
Carine Hinder, Till the Cat



Comics divers

Dream of the Bat

Dans cette démolition du mythe super-héroïque, Josh Simmons et Patrick Keck dressent le portrait d'un héros aliéné par ses propres convictions et prêt à utiliser des moyens extrêmes et déviants pour changer une société qu'il considère comme pervertie. S'il était un exemple, voire une source d'espoir pour les faibles, il n'est plus que l'ombre de ce qu'il représentait autrefois et a abandonné toute raison et noblesse pour sombrer dans une folie dévorante et la dépression. Personnage pervers ayant abandonné toute morale, le héros est-il encore du côté du bien ?




Goebius' Strange Model

A company elaborates in great secrecy a project, vital to its very survival. As the project develops, it leads the protagonists far beyond the originally envisioned simple business strategy, and brings them close to the forefront of the physical laws governing the behavior of the universe. Two intrigues intertwine... will they meet ? Or do they form the single-sided face of a Möbius strip ? "This novel is as unexpected as a UFO, and refreshing..." Cédric Villani, Fields Medal 2010. "This book is fascinating, I read it all at once..." Etienne Ghys, Perpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Thinking about Physics

Physical scientists are problem solvers. They are comfortable "doing" science: they find problems, solve them, and explain their solutions. Roger Newton believes that his fellow physicists might be too comfortable with their roles as solvers of problems. He argues that physicists should spend more time thinking about physics. If they did, he believes, they would become even more skilled at solving problems and "doing" science. As Newton points out in this thought-provoking book, problem solving is always influenced by the theoretical assumptions of the problem solver. Too often, though, he believes, physicists haven't subjected their assumptions to thorough scrutiny. Newton's goal is to provide a framework within which the fundamental theories of modem physics can be explored, interpreted, and understood. "Surely physics is more than a collection of experimental results, assembled to satisfy the curiosity of appreciative experts," Newton writes. Physics, according to Newton, has moved beyond the describing and naming of curious phenomena, which is the goal of some other branches of science. Physicists have spent a great part of the twentieth century searching for explanations of experimental findings. Newton agrees that experimental facts are vital to the study of physics, but only because they lead to the development of a theory that can explain them. Facts, he argues, should undergird theory. Newton's explanatory sweep is both broad and deep. He covers such topics as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, field theory, thermodynamics, the role of mathematics in physics, and the concepts of probability and causality. For Newton the fundamental entity in quantum theory is the field, from which physicists can explain the particle-like and wave-like properties that are observed in experiments. He grounds his explanations in the quantum field. Although this is not designed as a standalone textbook, it is essential reading for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers. This is a clear, concise, up-to-date book about the concepts and theories that underlie the study of contemporary physics. Readers will find that they will become better-informed physicists and, therefore, better thinkers and problem solvers, too.



Autres collections (6 à 9 ans)

Viggo, a great magical adventure!

Viggo is 9 years old, he is tall, he is strong and he is stubborn ! Witch or evil queen, nothing can stop him, he will free the princess ! Viggo is a journey into the imagination. "Viggo" is a theatrical creation by Cie On-Off, based on an original idea by Anthony Guyon. The story, fully bilingual (International signs and english voiceover in the Inclood app), is aimed at all children, young and old.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

THE WOMAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. Alice Stewart and the secrets of radiation

THE WOMAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH tells the engaging life story of the epidemiologist whose discoveries about radiation risk have revolutionized medical practice and challenged international nuclear safety standards. For more than forty years, Dr. Alice Stewart has warned that tow-dose radiation is far more dangerous than has been acknowledged. Although an outstanding scientist with more than 400 peer-reviewed papers to her name, her controversial work has only recently begun to receive significant attention, because it lies at the center of a political storm. In the 1950s when doctors would routinely x-ray pregnant women, she began research at Oxford that led to the discovery that fetal x-rays doubted a child's risk of developing cancer. When she was in her seventies, she again astounded the scientific world by showing that the U.S. nuclear weapons industry was far more dangerous than commonly believed, a finding that embroiled her in an international controversy over radiation risk. In recent years, she has become one of a handful of independent scientists whose work is a lodestone to the antinuclear movement. In 1990, the New York Times called her "perhaps the Energy Department's most influential and feared scientific critic." The Woman Who Knew Too Much traces Dr. Stewart's life and career from her early childhood in Sheffield and medical education at Cambridge to her research positions at Oxford and the University of Birmingham, where she still maintains an office. The book joins a growing number of biographies of pioneering women scientists such as Barbara McClintock, Rosalind Franklin, and Lise Meitner and will find a wide range of appreciative readers, including those interested in the history of science and technology and of the history of women in science and medicine. Activists and policymakers will also find the story of Alice Stewart compelling reading.



