
Aleing Authors



Histoire internationale

'Eine untergeordnete Meisterschaft?'

This study represents an attempt to assess the critical impact of Dickens' work in Germany from the appearance of The Pickwick Papers till his death in 1870. Its main aim is to place the ongoing engagement of German critics with the English novelist in the context of the social and literary-critical tensions of the time and to bring about a new, more differentiated and penetrating understanding of his influence in these decades. The author argues that all the significant attempts to define the function and possibilities of the contemporary novel in German in this period were linked in one way or another with critical attitudes to the hugely popular, but always intractably controversial work of the English novelist.




Everyday Men

This study is about everyday men. They are approached through a unique marriage of biblical theology and empirical research which gives birth to a missionary challenge. Part One attempts to build a theological foundation for looking at people from the aspect of belief and unbelief. It sees this distinction as a crucial theme in the biblical material which remains relevant to men everywhere. The author discovers five elements of Christian belief in the biblical material while unbelief spans the five elements by its void, denial, or choice of an alternative. Part Two starts with a random sample, in-depth interview of fifty men in a "working-class" area of Birmingham, England. The interviews attempt to discover the nature and saliency of the men's belief and unbelief in the Christian faith. The analysis stresses the qualitative response with the emphasis on listening to the men describe their lives, values, beliefs, and lack of beliefs in their own words. The findings are also compared to other related studies, prompting some conclusions regarding the meaning of these findings. The author attempts to bring the biblical material to bear on the findings about ordinary people and asks whether they can be described as believers or unbelievers. From this starting point, it becomes obvious that the scope of unbelief is very broad. Part Three takes the understanding of God's Word and men's words and moves toward a missiological goal of approaching unbelievers with a gospel for today. It sees both the content and context of the gospel as important. The cultural problem is briefly considered and specific approaches are suggested in relation to the climate of unbelief in "working-class" English culture.




La boîte à outils du marketing digital. 2e édition

La transformation digitale dont tout le monde parle, c'est quoi ? Le référencement naturel est-il si important qu'on le dit ? Quelle différence entre brand content et content marketing ? Quand faut-il s'exprimer sur les médias sociaux ? Qu'est-ce que l'inbound marketing ? Le growth hacking est-il une solution efficace ? Comment définir avec précision vos persona ? 60 outils indispensables pour transformer en profondeur vos pratiques marketing ou tout simplement mieux les maîtriser. Pour s'adapter aux nouvelles attentes des clients connectés, les fonctions marketing, communication et vente doivent profondément se réinventer. Cela peut parfois sembler complexe, mais passé le cap des acronymes barbares et des concepts nébuleux, de nouveaux horizons apparaissent. Liste des contributeurs : Guilhem Bertholet, CEO Invox - Content Marketing Agency @guilhem Christophe Boisson, graphiste freelance Fabrice Brianson, président fondateur de Just Amazing @ab_brianson Stéphane Couleaud, CEO Webmecanik @scouleaud Emeric Ernoult, fondateur & CEO Agorapulse @eernoult Florent Hernandez, CEO Sociallymap @Flo__Hernandez Sylvie Lachkar , Sales Education Lead, Social Selling evangelist & certified coach - SAP Sales University EMEA & MEE @sylswan Guillaume Mikowski, Directeur Général de l'agence Brainsonic @guimikowski Christian Neff, CEA Markentive @Markentive_CEO Alina Petrova, responsable de Content Marketing chez SEMrush France @AlinaSEO Sébastien Morizot, VP Digital, @sebarizot Bruno Scher, Consultant en Management de Projets digitaux @SCHERBruno21 Yann Gourvennec, Author and Entrepreneur, CEO Visionary Marketing @ygouvern Frédéric Canevet, Product Manager & Blogeur @conseilsmkg David Victor, Web Project Manager, Fondateur d'UNIKWEB @unikweb Emilie Ogez, Social Media Planner @eogez Emmanuelle Leneuf, Journaliste, Fondatrice du FlashTweet @EmmanuelleL9 Pascal Trambouze, Acteur et metteur en scène du social selling B2C @acteurvente Hervé Kabla, CEO Be Angels @HerveKabla Alban Jarry, Chief Digital Technology Officer, speaker & author @Alban_Jarry Yann Dirheimer, Marketing Manager Hootsuite @YannDirheimer Laure Canart, Directrice Marketing Cegos @LaureCan



