
bundle ebook




AFRIQUE DU SUD. Théâtre des townships

"Le théâtre des townships est un exemple précieux de ce que l'immédiat peut apporter au théâtre. Et, dans sa forme littéraire, il oblige le lecteur à ne jamais oublier que les mots couchés sur le papier ne sont rien d'autre que la matière première de la représentation.". Peter Book.



Dessins animés

L'art de Nausicaä de la vallée du vent

Les éditions Glénat sont heureuses de présenter le Art Book du premier grand film de Miyazaki (Totoro, Chihiro, Princesse Mononoké...), une compilation regroupant décors, croquis, études de personnages et bien d'autres choses encore. Un ouvrage incontournable pour tous les amateurs de Nausicaä et des talents d'illustrateur de Miyazaki .




Saveurs et couleurs. Les cuisines du Ramadan à travers le monde, Grand prix "Gourmand World Cook book Awards 2009", meilleur livre de cuisine arabe

Généreuse et expressive, la cuisine du ramadan exulte en une profusion de saveurs et de raffinements après la rupture du jeûne. Du Maghreb au Pakistan, d'Ispahan au golfe de Guinée, les plats servis lors de ces réjouissances familiales sont le reflet de cultures et de climats distincts. Mais partout on y goûte la même convivialité. Plus de 80 recettes cosmopolites pour renouveler, selon l'inspiration, les plats traditionnels de ce mois béni.



Littérature française

Capitaine fracasse

Apportez un support physique au livre numérique CARDBOOK va vous permettre de pouvoir vendre des ebook avec un support physique pour que vos lecteurs conserve un souvenir du produit au même titre qu'un livre papier. Grace a CARDBOOK vos lecteurs découvrirons des oeuvres classiques ainsi que de nouveaux auteurs . Les nouveaux auteurs seront disponible au format papier ce qui vous permettra un gain de place . Permettre aux modestes auteurs de faire leur place en librairie . RESUME Un baron ruiné, Philippe de Sigognac, rencontre un jour une troupe de comédiens ambulants que dirige Hérode. Attiré par celle qui tient le rôle de l'ingénue : Isabelle, et par le dynamisme et l'enthousiasme de ses compagnons, il prend la place du poète défunt de la troupe. A la mort du Matamore de la troupe, Philippe reprend son rôle et devient le capitaine Fracasse.



Romans policiers

Arsène lupin intégrale

Apportez un support physique au livre numérique CARDBOOK va vous permettre de pouvoir vendre des ebook avec un support physique pour que vos lecteurs conserve un souvenir du produit au même titre qu'un livre papier. Grace a CARDBOOK vos lecteurs découvrirons des oeuvres classiques ainsi que de nouveaux auteurs . Les nouveaux auteurs seront disponible au format papier ce qui vous permettra un gain de place . Permettre aux modestes auteurs de faire leur place en librairie . résumé L'intégrale de la saga du gentleman cambrioleur Arsène Lupin se faufile en pleine nuit chez un bourgeois pour lui voler un collier de perles de grande valeur. A la suite d'une dénonciation, la police arrive sur les lieux, forçant le cambrioleur à se cacher dans la maison. Enfermé avec la jeune fille de la maison, il tente de la séduire pour réussir son évasion.



Littérature francophone

La curée

Apportez un support physique au livre numérique CARDBOOK va vous permettre de pouvoir vendre des ebook avec un support physique pour que vos lecteurs conserve un souvenir du produit au même titre qu'un livre papier. Grace a CARDBOOK vos lecteurs découvrirons des oeuvres classiques ainsi que de nouveaux auteurs . Les nouveaux auteurs seront disponible au format papier ce qui vous permettra un gain de place . Permettre aux modestes auteurs de faire leur place en librairie . RESUME Eugène aide son frère à obtenir un emploi à la mairie de Paris, ce qui permet à ce dernier d'avoir accès à tous les plans des travaux d'Haussmann. Sa femme meurt... . Ayant pris le nom d'Aristide Saccard, il peut participer à la "curée" , le dépeçage de Paris par les spéculateurs, tâche dont il s'acquitte à merveille.



