
To be or not to be, Ernst Lubitsch. Un classique dans l'histoire



Physique, chimie

Numerical Methods for Wave equation in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. With 93 illustrations

This scholarly text provides an introduction to the numerical methods used to model partial differential equations governing wave-like and weakly dissipative flows. The focus of the book is on fundamental methods and standard fluid dynamical problems such as tracer transport, the shallow-water equations, and the Euler equations. The emphasis is on methods appropriate for applications in atmospheric and oceanic science, but these same methods are also well suited for the simulation of wave-like flows in many other scientific and engineering disciplines. The text discusses finite-difference, spectral, finite-element, and finite-volume methods. Also included are additional chapters on semi-Lagrangian schemes, nonreflecting boundary conditions, and methods for the efficient solution of problems that include physically insignificant rapidly propagating waves. Throughout the book the author has followed a middle course between the theorem-proof formalism of a pure mathematics text and the highly empirical approach found in some engineering publications. Although there are no formal proofs, the essential characteristics of the various schemes are mathematically derived in a style familiar to physical scientists. Numerical examples illustrating the theoretically derived properties of the various methods are presented throughout the book to establish a concrete link between theory and practice. Both theoretical and applied problems are provided at the end of each chapter. Numerical Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics will be useful as a senior undergraduate and graduate text, and as a reference for those teaching or using numerical methods, particularly for those concentrating on fluid dynamics.



Non classé

The Blue Headscarf

On Friday, November 24, 1944 in Cologne, Private Robert Bradley, posted as a scout from the Sixteenth Corps, Third US Army, Twelfth American Army Group, submachine gun in hand, his ears pricked and his eyes alert, discovered the dislocated body of what seemed to be a girl, her waist fixed flat by a wide leather belt to an upside down bed, lying across it, her head thrown back and her arms dangling. Motionless, with hollow eyes. On the first day of the year 2005, there was an unpleasant surprise in store for the inhabitants of the peaceful Provençal village of Les Valats. In one of the houses, the first rays of bright, cold sunshine came in through the southern skylight and lit the living room wall where the blurred and grey shadow of a body was swinging. Alternating between the history of Ukraine and the landscapes of Provence as backdrop, the authors invite the reader to delve into an intriguing destiny where local anecdotes are blended with authentic events, right to the tormented depths of their characters. In this narrative ride through space and time, is it possible to determine who the culprits are the victims of ?



Non classé

Simon de Puille

The first critical edition of the complete text of a long-neglected Chanson de geste, revealing it to be an early and important contribution to the cycle du roi.



Physique, chimie

Radiation chemistry. From basics to applications in material and life sciences

This book gives a progress report on the many and original contributions of radiation chemistry to the fundamental knowledge of the vast domain of chemical reactions and its applications. Radiation chemistry techniques indeed make it possible to elucidate detailed physicochemical mechanisms in inorganic and organic chemistry (including in space) and in biochemistry. Moreover, this comprehension is applied in materials science to precisely control syntheses by radiation, such as radiopolymerisation, radiografting, specific treatment of surfaces (textiles, paintings, inks, etc.), synthesis of complex nanomaterials, degradation of environmental pollutants and radioresistance of materials for nuclear reactors. In life sciences, the study of the effects of radiation on biomacromolecules (DNA, proteins, lipids) not only permits the comprehension of normal or pathological biological mechanisms, but also the improvement of our health. In particular, many advances in cancer radiotherapy, in the radioprotection of nuclear workers and the general population, as well as in the treatment of diseases and the radiosterilization of drugs, could be obtained thanks to this research. Abundantly illustrated and written in English by top international specialists who have taken care to render the subjects accessible, this work will greatly interest those curious about a scientific field that is new to them and students attracted by the original and multidisciplinary aspects of the field. At a time when radiation chemistry research is experiencing spectacular development in numerous countries, this book will attract many newcomers to the field.



