
A Comparative Analysis of Four Psychotherapy Manuals and a Proposed Model for Psychotherapy Manuals



Non classé

Learner Language and Control

This book presents four closely related reports on the lay-out, data collection and results of a research project on the acquisition of German as a Foreign Language by adult students. A critical description is given of the course of the extensive data collection and the successes and difficulties encountered. This is followed by a theoretical paper in which a model of the production process in second language performance is postulated and discussed. Sections three and four describe analyses of spontaneous self-corrections as evidence of the learner's control of his speech process, which takes into account the influence of individual and linguistic variables.



Instruments de musique

Slicked Back Tango. for trumpet and piano. trumpet and piano.

Tangos, like ragtimes and waltzes, are an integral part of Elena Kats-Chernin's music, always in a new and varied form. In it, the composer allusively combines her present time with the classical tradition and high art with light music. Slicked Back Tango was originally composed in 1995 for piano four hands and has since been written for numerous other instrumentations. The music "harks back to the time of silent movies. I was thinking of the 1920s and film star Rudolph Valentino. The title refers to his hairstyle", says Kats-Chernin. Instrumentation : trumpet and piano



Instruments de musique

Slicked Back Tango. for cello and piano. cello and piano.

Tangos, like ragtimes and waltzes, are an integral part of Elena Kats-Chernin's music, always in a new and varied form. In it, the composer allusively combines her present time with the classical tradition and high art with light music. Slicked Back Tango was originally composed in 1995 for piano four hands and has since been written for numerous other instrumentations. The music "harks back to the time of silent movies. I was thinking of the 1920s and film star Rudolph Valentino. The title refers to his hairstyle", says Kats-Chernin. Instrumentation : cello and piano



Non classé

On Deixis in English and Polish

Deixis verges on the borderline of philosophy, semantics and pragmatics. Since no satisfactory theory of deixis has been proposed so far, this book gives a critical examination of the state of the art and suggests a solution within the framework of discourse analysis. The deictic systems of English and Polish are compared in termes of algorithms, which determine the distribution of demonstrative pronouns in the two languages. Many difficulties found in other approaches can be escaped through the application of algorithms accounting for the speaker's choices in his use of demonstratives during the discourse flow.





Do you like to learn by doing? Do manuals leave you craving for real-world examples? Are you looking for concrete training that goes beyond theory and reference materials? Learn Dreamweaver by following classroom-proven exercises that will teach you to build sophisticated web pages. This book is geared toward people who have never written HTML or those who would like to switch from coding by hand to a visual HTML editor. Complete with insider tips, illustrated with detailed graphics, and accompanied by a CD-ROM that's loaded with guided exercises, demo software and QuickTime movies, this book ensures that you'll learn all the key features of Dreamweaver 2.




A Study of Conversion Among The Angas of Plateau State of Nigeria With Emphasis on Christianity

This is so far the most-detailed information on the Angas (Ngas), the largest ethnic group on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria. The book draws up a sketch of both the political and ecclesiastical history of the people. This is followed by socio-anthropological data about the people including a description of the traditional religion of the Angas (Ngas). The material serves as the necessary springboard for discussing the factors that were responsible for the conversion of the Angas (Ngas) people of Nigeria. The author concludes his thesis by giving a theoretical analysis of some of the theories of conversion per se and opting for a Hortonian theory as the most cogent. It is certainly an indispensable work dealing with conversion to and from any religion although in this case Christianity is used as a focus.



Non classé

Bonoure and Buxum

If married in church, medieval women vowed before God and their husbands to be ‘bonoure and buxum', that is, meek and obedient in bed and at table. This book is a study of wives in a variety of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century romance, fabliaux, cycle drama, life-writing, lyrics and hagiography. The volume examines key moments that defined life as a married woman : her eligibility to become a wife, the wedding ceremony, her conjugal rights and duties, childbirth and her contribution to the family economy. The book explores the way in which the literary representation of wives is in dialogue with discourses that strove to construct and regulate the role of ‘wife'; canon and secular law, marriage liturgy, medical treatises on the female body, sermons, manuals of spiritual instruction, biblical paradigms, conduct books and misogamous writings. Moreover, the volume examines the possibilities for subversion of these paradigms by listening to literary wives speak both within and against these discourses. Real women's attitudes, and strategies of subversion, are woven into the volume throughout, as recorded in church and manorial court records, in their wills and in their writing.



