
The Complete tales from the Otherlands Tome 3




Everyday Men

This study is about everyday men. They are approached through a unique marriage of biblical theology and empirical research which gives birth to a missionary challenge. Part One attempts to build a theological foundation for looking at people from the aspect of belief and unbelief. It sees this distinction as a crucial theme in the biblical material which remains relevant to men everywhere. The author discovers five elements of Christian belief in the biblical material while unbelief spans the five elements by its void, denial, or choice of an alternative. Part Two starts with a random sample, in-depth interview of fifty men in a "working-class" area of Birmingham, England. The interviews attempt to discover the nature and saliency of the men's belief and unbelief in the Christian faith. The analysis stresses the qualitative response with the emphasis on listening to the men describe their lives, values, beliefs, and lack of beliefs in their own words. The findings are also compared to other related studies, prompting some conclusions regarding the meaning of these findings. The author attempts to bring the biblical material to bear on the findings about ordinary people and asks whether they can be described as believers or unbelievers. From this starting point, it becomes obvious that the scope of unbelief is very broad. Part Three takes the understanding of God's Word and men's words and moves toward a missiological goal of approaching unbelievers with a gospel for today. It sees both the content and context of the gospel as important. The cultural problem is briefly considered and specific approaches are suggested in relation to the climate of unbelief in "working-class" English culture.



Livres 0-3 ans

The discovery of magic

Queen Vispa and King Dungammei are the beloved rulers of their respective kingdoms. The two territories live in harmony, sharing a temple that crosses their mutual border, but they pray to different gods and have little in common outside of geography. The monarchs seem an unlikely pair, but when each violates the rules of the temple - one by entering the temple as a woman, and the other by praying to the other kingdom's god - both find themselves abandoned by their people, deciding soon after to declare the approval and presence of both gods in their hearts, as well as their love for each other. The King and Queen's subjects also abandon the shared temple, leaving it to the disobedient pair and building separate temples in their own territories. The monarchs' happy life together is, however, short-lived, as Queen Vispa dies upon giving birth to their child Delarai. The King is urged to repent and return to his kingdom. He complies, leaving princess Delarai with Magi, a nurse from a remote village, to raise her. Delarai rows up in near isolation, far from other people, spending most of her time among flowers and animals of the beautiful temple garden. Meanwhile, battles rage between the two kingdoms following the King's return. Delaware, a son begotten to the King and his next wife, gets badly wounded some years later in an attempt to stop the fighting. On his deathbed, the Prince insists on being taken to the forbidden temple to be buried there. The King, though ill himself, agrees to fulfill his son's dying wish. It is there where Delarai, having become quite an expert at herbal remedies, comes to their aid, preparing a special potion while praying to the temple's two gods in her nurse Magi's native language. As Delarai completes the life-saving act of curing the Prince, she tries to call for Magi, but the word that leaves her lips is "magic". Those who witness the event soon spread the word, and Delarai becomes recognized across both kingdoms as the creator of magic. The King, however, succumbs to old age, imparting his last kernel of wisdom unto his daughter : the two temple gods are one and the same. With this knowledge and their newfound inner strength, Delarai and Delaware unify the two kingdoms, and live happily ever after.



Lectures graduées

The Frog Prince. Level 1

Ce conte de fées classique, dans lequel une princesse embrasse un crapaud pour la première fois, est revisité ici dans un style fluide et naturel adapté à l'apprentissage de l'anglais. Ce conte de fées classique, dans lequel une princesse embrasse un crapaud pour la première fois, est revisité ici dans un style fluide et naturel adapté à l'apprentissage de l'anglais. La princesse Miranda se sent seule et s'ennuie. Sa mère, trop occupée pour jouer avec elle, lui offre une balle d'or très précieuse, que Miranda laisse tomber dans le bassin du palais. Heureusement, un crapaud serviable la repêche et la lui rend... mais exige en retour de manger dans l'assiette de Miranda et de dormir dans son lit. Miranda tiendra-t-elle ses engagements ? Le conte est suivi d'activités amusantes et accompagné d'enregistrements en ligne en anglais britannique et anglais américain. Niveau CECR : A1. 500 entrées, 1116 mots



