
On the Way to a Smile Final Fantasy VII



Anglais apprentissage


When the vicar's wife went off with a young and penniless man the scandal knew no bounds. Her two little girls were only seven and nine years old respectively. And the vicar was such a good husband. True, his hair was grey. But his moustache was dark, he was handsome, and still full of furtive passion for his unrestrained and beautiful wife. Why did she go ? Why did she burst away with such an éclat of revulsion, like a touch of madness ? Nobody gave any answer. Only the pious said she was a bad woman. While some of the good women kept silent. They knew. The two little girls never knew. Wounded, they decided that it was because their mother found them negligible. The ill wind that blows nobody any good swept away the vicarage family on its blast. Then lo and behold ! the vicar, who was somewhat distinguished as an essayist and a controversialist, and whose case had aroused sympathy among the bookish men, received the living of Papplewick. The Lord had tempered the wind of misfortune with a rectorate in the north country. [...] "Lorsque la femme du pasteur s'enfuit avec un jeune homme sans le sou, le scandale ne connut pas de bornes. Ses deux fillettes n'avaient que sept et neuf ans respectivement. Et le pasteur était un si bon mari. Certes, il avait les cheveux gris, mais sa moustache était restée noire, il était bel homme et brûlait encore d'une passion furtive pour sa belle épouse immodeste. Pourquoi était-elle partie ? Pourquoi s'était-elle arrachée à lui, dans un tel éclat de dégoût, comme un grain de folie ? Personne n'apporta de réponse. Seules, les dévotes dirent que c'était une mauvaise femme. Cependant que certaines femmes de bien gardaient le silence. Elles comprenaient, elles. Les deux fillettes ne comprirent jamais. Blessées, elles jugèrent que c'était parce que leur mère les tenait pour quantité négligeable. Le vent du malheur qui est censé être bon à quelque chose balaya de son souffle les habitants de la cure. Puis, miracle, le pasteur, qui avait une certaine éminence comme essayiste et polémiste, et dont la situation avait su émouvoir certains intellectuels, fut nommé à la paroisse de Papplewick. Le Seigneur avait adouci l'ouragan du malheur par un bénéfice de recteur dans le nord du pays. " [...]



BD tout public

I am GooGol - The Great Invasion

Their arrival was heralded as a new beginning for the human race. Humans were no longer alone in the cosmos. Instead, they were suddenly thrust into an arena much larger than they were ready to deal with. In an age of technological advancement, Toughware and the wiki implants were the culmination of the first successful blending of human and alien technology. Suddenly, anyone with a wiki implant could ride the data streams. Hackers became celebrities as the neural landscape became the world's playground. And for a special few, a startling side effect was discovered. Fearing the worst, the Lambda Initiative was created to police wiki infractions and to protect the fabled Lambda Time Travel Restrictions. Anyone, human or alien, attempting to bypass the Lambda Protocols was subject to prosecution under this new law. To enforce this law, the G-Men were created. Culled from specialists with military and law enforcement experience, the G-Men sought out Lambda Protocol violators with swift and violent response. With wiki crimes on the rise and a growing anti-alien movement gaining strength, something had to be done. The government needed a solution, but they weren't sure what to do. And then they discovered a teenage girl living in Brazil with a special affinity for traversing and moulding the data stream. They had discovered the first Googol. And the world was about to change.




GOLD, Objectif Bayeux

On the night of the 31st of December 1943, two British commandos successfully collected a few samples of sand and peat under the very nose of the Germans posted at Ver-sur-Mer. Five months later, some 25, 000 men followed in their footsteps and landed on the same shores, codenamed Gold Beach. Barely had they landed, the British troops set out to building an artificial harbour, undoubtedly one of the finest technical feats of the Second World War. It was to prove a major asset for securing Allied supremacy in the months that followed the D-Day Landings.



