
Charlotte, sometimes and always



Non classé

Stages of Exile

This book brings together twelve specially commissioned essays that showcase current research on Spanish Republican exile theatre and performance, including work by some of the foremost scholars in the field. Covering a range of periods, geographical locations and theatrical phenomena, the essays are united by the common question of what it means to ‘stage exile', exploring the relationship between space, identity and performance in order to excavate the place of theatre in Spanish Republican exile production. Each chapter takes a particular case study as a starting point in order to assess the place of a particular text, practitioner or performance within Hispanic theatre tradition and then goes on to examine the case study's relationship with the specific sociocultural context in which it was located and/or produced. The authors investigate wider issues concerning the recovery and performability of these documentary traces, addressing their position within the contemporary debate over historical and cultural memory, their relationship to the contemporary stage, the insights they offer into the experience and performance of exile, and their contribution to contemporary configurations of identity and community in the Hispanic world. Through this commitment to interdisciplinary debate, the volume offers a new and invigorating reimagination of twentieth-century Hispanic theatre from the margins.




Living in Mexico. Edition français-anglais-allemand

Barbara & René Stoeltie both began their careers as artists and gallery owners. With René as photographer and Barbara as writer, they have been collaborating on interior design articles since 1984, contributing to such influential magazines as Vogue, The World of Interiors, AD, Elle, House and Garden, Country Living and House Beautiful. The editor : Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel and lifestyle.




Venetian Disegno. New Frontiers

Venetian Disegno : New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 offers a fresh perspective on the art of Venice and the Veneto. The volume brings together the contributions of scholars and curators specialist on a wide variety of artists and art forms including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and architecture. Venetian Disegno : New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 takes disegno as its central theme, that in its plurality of meaning allows for a consideration of the conceptual role of design and the act of drawing. The relationship between disegno and Renaissance Venetian art has historically been a problematic one, with emphasis instead being placed on the Venetian predilection for colore. This volume is reflective of an ongoing challenge to this perspective and draws attention to the importance of Venetian disegno and the study of drawings for understanding various art forms. The book commences with a critical study of what constitutes disegno in Venetian art. It does so through questioning the historiography of Venetian artistic scholarship and the restrictive framework and preconceptions that have emerged before setting out the merits of a broader, more inclusive approach. Disegno is applied in its multifaceted nature to address the physical act of drawing, the tangible drawn object and the role of design in artistic practice. The term 'Venetian' is taken to encompass both Venice and its mainland territories not least because of the mobility of artists across and beyond the region. Contributions are divided into five thematic sections. The first, entitled 'Peripheries', frames the art of Venice within a wider discourse on the movement of ideas across and beyond the Veneto in locations including Padua, Verona and Rome. A section on Media considers the origins and innovations that took place in the use of materials such as blue paper, oil and coloured chalks. In another, the theories that have developed on Venetian notions of disegno are brought under scrutiny, addressing topics such as the long upheld perspective that Venetian artists did not draw, the role of sculpture in Tintoretto's drawing practice and the interrelation between the written and drawn line in Palma Giovane's draftsmanship. The section on Invention reflects on the technical innovations that were facilitated through the uptake of printmaking and the intellectual freedom granted by humanist patrons. Finally, Function gets to the heart of the practical purpose of disegno. Contributions focus on the workshops of the Bellini family and Titian to consider the diverse ways they used drawing within their artistic practices with an emphasis on technical analysis. These sections are all preceded by introductions that provide an overview on each theme while the volume is bookended by two reflections on the state of research into Venetian disegno and the potential for further progress. Sumptuously illustrated with over 100 images with a comprehensive bibliography, Venetian Disegno : New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 represents a significant contribution to scholarship on the art of Venice, Renaissance workshops and drawing studies.



Littérature française

France US UK

The new French anticorruption law on transparency, fight against corruption and the modernisation of the economy ("Sapin II") promises to bring significant changes in French domestic law and imposes new obligations on large French and foreign businesses. Sapin II clearly follows an international trend towards tougher and more transparent anticorruption laws and a large part of Sapin II provisions have obviously been influenced by other anticorruption standards such as notably the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act. This publication describes these three regulations allowing the reader to understand the major factors and provisions within these laws that are now governing the fight against corruption in the world of globalisation.



