
To be or not to be, Ernst Lubitsch. Un classique dans l'histoire



Physique, chimie

What is energy?

The word 'energy' was used to confuse me. I know that energy is. It is the capacity of a physical system to perform work, the ability to do work. Work is moving something against a force. I also know that without energy life cannot exist. At the same time, I could not picture Energy in my mind to better understand what it is. This book is design to given you a concrete understandasing of that energy is. Remember in reallity, no one can see, touch or observe energy. We can only constact the presence of energy by mouvement, motion and mesure it by its speed. We shall use this opportunity to introduce you to a pattern, the geometric shape torus that holds the key to the fuel of the future, to the world that works for everyone - Clean and universal energy. I consider the torus to be the best ever explanation of our evolutionary process. Evolution means to enfold, to roll out. The question is what the universe is rolling out ? I realised that we are not a mistake, we are simply mistaken. We have been blended to our brilliance, ignorance to our genius, unaware of our true power and magnificence. The Torus, the Zero Point Energy Field = Creation Story




Houtoumusuko to Koi no Ana

Sôsuke, lycéen, est un Don Juan qui aime un peu trop faire la fête et briser le coeur des filles. Pour le remettre dans le droit chemin, sa mère l'envoie chez son oncle et sa tante, au fin fond de la campagne. Sôsuke ne proteste pas, car il a hâte de revoir son premier amour, sa cousine Minori-chan, mais lorsqu'il arrive là-bas, les retrouvailles après onze ans d'éloignement ne se passent pas exactement comme prévu... Car "Minori-chan" est un homme ! Et en plus, il est professeur au nouveau lycée de Sôsuke ! Pour ne rien arranger, les choses se compliquent encore lorsque Sôsuke découvre Minori, un soir, dans une posture... vraiment très intime !



Critique littéraire

The failed infanticide

Simply go through the pages of this piece of work and discover in all sincerity the story of a life, full of philosophy. It all started from the denial of a pregnancy in 1974 and the desire to share the course of my life. I confide in you today a piece of my story. I am sharing with you what I have lived so as to show you that a birth near death is not a fatality, if you walk with a determined step by converting your suffering into strength and courage, in order to be able to live and expand yourself.



BD tout public

Les informaticiens Tome 4 : To boot or not to boot

"Les Informaticiens", c'est tout un programme ! Entre Phil le bourrin qui martyrise son ordinateur au moindre bug, Mike le spécialiste du téléchargement de films en chinois non sous-titrés et Kevin le stagiaire qui connaît le vrai sens de l'expression "système d'exploitation", on se demande bien comment l'entreprise Bousier arrive à tourner sans planter. Le boss de cette société familiale spécialisée dans la conception de produits informatiques a intérêt à surveiller tout ce beau monde car c'est bien connu : le tchat parti, les souris dansent... En plein boom des nouvelles technologies, des accros de l'Internet haut-débile et des joueurs webcamés, Brrémaud, Reynès et Krings vous proposent La bande dessinée pour ne pas rester sur la touche : "Les Informaticiens" contribuent à la sauvegarde de votre bonne humeur (CTRL + S).