Ouvrages généraux

The Small Catechism. Luther's Little Instruction Book

This annotated edition of ""Martin Luther's Small Catechism"" includes an extra appendix (in addition to the two already included in the original book) which provides an interesting overview of : Martin Luther's peasant roots, his education in pre-law, and how he was diverted from a law career to that of a monk-turned-professor and eventually, Protestant reformer, The role of the printing press in spreading the ""95 Theses"" quickly over Europe, catapulting Martin Luther to near-instant prominence in the religious dialogue of his day, The story of how Martin Luther colluded with a fishmonger to smuggle his future wife and her friends away from a convent, and Martin Luther's impact on the Protestant Reformation as well as modern religious thought. Martin Luther wrote the small catechism as an easy teaching tool for both individuals and families. Though penned close to five centuries ago, Luther's brief, clear summary of the essentials of Christian faith still ring true today. Topics covered include the Ten Commandments, the ""Creed"", the Lord's Prayer, and the sacraments of baptism and the altar. Ideas and instructions are also included for morning and evening devotions and giving thanks at mealtime. This little catechism, still widely used within the Lutheran Church, has gems of truth that many Christians will find to be both instructive and inspirational--regardless of denomination. Though few in words, it provides a wonderful explanation that has helped many to both learn the basics of Christian doctrine and apply them in a practical way to their lives.




Conjugal Love and the Ends of Marriage

The importance of conjugal love in marriage, allegedly overlooked by pre-conciliar marriage doctrine, is strikingly emphasized by present-day Catholic Church documents. The stable incorporation of conjugal love into Catholic marriage doctrine finds its roots in the Second Vatican Council's Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the modern world, Gaudium et spes. During the elaboration of the chapter on marriage and the family in Gaudium et spes, it was observed that its third conciliar draft, textus recognitus, contained ideas which are similar to what Dietrich von Hildebrand and Herbert Doms had pronounced during the 1930s. Some theologians and canonists, in fact, have opined that these authors paved the way for the personalist treatment of marriage in this century by underlining the importance of conjugal love. Others have even asserted that the Gaudium et spes doctrine on marriage is the confirmation of Doms's thought. What accounts for the shift towards an emphasis on conjugal love in the theological presentation of marriage ? What did these two authors understand by it and how did they articulate the matrimonial ends ? How were their ideas received by the theologians and by the Church ? To what extent and in what ways are their ideas reflected in the conciliar document ? This book probes these questions which are fundamental to understanding the evolution of the Catholic doctrinal presentation of marriage.




Final Fantasy Lost Stranger Tome 5

Découvrez l'univers de Final Fantasy comme jamais auparavant dans cette toute nouvelle histoire inédite ! Shogo et ses camarades se rendent au royaume de Mysidia à la poursuite d'une piste qui les mènerait à " vie ", le sort qui ressuscitera Yuko. En essayant de protéger Sara, la princesse du royaume, notre petite troupe tombe aux mains des trois soeurs Magus, un groupe terroriste qui sème la terreur dans Mysidia. Shogo profite d'une faille et met en pratique ses connaissances en FF. Il concocte une potion " Shrivel " qui le fait rétrécir lui et ses amis et leur permet de s'échapper. Une fois dehors, ils se retrouvent au tribunal, accusés d'avoir tenté de kidnapper la princesse ! Après maints efforts, Shogo et ses amis réussissent à dissiper cet affreux malentendu, quand le royaume est assailli par des poupées dansantes, les Calcabrina ! Les voilà qui font front avec Gershwin, sa garde royale et les deux mages de cour, Palom et Porom, pour protéger la cathédrale qui abrite le " manteau de Mysidia ", trésors du royaume. Après une longue bataille, ils arrivent enfin à vaincre les poupées et à dissiper les quelques malentendus qui subsistent. Toutefois, la tempête passée, des rires inquiétants se font entendre dans l'enceinte de la cathédrale...




