
Theme for Ernie. As recorded on the album "Strings". alto saxophone / string ensemble (V1-V2-Va-Vc1-Vc2) / rhythm section (P-DB-Dr).



Ecrits sur l'art

Seeing loud. Basquiat and music

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, New York City was financially and socially bankrupt, but the art and music scene was flourishing. During these years, the downtown New York music scene - no wave, hip-hop, disco funk and club culture - shaped Jean-Michel Basquiat as both a musician and an artist. This catalog for a traveling exhibition explores how Basquiat's painting has parallels in his music (sampling, cut-up, rapping), and takes a new look at his production as a writer and a poet in light of his connections with the then-emerging hip-hop culture. This beautifully illustrated exhibition catalog of rarely seen photographs and images sheds new light on Basquiat as a musician, exploring how his art and music are related, and how they reflect on his identity as a Black artist in the United States, the downtown New York music scene, and contemporary culture.



Sciences politiques

Pass or Fail?. Assessing the Quality of Democracy in South Africa

In recent years, growing concerns over the strength of South Africa's democracy appear to indicate a population increasingly disillusioned and dissatisfied with the quality of its implementation. This book assesses the quality of democracy in South Africa after 20 years of democracy in order to ascertain whether or not this growing perception is valid. Since the inception of democracy in 1994 there have been countless procedural and substantive improvements in addressing historically entrenched political, social and economic problems ; however, there are serious issues that have emerged relating to the quality of democratic implementation in South Africa. Two existing analytical frameworks of democracy assessment, International IDEA's State of Democracy framework and Leonardo Morlino's tool for empirical research on democratic qualities, TODEM, are utilised to assess the quality of South Africa's rule of law and institutional capacity ; representative and accountable government ; civil society and popular participation ; and freedom and equality after 20 years of democracy. The book concludes cautiously that while South Africa faces many serious and threatening potholes in the road to a fully successful democracy, there is nevertheless much to applaud.





AFIN QUE TU SACHESafin que Tu sachesque je T'attendsai noué - aux barreaux de ma fenêtreun foulardcouleur rouge sangET-ERNI-TE est un ouvrage hybride, qui évoque les étapes successives - PREMICES, HAUTE VOLTIGE, REGRET(s) et ET-ERNI-TE - qui font que la raison s'envole et que, dans le ciel, se dessine le subtil sentiment d'une sublime révélation... Pierre Meurier est danseur, chorégraphe et directeur artistique de la compagnie de danse contemporaine Bosphore Danse Théâtre, avec laquelle il explore les corps à la lisière entre les univers de la danse et du théâtre. Depuis toujours, il exprime sa relation au monde à travers différents médiums dont les arts plastiques et l'écriture. Après les ouvrages poétiques Reflet(s) et Jardins Secrets, suivis du recueil de nouvelles NOUVELLES D'elles, il signe avec ET-ERNI-TE son quatrième ouvrage aux Editions Vérone.




Arts du Nigéria Central revisités. Mumuye et peuples environnants

In previous studies, Jan Strybol pointed out that sculpture in Northern Nigeria - contrary to what is generally assumed - flourished. Wood sculptures could be found just about everywhere, with the exception of a part of the Far North. In this study, the author first examines the sculptural traditions of a number of peoples in Central Nigeria, in particular from the Jos Plateau and from the valley of the Middle Benue to the source area of the Taraba River. These peoples can be described as non-centralized communities where mainly art in perishable materials was produced by part-time specialists, in contrast to the centralized empires in the South (Ife, Benin) where full-time specialists created complex works of art in durable materials (stone, bronze, iron). Perhaps the most well-known ethnic group in the Middle Benue region among aficionados of African art are the Mumuye. Since the end of the last century, the traditional rites of the Mumuye have rapidly disappeared as a result of the advance of the world religions and with them the Mumuye sculpture so much admired in Europe and America. In addition to wood sculpture, Jan Strybol also pays attention to objects in bronze, iron, terracotta and other materials. Until now, these art forms have been very underexposed and have now almost completely disappeared. Finally, the author also elaborates on some artistic achievements of a number of little-known residual groups within the Mumuye territory, which can boast a rich art tradition.




