
Something is killing the children : Pack en 2 volumes : Tome 1, Something is killing the children



Lectures bilingues

King Bogus III. Edition bilingue français-anglais

In an imaginary country, in the Middle Ages, King Bogus desperately seeks a male heir. But in fact his research will lead to something quite different.



Livres 3 ans et +

Big Blacky & Big Whity : En Algarve

Les enfants et Oncle Sam ont vécu un super séjour en Algarve, dans le sud du Portugal, mais beaucoup trop court ! Ils ne sont pas près de l'oublier... Los ninos y Tito Sam la pasaron muy bien en Algarve, en el sur de Portugal, ¡pero demasiado corto ! No van a olvidarlo... The children and Uncle Sam had a great time in Algarve, in southern Portugal, but far too short ! They will never forget it...




Theatre Now N° 4 : Youth Theatre

The Theatre Now collection provides a varied and representative picture of the vitality and extreme diversity of contemporary playwriting in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It is aimed at stage directors, actors and cultural officers keen to discover new writing and wanting to work on recent plays, as well as students, teachers, translators, and other readers curious about what's new in the world of theatre. This fourth volume, which is devoted to youth theatre, is the result of a collaboration between the Chamber of theatres for Children and Youth (CTEF) and the Wallonia-Brussels Centre for dramatic Writing.



Mondes fantastiques

The Night and its Moon Tome 2 : The Sun and its Shade

"Je t'aime. ". . Les mots remplis de larmes de Nox résonnent encore sur le sable alors qu'elle est à nouveau séparée d'Amaris. Après avoir lutté sans merci pour se retrouver, elles étaient à peine réunies qu'Amaris a été emmenée par le dragon de la reine. Désespérée, Nox est contrainte de naviguer dans les eaux troubles des complots politiques. La jeune femme noue une alliance avec la ligue des bretteurs pour retrouver Amaris et ramener la paix entre les royaumes. Les deux jeunes femmes doivent pousser leur magie jusqu'à ses limites pour espérer, un jour, créer un monde meilleur. Mais peu à peu, un doute s'immisce : leur amour est-il aussi puissant qu'elles le pensent ? Ou bien est-ce une force supérieure, différente et mystérieuse, qui les lie ?




Is it love ? Tome 1 : Drogo

Berlin, 1963. Julia est une étudiante assidue qui rêve de liberté. Drogo est un rebelle insaisissable, un bad boyau grand coeur. Rien ne les destinait à se fréquenter, et pourtant... Derrière le rideau de fer, dans un climat d'oppression et de défiance, leur rencontre va bouleverser leur vie. Ils vont s'apprivoiser, se défier, se désirer passionnément dans une ville bridée par les interdits. Comment se construire un avenir commun quand on a grandi du mauvais côté du mur ? L'amour vaut bien tous les sacrifices, parfois les plus douloureux.




Diamond in the rough Tome 1

Dans un monde où les pierres sont au centre de toute activité humaine, Kai, 15 ans, vit depuis toujours dans un village souterrain. Il ne connaît rien du monde qui l'entoure. Même s'il rêve d'aventure, il n'a jamais vu le "monde de la surface" . Kai fait un jour la connaissance de Akeboshi, un minéralogiste puissant, au passé mystérieux. Akeboshi, qui a toujours refusé de former un disciple, contre toutes attentes, se montre intéressé par le potentiel de Kai, malgré (ou grâce à ? ) sa jambe pétrifiée 3 ans plus tôt et maintenant constellée de diamants rouges. Cette rencontre va bouleverser la vie du jeune homme, car en plus de lui apprendre un tas de choses sur le monde et de lui révéler ses aptitudes insoupçonnées, Akeboshi pourrait aider Kai à délivrer ses proches de la pétrification totale qui les frappés. Mais pour cela, il faut d'abord retrouver les responsables ! Accrochez-vous ! Par le pouvoir des pierres, cette série mérite votre "gemme" !




Darling in the Franxx Tome 2

Dans un futur lointain, l'humanité s'est retranchée dans des villes fortifiées mobiles, les Plantations. Elles sont régulièrement menacées par les Kyôryû. De jeunes pilotes affrontent ces ennemis à bord des Franxx, des robots géants. Hiro ne s'accorde pas avec sa partenaire et échoue à devenir pilote, jusqu'à l'arrivée de Zero Two, une étrange jeune fille avec laquelle il est capable de piloter.