Final Fantasy Lost Stranger Tome 4

Shogo et ses camarades se rendent au royaume de Mysidia à la poursuite d'une piste qui les mènerait à " vie ", le sort qui ressuscitera Yuko. En essayant de protéger Sara, la princesse du royaume, notre petite troupe tombe aux mains des trois soeurs Magus, un groupe terroriste qui sème la terreur dans Mysidia. Shogo profite d'une faille et met en pratique ses connaissances en FF. Il concocte une potion " Shrivel " qui le fait rétrécir lui et ses amis et leur permet de s'échapper. Une fois dehors, ils se retrouvent au tribunal, accusés d'avoir tenté de kidnapper la princesse ! Après maints efforts, Shogo et ses amis réussissent à dissiper cet affreux malentendu, quand le royaume est assailli par des poupées dansantes, les Calcabrina ! Les voilà qui font front avec Gershwin, sa garde royale et les deux mages de cour, Palom et Porom, pour protéger la cathédrale qui abrite le " manteau de Mysidia ", trésors du royaume. Après une longue bataille, ils arrivent enfin à vaincre les poupées et à dissiper les quelques malentendus qui subsistent. Toutefois, la tempête passée, des rires inquiétants se font entendre dans l'enceinte de la cathédrale...




Final Fantasy Lost Stranger Tome 7

Découvrez l'univers de Final Fantasy comme jamais auparavant dans cette toute nouvelle histoire inédite ! Shogo, Rei et Alus, qui ont été avalés dans le monde des livres, cherchent un moyen de s'échapper. Malheureusement, Byblos déploie toute sa puissance pour les en empêcher... Difficile de lui résister alors qu'il contrôle totalement cet univers ! Pendant ce temps-là, Duston et Sharu font ce qu'ils peuvent pour libérer leurs amis. Nos héros devront comprendre la nature même de la bibliothèque et du monde des livres pour espérer se sortir de ce mauvais pas. Découvrez Final Fantasy comme jamais auparavant dans cette toute nouvelle histoire inédite !




Final Fantasy Lost Stranger Tome 10

La première histoire originale de Final Fantasy en manga ! Partis à la recherche d'indices concernant le sort Vie dans le but de ressusciter Yuko, la soeur de Shogo, notre héros et ses compagnons arrivent à Gold Saucer, une ville commerciale remplie de makinas en tout genre où chacun vient assouvir ses désirs. Shogo retrouve Randolph, aux côtés de qui il a combattu et vaincu le dragon des brumes, mais quand Cid avise ce dernier, il entre dans une colère noire et se prépare à attaquer ! De leur côté, alors qu'ils sont à la recherche du responsable de l'empoisonnement du père de Sarah, la princesse et Gershwin aperçoivent quelqu'un jeter le sort " invisible " dont l'utilisation est pourtant proscrite. Petit à petit, la lumière se fait sur le lien qui unit la Guilde des arts interdits et la Résistance. L' occasion pour Shogo de venir en aide à son ami Cid sur qui pèse un étrange complot ! Découvrez Final Fantasy comme jamais auparavant dans cette toute nouvelle histoire inédite !




Final Fantasy XIII-2. Fragments Before

Grâce à Vanille, Fang et Lightning, le monde de Cocoon a survécu. Retenu par un pilier de cristal formé par les trois jeunes femmes, il surplombe toujours Pulse. Certains habitants de Cocoon ont choisi de descendre dans le Bas-Monde pour y chercher un nouveau havre de paix. Parmi ces pionniers se trouvent Serah et Snow… Installés dans un petit village en bord de mer, ils tentent de reconstruire leur communauté. Mais Serah est hantée par la disparition de sa soeur. Lightning est-elle vraiment entrée en stase comme Vanille et Fang ? Dans le cas contraire, où est-elle allée ? Pour redonner le sourire à sa fiancée, Snow décide de partir sur les dangereuses routes de Pulse en quête de la jeune femme. Le roman FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 – Fragments Before est la suite du jeu FINAL FANTASY XIII. Il sert de passerelle avec l'opus suivant de la célèbre série vidéoludique, FINAL FANTASY XIII-2. Retrouvez les personnages emblématiques du légendaire RPG, et faites encore avec eux un bout de chemin avec eux !un