Arras-Madrid-Dakar 2002

Le Dakar est une épreuve qui concilie passion des sports mécaniques et amour de l'Afrique, autour de thèmes chers à notre société moderne en quête de nouveaux défis mais surtout de valeurs humaines. Sportivité, éthique, entraide et découverte ont marqué cette 24ème édition remportée en moto par Fabrizio Meoni sur KTM, en auto par l'équipage Mitsubishi Masuoka/Maimon et en camion par les Russes Tchaguine/Yakoubov/Savostine, au volant d'un Kamaz. Dans ce carnet de voyage, illustré par de belles images de course et d'Afrique, vous trouverez le résumé des étapes, les résultats et nombre d'anecdotes retraçant les galères des concurrents qui font la légende du Dakar. The Dakar is a race Chat combines a passion for motor sport with a love of Africa, the quest for new challenges with the importance of human values. Sportsmanship, ethics, solidarity and discovery were all prevalent in this 24th edition won in the bike section by Fabrizio Meoni on a KTM, in the car category by the Mitsubishi team of Masuoka and Maimon and in the truck section by the Russians TchaguinelYakoubov/Savos tine driving a Kamaz. This travel book is rich in magnificent images of the race and Africa and Cakes you through the various stages, results and misfortunes to recount the experiences of the competitors which make the Dakar unique.



Sciences politiques

Scripture and Midrash in Judaism

The rabbis of late antiquity produced a score of exegesis of the Hebrew Scriptures of Ancient Israel ("the Old Testament"), in which they took various approaches to the study and interpretation of what they called "the written Torah". These exegesis, called collectively "Midrash", form an important part of "the oral Torah", that is, the tradition of Sinai formulated and transmitted for memorization and ultimately written down by the ancient sages in the first six centuries A.D. These three volumes present large selections of the Midrash-documents of ancient Judaism, in the translation of Jacob Neusner, who has now translated into English nearly all of the Rabbinic literature of late antiquity. The selections are organized by type, so that readers see the various ways in which, in form and in intellectual program, the documents of Midrash-compilation were formulated and set forth. In this way, the vast body of biblical exegesis put forth by Judaism in its formative age is made available to the contemporary reader.




Où est Bernie ?. Le tour du monde de Bernie Sanders

Mercredi 20 janvier 2021 : des millions de personnes de par le monde s'installent confortablement derrière leur(s) écran(s) pour regarder Joe Biden lever la main et prêter serment lors de son investiture comme 46e président des Etats-Unis. Pourtant, c'est une autre image qui va rester et en quelques heures faire plusieurs fois le tour du monde : celle d'un vieil homme assis sur sa chaise, trompant le froid avec une vieille paire de moufles, laquelle ne fait pas semblant de jurer avec le décorum. Cet homme, c'est Bernie Sanders, candidat malheureux à la primaire démocrate, au programme politique autrement plus radical que celui du vainqueur. Immédiatement, les réseaux sociaux s'emparent de cette image à la portée symbolique plus forte qu'il n'y paraît pour en tirer l'un des mèmes les plus réjouissants depuis l'invention d'internet. Florilège. En introduction du livre, un court texte de Naomi Klein livre la portée politique de ce geste mondial.