Autres collections (9 à 12 ans

Les enquêtes d'Anatole Bristol Tome 14 : Chiens, chats et sabotages

Anatole flaire un nouveau mystère au refuge ! D'abord les canalisations sont bouchées, puis les animaux sont libérés en pleine nuit, et enfin les chats tombent tous malades... Le jeune détective en est sûr, tous ces problèmes ne sont pas des coïncidences. Accompagné de Philo et des bénévoles, il compte bien faire la lumière sur cette affaire !



Littérature française

L'évangile selon Tinder

Jeu, like et match ! Mimi69, âge non renseigné. Aime la littérature (sans préciser laquelle), les soirées foot-bière-pizza-rebière, la plongée sous-marine, les balades en forêt, les bars à vin. Enfin, ça, c'est ce que mon profil dit de moi. (Tout est faux, ou presque.) Mais, dans la vraie vie, j'ai surtout une rédactrice en chef qui, par perversité bonté, m'a collé sur le dos LE dossier de l'été : l'amour à l'heure de la rencontre virtuelle. Alors, je like et je matche, je like et je matche, je like... C'est ainsi qu'Emma M. Lawrence, croyant n'avoir affaire qu'à un énième article à écrire, va s'aventurer dans un labyrinthe amoureux 2. 0, où elle croisera la route de Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean. A l'issue de ce parcours initiatique, elle se sera forgé sa propre religion.



Littérature étrangère

Pendaison à Cinder Bottom

Ce 21 août 1910 devait être le dernier jour de leur vie. Au petit matin, Abe Baach et Goldie Toothman, les amants terribles de Keystone, en Virginie-Occidentale, sont debout sur la potence ; la corde au cou, ils attendent leur exécution. Mais à peine ont-ils prononcé leurs ultimes paroles que soudain, tout bascule. Abe Baach, surnommé le «Keystone Kid», est le plus grand joueur de poker de la région ; Goldie, la tenancière de son plus fameux bordel... Sept ans plus tôt, Abe, tombé dans un guet-apens tendu par un ennemi jaloux qui l’accuse à tort d’avoir triché aux cartes, a été contraint à l’exil. Mais le voici de retour auprès de sa belle, bien décidé à se venger de tous ceux qui ont voulu ternir son honneur, briser son couple et assassiner son frère... Entre deux duels au soleil, de saloons en maisons closes et d’arnaques en chevauchées fantastiques, s’ensuit une avalanche d’aventures et de rebondissements comme seul pouvait en concocter l’auteur de La Ballade de Gueule-Tranchée : un roman truculent qui rend hommage aux plus belles heures du western spaghetti, quelque part entre Lucky Luke, Sergio Leone et Ocean’s Eleven.



Romance sexy

Tinder Love Tome 1

Payer une inconnue pour m'accompagner au mariage de ma soeur ? Je n'aurais jamais cru tomber si bas. Et pourtant, lorsque ma mère m'a appris que mon ex serait présente à la cérémonie, j'ai paniqué et prétendu que je viendrais accompagné. Le hic ? Voilà deux ans que mon entreprise accapare chaque seconde de ma vie et que je n'ai pas eu de relation. A deux semaines du grand jour, me voilà coincé avec une cavalière imaginaire, sans aucune idée d'à qui proposer le rôle. Tinder est mon dernier recours si je veux garder la face. Le deal est simple : prétendre être ma copine le temps d'un week-end contre une grosse somme d'argent. Et c'est ainsi que Mila Parker, une journaliste criblée de dettes qui pose toujours trop de questions, est entrée dans ma vie. Autant dire que je ne suis pas fier. Surtout que si qui que ce soit apprend que moi, Haydan Brown, l'héritier de l'immense fortune Brown et l'un des entrepreneurs les plus prometteurs de la Silicon Valley, j'ai dû payer une cavalière, je serai tout bonnement foutu. Sans compter que sur un élan de panique, il se pourrait bien que le contrat de Mila se prolonge...



