



Beaux arts

Bourdichon's Boston Hours

This absorbing book explores the crown jewel of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's collection of rare books and manuscripts : Jean Bourdichon's Boston Hours. As court artist to King François I of France, Bourdichon produced paintings, books and even parade floats for the sovereign and his entourage. This publication accompanies the museum's first ever exhibition dedicated to this spectacular illuminated manuscript. Painter to two kings, Jean Bourdichon remains today one of the most celebrated artists of the French Renaissance. By age twenty-four, he was already serving as "peintre du roy, " a title which Bourdichon held for the rest of his life. His illustrious career at the French royal court led to a wide range of commissions- from portraits to wall maps to stained glass-but he is remembered principally for astonishing illuminated manuscripts. The peerless Grandes Heures for Queen Anne of Brittany remains the touchstone of this group which includes some of the most lavishly painted books of hours ever produced. One of these masterpieces-Bourdichon's Boston Hours-in the collection of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is the subject of this book. Bourdichon's only intact book of hours in the United States was acquired by Isabella Stewart Gardner in 1890 and became the crown jewel of her collection of rare books and manuscripts. Leading scholars Nicholas Herman and Anne-Marie Eze explore its history in depth, shedding new light on the book's patronage and provenance- from the shelves of a wealthy Catholic landowner in Lincolnshire to the shop of a Venetian art and antiques dealer. This book is the latest in the Gardner's Close Up series, each installment focusing on an individual, outstanding work of art in the collection. This publication is the first dedicated to this rare treasure, and precedes an exhibition opening in summer 2022.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

THE WOMAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. Alice Stewart and the secrets of radiation

THE WOMAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH tells the engaging life story of the epidemiologist whose discoveries about radiation risk have revolutionized medical practice and challenged international nuclear safety standards. For more than forty years, Dr. Alice Stewart has warned that tow-dose radiation is far more dangerous than has been acknowledged. Although an outstanding scientist with more than 400 peer-reviewed papers to her name, her controversial work has only recently begun to receive significant attention, because it lies at the center of a political storm. In the 1950s when doctors would routinely x-ray pregnant women, she began research at Oxford that led to the discovery that fetal x-rays doubted a child's risk of developing cancer. When she was in her seventies, she again astounded the scientific world by showing that the U.S. nuclear weapons industry was far more dangerous than commonly believed, a finding that embroiled her in an international controversy over radiation risk. In recent years, she has become one of a handful of independent scientists whose work is a lodestone to the antinuclear movement. In 1990, the New York Times called her "perhaps the Energy Department's most influential and feared scientific critic." The Woman Who Knew Too Much traces Dr. Stewart's life and career from her early childhood in Sheffield and medical education at Cambridge to her research positions at Oxford and the University of Birmingham, where she still maintains an office. The book joins a growing number of biographies of pioneering women scientists such as Barbara McClintock, Rosalind Franklin, and Lise Meitner and will find a wide range of appreciative readers, including those interested in the history of science and technology and of the history of women in science and medicine. Activists and policymakers will also find the story of Alice Stewart compelling reading.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Les Serpents de la Guyane française

Ce travail est une mise à jour de la systématique des ophidiens de Guyane française. 91 formes, toutes récoltées en Guyane française, appartenant à 90 espèces, 49 genres et 7 familles sont décrites. La tête de la plupart de ces espèces . est dessinée ainsi que le maxillaire de bon nombre d'entre elles. Pour chaque forme, il est précisé l'ensemble des caractères confirmant son identification. Les variations morphologiques rencontrées sont signalées, et les particularités proprement guyanaises soulignées. Plus de 20 espèces guyano-amazoniennes, susceptibles d'être rencontrées en Guyane française sont également mentionnées. 25 clés, toutes traduites en anglais, permettent de reconnaître les serpents non seulement de Guyane française, mais aussi des territoires limitrophes. Une étude écologique succincte, essentiellement sous forme de figures et de tableaux synoptiques, rassemble nos connaissances actuelles sur les espèces guyanaises. Un index de 3 pages et une bibliographie de 178 références sélectionnées complètent cette étude. This work is an up to date study on the taxonomy of Ophidians from French Guiana. Ninety one forms, all collected in French Guiana, belonging to 90 species, 49 genera and 7 families are described. The head for most of species has been drawn as well as the jaw for Many of them. For each form, the characters necessary for their identification are given. Morphological variations are noted and those pertaining to specimens from French Guiana listed. More than 20 species from the Amazon basin, which could also be collected in French Guiana, are described. Twenty five keys, both in French and English, enable snakes to be recognized not only from French Guiana but also from neighbouring territories. A brief ecological study, mainly in the form of figures and tables, gather together our knowledge of the guianese species. A 3 pages index and a bibliography with 178 selected references complete this study.



Autres langues

Japanese for busy people I. Revised edition

In the ten years since its publication, Japanese for Busy People has won acceptance worldwide as an effective, easy-to-understand textbook, either for classroom use or for independent study. In this new edition, numerous revisions and additions have been made, taking into account the comments and responses of both students and teachers who have been using the course. In Book 1, the revisions are directed at making the grammatical explanations easier to understand, while adding further explanations of points that students have difficulty with. Changes have also been made in favor of more natural practice sentences and dialogues. In addition, new appendices list the particles, interrogatives, and sentence patterns in the book, as well as the kanji introduced. More fundamental revisions have been made to Book II, which has been expanded and divided into two volumes, Book II and Book III. The changes result in a smoother transition from Book I, make new grammatical elements clearer, and present more natural practice dialogues and exercise sentences. This concise course in natural Japanese is ideal for such students as businessmen whose aim is a working knowledge of the spoken language in everyday life. "Survival Japanese for Adults," as it might be called, gets to the heart of the language without recourse to childish or classroom-only Japanese. Vocabulary and grammar have been limited to about one-third that usually encountered in beginner courses, and words and patterns that students will find immediately useful are emphasized. The thirty lessons are composed of dialogues, notes on grammar, and vocabulary, exercises, and quizzes. In addition to developing verbal fluency, by the time the student is one-third of the way through Book 1, he or she will have mastered the two phonetic syllabaries of Japanese, hiragana and katakana.



Fer forgé

Ancient Bronzes

This beautiful publication presents a collection of exquisite ancient bronzes from the Wadsworth Atheneum that were collected by John Pierpont Morgan. It accompanies aspecial exhibition of the bronzes at Bowdoin College. This fully illustrated catalogue presents highlights of the ancient bronzes that were collected by J. Pierpont Morgan and are currently in the collection of the Wadsworth Atheneum. Purchased between 1904 and 1916, the bronzes were given to the museum by Morgan's son in 1917. Morgan was a passionate collector and spent years of his life acquiring exquisite works of art. He had a discerning eye and discriminating taste, and his driving motivation was to find works of quality and beauty. His Greek and Roman bronzes include a range of figure and vessel types : males and females, gods and mortals, humans and animals and hybrid mythological creatures, free-standing statuettes, and furniture embellishments. This is the first exhibition and publication to consider the bronzes as a group. Morgan chose each work of art for its exquisite craftsmanship, its quality of composition and execution, and its preservation. These objects represent the very best of ancient Mediterranean bronze sculpture, with carefully rendered clothing, hair, and fur, and adorned with inlays of silver and other luxury materials. Showcasing different types of objects and figures that were made in bronze in the ancient world, this exhibition and book demonstrate the high level of quality that these works of art could achieve. The bronzes are important not only for their provenance and place in America's 'Gilded Age', but also as highly significant individual works of art that represent the best of ancient bronzeworking. New high-resolution photography of each work of art will allow readers to appreciate their intricate details of craftsmanship, including copper and silver inlay. This focused publication will also present current research on these exceptional objects to help readers better understand how they were made and what they represented in an ancient context.