Thèmes photo

And Also The Trees

Série de vingt-et-une photographies, And Also The Trees ("et bien sûr les arbres") propose une approche visuelle et textuelle du paysage où l'arbre joue son rôle de modèle comme de sentinelle, soit dans sa solitude, soit dans une solitude "rassemblée" : la forêt. Souvent prises au crépuscule ou de nuit, ou dans la vitesse, ces photographies proches de la matérialité de la gravure apparaissent comme une suite de déflagrations où la notion de composition s'avère essentielle. Ecritures photographique et littéraire se retrouvent, se côtoient ou se disjoignent pour tisser un rapport au monde et établir une pensée du paysage. L'arbre, matière centrale de ces paysages, est ainsi pensé dans ses mystères, ses brisures ou son opacité. En miroir d'une réflexion sur l'acte photographique et la perception de son propre corps lors de ses prises de vue, l'écrivain-photographe Marc Blanchet, par l'horizontalité du paysage ou la verticalité d'un arbre, nous met face à un univers qui surgit entre soudaineté et disparité, présence et profusion.



Non classé

The Image of the Woman in the Works of Ingeborg Bachmann

In this study an analysis of the women characters, who play a dominant part in Bachmann's prose writings, was presented. The results suggested a complex but coherent image. It was found that although the characteristics of this image deserved the appellation "sex-specific" and "traditional" they were infused with new values : the values of individualism, of a specifically female identity and of particular intense personal freedom. It was also found that the theme of personal freedom underlies all motivations, conflicts and situations of tragedy of Bachmann's heroines. Finally, it was found that the image of the woman is not only part of a distinct female-male antithesis, which often assumes violent dimensions, but has a redeeming function for a de-humanized world.



Mouvements artistiques

Look Close, Think Far. Art at the Ackland

This richly illustrated volume introduces one of America's finest university art museums - one whose directors, curators, donors, and patrons have left a remarkable legacy, a museum collection that encourages us all to "look close, think far. " The selection of over 280 highlights is presented with brief commentaries and an essay that traces the growth of the Ackland Art Museum's outstanding collection. The Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the United States' most distinguished public university art museums. Founded in 1958, it now houses over 20, 000 works of art, covering some 5, 000 years of cultures from around the globe. "Look Close, Think Far" is the tagline of the Ackland, informing everything from the dynamic and varied program of special exhibitions to ambitious interpretation, education, and outreach activities. It applies especially strongly to the museum's extensive permanent collection. Although an integral part of the oldest public university in the United States, the Ackland is a relatively young institution. Now approaching its sixty-fifth year, it has become the proud steward of over 20, 000 works of art from an impressively broad range of world cultures and time periods. The Museum is known for its special strengths in art of the European tradition, with very strong holdings in prints and drawings ; the arts of Asia, and especially China, Japan, and India ; a small but fine collection of classical art from Africa ; and recent and contemporary art. This publication showcases a cross-section though the diverse collection, with 283 works, giving an impression of the Ackland's permanent collection that is true to its character, representative of its breadth, and indicative of its quality. The essay gives special attention to the early stages and the less obvious, more idiosyncratic moments that have contributed to the Ackland's personality and individuality. The approach taken by the editor Peter Nisbet, deputy director for curatorial affairs at the Ackland, differs from most conventional volumes of museum collection highlights in several refreshing ways. Instead of separating works along the lines of curatorial departments, the arrangement emphasizes the unity of the collection by merging works from different cultures. These are presented in a largely chronological sequence, but one that surprises by starting with the present and extending back in time. Within this order, works of art are deliberately paired across individual page openings, to stimulate visual attention, reflective thinking, and sometimes maybe just a smile.