Non classé

Read Ancient African scripts from any current African language. Volume 2

The son of Douaouf, the brilliant, scribe of the early XIIth Dynasty Xty " Khety " said this : "The man continues to subsist after reaching the haven of death and his actions are beside him in a heap. " If regression is the main cause of the alarming situation of Africa and its tails the perceptibles consequences at all levels, the solution to this problem is eminently political. It inevitably involves the constitution of a pan-African State. For men, there is no unity without memory of the past. In fact, the construction of a federal state inevitably involves the restoration of African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language. The unification of Africa will only be possible if it takes the measure of its linguistic unification issue. To a lesser extent but like Cheikh Anta Diop in his book titled the Cultural Unity, I was animated throughout this heuristic by the idea that only the true knowledge of the past can maintain the consciousness and the feeling of a historical continuity essential to the consolidation of a nation for the purpose of building a multinational state in line with its past. Like Cheikh Anta Diop, I build my sureness on the legitimate idea that a people who lost a significant part of their historical memory must engage in the investigation of their past in every possible way. This investigation can take the contours of a reconnection with its past through so-called old languages. But a people can not live only with by merely repeating of what others tell them about themselves. The investigation through its linguistic past allows especially a direct knowledge of oneself. In addition to the fact that this knowledge simply highlights its weaknesses, it allows also to become aware by an introspective and therefore reflective of its real abilities and strengths. It structures being and the consciousness of being to resist any form of servile and degrading ideology. This quest for the past, not founded on blind passion but objectivity, nourishes a healthy ambition for a real universalism. To know one's past is already to project one's future. To know one's past is to give oneself the capacity to be able to bring to others in a perspective of giving and receiving. To know one's past is to refuse intellectual guardianship and wait-and-seeism. To know one's past is to be reborn.



Non classé

Read Ancient African scripts from any current African language. Volume 1

The son of Douaouf, the brilliant, scribe of the early XIIth Dynasty Xty " Khety " said this : "The man continues to subsist after reaching the haven of death and his actions are beside him in a heap. " If regression is the main cause of the alarming situation of Africa and its tails the perceptibles consequences at all levels, the solution to this problem is eminently political. It inevitably involves the constitution of a pan-African State. For men, there is no unity without memory of the past. In fact, the construction of a federal state inevitably involves the restoration of African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language. The unification of Africa will only be possible if it takes the measure of its linguistic unification issue. To a lesser extent but like Cheikh Anta Diop in his book titled the Cultural Unity, I was animated throughout this heuristic by the idea that only the true knowledge of the past can maintain the consciousness and the feeling of a historical continuity essential to the consolidation of a nation for the purpose of building a multinational state in line with its past. Like Cheikh Anta Diop, I build my sureness on the legitimate idea that a people who lost a significant part of their historical memory must engage in the investigation of their past in every possible way. This investigation can take the contours of a reconnection with its past through so-called old languages. But a people can not live only with by merely repeating of what others tell them about themselves. The investigation through its linguistic past allows especially a direct knowledge of oneself. In addition to the fact that this knowledge simply highlights its weaknesses, it allows also to become aware by an introspective and therefore reflective of its real abilities and strengths. It structures being and the consciousness of being to resist any form of servile and degrading ideology. This quest for the past, not founded on blind passion but objectivity, nourishes a healthy ambition for a real universalism. To know one's past is already to project one's future. To know one's past is to give oneself the capacity to be able to bring to others in a perspective of giving and receiving. To know one's past is to refuse intellectual guardianship and wait-and-seeism. To know one's past is to be reborn.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

WHY SEX MATTERS. A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior

Why are men, like other primate usually the aggressors and risk takers? Why do women typically have fewer sexual partners? Why is killing infants routine in some cultures, but forbidden in others? Why is incest everywhere taboo? Bobbi Low ranges from ancient Rome to modern America, from the Amazon to the Arctic, and from single-celled organisms to international politics to show that these and many other questions about human behavior largely come down to evolution and sex. More precisely, as she shows in this uniquely comprehensive and accessible survey of behavioral and evolutionary ecology, they come down to the basic principle that all organisms evolved to maximize their reproductive success and seek resources to do so. Low begins by reviewing the fundamental arguments and assumptions of behavioral ecology: selfish genes, conflicts of interest, and the tendency for sexes to reproduce through different behaviors. She explains why in primate species-from chimpanzees and apes to humans-males seek to spread their genes by devoting extraordinary efforts to finding mates, while females find it profitable to expend more effort on parenting. Low illustrates these sexual differences among humans by showing that in places as diverse as the parishes of nineteenth-century Sweden, the villages of seventeenth-century China, and the forests of twentieth-century Brasil, men have tended to seek power and resources, from cattle to money, to attract mates, while women have sought a secure environment for raising children. She makes it clear, however, they have not done so simply through individual efforts or in a vacuum, but that men and women act in complex ways that involve cooperation and coalition building and that are shaped by culture, technology, tradition, and the availability of resources. Low also considers how file evolutionary drive to acquire resources leads to environmental degradation and warfare and asks whether our behavior could be channeled in more constructive ways. Why Sex Matters is a compelling work of biology, sociology, and anthropology and a penetrating study of the deep motivations that underlie individual and social behavior.