Actualité et médias

Performance post-crise

Today's professional environment is dramatically different from that which existed just twenty years ago. The digital revolution is in full swing, and working practices are undergoing some of the biggest changes in history. In addition to this background of change, COVID 19 has had an unprecedented impact on every aspect of modern professional life. This background of change, combined with an additional sudden shock is generating novel challenges, which present difficult questions. What organisational structure is best placed to handle crises such as this ? What are the ingredients of successful remote work ? What is the best way to manage a team remotely ? How should leaders communicate in a crisis ? Beyond these critical issues—and perhaps even more importantly—leaders also need to prepare for the future. How do they ensure the success of an organisation in an uncertain future ? How are they going to secure the talent they need ? To address these questions, this collection brings together contributors from a rich variety of backgrounds, drawing on many combined decades of leadership experience. In addition to sharing answers to many contemporary questions and their personal experience of the recent crisis, they outline their vision of the future of the world of work.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are getting married. Numéro 22

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are celebrating the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary. Numéro 15

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Sciences de la terre et de la

The Biomechanics of Insect Flight. Form, Function, Evolution

From the rain forests of Borneo to the tenements of Manhattan, winged insects are a conspicuous and abundant feature of life on earth. Here, Robert Dudley presents the first comprehensive explanation of how insects fly. The author relates the biomechanics of flight to insect ecology and evolution in a major new work of synthesis. The book begins with an overview of insect flight biomechanics. Dudley explains insect morphology, wing motions, aerodynamics, flight energetics, and flight metabolism within a modern phylogenetic setting. Drawing on biomechanical principles, he describes and evaluates flight behavior and the limits to flight performance. The author then takes the next step by developing evolutionary explanations of insect flight. He analyzes the origins of flight in insects, the roles of natural and sexual selection in determining how insects fly, and the relationship between flight and insect size, pollination, predation, dispersal, and migration. Dudley ranges widely - from basic aerodynamics to muscle physiology and swarming behavior - but his focus is the explanation of functional design from evolutionary and ecological perspectives. The importance of flight in the lives of insects has long been recognized but never systematically evaluated. This book addresses that shortcoming. Robert Dudley provides an introduction to insect flight that will be welcomed by students and researchers in biomechanics, entomology, evolution, ecology, and behavior.




French pâtisserrie

French pâtisserie from a flaky croissant in the morning to a raspberry macaron with tea or a layered Opéra cake after dinner provides the grand finale to every memorable meal. This comprehensive volume, from the professionals at the Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts dubbed "The Harvard of Gastronomy" by Le Monde newspaper offers everything the home chef needs to create perfect pastries for all occasions. 1500 skills and techniques Learn how to make pastries, creams, decorations, and more with step-by-step instructions and tips and tricks from Ferrandi's experienced chefs. 235 classic French recipes Recipes for the complete range of French pâtisserie also include variations that are rated according to level of difficulty so that home chefs can expand their skills over time. Created with the participation of France's award-winning pastry chefs : Ophélie Barès, Christelle Brua, Christine Ferber, Nina Métayer, Christophe Adam, Julien Alvarez, Nicolas Bacheyre, Nicolas Bernardé, Nicolas Boussin, Yann Brys, Frédéric Cassel, Gontran Cherrier, Philippe Conticini, Yann Couvreur, Christophe Felder, Cédric Grolet, Pierre Hermé, Jean-Paul Hévin, Arnaud Larher, Gilles Marchal, Pierre Marcolini, Carl Marletti, Yann Menguy, Christophe Michalak, Angelo Musa, Philippe Urraca.




Arts du Nigéria Central revisités. Mumuye et peuples environnants

In previous studies, Jan Strybol pointed out that sculpture in Northern Nigeria - contrary to what is generally assumed - flourished. Wood sculptures could be found just about everywhere, with the exception of a part of the Far North. In this study, the author first examines the sculptural traditions of a number of peoples in Central Nigeria, in particular from the Jos Plateau and from the valley of the Middle Benue to the source area of the Taraba River. These peoples can be described as non-centralized communities where mainly art in perishable materials was produced by part-time specialists, in contrast to the centralized empires in the South (Ife, Benin) where full-time specialists created complex works of art in durable materials (stone, bronze, iron). Perhaps the most well-known ethnic group in the Middle Benue region among aficionados of African art are the Mumuye. Since the end of the last century, the traditional rites of the Mumuye have rapidly disappeared as a result of the advance of the world religions and with them the Mumuye sculpture so much admired in Europe and America. In addition to wood sculpture, Jan Strybol also pays attention to objects in bronze, iron, terracotta and other materials. Until now, these art forms have been very underexposed and have now almost completely disappeared. Finally, the author also elaborates on some artistic achievements of a number of little-known residual groups within the Mumuye territory, which can boast a rich art tradition.