Tome de référence des catalogues. Guide de recherche philatélique, Edition 2019

Depuis 1840, plus de 700 000 timbres ont été émis par plus de 1000 pays, territoires ou administrations postales. Mais quels sont tous ces pays ? Où se situent-ils ? Parmi eux, lesquels existent encore et lesquels ont "disparu" ? Depuis quand ou pendant combien de temps ont-ils émis des timbres ? Quelles légendes, surcharges ou monnaies permettent d'identifier leurs timbres ? Quels autres pays ont utilisé leurs timbres, par exemple en les surchargeant ? Que sont devenus les pays "disparus" ? C'est autant de questions auxquelles cet ouvrage de recherche philatélique se propose de répondre. Plus de 5200 légendes, surcharges ou monnaies utilisant des caractères romains, celtiques, grecs ou cyrilliques ou encore des symboles ou des nombres sont listées par ordre alphabétique. Chacune renvoie à l'un des 1024 pays ou administrations postales émettant ou ayant émis des timbres, lesquels apparaissent dans la même liste alphabétique sous la forme d'encadrés où sont rassemblées des informations essentielles sur les émissions postales du pays. Véritable Guide de Recherche Philatélique, le Tome de Référence des Catalogues est un complément indispensable aux catalogues philatéliques et un outil unique de travail et de recherche pour assister le philatéliste dans l'identification et la recherche de nouveaux timbres et l'organisation de sa collection. / Since 1840, over 700,000 stamps have appeared in over 1,000 different countries, territories or postal authorities. But what are all these countries ? Where are they located ? Which ones are "dead" and which ones are still "alive"? When and for how long had stamps been issued in these countries ? What are all the inscriptions (legends, overprints, currencies...) that allow these stamps to be identified ? What other countries have possibly used the same stamps, for instance by overprinting them ? What happened to the "dead ountries"? This book provides the answers to all these questions. Over 5200 legends, overprints or currencies using either Roman, Gaelic, Greek or Cyrillic letters or even symbols or numbers are listed alphabetically. Each such inscription is heading to the name of the 1024 countries, territories or postal authorities which have issued or continue to issue stamps today. These "countries" are inserted as shaded sections in the same alphabetical list where essential data on the country and its postal activity are summarized. The Handbook of Philatelic Research is a complement to the philatelic catalogues and a unique tool that will assist the stamp collector in stamp identification, search for new stamps and organisation of the collection.



Mouvements artistiques

The Medieval Body

This fascinating and richly illustrated book accompanies The Medieval Body, the third in a series of vanguard exhibitions that places medieval masterpieces within a contemporary context. The title of the exhibition refers to both a literal thread of figuration that runs throughout the works in the presentation, as well as the complex and often shifting symbolism of the human body in the medieval period. For thinkers and artists of that time, the human body served as a rich source of religious and philosophical significance, one that was in a constant state of flux between idealism and disfigurement. While the early Middle Ages reserved representations of suffering bodies to the margins of their world, the later Middle Ages displayed wounded bodies in the most central spaces of public life. The crucified body of Christ and the wounded bodies of saints assumed important positions as they were displayed on altars, in processions, and on the exteriors of churches. The Medieval Body tells a unique story about the human form as both a physical entity and a recognizable metaphor. Presenting works spanning the course of a thousand years, this exhibition offers insight into the body as an essential imagemaking tool with far-reaching implications for the development of art in the European Middle Ages.



Histoire du cinéma

L'âge d'or de la comédie musicale américaine. Thèmes, oeuvres, symboles

Qui n'adore Chantons sous la pluie, Brigadoon ou Drôle de frimousse ? Ce livre passionné sur la comédie musicale américaine relie ce genre cinématographique à l'âge d'or des années Truman et Eisenhower. Son approche est donc historique se termine à l'orée des années soixante. Le livre étudie la comédie musicale dans le cadre plus sinistre aussi des années de la Dépression et de la IIe Guerre mondiale, de 1929 à 1945. Dans le même temps il se veut une recherche énergique sur un genre artistique et industriel très élaboré, reposant sur la collaboration active et anonyme de dizaines de corps de métiers (musique, théâtre, décors, photographie). Enfin le livre se veut, par la plume de ses auteurs, une étude symbolique sur les aspects les plus ésotériques et poétiques de ce genre qui disait-on était là pour célébrer la patrie, les gens simples, et le monde. Il insiste sur le rôle des femmes et de la cause amoureuse, et qui ont fait de la comédie musicale un art courtois des temps modernes. Il se compose de trois mouvements, le premier qui étudie le genre et ses caractères, le deuxième qui étudie la symbolique des danses et des notes, le troisième qui présente les "quarante violeurs de notre imaginaire" , soit les grandes oeuvres connues ou oubliées, ainsi qu'un assortiment des grands noms qui ont marqué cet art et son âge d'or.