Gustave Moreau. The Fables

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) is one of the most brilliant and enigmatic artists associated with the French Symbolist movement. This book accompanies an exhibition of some of the most extraordinary works he ever made, unseen in public for over a century. Moreau's watercolours of the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) were created between 1879 and 1885 for the art collector Antony Roux and their stylistic range encompasses historicism and the picturesque, orientalist fantasies and near-abstract chromatic experiments. They were exhibited to great acclaim in Paris in the 1880s and in London in 1886, where critics compared the artist to Edward Burne-Jones. One critic commented on Moreau's ' keen apprehension of the weird. ' There were originally 64 works in the series, which was subsequently acquired by Miriam Alexandrine de Rothschild (1884-1965), but nearly half were lost during the Nazi era. The surviving works have not been exhibited since 1906 and they have only ever been published in black and white. This book is the first to reproduce them in colour - many shown actual size. Created at the height of the French 19th-century revival of watercolour, the variety of subject matter and technique, their colouristic effects and the sophistication of Moreau's storytelling, will be a revelation to readers. Preparatory drawings for the Fables, including animal studies made from life in the Jardin des Plantes demonstrate the wide-ranging research that informed Moreau's visions. Prints after Moreau's Fables by Félix Bracquemond (1833-1914) translate the jewel-like colours into monochrome in some of the most innovative etchings of the age, while the most delicate effects of the watercolours were also transformed into vitreous enamels. In-depth accounts of each watercolour, explaining the story and exploring Moreau's response to it. The introduction will place the series in the long history of illustrations of La Fontaine's canonical work, whose sources include Aesop's fables and traditional European and Asian tales, as well as considering Moreau in the context of his own, turbulent, times.



Histoire de France

Christian Democrat Internationalism. Its Action in Europe and Worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s- Volume III: The European People’s Party- Continental and Social Cooperation

From September 2011 to December 2013 the Luigi Sturzo Institute in Rome along with the Centre of European Studies planned a series of international scientific meetings to study one highly important political subject : the commitment of Christian Democrats on an international level. This project has been organised thanks to the support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and the International Labour Organisation. Internationalism is a Key Element for the Christian Democrat Identity. In fact, CD is a political movement of thought and action whose roots lie in a specific ideology : to use the German word Weltanschauung, it is based on a particular framework of ideas and beliefs that leads the party to interpret the relationship between men and nations from an international point of view, ensuring the human being a central place in every social policy. The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, wrote in a Message to these Meetings : "We can consider ourselves very lucky that 50 years ago forward-thinking personalities founded the World Union of Christian Democrats. From then on, the world, through globalisation, has been deeply changed. Events that take place in other continents immediately impact on our lives. We will be able to protect ourselves from terrorism, achieve economic and social security, and defend our environment only through common global action. This is the task of our generation : to overcome these global challenges. [...] Our parties and our political organisations share a common Christian ideal of man. This ideal, grounded on the inalienability of human dignity, is at the core of one important value : to this man has linked a social and economic model that combines economic success and social responsibility." Her message clearly shows the need to use historical knowledge, to return to and explore a rich and challenging past as well as to develop a reflection on and a course of action for the present and the future.



Ouvrages généraux et thématiqu

Les réseaux de sociabilité dans la culture des Lumières : Circulations, échanges et transferts. Tome VIII

Ce volume de "Transversales" constitue le huitième volet des travaux de spécialistes des études sur le dix-huitième siècle français et britannique. Ces chercheurs tentent de redéfinir les modes opératoires de la sociabilité pour chacune des deux nations, à partir de sources célèbres ou méconnues, et s'interrogent sur la réalité de la supériorité du modèle français de la sociabilité. Le présent volume s'intéresse tout particulièrement à la circulation de ces modèles nationaux tout au long de réseaux familiaux, amicaux, marchands, savants ou encore diplomatiques qui ont le point commun de développer des formes de sociabilité fondées sur des échanges de nature conviviale ou encore sur un partage et une transmission de savoirs. Dans une aire géographique qui s'étend désormais à toute l'Europe ainsi qu'à ses colonies, cet ouvrage met au jour des phénomènes de transferts, d'échanges, de détournements et d'hybridation à travers une série d'études qui prennent en compte non seulement la dimension transnationale de la constitution des réseaux d'échanges mais aussi les parcours individuels. This volume is the eighth in the Transversales series published by a group of researchers of different nationalities on the topic of sociability in France and Britain during the Enlightenment. The research focuses on the extent to which a new model of sociability emerged in these nations during this period, and the similarities and differences between the ways this model developed on each side of the Channel. The present volume looks at the circulation of these national models along the lines of familial, friendship, trading, scholarly or diplomatic networks which all foster forms of sociability based on convivial exchanges and the sharing and transmission of knowledge. In a geographical area that now extends across Europe and towards its colonies, this book sheds light on modes of transfer, exchange, reappropriation and hybridisation through a series of case studies that highlight not only the transnational nature of these networks, but also individual trajectories.



Arts et traditions populaires


Aucun livre n'existe sur la fabrication de makhilas. Ce bâton mystérieux, bâton ferré de marche indissociable du pays basque. Un livre va désormais conserver la trace de ce savoir-faire mais surtout rendre hommage à ceux qui en furent ou en sont aujourd'hui les fabricants, et saluer le parcours du Maître d'art Xavier Retegui qui s'est engagé à transmettre son savoir et dont la grande générosité est un exemple à suivre pour tous les prétendants au titre de Maître d'art@font-face {font-family : Arial ; panose-1 : 2 11 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 ; mso-font-charset : 0 ; mso-generic-font-family : auto ; mso-font-pitch : variable ; mso-font-signature : -536859905 -1073711037 9 0 511 0 ; }@font-face {font-family : "Cambria Math" ; panose-1 : 2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4 ; mso-font-charset : 0 ; mso-generic-font-family : auto ; mso-font-pitch : variable ; mso-font-signature : -536870145 1107305727 0 0 415 0 ; }@font-face {font-family : SimSun ; mso-font-alt : ?? ; mso-font-charset : 134 ; mso-generic-font-family : auto ; mso-font-pitch : variable ; mso-font-signature : 3 135135232 16 0 262145 0 ; }p. MsoNormal, li. MsoNormal, div. MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide : no ; mso-style-qformat : yes ; mso-style-parent : "" ; margin : 0cm ; margin-bottom : . 0001pt ; text-align : justify ; text-justify : inter-ideograph ; mso-pagination : widow-orphan ; font-size : 11. 0pt ; mso-bidi-font-size : 12. 0pt ; font-family : Arial ; mso-fareast-font-family : SimSun ; mso-bidi-font-family : "Times New Roman" ; }. MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type : export-only ; mso-default-props : yes ; font-family : Cambria ; mso-ascii-font-family : Cambria ; mso-ascii-theme-font : minor-latin ; mso-fareast-font-family : "MS ?? " ; mso-fareast-theme-font : minor-fareast ; mso-hansi-font-family : Cambria ; mso-hansi-theme-font : minor-latin ; mso-bidi-font-family : "Times New Roman" ; mso-bidi-theme-font : minor-bidi ; mso-ansi-language : EN-GB ; }div. WordSection1 {page : WordSection1 ; }