Sunjung (shojo)

Cheese in the trap. Tome 1

Pour tout le monde, Yu Jung est l'étudiant parfait. Mais sous son côté gentil et attirant se cache en réalité un garçon sombre et parfois malfaisant. Seule Hong Seol, qui a eu affaire à lui par le passé, connaît sa véritable personnalité. Etudiante acharnée, elle retourne à l'université après une année sabbatique. Elle va tout faire pour éviter Yu Jung, mais elle n'est pas au bout de ses surprises



Light novel

The eminence in shadow. Tome 1

Derrière son apparence de lycéen lambda, Cid Kagenô rêve pourtant de puissance, celle d'un être qui tire les ficelles depuis l'ombre. Mais un tragique incident va rapidement mettre fin à ses ambitions... ou pas ! Réincarné dans un monde fantastique, il profite rapidement de la situation en montant sa propre organisation secrète, Shadow Garden, créant de toute pièces une histoire dont il est le personnage principal : "l'Eminence de l'Ombre" . Mais ses fantasmes pourraient bien s'avérer réalité...




In the end

Voilà trois mois qu'Amy a fui New Hope pour échapper au diabolique docteur Reynolds. Grâce à l'équipement de Gardienne que lui a fourni Kay et à l'émetteur sonique qui éloigne les créatures, elle survit tant bien que mal dans les étendues désertiques du Texas. Jusqu'au jour où une voix lui parvient à travers l'oreillette qui la relie encore à ses anciens camarades : Baby, restée à New Hope, est en danger. Amy n'a pas le choix. Si elle veut sauver sa sœur d'adoption, il va lui falloir se rendre à Fort Black, là où d'autres survivants se sont rassemblés et vivent selon la loi du plus fort. Dans cette véritable jungle, la jeune fille va tout faire pour retrouver Ken, le frère de Kay, seul capable de l'aider à secourir Baby. Assistée de Jacks, le neveu du dirigeant de Fort Black, la jeune fille finit par en apprendre un peu plus sur l'invasion des Floraes… Une vérité qui s'avère plus cauchemardesque encore qu'elle ne le croyait ! Après IN THE AFTER, Demitria Lunetta nous entraîne dans une course infernale contre la montre. Avec IN THE END, elle clôt d'une main de maître un dyptique au rythme haletant.




Glimpses of african cultures. Echos des cultures africaines, Edition bilingue français-anglais

This book covers various aspects of African traditional cultures that include: communication, marriage ceremonies, funerals, traditional rites, witchcraft, traditional cultural activities, and traditional beliefs. It will undoubtedly appeal to anyone who wants to understand better our African cultures. The reading of some of the stories will certainly raise existential questions about the nature of spirits, truth, and the place of God in the collective mind of the Africans. Some of the questions are the following: how is it possible that a human being has his double in an animal known as his totem ? How corne that, for people who do not believe in reincarnation, it is the chief who determines the future of the soul of the deceased ? In "Mourning habits in the West province of Cameroon," it appears that, if the soul is not taken care of, it will cause physical havoc in the society. Could there be a link between our souls and the physical elements of nature ? Is skull worshiping among the Bamileke merely a traditional practice or are they really able to communicate with their ancestors through the skulls ? What has led the Aghem people to firmly believe that lakes can physically move, that the dead live in their lakes, that children live in their pre-human state as caterpillars and may transform into reptiles when they are still babies ? What makes it possible for the human mind to communicate with animais, exchange messages as is shown in "How animais and things can speak and communicate in the Yambassa culture" ? Apart from the physical world as we know it, could there truly be a spiritual world that witches and wizards have access to and which system of values could this spiritual world be subjected to ? Every single paper of the more than 80 papers and squibs this book comprises is truly an invitation to explore further the untapped richness of African cultures.




Is it love ? Tome 2 : Peter. 2

Plongez dans le passé mouvementé de l'un des héros de Mystery Spell. Lorsque Lizabeth se regarde dans un miroir, elle y voit une parfaite inconnue. Adoptée dès son plus jeune âge, elle ignore tout de ses parents biologiques. Ce sentiment de passivité face à sa propre la vie la pousse, notamment, à toutes les folies. Aussi, quand Stélian Rakoczy, un jeune aristocrate, humilie son amie Millie, femme de chambre de sa soeur Victoire, Liz refuse de rester les bras croisés. Elle décide d'assister au bal organisé par la famille Rakoczy et de lui rendre la monnaie de sa pièce, causant, au passage, un véritable scandale ! Subjugué par l'audace de la jeune femme, Peter, le frère de Stélian, l'emmène à l'écart et lui joue un morceau de piano pour la calmer. Sa sensibilité émeut Liz, qui se rapproche petit à petit de lui... Avec son aide, la jeune femme se met en quête de ses origines, mais les secrets qu'ils vont découvrir pourraient bien mettre en péril leur histoire naissante...