Guides pratiques

Walking in the aosta valley

Italy's Aosta Valley boasts stunning mountain scenery, with trails and outdoor activities to suit most preferences and abilities. This guide presents a selection of 32 routes, from short leisurely walks to longer, more strenuous hikes, from scrambles to via ferrata and protected routes bordering on mountaineering. A handful of local trail runs and other via ferrata are also summarised in brief. There are walks to the ancient fortress of Forte di Bard and the world-famous Grand St Bernard Monastery, ascents of some of the region's most alluring peaks and overnights in welcoming mountain refuges : Other highlights include insights into. the valley's fascinating history and opportunities to enjoy delicious local cuisine.




Peter Doig

Accompanying a major exhibition of new and recent works by Peter Doig at The Courtauld, London, this publication will present an exciting new chapter in the career of one of the most celebrated and important painters working today and will include paintings and works on paper created since the artist's move from Trinidad to London in 2021. Doig (born Edinburgh, 1959) is widely acknowledged as one of the world's leading artists. He secured his early reputation in the 1990s as a highly original figurative painter, producing large-scale, immersive landscape paintings that exist somewhere between actual places and the realms of the imagination. Layered into his paintings is a rich array of inspirations, such as scenes from films, album covers, and the art of the past. His works are often related to the places where he has lived and worked, including the UK, Canada and Trinidad. In 2021, Doig moved back to London where he has set up a new studio. This new studio has become the crucible for developing paintings started in Trinidad and New York and elsewhere, which are being worked up alongside completely fresh paintings, including a new London subject. The works produced for the exhibition at The Courtauld convey this particularly creative experience of transition, as Doig explores a rich variety of places, people, memories and ways of painting that have accompanied him to his new London studio. For Doig, printmaking is an integral part of his artistic life : his prints and his paintings often work in dialogue with one another. The catalogue will also showcase the artist's work as a draughtsman and printmaker by exploring a series of his new and recent drawing and prints, allowing readers to consider the full span of Doig's creative process. Doig has long admired the collection of The Courtauld Gallery. The Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artists who are at its heart have been a touchstone for his own painting and printmaking over the course of his career. His works presented here will reflect his current artistic preoccupations, from remarkable landscapes to monumental figure paintings. Readers will be able to consider Doig's contemporary works in the light of paintings by earlier artists in The Courtauld's collection that are important for him, such as those by Cézanne, Gauguin, Manet, Monet, Pissarro and Van Gogh. The publication will explore how Doig recasts and reinvents traditions and practices of painting to create his own highly distinctive works.




Les voiliers de la Semaine du Golfe devant Port-Navalo

Port-Navalo est un ancien port de pêche côtier datant du début du XXe. Il est situé sur la commune d'Arzon (Morbihan, Bretagne), juste à l'entrée du golfe du Morbihan. On peut y admirer tous les deux ans la Grande Parade, dans le cadre de l'événement maritime de la Semaine du Golfe : des flottilles de voiliers (voile-aviron, petite plaisance traditionnelle, plaisance classique, voiliers traditionnels, motonautisme classique et grands voiliers) qui sortent du golfe et y pénètrent à nouveau, après une balade dans la baie de Quiberon. Port-Navalo is a former coastal fishing port dating from the early 20th. It is located in the commune of Arzon (Morbihan, Brittany, France), just at the entrance to the gulf of Morbihan. Every two years, you can admire the Grande Parade, part of the Semaine du Golfe maritime event : flotillas of sailing boats (sailing-rowing, small traditional yachts, classic yachts, traditional sailboats, classic powerboats and tall ships) leaving the gulf and re-entering it after a trip into Quiberon Bay.



