
Into the Woods Disney




Epilepsy: the invisible pain

They say life is a long stretch of a calm river, but not for everyone ! She was for me until the day when everything rocked, the day my destiny was changed dramatically. People do not realize how life can be so sweet and so beautiful. They complain all day long for trivialities. They are not even aware that they have before their eyes the most beautiful wealth : the luck and happiness of living in good health. I was rich before. Now I am poor because my child has an incurable disease, that has currently no hope of being healed. As a parent, how can we accept that ? , How to continue living carrying the bundle of pain in my head ? , How to overcome this feeling of helplessness ? When I started speaking to my heart, I didn't know myself that this was the beginning of a new life : a rebirth as a poet. When I learnt that my 7-year-old daughter was suffering from the Dravet Syndrome, a rare genetic epileptic encephalopathy, this was like an earthquake in my life. Then, I needed to write in order to express my sorrow and my pain. Words and rhymes came naturally to my mind. This was obvious that poetry would be my survival weapon.




Secret Mexico City

An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew the city well or who would like to discover its many other facets. The forgotten café where Fidel Castro and Che Guevara used to meet, a tribute to the city's ghosts, a mammoth in the metro, a cave transformed into a shrine, an underground parking lot with mosaics dating from 1930, a Baroque altarpiece made from papier mâché, a village based on the principles of Thomas More's Utopia, secret masterpieces of colonial art in rooms only open around two hours a week, the largest roof garden in Latin America, the photo on which the Oscar statuette is modelled, the first building in the world faced with a material that can trap urban smog, a road surface designed for praying as you walk ...



Littérature française

Chance freedom. Translated by Eric Turcat & Hannah Farris

If Chance is a "straw man" and Freedom a distant ideal, then why write poetry in the first place ? Because not all straw men are hollow and because not all ideals should fade into the distance. In his third book of French poetry translated into English, Dotoli continues to shine as a beacon of hope and optimism in a world that often forgets how its prosaic whimpers may still resonate with a lyrical bang.



BD tout public

I am GooGol - The Great Invasion

Their arrival was heralded as a new beginning for the human race. Humans were no longer alone in the cosmos. Instead, they were suddenly thrust into an arena much larger than they were ready to deal with. In an age of technological advancement, Toughware and the wiki implants were the culmination of the first successful blending of human and alien technology. Suddenly, anyone with a wiki implant could ride the data streams. Hackers became celebrities as the neural landscape became the world's playground. And for a special few, a startling side effect was discovered. Fearing the worst, the Lambda Initiative was created to police wiki infractions and to protect the fabled Lambda Time Travel Restrictions. Anyone, human or alien, attempting to bypass the Lambda Protocols was subject to prosecution under this new law. To enforce this law, the G-Men were created. Culled from specialists with military and law enforcement experience, the G-Men sought out Lambda Protocol violators with swift and violent response. With wiki crimes on the rise and a growing anti-alien movement gaining strength, something had to be done. The government needed a solution, but they weren't sure what to do. And then they discovered a teenage girl living in Brazil with a special affinity for traversing and moulding the data stream. They had discovered the first Googol. And the world was about to change.



Littérature étrangère

Alex Woods face à l'univers

Tout est un peu bizarre dans la vie d'Alex Woods, mais il faut bien s'y faire. Il sait que grandir au côté d'une mère célibataire, cartomancienne de son état, ne l'aidera pas à passer inaperçu au collège. Il sait aussi que les événements les plus improbables peuvent survenir, comme la chute d'une météorite sur un crâne - ses cicatrices sont là pour le prouver. Ce qu'il ne sait pas encore, c'est que sa rencontre avec M. Peterson, un vétéran du Vietnam au tempérament acariâtre, va bouleverser son destin. De leur amitié aussi forte qu'inattendue Alex apprendra une chose : on ne vit qu'une seule fois et chacun de nos choix compte. Mais comment aller au bout de ses choix quand l'univers est contre vous ?