Foundation Course for Advanced Computer Studies

In the modern world, computer systems are playing a greater and greater part in everyday life. From office work, to entertainment, to providing information, the personal computer is quickly becoming a more integral part of the home. However, most PC users have no idea how most of the parts which make up their computer work internally. I am one of those who find that the framework provided by the school curriculum in the United Kingdom is of great assistance in planning lessons and learning plans but the curriculum does not plan out the work for us. We therefore need to invest a lot of time and effort into developing schemes of work that will suit the people we are going to teach. For me, it is a fantastic opportunity to employ our imagination and creativity to make lessons useful and interesting for children of different abilities. It is why I wrote this book. This book is a foundation course for Advanced Computer Studies and designed as a blueprint to teach users with a basic knowledge of computer science. Computer science is a subject that combines the use of technology which is ICT (Information Communication Technology) and the creation of technology. To use ICT (the subject about how to use technology to communicate information) more effectively, we need to know how technology works. Computing or computer science will create a generation of young people able to work at the forefront of technology change. It is the umbrella term for the subject that comprises 3 elements : computer science, information technology and digital literacy. It is helpful to think of these as the foundations, applications and implications of digital technology. The new focus on computer science will provides a well-defined and rigorous academic discipline and a unique lens through which pupils can understand the world. Children must therefore be taught computing if they are to be ready for tomorrow technology challenges. Our ingenuity to invent new means of communicating with each other, our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries however still a lot remain to be done with the arrival of quantum computing. A more rigorous approach to computer science teaching will help compete across the full spectrum of digital industries. This can only be achieved by equipping ourselves with the foundation skills, knowledge and understanding of computing do the necessity to introduce "computational thinking" at school via the new national curriculum (programmes of study and targets), the 2014 national curriculum that introduces computing which will replace ICT.




Full-Color Floral Designs in the Art Nouveau Style

E. A. Seguy was one of the foremost French designers of the first third of the twentieth century. He produced many splendid albums of designs over a long and distinguished career. This book reproduces in full color 40 plates from the two color portfolios called Les fleurs et leurs applications décoratives [c. 1902] - one of the high points in Art Nouveau design. The 40 plates included here contain 166 decorative Art Nouveau patterns. Lacy and delicate interpretations of flowers ranging from arum and arrowhead to water lily and wisteria, these patterns offer such color combinations as a blue-petaled flower with green leaves on a mustard background, salmon-colored flower with robin's-egg-blue leaves on a beige field, and royal-blue flowers with golden leaves on golden stems silhouetted in light blue-green on a deep blue-green field. The colors in this volume are strong and bold, prefiguring such later influences as Persian art and the Ballets Russes. Twenty of the plates in the original portfolios contained ordinary realistic renderings of 30 plants, and they have been omitted from this volume. The wide variety of flat designs are perfect for textiles, wallpapers, and packaging, and offer many ideas for mosaics, stained glass, rugs and bookbindings. Containing borders, circular designs, repeats, allovers, and "spots," this collection has something to interest everyone in the graphics field.




Sandinista. Tome 2

"The killing clowns, the blood money men are shooting those Washington bullets again."




Homunculus Tome 1 et 2 : Pack en 2 volumes

Fin du XIXème siècle. Par l'intermédiaire d'une secte sataniste, des monstres purulents menacent d'envahir Londres depuis une dimension parallèle. Heureusement le Dr. Harryhausen et son disciple veillent. Ils sont sur le point d'éradiquer le fléau... bien que rien ne se déroule comme prévu.



Musique classique

Songs of Love. 12 Romances. 12 Lieder. Soprano (tenor) and piano.