Anglais apprentissage

Mark SaFranko: The Creative Itineraries of a "Renaissance Man". Textes en français et anglais

From October 2018 to January 2019, Mark SaFranko, an American writer, painter and musician from New Jersey, was the first author in residence at Université de Lorraine in Nancy. During his four-month residence, Mark took part in numerous academic, public and media events in Nancy and the Grand Est region. This volume provides insights into some of these events and displays various aspects of the work carried out during this very active period - from interviews about his literary creation and its critical reception, to personal or collective translation projects around his works, and an exhibition of his pictorial self-portraits. These variegated fragments of creative endeavours will allow readers of this volume to grasp the warm and open personality of a multitalented artist, a jack of all trades who offers first-hand testimony and candid reflections on the practice of his arts.




De la démocratie sanitaire à la démocratie en santé. Volume 1, Vers la construction d'une "handicratie", pour un meilleur accompagnement des personnes en situation de handicap

A l'heure où une partie de la population ne se reconnaît plus dans le modèle de démocratie représentative tel qu'il a été construit à partir de la Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen de 1789, il semble opportun de pouvoir réfléchir à la construction d'un modèle démocratique innovant, au sein du système de santé, pour mieux intégrer les particularités de chaque usager. Le terme de "démocratie sanitaire" est apparu dans l'hémicyclique au moment des débats en vue de l'adoption de la loi du 4 mars 2002 dont les dispositions ont fait du respect de la volonté et de l'information des patients un critère de qualité des actes de prévention, de diagnostic et de soins. Plus encore, le plan "Ma Santé 2022" présenté par le gouvernement vise à étendre le principe de démocratie au secteur médico-social. L'ambition est légitime mais le chemin reste encore long, au regard des difficultés que peuvent éprouver certains praticiens lorsqu'ils doivent justifier leurs décisions face aux malades ou à leurs familles mais aussi lorsque les évolutions technologiques et sociologiques obligent à une remise en cause des exercices traditionnels face aux besoins des malades chroniques et des personnes en situation de handicap à la recherche d'une plus grande autonomie tout au long des chemins de vie.




De la démocratie sanitaire à la démocratie en santé. Volume 2, L’optimisation des parcours de vie, de santé et de soins des personnes en situation de handicap pour une meilleure autonomie au quotidien

Dans un modèle qui ambitionne de se fonder sur un héritage démocratique, il y a lieu de s'appuyer, pour l'analyse des trois parcours de soins, de santé et de vie, sur les avis et réflexions de trois catégories d'acteurs titulaires d'un certain pouvoir au sein du système de santé, à savoir les patients ou usagers, les professionnels de santé et les organismes de financement. Les contributions de chacun pourraient alors envisager le développement d'outils issus tout d'abord des sciences médicales et pharmaceutiques, ensuite de l'économie du digital et, enfin des sciences humaines et sociales. Tous devront se montrer vigilants à l'égard des conflits d'intérêts et attentifs au risque d'apparition de fracture numérique chez une partie de la population particulièrement fragilisée.




Silent Dragon

Tokyo, 2063. La ville a évolué en une gigantesque megalopole techno-punk. Renjiro est le conseiller et stratège du plus grand criminel japonais : le seigneur de guerre Yakuza Hideaki. Sous sa direction, le clan du dragon Noir a pris le contrôle des quartiers malfamés de Honshu en éliminant avec force et cruauté tous ses opposants. Mais Hideaki a d'autres ambitions que de régner sur la pègre : il projette de renverser me gouvernement lui-même. Sa soif de domination est telle qu'il s'imagine défaire la junte ultra-nationaliste et surarmée qui protège le pouvoir en place. Rien ne semble être en mesure de l'arrêter. Déchu, éliminé, Renjiron n'aura d'autre choix que de devenir un pion des ennemis de Hideaki, qui lui offrent une nouvelle vie, un nouveau nom, et une technologie encore jamais vue. Restera-til encore une fois un pion, à l'heure où le destin du Japon se joue entre deux ennemis prêts à tout ?



Lycée parascolaire

Campus sur A1-B1. Libro del alumno, 2e édition

Campus Sur est une méthode conçue spécialement pour des cours intensifs de ELE. Elle couvre les niveaux A1 à B1.