The Illustrator. 100 Best from around the World, Edition français-anglais-allemand

L'illustration est plus libérée et variée que jamais, et elle trouve sa place sur tout un éventail de supports, des impressions aux écrans. livres, emballages, vêtements et restaurants. Cet ouvrage salue la qualité, la diversité, l'intensité, l'humour, la vivacité et la nature exceptionnelle du travail produit aujourd'hui par les illustrateurs. Qu'il s'agisse d'artistes vétérans comme Peter Blake, Sue Coe et Brad Holland, ou de talents montants comme Robin Eisenberg, Jean Jullien et Olimpia Zagnoli. les 100 artistes dans cette collection ne sont que la pointe de l'iceberg proverbial. Ils offrent aussi un instantané probant des styles, des techniques et de l'emploi de la couleur par des artistes du monde entier. Nous vous mettons au défi de choisir vos favoris !




Fuseli and the Modern Woman. Fashion, Fantasy, Fetishism

This catalogue accompanies the first exhibition devoted to a fascinating group of drawings by the Anglo-Swiss Henry Fuseli (1741-1825), one of eighteenth-century Europe's most idiosyncratic, original and controversial artists. Best known for his notoriously provocative painting The Nightmare, Fuseli energetically cultivated a reputation for eccentricity, with vividly stylised images of supernatural creatures, muscle-bound heroes, and damsels in distress. While these convinced some viewers of the greatness of his genius, others dismissed him as a charlatan, or as completely mad. Fuseli's contemporaries might have thought him even crazier had they been aware that in private he harboured an obsessive preoccupation with the figure of the modern woman, which he pursued almost exclusively in his drawings. Where one might have expected idealised bodies with the grace and proportions of classical statues, here instead we encounter figures whose anatomies have been shaped by stiff bodices, waistbands, puffed sleeves, and pointed shoes, and whose heads are crowned by coiffures of the most bizarre and complicated sort. Often based on the artist's wife Sophia Rawlins, the women who populate Fuseli's graphic work tend to adopt brazenly aggressive attitudes, either fixing their gaze directly on the viewer or ignoring our presence altogether. Usually they appear on their own, in isolation on the page ; sometimes they are grouped together to form disturbing narratives, erotic fantasies that may be mysterious, vaguely menacing, or overtly transgressive, but where women always play a dominant role. Among the many intriguing questions raised by these works is the extent to which his wife Sophia was actively involved in fashioning her appearance for her own pleasure, as well as for the benefit of her husband. By bringing together more than fifty of these studies (roughly a third of the known total), The Courtauld Gallery will give audiences an unprecedented opportunity to see one of the finest Romantic-period draughtsmen at his most innovative and exciting. Visitors to the show and readers of the lavishly illustrated catalogue will further be invited to consider how Fuseli's drawings of women, as products of the turbulent aftermath of the American and French Revolutions, speak to concerns about gender and sexuality that have never been more relevant than they are today. The exhibition showcases drawings brought together from international collections, including the Kunsthaus in Zurich, the Auckland Art Gallery in New Zealand, and from other European and North American institutions.



Développement durable-Ecologie

Native Land, Stop Eject. Edition en anglais

Created by the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, the exhibition Native Land, Stop Eject proposes a dialogue between filmmaker Raymond Depardon and philosopher Paul Virilio on the notions of being rooted and uprooted today, an epoch in which human migration flows are taking place on an unprecedented scale. In his film Hear Them Speak, created with Claudine Nougaret, Raymond Depardon gives a voice to those who wish to remain on their land but are threatened with exile. Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Mark Hansen, Laura Kurgan, and Ben Rubin give form to Paul Virilio's concepts in six dynamic maps which examine new trends in contemporary human movement due to environmental, political, and economic factors. The texts included here, published for the first time in the catalog Native Land, Stop Eject (Prix Nomad's 2009), offer a chance to explore the themes raised in the exhibition. Accompanied by exhibition views, they incite contemplation on the meaning of sedentariness and nomadism, as well as related questions of identity.