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

The Undergrowth of Science. Delusion, self-deception and human frailty

Walter Gratzer's themes in the stories he relates in The Undergrowth of Science are collective delusion and human folly. Science is generally seen as a process bound by rigorous rules, which its practitioners must not transgress. Deliberate fraud occasionally intrudes, but it is soon detected, the perpetrators cast out and the course of discovery barely disturbed. Far more interesting are the outbreaks of self-delusion that from time to time afflict upright and competent researchers, and then spread like an epidemic or mass-hysteria through a sober and respectable scientific community. When this happens the rules by which scientists normally govern their working lives are suddenly suspended. Sometimes these episodes are provoked by personal vanity, an unwillingness to acknowledge error or even contemplate the possibility that a hard-won success is a will o' the wisp; at other times they stem from loyalty to a respected and trusted guru, or even from patriotic pride; and, worst of ail, they may be a consequence of a political ideology which imposes its own interpretation on scientists' observations of the natural world. Unreason and credulity supervene, illusory phenomena are described and measured, and theories are developed to explain them - until suddenly, often for no single reason, the bubble bursts, leaving behind it a residue of acrimony, recrimination, embarrassment and ruined reputations. Here, then, are radiations, measured with high precision yet existing only in the minds of those who observed them; the Russian water, which some thought might congeal the oceans: phantom diseases which called for heroic surgery; monkey testis implants that restored the sexual powers of ageing roués and of tired sheep; truths about genetics and about the nature of matter, perceptible only to Aryan scientists in the Third Reich or Marxist ideologues in the Soviet Union; and much more. The Undergrowth of Science explores, in terms accessible to the lay reader, the history of such episodes, up to our own time, in ail their absurdity, tragedy and pathos.



Anglais apprentissage

"On liberty" by John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), one of the most versatile thinkers of the nineteenth century, wrote on the newly emerging sciences of economics, politics and sociology. His Principles of Political Economy (1848) ran to many editions and is still read today, while his book on Utilitarianism (1863) is better known than the writings of Jeremy Bentham. On Liberty (1859) was written at a time when the Industrial Revolution, the rise of a sizeable middle class and its social influence, the growing democratisation of British politics raised questions about the place of individuals and the dangers of this new mass society. Mill placed much faith in this passionate and cogently argued plea for individual freedom, writing in his Autobiography : The liberty is likely to survive longer than anything else I have written... . The future was to prove him right, and his defence of freedom of thought and speech, of individuality and originality, later used to criticise the various instances totalitarianism in the twentieth century, is still relevant these days.



Thèmes photo

Istanbul. Will you still love me tomorrow, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Istanbul, Will You Still Love Me tomorrow est une traversée photographique d'un Istanbul en noir et blanc, loin des clichés touristiques. Jehsong Baak s'est, en effet, attaché à saisir les moments de tendresse, les rencontres et les effleurements de peaux des stambouliotes dans cette ville de croisement entre Asie et Europe. Un croisement de culture que l'on retrouve au fil des pages du livre, passages entre tradition et modernité, entre religion et laïcité. Tout en douceur, le regard de Jehsong Baak fait cohabiter les différences et les antagonismes d'un Istanbul contemporain où, prédomine toujours l'immense tendresse du peuple turc. Ce livre est une véritable déclaration d'amour envers une ville et ses habitants.



Autres personnages

Pat' Patrouille - Grand album - Cat Pack

Oh, non ! Le maire Hellinger a transformé son chat-robot en chat géant pour devenir le maître de la Grande Vallée ! Le félin de métal fait des ravages dans la ville et la Pat' Patrouille va avoir besoin d'aide. Heureusement, les chiots peuvent compter sur leur ami Chascadeur et les Super Chats !




Boule & Bill Tome 44 : Te fais pas d'Bill !

Un cocker, c'est quoi ? ... Un compagnon attachant, gourmand, tonitruant et taquin ! Et si l'on suit cette définition, Bill est LE cocker par excellence ! Toujours le dernier au bain mais le premier à la soupe ou sur le terrain de jeux, il forme plus que jamais avec Boule un duo aussi drôle que complice. Une nouvelle variation de ce "coquin de cocker" pour rire en famille à l'orée des fêtes !