Science-fiction, heroic fantas

Amelia Woods Tome 2 : La Confrérie

Une jeune femme en quête de sa magique vérité. Après le tragique incendie du Manoir Heme, où s'était réfugiée Amelia Woods suite au décès de sa mère, la jeune fille doit rentrer à Londres avec son père. Elle va enfin intégrer la prestigieuse université qu'il dirige pour étudier les sciences ! Mais Amelia a l'esprit ailleurs... Depuis qu'elle a été témoin de tous les faits étranges qui se sont produits au Manoir elle aspire avant tout à percer les secrets qui entourent sa défunte mère et à en savoir davantage sur sa propre nature magique ! Son père, cartésien et autoritaire, ne prête guère attention à ces élucubrations et ne songe qu'à introduire sa fille dans les cercles érudits de la Société... Tandis qu'Amélia tente de s'habituer à sa nouvelle vie entre les murs de l'école, elle va enfin renouer avec ses origines. Et si elle était la descendante directe d'une illustre famille de magiciens ? Dans ce second tome, Amelia va poser une à une les pierres de sa propre histoire et s'émanciper pour devenir qui elle est vraiment... Magie et suspense sont au coeur de ce diptyque pétillant. Un récit initiatique dans lequel une " jeune femme moderne " remet en cause tout ce qu'elle croit savoir et éveille sa part spirituelle afin de trouver sa vérité, à l'âge où sentiments et secrets familiaux sont susceptibles d'encore tout bouleverser.



Littérature française


Readings From Chinese Writers (1949-1986) presents a selection of Chinese literary works written after the establishment of the People's Republic of China. This book can be used as supplementary reading for teaching Chinese literature in colleges and universities abroad, or as self-teaching material for those students of Chinese literature with some mastery of Chinese. The book includes masterpieces of the main writers of each historical period. Taking into account differences in the level of the reader's Chinese, the works selected are intended to be easily comprehensible. A biographical sketch of each author is provided. Each piece is accompanied by a brief introduction and analysis. To facilitate teaching and reading, difficult words and sentences, dialectal expressions, and idioms are accompanied by pinyin, as well as by English and French translations and by necessary explanations.





Whereas many books in this field deal with individual aspects or texts of the study of family laws, Leviticus : The Priestly Laws and Prohibitions from the Perspective of Ancient Near East and Africa examines extensively biblical texts, ancient Near Eastern text, and oral traditions from Africa. Thus, three different cultures converge : the world of the Hebrew Bible, the world of the ancient Near East, and the world of Africa. This volume examines in detail the history of the development of ancient laws in general and family laws in particular, especially the laws relating to marriages between close relatives. Furthermore, Johnson M. Kimuhu looks at prohibitions and taboos in Africa and the problems they pose with regard to the interpretation and translation of difficult biblical concepts into African languages. In that sense, Kimuhu provides an example of how to contextualize or integrate African traditions into the study of biblical Hebrew, and he also offers insights into the current debate on the study of kinship from the point of view of social/cultural anthropology and the Hebrew Bible legal system. Teachers, students, and researchers in biblical studies, ancient Near Eastern studies, African traditions, and social/cultural anthropology will find this book helpful in their quest to understand family laws, prohibitions, and taboos.



Non classé

Fiction, or the language of our discontent

This study concentrates on metafictional novels by Angus Wilson, Lawrence Durrell and Doris Lessing. The various methods and degrees of the built-in novelists' attempts to transform autobiographical experience into fiction are surveyed and followed by a discussion of the validity of mimetic presuppositions about fiction. The alternatives to realism are then discussed against the background of recent narratological theories.



Histoire internationale

Voyages to the "Spice Islands". The spice trade as a point of departure for European penetration into Asia

In order to describe the role played by spices during the late Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age, the author Anna Unali focuses on the reports written by merchants, travellers, geographers and government officials. Their voices emerge powerfully and incisively in any recreation of this topic as the most important interpretative elements.