Actualité médiatique internati

SOS Méditerranée. Les écrivains s'engagent

Chaque année, 3000 personnes périssent en mer Méditerranée en tentant la traversée dans des embarcations de fortune. Depuis 2015, l'association sos mediterranee organise des opérations de secours grâce au navire Ocean Viking. Afin de soutenir ces sauvetages, dix-sept auteurs contemporains nous livrent un recueil de récits puissants, nous invitant à changer notre regard sur le monde. Tous les bénéfices de ce livre caritatif au contenu inédit seront intégralement reversés à SOS Méditerranée. ABD AL MALIK - JAKUTA ALIKAVAZOVIC - MURIEL BARBERY - AMINA DAMERDJI - KAMEL DAOUD - MARIE DARRIEUSSECQ - ERRI DE LUCA - JEAN-BAPTISTE DEL AMO - ANANDA DEVI - ERIC FOTTORINO - LAURENT GAUDE - MAYLIS DE KERANGAL - CAROLE MARTINEZ - FRANCOIS MOREL - MARIE NDIAYE - WILFRIED N'SONDE - LEÏLA SLIMANI. Préface de JEAN-MARIE LACLAVETINE.



Comics Super-héros

Wonder Woman Infinite Tome 1 : Les mondes au-delà

Orsque Diana ouvre les yeux, elle est sans pouvoirs ni souvenirs au centre d'une guerre perpétuelle. Elle découvre qu'elle est à Asgard, où les plus grands guerriers sont réunis après leur mort et se battent jour après jour, réapparaissant après chaque mort grâce aux Valkyries. Mais ce monde qui semble fait pour elle est sur le point de s'effondrer : l'arbre Yggdrasil qui le maintient est malade et menace de mourir, et les Valkyries disparaissent. Le destin de Diana est-il de le sauver, ou de rejoindre l'Olympe comme lui suggère une mystérieuse voix ? ...




New Mutants Loki. En exil

Les Nouveaux Mutants rencontrent Loki et les dieux d'Asgard à l'occasion du retour d'un héros oublié. Ce dernier est encore plus puissant que Thor et la vérité cachée derrière son exil pourrait avoir des conséquences désastreuses. Alors que les dieux sont devenus mortels, las mutants sont leur seul espoir de survie. De plus, d'effroyables créatures cannibales sont en liberté et San Francisco est en proie à la magie noire ! Ce volume contient la mini-série complète Exiled, écrite par Kieron Gillen (Thor), Dan Abnett (Guardians of the Galaxy) et Andy Lanning (Annihilation), et dessinée par Carmine Di Giandomenico (Spider-Man Noir).



Livres 3 ans et +

Contes de fées oubliés de filles intrépides et incroyables

Ce recueil joliment illustré rassemble huit contes de fées oubliés qui inspireront et valoriseront une nouvelle génération de lecteurs et de lectrices. Découvre comment des jeunes filles intrépides et incroyables triomphent de géants, combattent des malédictions, réveillent des princes endormis... et, bien entendu, vivent ensuite heureuses jusqu'à la fin de leurs jours.



Techniques professionnelles


LE LIVRE La soie fascine les artisans et cre ateurs du monde entier depuis des sie cles. A travers les foisonnantes collections du Victoria & Albert Museum de Londres, ce livre richement illustre met en lumie re l'histoire, l'usage et les cre ations traditionnelles et innovantes entourant ce luxueux textile. Des tissus historiques de couverts en Chine et en Ame rique du Sud, en passant par l'industrialisation de la fibre en Europe au XIXe sie cle, jusqu'aux de file s de haute couture contemporains, cet ouvrage propose une riche e tude exhaustive sur le travail de la soie. Sont ainsi pre sente es tour a tour les diffe rentes techniques de cre ation des soieries : le tissage et le tricot, la teinture, l'impression et la broderie... , dans un arc-en-ciel de couleurs chatoyantes et un large e ventail de motifs. Explorant l'imaginaire d'artistes oeuvrant aux quatre coins du monde, la multitude des cre ations reproduites ravira le regard des lecteurs : ve tements et chaussures, cre ations de mode ou encore de cors d'ameublement, tentures et tapis. Re dige par des spe cialistes de renomme e internationale, ce beau volume toile conjugue technique et pe dagogie pour le plus grand plaisir des amateurs et des connaisseurs.