Littérature française

Carnet de notes Canard à bec tâcheté

Anas poecilorhyncha : Le canard à bec tacheté est un oiseau d'eau douce qui vit au Pakistan et en Inde. Il habite de préférence dans des zones humides de taille moyenne, lacs ou marécages, abrités sous la végétation. Certains individus ont des comportements migratoires. De la taille d'un colvert, ce canard se distingue par son miroir (bande spéculaire sur les ailes) vert bordé de blanc, ainsi que son bec noir à la pointe jaune et aux taches rouge-orangé. Anas poecilorhyncha : The Indian spot-billed duck is a freshwater bird that lives in Pakistan and India. It preferably inhabits medium-sized wetlands, lakes or swamps, sheltered under the vegetation. Some individuals are migratory. The size of a mallard, the duck recognizable for its green and white-trimmed speculum (speckled band on the wings), as well as its black beak with yellow tip and red-orange spots. Le général Thomas Hardwicke (1756-1835) est un soldat et naturaliste anglais affecté en Inde entre 1777 et 1823. Il se consacre sur place à la recherche de spécimens d'espèces locales encore inconnues en Europe, qui seront ensuite dessinés par des artistes indiens. A son retour en Angleterre, Hardwicke avait rassemblé 4 500 illustrations, dont 202 qui seront sélectionnées par lui-même et son collaborateur J. E. Gray pour être publiées sous le titre Illustrations of Indian Zoology. Le livre a été publié entre 1830 et 1835 et ne contient que des illustrations, Hardwicke étant décédé avant la production de la partie textuelle. Major-General Thomas Hardwicke (1756-1835) was an English soldier and naturalist who was poste in India from 1777 to 1823. Aside from his military activities, he devoted himself to looking for specimens of local species which he afterwards asked Indian artists to draw and from which many were unknown until then. When he returned to England, Hardwicke had gathered 4, 500 illustrations, from which 202 were chosen by him and his collaborator J. E. Gray to be published under the title Illustrations of Indian Zoology. The book was published between 1830 and 1835 and contains only illustrations, Hardwicke having died before the textual part was produced. ?



Animaux, nature

Carnet Animal aquatique - Aigrette garze. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Ardea orientalis : L'aigrette garzette est un oiseau parfois migrateur que l'on rencontre en Europe du Sud, sur tout le pourtour méditerranéen, en Afrique, ainsi que dans tout le sud-est asiatique. Vivant en colonie, l'aigrette habite aussi bien les zones humides côtières aux eaux peu profondes, avec une prédilection pour les eaux saumâtres, que les lacs, les cours d'eau ou les marais. Blanche avec un bec noir légèrement gris bleuté, elle porte sur la nuque deux longues plumes fines - les "aigrettes" - en période nuptiale. Ardea orientalis : The Little Egret is a sometimes migratory bird found in Southern Europe, all around the Mediterranean rim, in Africa, as well as in all of Southeast Asia. Living in colonies, the egret inhabits coastal wetlands with shallow water, with a preference for brackish water, such as lakes, streams or marshes. White with a black slightly bluish grey beak, on its nape it has two long thin feathers - the "egrets" - during the breeding season". Le général Thomas Hardwicke (1756-1835) est un soldat et naturaliste anglais affecté en Inde entre 1777 et 1823. Il se consacre sur place à la recherche de spécimens d'espèces locales encore inconnues en Europe, qui seront ensuite dessinés par des artistes indiens. A son retour en Angleterre, Hardwicke avait rassemblé 4 500 illustrations, dont 202 qui seront sélectionnées par lui-même et son collaborateur J. E. Gray pour être publiées sous le titre Illustrations of Indian Zoology. Le livre a été publié entre 1830 et 1835 et ne contient que des illustrations, Hardwicke étant décédé avant la production de la partie textuelle. Major-General Thomas Hardwicke (1756-1835) was an English soldier and naturalist who was poste in India from 1777 to 1823. Aside from his military activities, he devoted himself to looking for specimens of local species which he afterwards asked Indian artists to draw and from which many were unknown until then. When he returned to England, Hardwicke had gathered 4, 500 illustrations, from which 202 were chosen by him and his collaborator J. E. Gray to be published under the title Illustrations of Indian Zoology. The book was published between 1830 and 1835 and contains only illustrations, Hardwicke having died before the textual part was produced. ?



Histoire de l'art

Titian, the Della Rovere Dynasty, and His Portrait of Guidobaldo II and his Son. Edition

Le portrait Klesch, par Titien, de Guidobaldo II avec son fils Francesco Maria représente le duc d'Urbino dans ses pleins pouvoirs de commandant suprême des troupes papales avec son héritier à ses côtés. Ce rare double portrait en pied vient seulement d'être attribué à Titien après avoir entrepris des analyses et une restauration minutieuses qui révèlent une belle peinture au style "non finito" avec de superbes touches d'empâtement totalement typiques au maître. Tout ceci est illustré et développé dans ce nouveau livre. Titian provided portraits for the greatest men and women of Europe, Charles V and Philip II of Spain primary among them. For years the Klesch portrait was dismissed as a workshop product - partly because poor condition hid its true quality, but also because it was not believed that Titian could have deigned to create one for Guidobaldo, whose father Guidobaldo della Rovere (1514-1574) and family had a long history of patronizing the artist. Recent research, however, has thrown Guidobaldo's geopolitical significance into relief. He was supreme commander of Venice, the Papal States and then Spain. He sent thousands of soldiers to the major conflicts of his day, particularly the defense of Malta (1565) and the Battle of Lepanto (1571) and his engineers were sought throughout Europe for their ingenuity. In this volume full of new research, Ian Verstegen reveals that Guidobaldo was not peripheral but central to Italian politics and was regarded at several points in history as a key figure who could bring peace or who could influence major conflicts on the Italian peninsula, particularly the War of Siena, and then Pope Paul IV's offensive war against Spain. Anne-Marie Eze gives the first comprehensive examination of the painting's provenance, outlining the portrait's vicissitudes and reception at different moments in its near 500-year history, reexamining received wisdom about its past ownership, and presenting new documentary evidence to expand on and fill gaps in our knowledge of its whereabouts. Finally, Matthew Hayes and Ian Kennedy reflect on the technique, date, recent conservation, and authorship of the painting, proving it to be a masterpiece that only the great Titian could have created.



Non classé


In his early twenties Goethe wrote Proserpina for the Weimar court singer Corona Schröter to perform. His interest in presenting Weimar's first professional singer-in-residence in a favourable light was not the only reason why this monologue with music (now lost) by Seckendorff is important. Goethe's memories of his sister Cornelia, who had recently died in childbirth, were in fact the real catalyst : through this work Goethe could level accusations against his parents about Cornelia's marriage, of which he had not approved. Goethe used the melodramatic form to transform private and cultural issues for women of the time into public discourses and so to manipulate public opinion. His work reveals an astute understanding of musical melodrama and the important impact it had on the cultural dynamics of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Whatever the source of inspiration, it is clear that Goethe was very preoccupied with Proserpina. When he returned to this melodrama forty years later he collaborated closely with Carl Eberwein, the court, theatre, and church music director, who composed a new setting which accords with Goethe's clear understanding of musical declamation in 19th century melodrama. In the intensive collaboration which took place while the production was being prepared in January 1815, Goethe was already anticipating the idea of a Gesamtkunstwerk. He paid close attention to every aspect of the production, especially to its music and its staging. When discussing contemporary settings of the poet's works, scholars often lapse into regret that Goethe did not have someone of comparable rank at his side for musical collaborations. Yet Eberwein's willingness to go along with Goethe's wishes was an advantage here : the selfless striving of the young composer to satisfy the poet's intentions is everywhere apparent in the score and it is the nearest thing we have to a ‘composition by Goethe'. Despite critics' positive reception of the first performance on 4 February 1815, the work has never been published before. Musically and dramatically this unknown melodrama is a superb work for solo voice, choir, and orchestra, and deserves to be brought before the public today.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Number from Ahmes to Cantor