Autres langues

If I didn't have you. Avec 1 CD audio MP3

Xiaoming is a pickpocket. He is really good at stealing. But he only steals from rich people. He never touches those who are poor, and doesn't let other thieves steal from poor people either. Xia Yu is a college freshman. She lost her purse at a railway station. Xiaoming got the purse back for her from the thief. Another time, a thief stole an old woman's wallet on a bus. Xiaoming stole the wallet back from the thief and put into the lady's jacket unobserved. More surprisingly, when Xiaoming is falling in love with Xia Yu, he lands into a big trouble alter stealing a wallet from a very rich man. Will Xiaoming the pickpocket win the love of Xia Yu, a pretty college student ?.



12 ans et +

Hazel Wood

"Ne t'approche sous aucun prétexte d'Hazel Wood". Ces quelques mots laissés par la mère d'Alice juste avant son enlèvement scellent à tout jamais le destin de la jeune fille. Hazel Wood, la résidence légendaire d'Althéa Proserpine, auteur des célèbres "Contes de l'Hinterland". Hazel Wood, dont vient d'hériter Alice. Hazel Wood, où Alice doit s'aventurer pour espérer sauver sa mère. Hazel Wood, cette demeure d'où semblent s'échapper des personnages inventés par Althéa. Hazel Wood, dont personne ne revient jamais. Et si Hazel Wood était bien plus qu'un simple manoir ? Un leurre ? Une porte d'entrée sur l'Hinterland ? Et si Alice était bien plus qu'une simple New-Yorkaise ? Une princesse ? Une tueuse ? Il était une fois... Hazel Wood.



BD tout public

Bluebells Wood

Une fable intime, fantastique et somptueuse Depuis la disparition de sa femme, William vit reclus dans sa maison située entre une côte brumeuse et une forêt aux allures de conte de fées. Incapable de se reconstruire, il mène une existence solitaire et sans saveur, ne parvenant à se réfugier que dans la peinture. Ses seules visites de l'extérieur sont Victor, son ami et agent, et Rosalie, sa jeune modèle. Jusqu'au jour où William fait la rencontre d'une sirène. Une créature aussi belle que farouche pour laquelle il nourrit des sentiments contradictoires. Est-elle seulement réelle ? Ou ne s'agit-il que d'une illusion venue pour remplacer le fantôme de sa femme disparue ? Après ses adaptations remarquées de Maupassant ou Zweig, Guillaume Sorel revient à un scénario original en signant cette très belle fable fantastique au coeur de la psyché d'un artiste en plein deuil. Un sujet fort qu'il parvient à transcender avec délicatesse par son sens de l'imaginaire et ses somptueuses illustrations en couleur directe.





Après le Grand Bouleversement, l'humanité a instauré des villes où intelligence artificielle et manipulations génétiques permettent une existence sans guerres ni maladies. Pourtant, certains ont préféré vivre dans des villages en marge de ces institutions. Inti, né dans l'un de ces lieux, apprend lors d'un conseil réunissant tous les habitants qu'ils sont nombreux à faire des rêves étranges en lien avec la Cité 13. Avec Tao, le fondateur du hameau, il décide de se rendre à cet endroit interdit. Guidés par une impérieuse nécessité, ils vont affronter une succession d'épreuves sur les chemins des deux mondes...




Bloom into you Tome 3

Je t'aime mais ça ne te regarde pas... Tôko et Yû se rapprochent petit à petit, ce qui n'est pas du goût de Sayaka Saeki. Tandis que cette dernière essaye de tirer les choses au clair en ce qui concerne la relation de ses amies, Yû, elle, se résigne à rester aux côtés de Tito. Aurait-elle même décidé de renoncer à tomber amoureuse un jour ?




Bloom into you Tome 1

Yû entre au lycée en espérant découvrir enfin l'amour. Mais rien ne se passe, même quand un garçon lui fait une déclaration... Elle rencontre alors Tôko, la fille parfaite du lycée, responsable au Bureau des Elèves et qui semble être comme elle car elle éconduit tous ses prétendants. Jusqu'au jour ou Tôko avoue à Yû " je sens que je pourrais tomber amoureuse de toi "...