Littérature française

Ces chiens qui nous hantent Tome 1 : Fidélité

Ces chiens qui nous hantent... Il y en a tant : ceux qui animèrent notre enfance, ceux qui nous ont réchauffé le coeur, ou qui l'ont brisé en disparaissant. Toujours présents, fidèles, amoureux inconditionnels de leurs maîtres. Ils sont tour à tour drôles, espiègles, comédiens, protecteurs, pots de colle... Ils font des bêtises, ils font des dégâts, mais ils remplissent nos vies. Ils ne trahissent pas, ils n'abandonnent pas, ils ne déçoivent pas. Comme dirait Nadine Jund, préfacière de ce recueil : ils sont ce que leurs maîtres font d'eux. Et cela n'est pas nouveau : depuis que l'homme est homme, il rend hommage à son compagnon. Les plus grands auteurs ont écrit sur eux pour nous dire l'amour et la possession irraisonnée de l'homme par son chien. Un regard, un battement de queue, et l'on est pris, hanté à jamais... pour peu qu'on ait du coeur.




X-Men l'Intégrale : 1993. Tome 2

Les mutants - ces êtres supérieurs dotés d'un facteur X dans leur ADN qui leur confère des pouvoirs extraordinaires - sont parmi nous. Le professeur Charles Xavier a réuni une équipe sous le nom de X-Men pour réaliser son rêve : voir un jour humains et mutants vivre en paix. - Une noble cause qui est loin de faire l'unanimité...




Atlas politique de la France. Les révolutions silencieuses de la société française

Plus de 70 cartes pour présenter la géographie politique de la France, de 1992 à aujourd'hui. Géographie politique : dans quelle mesure le lieu de résidence détermine-t-il le vote ? L'ascension du Front national : un vote porté par les espaces périurbains. Dynamisme économique et redistribution des richesses : la France fait-elle le choix du développement et de la justice ? Terrorisme, migrations, mondialisation : la France en Europe et dans le Monde. Quels enseignements tirer de l'élection présidentielle de 2017 ? De référendums en élections, sur une période de vingt-cinq ans, la cartographie fait apparaître les nouvelles lignes de force de l'espace français, mettant en évidence des changements profonds et durables.



Espagnol 5e

Espagnol 5e Cycle 4 A1-A2 Atrévete! Edition 2022

Une nouvelle collection authentique, ludique et motivante, adaptée aux 5e ! - Pour chaque thème, 2 unités au choix pour plus de liberté pédagogique et de différenciation - Des activités ludiques et motivantes favorisant l'expression orale - Des tâches finales réalistes et motivantes, avec des fiches de guidage personnalisables - Des pages "Tapas de juegos" avec une variété d'activités ludiques pour rebrasser les acquis - Les points de grammaire expliqués en vidéo pour aider tous les élèves En bonus (dans la clé USB de ressources et le manuel numérique enseignant) : une série vidéo originale "Contigo en Barcelona" pour booster la motivation des élèves en fin d'année (disponibles : VO et VOST en espagnol).



Systèmes d'exploitation

Windows 11 et internet pour les nuls

Un livre ultra complet et tout en couleurs pour maîtriser Windows 10 et Internet Ce nouveau livre tout en couleurs va vous donner tous les outils qui vous permettront de maîtriser Windows10 de Microsoft et Internet comme un virtuose. Au programme : A la découverte de Windows 10, le cerveau de votre PC et de sa toute nouvelle interface à tuiles Boutons, boîtes de dialogue, dossiers, fichiers et autres objets de Windows Le menu Démarrer Déplacer, ouvrir, fermer les fenêtres, rechercher fichiers et dossiers, ou autres ordinateurs connectés en réseau Utiliser l'assistant vocal Cortana Adapter Windows 10 à ses besoins Comment installer mon navigateur Comment surfer décontracté sur le Web avec Explorer Comment adresser mon courrier électronique (e-mail) à mes correspondants Quelles sont les meilleures adresses, quel fournisseur d'accès choisir, quel type de connexion : câble, ADSL, fibre ? Faire des achants sur le Windows Store



Comics Super-héros

Marvel Super-héros & cie

Dans le cadre de l'exposition consacrée à l'univers Marvel que va accueillir la Cité Internationale de la Bande Dessinée et de l'Image à partir de juin 2024, les éditions Panini ont le plaisir de pouvoir s'associer au travail de Xavier Fournier et de Jean-Philippe Martin pour publier un livre en lien avec l'exposition. Un livre qui contiendra une introduction de Xavier Fournier, une postface de Vincent Eches et compilera des histoires dont certaines des planches de l'exposition sont issues. Un complément idéal à l'exposition en somme !