Disputes on human rights violation before the ecowas court of justice

Mandated to make judgments on human rights cases since 2005, the ECOWAS Court of Justice has undeniably acquired the reputation of a forum for human rights protection, in the manner of courts of justice as prestigious as the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights or the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights. With no systematic study of the Court's human rights jurisprudence having been undertaken till today, this work comes to fill the gap. Part I of the book presents the body of case law emerging after fifteen years of practice. Two feats must be acknowledged here. The feat of the Court itself, whose original mandate was, and is still in force any rate, that of a custodian of the norms of economic integration, not adjudication on human rights violation. The human rights case law of the Court was therefore born out of a sustained effort, not devoid of approximations and sometimes mistakes, all the more deserving of commendation, because unlike similarjudicial bodies, it had succeeded in ridding itself of what the author calls "a pointer of orientation for the norms relied upon", a single codified body of rules of reference. Then, the exploits of the author, who succeeded, in an effort of re-composition, in sustaining, by a consummate art of summary, a reconstitution of the various phases of the trial proceedings, and in retrieving and discussing in a systematic manner, the viewpoints of the Court. Part II is made up of a collection of studies whose themes centre on the major interrogations of international disputes on human rights : the status of the applicants, relations between the Court and other sister or rival courts of justice, the dialectics of relationship between the national judge and the international judge, etc. Part II closes up with a prospective reflexion on "The Future of the Court", where the author expresses his hopes, but also his serious concerns regarding what is to become of a court whose usefulness and cathartic function are not lost on him. The book is, as always, written in pure delightful language, and the analyses, nourished with the experience of the judge that the author was, are remarkable in richness, finesse and depth.



12 ans et +

Will et Will

Will Grayson se méfie des sentiments. Les histoires de cour portent la poisse, tout le temps. Alors quand son meilleur ami, l'exubérant, très corpulent et très, très homo Tiny Cooper, fait tout pour le fourrer dans les bras de Jane, il se dit que cette fille est jolie, marrante et sympa mais... pas du tout son type. De l'autre côté de Chicago, un certain Will Grayson (rien à voir avec le premier !) se sent plus mort que vivant : il vient d'apprendre que celui qui le faisait fantasmer sur sa messagerie n'a jamais existé...



Réalistes, contemporains

No sleep till Shengal

Dans la lignée de Kobane Calling, un nouvel ouvrage de Zerocalcare dans la veine documentaire, qu'il a conçu au retour d'un séjour en Irak, afin de mettre en lumière la situation critique de la minorité yézidie, aspirant à l'indépendance et mettant en place des principes de vie démocratique extrêmement avant-gardiste. On y retrouve son mélange unique de témoignages poignants et précis et d'un humour salvateur qui ne cesse d'interroger le rôle et le regard de l'Occident au Proche-Orient.




L'affaire Emmett Till

Eté 1955. Un adolescent afro-américain mort lynché. Une plaie toujours ouverte. La nouvelle enquête de la collection True Crime. Fin août 1955, le corps sans vie et défiguré d'un adolescent est repêché dans l'Etat du Mississippi. Il s'agit de celui d'Emmett Till, un jeune noir de Chicago âgé de 14 ans, venu passer des vacances dans la famille de sa mère. Quelques jours plus tôt, il a été vu en conversation avec Carolyn Bryant, une jeune commerçante blanche, à qui, selon certains témoins, il aurait fait des avances. Roy Bryant, son mari, et J. W. Milam, son beau-frère, sont venus chercher Till en pleine nuit chez son oncle. Personne ne l'a revu vivant. Les deux hommes sont vite arrêtés et traduits en justice. Un mois plus tard, un jury composé de douze hommes blancs les acquitte après un délibéré qui a duré une petite heure. Près de soixante-dix ans plus tard, l'affaire Till est devenue un moment de l'histoire des droits civiques aux Etats-Unis. Mais l'affaire criminelle n'est toujours pas entièrement résolue. De nouveaux éléments ne cessent de filtrer. L'Affaire Till pèse encore sur l'histoire américaine, mais l'affaire Till n'est pas encore totalement finie.