We might take numbers and counting for granted, but we shouldn't. Our number literacy rests upon centuries of human effort, punctuated here and there by strokes of genius. In his successor and companion volume to Gnomon: From Pharaohs to Fractals, Midhat Gazalé takes us on a Journey from the ancient worlds of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Mayas, the Greeks, the Hindus, up to the Arab invasion of Europe and the Renaissance. Our guide introduces us to some of the most fascinating and ingenious characters in mathematical history, from Ahmes the Egyptian scribe (whose efforts helped preserve some of the mathematical secrets of the architects of the pyramids) through the modern era of Georg Cantor (the great nineteenth-century inventor of transfinite numbers). As he deftly blends together history, mathematics, and even some computer science in his characteristically compelling style, we discover the fundamental notions underlying the acquisition and recording of "number", and what "number" truly means. Gazalé tackles questions that will stimulate math enthusiasts in a highly accessible and inviting manner. What is a natural number? Are the decimal and binary systems the only legitimate ones? Did the Pythagorean theorem and the discovery of the unspeakable irrationals cost the unfortunate mathematician Hippasus his life? What was the Ladder of Theodorus of Cyrene and how did the ancient Greeks calculate square roots with such extraordinary proficiency? An original generalization of Euler's theorem is offered that explains the pattern of rational number representations. Later on, the field of Continued Fractions paves the way for another original contribution by Gazalé, that of cleavages, which sheds light on the mysterious nature of irrational numbers as it beautifully illustrates Dedekind's famous Schnitt. In the end the author introduces us to the Hilbert Hotel with its infinite number of rooms, guests, and an infinite number of people waiting to check in, where he sets the debate between Aristotle and Cantor about the true nature of infinity. This abundantly illustrated book, remarkable for its coherency and simplicity, will fascinate all those who have an interest in the world of numbers. Number will be indispensable for all those who enjoy mathematical recreations and puzzles, and for those who delight in numeracy.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Thinking about Physics

Physical scientists are problem solvers. They are comfortable "doing" science: they find problems, solve them, and explain their solutions. Roger Newton believes that his fellow physicists might be too comfortable with their roles as solvers of problems. He argues that physicists should spend more time thinking about physics. If they did, he believes, they would become even more skilled at solving problems and "doing" science. As Newton points out in this thought-provoking book, problem solving is always influenced by the theoretical assumptions of the problem solver. Too often, though, he believes, physicists haven't subjected their assumptions to thorough scrutiny. Newton's goal is to provide a framework within which the fundamental theories of modem physics can be explored, interpreted, and understood. "Surely physics is more than a collection of experimental results, assembled to satisfy the curiosity of appreciative experts," Newton writes. Physics, according to Newton, has moved beyond the describing and naming of curious phenomena, which is the goal of some other branches of science. Physicists have spent a great part of the twentieth century searching for explanations of experimental findings. Newton agrees that experimental facts are vital to the study of physics, but only because they lead to the development of a theory that can explain them. Facts, he argues, should undergird theory. Newton's explanatory sweep is both broad and deep. He covers such topics as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, field theory, thermodynamics, the role of mathematics in physics, and the concepts of probability and causality. For Newton the fundamental entity in quantum theory is the field, from which physicists can explain the particle-like and wave-like properties that are observed in experiments. He grounds his explanations in the quantum field. Although this is not designed as a standalone textbook, it is essential reading for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers. This is a clear, concise, up-to-date book about the concepts and theories that underlie the study of contemporary physics. Readers will find that they will become better-informed physicists and, therefore, better thinkers and problem solvers, too.




Des taurins et des hommes. Cameroun, Nigeria

Au Cameroun et au Nigeria, les taurins - petits bovins sans bosse - sont très minoritaires par rapport aux zébus. ils présentent pourtant l'avantage D'être mieux adaptés au milieu : résistants à la mouche tsé-tsé, ils pourraient aider à la mise en valeur des zones infestées et ils apparaissent dans certaines régions humides comme les seuls bovins aptes à favoriser l'inter-pénétration de l'agriculture et de l'élevage. Mais la relance de ces élevages, tant au Cameroun qu'au Nigeria, a toujours posé problème : l'imbrication du social, du religieux et du politique dont ils sont porteurs en fait des élevages archaïques. difficilement récupérables par les Sociétés villaGeoises contemporaines, et donc en voie d'extinction. La " laïcisation " du taurin et son introduction dans une économie de marché restent à faire. Cet ouvrage réunit des géographes, ethnologues, anthropologues, vétérinaires-zootechniciens. Il contribue à une meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement social des élevages, et apporte une description précise de ces animaux et de leur comportement : deux préalables nécessaires à l'identification de " nouveaux types d'éleveurs " et à la mise en œuvre de nouvelles pratiques zootechniques et sociales. In Cameroon and Nigerina, taurines - small humpless cattle -form a minority in comparison with zebu. Nevertheless, they are better suited to the environment. Taurines (Bos taurus) are resistant to tsetse fly and could help in the farming of infested zones and are the only cattle that can be reared it in combination with arable farming in certain wet regions However, relaunching taurine rearing in both Cameroon and Nigeria has always been a problem. The overlapping of the social religious and political spheres in which they are involved means that rearing is archaic, difficult to adopt by contemporary village societies and is therefore disappearing, The taurine remains to be rendered "secular" and incorporated in a market economy. Geographers, ethnologies, anthropologists and veterinary/zootechny specialists have contributed to this book. It provides better understanding of the social functioning of taurine rearing and a precise description of the cattle and their behaviour. The latter features are prerequisites for the identification of new types of animal farmers and the implementation of new zootechnical and social practices.



Histoire de la philosophie

Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism

The twelve lessons forming this volume were originally issued in the shape of monthly lessons, known as "The Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism" during a period of twelve months beginning with October 1904, and ending September 1905. We have been told, so often, that we must take certain things "on faith, " and that it was "no use bothering our minds concerning them, " but this is only a partial statement of truth, for the Intellect does give us a reliable report concerning the real nature of things. . ". New Thought proponents at the turn of the twentieth century sought to use mysticism to unleash the forces of the universe in themselves. One of the most influential thinkers of this early "New Age" philosophy promises here, in this 1904 book, to show the reader "to see with the clear vision of the Spirit" and how to "achieve the peace of the awakened and conscious soul". As the yogi reminds us, "No occult teaching is ever wasted-all bears fruit in its own good time". With this significant document of the New Thought movement back in print, now may be the time. Content : Lesson I. Light On The Path Lesson II. Some More Light On The Path Lesson III. Spiritual Consciousness Lesson IV. The Voice Of Silence Lesson V. Karma Yoga Lesson VI. Gnani Yoga Lesson VII. Bhakti Yoga Lesson VIII. Dharma Lesson IX. More About Dharma Lesson X. Riddle Of The Universe Lesson XI. Matter And Force Lesson XII. Mind And Spirit American writer WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON (1862-1932)-aka Yogi Ramacharaka-was born in Baltimore and had built up a successful law practice in Pennsylvania before professional burnout led him to the religious New Thought movement. He served as editor of the popular magazine New Thought from 1901 to 1905, and as editor of the journal Advanced Thought from 1916 to 1919. He authored dozens of New Thought books-including The Philosophies and Religions of India, Arcane Formula or Mental Alchemy and Vril, or Vital Magnetism-under numerous pseudonyms, some of which are likely still unknown today.



