecotonal sites that are spaces of frictions as much as spaces of fusion. Les essais critiques réunis dans ce volume prennent leur ancrage dans l'océan Indien et explorent les multiples façons dont la dynamique des échanges a formé cette région multilingue, de l'Inde aux Mascareignes et en Afrique australe. Frontières, lisières et tiers-espaces sont revisités à travers la notion d'écotone, une zone de transition entre deux écosystèmes. Si le terme a été surtout utilisé par les biologistes et les écologistes, l'angle métaphorique s'avère particulièrement fertile en ce qu'il autorise des approches transdisciplinaires et rend possibles des perspectives nouvelles. En anglais et en français, ce volume vise à enrichir la recherche déjà publiée dans plusieurs champs disciplinaires et à participer au développement des études indo-océaniques. Les auteurs du volume réexaminent ces écotones comme des espaces de frictions autant que des espaces de fusion.




Cahiers du LLL n° 12 bis – Telepresence teaching (and learning). From the immersive to the virtual classroom

Hybrid or fully online ? Synchronous or asynchronous ? Unimodal, bimodal, comodal or multimodal ? The all-out development of distance learning has led to the creation of appropriate digital systems, either by using what was already in place (such as video conferencing classrooms and web conferencing software supporting virtual classrooms) or introducing innovative environments (such as immersive telepresence classrooms). To use these versatile, multi-functional technologies, teachers need to take a step back to enable them to adapt their teaching methods and offer learners a suitable environment that overcomes physical and geographical distances. As for students, the need to "be there" and "be together" while learning remotely has to be taken into account to maintain their commitment and ensure they continue to contribute, despite the fact they are apart. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the importance of the professional, collegial and friendship connections we have with those we usually meet face-to-face in a traditional classroom. Telepresence systems enable all these people to come together remotely (and synchronously) and make it possible to use active teaching methods, driven by the self-regulation of the learners. But what is telepresence ? Do teachers need any special training ? How do you attend lessons remotely ? How do participants learn in a telepresence setting ? What type of student assessment can be used in such an environment ? The result of international collaboration, this short guide looks at these questions from both a research and a practical perspective, inviting you to explore telepresence teaching and learning.




Christophe Pelé, le Clarence (version GB)

In the heart of Paris, at no. 31 avenue Franklin-Delano-Roosevelt, a private mansion built in 1884, Prince Robert of Luxembourg made a daring decision : to introduce to the world the cuisine of a quiet chef, whose astonishing modernity quickly captivated the world of gastronomy. The chef : Christophe Pelé. The place/ Le Clarence. At Le Clarence, every meal is unique. Christophe Pelé creates vibrant, modern cuisine, in subtle harmony with its warm, traditionally elegant setting.




Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan

From serious illness to natural disasters, humans turn to communication as a major source of strength to help us bounce back and to keep growing and thriving. Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan addresses the various ways in which communication plays an important role in fostering hope and resilience. Adopting a lifespan approach and offering a new framework to expand our understanding of the concepts of "hope" and "resilience" from a communication perspective, contributors highlight the variety of "stressors" that people may encounter in their lives. They examine connections between the cognitive dimensions of hope such as self-worth, self-efficacy, and creative problem solving. They look at the variety of messages that can facilitate or inhibit experiencing hope in relationships, groups, and organizations. Other contributors look at how communication that can build strengths, enhance preparation, and model successful adaptation to change has the potential to lessen the negative impact of stress, demonstrating resilience. As an important counterpoint to recent work focusing on what goes wrong in interpersonal relationships, communication that has the potential to uplift and facilitate responses to stressful circumstances is emphasized throughout this volume. By offering a detailed examination of how to communicate hope and resilience, this book presents practical lessons for individuals, marriages, families, relationship experts, as well as a variety of other practitioners.




Marriage to the Wolf

Pour sauver son village de la famine, Kaede, de la tribu des lapins, est envoyé dans la tribu des loups pour se marier avec le fils d'une grande famille influente. Tiraillé entre plusieurs émotions, Kaede décide d'accepter son sort et de construire son propre bonheur au sein de la tribu des loups, mais le courant passe très mal entre lui et son fiancé, Ren, qui se montre très froid avec lui sans aucune explication. Kaede ne se sent pas à son aise, surtout lorsque Ren lui explique (un peu brutalement) que s'il veut devenir son partenaire, il lui faudra passer par une période d'acclimatation appelée le "Kataika"...