Bloom into you Tome 4

Yû entre au lycée en espérant découvrir enfin l'amour. Mais rien ne se passe, même quand un garçon lui fait une déclaration... Elle rencontre alors Tôko, la fille parfaite du lycée, responsable au Bureau des Elèves et qui semble être comme elle car elle éconduit tous ses prétendants. Jusqu'au jour ou Tôko avoue à Yû "je sens que je pourrais tomber amoureuse de toi"... Les vacances d'étés peine commencées, Tôko propose aux autres membres du conseil de partir en camp d'entrainement pour préparer la pièce qui lui tient tant à cour. Désireuses de faire plaisir à leur amie, Yû et Sayaka mettent de côté leur hostilité et acceptent la proposition. Malheureusement, Tôko verra l'idéal qu'elle poursuit depuis de nombreuses années être chamboulé...




Bloom into you Tome 2

Töko Nanami, nouvelle présidente, ne perd pas de temps pour relancer les activités du conseil des élèves. A présent devenue membre officielle du conseil, Yû Koito va devoir travailler tous les jours avec elle. Si elle semble avoir parfaitement accepté les sentiments que nourrit Tôko a son égard, elle n'arrive toujours pas à la voir comme quelqu'un de "spécial", ce qui la tourmente beaucoup. Yû commence a ressentir l'envie d'aimer Nanami en retour, mais cela risque de ne pas être suffisant...




Gustave Moreau. The Fables

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) is one of the most brilliant and enigmatic artists associated with the French Symbolist movement. This book accompanies an exhibition of some of the most extraordinary works he ever made, unseen in public for over a century. Moreau's watercolours of the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) were created between 1879 and 1885 for the art collector Antony Roux and their stylistic range encompasses historicism and the picturesque, orientalist fantasies and near-abstract chromatic experiments. They were exhibited to great acclaim in Paris in the 1880s and in London in 1886, where critics compared the artist to Edward Burne-Jones. One critic commented on Moreau's ' keen apprehension of the weird. ' There were originally 64 works in the series, which was subsequently acquired by Miriam Alexandrine de Rothschild (1884-1965), but nearly half were lost during the Nazi era. The surviving works have not been exhibited since 1906 and they have only ever been published in black and white. This book is the first to reproduce them in colour - many shown actual size. Created at the height of the French 19th-century revival of watercolour, the variety of subject matter and technique, their colouristic effects and the sophistication of Moreau's storytelling, will be a revelation to readers. Preparatory drawings for the Fables, including animal studies made from life in the Jardin des Plantes demonstrate the wide-ranging research that informed Moreau's visions. Prints after Moreau's Fables by Félix Bracquemond (1833-1914) translate the jewel-like colours into monochrome in some of the most innovative etchings of the age, while the most delicate effects of the watercolours were also transformed into vitreous enamels. In-depth accounts of each watercolour, explaining the story and exploring Moreau's response to it. The introduction will place the series in the long history of illustrations of La Fontaine's canonical work, whose sources include Aesop's fables and traditional European and Asian tales, as well as considering Moreau in the context of his own, turbulent, times.



Développement personnel

Into the silence. Carnet de méditation guidée par les 26 lettres de l'Alphabet

Nous vivons dans un monde matérialiste, saturé de bruits et de messages, qui nous tire vers l'extérieur. Pourtant toutes les traditions spirituelles ont vanté les mérites du silence et de la connaissance intérieure. Et si nous allions plus loin que le bruit ambiant et l'actualité pour plonger en nous-mêmes ? Comment ferions-nous ? Et que verrions-nous ? "A l'heure où l'individualisme fait rage, où le bonheur, la paix de l'âme, le lâcher-prise sont réduits à des produits marketing, il devient urgent d'oser une vision autrement plus audacieuse de la spiritualité pour descendre toujours plus profondément au fond du fond". Alexandre Jollien pour Into The Silence.