Final Fantasy Lost Stranger Tome 9

Découvrez Final Fantasy comme jamais auparavant dans cette toute nouvelle histoire inédite ! Après avoir fait la connaissance d'Azuri, une étudiante en histoire, Shogo en apprend plus sur le legs du roi mage et accepte d'aider la jeune femme à rassembler des informations à ce sujet. Leur premier interlocuteur est un dénommé Mao Sith, directeur du pôle amusement de la Jormun Company, une jeune entreprise prête à soutenir Azuri dans ses recherches. Malheureusement, la vie à Gold Saucer n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille, et la Leone Family compte bien mettre quelques bâtons dans les roues de nos héros...



Littérature française

Saint Shuddhananda Bharati A visionary

Foreword To my friend, to my guide, to the mahatma of my heart, to the visionary of a united world living in peace and harmony in the earthly paradise that God has given us. Life and destiny is like an iceberg ; most of us is hidden, and for some, this is the start of the long path of questioning... For souls that are searching, the time then comes when the seeker finds what is being sought : the precursor, the one that has opened the path, cleared it out and illuminated the way. Thus in the deepest part of our Selves, at the centre of our soul, Joythi, the Divine Light is revealed and works on meeting all those who seek it. Kavi Yogi Maharshi Shuddhananda Bharati was a scholar, linguist, scientist, seer poet, saint and the sage of the Cosmic Age. He was ever agile and active, writing, singing, doing good and observed silence for 30 continuous years. He was a universalist, who was not bound to caste, religion, colour and race or geographic bounds. He was an apostle of Sama Yoga, which seeks for a synthesis of science and yoga, West and East, the actual and the ideal in life. Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati is the author of creative and literary works with ­diverse writing styles : epic and lyric writings, melodramas, operas, comedies, pastoral theo­logies, novels, short stories, biographies, notes on famous works, essays. Bharata Shakti Kavi Malayam is his magnum opus. Editions ASSA, Christianananda Bharati



Histoire de l'art

Titian, the Della Rovere Dynasty, and His Portrait of Guidobaldo II and his Son. Edition

Le portrait Klesch, par Titien, de Guidobaldo II avec son fils Francesco Maria représente le duc d'Urbino dans ses pleins pouvoirs de commandant suprême des troupes papales avec son héritier à ses côtés. Ce rare double portrait en pied vient seulement d'être attribué à Titien après avoir entrepris des analyses et une restauration minutieuses qui révèlent une belle peinture au style "non finito" avec de superbes touches d'empâtement totalement typiques au maître. Tout ceci est illustré et développé dans ce nouveau livre. Titian provided portraits for the greatest men and women of Europe, Charles V and Philip II of Spain primary among them. For years the Klesch portrait was dismissed as a workshop product - partly because poor condition hid its true quality, but also because it was not believed that Titian could have deigned to create one for Guidobaldo, whose father Guidobaldo della Rovere (1514-1574) and family had a long history of patronizing the artist. Recent research, however, has thrown Guidobaldo's geopolitical significance into relief. He was supreme commander of Venice, the Papal States and then Spain. He sent thousands of soldiers to the major conflicts of his day, particularly the defense of Malta (1565) and the Battle of Lepanto (1571) and his engineers were sought throughout Europe for their ingenuity. In this volume full of new research, Ian Verstegen reveals that Guidobaldo was not peripheral but central to Italian politics and was regarded at several points in history as a key figure who could bring peace or who could influence major conflicts on the Italian peninsula, particularly the War of Siena, and then Pope Paul IV's offensive war against Spain. Anne-Marie Eze gives the first comprehensive examination of the painting's provenance, outlining the portrait's vicissitudes and reception at different moments in its near 500-year history, reexamining received wisdom about its past ownership, and presenting new documentary evidence to expand on and fill gaps in our knowledge of its whereabouts. Finally, Matthew Hayes and Ian Kennedy reflect on the technique, date, recent conservation, and authorship of the painting, proving it to be a masterpiece that only the great Titian could have created.