Non classé

The Blue Headscarf

On Friday, November 24, 1944 in Cologne, Private Robert Bradley, posted as a scout from the Sixteenth Corps, Third US Army, Twelfth American Army Group, submachine gun in hand, his ears pricked and his eyes alert, discovered the dislocated body of what seemed to be a girl, her waist fixed flat by a wide leather belt to an upside down bed, lying across it, her head thrown back and her arms dangling. Motionless, with hollow eyes. On the first day of the year 2005, there was an unpleasant surprise in store for the inhabitants of the peaceful Provençal village of Les Valats. In one of the houses, the first rays of bright, cold sunshine came in through the southern skylight and lit the living room wall where the blurred and grey shadow of a body was swinging. Alternating between the history of Ukraine and the landscapes of Provence as backdrop, the authors invite the reader to delve into an intriguing destiny where local anecdotes are blended with authentic events, right to the tormented depths of their characters. In this narrative ride through space and time, is it possible to determine who the culprits are the victims of ?



Non classé

Languages of Exile

Languages of Exile examines the relationship between geographic and linguistic border crossings in twentieth-century literature. Like no period before it, the last century was marked by the experience of expatriation, forcing exiled writers to confront the fact of linguistic difference. Literary writing can be read as the site where that confrontation is played out aesthetically – at the intersection between native and acquired language, between indigenous and alien, between self and other – in a complex multilingual dynamic specific to exile and migration. The essays collected here explore this dynamic from a comparative perspective, addressing the paragons of modernism as well as less frequently studied authors, from Joseph Conrad and Peter Weiss to Agota Kristof and Malika Mokeddem. The essays are international in their approach ; they deal with the junctions and gaps between English, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and other languages. The literary works and practices addressed include modernist poetry and prose, philosophical criticism and autobiography, DADA performance, sound art and experimental music theatre. This volume reveals both the wide range of creative strategies developed in response to the interstitial situation of exile and the crucial role of exile for a renewed understanding of twentieth-century literature.



Sciences politiques

Narratives of French Modernity

Inspired by the work of their colleague David Gascoigne, a group of scholars from the UK and France examine in this book the narrative strategies of some of the most interesting and important French writers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Stretching chronologically from 1905 to 2005, the volume examines a wide variety of prose genres, from pornography to Bildungsroman to magic realism, as well as poetry. Michel Tournier figures in several of the contributions, emerging as something of a touchstone for many of the thematic preoccupations that are common throughout the period : values and authority, self and other, identity, spirituality, migration and exile, sexuality, the body, violence and war, and language. The authors also examine the flourishing of intertextuality, as well as the use of traditional forms, such as mythical structures and the ‘robinsonade', to undermine authoritative ‘métarécits'. Probing these themes and forms, and their metamorphoses across 100 years, the essays demonstrate a striking degree of continuity, linking writers as different as Apollinaire and Houellebecq or Valéry and Fleutiaux, and highlight the difficulty of dividing the period neatly into chronologically ordered categories labelled ‘modern' or ‘postmodern'.




ORACLE8i. Database Administration

Here's a practical book based on the authors long experience managing Oracle systems. It runs the gamut from the important details of database administration to advanced topics like Oracle replication and the standby database. It shows you how to implement a host of new features offered by Oracle8i. Written for intermediate and advanced database administrators, Oracle8i Database Administration is also a great resource for database users, application programmers, systems analysts, project managers, system administrators and data warehousing professionals. If you've had any questions about Oracle8i, the answer is probably right here. This book shows you solutions, teaches you workarounds, and provides you with tips that will save you time. What's inside - Detalled solutions to, common database problems - How to, implement range, hash and composite partitioning - Steps to, implement a standby database environment - Details on installation, tablespaces, objects, triggers, stored procedures, PL/SQL, backup and recovery - Real-world examples for OLTP and data warehousing applications - New features of Oracle8i such as online index creation, transportable tablespaces, function-based index and more - Advanced topics like performance and timing, parallel execution, advanced replication - Hundreds of tested scripts for UNIX, LINUX and Windows NT




Moral Talk Across the Lifespan

Grounded in path-breaking research but written in an accessible, engaging style Moral Talk Across the Lifespan explores how our most fundamental moral commitments are shaped by crucial conversations with family members, romantic partners, and friends. Taking a lifespan approach, the authors demonstrate that moral growth is a continual process, one stimulated by transitions (e.g., leaving home for university) and disruptive events (serious illness). With chapters penned by leading relationship scholars, the volume contributes original thinking, data, and innovative theoretical pathways for researchers. For instructors it explores pressing moral questions encountered by students in their own relationships with romantic partners, friends, parents, and other family members. When is revealing a secret the right thing to do ? Is revenge ever a worthy response to an insult or sleight ? Why are young adults persuaded to accept some of their parents' values but not others ? Is there a right (or wrong) way to support a parent facing a terminal illness ? Moral Talk Across the Lifespan offers a stimulating blend of social science research and moral reflection. It is a key text for courses in Relational Communication, Family Communication, Interpersonal Communication, and Communication Ethics.