Tourisme étranger

Moroccan tracks Volume 11. The sagho djebel

The Sagho djebel is the eastern extension of the Anti-Atlas, a volcanic mountain with granitic mamelons, basaltic organs, chaos of black shales, pink sandstones... at the gates of the Sahara. As far as the eye can see, large wild, arid spaces. A desolate land made for the lonely DPM. And for a thousand miles around, silence is the only companion. Absolute plenitude and the desire to take to the track. From flat expanses to rolling hills, from sharp relief to steep canyons : pure, original nature. The character is strong, rustic but the heart is soft. The colours are soft and gentle. Ochre, pink, brown, violet, the colour chart stretches in a gradation of shimmering pastels, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming heat. Eldorado in the heart of the desert, rare are the oases ; modest green spots in the infinitely large, they are the reminders that we are on African soil. The wild charm of the Sagho is due to its exceptional geology : high cliffs and steep peaks, tabular escarpments and deep canyons in the middle of which caravans of camels and mules circulate. When you arrive on these immense plateaus, the lunar horizon is so vast that you want to go everywhere at once to see if it is really as beautiful elsewhere ! The Sagho also surprises by the richness of its lights : limpid like those of the nearby Sahara, or sometimes in half-tone, as in the neighbouring Dades valley. The Sagho is also the Morocco of the last Berber nomads, descendants of the ancient lords Aït Atta. In autumn, after leaving the snows of the High Atlas, they set up their dark wool tents on the slopes of the jebel until spring. They can neither read nor write, but they are sure of their way through the Atlas Mountains and the Moroccan desert. In the Sagho, they have built houses of unbaked stone, dug wells, planted almond trees, grown wheat, barley and various vegetables. Others built herds of goats and sheep, and caravans of camels. Most of them are now sedentary, semi-nomadic or nomadic...




Hardy's Wessex. The landscapes that inspired a writer

This fascinating book tells the story of Thomas Hardy's Wessex. Accompanying a multi-venue exhibition, it explores Hardy's life and work. Internationally-acclaimed writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is best known for his evocative depictions of the West Country landscape and its people, a region that he called 'Wessex'. What is less well-known is that this landscape also inspired him in many other aspects of his life, from campaigning for animal welfare to questioning the way society viewed women. This publication accompanies a blockbuster, multi-venue exhibition of the largest collection of Thomas Hardy memorabilia ever to be displayed at once. Hardy was born in the West Country, a few years after Queen Victoria came to the throne, and spent most of the rest of his life among its landscapes and people. When he turned writer, these landscapes and people re-emerged as his 'partly-real, partlydream country' of Wessex, in novels like Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Far from the Madding Crowd and Jude the Obscure. 'Hardy's Wessex' now conjures up a range of mental images : from raging seas on the coast to haunting ancient monuments, Victorian towns packed with life to peaceful hillsides grazed by sheep. However, through Hardy's 87-year life span, the West Country changed dramatically. Ideas of the role of women, humans' responsibility to animals, the realities of war, love and courtship, superstition, social structure, religion and how people related to the world around them altered fundamentally. Through his stories and campaigning, Hardy was keen to show not only the rural idyll, but also the tensions and diffi culties that lay beneath these views. These dramatic landscapes were the lens through which Hardy presented his worldview to his readership. From the tragedy of a woman saying farewell to her sailorlover on the end of Portland Bill, to a shepherd losing his flock and facing ultimate ruin on the chalky hills. The landscapes shape his characters, whose stories in turn convey his messages of social change to his readers. This publication will explore the impact that Wessex had on Hardy's works, and how living there shaped his views on the often divisive social issues of the period. Uniting beautiful landscape imagery with a selection of personal items from Hardy's life, this book will show you the man behind the literature.




A Tale of Two Monkeys. Adventures in the Art World

Anthony Speelman is the doyen of English art dealers specializing in Dutch Golden Age art. Vividly written and handsomely illustrated, his memoirs offer fascinating insight into the sometimes secretive world of Old Masters. This book will appeal not only to dealers, collectors and others in the fine art world, but also to would-be collectors eager for a glimpse behind the curtain. These memoirs cover a lifetime of dealing in Old Masters at the very highest level. Speelman's career started under the guidance of his father Edward, whose own biography has much to tell. Over the years, Speelman has sold paintings to many of the world's greatest collectors, including Norton Simon, Paul Mellon, Baron Thyssen, Harold Samuel, Charles Clore and the Wrightsmans in New York, along with world renowned museums such as the Getty, the Louvre and the National Gallery, London, among many others. He writes about his encounters with these eminent bodies in a light-hearted style, sometimes amusing, always extremely interesting - including an anecdote about a recent meeting with a Chinese billionaire with a penchant for fine wine. The two monkeys in the title refer to two paintings of a monkey holding a peach by George Stubbs, the outstanding English animal painter. Anthony describes how he discovered one of these masterpieces as a 'sleeper' in a Sotheby's sale. Early in his career Anthony's rooms in Piccadilly were broken into and a number of paintings stolen, including a George Stubbs painting of a spaniel. An intriguing tale follows, ending with the paintings recovered some eighteen months later after a failed blackmail attempt on the part of the thieves. Amongst his accomplishments, Speelman was for many years chairman of the vetting committee at the annual Maastricht art fair. He describes the working of the committees which ensure that all works exhibited are correctly described. Still active in the art world, he is currently chairman of the vetting committee of the prestigious annual Masterpiece art fair in London. Other chapters detail Speelman's travels to California, New York and Paris, his interest in gastronomy and his thrilling adventures in the world of horseracing. The book is beautifully illustrated with examples of works that have passed through the author's hands. The wide range of illustrations is not limited to Dutch art and includes works by Canaletto, Stubbs, Raphael, Tiepolo, Melendez and other Old Masters.



Littérature étrangère


L’histoire se déroule dans l’Amérique des années 1950, encore frappée par la ségrégation. Dans une Amérique où le « White only » ne s’applique pas qu’aux restaurants ou aux toilettes, mais à la musique, au cinéma, à la culture populaire. L’Amérique de Home est au bord de l’implosion et bouillonne, mais c’est ici la violence contre les Noirs américains, contre les femmes qui s’exprime. Les grands changements amorcés par le rejet du Maccarthisme, par la Fureur de vivre ou le déhanché d’Elvis n’ont pas encore commencés. En effet, les Noirs Américains sont brimés et subissent chaque jour le racisme et la violence institutionnalisés par les lois Jim Crow, qui distinguent les citoyens selon leur appartenance « raciale ». Pour eux, le moindre déplacement, même le plus simple, d’un état à l’autre, devient une véritable mission impossible. En réponse à cette oppression, l’entraide et le partage – facilités par l’utilisation du Negro Motorist Green Book de Victor H. Green qui répertorie les restaurants et hôtels accueillant les noirs dans différents états – sont au coeur des relations de cette communauté noire dans une Amérique à la veille de la lutte pour les droits civiques. La guerre de Corée vient à peine de se terminer, et le jeune soldat Frank Money rentre aux Etats-Unis, traumatisé, en proie à une rage terrible qui s’exprime aussi bien physiquement que par des crises d’angoisse. Il est incapable de maintenir une quelconque relation avec sa fiancée rencontrée à son retour du front et un appel au secours de sa jeune soeur va le lancer sur les routes américaines pour une traversée transatlantique de Seattle à Atlanta, dans sa Géorgie natale. Il doit absolument rejoindre Atlanta et retrouver sa soeur, très gravement malade. Il va tout mettre en oeuvre pour la ramener dans la petite ville de Lotus, où ils ont passé leur enfance. Lieu tout autant fantasmé que détesté, Lotus cristallise les démons de Frank, de sa famille. Un rapport de haine et d’amour, de rancoeur pour cette ville qu’il a toujours voulu quitter et où il doit revenir. Ce voyage à travers les États-Unis pousse Frank Money à se replonger dans les souvenirs de son enfance et dans le traumatisme de la guerre ; plus il se rapproche de son but, plus il (re)découvre qui il est, mieux il apprend à laisser derrière lui les horreurs de la guerre afin de se reconstruire et d’aider sa soeur à faire de même.