Littérature française

Tales on exile

In exile one leaves behind the familiar, one becomes a foreigner in a strange place. There are many kinds of exile, and the reasons one seeks a form of escape may differ. You may reinvent yourself and adapt to new circumstances. Throughout this complex process you try to find a way to cling on to your roots. Nostalgia is imminent and sometimes confusing. Each metamorphosis is not only geographic, but also deeply personal. The characters in this collection have confronted exile in their own way.



Lectures graduées

Death of a Salesman

Willy Loman is a salesman who believes in the American Dream. He has spent his whole career on the road, going all over New England to sell products. At sixty, he is far from retiring : he needs to keep on working to earn money in order to pay his mortgage and loans. But he does not sell as much as he used to and struggles to make ends meet. His relationship with his elder son, Biff, is chaotic : he does not understand why his son does not live up to his expectations. Thus, they fight all the time. But at the heart of the tension between them lies a secret that only the two of them know... Death of a Salesman explores the depth and complexity of human relationships and shows what happens when a man gets lost in his own dreams.



Cinéastes, réalisateurs

L'oeuvre de David Fincher. Scruter la noirceur

We thought we had gone through the topic in the first volume, those two games opened new pists of reflexions. The in-depth analysis of Hidetaka Miyazaki's Dark Souls saga continues with this volume 2, decoding the Bloodborne and Dark Souls III episodes. An indinspensale ebook for all the fans of the game Dark Souls !EXTRACT"The project, christened Project Beast, began soon after the Astorias of the Abyss DLC was released in August 2012. At the time, FromSoftware was also beginning to build Dark Souls II, its cash cow. Miyazaki kept his distance from this sequel, which was handed off to Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura, with support from the FromSoftware president and creator of King's Field, Naotoshi Zin, who supervised the game system. On his end, Hidetaka Miyazaki formed a trusted team of regular collaborators, such as lead programmer Jun Itô (who had already filled this role for Demon's Souls and Dark Souls), composer and lead sound designer Tsukasa Saitô (Armored Core games), and most of his regular artists: Daisuke Satake, Masanori Waragai and Hiroshi Nakamura. The success of Demon's Souls, and the even greater success of Dark Souls, allowed FromSoftware to grow its ranks significantly. In total, no fewer than fifty programmers participated in the project, along with around twenty game system designers and fifty people working on visual creation (animation, scenery, characters, etc.). Thanks to financial support from Sony, many Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese studios were sub-contracted during the production to help with graphics and visuals."ABOUT THE AUTHORSPassionate about films and video games, Damien Mecheri joined the writers team of Gameplay RPG in 2004, writing several articles for the second special edition on the Final Fantasy saga. He continued his work with the team in another publication called Background, before continuing the online adventure in 2008 with the site Since 2011, he has come aboard Third Éditions with Mehdi El Kanafi and Nicolas Courcier, the publisher's two founders. Damien is also the author of the book Video Game Music: a History of Gaming Music. For Third Éditions, he is actively working on the "Level Up" and "Année jeu vidéo" collections. He has also written or co-written several works from the same publisher: The Legend of Final Fantasy X, Welcome to Silent Hill: a journey into Hell, The Works of Fumito Ueda: a Different Perspective on Video Games and, of course, the first volume of Dark Souls: Beyond the Grave. Curious by nature, a dreamer against the grain and a chronic ranter, Sylvain Romieu is also a passionate traveler of the real and the unreal, the world and the virtual universes, always in search of enriching discoveries and varied cultures. A developer by trade, he took up his modest pen several years ago to study the characteristics and richness of the marvelously creative world of video games. He writes for a French video game site called Chroniques-Ludiques, particularly on the topic of RPGs, his preferred genre.



Romans policiers

The tears of the mysterious forest

At the start of the school year in Massata, Galia, an enticing young lady showed up in one of the university classes. Her homeric intelligence and her magical beauty would make her the focus, the subject of monologues and desire. Her allure enticed lecturers and mates, the brightest of the class included. They found her interesting and desirable but mysterious and reluctant about her life. The day before her birthday, the young lady decided to open up to the one she was already falling for. That night, something heart-rending happened.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.