Livres 0-3 ans


YAOUNDE BABA SCARED ? ... ME ? ... NO WAY ! YAOUNDE goes off in search of his little goat, BEEE, who, in spite of the young boy's watchful eye, has gone missing. On the way he meets ZOULÏA, a friendly mouse, and ARWANE, a little ant, who help him to find the little goat. Their search will lead them to an isolated hill where a very strange creature lives - a creature capable of transforming itself into unimaginably frightening shapes and forms to scare away anybody who dares to set foot on its steep hill. In order to find BEEE, YAOUNDE and his two friends will have little choice. They will have to cross its territory and confront this incredible and terrifying creature. 6 to 10 Years.



Non classé

She’s Leaving Home

This collection of essays, written by scholars from all over Europe, explores the cultural meanings of women leaving home. Although all the chapters analyse writings in English, the volume aims to put the narrative element of home-leaving into a European context by investigating travel in various directions : from England to somewhere abroad, from the (former) colonies to the (former) imperial centre or simply within a psychic space. The female figures discussed in the volume leave home for various reasons – to go into exile, to challenge orthodox conceptions of femininity, to travel for pleasure or out of curiosity – but ultimately each of them has to face questions of the definitions of home, belonging and otherness. Consequently, the essays in this collection focus on how the cross-cultural encounters implicated in discourses of race, gender, nation and religion affect female identity. The ‘protagonists' of these narratives range from mythical heroines to early modern Protestant refugees to fictitious and historical figures from the past 200 years. The discussion throughout is informed by contemporary theories of gender, literary and cultural studies.



Non classé

Papers on Semantics and Grammar

The six revised papers collected here - two have been translated into English - address in their different ways questions relating to grammatical meaning (both semantics and pragmatics) and the analysis of constructions. Though they cover a period of about 10 years, they can be said to share a view of linguistic analysis that is holistic rather than modular and descriptive rather than generative. The topics discussed are : the semantics and pragmatics of get-passives ; the semantics of epistemic modality ; the status, function and analysis of participial and gerundial -ing constructions ; four controversies in the analysis of modality and modal auxiliaries ; the functional classification of adverbials and the pragmatics of their position ; the semantics and pragmatics of prepositional phrases with for.



Littérature française

My Ulster haven

1989, a 23-year-old French woman, an English student with a burdensome family background, leaves for Northern Ireland. She's on her way to start her French assistant job. She discovers this unknown part of Ireland, so underestimated and still plunged into civil war. There, she settles down and blossoms until she decides she actually wants to live there. An unexpected event will bring her back to France in 1991, but the link with this country will carry on until the Brexit announcement in 2016, and well beyond. An intimate journey to the core of Irish History, that reaches the depths of its wars, its men, its women, a journey at the very heart of the past. "A page of history - and of my history - is turning and it throws me off."



Non classé

Language Contact

Areal linguistics is having its "Golden Age", but its doleful problems as well. Its theory of language contact and linguistic interference is full of controversies which can be resolved only by a thorough analysis of the essentials of language interrelations and the results of their interactions. The monograph is based on a large corpus of linguistic and extralinguistic material collected during the last few decades (including field-work in different countries of Europe, Asia and North America) on the results of language contacts between English, German and other Teutonic languages, between Romance, Slavic and other Indo-European vernaculars, between Uralic, Turkic, Tungusic-Manchurian and Palaeo-Asian, and other languages. An attempt is made to gain an insight into the "mechanism" of language contact, to single out its types and subtypes and to project the "curve" of the dynamism of their linguistic interference (the receptor-language levels' penetrability). Special attention is paid to different varieties of plurilingualism.