Histoire de l'art

Albums-manuels d'histoire de l'art. L'antiquité

Albums-manuels d'histoire de l'art : l'Antiquité... / Gaston Cougny,... Date de l'édition originale : 1894 Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF. HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande. Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables. Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique. Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces oeuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.



Non classé

Variation and Diachrony, with Early American English in Focus

This study of diachronic variation addresses two topics, the development of modal auxiliaries can (could), may (might), shall (should) and will (would), and the emergence of early American English as a new variety in the seventeenth century. Within the framework of socio-historical variation analysis, the author aims at accounting for diachronic change by examining the interplay of various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the light of evidence drawn from various corpora. The study concentrates on the language spoken and written in the New England area between 1620 and 1720, but to widen the scope in time and region, counterparts for comparison are found in the material included in the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts. The results indicate a gradual change (rather than a sudden re-structuring) in the system of the English modals from early stages on. Cumulative evidence is found for the rise of the forms can and will ; in early American English conservative (rather than innovative) tendencies characterize the development.



Non classé


This book on macrodynamic theories of growth, (in-)stability and cycles shows that the debate between Keynesians, Monetarists and New Classical economists can be reformulated from the perspective of a further and quite different approach to macroeconomic model building. Basis of this reformulation is the growth cycle model of Goodwin which is extended in various ways in the pursuit of this aim. Besides this central theme, the book also introduces into Keynesian, Marxian and Neoclassical models of short-, medium- and long-run macroeconomics in its part I, II. Models which synthesize these approaches and which thus provide a (deterministic) framework for the investigation of the adequateness of the various explanations of cyclical growth and inflation are considered in part III.



Non classé

Raising Children Bilingually through the ‘One Parent-One Language’ Approach

Parents who come from different language backgrounds often hope that their children will be able to speak the languages of both their parents. In families where this is the goal, the ‘one parent-one language' approach (Ronjat, 1913) is widely used. The ‘one parent-one language' approach is relatively effective in promoting active bilingualism among young children in a society where there is little support for the minority language. However, there is a general perception that maintenance of the minority language into middle childhood and beyond is difficult as during this period children's contacts with the outside world expand and the input in the majority language increases. This book examines the sociolinguistic environment and the nature of parental input for children from Japanese-Australian families, who have been exposed to Japanese and English through the ‘one parent-one language' approach in Australia. The research on which the book is based identifies factors which account for successful and unsuccessful cases of Japanese language maintenance of children from those families. The major part of this study involves discourse analysis of the conversations between four Japanese mothers and their primary school aged children based on audio-recordings over a period of 21 months. This qualitative approach is complemented by a quantitative study interviewing 25 Japanese mothers about their children's language experience.



Non classé

The Regulation of Rental Contracts in the Housing Market

In many countries (part of) the rental housing market is subject to regulations concerning determination of rent and security of tenure. The author provides fresh theoretical analysis of these measures by taking into account special features of the housing market, like indivisibility, mobility cost and incomplete contracts. The impact a rent ceiling has on contracting, the allocation of the housing stock, rationing cost and on rents in the free housing sector is examined. In some cases tenure laws provide for tenure security and rules for the updating of rent while leaving the initial rent for new leases freely negotiable. The analysis shows that the efficiency of the market could be improved through this type of regulation.



Non classé

The Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Through, Along and Over a Three-Dimensional Conducting Half Space

A representation in terms of explicitly given generalized eigenfunctions is obtained for the semigroup S(t) = exp(-ixt) solving the Cauchy problem for the time-dependent Maxwell equations in the case of two distinct media filling the upper and lower half spaces of R3, whereby the upper medium is loss-free, while the lower has finite conductivity. The solution u = S(t)f, fED(1), can be written in the form u = uo+uo+uso+us++us-+op+up. Here uo and uo are, respectively, static and quasistatic parts of the solution : us+ and us+ consists of a superposition of AH modes -- modes whose frequencies have no real part and thus do not propagate ; uxx consist of superpositions of surface-wave modes, propagating in opposite directions according to + or -; uop and up are superpositions of plane-wave modes having the frequencies of the upper and lower media respectively. The structure of the AH and surface-wave components is determined : the are essentially scalar waves, and it is shown how such waves can be constructed explicitly from solutions of a simple problem for the scalar wave equation.