Tracing the Evidence

Tracing the Evidence : Dinah in Post-Hebrew Bible Literature examines the post-biblical literary developments of Dinah, the daughter of Leah and Jacob. According to Genesis 34, Dinah was sexually violated by Shechem ; however, there are gaps in the biblical narrative and little written about what happened to her after the fateful time. Tracing the Evidence considers how post-Hebrew Bible traditions have filled in some of those gaps. Some traditions give more information about her day-to-day life, how old she was when Shechem met her, and various details about her subsequent marriage(s) and children.




Blue Jay Way

Julien, jeune Franco-Américain féru de littérature contemporaine, a perdu son père dans l'avion qui s'est écrasé sur le Pentagone le 11 septembre 2001. La célèbre romancière Carolyn Gerritsen, qui l'a pris en amitié, lui propose d'aller vivre un temps à Los Angeles chez son ex-mari, le producteur Larry Gordon. A Blue Jay Way, villa somptueuse qui domine la cité des anges, Julien est confronté aux frasques du maître des lieux et à une jeunesse dorée hollywoodienne qui a fait de son désoeuvrement un art de vivre : un monde où tous les désirs sont assouvis, où l'alcool, les drogues et les parties déjantées constituent de solides remparts contre l'ennui. Peu à peu, Julien se laisse séduire par ce mode de vie délétère et finit par nouer une relation amoureuse avec Ashley, la jeune épouse de Larry. Lorsque celle-ci disparaît mystérieusement, il doit tout faire pour dissimuler leur liaison sous peine de devenir le principal suspect. Ce n'est que le début d'un terrible cauchemar : très vite, les morts violentes se succèdent, mensonges, trahisons et manipulations deviennent monnaie courante et la paranoïa apparaît bientôt comme la plus sage des solutions. Styliste hors pair, Fabrice Colin donne ici de nouveaux territoires au thriller et nous offre un roman profondément contemporain, qui dresse le portrait d'une époque où réalité et fiction ont irrémédiablement partie liée, parfois pour le meilleur, souvent pour le pire. Los Angeles, la ville où tout est filmé, et où pourtant tout est faux, est le cadre idéal de cette palpitante descente aux enfers, doublée d'une intrigue machiavélique.




Hardy's Wessex. The landscapes that inspired a writer

This fascinating book tells the story of Thomas Hardy's Wessex. Accompanying a multi-venue exhibition, it explores Hardy's life and work. Internationally-acclaimed writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is best known for his evocative depictions of the West Country landscape and its people, a region that he called 'Wessex'. What is less well-known is that this landscape also inspired him in many other aspects of his life, from campaigning for animal welfare to questioning the way society viewed women. This publication accompanies a blockbuster, multi-venue exhibition of the largest collection of Thomas Hardy memorabilia ever to be displayed at once. Hardy was born in the West Country, a few years after Queen Victoria came to the throne, and spent most of the rest of his life among its landscapes and people. When he turned writer, these landscapes and people re-emerged as his 'partly-real, partlydream country' of Wessex, in novels like Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Far from the Madding Crowd and Jude the Obscure. 'Hardy's Wessex' now conjures up a range of mental images : from raging seas on the coast to haunting ancient monuments, Victorian towns packed with life to peaceful hillsides grazed by sheep. However, through Hardy's 87-year life span, the West Country changed dramatically. Ideas of the role of women, humans' responsibility to animals, the realities of war, love and courtship, superstition, social structure, religion and how people related to the world around them altered fundamentally. Through his stories and campaigning, Hardy was keen to show not only the rural idyll, but also the tensions and diffi culties that lay beneath these views. These dramatic landscapes were the lens through which Hardy presented his worldview to his readership. From the tragedy of a woman saying farewell to her sailorlover on the end of Portland Bill, to a shepherd losing his flock and facing ultimate ruin on the chalky hills. The landscapes shape his characters, whose stories in turn convey his messages of social change to his readers. This publication will explore the impact that Wessex had on Hardy's works, and how living there shaped his views on the often divisive social issues of the period. Uniting beautiful landscape imagery with a selection of personal items from Hardy's life, this book will show you the man behind the literature.