Anglais apprentissage

A multitude of Sins. Richard Ford

A sequel to Rock Springs and Women with Men, the collection of short stories entitled A Multitude of Sins was published in 2001 and immediately achieved worldwide recognition. If this series of ten short stories seems to feature adultery, it would be a major mistake to believe that the stories can be reduced to what is actually a side issue or a pretext to something else, sometimes of much greater importance. As often with great writers, Richard Ford tackles several other topics along with the sin of unfaithfulness which is a base camp from which to go further up into the knowledge of human deficiency, lack and want. Pondering these sins, Richard Ford lays them all bare while often unveiling the issue of the story right from the beginning, instead of cautiously preserving it as a last chance literary trick to pull it off at the fast moment. Showing insight through observation, his writing is deceptive in as much as it seems natural and easygoing when it requires close analysis and several successive readings to yield up its literary and humane secrets. The comparison some critics have made to Chekhov is not overblown and Agregation students, certainly among the most perceptive readers in the world, should naturally enjoy both reading and studying A Multitude of Sins, pleasure and scholarship being complementary, not antagonistic. The exclusive interview of Richard Ford at the end of the book will certainly be appreciated by Agregation students, who will thus be able to finish off their knowledge of Ford's works.



Grossesse et maternité

Mom to be. Journal de grossesse

Journal de grossesse qui vous accompagne étape par étape, mois après mois tout au long de votre grossesse pour préparer l'arrivée de bébé. Pages rendez-vous, tracter humeur, listes récapitulatives, lettre à bébé et bien d'autres.




Fantastic Beasts in Antiquity. Looking for the monster, discovering the Human, Textes en français et anglais

Not satisfied with what nature offered, human beings wanted to go beyond reality and invented mysterious and intriguing creatures populating their world. During Antiquity, every culture had its own strange creatures, that mixed the forms of one or more animal, plant and human species in an infinite number of more-or-less fanciful combinations. Griffins, sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs, satyrs, pygmies, werewolves, winged monsters and unspeakable hybrids, fantastic beasts abound in the imagination of many populations throughout Antiquity. Most of them continue to live, sometimes transformed, through fairy tales, literature, movies and videogames. Faced with the abundance and variety of the ancient fantastic bestiary, the questions that come to mind are : Where do fantastic beasts come from ? How do they appear in different cultures ? What is their history, how did they survive until now ? And above all, what are fantastic beasts ? This book will explore these questions through the lens of archaeology, art history, philology and philosophy. The result is a hybrid book, precisely like the fantastic animals that constitute its object, a book which offers different approaches of analysis while being aware that our means are often vain to capture these elusive figures, which ultimately are more like us than they seem. Man, like Oedipus, will often prove to be more monstrous than the Sphinx...



Thèmes photo

Paysages du Nord-Mayenne au printemps. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Une approche du paysage, non pas touristique, mais intimiste ; des panoramas, non pas à consommer, mais à découvrir par hasard, au détour de petites routes sinueuses. Une découverte en ralentissant son rythme habituel, réaliser la prise de vue à l'instant propice, être dans le kairos de la Grèce antique, en laissant le temps à un rayon de soleil de se glisser entre deux nuages, de manière, tout en étant baigné par la lumière, à s'intégrer dans tout ce qui vibre autour de nous, par toute cette nature, heureusement encore, exubérante. An approach to the landscape, not touristy, but intimate ; panoramas, not to be consumed, but to be discovered by chance, at the turn of small winding roads. A discovery by slowing down its usual place, taking the shot at the right time, being in the kairos of ancient Greece, allowing time for a ray of sun to slip between two clouds, so, while being bathed in light, to integrate into everything that vibrates around us, by all this, fortunatelu still, exuberant.