Non classé

Literary Marriages

A series of intertextual short stories by Joyce Carol Oates, published in 1972, constitutes the subject-matter of the present work. Having entered into ‘literary marriages' with beloved masters, such as Kafka, Joyce, Thoreau, Flaubert, James and Chekhov, Oates has ‘re-imagined' their classic masterpieces. This study aims at finding out whether Oates remains ‘faithful' to the original versions. What elements besides the titles are retained, or added ? Why does a young American woman writer undertake a dialogue with deceased authors and their texts ? Why the short story genre ? What is Oates's relationship to intertextuality, literary tradition, or the very aesthetics of her own art ? Grounded in theories of intertextuality, comparative analyses show that Oates remains ‘faithful' in some of her spiritual unions, while committing ‘infidelities' in others. For a woman writer in the 1970s transgression was a necessity for survival ; these stories thus belong to the revisionary movement. While assimilating and engendering a strongly Eurocentred male literary tradition, Oates manages to unlock energy from the original stories transforming them into expressions of her very own distinct literary voice.



Non classé

Mathematical Problems in the Kinetic Theory of Gases

The kinetic theory of gases is a most fruitful field for mathematical research. This is evident from the multiplicity of mathematical methods used, the originality of the questions posed and the large number of hitherto unsolved fundamental problems. For example, the question of existence and uniqueness of solutions of various non-linear kinetic equations is still a wide open one. Simplified model equations and various approximations therefore assume considerable significance for the understanding of problem structure and for the solution of practical problems.



Histoire internationale

Le nationalisme camerounais dans les programmes et manuels d'histoire

Plus de cinquante ans après les faits, et pour la première fois, un ouvrage rente d'étudier scientifiquement ce qu'on enseigne aux élèves et étudiants camerounais sur l'histoire de la lutte indépendantiste, au Cameroun en particulier, ainsi que sur celle de toutes les luttes anticolonialistes dans ce pays, en général. Le Cameroun est un pays détenteur d'un passé nationaliste très ancien. Les contestations de l'ordre colonial n'y ont pas débuté avec l'UPC (Union des populations du Cameroun). Ce mouvement politique a simplement hérité d'une tradition nationaliste dont il s'est inspiré pour mener la lutte pour l'indépendance. Seulement, étrangement, ce riche patrimoine nationaliste est assez dévalorisé dans les enseignements scolaires et même universitaires du Cameroun. En effet, dans les programmes et les manuels d'histoire de ce pays, le nationalisme camerounais est, à travers les mécanismes subtils de la violence symbolique, occulté, falsifié, et présenté de façon vague et par portion congrue. Ce qui a pour conséquence de produire socialement une jeunesse ignorante de l'histoire nationaliste de son pays, et de créer, par cette aliénation culturelle, un ordre social favorable au maintien et à la perpétuation de l'hégémonie de la classe dirigeante camerounaise, ainsi qu'à celle de l'ex-puissance coloniale qu'est la France. Aussi, l'ouvrage montre, par une méthodologie rigoureuse et une analyse factuelle, mais aussi théorique, que les enjeux d'une telle dévalorisation sont idéologiques, politiques, économiques, et socioculturels. En fait, c'est que, globalement, l'histoire du nationalisme camerounais renferme des faits qui, s'ils étaient connus de la jeunesse camerounaise, pourraient ébranler les fondements de l'Etat camerounais, de même que ceux de la domination néocoloniale de la France sur le Cameroun.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Apprendre l'arithmétique dans les manuels scolaires au XIXe siècle

Une préoccupation d'état pour l'enseignement primaire apparait vraiment au moment de la Révolution française. Dès cette période, l'enseignement du "compter", du calcul devient une question prioritaire à côté de celui de lire et écrire. Les écoles primaires, créées avec la loi Guizot (1833), sont le lieu de l'enseignement du calcul pour des générations de jeunes français et françaises. Toutefois pendant le XIXe siècle, la réflexion pédagogique appliquée aux disciplines scolaires est balbutiante. Des pédagogues commencent à s'intéresser à l'enseignement scolaire. Des auteurs vont s'essayer à la composition de manuels scolaires utiles pour les élèves et les maîtres des écoles primaires. révolution formelle de ces livres est manifeste au fil du XIXe siècle. La présente recherche s'appuie sur l'analyse de plusieurs dizaines de manuels scolaires d'arithmétique publiés avant les lois scolaires de la Troisième République. Une méthode pédagogique s'y affirme, utilisée par la très grande majorité des auteurs, une méthode procédurale. Elle associe un petit nombre d'énoncés théoriques qu'il faut apprendre par coeur, et beaucoup de règles pratiques pour apprendre les nombres, pour calculer des opérations, pour faire des exercices ou résoudre des problèmes en grand nombre. Cette méthode procédurale insiste sur la nécessité de "faire" : faire des opérations, faire des exercices pour apprendre l'arithmétique.