Non classé

From Scarcity to Sustainability

For futures studies and environmentalism the late 1960s and early 1970s were a heyday period of great publicity, and much scientific interest was devoted to them. The study 'Limits to Growth', commissioned by the Club of Rome, has played an important role for the further advancement of these fascinating fields. Each of them in its own way deals with the long term prospects of humankind and desirable future paths of humanity and the globe. This investigation illustrates a very important phase in the development of these two areas and writes a history of ideas and a history of impact of the Limits to Growth debate and other activities of the Club of Rome. It includes information that has so far only been known to a very limited number of directly involved individuals and looks into very recent stages of the sustainable development debate and newest developments of more pragmatic and critical futures studies. For the purpose of this study some 100 interviews have been made worldwide with very well known and often influential individuals. Among them are : Sicco Mansholt, Alexander King, Jan Tinbergen, Robert Jungk, Saburo Okita, Lord Kennet, Johan Galtung, Barry Commoner and Philip de Seynes.




Burmese Silver from the Colonial Period

This stunning catalogue presents an exceptional collection of rare Burmese silver. Accompanied by detailed photographs and explanatory texts, this ground-breaking book proposes a new way of looking at Burmese silver. Names, dates, places, and stories - identifying the who, when, where, and what of Burmese silver has been the focus of publications on the topic. Are these questions the best way to understand silver, however ? Alexandra Green argues that they are not. Too few pieces provide reliable information about silversmiths, production locations, and dates to allow for a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Instead, a close examination of silver patterns reveals strong links with Burmese art history reaching as far back as the Bagan period (11th to 13th centuries), connections with contemporary artistic trends, and participation within the wider world of silversmithing. The first European to write about Burmese silver was H L Tilly, a colonial official from the late 19th into the early 20th century. Tasked with collecting objects for various fairs and exhibitions, he took an interest in Burmese art, publishing articles and books from the 1880s onwards. While much of what he wrote was factually inaccurate and coloured by the prejudices and stereotypes common at the time, his two volumes on Burmese silver published in 1902 and 1904 contain pictures of pieces from the early to mid 19th century. These enable a reconstruction of how silver designs evolved as the country was absorbed into the Indian Raj, and British and other Westerners became consumers of local silver products. Tilly was also correct in his interest in silver designs. Green uses the visual information from his books to describe the continuities and innovations of designs found on silver from the mid 19th through the mid 20th century, and she places these trends within local, regional, and global flows of ideas. Many studies of Burmese silver have been plagued by a lack of understanding of the Burmese context. In contrast, Green examines silver from a local perspective, drawing on Burmese texts and information that allows for a nuanced view of the motifs, designs, and patterns that appear repetitively on silver pieces. Using Graham Honeybill's collection, formed over many years, as a basis, she explores how designs and patterns circulated around the country and were innovatively combined and recombined on pieces by silversmiths producing objects for Burmese, Western, and commercial clients.



Non classé

A Life of Her Own

This study reconstructs Brittain's feminist theory, which mainly refutes assumptions made about women, supports companionate marriage, and demands the communal reorganization of child care and domestic work to enable a married woman to work outside her home. It compares her theory to her five novels. Doing so, it uncovers revealing feminist 'flaws', above all that marriage remains, the sine qua non for a woman's happiness. The study describes Brittain's way to the top as a formidable obstacle race, in which she constantly had to fight the men she loved, her children, her parents, and resulting domesticity in order to find time to write "the book of the decade". She reached her goal with the publication of Testament of Youth in 1933.