The Isolator Tome 3

Minoru a décidé de rejoindre une organisation dédiée à éradiquer les Ruby Eyes. C'est à ce moment qu'Igniter, un Ruby que Yumiko a déjà combattu auparavant, refait surface.




The One Tome 3

La flamme de l'amour est-elle sur le point de naître... ? Lele, sous l'effet de l'alcool, finit par énerver Eros. Celui-ci la ramène donc de force à l'hôtel en la portant sur son épaule ! Quelle coïncidence qu'Eros loge justement dans la chambre juste en face de la sienne ! Mais soudain, il devient tout pâle et s'écroule inconscient au sol...? !




The Runway Tome 3

" Mon coup d'un soir est mon nouveau patron ? ! " Jian ne sait plus où se mettre quand elle apprend que son nouveau chef est l'homme qu'elle a séduit à Paris trois mois plus tôt... Et qu'il est également son nouveau voisin ! La jeune femme fait tout pour l'éviter, mais ce dernier ne semble pas vouloir coopérer. Arrivera-t-elle à garder leur relation d'un soir secrète ? Basé sur un roman à succès de Hirachell, le webtoon The RUNWAY (adapté par Domi et illustré par Nokdu) est aujourd'hui l'une des romances les plus suivies de Webtoon (Naver), plateforme N°1 de la bande dessinée numérique coréenne dans le monde. Au fil des mois, l'histoire reste en haut du classement des lectures préférées du public, toutes catégories confondues. Encore aujourd'hui, elle se place au sommet de la catégorie romance, et la version papier de The RUNWAY est attendue par des milliers de lecteurs.




The Fable Tome 3

Afin de s'investir pleinement dans sa nouvelle vie, Fable se met à la recherche d'un petit boulot. Mais quand on n'a jamais rempli de CV de sa vie, les choses ne débutent pas forcément de la meilleure des façons... Heureusement, sa rencontre fortuite avec la jolie Misaki va lui ouvrir de nouveaux horizons. Du côté du clan Maguro, Kuro a plus que jamais à coeur de devenir lui aussi un tueur à gages. Quand il apprend que Fable a sauté d'un pont sans se blesser, il en fait de même pour un résultat radicalement différent. Enfin, le subordonné direct du premier lieutenant Ebihara, un certain Kojima, sort de prison au terme d'une peine de quinze années, bien décidé à reprendre par la force ce dont il a été longtemps privé...



Comics divers

The Maxx Tome 3

Suite de la réédition de l'oeuvre de Sam Kieth avec un volume qui apporte son lot de réponse quat à la nature de l'Outback, de Julie, de Maxx et de Mister Gone. Mais d'autres questions font leur apparition...




The Ice Guy & The Cool Girl Tome 3

Himuro, descendant moderne d'une femme des neiges, est collègue avec la gentille et discrète Fuyutsuki. Lors d'un voyage au ski, Himuro réussit progressivement mais sûrement à se rapprocher de celle qu'il aime. Au fur et à mesure du temps passé ensemble, leurs souvenirs s'accumulent, tout comme leurs sentiments... The Ice Guy & The Cool Girl est un manga publié originellement sur le compte Twitter de Miyuki Tonogaya. Grâce à son dessin magnifique et à ses personnages charismatiques, la mangaka nous offre une romance aussi chaleureuse que mignonne.



Yaoi/homosexualité masculine

The Night beyond the Tricornered Window Tome 3

" C'est le destin qui nous a fait nous rencontrer, mon cher Mikado." " L'exorcisme... C'est toujours aussi érotique ? " Kôsuke Mikado est un employé dans une librairie à qui il arrive de voir des choses étranges et inexplicables. De son côté, Rihito Hiyakawa, un exorciseur professionnel peu sociable. Ce dernier décèle les aptitudes exceptionnelles de Mikado et L'oblige quasiment à travailler pour lui pour L'aider à résoudre certaines des affaires dont il s'occupe. Les deux hommes se retrouvent alors mêlés à une incompréhensible histoire de meurtres... Duo singulier de personnalités opposées face à de multiples affaires paranormales inextricables, le tout saupoudré d'une bonne : dose de fantômes et de revenants !