Leokadiya Kashperova (1872-1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920. Songs of Love was first published in 1904. No evidence survives of any public performance in Kashperova's lifetime although it is very likely that they were performed at her regular 'musical evenings at home on Tuesdays' mentioned in her Memoirs. The transparency of the piano writing strongly suggests that she would accompany herself singing. Kashperova, by all accounts, possessed a fine voice, and in the summer of 1906 she decided 'to learn from the artistry', as she put it, of the tenor Raimond von Zur-Mühlen who was widely celebrated for having developed (with Clara Schumann) the Lieder-Abend tradition. His summer-schools on the Baltic coast were frequented by aspiring singers from all over Europe, even Japan and India. Kashperova herself was responsible for the poetic lyrics of Songs of Love (in both Russian and German), which may well have emerged from her own bittersweet experience of life and love ; she was not to marry until 1916 at the age of forty-four. That Kashperova is the author of both the music and the lyrics of Songs of Love would suggest that they express very personal sentiments. Instrumentation : soprano (tenor) and piano



Sciences politiques

Narratives of French Modernity

Inspired by the work of their colleague David Gascoigne, a group of scholars from the UK and France examine in this book the narrative strategies of some of the most interesting and important French writers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Stretching chronologically from 1905 to 2005, the volume examines a wide variety of prose genres, from pornography to Bildungsroman to magic realism, as well as poetry. Michel Tournier figures in several of the contributions, emerging as something of a touchstone for many of the thematic preoccupations that are common throughout the period : values and authority, self and other, identity, spirituality, migration and exile, sexuality, the body, violence and war, and language. The authors also examine the flourishing of intertextuality, as well as the use of traditional forms, such as mythical structures and the ‘robinsonade', to undermine authoritative ‘métarécits'. Probing these themes and forms, and their metamorphoses across 100 years, the essays demonstrate a striking degree of continuity, linking writers as different as Apollinaire and Houellebecq or Valéry and Fleutiaux, and highlight the difficulty of dividing the period neatly into chronologically ordered categories labelled ‘modern' or ‘postmodern'.




Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education

The idea for this book arose from presentations delivered at two conferences in Tartu and in Tallinn in Estonia. These conferences brought together many professionals and researchers working in early education, many from Europe, and also Australia and the USA. This book, written by 37 authors, consists of chapters about the development of early childhood education, children's developing skills and the early childhood curriculum, and about the role of early childhood teachers. Further topics are the role of parents in early childhood education, and the work with children with special needs in the preschool. The book will be of interest to those interested in early childhood practice and policy.



Romans, témoignages & Co

Tales from Histoires de Shakespeare N°1

Shakespeare for children. Excellent idea ! There is so much poetry and comedy in the great playwright



BD tout public

Doctor Gachet's portrait

A picture named "Doctor Gachet's portrait" has been stolen a night from a museum. Immediately, the news offer the event and our heroes start the research after some clue that leads them to the thief. After travelling across some countries following his trace, they realize that a smuggling network is behind the robbery, led by minister Goring. Among their loot is an enormous amount of pictures stolen from private collectors, with the aim of transporting and hiding them beyond their frontiers.



Non classé

Migrant Memories

Migrant Memories provides an innovative perspective on the power of cultural memory and the influence of cinema on the Italian diaspora in Britain. Based on extensive interviews with Southern Italian migrants and their children, this study offers a fresh understanding of the migrants' journey from Italy to Britain since the early 1950s. The volume examines how the experience of contemporary Italian identity has been mediated through film, photography and popular culture through the generations. Beginning with an analysis of the films of Frank Capra and Anthony Minghella, the book goes on to address the popular melodramas of Raffaello Matarazzo and ultimately argues that cinema, and the memory of it, had a significant influence on the identity formation of first-generation Italians in Britain. Coupled with this analysis of cinema's relationship to migration, the cultural memory of the Italian diaspora is explored through traditions of education, religion, marriage and cuisine. The volume highlights the complexities of cultural history and migration at a time when debates about immigration in Britain have become politically and culturally urgent.



Lecture 6-9 ans

L'énigme du sabre. Edition bilingue français-anglais

C'est dimanche et comme souvent Louise et Arthur viennent rendre visite à leur grand-mère. Ils aiment bien y aller, elle joue avec eux et leur raconte plein d'histoires. Mais aujourd'hui, elle n'a pas le temps et les deux cousins s'ennuient. Alors, ils décident de grimper dans le grenier où sont entreposés de vieux souvenirs et objets abandonnés. Ils y ont déjà été, mais maintenant ils sont plus grands et peut-être trouveront-ils un trésor qu'ils n'avaient pas aperçu, lors de la dernière visite. Après un long moment de recherche, dans un coin, Louise découvre une malle poussiéreuse. Les deux cousins, l'ouvrent et entrevoient un sabre avec une inscription. Une trouvaille qui va les mener jusqu'à l'école militaire de Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, sur les traces de leur grand père. It's a Sunday and often as not, Louise and Arthur go and visit their grandmother. They like to go there, she plays with them and tells them lots of stories. But this Sunday she does not have the time, so the two cousins are bored. They decide to climb up into the attic, where old memorabilia and abandoned objects are stored. They have been there before, but now that they are taller, maybe they will find a treasure they did not see during their last visit. After a long moment of searching, in a corner, Louise discovers a dusty trunk. The two cousins open it and see a sword with an inscription. A discovery that will lead them to the military school at Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, in the footsteps of their grandfather.