Back to the living

Le Printemps 2023 voit arriver son 3ème et meilleur ouvrage nommé " Back to the Living " en référence à ses combats victorieux contre ses addictions, avec pour symbole une somptueuse pochette du tableau "Phoenix Rising from its Ashes" datant du XIIe siècle... Cette fois ci, Bruno multiplie les collaborations de musiciens intervenants (Saxophoniste, Tromboniste, Pianiste et Organiste), qui donnent une bouffée de fraîcheur aux compositions encore plus accomplies et musclées que le précédent, sans conteste son opus le plus Fusion Power Pop Rock et Funk lorgnant même vers le Métal ! Grosse avancée aussi dans la production, puisque ce chapitre voit la création de son propre Label " MFB Productions " pour en gérer la promotion et sortie.




Back to the wall

Etre dos au mur, c'est faire un constat. C'est arriver à la fin d'un cycle, sans échappatoire possible, à moins d'escalader le mur et d'aller voir ce qui se trouve de l'autre côté. Etre dos au mur, c'est aussi un rappel . l'écho d'une époque où, à coups de masses et de volonté, une génération entière montrait au monde que la division ne dure qu'un temps - le temps d'un disque, vous dit Grand March.



Lectures graduées

The Turn of the Screw. Edition bilingue français-anglais

L'histoire de deux enfants que viennent hanter des fantômes dépravés, qui se jouent de leur innocence. La nouvelle est proposée dans la langue originale accompagnée de commentaires et de notes explicatives en français : grammaire, vocabulaire, analyse stylistique. Avec une présentation de l'auteur et de l'oeuvre et une analyse du contexte et des personnages.



Cerveau et psychologie

Transcultural Dictionary of Misunderstandings. European and Chinese Horizons

The Transcultural Dictionary of Misunderstandings. European and Chinese Horizons is the result of an initiative which forges a radically new path for promoting transcultural understanding by studying culture-bound keywords. The stimulating idea is to create and address with intention that which is generally held to be by all means avoided : namely, misunderstandings. The experiment starts with a level of communication that is not political per se but cultural. Cultures have no rigid borders like nation-states. They are more dynamic and meandering, open to influence, and translatable. Like cultures themselves, keywords are saturated with history, long-term experience, values, and collective emotions. They carry a load of tacit knowledge and implicit axioms that have the advantage of not having to be unpacked, explained, or spelled out. Working through various semantic layers of keywords on both sides helps to create a more transparent language for transcultural dialogue. The creation of such a language is the effect of producing, exchanging, and working through misunderstandings on both sides. Within the framework of transcultural dialogue, misunderstandings turn out to be an innovative tool for mutual learning by seeing oneself through the eyes of the other. It is high time for researchers in various parts of the world to join forces and translate basic concepts from one language and culture into another. Every translation is a transformation, marking similarities and differences which can lead to an uncovering of new ideas, values, and cultural practices. This unconventional dialogue is a great source of inspiration because it works through hardened assumptions and misrepresentations, unsettles schematic thinking, and leads to unexpected insights and new points of contact. Aleida Assmann Professor of English Literature and Literary Theory, University of Konstanz, Germany



Physique, chimie

CHEMISTRY IN CONTEXT. Applying Chemistry to Society, Third Edition

Chemistry in Context Online Learning Center New to the third edition is the Chemistry in Context Online Learning Center (OLC). This Internet-based resource, for both students and instructors, includes web-searching activities that are embedded right in the text as part of the Consider This and Your Turn exercises. End-of-chapter questions also include web-based activities. In addition, the OLC includes searching tips and information to help students evaluate the quality of web sites. Instructors can find links to useful source material for lectures and classroom discussions. Also available online are sections of the Instructors Resource Guide (IRG). Laboratory Manual to accompany Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society, Third Edition This laboratory manual is specifically designed to support the concepts presented in Chemistry in Context. The experiments use simple chemical equipment and easy-to-follow procedures. Some are adaptations of traditional experiments; others are quite novel. The experiments require little mastery of traditional laboratory techniques, so maximum student time can be devoted to explorations and acquiring data.