12 ans et +

Les 8 royaumes mortels Tome 1 : La cité de Pierre-de-Vie

Raised as a slave in the Darkoath camps of Aqshy, Kiri dreams of a better life. Of a city of wonders, the place of her birth… Lifestone ! She despairs of ever reaching it until a fateful day arrives when her barbarian captors are attacked by Sigmar's noblest warriors, the Stormcast Eternals. Seizing her chance, Kiri flees through a mysterious realmgate that takes her far from the fiery lands of Aqshy. She arrives in the realm of Ghyran and finds the city of Lifestone. But a curse lies on this place, withering its noble spirit. Her path leads her to a special group of children who, like her, are realm-marked the prophecised saviours of Lifestone. There's Thanis, the fighter ; Alish, the inventor ; Kaspar ; the sneak and Elio, the healer. But dark forces are allying against the children and will do anything to stop them achieving their destiny.



Autres langues

Polish. Avec 1 Cassette audio

Interactive 90-minute Cassette. Makes Polish easy to learn - just listen and repeat with native speakers. Master over 400 essential expressions for your trip. Take part in dialogues to experience real-life situations. Audioscript. Complete transcript of all the recorded phrases & dialogues. The World's Bestselling Phrase Book & Dictionary. Over 1200 phrases for any situation. Useful travel information and easy-to-read pronunciation guide. Unique quick reference color-coded system.



Musique classique

Songs of Love. 12 Romances. 12 Lieder. Soprano (tenor) and piano.

Leokadiya Kashperova (1872-1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920. Songs of Love was first published in 1904. No evidence survives of any public performance in Kashperova's lifetime although it is very likely that they were performed at her regular 'musical evenings at home on Tuesdays' mentioned in her Memoirs. The transparency of the piano writing strongly suggests that she would accompany herself singing. Kashperova, by all accounts, possessed a fine voice, and in the summer of 1906 she decided 'to learn from the artistry', as she put it, of the tenor Raimond von Zur-Mühlen who was widely celebrated for having developed (with Clara Schumann) the Lieder-Abend tradition. His summer-schools on the Baltic coast were frequented by aspiring singers from all over Europe, even Japan and India. Kashperova herself was responsible for the poetic lyrics of Songs of Love (in both Russian and German), which may well have emerged from her own bittersweet experience of life and love ; she was not to marry until 1916 at the age of forty-four. That Kashperova is the author of both the music and the lyrics of Songs of Love would suggest that they express very personal sentiments. Instrumentation : soprano (tenor) and piano




Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work

Since the 1990s and the 2000s, Western social protection systems have experienced a turn towards activation. This turn consists of the multiplication of measures aimed at bringing those who are unemployed closer to participation in the labour market. These measures often induce a strengthening of the conditions that must be met in order to receive social benefits. It is in this well known context that the authors gathered in this book decided to take a closer look at the relationship between activation policies for the unemployed and the right and the duty to work. If activation measures are likely to increase transitions towards the labour market, we can also make the assumption that they may, particularly when they are marked with the seal of coercion, hinder or dramatically reduce the right to freely chosen work. In such circumstances, the realisation of the "right to work", which is often stated to be the aim of those who promote activation, tends in practice to be reduced to an increasing pressure being exerted on the unemployed. In this case, isn't it actually the duty to work that is particularly reinforced ? After an historical and philosophical perspective on the issue, this assumption is confronted with the developments observed in the United States and in France, and then with the guidelines laid down in international human rights instruments. What follows is a discussion of two alternatives to the dominant activation model : the basic income guarantee and the employment guarantee.