Karl. No Regrets

The artist Patrick Hourcade met Karl Lagerfeld in 1976, initiating a friendship that would last more than twenty years, nourished by a shared passion for the arts of the eighteenth century. Patrick Hourcade tells us the story of this aesthetic meeting of minds. Together they would construct a magnificent world of refinement and luxury-at times bordering on the extravagant-from the Château de Grand-Champ in Brittany to the Hôtel Pozzo di Borgo in Paris and villa La Vigie on the Côte d'Azur. Drawing on unpublished photographs and documents, the author paints an intimate portrait of Karl Lagerfeld, both shadow and light. He gives us a unique and singular perspective, populated by the exceptional personalities who accompanied the great couturier throughout his life.




Issues in the Philosophy of Language Past and Present

In the light of contemporary perspectives a good deal of traditional philosophical thought can be read as relating to the issue of 'Language versus Reality'. The chapters of this book vindicate this claim ; bringing together thinkers different both in temperament and interests like Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Aquinas, Heidegger and Gadamer they suggest that some of their major tenets reflect conceptual assumptions concerning linguistic meaning and reference. In trying to both identify and elucidate the assumptions at stake the author shows, both historically and systematically, that some of the problems experienced in the past as well as much of our contemporary concern with the same issue form a continuous line and a common endeavour ; and they have not yet come to an end.



Non classé

The Phantom and the Abyss

The book focuses on the evolution of the Gothic fiction in America from Charles Brockden Brown to Herman Melville in the context of the aesthetics of the sublime. Starting with a reading of Brown's Gothic romances – Wieland and Edgar Huntly – and concluding with an analysis of Melville's Pierre, the author demonstrates the relevance of the Kantian concept of the sublime for the nineteenth-century American literature of horror. An inspiration to present the development of the American Gothic in the period under scrutiny as a coherent process has been also the psychoanalytic theory of Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok. Moreover, the study contains an attempt to place R.H. Dana, Sr and W. Allston in the American literary canon.



Littérature française

The Star of snows

Written during the black decade of Algeria, this narrative of apprenticeship is freely inspired by a real fact arisen in Kabylia during the childhood of the author. Its electrical wire is the friendship of a child and an eccentric whom some tolerate and whom others would want to send to the asylum. By his side, the child is going to learn to listen to the music of trees and to look at the world with the eyes of the heart. This tale, at the same time naive and grave, invites us to wonder about the cogs of the mechanics of the scapegoat. It is dedicated to all the children of the world who closely or remotely were next to the rejection and to the intolerance.



Contes et nouvelles

Le Chevalier, la Lance et le Dragon. The Knight, the Spear and the Dragon

"Et c'est quoi un chevalier ? Un chevalier est à la recherche de la magie. Un chevalier plonge dans les ombres pour chercher la lumière. Une fois qu'il l'a trouvée, il la répand". Auteur, photographe : à travers un style anticonformiste, toute la singularité de l'univers de Marc Kiska se déploie dans ce conte initiatique, publié en édition bilingue (français - anglais). _________________"And what is a knight ? A knight is in search of magic. A knight dives into the shadows to seek the light. Once he finds it, he spreads it. " Author, photographer : through an unconventional style, all the singularity of Marc Kiska's universe is deployed in this initiatory tale, published in a bilingual edition (French - English). Translated to English by Caroline Messersmith.



Non classé

Tidal Deformations on a Rotating, Spherically Asymmetric, Visco-elastic and Laterally Heterogeneous Earth

The author applies a perturbation method to determine tidal deformations on a rotating, spherically asymmetric, visco-elastic, laterally heterogeneous and anisotropic Earth. He shows that the deviations from tides on a nonrotating spherical Earth are on the order of one per cent. This applies to the effects of rotation, ellipsoidal shape of the Earth, visco-elasticity, lateral heterogeneity and anisotropy in the mantle, separately. With respect to the effects of rotation and ellipticity he finds significant quantitative discrepancies from what was accepted so far. With respect to lateral heterogeneities in the mantle he argues that visco-elastic dispersion is responsible for a considerable amplification of the heterogeneities when moving from seismic to tidal frequencies. On this basis, he suggests tidal tomography as a new rool for studying temperature induced mantle anomalies with modern space techniques.




