
Four Knights of the Apocalypse T02




Fortress of apocalypse Tome 7

Il dispose d'une capacité à se régénérer proche de l'immortalité et manipule les morts-vivants... Maeda, contaminé, déchaîne une puissance qui entraîne la destruction quasi totale du groupe de fanatiques. Dans cette confusion, qu'adviendra-t-il de Iwakura, Yoshioka et Yamanaoï, tous les trois engloutis dans les poussières de l'enfer ? Alors que tout semblait perdu, le pire appel à l'aide de tous les temps parvient au centre.




Fortress of apocalypse Tome 9

La planète est plongée dans le chaos. Le dernier espoir de la sauver : un vaccin contre le virus qui transforme en mort-vivant. Maeda est prêt à prêter son corps pour mettre au point ce vaccin, mais qu'est-ce qui l'attend vraiment ? La fin est proche, les délinquants de la cellule 4 font tout pour la repousser, quitte à affronter celui qui contrôle les monstres, le bokor. La pire évolution que la Terre ait jamais connue voit alors le jour.




Fortress of apocalypse Tome 8

Les membres de la cellule 4 tentent de rejoindre la Luciole de la Mer, forteresse en pleine mer où subsiste un dernier espoir pour l'humanité. Dans le tunnel cauchemardesque qui y mène, un mal étrange assaille Yamanoï. Tandis que son corps se désagrège, son esprit part en lambeaux. Ces conditions extrêmes font ressurgir des souvenirs de son enfance avec sa mère folle. Qu'est-ce qui l'attend après ce passé tragique ?




Fortress of apocalypse Tome 10

Le gigantesque bébé, fusion de deux bokors, traque inlassablement Maeda et tente de l'absorber. La situation est critique. Les survivants résistent et se lancent dans un corps-à-corps final qui pourrait bien virer au cauchemar. Délinquants versus zombies : enfin le dénouement de ce récit apocalyptique !



Littérature française

Les inventeurs. Essai

What do Christopher Columbus, Reneke, Zénobe Gramme and Louis Pasteur have in common ? They were all inventors. Well fine, but who invented the crab's claw, the suction cups and the flight of squids or the proboscis of blood sucking insects ? Is invention intellectual fantasy, an industrial tool or a fundamental biological reaction ? How is this riddle to be solved ? Should we go through the list of inventions or inventors ? Is it a question of circumstances or motivations ? Who is in charge ? The Material or the Spirit ? In order to try to find a way of answering these questions, first a few very different inventors and their inventions will be presented. A few paradoxes emerge from this first part. Then we will devote an entire chapter to an exceptional inventor whose extraordinary work revolutionized how we now approach this topic. Finally, what can be said about all the inventions like the wings of birds or butterflies, the eyes of fish or insects, the leaves of trees or the social organization of beehives ? In these cases, man is not the inventor. There are countless marvels like these in the world around us. Can we explain them ? This will be the subject of the third part of this essay.



Lecture 6-9 ans

L'énigme du sabre. Edition bilingue français-anglais

C'est dimanche et comme souvent Louise et Arthur viennent rendre visite à leur grand-mère. Ils aiment bien y aller, elle joue avec eux et leur raconte plein d'histoires. Mais aujourd'hui, elle n'a pas le temps et les deux cousins s'ennuient. Alors, ils décident de grimper dans le grenier où sont entreposés de vieux souvenirs et objets abandonnés. Ils y ont déjà été, mais maintenant ils sont plus grands et peut-être trouveront-ils un trésor qu'ils n'avaient pas aperçu, lors de la dernière visite. Après un long moment de recherche, dans un coin, Louise découvre une malle poussiéreuse. Les deux cousins, l'ouvrent et entrevoient un sabre avec une inscription. Une trouvaille qui va les mener jusqu'à l'école militaire de Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, sur les traces de leur grand père. It's a Sunday and often as not, Louise and Arthur go and visit their grandmother. They like to go there, she plays with them and tells them lots of stories. But this Sunday she does not have the time, so the two cousins are bored. They decide to climb up into the attic, where old memorabilia and abandoned objects are stored. They have been there before, but now that they are taller, maybe they will find a treasure they did not see during their last visit. After a long moment of searching, in a corner, Louise discovers a dusty trunk. The two cousins open it and see a sword with an inscription. A discovery that will lead them to the military school at Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, in the footsteps of their grandfather.