SCULPTURES, 30 ans de création. 30 ans de création

Emmanuel Michel nous présente dans cet ouvrage 30 ans de sculptures inspirées essentiellement de ses voyages à travers le monde mais aussi tirées de sujets mythologiques ou imaginaires. Modeleur avant tout, il travaille l'argile et le plâtre mais taille aussi le bois et la pierre. Ses portraits coulés en bronze, habillés de métal de récupération, occupent l'espace avec une incroyable légèreté. Ils caractérisent une grande part de son identité et se trouvent ici largement documentés. Avec ses études préparatoires, ses dessins, les vues d'atelier et les mises en situation des sculptures, ce livre nous entraîne de façon vivante au coeur de sa création réaliste, parfois onirique, toujours humaine. In this book, Emmanuel Michel reveals 30 years of sculptures mainly inspired by his travels worldwide but also based on mythological or imaginary subjects. A modeller above all, he works with clay and plaster but also carves wood and stone. His portraits cast in bronze, clothed in recycled metal, occupy the space with an incredible lightness. They characterise a large part of his identity and are widely documented in this publication. With his preparatory studies, his drawings, the views of the workshop and the setting of the sculptures, this book leads us vividly into the heart of his realistic, sometimes oneiric, yet always human creation.



Non classé

Literary Marriages

A series of intertextual short stories by Joyce Carol Oates, published in 1972, constitutes the subject-matter of the present work. Having entered into ‘literary marriages' with beloved masters, such as Kafka, Joyce, Thoreau, Flaubert, James and Chekhov, Oates has ‘re-imagined' their classic masterpieces. This study aims at finding out whether Oates remains ‘faithful' to the original versions. What elements besides the titles are retained, or added ? Why does a young American woman writer undertake a dialogue with deceased authors and their texts ? Why the short story genre ? What is Oates's relationship to intertextuality, literary tradition, or the very aesthetics of her own art ? Grounded in theories of intertextuality, comparative analyses show that Oates remains ‘faithful' in some of her spiritual unions, while committing ‘infidelities' in others. For a woman writer in the 1970s transgression was a necessity for survival ; these stories thus belong to the revisionary movement. While assimilating and engendering a strongly Eurocentred male literary tradition, Oates manages to unlock energy from the original stories transforming them into expressions of her very own distinct literary voice.




Mediation - A Necessary Element in Family Dispute Resolution?

Mediation as a method of alternative dispute resolution is gaining increased attention in a growing number of legal areas. In Australian law family counselling was developed to deal with issues related to family disputes. It is brought in prior to court settlement of disputes and thus integrated into the system of conflict resolution. The characteristics and use of alternative dispute resolution call into question the role of the court as the sole forum for institutionalised conflict resolution. For this reason the transferability of the concept of mediation into the German legal system needs to be examined. In particular, it needs to be measured against the yardstick of the German Constitution, which by granting basic substantive and procedural rights, sets out the demands a modern state of law makes on a method of conflict resolution.



Non classé

Debating National Security

The nature of security in the contemporary world is changing rapidly. Superpower detente, the progress and further prospects of arms control, the collapse of East European communist regimes, and German unification, to name but the most spectacular features, present unprecedented challenges not only for political decision-makers, but also for the mass publics in democratic societies. What are the trends of public opinion on these issues and how do they reflect these changes ? By what factors are pertinent public attitudes shaped and what structures do emerge ? How can they be reliably assessed and meaningfully analyzed ? Which demands flow from the dynamics of public opinion that have to be taken into account in security policy making ? These are the key questions addressed by the twelve contributions to this volume. Combining longitudinal and comparative approaches they cover the public dimension of the national security debate in seven Western nations : Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States.




Interpreting Quebec’s Exile Within the Federation. Selected Political Essays

This book combines the approaches of political theory and of intellectual history to provide a lucid account of Québec's contemporary situation within the Canadian federation. Guy Laforest considers that the province of Québec, and its inhabitants, are exiled within Canada. They are not fully integrated, politically and constitutionally, nor are they leaving the federation, for now and for the foreseeable future. They are in between these two predicaments. Laforest provides insights into the current workings of the Canadian federation, and some of its key figures of the past fifty years, such as Pierre Elliott Trudeau, René Lévesque, Stephen Harper and Claude Ryan. The book also offers thought-provoking studies of thinkers and intellectuals such as James Tully, Michel Seymour and André Burelle. Laforest revisits some key historical documents and events, such as the Durham Report and the 1867 and 1982 constitutional documents. He offers political and constitutional proposals that could contribute to help Québec moving beyond the current predicament of internal exile.