Autres éditeurs (A à E)

Mon chien Touki - My dog Touki. Album bilingue français anglais

Mon chien Touki est un album bilingue français anglais pour les enfants à partir de 3 ans. Touki aime manger des spaghettis, jouer du tuba ou dormir au soleil. Mais il n'aime pas les brocolis, ni qu'on lui nettoie les oreilles. Les textes sont courts pour apprendre des mots simples avec des images colorées. Les jeunes enfants découvriront qu'il y a des mots qui sont pareils en français et en anglais. My dog Touki is a french-english bilingual book for children from 3 years old. Touki likes to eat spaghetti, play tuba or sleep in the sun. But he doesn't like broccoli, or having his ears cleaned. Texts are short with simple words to easily learn languages. Young children will discover that some words are the same in english and in french.




Idées pratiques pour petits espaces

Various factors have contributed to the proliferation of small homes. One is the high price of land. Another reason is the change in family types. Throughout history it has been considered normal for various generations of the same family to share the family home all their lives. Today family models have changed. Nuclear families are usually reduced to just two generations, i.e., parents and children, and often homes are occupied only by couples or even sole individuals. The reduction in the home's surface area has led to a need to develop ways to integrate all of a space's necessary functions in a practical and cozy fashion. Design aspects can be considered when a home is still being planned, prior to the building and distribution of the rooms. This makes it possible to fit it out to make the mort of each of its features and apply optimal spatial solutions that match the need of the person who will inhabit it. Furniture is vital when it comes to small dwellings. Many manufacturers have now added a large number of items to their furniture collections that address space problems or combine various functions. The décor, which also includes the wall color as well as the flooring and ceiling, is another basic element that should be carefully considered in small spaces. Decorative elements are just as important, as they can be used to create a personal feel that responds to your own particular aesthetic taste. What you must remember is that, even though a home is small, there are many solutions and tricks to maximize its possibilities and achieve a modern, welcoming look.




Jan Van Imschoot. The End is Never Near

Un aperçu complet de l'oeuvre du peintre belge Jan Van Imschoot (1963, Gand, Belgique). Son travail s'articule autour de thèmes historiques de la littérature et de l'histoire de l'art, et jette des ponts avec des prédécesseurs tels que Caravage, Tintoret, Goya et Manet.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are getting married. Numéro 22

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are celebrating the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary. Numéro 15

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Littérature française

Road trip. Home is not where you come from. It is where you fit in.

D'abord, il y a cette fille solitaire, un peu paumée qui ne met d'énergie qu'à se saboter. Elle ne sait pas ce qu'elle veut, ne l'a jamais vraiment su. L'Amérique des livres et les grands espaces, l'attirent. Alors un jour, sur un coup de tête, elle se décide à partir en Road Trip. De l'autre côté de l'océan, il y a un type, un musicien peu bavard qui attire moins les cachets que la méfiance. Il porte toujours ce chapeau noir avec une plume de corbeau. Il passe le plus clair de son temps sur la route. Ils n'ont rien en commun, si ce n'est qu'elle semble voir des corbeaux partout depuis quelques temps... et pourtant. Leurs lignes de vie se croisent curieusement, avec ce goût doux-amer d'un quelque chose qui semble leur échapper. Nb : Une histoire, une main, deux plumes. Traduire, c'est trahir (Traduttore, traditore) disait déjà Du Bellay. Les dialogues de ce roman sont écrits en deux langues : le français et l'anglais, en fonction des lieux et des personnages tout au long de l'histoire. ILS NE SONT PAS TRADUITS. Un élan qui se veut refléter avec plus de fidélité la réalité des voyages et des rencontres en terres étrangères.




Jesus is back

Et si aujourd'hui, en 2021, un enfant se présentait au monde en tant que Jésus, Fils de Dieu ? Ca sèmerait fichtrement la zizanie chez ses fidèles, non ? Mais pourquoi d'abord reviendrait-il sur Terre ? Mais parce qu'il s'ennuie là-haut, que diable ! Les croyants l'ont emprisonné dans une image d'homme cloué sur une croix, et ça il ne le supporte plus. Alors, il a décidé de descendre de sa croix et de venir s'amuser ici-bas !