A Study of Conversion Among The Angas of Plateau State of Nigeria With Emphasis on Christianity

This is so far the most-detailed information on the Angas (Ngas), the largest ethnic group on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria. The book draws up a sketch of both the political and ecclesiastical history of the people. This is followed by socio-anthropological data about the people including a description of the traditional religion of the Angas (Ngas). The material serves as the necessary springboard for discussing the factors that were responsible for the conversion of the Angas (Ngas) people of Nigeria. The author concludes his thesis by giving a theoretical analysis of some of the theories of conversion per se and opting for a Hortonian theory as the most cogent. It is certainly an indispensable work dealing with conversion to and from any religion although in this case Christianity is used as a focus.




Western European Integration in the 1980s

The Single European Act was formally approved by the European Council in February 1986. When Maastricht hit the headlines in the early 1990s, the Single European Act instantly became history. However, it was the Single Market programme - the main content of the Single European Act - and the years of preparation leading up to it which really gave new momentum to European integration after the "Eurosclerosis" of the 1970s. The process which led to the Single European Act was never publicly discussed. The architects and initiators of the Single Market have not become household names, however, it is these protagonists and their efforts which are the subject of this book. With information gathered from extensive interviews with key players and EC documentation, the author reviews the forces behind the acceleration of European integration.



Non classé

Has Bertrand Russell Solved the Problem of Perception?

The guiding spirit of the philosophical engagement of Bertrand Russell was to outline a scientific philosophy with the intention of introducing progress and continuity in the subject. With this aim in view, he developed the analytic method which has inspired one of the most influential philosophical currents of this century. Russell's confidence was confirmed by the result of his analysis of perception and physics. This book examines three different theories that Russell used in an effort to provide a lasting solution to the problem of perception and its relation with the external world. Despite the merits of Russell's attempts, the author is convinced that Russell failed to achieve his aim, but that his failure points the way to a better understanding of the nature and purpose of philosophy.



Histoire internationale


This volume asserts that there was tacit cooperation in the Nazi extermination of the Jewish population of Europe by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Second World War. Although the Allies publicly recognized the Nazi massacre of the Jews in the London Declaration of December 17, 1942, the policies they pursued allowed the genocide to continue. They did so, the author claims, in three ways : (1) refusal to publicly and personally speak about and against the Nazi extermination of the Jews ; (2) refusal to commit even one soldier, one plane, or one warship to any forcible opposition to the "Final Solution" throughout the Second World War ; and (3) obstruction of Jewish escape from Hitler's Europe. This book explores the motivation for the policies Churchill and Roosevelt pursued.



Non classé

Marie Cardinal

What impact did Cardinal's texts have on the 1970s feminist movement ? What is her position in relation to French women's writing and the French literary tradition today ? This volume brings together a series of papers given at the first international conference on the influential feminist author Marie Cardinal. Leading critics of Cardinal's oeuvre engage in analysis alongside new commentators in the field. The collection provides an extensive yet cohesive overview of Cardinal's writing, including original commentaries on earlier works like Cet été-là, popular classics like Les Mots pour le dire, and more recent texts including Amour... amours... Contributors provide new perspectives on Cardinal's oeuvre, drawing from a range of areas of scholarly interest including film studies, life-writing, postcolonial discourse, critical theory, gender studies, and reception theory.



Sciences de la terre et de la


The Cambridge Planetary Handbook is an invaluable reference text, bringing together key facts and data on the planets and their satellites, discoverers and researchers. It summarizes many centuries' worth of data, from the earliest observations of the planets through to the most recent space probe findings. The author discusses the history, mythology and theories of the objects in our solar system, and provides a comprehensive information section with accurate and up-to-date data on the planets. The book contains excellent photographs and explanatory illustrations, along with numerous historical drawings from Galileo, Huygens, Herschel and other astronomers. This book is a must for all astronomy enthusiasts, as well as academic researchers, students and teachers. Those unfamiliar with the sky will find this is a user-friendly guide written in clear, non-technical language.