Réseaux informatiques

Windows Server 2019. Les bases indispensables pour administrer et configurer votre serveur, 2e édition

Ce livre sur Windows Server 2019 est destiné aux administrateurs système ou aux techniciens en informatique qui souhaitent se former sur cette version du système d'exploitation serveur de Microsoft ou mettre à jour leurs connaissances par rapport aux anciennes versions. Il est composé de parties théoriques toujours complétées de parties pratiques permettant de mettre en place les solutions étudiées. Après avoir bien identifié les différents rôles et les fonctionnalités offertes par le système d'exploitation, l'auteur présente Hyper-V (la mémoire vive, les différents types de disques, les snapshots...) puis le redimensionnement d'un fichier vhd, et enfin les nouveautés en termes de sécurité. Cet apport théorique permet la création d'une maquette (ou bac à sable) composée de machines virtuelles exécutant Windows Server 2019 et Windows 10. L'auteur présente ensuite les services Active Directory afin de permettre aux personnes débutantes d'appréhender le vocabulaire utilisé pour Active Directory. Les sites AD, la réplication, le catalogue global sont autant de paramètres étudiés. Le lecteur réalisera la promotion d'un serveur en tant que contrôleur de domaine et en tant que RODC (Read Only Domain Controller) et découvrira le clonage d'un contrôleur de domaine virtuel ou encore Azure AD et le fonctionnement de Azure AD Join. La console Gestionnaire de serveur et certaines de ses fonctionnalités, les containers, la mise en place de Windows Admin Center, ainsi que les objets Active Directory comme la corbeille AD sont également expliqués. Dans les chapitres qui suivent, les services DHCP sont traités (haute disponibilité, administration à l'aide de PowerShell...), ainsi que les services réseau, l'implémentation d'un serveur DNS et d'un serveur de fichiers ou encore la mise en place d'un espace de noms DFS. Enfin les derniers chapitres auront pour sujet la mise en place, la gestion et le dépannage des stratégies de groupe, la sécurité avec notamment la mise en place d'une stratégie de mot de passe affinée, la mise en place d'un serveur de déploiement (capture des données d'une partition ou création d'un fichier de réponse), l'installation d'un serveur WSUS ainsi que les outils permettant la gestion et la surveillance du serveur et la présentation du langage PowerShell. Tout au long de ce livre sur Windows Server, l'auteur a mis l'accent sur PowerShell : plusieurs ateliers sont réalisés uniquement en PowerShell. Des éléments complémentaires sont en téléchargement sur le site



Sciences de la terre et de la

Cuckoos, Cowbirds and Other Cheats

Cuckoos and cowbirds are amongst the select bird groups renowned as professional parasites, who always lay their eggs in the nests of other species. Occasional parasitic laying is also widespread in many other birds, who gladly parasitise the nests of their own kind when the opportunity arises. In this fascinating new book, Nick Davies describes the natural histories of all the brood parasites and examines the exciting questions they raise about the evolution of cheating and the arms race between parasites and their hosts. Brood parasites fill their armoury with adaptations including exquisite egg mimicry, rapid laying, ejection of host eggs, murder of host young, chick mimicry and manipulative begging behaviour: ploys shown by recent research to have evolved in response to host defence behaviour or through competition among the parasites themselves. While many host species appear defenceless, accepting parasite eggs quite unlike their own, others are more discriminating against odd-looking eggs and some have evolved the ability to discriminate against odd-looking chicks as well. How does this arms race proceed? Will defenceless hosts improve their armoury in time, or are there sometimes constraints on hosts which allow the parasites to gain the upper hand? And why are so few species obliged only to lay eggs in host nests? Have host defences limited the success of brood parasitism, or is it in fact much commoner than we suspect, but occurring mainly when birds parasitise the nests of their own kind? All of these puzzles are examined in descriptions of the natural history of each of the groups of parasites in turn. Here is a book with wide appeal, both to amateur naturalists fascinated by this most singular and macabre of behaviours and to ornithologists and ecologists interested in the evolution of ecology and behaviour. The story takes us from the strange tales of folklore to the classic field work earlier this century by pioneer ornithologists such as Edgar Chance, Stuart Baker, Herbert Friedmann and others, through to the recent experimental field work and molecular techniques of today's leading scientists. We visit brood parasites in Europe, Asia, Japan, Africa, Australasia, and North and South America, to look at some of the world's most interesting birds and sortie of biology's most interesting questions, many of which still beg answers from ornithologists in the future. Brilliant illustrations by David Quinn depict many behaviours for the first time and convey the thrill of watching these astonishing birds in the wild.




Foundation Course for Advanced Computer Studies

In the modern world, computer systems are playing a greater and greater part in everyday life. From office work, to entertainment, to providing information, the personal computer is quickly becoming a more integral part of the home. However, most PC users have no idea how most of the parts which make up their computer work internally. I am one of those who find that the framework provided by the school curriculum in the United Kingdom is of great assistance in planning lessons and learning plans but the curriculum does not plan out the work for us. We therefore need to invest a lot of time and effort into developing schemes of work that will suit the people we are going to teach. For me, it is a fantastic opportunity to employ our imagination and creativity to make lessons useful and interesting for children of different abilities. It is why I wrote this book. This book is a foundation course for Advanced Computer Studies and designed as a blueprint to teach users with a basic knowledge of computer science. Computer science is a subject that combines the use of technology which is ICT (Information Communication Technology) and the creation of technology. To use ICT (the subject about how to use technology to communicate information) more effectively, we need to know how technology works. Computing or computer science will create a generation of young people able to work at the forefront of technology change. It is the umbrella term for the subject that comprises 3 elements : computer science, information technology and digital literacy. It is helpful to think of these as the foundations, applications and implications of digital technology. The new focus on computer science will provides a well-defined and rigorous academic discipline and a unique lens through which pupils can understand the world. Children must therefore be taught computing if they are to be ready for tomorrow technology challenges. Our ingenuity to invent new means of communicating with each other, our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries however still a lot remain to be done with the arrival of quantum computing. A more rigorous approach to computer science teaching will help compete across the full spectrum of digital industries. This can only be achieved by equipping ourselves with the foundation skills, knowledge and understanding of computing do the necessity to introduce "computational thinking" at school via the new national curriculum (programmes of study and targets), the 2014 national curriculum that introduces computing which will replace ICT.




L’ombre de Proust et de Faulkner dans la littérature de langue française (XXe-XXIe siècles)

Proust et Faulkner, grands romanciers du temps, de la mémoire, de la sensation, et grands inventeurs de formes, sont des références majeures de la modernité, qui ont influencé nombre d'écrivains de langue française, des années 1930 à nos jours. @font-face {font-family : Helvetica; panose-1 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset : 0; mso-generic-font-family : auto; mso-font-pitch : variable; mso-font-signature : -536870145 1342208091 0 0 415 0;}@font-face {font-family : "Cambria Math"; panose-1 : 2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset : 0; mso-generic-font-family : roman; mso-font-pitch : variable; mso-font-signature : -536870145 1107305727 0 0 415 0;}@font-face {font-family : Calibri; panose-1 : 2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset : 0; mso-generic-font-family : swiss; mso-font-pitch : variable; mso-font-signature : -536859905 -1073732485 9 0 511 0;}p. MsoNormal, li. MsoNormal, div. MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide : no; mso-style-qformat : yes; mso-style-parent : ""; margin : 0cm; mso-pagination : widow-orphan; font-size : 12. 0pt; font-family : "Calibri", sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family : "Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-font-family : "Times New Roman";}. MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type : export-only; mso-default-props : yes; font-size : 10. 0pt; mso-ansi-font-size : 10. 0pt; mso-bidi-font-size : 10. 0pt; font-family : "Calibri", sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family : Calibri; mso-hansi-font-family : Calibri;}div. WordSection1 {page : WordSection1;} Certains écrivains apparaissent comme des inspirateurs plus essentiels que d'autres pour les générations suivantes. Tels sont Proust et Faulkner, grands romanciers du temps, de la mémoire, de la sensation, mais aussi grands inventeurs de formes. Leur fortune fut pourtant différente, le premier étant, dans les années 1930 et l'après-guerre, largement déclaré obsolète, bourgeois, voire snob, et n'obtenant sa pleine reconnaissance qu'à partir des années 1970, quand le second était sacré, dès la traduction de Sanctuaire en 1933, et plus encore après 1945, comme la figure majeure du roman américain contemporain, capable de révolutionner la pratique romanesque en la sortant de l'ornière bourgeoise et psychologique. Cependant, ils finirent par se rejoindre comme des références majeures de la modernité, l'un et l'autre révélateurs des pouvoirs de la littérature et de ses perspectives de renouvellement. Les études réunies dans ce numéro abordent certains aspects et figures de ce double héritage, sans prétendre à l'exhaustivité, mais en s'attachant à cerner cette ombre portée de Proust et de Faulkner, à la fois inspiratrice et tutélaire, comme une présence-absence qui hante notre littérature.