Histoire internationale

L'enfance nazie. Une analyse de manuels scolaires (1933-1945)

Après L'Intoxication nazie de la jeunesse allemande (L'Harmattan, 2011) et Der Stürmer, instrument de l'idéologie nazie (L'Harmattan, 2012), voici le troisième volet de la vaste entreprise conduite par Ralph Keysers pour disséquer les mécanismes par le biais desquels les nazis ont fait germer le fanatisme et la haine dans les cerveaux de la population allemande. Basé sur l'étude de manuels pour l'apprentissage de la lecture dans les écoles élémentaires, ce nouveau travail, illustré de documents originaux, est articulé sur six thématiques dont les enfants étaient abreuvés par leurs maîtres afin qu'ils suivent le Führer dans ses fantasmes et projets les plus fous. On découvrira dans ces pages comment, par l'intermédiaire de l'enseignement, le régime pratiquait une redoutable déshumanisation, condamnant les jeunes à devenir des adultes destinés à tuer et à être tués. En complément, Ralph Keysers a eu l'heureuse idée d'évoquer les manuels spécifiques utilisés dans les "écoles juives" du troisième Reich et dans le territoire de Dantzig, ainsi que - à titre comparatif et en prenant soin de se démarquer de la théorie dénaturante du "totalitarisme" - ceux qui avaient cours en URSS et en RDA. Du corpus informatif parfaitement maîtrisé et magistralement présenté par Ralph Keysers, le lecteur sortira non seulement considérablement enrichi sur le plan historique, mais aussi prévenu du danger qu'il y a pour l'éducation à s'écarter des valeurs rationalistes et humanistes.





The geometry of the hyperbolic plane has been an active and fascinating field of mathematical inquiry for most of the past two centuries. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the subject, taking the approach that hyperbolic geometry consists of the study of those quantities invariant under the action of a natural group of transformations. Topics covered include the upper half-space model of the hyperbolic plane, Möbius transformations, the general Möbius group and the subgroup preserving path length in the upper half-space model, arc-length and distance, the Poincaré disc model, convex subsets of the hyperbolic plane, the Gauss-Bonnet formula for the area of a hyperbolic polygon and its applications. The style and level of the book, which assumes few mathematical prerequisites, make it an ideal introduction to this subject and provide the reader with a firm grasp of the concepts and techniques of this beautiful area of mathematics. The Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series (SUMS) is a new series for undergraduates in the mathematical sciences. From core foundational material to final year topics, SUMS books take a fresh and modern approach and are ideal for self-study or for a one- or two-semester course. Each book includes numerous examples, problems and fully-worked solutions.





With PowerBuilder 7 you have a powerful tool for distributed applications! Jaguar Development with PowerBuilder 7 will leverage your current PowerBuilder knowledge to a broad, new level of usefulness. Packed with code samples and step-by-step explanations including useful screen shots, this book gives you a quick way to learn Jaguar CTS. If you have any experience with PowerBuilder and want to move beyond two-tier computing, this book is for you. What's inside * An overview of distributed computing * How to set up and install Jaguar * Overview of Jaguar CTS and how it handles components, databases and transactions * PB as a component model * How to build jaguar clients with PB * Keys to DataWindow sychronization * How to build a multi-threaded PB application * Overview of CORBA



Psychologie, psychanalyse

La relation d'aide et la psychothérapie. 20e édition

Counseling and Psychotherapy est en 1942 le premier ouvrage dans lequel Carl Rogers définit et illustre sa conception de l'aide psychologique. Alors âgé de quarante ans, il crée en quelque sorte le modèle du psychologue thérapeute qu'il nomme "l'aidant", c'est-à-dire celui qui sait apporter sa spontanéité créatrice au projet d'autonomisation de son patient. Cette nouvelle orientation de pensée abandonne tout a priori de jugement, de soutien et de contrôle. La non-directivité implique de la part de l'aidant une compréhension totale de l'aidé, lui laissant le choix de son itinéraire, de son langage et de ses décisions. Evitant les artefacts transférentiels et les étiquettes, la relation d'aide se fonde sur l'optimisme et la confiance dans les capacités évolutives de chaque individu, malgré la souffrance psychique. Clairement ou non, elle sert de mode relationnel de base à de nombreuses situations et méthodes psychothérapiques d'aujourd'hui.