The Threat of Logical Mathematism

The present survey of the critique of mathematical logic in Germany at the turn of the 20th century attempts to answer several interesting questions : How did the contemporary German philosophers see the role and significance of logic ? What kind of relationships did they claim to exist between logic, mathematics, linguistics and psychology ? Pulkkinen starts by giving a historical survey of the development of German logic 1830-1920 as it appears against the background of German academic philosophy. Next he studies the interrelationships between logic and psychology, logic and linguistics, and logic and mathematics. After this the author presents the general features of the reception of mathematical logic in Germany between 1880 and 1920. This is followed by a more detailed account of the arguments of three individual critics : Fritz Mauthner, Heinrich Rickert, and Theodor Ziehen.



Non classé

Living in Two Worlds

This is a study of Singapore pastors' worldview & understanding of the epidemiology, symptomatology and management of possession behaviour. The pastors' accounts are compared with those from the scientific disciplines, and convergences and divergences noted. Factors shaping both the pastors' and the scientific discourses are examined. The pastors are shown to respond to competing scientific paradigms by reinforcing their two-worlds worldview. They either live mainly in the other world, or in each world at a time, or between the two worlds. Based on theological reflection focusing on epistemology, theodicy & cosmology, the author shows that the paradigm of living in both worlds simultaneously is the most appropriate pastoral response. The theological vision of the coexisting worlds and the pastoral task of unmasking and resisting evil in all its varieties and depths are then discussed.




Arguing about justice. Essays for Philippe Van Parijs

"A book of quick and sharp thoughts on a grand theme is a novel way of paying tribute to a leading philosopher. But it has worked beautifully here, both as a stimulating book of ideas on justice, and as a fitting recognition of the intellectual contributions of Philippe Van Parijs, who is one of the most original and most creative thinkers of our time". Amartya Sen, Harvard University, 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences This book brings together fifty of today's finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van Parijs's sixtieth birthday. Rather than restricting themselves to comments on his numerous writings, the authors engage with the topics on which he has focused his attention over the years, especially with the various dimensions of justice, its scope, and its demands. They discuss issues ranging from the fair distribution of marriage opportunities to the limits of argumentation in a democracy, the deep roots of inequality, the challenges to basic income and the requirements of linguistic justice. They provide ample food for thought for both academic and general readers.




La traduction et l'interprétation en Afrique subsaharienne : les nouveaux défis d'un espace multilingue. Textes en français et anglais

Cet ouvrage collectif rassemble quatorze contributions scientifiques consacrées à _La traduction et l'interprétation en Afrique subsaharienne_. Le sous-titre _Les nouveaux défis d'un espace multilingue_ se situe au coeur des préoccupations des auteurs, qui allient souvent une expérience professionnelle indéniable à leur statut universitaire. Rédigées en français et en anglais, leurs analyses couvrent au moins sept pays différents, lorsqu'elles ne décrivent pas des réalités et des défis qui transcendent largement les frontières. Les problématiques abordées sont nombreuses et étroitement imbriquées : enseignement multilingue, formation professionnelle des interprètes et des traducteurs, interprétation communautaire, besoins des administrations et des organisations internationales, création de ressources lexicales, ingénierie linguistique... This collective work contains fourteen scientific contributions related to _Translation and Interpretation in Sub-Saharan Africa_. The subtitle 'The New Challenges in a Multilingual Space' is at the heart of the concerns of the authors, who often blend their undeniable professional experience with their university status. Their analyses, written in French and English, cover at least seven different countries, and sometimes describe realities and challenges that largely transcend borders. Numerous issues that are closely intertwined are addressed including multilingual education, professional training of interpreters and translators, community interpreting, the needs of governments and international organizations, the development of lexical resources, language engineering, etc.




Scripts and Communication for Relationships

Over 200 years ago, Jane Austen, an astute observer of the rituals of late-eighteenth-century courtship wrote that a happy marriage was the result of chance. Modern relationship researchers have revealed that scripts concerning pair bonding rituals are actually constituted in a manner so as to leave little to chance when romantic attachments are formed, intensify, and sometimes dissolve. In this introductory text, the authors discuss the basis of relationship scripts, emotions, imagery, and physiology of relationships including romance, friendship, work associates, mentors, and Facebook friends. They argue that people's expectations for relational development influence their communication, faith, and commitment in relationships. Misconstruing sexual or flirtatious intent, for example, is derived from having different scripts about attraction. The book also discusses abusive relationships including characteristics of abusers, stalking, and verbal and physical aggression. Designed for classes in communication and relationships, interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, and communication and cognition, as well as across disciplines in psychology, sociology, family studies, and social work, this text provides a comprehensive overview of how scripts and communication are used in relationships. Guidelines based on developing and improving verbal and nonverbal communication competence are provided. A downloadable teacher's guide is available on request.