Objets d'art, collection

The Wider Goldsmiths' Trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London

The Wider Goldsmiths' Trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London is the first book to study all aspects of the Goldsmiths' trade. It challenges the assumption that the manufacture of silver plate and gold jewellery was the company's only activity during the seventeenth century. It considers allied trades such as refining, wiredrawing, and the making of small-swords and watches, as well as the development of the modern banking system. On Elizabeth I's accession, England was essentially a 'third world economy', with exports mainly of wool, unfinished woolen cloth and some minerals, whilst imports consisted of a great range of goods including luxuries such as silks, fine linens, and even scissors. By the end of the seventeenth century, the situation was transformed : a burgeoning maritime trade with many parts of the world enabled the import of raw materials as well as some luxury goods and a wide range of exports which included certain goods produced in London with an international reputation for quality, such as beaver hats and mathematical instruments. Throughout the period, religious refugees and economic migrants brought their skills and knowledge to England. At the Restoration, Royalists returning to London from the Continent introduced French and Low Country fashions in dress, manners, cuisine and dining practice. Refining, wiredrawing, and the making of plate, smallwares and jewellery were at the heart of the trade and of concern to the Goldsmiths' Company that had responsibility for ensuring that the correct alloys were used for silver and gold wares. This was not always the case for clocks, watches and swords. Nevertheless, they are included in this study as several members of the Company were instrumental in the development of clock and watch making in the city. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, the great increase in the sale of watches with gold and silver cases forced the Company to become involved in the control of this trade. Similarly, after the Civil Wars, the wearing of the small-sword by all those with aspirations to gentility gave rise to a demarcation dispute between the Goldsmiths' and Cutlers' Companies. Further, during the Commonwealth, goldsmith-bankers developed the clearing system which led to modern retail banking. This book considers the wider Goldsmiths' trade against dynamic changes : the organization and control of its branches and the design, manufacture and sale of its wares. The twelve chapters cover a range of topics - from history and context, to the various branches of the trade.



Réseaux informatiques

Windows Server 2022. Les bases indispensables pour administrer et configurer votre serveur

Ce livre sur Windows Server 2022 est destiné aux administrateurs système ou aux techniciens en informatique qui souhaitent se former sur cette version du système d'exploitation serveur de Microsoft ou mettre à jour leurs connaissances par rapport aux anciennes versions. Il est composé de parties théoriques toujours complétées de parties pratiques permettant de mettre en place les solutions étudiées. Après avoir bien identifié les différents rôles et les fonctionnalités offertes par le système d'exploitation, l'auteur présente Hyper-V (la mémoire vive, les différents types de disques, les snapshots...) puis le redimensionnement d'un fichier vhd, et enfin les nouveautés en termes de sécurité. Cet apport théorique permet la création d'une maquette (ou bac à sable) composée de machines virtuelles exécutant Windows Server 2022 et Windows 10. L'auteur présente ensuite les services Active Directory afin de permettre aux personnes débutantes d'appréhender le vocabulaire utilisé pour Active Directory. Les sites AD, la réplication, le catalogue global sont autant de paramètres étudiés. Le lecteur réalisera la promotion d'un serveur en tant que contrôleur de domaine et en tant que RODC (Read Only Domain Controller) et découvrira le clonage d'un contrôleur de domaine virtuel ou encore Azure AD et le fonctionnement de Azure AD Join. La console Gestionnaire de serveur et certaines de ses fonctionnalités, les containers, la mise en place de Windows Admin Center, ainsi que les objets Active Directory comme la corbeille AD sont également expliqués. L'aspect sécurité est également traité avec la mise en place de BitLocker ainsi que de l'outil PingCastle. Dans les chapitres qui suivent, les services DHCP sont traités (haute disponibilité, administration à l'aide de PowerShell...), ainsi que les services réseau, l'implémentation d'un serveur DNS et d'un serveur de fichiers ou encore la mise en place d'un espace de noms DFS. La mise en place d'une autorité de certification racine et intermédiaire est étudiée. Enfin, les derniers chapitres auront pour sujet la mise en place, la gestion et le dépannage des stratégies de groupe, la mise en place d'une stratégie de mot de passe affinée, la mise en place d'un serveur de déploiement (capture des données d'une partition ou création d'un fichier de réponse), l'installation d'un serveur WSUS ainsi que les outils permettant la gestion et la surveillance du serveur et la présentation du langage PowerShell. La sécurisation des DNS à l'aide de la fonctionnalité DNS Over HTTPS, nouveauté de Windows Server 2022, est également abordée. L'auteur aborde également la gestion des serveurs OnPrem avec Azure ARC. Tout au long de ce livre sur Windows Server, l'auteur a mis l'accent sur PowerShell : plusieurs ateliers sont réalisés uniquement en PowerShell. Des éléments complémentaires sont en téléchargement sur le site www. editions-eni. fr.




A la piscine

"Il apparaît comme une urgence de reconsidérer cet oeuvre étrange et si singulier. Redonner à voir, remettre en lumière cette expérience troublante de la peinture (. .), ce curieux rapport au corps vivant (. .)". (Bruno Gaudichon). A l'automne 2021 le musée La Piscine - Musée d'art et d'industrie André Diligent à Roubaix, présente une exposition réunissant des peintures à huile sur toile et des dessins de Susanne Hay (1962-2004) provenant de la succession de l'artiste et de collections privées, pour la plupart parisiennes. Trois toiles proviennent de Berlin et de Stuttgart. Le catalogue présente 20 peintures et dessins sélectionnés parmi une oeuvre globale de l'artiste d'environ 230 toiles et 200 dessins. Il se concentre sur les séries consacrées directement par l'artiste au thème du rapport à l'eau, soit : - "Les Piscines" - "Les Salles de bains" et les "Douches" @font-face {font-family : Arial ; panose-1 : 2 11 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 ; mso-font-charset : 0 ; mso-generic-font-family : auto ; mso-font-pitch : variable ; mso-font-signature : -536859905 -1073711037 9 0 511 0 ; }@font-face {font-family : Arial ; panose-1 : 2 11 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 ; mso-font-charset : 0 ; mso-generic-font-family : auto ; mso-font-pitch : variable ; mso-font-signature : -536859905 -1073711037 9 0 511 0 ; }@font-face {font-family : Cambria ; panose-1 : 2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4 ; mso-font-charset : 0 ; mso-generic-font-family : auto ; mso-font-pitch : variable ; mso-font-signature : -536870145 1073743103 0 0 415 0 ; }@font-face {font-family : "Palatino Linotype" ; panose-1 : 2 4 5 2 5 5 5 3 3 4 ; mso-font-charset : 0 ; mso-generic-font-family : auto ; mso-font-pitch : variable ; mso-font-signature : -536870265 1073741843 0 0 415 0 ; }@font-face {font-family : SimSun ; mso-font-alt : ?? ; mso-font-charset : 134 ; mso-generic-font-family : auto ; mso-font-pitch : variable ; mso-font-signature : 3 135135232 16 0 262145 0 ; }p. MsoNormal, li. MsoNormal, div. MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide : no ; mso-style-qformat : yes ; mso-style-parent : "" ; margin : 0cm ; margin-bottom : . 0001pt ; text-align : justify ; text-justify : inter-ideograph ; mso-pagination : widow-orphan ; font-size : 11. 0pt ; mso-bidi-font-size : 12. 0pt ; font-family : Arial ; mso-fareast-font-family : SimSun ; mso-bidi-font-family : "Times New Roman" ; }. MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type : export-only ; mso-default-props : yes ; font-family : Cambria ; mso-ascii-font-family : Cambria ; mso-ascii-theme-font : minor-latin ; mso-fareast-font-family : "MS ?? " ; mso-fareast-theme-font : minor-fareast ; mso-hansi-font-family : Cambria ; mso-hansi-theme-font : minor-latin ; mso-bidi-font-family : "Times New Roman" ; mso-bidi-theme-font : minor-bidi ; mso-ansi-language : EN-GB ; }div. WordSection1 {page : WordSection1 ; }