Cerveau et psychologie

Transcultural Dictionary of Misunderstandings. European and Chinese Horizons

The Transcultural Dictionary of Misunderstandings. European and Chinese Horizons is the result of an initiative which forges a radically new path for promoting transcultural understanding by studying culture-bound keywords. The stimulating idea is to create and address with intention that which is generally held to be by all means avoided : namely, misunderstandings. The experiment starts with a level of communication that is not political per se but cultural. Cultures have no rigid borders like nation-states. They are more dynamic and meandering, open to influence, and translatable. Like cultures themselves, keywords are saturated with history, long-term experience, values, and collective emotions. They carry a load of tacit knowledge and implicit axioms that have the advantage of not having to be unpacked, explained, or spelled out. Working through various semantic layers of keywords on both sides helps to create a more transparent language for transcultural dialogue. The creation of such a language is the effect of producing, exchanging, and working through misunderstandings on both sides. Within the framework of transcultural dialogue, misunderstandings turn out to be an innovative tool for mutual learning by seeing oneself through the eyes of the other. It is high time for researchers in various parts of the world to join forces and translate basic concepts from one language and culture into another. Every translation is a transformation, marking similarities and differences which can lead to an uncovering of new ideas, values, and cultural practices. This unconventional dialogue is a great source of inspiration because it works through hardened assumptions and misrepresentations, unsettles schematic thinking, and leads to unexpected insights and new points of contact. Aleida Assmann Professor of English Literature and Literary Theory, University of Konstanz, Germany



Non classé

Waste Management in Poland and Germany

Poland attracts foreign investment. This holds also true for foreign enterprises involved in waste management. In order to do efficiently and successfully waste management-related business in Poland, it is of great importance to get acquainted with the following issues : general waste management situation, market conditions and business openings for waste management firms, and the legal framework governing waste management in Poland. Given that Poland hopes to be admitted to the European Union by the turn of the coming century, co-ordination and harmonization of the different national waste management programs are imperative. Therefore, for comparative reasons, the German waste management system and the waste management policies in the European Union are discussed as well.



Littérature française

L'ombre du chardon : Fuki-no-tô

Atsuko est heureuse dans la petite ferme biologique dont elle a longtemps rêvé. Ses affaires vont bien, il lui faudra bientôt embaucher de l'aide. Quand son mari a accepté de quitter la ville pour partager avec sa famille cette vie à la campagne qui ne lui ressemble pas, elle a su reconnaître les sacrifices qu'il lui en coûtait. Mais une amie qui resurgit du passe la confronte elle aussi à des choix : Atsuko va devoir débroussailler son existence et ses désirs, aussi emmêlés qu'un bosquet de bambous non entretenu.




Memory Babe. Sur les traces de la Beat Generation

De la capitale au Pacifique, sept cents bornes d'une traite et l'aube sur la route tortueuse. Nous ne voyons pas encore la mer. La sainte mer. Prendre la route, c'est traverser - passer par-delà le Bien et le Mal. Les barbelés de l'esprit tranchés, on continue de rêver assis sur des ruines, on continue d'écrire après la fin du monde. C'est une sale histoire de serpent avec un nom trompeur Ca s'appelle la V. I. E. Etre To be To be beat Or not to be



Prière et spiritualité

Neuvaine à Saint Joseph

Un texte nouveau et original pour prier durant l'année consacrée à saint Joseph. Une neuvaine classique où les textes pour chaque jour sont à la fois une prière et une méditation. 1er jour : saint Joseph notre père - 2e jour : saint Joseph modèle de l'époux - 3e jour : saint Joseph, témoin de la virilité pour notre temps - 4e jour : saint Joseph, protecteur de l'Eglise et de la famille - 5e jour : saint Joseph, maître d'oraison - 6e jour : saint Joseph, homme de l'Esprit - 7e jour : saint Joseph, secours dans les difficultés - 8e jour : saint Joseph, soutien des travailleurs - 9e jour : saint Joseph patron de la bonne mort Neuvaine ayant reçu l'imprimatur de Mgr Robert Le Gall, archevêque de Toulouse.