Goebius' Strange Model

A company elaborates in great secrecy a project, vital to its very survival. As the project develops, it leads the protagonists far beyond the originally envisioned simple business strategy, and brings them close to the forefront of the physical laws governing the behavior of the universe. Two intrigues intertwine... will they meet ? Or do they form the single-sided face of a Möbius strip ? "This novel is as unexpected as a UFO, and refreshing..." Cédric Villani, Fields Medal 2010. "This book is fascinating, I read it all at once..." Etienne Ghys, Perpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences.




Knight of shadow - 1 - Hybride

An 2255, San Francisco Les êtres de légende sont sortis de l'ombre il y a déjà plus d'un siècle. Après de terribles conflits, une cohabitation naissante, équilibre encore précaire, a vu le jour entre humains et espèces surnaturelles. Moi, Rayden, depuis mon réveil dans un laboratoire lugubre, je ne suis plus le même. J'ai dû abandonner mon rôle de flic, conscient que ma nouvelle nature d'hybride, interdite par la loi, pourrait me coûter la vie si elle était découverte. La soif du vampire, la force du lycan et les griffes du démon font désormais de moi un incroyable prédateur. Et me voilà enrôlé comme garde du corps par cet homme riche et influent pour protéger sa fille, Avery... Plutôt mignonne ! Plutôt capricieuse aussi, alors que je cherche à comprendre les origines de mes nouveaux pouvoirs... . Bienvenue dans mon quotidien, bienvenue dans les ténèbres et le chaos de notre climat, entre journées étouffantes et nuits glaciales !



Anglais apprentissage

Tales from Longpuddle

Tony Kytes is a favourite with the girls but he's not terribly clever. If you meet an old girlfriend and she asks fora ride home in your wagon, do you say yes? And then if you meet the girl you are planning to marry, what do you do? Very soon, Tony is in a great muddle, and does not know how to escape from it. These stories are set in an English country village of the nineteenth century, but Hardy's tales of mistakes and muddles and marriages belong in any place, at any time.



Histoire de France

CRASH IN BAYEUX - The Last Flight of Sergeant Ferguson

Normandy, France, January 15, 1943. The weather is clear, the sun is shining. Two Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft fly over the Bayeux-Caen railroad. The target is a German freight train - and its locomotive. Aboard the first Spitfire, Sergeant Ferguson is aligning his gun sights on the target. It is 02 : 30 p. m. This will be his very last flight... HARASSING THE OCCUPYING FORCES TO PREPARE THE INVASION The RAF and RCAF had been flying hundreds of similar sorties over France for months, in order to weaken the German forces, particularly the Luftwaffe. The pilots of No. 401 Squadron were among those who took part in this patient work, made up of constant patrols and attacks. Among the 63 men mentioned in this book, 25 were killed in action between 1942 and 1944. A CRASH THAT AWOKE THE SPIRIT OF RESISTANCE Touched by William Ferguson's sacrifice, some French citizens decided to bury the young Canadian flier with dignity, honour and respect. The Germans took this as a provocation. A few weeks later, the Sipo-SD (the "Gestapo") arrested a dozen of them. They were sent to concentration camps - some of them later died in Büchenwald, Dachau and Mauthausen. Others did survive, including Paul Le Caër. He is the one who has supported the author and told him what happened. Today, he is signing the preface of this book. UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS AND TESTIMONIES Based on an in-depth analysis of unpublished documents, including the Fergusons' archives and No. 401 Squadron Operation Record Book, this work depicts the very last flight of the young Canadian pilot in detail. With a striking truthfulness, you will relive the squadron's daily life, the faith of the pilots, as well as the beginning of the sortie and "Bill" Ferguson's last minutes. FIVE YEARS OF RESEARCH AND EMOTION A young and talented historian involved in the field of remembrance in Normandy, François Oxéant has spent over five years fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. This book will help you discover all aspects of his fascinating investigation with a methodical and rigorous approach. He has met some of the last witnesses of the events and has been in touch with the pilot's family for a few years, making us share his emotion and admiration for Bill, who was barely younger than himself.




Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work

Since the 1990s and the 2000s, Western social protection systems have experienced a turn towards activation. This turn consists of the multiplication of measures aimed at bringing those who are unemployed closer to participation in the labour market. These measures often induce a strengthening of the conditions that must be met in order to receive social benefits. It is in this well known context that the authors gathered in this book decided to take a closer look at the relationship between activation policies for the unemployed and the right and the duty to work. If activation measures are likely to increase transitions towards the labour market, we can also make the assumption that they may, particularly when they are marked with the seal of coercion, hinder or dramatically reduce the right to freely chosen work. In such circumstances, the realisation of the "right to work", which is often stated to be the aim of those who promote activation, tends in practice to be reduced to an increasing pressure being exerted on the unemployed. In this case, isn't it actually the duty to work that is particularly reinforced ? After an historical and philosophical perspective on the issue, this assumption is confronted with the developments observed in the United States and in France, and then with the guidelines laid down in international human rights instruments. What follows is a discussion of two alternatives to the dominant activation model : the basic income guarantee and the employment guarantee.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Charles Darwin's Zoology Notes & Specimen Lists from H.M.S. Beagle