Non classé

Classics in Cultural Criticism

This collection of essays, to be followed by a companion volume on the classics of American cultural criticism, traces the historical development of cultural criticism in Britain from the early eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century. It devotes separate essays to representative cultural critics whose work is surveyed by scholars from America, Britain and Germany. It ranges from Augustan writers like Swift and Pope through the tradition of British cultural criticism canonized by Raymond Wiliams' seminal Culture and Society. It will be followed by a sequel, Contemporaries in Cultural Criticism, where an overview of the concerns of the immediate present will be attempted. Contributions by Michael Gassenmeier, Dietmar Schloss, Ingrid von Rosenberg, Nigel Leask, Bernd-Peter Lange, David Lathem, Felix Semmelroth, Wolfgang Wicht, Irmgard Maaßen, Rüdiger Hillgärtner, David Margolies, Jürgen Kramer and Christoph Bode.



Non classé

African Image of the Ultimate Reality

The question of human existence and its ultimate meaning demand doctrinal answers. Such answers depend on man's conception of the Ruler of the Universe ; and on the answers depends man's attitude to life. This study explores and expands the Igbo answer to the question of the ultimate meaning of human existence in relation to Chukwu-God. It also seeks to open up religious springboards which will be of value to the Gospel-carriers in Igboland and to the inter-faith dialogue.




The McCarthy collection. Sculpture

This substantial catalogue explores a remarkable collection of medieval European sculpture. Richly detailed with plentiful illustrations and original research, it is a notable contribution to medieval scholarship. The McCarthy collection comprises more than 150 specimens of medieval European sculpture, produced over a period of nearly 600 years. A testimony to the comprehensiveness of Robert McCarthy's interest in the art and culture of the Middle Ages, its geographical, chronological and typological breadth place it among the most important of its kind in private hands. Including a few early examples from Merovingian France, Anglo-Saxon England and Visigothic Spain, its holdings have a strong focus on Romanesque art, with over fifty capitals and other architectural carvings from Iberia, France and the Italian Peninsula. Some of these pieces are associable with such notable workshops as those of Gislebertus, the Master of Agüero and Compostela's Master Mateo, while a great number can be closely compared to anonymous works in major and provincial sites. Notable monuments like the monastic powerhouse of Cluny or the abbatial churches of Autun and Savigny are represented through important sculptural fragments - most published here for the first time. The transition to the Gothic style and the period of its splendour, particularly in France, are witnessed by an ample selection of statuary and architectural fragments - some traceable to such important buildings as Noyon cathedral and Paris' Notre Dame, and others, more loosely, to the artistic circles that gravitated around the great projects of the age. Freestanding sculpture in stone or wood, including a small but precious nucleus of Virgin and Child statuary and some Spanish polychrome figures, constitutes an interesting subset of the collection's late medieval holdings, as do some especially fine examples of Italian trecento sculpture. Enriched with outstanding photography by Barney Hindle and Mark French, entries aim to provide detailed stylistic, iconographic and contextual analyses, with special attention paid to comparanda in public and other private collections. This approach, complemented in some cases by petrographic analysis, has allowed the. authors to connect much of the material presented in these pages with specific buildings, workshops or regional schools, contributing to a better understanding of the pieces themselves, their original settings and their cultural and artistic milieux. This catalogue follows the publication of three volumes dedicated to Robert McCarthy's vast collection of Western miniatures and manuscript leaves (2018-2021), and is part of an ambitious project to document the entirety of his holdings - which also include notable selections of medieval ivories, stained glass and East Christian Art.



Non classé

Thomas Mann's «Joseph und seine Brüder» and the Phallic Theology of the Old Testament

When Thomas Mann began to work on his Joseph novel, he was motivated to do so by the image of the beautiful seventeen-year-old youth and the erotic attraction this image exercised on him personally. He undertook to retell the biblical story of Joseph in order to explore the meaning of this attraction. In the phallic theology of the Old Testament - Israel's covenant with Yahweh was a sacred marriage, outwardly marked by circumcision, for the purpose of mutual sanctification and aggrandizement - Mann discovered the framework of a metaphysics of homoerotic desire. This book explores the many implications Mann found in his biblical source, including the paradoxical notion that a certain degree of suppression of the original desire is required if it is to continue to play its all-important role as a motivating force.