Ethnologie et anthropologie

The Wolves Rise Again. New elites born out of chaos

The successive shocks that strike our time have acted as an indicator of men : the bland elites of yesteryear, suddenly rejected by the masses, went back silently into the void where they had first come from. This opportunist plutarchy, that maintained itself so far, thanks to the industry of lying, the targeted elimination of creative people, will soon be engulfed. Around these illusionists with no audience, the hidden alphas will begin to rise. Within a few months, alphas, forged in a new metal, invaded public space. How can it be explained ? In troubled times, the hierarchies of peacetime had left, suddenly, a place to the atomisation of individuals. Chaos then allows the individual alphas to rise to power. Like a pack of wolves, these alphas quickly take the lead of small human groups organising themselves into rival packs. The French Revolution is a striking example of this evolution : the masters of yesterday were relegated because of their unsuitability.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Dinosaur imagery. The Science of Lost Worlds and Jurassic Art, The Lanzendorf Collection

"Paleo-art resides in many of the world's great Natural History Museums, but the most notable collection characterizing the present state of dinosaur art is that of John Lanzendorf. It would be impossible to collect all of the dinosaur artwork being produced today; if it could be done, John would be the one to do it. Highly respected by the artists he supports and the scientists he associates with, John has built an awe-inspiring collection that is representative of the genre and is the envy of many museums. As we move into a new millennium, his collection is the most appropriate source for documenting the marriage of the creative talents of artists and scientists." The art of natural history is both compelling and emotive, often emblematic of society's view of our world. This same art also reflects the messages that scientists hope to send to a general audience as a part of their effort to influence how the public view and supports science. Art is both the medium and the message. Dinosaur Imagery is a luxurious testimonial to the public fascination with dinosaurs, enriched by imagery that eloquently illustrates current scientific theories about dinosaur behavior, physiology, locomotion, and reproduction. The evidence for many of these hypotheses of dinosaur life is very good, and thus, the art of dinosaur depiction is rooted in scientific inquiry. The paintings and sculptures that illustrate dinosaur science are powerful, and museums and collectors vie for this art, paying top dollar to acquire it and display it. Dinosaur Imagery is a stunning fusion of superlative scientific inquiry and unparalleled artistic imagination. Regardless of back-ground, no person interested in dinosaurs should be without a copy of this book.




Phenomenological Realism

The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl is being analyzed in regard to its ontological implications. It is demonstrated that Husserl's method of reduction directly leads to an ontological idealism for which there is no epistemological justification. An alternative to this "idealistic" misunderstanding of the phenomenological approach is being developed in applying Heidegger's existential analysis to questions of epistemology and transcendental philosophy. It is thus shown that phenomenology may be established on safer grounds : not on the basis of a pure transcendental subject, but on life-world understood in the realistic sense of transcending the ego.



BD tout public

No way out. Version anglaise

" The stock market crash in '29 and the Dust Bowl left us with nothing, out on the streets, our youth our only asset. We were to reduced to wandering from place to place- no work, no future. What we were yet to realize, was that our only hope of saving our skins would be to risk our lives".



Non classé

Debating National Security

The nature of security in the contemporary world is changing rapidly. Superpower detente, the progress and further prospects of arms control, the collapse of East European communist regimes, and German unification, to name but the most spectacular features, present unprecedented challenges not only for political decision-makers, but also for the mass publics in democratic societies. What are the trends of public opinion on these issues and how do they reflect these changes ? By what factors are pertinent public attitudes shaped and what structures do emerge ? How can they be reliably assessed and meaningfully analyzed ? Which demands flow from the dynamics of public opinion that have to be taken into account in security policy making ? These are the key questions addressed by the twelve contributions to this volume. Combining longitudinal and comparative approaches they cover the public dimension of the national security debate in seven Western nations : Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States.