The Wicked + The Divine Tome 3 : Suicide commercial

Fandemonium, l'apocalypse, a éclaté. Les membres restants du Panthéon se réunissent pour élucider la mort d'Inanna. Morrigan est capturée, tandis que Baphomet part se cacher dans les ombres souterraines. Les tensions augmentent alors qu'Ananke poursuit son funeste projet, et que les corps continuent de tomber. Qui pourrait percer à jour les desseins de la déesse de la destinée ? Pour ce nouvel arc de la série phénomène WicDiv, Kieron Gillen et Jamie McKelvie sont rejoints par une foule de guests de prestige : Stéphanie Hans, Kate Brown (Young Avengers) ou Leila Del Duca (Shutter) ! Chaque chapitre, centré sur un dieu en particulier, est dessiné par un(e) artiste invité(e).




By the grace of the gods Tome 3

Ryôma Takebayashi, un salarié japonais trentenaire, s'est réincarné dans un autre monde grâce à l'aide de trois divinités. Maintenant qu'il est inscrit à la guilde des aventuriers, c'est l'occasion pour lui d'aider toutes sortes de personnes en utilisant à la fois le savoir de sa vie antérieure et les capacités de ses slimes ! Voici le récit de sa vie tranquille dans un monde de fantasy, où il profite du bonheur simple d'avoir la reconnaissance et la gratitude des gens !



Yaoi/homosexualité masculine

The Night beyond the Tricornered Window Tome 3

Des disparitions inexpliquées couplées à d'étranges phénomènes causés par une lycéenne jeteuse de malédictions... De nombreuses personnes sont portées disparues, avec pour seul point commun le fait d'avoir été aperçues pour la dernière fois dans un lieu particulier, mais il n'existe aucun rapport entre les disparus et les propriétaires du terrain. Hanzawa demande alors à Hiyakawa de l'aider à résoudre cette enquête, mais ce dernier s'aperçoit rapidement du " piège " placé là.



Romance sexy

The Players Tome 3 : Let the sun shine

Il est l'orage, elle est le soleil... Pour Liam, l'attaquant incontournable des Bears, cette dernière année à l'université est décisive. Obnubilé à l'idée d'obtenir une place en NHL, il doit donner à chaque match le meilleur de lui-même. Perspective qui semble compromise face à sa baisse de performances de la saison dernière. Afin d'y remédier, le coach l'oblige à devenir le sujet de mémoire d'une étudiante spécialisée en psychologie cognitive. Forte de son parcours brillant, Quinn King est convaincue de pouvoir l'aider à s'améliorer et ce, malgré les réticences évidentes de son nouveau partenaire. De tous les joueurs de hockey, il fallait qu'elle tombe sur le plus taciturne ! Pourtant, derrière son attitude d'ours mal léché se cache un homme à la détermination inébranlable, prêt à tout pour prendre sa revanche sur la vie. Tous deux n'ont qu'un objectif : réussir coûte que coûte. Mais pour y parvenir, il leur faudra accepter de s'ouvrir à l'autre...



Instruments de musique

String quartet. Op. 8. 2 violins, viola and cello. Partition et parties

The String Quartet in G minor Op. 8 dates from the time when Joseph Haas studied with Max Reger (1905). While reflecting the clear influence of his teacher as to form, it also shows the young composer as an artist with an independent personality as well as a true master of his craft. Instrumentation : String quartet op. 8



Histoire internationale

Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne

The historiography concerning The War of the Jews by Flavius Josephus has underlined the various aspects (economic, social, political, religious) of the Roman-Jewish conflict from 66 to 73 AD. A study of the Jew's vision of himself and the Other, the Roman, makes it possible to see this conflict from the point of view of the conquered. Analysis of the events which, from 6 to 66 AD, resulted in the opening of hostilities, suggests that the Jewish-Roman conflict was also a conflict of mentalities. The Jewish mentality implies a concept of war which contributed to the development of the divisions and schisms between the supporters of full-scale war against Rome (the Zealots) and the non-belligerents (Rabbi Yohanan ben Zaccaï and the Yavne School, Flavius Josephus). Furthermore, the discourse of Flavius Josephus is Jewish discourse. So far as certain options are concerned, such as his rejection of the war against Rome on the one hand, and his hatred of the Zealots on the other, a literal reading of that discourse shows that they are in the direct line of Jewish tradition as represented by RYBZ and his Yavne School. Josephus can be taken literally ; the interest of his writing lies in its presentation of an internal cohesion and in the light that throws on the points of convergence and divergence in the same Pharisaic options. Finally, Josephus' text leads us to reconsider the problem of his 'betrayal'.