Non classé

She’s Leaving Home

This collection of essays, written by scholars from all over Europe, explores the cultural meanings of women leaving home. Although all the chapters analyse writings in English, the volume aims to put the narrative element of home-leaving into a European context by investigating travel in various directions : from England to somewhere abroad, from the (former) colonies to the (former) imperial centre or simply within a psychic space. The female figures discussed in the volume leave home for various reasons – to go into exile, to challenge orthodox conceptions of femininity, to travel for pleasure or out of curiosity – but ultimately each of them has to face questions of the definitions of home, belonging and otherness. Consequently, the essays in this collection focus on how the cross-cultural encounters implicated in discourses of race, gender, nation and religion affect female identity. The ‘protagonists' of these narratives range from mythical heroines to early modern Protestant refugees to fictitious and historical figures from the past 200 years. The discussion throughout is informed by contemporary theories of gender, literary and cultural studies.



Non classé

Bonoure and Buxum

If married in church, medieval women vowed before God and their husbands to be ‘bonoure and buxum', that is, meek and obedient in bed and at table. This book is a study of wives in a variety of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century romance, fabliaux, cycle drama, life-writing, lyrics and hagiography. The volume examines key moments that defined life as a married woman : her eligibility to become a wife, the wedding ceremony, her conjugal rights and duties, childbirth and her contribution to the family economy. The book explores the way in which the literary representation of wives is in dialogue with discourses that strove to construct and regulate the role of ‘wife'; canon and secular law, marriage liturgy, medical treatises on the female body, sermons, manuals of spiritual instruction, biblical paradigms, conduct books and misogamous writings. Moreover, the volume examines the possibilities for subversion of these paradigms by listening to literary wives speak both within and against these discourses. Real women's attitudes, and strategies of subversion, are woven into the volume throughout, as recorded in church and manorial court records, in their wills and in their writing.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Les Serpents de la Guyane française

Ce travail est une mise à jour de la systématique des ophidiens de Guyane française. 91 formes, toutes récoltées en Guyane française, appartenant à 90 espèces, 49 genres et 7 familles sont décrites. La tête de la plupart de ces espèces . est dessinée ainsi que le maxillaire de bon nombre d'entre elles. Pour chaque forme, il est précisé l'ensemble des caractères confirmant son identification. Les variations morphologiques rencontrées sont signalées, et les particularités proprement guyanaises soulignées. Plus de 20 espèces guyano-amazoniennes, susceptibles d'être rencontrées en Guyane française sont également mentionnées. 25 clés, toutes traduites en anglais, permettent de reconnaître les serpents non seulement de Guyane française, mais aussi des territoires limitrophes. Une étude écologique succincte, essentiellement sous forme de figures et de tableaux synoptiques, rassemble nos connaissances actuelles sur les espèces guyanaises. Un index de 3 pages et une bibliographie de 178 références sélectionnées complètent cette étude. This work is an up to date study on the taxonomy of Ophidians from French Guiana. Ninety one forms, all collected in French Guiana, belonging to 90 species, 49 genera and 7 families are described. The head for most of species has been drawn as well as the jaw for Many of them. For each form, the characters necessary for their identification are given. Morphological variations are noted and those pertaining to specimens from French Guiana listed. More than 20 species from the Amazon basin, which could also be collected in French Guiana, are described. Twenty five keys, both in French and English, enable snakes to be recognized not only from French Guiana but also from neighbouring territories. A brief ecological study, mainly in the form of figures and tables, gather together our knowledge of the guianese species. A 3 pages index and a bibliography with 178 selected references complete this study.



Histoire internationale

Nationalism and reparation in west Africa

After more than 50 years of independence, sustainable reconstruction in the form of effective African integration and development has not been in line with the aspiration of African people. This has been symbolised by the transformation of the Organisation of African Unity to the African Union in 2002. Will the new African Union be able to remedy this situation ? What is the essence of African reparation in this modern age of diplomacy and globalisation ?



Histoire internationale

Strange Adventures

Strange Adventures examines portrayals of womanhood in the works of prize-winning French author Pierrette Fleutiaux. Fleutiaux's refreshing pictures of womanhood offer insights into how women can become more whole, substantial and free in themselves and in their relationships, as well as how they can contribute to the external world through their creativity and leadership. The study demonstrates how Fleutiaux's heroines navigate the external, bodily and inner situations of adolescence, early adult life, marriage, motherhood, maturity, leadership and death, in the process developing greater inner resources of wisdom, compassion and resilience. This volume considers selections from Fleutiaux's oeuvre, from her first short fiction Histoire de la chauve-souris to her recent Loli le temps venu, including Métamorphoses de la reine (Goncourt de la nouvelle) and Nous sommes éternels (Prix Femina). Using a theoretical framework which draws on Jungian concepts and the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir, the study analyses women's individuation trajectories at each stage of life. Throughout, Fleutiaux's depictions are shown to pose a challenge to existing conceptions of womanhood and individuality, thus opening up new understandings of what it means to be a woman, and to be human.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Indigenization of Language in the African Francophone Novel