Tourisme étranger

Moroccan tracks Volume 11. The sagho djebel

The Sagho djebel is the eastern extension of the Anti-Atlas, a volcanic mountain with granitic mamelons, basaltic organs, chaos of black shales, pink sandstones... at the gates of the Sahara. As far as the eye can see, large wild, arid spaces. A desolate land made for the lonely DPM. And for a thousand miles around, silence is the only companion. Absolute plenitude and the desire to take to the track. From flat expanses to rolling hills, from sharp relief to steep canyons : pure, original nature. The character is strong, rustic but the heart is soft. The colours are soft and gentle. Ochre, pink, brown, violet, the colour chart stretches in a gradation of shimmering pastels, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming heat. Eldorado in the heart of the desert, rare are the oases ; modest green spots in the infinitely large, they are the reminders that we are on African soil. The wild charm of the Sagho is due to its exceptional geology : high cliffs and steep peaks, tabular escarpments and deep canyons in the middle of which caravans of camels and mules circulate. When you arrive on these immense plateaus, the lunar horizon is so vast that you want to go everywhere at once to see if it is really as beautiful elsewhere ! The Sagho also surprises by the richness of its lights : limpid like those of the nearby Sahara, or sometimes in half-tone, as in the neighbouring Dades valley. The Sagho is also the Morocco of the last Berber nomads, descendants of the ancient lords Aït Atta. In autumn, after leaving the snows of the High Atlas, they set up their dark wool tents on the slopes of the jebel until spring. They can neither read nor write, but they are sure of their way through the Atlas Mountains and the Moroccan desert. In the Sagho, they have built houses of unbaked stone, dug wells, planted almond trees, grown wheat, barley and various vegetables. Others built herds of goats and sheep, and caravans of camels. Most of them are now sedentary, semi-nomadic or nomadic...




SMF 2018 : congrès de la Société Mathématique de France

Ce volume rassemble les actes du 2e congrès de la Société Mathématique de France, qui a eu lieu à Lille en juin 2018. // This volume gathers the proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the French Mathematical Society (SMF), which took place in Lille in June 2018.



Critique littéraire

Etudes anglaises N° 1/2023 : No Future. Poetry of the Current British Crisis

Daniel Katz, No Future : Poetry of the Current British Crisis David Grundy, "The Arc of Struggle" : Poetry and Defeat in the Work of Sean Bonney Malachi McIntosh, Images of Transcendence : "Crisis Always" and the New Black British Poets Andrea Brady, The Anti-Austerity Poetics of the Archive : Jay Bernard's Surge and Holly Pester's go to reception and ask for Sara in red felt-tip Stephen Collis, "Things to address directly" : Border Politics and Contemporary British Poetry Michael Gardiner, Independence and Extinction in Scottish Wilderness Writing Shalini Sengupta, "Is the poet / An imperial dissident" : Migration and the Limits of Care in Bhanu Kapil's How to Wash a Heart Comptes rendus Notes on Contributors Guidelines for Authors




Defaced! Money, Conflict, Protest

This fully illustrated catalogue is the first of its kind to examine the relationship between money, power, resistance and dissent. It accompanies major exhibitions at The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge and the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. War, revolution and protest are defining themes in all periods of world history, shaping national identities and influencing material and visual culture in myriad ways. The ubiquity of money makes it a powerful vehicle for diseminating the messages of the state to the public, but the symbolic and nationalistic iconography of currency could also be subverted or mutilated in powerful acts of defiance, rebellion and propaganda. Beginning in Britain in the wake of the American and French Revolutions, the exhibition explores the political and social tensions present in society, and communicated through the production or defacement of money, over the past 200 years. It contrasts the use of money by the radicals of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, such as Thomas Spence, and the Suffragette movement, with the money produced by European empires as they scrambled to dominate the rest of the world. The currency histories of the two World Wars reveal the subversion of the very nature of what money is, and highlight the role of money as the tool of occupation, imprisonment, resistance and remembrance. The coins countermarked during the Troubles in Northern Ireland hint at the polarised nature of political discourse and sectarian violence. The exhibition culminates with the work of contemporary artists and activists who use money to highlight the challenges of the modern world, both locally and globally - as a canvas, as a raw material, or as a powerful means of communication. From a unique coin commemorating the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 to a Syrian banknote refashioned to raise awareness of the refugee crisis, this publication showcases many newly acquired objects from the Fitzwilliam Museum collection, alongside materials from the Archive of Modern Conflict. These objects are enhanced by a number of important loans from museums and private collections, including the cannon used at the Battle of Mafeking, an exploded transit van and contemporary art works that take money, its authority and destruction as their theme. Each object constitutes a witness statement to its time and its conflict, and each section has its own story to tell. The chapters - by archaeologists, historians, curators, and artists - create a rich context for the more than 130 objects in the catalogue, most of which have never been studied in depth or published before.