Thèmes photo

Michael Kenna. Arbres, Edition bilingue français-anglais

For almost fifty years, trees have marked the career of Michael Kenna, a photographer known and recognised for the virtuosity of his technique. An essential link with the earth, sky, air, light, silence, and reflections, Kenna pays tribute to them by taking their portrait. Pictorial, dreamlike, graphic, romantic, hazy, poetic, the artist celebrates these great lords of nature. The photographer, a tireless wanderer, travels the world, from France to New Zealand, to the United States, criss-crossing Japan, to immortalise trees and forests. From dense woods to light-filled canopies, to tiny trees isolated in majesty within idyllic white landscapes, beauty is offered to us in the range of species photographed as much as in the variation of compositions. Exclusively in black and white, these photographs unfurl through the seasons, giving rhythm and emphasis to time.



Anglais apprentissage

The complete stories, Flannery O'Connor

Flannery O'Connor est un écrivain paradoxal. Ses nouvelles s'arrêtent au seuil de l'unique sujet qui compte à ses yeux : la révélation divine. Sans doute parce que le Mystère de Dieu est irreprésentable et qu'il serait présomptueux de la part d'un écrivain, simple mortel, de se mesurer à Sa Puissance. C'est tout le sens de son dernier texte, " Parker's Back ", qui fustige cette vanité humaine, résumant ainsi le propos de l'ensemble de l'œuvre. Puisque le Mystère n'est pas à sa portée, elle se contentera des Mœurs (" Manners "). Si le Paradis lui échappe, elle se complaira dans la description minutieuse de ces Enfers quotidiens ou de ces Purgatoires ordinaires que sont nos vies terrestres. Ce matériau impur, elle le pétrit et elle le tord, comme un sculpteur la glaise, faisant surgir des figures hideuses, des monstres familiers qu'elle gratifie parfois in extremis d'une illumination, d'un éclair de beauté. Les articles qui composent ce recueil se situent à la fois en aval et en amont du seuil de la fiction d'O'Connor. Certains choisissent plutôt d'explorer le sens de la révélation divine et les différentes modalités de son inscription dans le texte. D'autres s'attachent surtout à montrer les vicissitudes de l'existence de l'homme sans Dieu. Mais tous s'accordent à souligner l'originalité de la lettre et de la forme. L'examen minutieux de quelques exemples de cette écriture riche et complexe est une invitation au lecteur à poursuivre l'expérience par d'autres micro-analyses personnelles. Le résultat ne pourra que s'avérer stimulant.