BD tout public

I am GooGol - The Great Invasion

Their arrival was heralded as a new beginning for the human race. Humans were no longer alone in the cosmos. Instead, they were suddenly thrust into an arena much larger than they were ready to deal with. In an age of technological advancement, Toughware and the wiki implants were the culmination of the first successful blending of human and alien technology. Suddenly, anyone with a wiki implant could ride the data streams. Hackers became celebrities as the neural landscape became the world's playground. And for a special few, a startling side effect was discovered. Fearing the worst, the Lambda Initiative was created to police wiki infractions and to protect the fabled Lambda Time Travel Restrictions. Anyone, human or alien, attempting to bypass the Lambda Protocols was subject to prosecution under this new law. To enforce this law, the G-Men were created. Culled from specialists with military and law enforcement experience, the G-Men sought out Lambda Protocol violators with swift and violent response. With wiki crimes on the rise and a growing anti-alien movement gaining strength, something had to be done. The government needed a solution, but they weren't sure what to do. And then they discovered a teenage girl living in Brazil with a special affinity for traversing and moulding the data stream. They had discovered the first Googol. And the world was about to change.



Non classé

Temporal Logic, Omniscience, Human Freedom - Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy

The work shows the usefulness and limitation of modern logic in the study of traditional metaphysical problems. As is the usual case in all criticism of analytic philosophers against traditional philosophy, word usage must be limited to what the human mind can know. The notion of timeless knowledge for example contradicts our normal mode of word usage and cannot serve as adequate in reference to knowledge be it that of man or of God. If timeless knowledge applied to divine mode of knowing then there cannot be human freedom.



Anglais apprentissage

Agrégation anglais. Howards End (E. M. Forster, J. Ivory) : Beyond Heritage. Edition 2021

Reading Forster's novel and Ivory's film together gives a stunning opportunity to re-assess the representation of Pre-World War One modernity. Far from presenting Edwardian England as a golden period, Howards End explores social structures, social mobility, real estate, the ambivalent relation to culture and new technological modes of communication and transport. Stylistically, the novel breaks new ground with its Protean narrative voice, and transitions towards Modernism with its mythic, musical method. The eponymous house becomes a metaphor for ecological balance, a new kind of extended family structure, a network of connections and a new sense of community. If Howards End as a novel reinvents literary legacy and redefines personal and national heritage, Ivory's adaptation must also be reassessed as so-called heritage cinema, far from the clichés of a purely aesthetic approach. It is no period piece or marketable commodity meant to toe a conservative line, but a carefully woven creative transposition, which also raises social and gendered questions.



Littérature française

You don't have to be irish

"Teagan est guitariste et enchaîne les concerts dans les pubs de Dublin. La précarité de sa situation ne lui permet pas d'envisager la vie au-delà du lendemain. Un jour il fait la rencontre de Maya, une Française, venue travailler dans un call center. Sans souci de l'avenir, la jeune femme s'amuse et profite de la vie. Le musicien va alors découvrir le monde des expatriés et petit à petit, appréhender les choses différemment... " "You don't have to be Irish" emmène le lecteur dans un monde réel qui révèle parfois des parts sombres de notre humanité. Ce roman guide le lecteur à travers les méandres de la vie d'expatriés dans un pays étranger, l'Irlande. Pays qui marquera les protagonistes tant par ses belles contrées que par les rencontres et les aventures qu'il leur aura permis de faire et de vivre.



Non classé

The History and some Problems of Television Service in Anambra State of Nigeria

The television medium has reached the heights of complication. This complication is the aftereffect of the fact that broadcasting in itself (both TV and Radio) recognizes little or no boundaries. Broadcasting breaks the boundaries of, inter alia, political, cultural, linguistic, socio-economical and socio-psychological identities. It reaches extensive "possibilities" embracing, collecting and connecting nationalities and people, languages and cultures. This situation must continue to raise the question why such a global-transcontinental and transnational communications' "inter-flux". This work is in this context an aid towards possible solutions of the present question on the TV-medium. The interest of this work can be said to be the presentation of facts that brought Anambra State of Nigeria to this "embrace" of the world's extensive television technology.