Biodiversity and strategy.. Subtle equilibriums

Biodiversity conservation calls for a revolutionary approach to our relationship with nature and the living world. But it also requires completely rethinking the way we develop international policies and strategies. While these instruments must deal with a highly complex reality, they are too often viewed as simple action plans. Measures and initiatives that are focused on mainly technical solutions eventually result in unfortunate setbacks when the often unpredictable and ever-changing dynamics of life come into play. The United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) was held in 2022, and despite the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, it failed to produce a truly innovative approach to international 'strategy'. It is therefore more necessary than ever to reconsider the official diagnosis that underpins international action. Although certainly difficult, this can be done by mobilising a wide range of expertise from different scientific communities. Drawing on numerous examples and a wealth of research from the humanities, social sciences and conservation sciences, this book offers a profoundly renewed strategic diagnosis as well as levers for activating regenerative processes to benefit the living world.



Non classé

Hymns: The Making and Shaping of a Theology for the Whole People of God

The theological potential of hymns has never been fully exploited. This study shows how hymns communicate theology and enable those without a formal theological education to enter into theological debate. A nineteenth century collection of English hymns and some contemporary Bemba hymns from the Zambian Copperbelt are examined and compared, within their theological, cultural and social contexts, to discover their response to death, judgement, heaven and hell. From this comparison and a study of how hymns are used in these churches, a model emerges whereby hymns can be used to make and shape theology. This model is observed in a Zambian parish and is also shown in practice in an English parish. Finally, there is a reflection on the implications of this model for Missiology and Ecclesiology showing, among other things, the need for a radical reassessment of the relationship between professional theologians and the rest of the Church.




Dogs. Authentic and fictitious graphic inventory

Dogs is a kennel of 200 drawings made by Jochen Gerner between 2021 and 2023, following his study of birds. Each of these dogs was drawn with pigmented Indian ink felt pens on small-format lined and squared school notebooks from China and India. This series of drawings follows the graphic experiment of Jochen Gerner to explore all the potentialities of the grids, lines and colours in the representation of textures and hair. Focusing on dogs, which Jochen Gerner represents in a touching and very funny multiplicity, this collection reveals us that hardly nothing is required on paper for these dogs to breathe, each of them in an outstanding singularity. Braces, squares, lozenges, waves... The colorful patterns cut and cross each other with a disconcerting, always innovative simplicity to make their hair shine and ripple. With this new bestiary holding as much of the illustration as of graphic design, Jochen Gerner invites us to a whimsical look at the world and proves us once again the singularity of his observation.



Ouvrages généraux

The Small Catechism. Luther's Little Instruction Book

This annotated edition of ""Martin Luther's Small Catechism"" includes an extra appendix (in addition to the two already included in the original book) which provides an interesting overview of : Martin Luther's peasant roots, his education in pre-law, and how he was diverted from a law career to that of a monk-turned-professor and eventually, Protestant reformer, The role of the printing press in spreading the ""95 Theses"" quickly over Europe, catapulting Martin Luther to near-instant prominence in the religious dialogue of his day, The story of how Martin Luther colluded with a fishmonger to smuggle his future wife and her friends away from a convent, and Martin Luther's impact on the Protestant Reformation as well as modern religious thought. Martin Luther wrote the small catechism as an easy teaching tool for both individuals and families. Though penned close to five centuries ago, Luther's brief, clear summary of the essentials of Christian faith still ring true today. Topics covered include the Ten Commandments, the ""Creed"", the Lord's Prayer, and the sacraments of baptism and the altar. Ideas and instructions are also included for morning and evening devotions and giving thanks at mealtime. This little catechism, still widely used within the Lutheran Church, has gems of truth that many Christians will find to be both instructive and inspirational--regardless of denomination. Though few in words, it provides a wonderful explanation that has helped many to both learn the basics of Christian doctrine and apply them in a practical way to their lives.