Animaux, nature

D'un continent à l'autre. Portraits animaliers, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Partir en voyage et explorer de nouvelles contrées sauvages, c’est la certitude de vivre des expériences inoubliables. Ce livre est la concrétisation d’un rêve ; il est à notre image …. Tel un Conte de Fées, d’un Continent à l’Autre, une aventure au milieu des grands espaces naturels de notre Planète. Dans les airs, sur la terre, sur les océans, partout la vie animale ne cesse de nous surprendre et de nous émerveiller, mais il faut prendre le temps de s’arrêter, de contempler, et il faut être là au bon moment pour en photographier chaque instant. Loin de la frénésie des hommes, les Grues, les Oies, les Cygnes, sillonnent le ciel de notre Planète depuis des millions d’années, répétant inlassablement leurs longues migrations, parfois d’un pôle à l’autre, comme les Sternes Arctiques qui traversent chaque année le globe, du Nord au Sud (32.000 km aller-retour). Sur les océans, il faut s’en remettre au bon vouloir de la mer, partir en bateau, suivre l’itinéraire des grands voyageurs et des premiers marins explorateurs, afin d’apercevoir de temps en temps la queue d’une Baleine émergeant des profondeurs océanes, ou approcher d’une colonie de Lions de Mer. Et au bout de chaque traversée en bateau, il y a toujours une nouvelle terre, une nouvelle aventure, un nouveau Continent, des espèces animales inattendues. Les saumons remontent le cours des rivières afin de retourner frayer sur leurs lieux de naissance ; les Grizzlis les attendent au passage ; et tout au Nord sur la banquise en perpétuelle évolution, l’Ours Polaire règne encore en maître sur les étendues gelées de l’Océan Arctique. De l’autre côté de l’océan, sur le Continent Africain, la nature nous donne rendez-vous avec une débauche de couleurs et de démesure. Assister au lever du soleil sur les hauts plateaux de la Vallée du Rift, descendre à l’intérieur du Cratère du Ngorongoro, c’est la promesse d’observer la grande faune d’Afrique : Lions, Guépards, Eléphants, Girafes, Hippopotames, Zèbres et Gazelles. D’un Continent à l’Autre, ce livre de photographies animalières est un hommage à la Nature et à la diversité de la vie sur notre Planète. Chaque photo est en elle-même une nouvelle histoire à découvrir. Travelling, it is the best opportunity to live some unforgettable experiences. This book is the accomplishment of our dream …. Like a Fairy Tale, from Continent to Continent, an adventure in the wild places of the Planet. In the air, on earth, inside the oceans, everywhere the wildlife is surprising us, but you need to take your time and look with your kid’s eyes, you need to be here at the good moment for catching every movements of the nature. Far away from the busy life of humans, the cranes, the geese, the swans, are flying in the sky of our Planet since millions of years, going for their long migrations, sometimes from Pole to Pole like the Arctic Terns that are crossing the complete globe from North to South (20.000 miles back and forth each year). If you want to find the marine’s fauna, to see the tale of the whale coming from the deep mysterious waters, or approaching the Sea Lions colonies, you need to take a boat, to accept the conditions of the sea, to follow the itinerary of the first sailors going to discover the world. At the end of each boat’s trip, there is a new land, a new adventure to come, a new Continent, some unexpected animal’s species. Salmons are swimming against the rivers for going back to the place where they were born ; Grizzly Bears are waiting for them on the way ; and in the North on the frozen ice, the Polar Bears are still the kings of the Arctic Ocean. On the other side of the ocean, the African’s Continent is showing us a rainbow of colors and diversity. Early in the morning, looking at the sunrise waking up the savannah, or going down inside the Ngorongoro Crater, gives you the opportunity to meet Lions, Cheetahs, Elephants, Giraffes, Hippopotamus, Zebras and Gazelles. From Continent to Continent, this book of wildlife photography is a wonderful tribute to Nature and to the diversity of the life on our Planet. Each picture itself is a little story, a little fairy tale.




Venice. A Private Invitation

Venice of a thousand reflections ; Venice of mirror and glass, of silk and gold ; Venice of light and lace, of transparency and porcelain. With her expert knowledge and insight, Servane Giol takes us to the heart of the Venetian art de vivre, a warm and private invitation to meet some of the most creative people living in the city today. Accompanying us into historic private palazzi as well as more recently restored houses and apartments, she introduces us to a new generation of artists and designers who are attracted by the radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle of the Serenissima-a charmed circle of talented friends who are bringing a fresh dynamism and elegance to the city, shining a new light on some of its rarest and most exquisite traditional crafts, and lovingly safeguarding them for future generations. This love letter to the hidden beauties of Venice and to the skills for which the city is famed is brilliantly complemented by the photography of Mattia Aquila. It offers both a revelation and an everlasting memory for all those who will never forget their dazzling first sight of the domes, the campaniles, and the shimmering golden silence of this legendary city that floats between sea and sky.



Non classé

Tales Of Zestria The X - Intégrale S1+S2 - 3 Bluray + Livret

Sorey est un jeune homme qui a été élevé parmi les séraphins, des êtres spirituels qu aucun humain n'est capable de voir. Il croit en la légende qui dit qu'un jour, tous les humains seront capables de voir les séraphins. Au fond de lui, il rêve d'élucider le mystère des anciennes ruines et de créer un monde dans lequel les humains et les séraphins pourront vivre ensemble. Un jour, alors qu'il se rend pour la première fois de sa vie dans une capitale humaine, il se retrouve impliqué dans un incident mystérieux. Au cours de ces événements, il finit par retirer l'épée sacrée de la pierre dans laquelle elle était plantée et devient "le berger" , celui qui doit débarrasser le monde de la calamité. Prenant à bras le corps sa mission des plus importantes, son rêve de voir les humains et les séraphins coexister s'anime d'autant plus... Accompagné de ses amis, le berger fait ses premiers pas dans la grande aventure qui lui tend les bras.