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Number from Ahmes to Cantor

We might take numbers and counting for granted, but we shouldn't. Our number literacy rests upon centuries of human effort, punctuated here and there by strokes of genius. In his successor and companion volume to Gnomon: From Pharaohs to Fractals, Midhat Gazalé takes us on a Journey from the ancient worlds of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Mayas, the Greeks, the Hindus, up to the Arab invasion of Europe and the Renaissance. Our guide introduces us to some of the most fascinating and ingenious characters in mathematical history, from Ahmes the Egyptian scribe (whose efforts helped preserve some of the mathematical secrets of the architects of the pyramids) through the modern era of Georg Cantor (the great nineteenth-century inventor of transfinite numbers). As he deftly blends together history, mathematics, and even some computer science in his characteristically compelling style, we discover the fundamental notions underlying the acquisition and recording of "number", and what "number" truly means. Gazalé tackles questions that will stimulate math enthusiasts in a highly accessible and inviting manner. What is a natural number? Are the decimal and binary systems the only legitimate ones? Did the Pythagorean theorem and the discovery of the unspeakable irrationals cost the unfortunate mathematician Hippasus his life? What was the Ladder of Theodorus of Cyrene and how did the ancient Greeks calculate square roots with such extraordinary proficiency? An original generalization of Euler's theorem is offered that explains the pattern of rational number representations. Later on, the field of Continued Fractions paves the way for another original contribution by Gazalé, that of cleavages, which sheds light on the mysterious nature of irrational numbers as it beautifully illustrates Dedekind's famous Schnitt. In the end the author introduces us to the Hilbert Hotel with its infinite number of rooms, guests, and an infinite number of people waiting to check in, where he sets the debate between Aristotle and Cantor about the true nature of infinity. This abundantly illustrated book, remarkable for its coherency and simplicity, will fascinate all those who have an interest in the world of numbers. Number will be indispensable for all those who enjoy mathematical recreations and puzzles, and for those who delight in numeracy.



Littérature française

Arbovirus et huiles essentielles :. Lutte larvicide contre le vecteur Aedes aegypti

Il s'agit d'une recherche avec la question directrice de recherche : "Quels sont les principaux problèmes dans le contexte des arbovirus et quelle alternative représentent les huiles essentielles ? " . La recherche bibliographique a été réalisée de janvier à mars 2021, à travers une recherche électronique dans les bases de données suivantes : Google Scholar, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) et Virtual Health Library (BVS). Les publications ont été analysées et interprétées et à la fin de l'analyse et de la description des études, la discussion des résultats trouvés et la synthèse des connaissances produites grâce à cette étude ont eu lieu. Ainsi, il est conclu qu'il existe un besoin d'alternatives pour l'utilisation des huiles essentielles dans le contrôle des arbovirus, puisque les méthodes conventionnelles provoquent une résistance des vecteurs, en plus des dommages à l'environnement. Ainsi, selon la littérature, la nanotechnologie est une alternative pour potentialiser ce potentiel dans les HE.




Les graines du monde

His knowledge, tenacity and eloquence still resound in the corridors of the Institute which bears his name in Saint Petersburg and his spirit continues to inspire the hundreds of researchers pursuing his work. He had anticipated the disappearance of plant diversity, and, within the space of a few decades, he studied and travelled throughout the world and found the means of saving it. For political and idealogical reasons, Nikolai Vavilov was condemned to death and left to starve in the dungeon of a Soviet prison. Gradually, on both sides of the iron curtain, his memory began to fade. One hundred years after Vavilov's first expedition, the photographer Mario Del Curto retraced his footsteps. For four years he has been meeting those who, despite overwhelming obstacles, perpetuate Vavilov's seed prospec- tion, selection, and conservation work in order to save the planet's staple food crops. This book is the unprecedented story of his journey to the heart of the Vavilov Institute and its twelve research stations. International special- ists bring light to the huge scope of the work undertaken by Vavilov and his successors.