Physique, chimie

Synthesis of Inorganic Materials

The preparation process of inorganic materials is one of the most important aspects of material science. Not only the chemical composition of a particular material plays a crucial role for many applications but also its structure. The proper choice of the chemical precursors and the preparation technique to obtain a material with the desired chemical and physical properties is a challenge for both material scientists and inorganic chemists. This is the first book to give a comprehensive overview of the current methods for chemical synthesis of inorganic materials. The spectrum ranges from solid state reactions, CVD, reactions of aqueous systems, preparation and modification of inorganic polymers to the synthesis of tailored porous materials. With examples of selected technically applied materials for each method the general principles and requirements as well as the material properties and application of the resulting products are discussed. Numerous tables with further examples help to assess the scope and limitation of the various methods and to choose a suitable synthesis for a given problem. First and foremost directed to students in chemistry, material sciences and physics this book will also bc appreciated by advanced scientists in these fields as a valuable reference book for inorganic synthesis.





Oriented matroids are a very natural mathematical concept which prescrits itself in many different guises and which has connections and applications to many different areas. These include discrete and computational geometry, combinatorics, convexity, topology, algebraic geometry, operations research, computer science and theoretical chemistry. This is the first comprehensive, accessible account of the subject. It is intended for a diverse audience: graduate students who wish to learn the subject from scratch, researchers in the various fields of application who want to concentrate on certain aspects of the theory; specialists who need a thorough reference work; and others at points in between. A list of exercises and open problems ends each chapter. For the second edition, the authors have expanded the bibliography greatly to ensure that it remains comprehensive and up-to-date, and they have also added an appendix surveying research since the work was first published.



Non classé

Church, State, and Religious Dissent

Seventh-day Adventism, a young American-based denomination, encountered strenuous opposition when it first reached Europe in the second half of the 19th century. This was especially true in Austria, where traditional allegiance to Roman Catholicism, linked with a strong emphasis on cultural continuity, constituted the tenor of social life. The book not only describes the history of Adventism in Austria but also examines its relationship to the Austrian political and religious milieu. The study may furnish valuable insights to stimulate further discussion of church-state relationships and provides a basis for continuing investigation of the dynamics involved in encounters of minority religions with hostile socio-cultural settings.



Histoire internationale

Bomb N : ressources, mysteries and opportunities of the Congo basin. Advocacy of Denis Sassou N'Guesso for the protection of the planet

This book of Michel Innocent Peya is devoted to the Congo Basin, the second largest reserve in the world : its natural ressources, its mysteries, legal and institutional frameworks, national, subregional and international levels that protect it. The basin of Congo is an African opportunity for the whole world. Its preservation and its protection over time are an action of conscience, will, commitment, determination and sacrifices for the benefit of humanity. Nature cannot be defending alone ; the Congo Basin finds among his children in love with nature a spokesperson or a soulmate in the person of the President of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou N'Guesso. He is one with nature. This is why, time and time again, he cries out against the abusive and irrational exploitation of the Earth, which is the source of delayed natural disasters, irreversible, and mass destruction : the Bomb "N". This saving son of the world demonstrates his involvement by his career and his advocacy at several international, subregional and national summits on protection of the global environment. This book puts in the world place the intrinsic qualities of its international environmental policy, an arduous fight for thirty years for the preservation of nature, the balance of global climate. It plays the role of a climatoecological pivot in the Congo Basin subregion. His climate leadership is the result of coordinated sectoral planned policies, implemented, objectives clearly defined and adapted, credible and effective diplomacy. His sacrifices for humanity, its dedication to the cause of our planet and its management for the future of humanity and future generations give it the status of patrimonium of mankind. Protector as well as defender of the Congo Basin, he receives the blows and the backlash from mafia networks who wish to illegally exploit the huge ressources of this part of the Earth. It reveals to the donor community climatic conditions and to all human civilization the opportunities offered by the Congo (ecotourism, development of the pharmaceutical industry and the market Common Forest of Central African Countries). Peat bogs constitute for the Congo Basin the largest terrestrial reserve of organic carbon. They store twice as much carbon as other forests in the world. He calls on the conscience of climate hinders, because the peat bog is an essential source of ecological stability, a precious reserve of carbon and the cradle of unique flora and fauna to the world and its survival also requires the integration of local communities' indigenous peoples through sustainable projects. This book is a reference tool for understanding and analyzing the basin of Congo, its natural wealth, its legal and institutional framework, in the dynamics of climate-political leadership and its myriad opportunities for the planet. As a result, the author believes that the achievement of these objectives is dependent on climate-political leadership that the Congo Basin space exerts in the concert nations. As it is said in Africa, one finger cannot wash the whole face.