Two long sets of scientific notes were made by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. Those transcribed here are concerned with natural history, and although in 1839 he drew on them quite extensively in writing his famous " Journal of Researches ", neither they nor his geology notes have previously been published. He was a superb observer, and recorded vividly and accurately his first impressions of the appearance and behaviour of the wide range of animals, from ants to ostriches, encountered during his travels. Often he performed little experiments on the creatures that he captured, and he was never happy until he had exhaustively explored the why and wherefore of every one of his observations. During the long periods on board ship, he carried out a thorough analysis of hitherto unrecognised features of the internal anatomy of a variety of marine invertebrates, and made elegant pencil drawings of them under his dissecting microscope. The volume also includes his lists of 1 500 specimens preserved in Spirits of Wine, and some 3 500 not in Spirits, with impeccably accurate cross references to the main notes. Although his notes were made strictly for his own use, and were often highly technical, they were well written throughout, and contain many highly readable passages. Only towards the very end of the voyage were his first doubts about the immutability of species consciously pressed, but here are to be found the first seeds of his theory of evolution, and of the important new fields of behavioural and ecological study of which he was one of the principal founders.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are getting married. Numéro 22

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are celebrating the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary. Numéro 15

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



12 ans et +

Les 8 royaumes mortels Tome 1 : La cité de Pierre-de-Vie

Raised as a slave in the Darkoath camps of Aqshy, Kiri dreams of a better life. Of a city of wonders, the place of her birth… Lifestone ! She despairs of ever reaching it until a fateful day arrives when her barbarian captors are attacked by Sigmar's noblest warriors, the Stormcast Eternals. Seizing her chance, Kiri flees through a mysterious realmgate that takes her far from the fiery lands of Aqshy. She arrives in the realm of Ghyran and finds the city of Lifestone. But a curse lies on this place, withering its noble spirit. Her path leads her to a special group of children who, like her, are realm-marked the prophecised saviours of Lifestone. There's Thanis, the fighter ; Alish, the inventor ; Kaspar ; the sneak and Elio, the healer. But dark forces are allying against the children and will do anything to stop them achieving their destiny.



Littérature française

My Ulster haven

1989, a 23-year-old French woman, an English student with a burdensome family background, leaves for Northern Ireland. She's on her way to start her French assistant job. She discovers this unknown part of Ireland, so underestimated and still plunged into civil war. There, she settles down and blossoms until she decides she actually wants to live there. An unexpected event will bring her back to France in 1991, but the link with this country will carry on until the Brexit announcement in 2016, and well beyond. An intimate journey to the core of Irish History, that reaches the depths of its wars, its men, its women, a journey at the very heart of the past. "A page of history - and of my history - is turning and it throws me off."



Non classé

Henry VIII in History, Historiography and Literature

If this anthology on the literary appreciation of the life and times of Henry VIII can show how history, historiography and the history of literature are woven together as threads in a tapestry, if this book can show how varied the sources are from which historical images are fed, especially those of significant historical figures, then it will have surely fulfilled its purpose.



Contes et nouvelles

Le Chevalier, la Lance et le Dragon. The Knight, the Spear and the Dragon

"Et c'est quoi un chevalier ? Un chevalier est à la recherche de la magie. Un chevalier plonge dans les ombres pour chercher la lumière. Une fois qu'il l'a trouvée, il la répand". Auteur, photographe : à travers un style anticonformiste, toute la singularité de l'univers de Marc Kiska se déploie dans ce conte initiatique, publié en édition bilingue (français - anglais). _________________"And what is a knight ? A knight is in search of magic. A knight dives into the shadows to seek the light. Once he finds it, he spreads it. " Author, photographer : through an unconventional style, all the singularity of Marc Kiska's universe is deployed in this initiatory tale, published in a bilingual edition (French - English). Translated to English by Caroline Messersmith.



12 ans et +

The Rain Tome 2 : Après l'apocalypse

Je m'appelle Ruby Morris. Je déteste la pluie. Je vais vous dire un truc étrange au sujet des apocalypses, un truc que je ne savais pas avant d'en vivre une. Ca a l'air assez horrible, hein ? Faites-moi confiance... Ca peut toujours être pire. C'est ce qui arrive quand vous êtes seul, qu'il y a eu une apocalypse mondiale et que vous espérez l'arrivée de votre père comme il l'avait promis, mais qu'il ne se pointe pas. Alors qu'est-ce que vous allez devenir ? Et chaque jour, vous essayez de ne pas vous poser la question... Tout va bien se passer. Ou pas...