Chasse au trésor. 70 disques des 70's à côté desquels vous êtes peut-être passés...

Vous êtes fan de Classic Rock, vous possédez tout sur les grands groupes des années 70, sur ses grands mouvements musicaux et vous vous tenez devant votre collection de disques en vous demandant s'il ne vous manque rien, si vous n'êtes pas passé à côté de quelque chose ? Ou vous connaissez quelqu'un qui correspond trait pour trait à cette description. Alors, ce livre est pour vous ou pour lui ! Loin des anthologies traditionnelles qui vous présentent, sous diverses formes, la sélection des meilleurs disques de Rock de l'histoire, loin des listes habituelles des albums essentiels les plus célèbres mais dont, tout compte fait, vous possédez déjà les trois quarts, je vous propose de vous pencher sur certaines zones d'ombre du Rock des 70's et de, peut-être, découvrir de nouveaux disques formidables, liés de près ou de loin à vos groupes favoris. Une façon amusante de poursuivre votre insatiable quête, de compléter votre collection, d'ouvrir de nouvelles portes et de vous donner une excuse pour acheter quelques nouvelles galettes. Que demandez de plus... Vous hésitez, vous voulez quelques exemples ? Vous êtes fan des Beatles et, depuis leur séparation, vous rêviez d'une reformation... Saviez-vous que l'on retrouvait les quatre membres du groupe sur un album solo de Ringo Starr ? Vous êtes fan des Rolling Stones et vous pourchassez la moindre chanson inédite du groupe... Saviez-vous que Keith Richards en avait offert deux à Ron Wood pour son premier album solo sur lequel Mick Jagger lui avait écrit le refrain d'une autre en échange de l'exclusivité de la création de "It's Only Rock'n'Roll" et que Mick Taylor jouait aussi sur cet album plus Stones que Faces ? Vous êtes fan de Led Zeppelin. Saviez-vous que Jimmy Page jouait déjà plusieurs chansons de ce groupe alors qu'il était toujours dans les Yardbirds ? Un album live rare en apporte la preuve ! Vous êtes fan de Bruce Springsteen, pour vous c'est lui le Boss et nul autre... Saviez-vous qu'il joue sur un album de Lou Reed et qu'il a collaboré à plusieurs albums de son ami Southside Johnny ? Vous êtes incollable sur les super-groupes des 70's. Connaissiez-vous Go, qui rassemblait Steve Winwood, Klaus Schulze, Al Di Meola, Pat Thrall, Michael Shrieve autour du japonais Stomu Yamashta ? Vous voudriez découvrir de nouveaux disques, des artistes ou des groupes à côté desquels vous seriez passé et qui n'ont pas acquis le statut d'oeuvre essentielle ? Jetez une oreille sur le dernier album de Mott (The Hoople) ou sur le premier de Mick Ronson (avec une chanson inédite de David Bowie). Connaissez-vous les trésors qui peuplent la discographie d'Elliott Murphy, de Tommy Bolin, de David Crosby, de Steve Harley ou du Sensational Alex Harvey Band ? Que savez-vous de Paris, des groupes français ou de Skryvania (le Lp collector Rock français le plus cher sur le marché) ? Bref, un autre voyage dans l'histoire du Rock vue par le petit bout de la lorgnette...




Klimonas. Un village néolithique pré-céramique ancien à Chypre, Textes en français et anglais

Klimonas An Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Village in Cyprus Un village néolithique pré-céramique ancien à Chypre Klimonas is the oldest Mediterranean island village. Occupied ca. 8 800 cal BC, it postpones by several centuries the Neolithic presence in Cyprus, at that time located more than 80 km offshore. The village extended over more than 5, 500 mC, facing the sea, 2 km from the famous pre-pottery site of Shillourokambos and near rich flint outcrops. Excavations (2009-2016) revealed that it was composed of circular or oval earthen buildings 3-6 m in diameter, notched into the slope, modestly fitted out and organised around a semi-buried 10 m communal building. The construction techniques, the abundance of either knapped or polished stone material, together with ornaments, symbolic objects, and plants and animal remains, as well as the 52 radiometric dates, point to the end of the Levantine Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA). The presence of a communal building, rebuilt numerous times over the course of several decades, also points to the same conclusion. The villagers gathered seeds and fruits and cultivated wild starch and einkorn, recently imported from the continent. They primarily hunted small endemic wild boar, the only large mammal species attested on the island at that time and, secondarily, birds. They did not eat fish or marine shellfish. Domestic dogs, mice and cats brought from the continent also lived in the village. The remains of this cultivator-hunter community testify to the early extension of the Near Eastern Neolithic and to unsuspected seafaring skills, substantially improving our knowledge of the Neolithic transition in the Mediterranean. Klimonas est le plus ancien village insulaire de Méditerranée. Occupé autour de 8 800 av. n. è. , il recule de plusieurs siècles le début de la présence néolithique à Chypre, à cette époque déjà située à plus de 80 km du continent. Le village s'étendait sur 5 500 mC au moins, face à la mer, à 2 km du célèbre site pré-céramique de Shillourokambos et au contact de riches sources de silex. Les fouilles (2009-2016) ont montré qu'il était composé d'édifices de terre crue (bauge) de 3 à 6 m de diamètre, circulaires ou ovalaires, encochés dans la pente, modestement aménagés, organisés autour d'un bâtiment communautaire semi-enterré de 10 m de diamètre. Les techniques de construction, l'abondant mobilier de pierre taillée, le macro-outillage, les parures et objets symboliques, les restes de plantes et les ossements animaux, tout comme les 52 datations radiométriques renvoient à la fin du Néolithique pré-céramique A levantin (PPNA). La présence d'un bâtiment communautaire, plusieurs fois reconstruit en quelques décennies, le confirme. Les villageois pratiquaient la cueillette et cultivaient l'amidonnier et l'engrain sauvages, récemment importés du continent. Ils chassaient un petit sanglier endémique, seule espèce de grand mammifère attestée sur l'île à cette époque, et, secondairement, des oiseaux. Poissons et coquillages marins n'étaient pas consommés. Des chiens domestiques, des souris et des chats de souche continentale vivaient dans le village. Les vestiges de cette communauté d'agriculteurs-chasseurs témoignent de l'extension précoce du premier Néolithique du Proche-Orient et d'une maîtrise insoupçonnée de la navigation. Il enrichit de manière substantielle nos connaissances sur la transition néolithique en Méditerranée.