Comics divers

The Kill Lock - Le Spectre Artisan. Le Spectre Artisan

Toute civilisation, aussi grandiose soit-elle, peut être mise à terre. Via un acte improbable et immoral, un Artisan déviant s'est emparé du corps d'un Spectre, faisant de cette combinaison un guerrier surpuissant et à l'intelligence hors pair. Cet être a établi un havre de paix pour tous les condamnés au Kill Lock. Sentant leur pouvoir déstabilisé, les Forgeurs confient à deux mercenaires la mission de repérer puis d'éliminer le fauteur de troubles. Leur temps est limité, leur échec inadmissible. Un récit de Science-Fiction à l'univers fouillé, à la narration complexe et au visuel envoûtant.




Apparently, Disillusioned Adventurers Will Save the World Tome 1

Plus jamais je ne ferai confiance ! Alors qu'il faisait partie d'un groupe d'aventuriers vétérans, Nick se fait bannir par Algus, le leader, qu'il considérait comme son père ! Au fond du trou, Nick se retrouve à partager sa table avec une noble déchue, un prêtre défroqué et une guerrière dragonne... Et tous les quatre semblent étonnamment être sur la même longueur d'onde ! Ainsi commence l'épopée d'un groupe un peu étrange, composé de quatre aventuriers ayant perdu foi en l'humanité... The Ultimate Party is Born !




Apparently, Disillusioned Adventurers Will Save the World Tome 2

Après avoir été banni de son groupe, Nick rencontre une noble déchue, un prêtre défroqué et une guerrière dragonne partageant sa profonde méfiance envers les autres... Bien décidés à reprendre pied, ils fondent leur groupe, les "Survivors" ! Ils viennent rapidement à bout d'un labyrinthe pour débutants, et se mettent en route vers la forêt des gobelins... Ainsi continue l'ascension de quatre aventuriers ayant perdu foi en l'humanité !




Foundation Course for Advanced Computer Studies

In the modern world, computer systems are playing a greater and greater part in everyday life. From office work, to entertainment, to providing information, the personal computer is quickly becoming a more integral part of the home. However, most PC users have no idea how most of the parts which make up their computer work internally. I am one of those who find that the framework provided by the school curriculum in the United Kingdom is of great assistance in planning lessons and learning plans but the curriculum does not plan out the work for us. We therefore need to invest a lot of time and effort into developing schemes of work that will suit the people we are going to teach. For me, it is a fantastic opportunity to employ our imagination and creativity to make lessons useful and interesting for children of different abilities. It is why I wrote this book. This book is a foundation course for Advanced Computer Studies and designed as a blueprint to teach users with a basic knowledge of computer science. Computer science is a subject that combines the use of technology which is ICT (Information Communication Technology) and the creation of technology. To use ICT (the subject about how to use technology to communicate information) more effectively, we need to know how technology works. Computing or computer science will create a generation of young people able to work at the forefront of technology change. It is the umbrella term for the subject that comprises 3 elements : computer science, information technology and digital literacy. It is helpful to think of these as the foundations, applications and implications of digital technology. The new focus on computer science will provides a well-defined and rigorous academic discipline and a unique lens through which pupils can understand the world. Children must therefore be taught computing if they are to be ready for tomorrow technology challenges. Our ingenuity to invent new means of communicating with each other, our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries however still a lot remain to be done with the arrival of quantum computing. A more rigorous approach to computer science teaching will help compete across the full spectrum of digital industries. This can only be achieved by equipping ourselves with the foundation skills, knowledge and understanding of computing do the necessity to introduce "computational thinking" at school via the new national curriculum (programmes of study and targets), the 2014 national curriculum that introduces computing which will replace ICT.



Guides gastronomiques

Paris. Restaurants d'antan et de toujours, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Simples bistrots ou établissements prestigieux, les restaurants "historiques" de Paris ne se résument pas à une carte, aussi savoureuse soit-elle. En passant leur seuil, le convive d'aujourd'hui sent encore la présence de ceux qui l'ont précédé : forts des Halles, maquignons des abattoirs de La Villette, demi-mondaines des boulevards, encyclopédistes des Lumières où affairistes de la place de la Bourse. Leurs ombres peuplent toujours de merveilleux décors sur lesquels le temps n'a pas eu de prise. Simple bistros or famous institutions, Paris's "historic" restaurants are more than their menus, however enticing these may be. When today's diners walk through their doors, they sense that they join a long line of predecessors who vary according to the district : the market workers at Les Halles, the livestock dealers at the La Villette abattoirs, the ladies of ill repute on the boulevards, the erudite writers of the Enlightenment, or the bustling businessmen at the Place de la Bourse. Their shadows still lurk in the splendid décors on which time has no hold.