Non classé

Temporal Logic, Omniscience, Human Freedom - Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy

The work shows the usefulness and limitation of modern logic in the study of traditional metaphysical problems. As is the usual case in all criticism of analytic philosophers against traditional philosophy, word usage must be limited to what the human mind can know. The notion of timeless knowledge for example contradicts our normal mode of word usage and cannot serve as adequate in reference to knowledge be it that of man or of God. If timeless knowledge applied to divine mode of knowing then there cannot be human freedom.



Histoire internationale

After The Last Ship

After the Last Ship illustrates the author's own history, as well as its connection to the history of other women and children who left India and made the journey across the Kala Pani, the Indian Ocean, and lived as migrants in other countries. In this book the author brings greater understanding of how subjectivities are shaped through embodied experiences of ‘mixed race'. She bears witness to the oppressive policies of the fascist government in Portugal in the 1960's and 1970's and the effects of displacement and exile, by reconstructing her own passage from India to Mozambique and finally to Australia. Further, the author shows the devastation that labels such as ‘half-caste', ‘canecos' and ‘monhe' can cause, when they eat at your flesh, your being, and your body. She sheds light on how identity and culture can serve as vehicles of empowerment, how experiences of belonging can germinate and take root post-diaspora.



Light novel

Berserk of Gluttony T02 (Light novel)

Roxy a été piégée ! Afin de la sauver d'une mort certaine, Fate part sur ses traces vers le continent de Galia, un territoire empli de monstres et de dangers. Un chemin semé d'embûches sur lequel le jeune garçon devra faire évoluer sa compétence de Gloutonnerie s'il veut pouvoir survivre sur ces terres. C'est ainsi qu'il retrouve la jeune galienne avec sa hache noire, ressemblant étrangement à l'épée de Fate...



Non classé

Ruling Class Men

What is it like to be a master of the universe ? The authors have researched the desires and fears of the world's most powerful men. The Murdochs, Packers, Kennedys, Agnellis and other men like them, directly determine the fates of thousands and influence the future of the world like no other people. Described as ‘sacred monsters' by one of their own, they are carefully created to be what they are and to enjoy shaping the world in their own likeness. To learn about these often reclusive men, the authors extended the life-history technique to interrogate autobiographies, diaries and biographies and have created a composite picture, a collective portrait, of tycoons over three generations. The book carefully explores the childhoods, schooling, work and play, sexual activities, marriages and deaths of the wealthiest men who have ever lived. It exposes the nature of ruling-class masculinity itself.



Non classé

Brides on Sale

Beginning in the 1990s large numbers of women from Mainland China and Southeast Asia married men in Taiwan. They now number over 400,000, warranting some to call them "Taiwan's Fifth Ethnic Group". This book argues that the rise of these marriages is a gendered and relational phenomenon, linked to the forces of globalization. Traditional ideas of marriage, such as the belief that a woman "marries out" of her natal family to be dependent upon her husband and his family, and the idea that a man should "marry down" to a woman of a lesser social and economic status, have not kept pace with changes in women's educational and career opportunities. How these relationships are formed, how they impact gendered understandings of women and men, how families are constituted and relationships developed, and how they affect the children of these families and their education, are the issues explored in this book. It breaks new ground in our understanding of transnational and cross-border marriages by looking at the long-term effects of such marriages on communities, families, and individuals.




Cobra The Psychogun Tome 4 : Galaxy Nights

Cobra reçoit une mystérieuse invitation accompagnée d'une carte à jouer qui sera leur nom de code... Il fait parti d'un groupe de douze guerriers réunis pour reprendre le château de Shiva tombé des années auparavant aux mains de l'armée du Chaos. Tombés dans un piège, le groupe se retrouve rapidement réduit à "Jack" l'homme au solide bouclier, "Queen" la belle tueuse, et "Seven" et "Eight" un robot à deux cerveaux. Cobra, lui, sera "Ace" . Pour avoir une chance de pénétrer dans le château, ils doivent retrouver "King" , quelque part dans la ville portuaire de Gizara...



Comics divers

Urban Comics Nomad : The Dark Knight Returns

Des années après avoir pris une retraite forcée, Bruce Wayne est devenu un quinquagénaire aigri et porté sur l'alcool. Mais la plongée de Gotham City dans le crime et le désespoir va le pousser à redevenir le justicier Batman. Traqué par la police et le gouvernement, le Chevalier Noir va mener sa dernière horde sauvage.