Glimpses of african cultures. Echos des cultures africaines, Edition bilingue français-anglais

This book covers various aspects of African traditional cultures that include: communication, marriage ceremonies, funerals, traditional rites, witchcraft, traditional cultural activities, and traditional beliefs. It will undoubtedly appeal to anyone who wants to understand better our African cultures. The reading of some of the stories will certainly raise existential questions about the nature of spirits, truth, and the place of God in the collective mind of the Africans. Some of the questions are the following: how is it possible that a human being has his double in an animal known as his totem ? How corne that, for people who do not believe in reincarnation, it is the chief who determines the future of the soul of the deceased ? In "Mourning habits in the West province of Cameroon," it appears that, if the soul is not taken care of, it will cause physical havoc in the society. Could there be a link between our souls and the physical elements of nature ? Is skull worshiping among the Bamileke merely a traditional practice or are they really able to communicate with their ancestors through the skulls ? What has led the Aghem people to firmly believe that lakes can physically move, that the dead live in their lakes, that children live in their pre-human state as caterpillars and may transform into reptiles when they are still babies ? What makes it possible for the human mind to communicate with animais, exchange messages as is shown in "How animais and things can speak and communicate in the Yambassa culture" ? Apart from the physical world as we know it, could there truly be a spiritual world that witches and wizards have access to and which system of values could this spiritual world be subjected to ? Every single paper of the more than 80 papers and squibs this book comprises is truly an invitation to explore further the untapped richness of African cultures.



Arts divinatoires

No Bad Days. L'Oracle Be Positive

Remercions la vie pour tout ce qu'elle nous offre ! Nous rêvons tous d'un petit guide qui nous donne les clés pour vivre une vie plus légère, agréable et lumineuse. Ce superbe oracle a été créé pour t'aider à donner une intention positive à ta journée et à vivre dans la gratitude. Pour chacune des 39 cartes colorées et joyeuses, tu trouveras dans le livre sa signification, un mantra et une activité spirituelle et libératrice : posture de yoga, playlist inspirante, écriture intuitive... Laisse-toi guider, il est temps de penser à ton bonheur et de rayonner de tout ton être !



Prière et spiritualité

Neuvaine à Sainte Marie de Jésus cruficié

Surnommée "la fleur de Terre Sainte" , Marie de Jésus Crucifié est connue pour sa dévotion à l'Esprit Saint. Neuvaine ayant reçu l'imprimatur de Mgr Robert Le Gall, archevêque de Toulouse. Après la fameuse prière à l'Esprit Saint de la Sainte, chaque jour de la neuvaine propose une prière basée sur sa spiritualité. 1er jour : le mystère de l'Incarnation 2e jour : l'Esprit Saint 3e jour : la Vierge Marie 4e jour : Jésus crucifié 5e jour : le combat spirituel et l'humilité 6e jour : la charité 7e jour : le pardon 8e jour : l'Eglise 9e jour : le Ciel



Droit européen des affaires

Lobbyst. Revelations from the EU Labyrinth, 2e édition

I feel the need to enlighten the public on the way the European Union functions, or rather malfunctions. For most readers, this could come as a great shock : how can one imagine that the legislator no longer legislates and that he delegates his legislative power to obscure cenacles called "trilogues" ? Today, being a lobbyist is considered to be bad. A defender of business, of multinationals, of capitalism, ... and by extension of pesticides, intensive agriculture and junk food. That is the image ! The aim of this book is not to correct this image, but to provide elements of appreciation and to give a form of objectivity to the debate. Daniel Guéguen is the longest serving EU lobbyist. He is the former head of the European sugar lobby and then of the European farmers unions. Now a consultant, he is at the heart of the lobbying issues that make the news. Longtime professor in the United States, notably at Georgetown and Harvard. Now at the College of Europe. Multi-author, editorialist, blogger, Daniel Guéguen remains a convinced pro-European, but fiercely critical of an opaque, bureaucratic and, to put it bluntly, anti-democratic system.