Anglais apprentissage

The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter " A " stands for " Adultery ". In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child bore outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her tife. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child?




Fantastic Beasts in Antiquity. Looking for the monster, discovering the Human, Textes en français et anglais

Not satisfied with what nature offered, human beings wanted to go beyond reality and invented mysterious and intriguing creatures populating their world. During Antiquity, every culture had its own strange creatures, that mixed the forms of one or more animal, plant and human species in an infinite number of more-or-less fanciful combinations. Griffins, sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs, satyrs, pygmies, werewolves, winged monsters and unspeakable hybrids, fantastic beasts abound in the imagination of many populations throughout Antiquity. Most of them continue to live, sometimes transformed, through fairy tales, literature, movies and videogames. Faced with the abundance and variety of the ancient fantastic bestiary, the questions that come to mind are : Where do fantastic beasts come from ? How do they appear in different cultures ? What is their history, how did they survive until now ? And above all, what are fantastic beasts ? This book will explore these questions through the lens of archaeology, art history, philology and philosophy. The result is a hybrid book, precisely like the fantastic animals that constitute its object, a book which offers different approaches of analysis while being aware that our means are often vain to capture these elusive figures, which ultimately are more like us than they seem. Man, like Oedipus, will often prove to be more monstrous than the Sphinx...



Littérature française

Sons of Fantasy

When we were children, we believed anything was possible... This book is a fantasy novel originally written for children. But, if you are a father or a mother, a teacher or a writer, if you still have some bits of fantasy in your soul... then, this novel is for you too. We all know how geniuses changed the world with their childlike Imagination, and how people use creative thinking to solve problems. This is a story about hope ; "Sons of Fantasy" shares the story of M. Alger, a father grieving for the loss of his dear wife, who left him with two beautiful kids. Norris and Socrates were adjusting to life without Mom... But things got more complicated when one of them was paralyzed because of a severe psychological trauma due to an overdose of fantasy... This family has a very interesting neighbor who lives a few feet away. He has a weird little hobby, reading books in the most unlikely places... He for example travelled to Romania and read "Dracula" by Bram Stoker in the Castelul Bran Castle, because it's said that the main character Dracula lived in it. And then all of a sudden he stopped travelling... He got a month ago a big long hat that belongs to the greatest witch that lived during the middle ages, "Moje Gayla". In fact, after being burned by the church, one of her relatives kept her belongings inside a wooden box... and in the twentieth century one of her grandchildren donated the box to "The Magic Square Museum" in London. Genius bought the hat at a public auction as an art relic to decorate one of his rooms. Could this weird neighbor be the reason of Socrates' psychological trauma ? Or maybe he is the one who will cure him ? And what has the hat to do with all this ?



Livres 3 ans et +

Mes plus beaux airs de rock

Un livre sonore sur le thème du Rock'n Roll. 6 grands artistes fondateurs Elvis - Alright Mama Bill Haley - Rock around the Clock Little Richard - tutti frutti Chuck Berry, you never can tell Gene Vincent - be bop a lulla Buddy holly - peggy sue des sonds de grande durée et une qualité reconnue avec des grandes piles AAA alcalines.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Non classé

Henry VIII in History, Historiography and Literature

If this anthology on the literary appreciation of the life and times of Henry VIII can show how history, historiography and the history of literature are woven together as threads in a tapestry, if this book can show how varied the sources are from which historical images are fed, especially those of significant historical figures, then it will have surely fulfilled its purpose.



Documentaires jeunesse

La France. 120 questions/réponses

42 cartes quiz sur la France autour de la géographie, de la gastronomie, de l'histoire, des grands personnages, artistes et célébrités, le tout accessible aux enfants dès 6 ans. Quelques exemples de questions : Avant l'euro, quelle était la monnaie française : la lire ou le franc ? Commment s'appelle la spécialité alsacienne : la choucroute ou la chouchoute ? Quel animal est l'emblème de la France : le panda ou le coq ?