Littérature française

Georges Henein, Poète francophone d’Égypte. Préface de Cristina Boidard-Boisson

Georges Henein, poète francophone d'Egypte apporte une contribution manifeste à la discipline des études littéraires francophones et comble un grand vide dans le domaine encore à peine exploré de la francophonie au Moyen Orient. Cet ouvrage met en lumière la vie et l'oeuvre de Georges Henein, l'un des pères du surréalisme égyptien, souvent comparé à André Breton. Un premier chapitre analyse l'empreinte historique, littéraire et culturelle laissée par la France sur l'Egypte, de l'expédition de Bonaparte aux années 1960. Un second volet montre comment le mouvement surréaliste français a pris racine dans le pays du Levant au cours des années 1920 et étudie ses effets sur la littérature égyptienne avant la crise de Suez. Le troisiLe troisième et dernier chapitre est consacré à une analyse de textes choisis et tente de définir le projet poétique et l'orientation politique de l'auteur. Cette réflexion montre également en quoi les textes d'Henein sont une contribution majeure à la littérature française et francophone et pourquoi ils méritent une place centrale dans le canon littéraire du 20e siècle. Cet ouvrage s'adresse à un large public international et interdisciplinaire. Chercheurs, professeurs et étudiants, mais aussi non-spécialistes trouveront dans ce livre une source leur permettant de se familiariser avec le mouvement surréaliste francophone en Egypte, ainsi qu'Henein, ses oeuvres, et son époque. Un nombre encore limité d'études ont été publiées dans le domaine de la littérature francophone d'Egypte et beaucoup de ses auteurs restent largement inconnus du grand public. C'est à cette lacune que cet ouvrage tente de remédier. English summary : Georges Henein, French poet of Egypt provides a clear contribution to the discipline of the French literary studies and fills a void in the still barely explored area of the Francophonie in the Middle East. This book highlights the life and work of Georges Henein, one of the fathers of the Egyptian surrealism, often compared to André Breton.



Littérature française

Titania 2.0. - Version anglaise

Grand Prix de la Francophonie 2015 : Best French-Language Manuscript ! Paris, 22nd century. In an ultra-liberal society where everything is for sale, against a background of multiple virtual realities, the latest craze is personal creation, or "self art". Titania is one of the many names of a young woman addicted to this art : everything about her is artificial and modified. The story relates the fleeting love affair between a rather old-fashioned poet in mourning and this elusive creature. "Through the medium of an enthralling love story, Titania 2. 0 brilliantly poses the existential questions of our time. Pauline Pucciano's style in this book is a skillful balance of fluidity, poetry and precision. The tale is discerning, tender and incisive, and the plot rides a wave of irresistible suspense. " Wilfried N'Sondé, Grand Prix de la Francophonie. Pauline Pucciano specializes in fantasy fiction. Inventive writing and psychologically convincing characters are constants in her diverse worlds, invariably characterized by an unerring esthetic sense.



Anglais apprentissage

Tales from Longpuddle

Tony Kytes is a favourite with the girls but he's not terribly clever. If you meet an old girlfriend and she asks fora ride home in your wagon, do you say yes? And then if you meet the girl you are planning to marry, what do you do? Very soon, Tony is in a great muddle, and does not know how to escape from it. These stories are set in an English country village of the nineteenth century, but Hardy's tales of mistakes and muddles and marriages belong in any place, at any time.