Paul’s Sexual and Marital Ethics in 1 Corinthians 7

Paul's Sexual and Marital Ethics in 1 Corinthians 7 : An African-Cameroonian Perspective provides readers with an innovative interpretation of Paul's pastoral and pedagogical approach and solutions to the multifaceted ethical problems presented to him by the Corinthian community, revealing a wide-ranging, complex, and flexible decision-making process. Alice Yafeh's analysis also illuminates two different evaluations of the same ethical problem may be simultaneously relevant where operating assumptions diverge : first as a community in pursuance of the goal of undistracted devotion to the Lord, and, second, as individual members who must pursue that goal within the specific lifestyles in which they have been called. The author argues that Paul's pastoral and theological approach, which is deeply motivated by a desire to inspire faithful Christian living and witness, can serve as a new model for evaluating pre-conversion polygyny ; a model that is oriented toward positive and substantive change in the lives of women and children. Consequently, the implication of Paul's approach and judgments for contemporary Christian communities suggests the same believing community may adopt different ways of faithfully living out the practical implications of Christian view of marriage extended by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7.



Non classé

Hymns: The Making and Shaping of a Theology for the Whole People of God

The theological potential of hymns has never been fully exploited. This study shows how hymns communicate theology and enable those without a formal theological education to enter into theological debate. A nineteenth century collection of English hymns and some contemporary Bemba hymns from the Zambian Copperbelt are examined and compared, within their theological, cultural and social contexts, to discover their response to death, judgement, heaven and hell. From this comparison and a study of how hymns are used in these churches, a model emerges whereby hymns can be used to make and shape theology. This model is observed in a Zambian parish and is also shown in practice in an English parish. Finally, there is a reflection on the implications of this model for Missiology and Ecclesiology showing, among other things, the need for a radical reassessment of the relationship between professional theologians and the rest of the Church.



Non classé

The German Naturalists and Gerhart Hauptmann

Gerhart Hauptmann's relationship to Naturalism has repeatedly been a subject of controversy. To clarify his position, this study analyses both published and unpublished opinions of his contemporaries within Naturalism. Following an outline of Naturalism based on the authors' own views of the often conflicting concepts related to the movement, emphasis is placed upon Naturalist critical response to Hauptmann's early works and upon the works of other Naturalist dramatists in relation to Hauptmann, underlining the authors' dependence upon his dramas as a model for literary success.




Hamlet in the twenty-first century. Agrégation externe d'anglais 2023

This collection contains new scholarly work on Hamlet, Shakespeare's most famous tragedy. Chapters discuss many of the most debated issues relating to the play, including its textual cruxes, its language and publication history, and its place in literary history. It offers extended analyses of key notions such as poison, nature, gender, and politics, and includes a section devoted to early modern and contemporary performances and adaptations, on stage and on screen, providing a complete picture of what the play has to offer to contemporary critics and thinkers. Hamlet continues to function as a key Shakespearean text of study and analysis : it plays a key role in Western thought and aesthetics, and has influenced our understanding on mankind and modernity. Written by well-known Shakespeare critics, this collection will prove essential for students, scholars, and readers looking for a comprehensive overview and introduction to the key issues, questions and debates that Hamlet inspires.