Art contemporain

Back to the Light. Brian May Artwork

Lorsque Brian May est tombé sur les oeuvres de l'artiste Sarah Rugg sur Instagram, inspirées par son travail, il a été tellement impressionné qu'il a proposé de les publier sur papier. Le résultat est ce volume de la taille d'un album vinyle (30x30 cm) et dont le titre fait référence à son premier album solo "Back to the Light", remasterisé et réédité en 2021. Une extraordinaire anthologie de portraits de l'artiste qui, avec ses oeuvres, a lancé le phénomène, désormais viral sur Instagram, du "Bri-art" .



Sciences politiques

Scripture and Midrash in Judaism

The rabbis of late antiquity produced a score of exegesis of the Hebrew Scriptures of Ancient Israel ("the Old Testament"), in which they took various approaches to the study and interpretation of what they called "the written Torah". These exegesis, called collectively "Midrash", form an important part of "the oral Torah", that is, the tradition of Sinai formulated and transmitted for memorization and ultimately written down by the ancient sages in the first six centuries A.D. These three volumes present large selections of the Midrash-documents of ancient Judaism, in the translation of Jacob Neusner, who has now translated into English nearly all of the Rabbinic literature of late antiquity. The selections are organized by type, so that readers see the various ways in which, in form and in intellectual program, the documents of Midrash-compilation were formulated and set forth. In this way, the vast body of biblical exegesis put forth by Judaism in its formative age is made available to the contemporary reader.




The Day the Great Flood Came

The Day the Great Flood Came The Saga of the Annunaki, Volume 2 This is the story of Atlantis, of its high culture and of the people who lived there and loved and fought and died. It is a story of bravery and personal courage, of betrayal and of friendship, in the face of a looming cataclysm... Ea Anki, Lord of Ki, and Lady Anta In-Anna, his wife, find themselves lost in Hyperspace -- the Abzu -- with their space ship. They are carried along by a torrent in spacetime, where Anki has a vision of the future : he sees a gigantic flood drowning Atlantis, or Atalantash as the Ancients called it ! So, he sends Anta to warn Ashan, King of Atalantash, of the threat to his beloved city of learning and of knowledge. And he knows that he must find a way to alert the other Annunaki, in spite of the opposition from a hidden power on Ki.



Autres langues

Chinese Breeze : Our Geese Have Gone (Niveau 2 - 500 mots). Edition en anglais-chinois, 2nd edition

Twenty-five years ago, people in my village did not know that wild geese should be protected from hunting. My grandfather was the best of the hunters, selling the geese in town to pay for my schooling. One day, as he hunted, an eagle attacked the flock of geese, injuring the lead goose. My grandfather drove the eagle off and brought the lead goose home to tend to its wounds. Soon, the goose's mate joined it, and my grandfather, hunter of wild geese, found himself with two new companions...




Balkan Express

Livre de photographie / 85 photos N&B / texte FR-EN Le but de ce projet photographique est d'enquêter à travers les différentes couches sociales, afin de proposer un aperçu de la vie en Bosnie-Herzégovine, cent ans après l'attentat de Sarajevo (assassinat de l'archiduc d'Autriche Franz Ferdinand et de sa femme Sophie, le 28 juin 1914), qui fut le prétexte au lancement de la Première Guerre Mondiale et en quelque sorte, le point de départ du vingtième siècle. The aim of this photo project is to investigate through the different social layers to offer an overview of life in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a hundred years after the assassination of Sarajevo (Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, were shot down on 28, June 1914), which was a pretext for the launch of the First World War and in a way, was the starting point of the 20th century.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Don’t leave me

Jordan and Florence had made a promise never to part with each other, having managed to heal their past pains. Unfortunately, one day she will return to France, leaving Jordan, alone, in Boston. Their love, their carnal complicity in which they always found refuge and had fun in unusual places, cannot be ended on a whim. The death of a child, of a parent, suicide, disability, so many trials that will test their love, so that they admit they are nothing without the other. Will they succeed, knowing that when one is loved, one strength is increased tenfold when one encounters an obstacle ? Besides, distance is nothing when two people love each other so passionately, destiny is supposed to bring those who love each other together.