Indigenization of Language in the African Francophone Novel : A New Literary Canon discusses the question of indigenization in the African Francophone novel. Analyzing the prose narratives of Nazi Boni, Ahmadou Kourouma, and Patrice Nganang, this book contends that African literature written in European languages is primarily a creative translation process. Recourse to European languages as a medium of expressing African imagination, worldview, and cultures in fictional writing poses problems of intelligibility. Developed to express and reflect Western worldviews and sensibilities, European languages are employed by African writers to convey messages that seem to be at variance with European imagination. These writers find themselves writing in languages they wish to subvert through the technique of literary indigenization. The significance of this study resides in its raising awareness to the hurdles that literary creativity in a polyglossic context may present to readers and translators. This book provides answers to intriguing questions centering on the problematic of translation in contemporary African literature. It is a contribution to current research aimed at unraveling the conundrum surrounding the language question in African Europhone fiction, particularly the cultural functions of translation in literature. Potential translation problems have to be addressed in order to make African literature written in European languages intelligible to global readership. With the advent of globalization, transcultural communication has become an activity of enormous importance to the international community. It is a subject of great interest to translators, linguists, language instructors, and literary theorists.




Les structures élémentaires de la parenté

In Les Structures Elémentaires de la Parenté, the early opus magnum of French Structuralism, Lévi-Strauss tries to explain the systems of kinship and-marriage in their enormous diversity and their frequently bizarre institutions, by means of a single principle: the exchange. Exchange is perceived to be the manifestation of fundamental structural constants of the human mind which may also be discerned in other subsystems of culture, most obviously in language. This book represents the first great result of the author's life-long research, dedicated to exploring this relationship, which also led him into the fields of the classification-systems of language and of mythology.



Non classé

Boethius and the Liberal Arts

This collection of essays by authors in a variety of specialities should demonstrate how, in the Middle Ages, Boethius' texts helped shape the essential concepts of the educated person who underwent a course of the Liberal Arts studies. These essays should be of interest to philosophers, logicians, musicologists, historians of mathematics and ideas and to literary scholars. Not only is each paper written by a known authority in his field, but the collection into one volume shows how closely related these various disciplines were in the principles which Boethius chose as his basis for the Study of the Liberal Arts.



Autres langues

Japanese for busy people I. Revised edition

In the ten years since its publication, Japanese for Busy People has won acceptance worldwide as an effective, easy-to-understand textbook, either for classroom use or for independent study. In this new edition, numerous revisions and additions have been made, taking into account the comments and responses of both students and teachers who have been using the course. In Book 1, the revisions are directed at making the grammatical explanations easier to understand, while adding further explanations of points that students have difficulty with. Changes have also been made in favor of more natural practice sentences and dialogues. In addition, new appendices list the particles, interrogatives, and sentence patterns in the book, as well as the kanji introduced. More fundamental revisions have been made to Book II, which has been expanded and divided into two volumes, Book II and Book III. The changes result in a smoother transition from Book I, make new grammatical elements clearer, and present more natural practice dialogues and exercise sentences. This concise course in natural Japanese is ideal for such students as businessmen whose aim is a working knowledge of the spoken language in everyday life. "Survival Japanese for Adults," as it might be called, gets to the heart of the language without recourse to childish or classroom-only Japanese. Vocabulary and grammar have been limited to about one-third that usually encountered in beginner courses, and words and patterns that students will find immediately useful are emphasized. The thirty lessons are composed of dialogues, notes on grammar, and vocabulary, exercises, and quizzes. In addition to developing verbal fluency, by the time the student is one-third of the way through Book 1, he or she will have mastered the two phonetic syllabaries of Japanese, hiragana and katakana.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Trying Not To Love You. 1.5

"2 ans et demi se sont écoulés et Scott met un point d'honneur à prépare un enterrement de vie de garçon mémorable à Andrew qui s'est enfin décidé à passer la bague au doigt à Rachel. Tout se passe pour le mieux, mais c'était sans compter sur les problèmes de santé de Liam qui refont surface... Et tout ceci ne sera pas sans conséquence pour le couple. . ".