Non classé

Stages of Exile

This book brings together twelve specially commissioned essays that showcase current research on Spanish Republican exile theatre and performance, including work by some of the foremost scholars in the field. Covering a range of periods, geographical locations and theatrical phenomena, the essays are united by the common question of what it means to ‘stage exile', exploring the relationship between space, identity and performance in order to excavate the place of theatre in Spanish Republican exile production. Each chapter takes a particular case study as a starting point in order to assess the place of a particular text, practitioner or performance within Hispanic theatre tradition and then goes on to examine the case study's relationship with the specific sociocultural context in which it was located and/or produced. The authors investigate wider issues concerning the recovery and performability of these documentary traces, addressing their position within the contemporary debate over historical and cultural memory, their relationship to the contemporary stage, the insights they offer into the experience and performance of exile, and their contribution to contemporary configurations of identity and community in the Hispanic world. Through this commitment to interdisciplinary debate, the volume offers a new and invigorating reimagination of twentieth-century Hispanic theatre from the margins.



Psychologie, psychanalyse

Research methods. Fifth Edition, avec 1 CD-ROM

Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry explores the entire range of research methodologies in psychology, using a programmatic approach to introduce topics and build on earlier presentations to increase student understanding. The authors emphasize research concepts, rather than simply presenting cookbook-like strategies, to help students develop an understanding of scientific research. Review exercises at the end of each chapter (with answers to select exercises in an appendix) provide students with examples for self-review. Expanded treatment of research ethics gives students an early introduction to considerations vital in research design, and involves them in later discussions of the ethics of human and animal research. A unique decision-tree flowchart takes students step-by-step through the characteristics of any basic research design to the choice of appropriate statistical procedures and allows instructors to pick statistical procedures based on already-learned course material. Every copy of the text comes packaged with a free student tutorial CD-ROM. This free CD is an integrated package of pedagogical features in a cross-platform format. It includes an Interactive Study Guide, a Lab Manual, and tutorials on statistical analysis, library research, and APA writing style. Coverage of advanced topics render this a resource for future use.




The Stutter of History

This French-language catalogue accompanies a major retrospective exhibition of Thomas Demand's work at Jeu de Paume, Paris, as part of a worldwide tour. Thomas Demand has spent the last two and a half decades bringing together his talents as both a sculptor and a photographer to capture the feedback loop between the world we inhabit and the photographic documents of it which lie at the root of our contemporary image culture. Bringing together a wide-ranging survey of photographs that span the arc of his career, The Stutter of History provides both an overview of the artist's way of seeing the world and lesson in how we might approach the onslaught of historical events that we consume through the world of images. This extensive book displays the breadth and depth of Demand's artistic accomplishment, demonstrating in one volume why he is considered one of the world's foremost contemporary artists. Includes new short stories by award-winning authors Ali Smith and Maylis de Kerangal written in response to a work by Demand, as well as illuminating essays by Douglas Fogle, curator of the exhibition, and critic Margaret Iversen. All texts published in French language. Co-published with Jeu de Paume



Non classé

Black Sheep, Red Herrings, and Blue Murder

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) was an inveterate user of proverbs in her fictional writings, the sales of which number in excess of one billion. An active writer for fifty-four years, Christie used proverbs in a manner that both reflected and shaped contemporary British speech. This lexicographical book examines 3,290 proverbs and proverbial sayings uttered by 785 characters in sixty-six novels, 142 short stories, seventeen dramas, and six romances. The author's premise is that Christie modeled all her fictional works on the well-made play formula and that proverbs are employed not in isolation, but as a function of plot, character, and thought. In addition to an introductory essay, the book contains a list of the distribution of Christie's proverbs according to title, a keyword index with citations of standard authorities, and an appendix containing six statistical tables.



Anglais apprentissage

Mark SaFranko: The Creative Itineraries of a "Renaissance Man". Textes en français et anglais

From October 2018 to January 2019, Mark SaFranko, an American writer, painter and musician from New Jersey, was the first author in residence at Université de Lorraine in Nancy. During his four-month residence, Mark took part in numerous academic, public and media events in Nancy and the Grand Est region. This volume provides insights into some of these events and displays various aspects of the work carried out during this very active period - from interviews about his literary creation and its critical reception, to personal or collective translation projects around his works, and an exhibition of his pictorial self-portraits. These variegated fragments of creative endeavours will allow readers of this volume to grasp the warm and open personality of a multitalented artist, a jack of all trades who offers first-hand testimony and candid reflections on the practice of his arts.