Musique et danse

En avant les saxophones !

" On bouge avec le saxophone, on danse, on porte l'instrument, on porte la musique ! " nous dit Géraldine Laurent. Découvrez toutes les facettes du saxophone, son anatomie, son histoire, ses secrets de fabrication, ses moments de gloire, ses tubes. Vous ne l'écouterez plus comme avant ! A mettre entre les mains de tous ceux qui aiment la musique ou rêvent de faire partie de l'orchestre !



Littérature française

Raoul Desloges ou Un homme fort en thème. 2

Geneviève, par Alphonse KarrDate de l'édition originale : 1850Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF.HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces œuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande.Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables.Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique.Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces œuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur le site Hachettebnf




The Gregory Gift

Presenting for the first time the Alexis Gregory Gift to The Frick Collection, this exquisite publication provides illuminating insights into Gregory's magnificently eclectic collection, cataloging his fine and decorative works of art in detail. Twenty-eight works of art bequeathed to the Frick by Alexis Gregory range from Limoges enamels to Saint-Porchaire ware to pastels by the Venetian painter Rosalba Carriera. This remarkable gift has introduced new types of objects to the Frick : works in ivory and rhinoceros horn are the first of their kind to be held in the collection. Gregory's gift includes fifteen Limoges enamels, one of them produced in the workshop of Suzanne de Court, the only woman known to have led an enamel workshop in Limoges. Also part of the gift are a gilt-bronze sculpture, an ivory hilt, a pomander, ewers, saltcellars, and two clocks. Many of Gregory's objects came from such prestigious owners as the French royal collections and the Rothschilds. Included in the publication are commentaries on each gift. This lavishly illustrated publication accompanies an exhibition that will be on view at The Frick Collection February 16 through May 14, 2023.



Littérature érotique et sentim

The Fighter : For chance

Au lycée, Liv et Vince ont vécu ensemble une passion intense. Mais au bout d'un an, le bad boy a brutalement quitté Liv et dévasté son coeur. Sept ans plus tard, Vince est devenu une star de street-fighting. Avec ses yeux bleus et son sourire arrogant, il est plus fort et plus sexy que jamais. Toujours au bras d'une nouvelle fille. De son côté, Liv est à deux doigts d'obtenir le job de ses rêves, un poste de journaliste dans un prestigieux quotidien. Pour décrocher cette place, Liv doit mener l'interview d'un certain Vince Stone... Entre les anciens amants, l'attraction se révèle plus puissante que jamais. Mais Liv pourra-t-elle accorder à son premier amour une seconde chance ? Ou va-t-elle, au contraire, chercher à se venger ? Pour la reconquérir, il doit livrer le combat le plus difficile de sa vie.




Sympathies for the devil

Sous vos yeux, six mondes vont prendre fin : le nôtre bien sûr, déserté par l'humanité, rendu aux hommes-arbres et aux loups ; celui des douze dragons renversés, étouffé par l'information continue ; celui des nomades mongols condamnés à la sédentarisation ; Amsterdam sous les eaux, hanté par le plus étrange des tueurs en série ; la Terre brûlée de Loki, grand farceur et agent provocateur un brin excessif. Six mondes vont prendre fin et tous ne renaîtront pas. Sympathies for the devil présente six textes parmi les plus puissants de Thomas Day et prouve que, outre ses talents de romancier, il est aussi un nouvelliste brillant.