Physique, chimie

Dictionary of chemical elements - Historical discoveries and applications

This dictionary is a guide, defining key terms of chemical elements in English, French and Arabic. Everything you need to know about chemical elements in a clear, one sentence definition and is followed by explanation and examples. The dictionary format makes it exceptionally easy to use. This dictionary has been deliberately designed to be for students - everything you need is in the dictionary, making it the ideal exam revision companion. For everyone else - basic ideas and concepts are introduced and simply explained and followed by straightforward explanation and illustrations to widen your understanding of the subject.



Sciences politiques

The Crisis of Representative Democracy

The ideological background and the deficiencies of the concept of representation are being analyzed. It is shown that the present crisis of the Western democratic system is to be attributed to the form of oligarchy which has developed as a result of the "dogma of representation". The fictitious character of representation is being elaborated on the ontological, psychological and normative levels. An analysis of present and historical forms of parliamentary systems (as examples for the ideology of representation) is followed by a reflection on possible alternatives to this traditional system of power. Various forms of direct democracy are examined in regard to their practicability.




My Louvre. 21 prints for a picture-perfect home

This volume presents an expertly curated selection of paintings, portraits, landscapes, and genre scenes, from among the masterpieces of the world-renowned Louvre museum-from Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa to Eugène Delacroix's July 28 : Liberty Leading the People. Iconic works by painterly masters such as Sandro Botticelli, Hieronymus Bosch, Caravaggio, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, and Jacques Louis David are reproduced in this collection of twenty-one high-quality, easily detachable prints, to be displayed alone or grouped together to create your very own Louvre at home. Charles Delaville's text on the back of each print provides the keys to understanding the work of art and the artist's life. Dominique de Font-Réaulx, Director of Interpretation and Cultural Programs at the Louvre, contributes a foreword.




The gay's and lesbians's rights in an enlarged European Union

During the last few years, gay and lesbian rights have reached the European Union human rights agenda and different instruments to combat discrimination have been adopted, which have had major implications for the gay and lesbian communities all over Europe, This volume focuses on less known and less studied aspects of these accomplishments. Its originality lies both in the multidisciplinary nature and the international approach of this project ; researchers from different universities throughout Europe (Brussels, Leiden, Stockholm, Athens, Ljubljana, Budapest, Bucharest, Paris and Krakow) and from different disciplines (law, political science, sociology and journalism) have contributed to this volume. Through case studies and theoretical reflection, the articles collected here aim at reinforcing the existing interest for the topic as well as offering an academic look at the subject, with a view to fostering scientific dialogue and contributing to the development of this field of research. The book is structured in three different parts, covering a broad spectrum of issues, among which : legal achievements on outlawing discrimination on sexual orientation within the European Union, the evolution of same-sex partnership and marriage, the accomplishments in the candidate countries. By providing a comprehensive overview of the aforementioned topics, this book can be appreciated by different categories of readers, from those interested in human rights to those working in the specific field of non-discrimination or studying the evolution of norms.



Critique littéraire

Etudes anglaises N° 1/2023 : No Future. Poetry of the Current British Crisis

Daniel Katz, No Future : Poetry of the Current British Crisis David Grundy, "The Arc of Struggle" : Poetry and Defeat in the Work of Sean Bonney Malachi McIntosh, Images of Transcendence : "Crisis Always" and the New Black British Poets Andrea Brady, The Anti-Austerity Poetics of the Archive : Jay Bernard's Surge and Holly Pester's go to reception and ask for Sara in red felt-tip Stephen Collis, "Things to address directly" : Border Politics and Contemporary British Poetry Michael Gardiner, Independence and Extinction in Scottish Wilderness Writing Shalini Sengupta, "Is the poet / An imperial dissident" : Migration and the Limits of Care in Bhanu Kapil's How to Wash a Heart Comptes rendus Notes on Contributors Guidelines for Authors