Flash .Net. Dynamic content for designers with Flash remoting MX and ASP.NET

Flash.NET is the book which is your ticket to the future of application design. Two cutting-edge technologies, joined in union to provide the perfect marriage. Macromedia Flash MX really excels when it comes to presenting graphical, interactive content. It's a superb tool for building user interfaces and for presenting content that changes over time. Microsoft's NET Framework is a suite of tools for building powerful applications, both on and off the Web. Put them together, and a whole raft of new possibilities opens up for both: powerful logic and functionality with a rich, flexible interface on the front. Put them together, and you get Flash.NET. In this book, a team of expert designers and developers show you how to add dynamic NET content and turbocharged server-side functionality to your Flash MX projects. In short, you need this book if you're a Flash designer who wants a cutting-edge advantage and doesn't want to get left behind when ail the cool people have started utilizing the power of NET with their applications. To run the examples in this book for yourself, you'll need: • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP • Macromedia Flash MX • Microsoft NET Framework SDK (free download from Microsoft) The book also covers Macromedia Flash Remoting MX



Comics Super-héros

The Boys - Omnibus T01

Les Sept sont les plus puissants héros de la Terre. Ils nous défendent contre les pires menaces. Mais qui nous protège de ces psychopathes pervers ? Alors que sa petite amie a été accidentellement tué par un membre des Sept, Hughie est recruté par Billy Butcher pour rejoindre son équipe chargée de surveiller les super-héros. En cas de dérapage, les P'tits Gars n'hésitent pas à les ramener dans le droit chemin... Doit-on encore présenter la série à succès de Garth Ennis et Darick Robertson, adaptée avec brio par Amazon Prime en série télé ? Le comic-book le plus irrévérencieux revient dans un OMNIBUS de plus de 1000 pages contenant la première moitié des aventures de l'équipe !




The Chilling Dead T01

Dans les limbes, des morts-vivants pas assez bons pour aller au ciel, mais pas mauvais non plus au point d'aller en enfer, se la coulent douce et vivent éternellement dans la sérénité... Un squelette nommé Bonzo Scalovania a ouvert une agence de détective privé dans les limbes. Mais le succès n'est pas au rendez-vous : les requêtes qu'il reçoit ne consistent qu'à faire le ménage, arroser les plantes, ou encore garder des enfants... Il est malgré tout assisté de Vampy Vinaigrette, un vampire geek qui passe ses journées affalé sur le canapé, et de Nero Lichman, un zombie chasseur de primes et accro aux réseaux sociaux. Une fine équipe... mortelle !




The Bugle Call T01

Transcender le fracas des armes, décider du sort de la bataille ! Luka, orphelin recueilli par le chef d'un groupe de mercenaires, n'est pas comme les autres : une branche pousse sur son crâne et il peut voir les sons, matérialisés par des traits de lumière... Le seul à lui parler sans crainte est son père adoptif, aussi fin stratège qu'impitoyable au combat. A 14 ans, Luka a déjà vu assez d'horreurs pour une vie. En tant que clairon, il est de tous les affrontements, transmettant les ordres via son instrument. En réalité, il n'a qu'une envie : échapper à ce quotidien fait de violence pour devenir musicien... Seulement, la bataille qui s'annonce pourrait être sa dernière : cette fois, il doit prendre les armes... et surtout, parmi ses opposants se trouvent d'autres "branchus' dotés de divers pouvoirs surnaturels ! Ils font un massacre dans les rangs de Luka, et ce dernier, blessé, se saisit d'un clairon pour sonner la retraite... C'est alors que son véritable pouvoir se dévoile et évite une déroute complète à ses alliés. Témoins de son exploit, les énigmatiques adversaires s'emparent de lui. Luka s'éveille dans une ville entourant une tour immense, vestige des temps anciens et source de magie... Ses nouveaux compagnons sont les protecteurs du lieu, régi par un mystérieux pape. Celui-ci passe un accord avec Luka : si le garçon met son pouvoir et son don tactique à son service, il l'aidera à devenir musicien. Sans le savoir, le jeune prodige se retrouve embarqué dans une guerre dont les enjeux le dépassent ! La lumière du son, seul espoir dans l'horreur des batailles... D'un trait vif et nerveux, une nouvelle génération d'auteurs invente un monde de dark fantasy sans concession. Mais ici, pas de héros surdoué au combat, juste un garçon rêvant de musique... Et pourtant, de ses talents dépend l'issue du conflit !