Sciences politiques

Pass or Fail?. Assessing the Quality of Democracy in South Africa

In recent years, growing concerns over the strength of South Africa's democracy appear to indicate a population increasingly disillusioned and dissatisfied with the quality of its implementation. This book assesses the quality of democracy in South Africa after 20 years of democracy in order to ascertain whether or not this growing perception is valid. Since the inception of democracy in 1994 there have been countless procedural and substantive improvements in addressing historically entrenched political, social and economic problems ; however, there are serious issues that have emerged relating to the quality of democratic implementation in South Africa. Two existing analytical frameworks of democracy assessment, International IDEA's State of Democracy framework and Leonardo Morlino's tool for empirical research on democratic qualities, TODEM, are utilised to assess the quality of South Africa's rule of law and institutional capacity ; representative and accountable government ; civil society and popular participation ; and freedom and equality after 20 years of democracy. The book concludes cautiously that while South Africa faces many serious and threatening potholes in the road to a fully successful democracy, there is nevertheless much to applaud.



Littérature française

Essentials of Logistics et management. The Global Supply Chain.

The logistician plays a critical role in the growth of his or her company - in this third edition of Essentials of Logistics, the conceptual framework in which all the stakes and themes of logistics is systematically analyzed, with a strong focus on the role of the supply chain. Indeed, many elements are critical to the successful logistical strategy : customer relation management, interactive information support, production optimization and process development, vision, strategy and operations management, and human resources and resource allocation. Growing out of a successful course given by the International Institute for the Management of Logistics (IML) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), in Lausanne, and by the Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech (ENPC), the purpose of this book is to present a methodology allowing the reader to understand and act based on the critical factors embedded in the design of strategy. Concepts are thus combined with practical examples. Transversal vision and detailed case studies highlight the main themes of modern logistics and daily preoccupations of logisticians. The book is addressed to all professionals of logistics : managers, planners and engineers ; as well as to graduate students specializing in the field.



Histoire internationale

Strange Adventures

Strange Adventures examines portrayals of womanhood in the works of prize-winning French author Pierrette Fleutiaux. Fleutiaux's refreshing pictures of womanhood offer insights into how women can become more whole, substantial and free in themselves and in their relationships, as well as how they can contribute to the external world through their creativity and leadership. The study demonstrates how Fleutiaux's heroines navigate the external, bodily and inner situations of adolescence, early adult life, marriage, motherhood, maturity, leadership and death, in the process developing greater inner resources of wisdom, compassion and resilience. This volume considers selections from Fleutiaux's oeuvre, from her first short fiction Histoire de la chauve-souris to her recent Loli le temps venu, including Métamorphoses de la reine (Goncourt de la nouvelle) and Nous sommes éternels (Prix Femina). Using a theoretical framework which draws on Jungian concepts and the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir, the study analyses women's individuation trajectories at each stage of life. Throughout, Fleutiaux's depictions are shown to pose a challenge to existing conceptions of womanhood and individuality, thus opening up new understandings of what it means to be a woman, and to be human.




Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2015

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2015 provides a dynamic and up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights law and to comply with commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The 2015 Yearbook surveys the activities of the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy in 2014 by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, the Yearbook provides a selection of international and national case-law that casts light on Italy's position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. "Italy and Human Rights in 2014 : the Challenge of National/International Constitutional Synergism" is the focus of the introductory section of the Yearbook. The complex network of monitoring actions carried out by the supranational bodies, and the relative reporting requirements Italy must meet, can only be viewed in the context of reciprocal exchange and strengthening between the provisions enshrined in the national Constitution and international human rights law. The Italian Agenda of Human Rights 2015 represents an updated orientation tool intended to support the commitment taken by the Italian Government in the framework of the second Universal Periodic Review (October 2014) before the UN Human Rights Council.