Développement personnel

Volume spanish 2022

With Assimil, learning Spanish has never been so easy. Our method, based on intuitive assimilation, has helped millions of users learn a new language. Following the step-by-step lessons, with their lively dialogues, clear notes and practical exercises, you'll acquire the language naturally and progressively, whether you're a complete beginner or just want to brush upon your Spanish. By working steadily through the 100-lesson course, at around 30-40 minutes a day, you'll be able to converse comfortably in Spanish in a variety of everyday and professional situations in line more than a few months. About the Assimil method. Assimil is revolutionary self-study method based on the simple,effective principle of intuitive assimilation, the natural process through which you learned your own language. The lively dialogues, helpful notes and practical exercises in the Assimil course will help you achieve confident conversational command of your new language in very little time.



Espagnol apprentissage

Superpack telechargement spanish 2022

With Assimil, learning Spanish has never been so easy. Our method, based on intuitive assimilation, has helped millions of users learn a new language. Following the step-by-step lessons, with their lively dialogues, clear notes and practical exercises, you'll acquire the language naturally and progressively, whether you're a complete beginner or just want to brush upon your Spanish. By working steadily through the 100-lesson course, at around 3040 minutes a day, you'll be able to converse comfortably in Spanish in a variety of everyday and professional situations in little more than a few months. About the Assimil method. Assimil is a revolutionary selfstudy method based on the simple. effective principle of intuitive assimilation, the natural process through which you learned your own Unguage. The lively dialogues, helpful notes and practical exercises in the Assimil course will help you achieve confident conversational command of your new language in very little time.



Anglais apprentissage

English for aircraft Tome 2 : System maintenance

English for Aircraft is a course designed for users of aircraft documentation, notably ground mechanics and technicians, who already have a minimum grasp of aircraft technology. The two volumes may be used for classroom teaching or for self-study. The Maintenance volum consists of a large number of short extracts taken from documents such as maintenance manuals and service bulletins. Each axtract is accompanied by comprehension and vocabulary exercises ranging from "scanning" activities to more detailed analysis of the technical content.



Sciences politiques

Educational Assistance and School Development in Sierra Leone

The subject of foreign assistance in education for developing countries has gained increasing importance in the last twenty years. The fact that the efforts of both donors and recipients of assistance have not been entirely satisfying has resulted in repeated appeals for intensified scientific investigation into this area. This study represents a response to those appeals from the point of view of an educationist from a recipient country (Sierra Leone).Using historical and field investigations, case studies of three representative agencies were conducted between 1988 and 1989 : a multilateral (UNESCO), a bilateral (British) and a private (Baptist Church).The results indicate that both the approach and goals of aid agencies as well as the degree of involvement of target groups leave a lot to be desired. On the basis of these results, recommendations are made for future cooperation.





Do you like to learn by doing? Do manuals leave you craving for real-world examples? Are you looking for concrete training that goes beyond theory and reference materials? Learn Dreamweaver by following classroom-proven exercises that will teach you to build sophisticated web pages. This book is geared toward people who have never written HTML or those who would like to switch from coding by hand to a visual HTML editor. Complete with insider tips, illustrated with detailed graphics, and accompanied by a CD-ROM that's loaded with guided exercises, demo software and QuickTime movies, this book ensures that you'll learn all the key features of Dreamweaver 2.



Non classé

Languages of Exile

Languages of Exile examines the relationship between geographic and linguistic border crossings in twentieth-century literature. Like no period before it, the last century was marked by the experience of expatriation, forcing exiled writers to confront the fact of linguistic difference. Literary writing can be read as the site where that confrontation is played out aesthetically – at the intersection between native and acquired language, between indigenous and alien, between self and other – in a complex multilingual dynamic specific to exile and migration. The essays collected here explore this dynamic from a comparative perspective, addressing the paragons of modernism as well as less frequently studied authors, from Joseph Conrad and Peter Weiss to Agota Kristof and Malika Mokeddem. The essays are international in their approach ; they deal with the junctions and gaps between English, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and other languages. The literary works and practices addressed include modernist poetry and prose, philosophical criticism and autobiography, DADA performance, sound art and experimental music theatre. This volume reveals both the wide range of creative strategies developed in response to the interstitial situation of exile and the crucial role of exile for a renewed understanding of twentieth-century literature.




Dirty Panties (English Edition)

Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers. This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end ? Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold. Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.