Thèmes photo

The Big Book of Breasts. Volume 2, Edition français-anglais-allemand

The Big Book of Breasts was an immediate best seller when it debuted in 2006. Its 396 pages introduced readers to the top naturally bountiful nude models of the 1950s, '60s and '70s, amazingly mammiferous beauties including Joan Brinkman, Virginia Bell, Roberta Pedon, Mary Waters, Margaret Middleton, Keli Stewart and many more. The one and only complaint was that there was no biographical information on these curvaceous cuties, no lists of their magazines and films to give readers a more intimate connection. We listened, and The Bigger Book of Breasts answers ! Not only are there more pages with all new photos of your favorite big breast models of the '50s through '70s, there are also personal profiles for each and every one. Which model married comedian Richard Pryor ? Who inspired Russ Meyer's first film ? Where are those free Mary Waters loops ? And yes, Roberta Pedon is alive and well ! Further updating the "Bigger" theme, we added the 12 most incredible, natural, and provocative breast models of today, gathered from across the world by Berlin-based photographer, Bernd Daktari Lorenz. Nadine Jansen, Milena Velba, Luna Amor, Valory Irene, Miosotis Claribel and the incredible Hitomi Tanaka prove breasts are bigger than ever, and bigger is beautiful, for both breasts and books. Wrap it up with stunning photos of our original cover girl Kelly Madison and The Bigger Book of Breasts is a bigger treat for all.




Of Sand and Stones

A partir d'extraits de textes de Gaston BACHELARD, Reyner BANHAM, Laurence COSSE, Gilles DELEUZE & Félix GUATTARI, Marguerite DURAS, Jean-ClaudeGALL, André GIDE, André GUILLERME, Jean-Yves JOUANNAIS, Maylis de KERANGAL, Pierre REVERDY, Marie RICHEUX, Robert SMITHSON, VITRUVE, Emile WITH et Marguerite YOURCENAR, de dessins et de photographies de Julien HOURCADE Of Sand and Stones raconte la construction d'un programme à usage mixte (cinéma, centre culturel, centre communautaire avec théâtre boîte noire, 342 logements, commerces et jardin), construit avec un système de façade porteuse préfabriquée aux couleurs naturelles dans le quartier de Clichy-Batignolles à Paris entre 2013 et 2018.




L'acte fou. Analyses comparées d'un mode d'action et de présence

S'attacher à l'acte fou, c'est s'attacher à l'acte que telle ou telle culture, dans sa langue, dans ses mots, dans ses références, caractérise comme un écart, écart qui peut être rejeté, toléré ou magnifié. L'étude de l'acte fou ménage un accès latéral à une analyse de l'acte qui, sans lui, ne nous serait pas ouverte. Cet ouvrage interroge différentes configurations culturelles de l'acte fou, anciennes (en Grèce, à Rome, dans le monde syro-mésopotamien ou l'Inde védique), modernes (Japon du XIXe siècle) et contemporaines (Afrique de l'Ouest et Europe) à travers différentes disciplines et différents media textuels ou iconiques. Il tend à dessiner anthropologiquement les contours de l'acte fou et les territoires auxquels il touche.



Littérature française

A travers le fou

Auteure de romans d'amour à succès, Cathy Rogers s'installe au moulin du Val d'Orquaire en Touraine, dans le jardin de la France, pour écrire son premier polar. Alors qu'elle a déjà bien avancé sur son manuscrit, elle découvre, en rentrant de la ville de Bléré où elle est allée faire quelques achats, que son manuscrit a été effacé de son ordinateur. Une note manuscrite étrange a été déposée sur sa table de travail. "Ce scénario ne tient pas la route. Les lames du tarot de Marseille ouvriront la piste pour l'achever de façon convenable". Estomaquée, Cathy va alors chercher le sens de cette phrase sans savoir qu'elle va être emportée dans les méandres de la pensée, oubliés depuis plus de quarante ans. Un suspense psychologique qui se dessine à travers le "Fou" ou encore le "Mat".



Sciences historiques

L'histoire de France à l'école. Manuels scolaires de la IIIe République et dessinateurs méconnus

L'enseignement de l'histoire prodigué à l'école primaire à nos grands-parents et arrière-grands-parents semble parfois faire l'objet d'une sorte de nostalgie. Mais de quelle histoire parle-t-on ? De celle enseignée avant 1914 ? Dans l'entre-deux-guerres ? Celle issue de quel manuel ? De quel auteur ? Car en parcourant ces récits, et là est la surprise, on se rend compte que l'histoire enseignée sous la Ille République ne fut pas une et indivisible... Ce livre constitue une sélection de textes et de gravures issus de nombreux manuels d'histoire. Il vous invite à la découverte d'une diversité d'écritures étonnante, au service d'une idéologie parfois très marquée.