Guides de France

Nos meilleurs hébergements insolites en France. Edition 2019-2020

Cet ebook est une version numérique du guide papier sans interactivité additionnelle. Rien de tel pour retrouver son âme d'enfant que de dormir dans un arbre, ou au milieu d'un lac dans une cabane flottante, ou à six pieds sous terre dans une chambre troglodytique. Le plus dur sera de choisir, entre l'île déserte, la réserve animalière, le phare, la roulotte, le combi VW, la bulle transparente au milieu de la forêt, ou le vieux camping-car américain en alu, à deux pas de l'Arc de Triomphe ... Haut en couleur, illustré de magnifiques photos et de cartes détaillées, c'est au fil des pages, une véritable immersion au coeur de Nos meilleurs hébergements insolites en France. Merci à tous les Routards qui partagent nos convictions : Liberté et indépendance d'esprit ; découverte et partage ; sincérité, tolérance et respect des autres.




Adobe After Effects CC. Guide d'entraînement officiel d'Adobe, Edition 2019

Apprenez à créer, manipuler et optimiser les animations et effets graphiques de films et de vidéos, à destination de DVD, de publications sur le Web ou de périphériques mobiles. Découvrez des techniques professionnelles pour animer le texte et les images, créer des effets à foison, suivre du contenu, exploiter la rotoscopie, corriger la couleur et appliquer des effets 3D. Créez des modèles d'animations graphiques à exploiter dans Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Découvrez enfin la puissance des outils Marionnette pour déformer et animer les éléments d'une vidéo. Le moyen le plus rapide, facile et complet d'apprendre After Effects CC. La célèbre collection Classroom in a Book propose depuis des années des manuels de formation et d'entaînement officiels aux logiciels Adobe, avec le soutien des équipes d'Adobe. Adobe Alter Effects CC 2019 Clossroom in a Book contient 15 leçons qui partent des fondements pour aller le plus loin dans les fonctions du logiciel, avec des techniques et astuces qui vous permettront de gagner du temps. Vous êtes libre de lire ce livre dans l'ordre ou selon le thème qui vous préoccupe. En achetant ce livre, vous bénéficierez en outre de fichiers d'exercices à télécharger en ligne afin de vous aider à vous entraîner et à progresser dans votre apprentissage. Pour Adobe Alter Effects CC (2019) version Windows ou Mac OS. Note : les manuels Classroom in a Book ne remplacent pas la documentation, le support, les mises à jour ou tout autre service auquel vous donne accès une version enregistrée du logiciel Adobe Photoshop.



Littérature française


The mere fact of existing is already a battle of every moment, but that of being born a woman is seen as the most arduous of battles, in a society that considers women not only less than men, but below men. The simple attributes devolved to human being are sometimes denied to them, under the indifferent eye of the society. Who is to blame for this general contemptuous attitude vis-à-vis the woman ? The man ? Society ? Or the woman herself ? Woman parenthood, excision, rape, sexual harassment, the prison, early marriages and widowhood are core points tackled in the seven short stories of this book where the main characters ; Micheline, Amina, Jenaëlle, Ann-Lise, Lucie, Violet and Bernadette shall each take the reader through their stories using their own words. Based on true stories, these fictions are a personal move to throw more light on the stumbling blocks faced by the woman in her struggle for optimal fulfillment. Through the life stories clearly depicted in this book, most readers can picture their own lives, the lives of a mother, a sister, a friend or a daughter. Two objectives constitute the backbone of this book ; draw attention on the way the woman is perceived by the African society and Cameroon in particular and raise awareness in the woman so that she can come to understand that the key to her destiny lies within herself and nowhere else. Hence the need to portray womanhood as society sees it : a handicap.



Physique, chimie

Numerical Methods for Wave equation in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. With 93 illustrations

This scholarly text provides an introduction to the numerical methods used to model partial differential equations governing wave-like and weakly dissipative flows. The focus of the book is on fundamental methods and standard fluid dynamical problems such as tracer transport, the shallow-water equations, and the Euler equations. The emphasis is on methods appropriate for applications in atmospheric and oceanic science, but these same methods are also well suited for the simulation of wave-like flows in many other scientific and engineering disciplines. The text discusses finite-difference, spectral, finite-element, and finite-volume methods. Also included are additional chapters on semi-Lagrangian schemes, nonreflecting boundary conditions, and methods for the efficient solution of problems that include physically insignificant rapidly propagating waves. Throughout the book the author has followed a middle course between the theorem-proof formalism of a pure mathematics text and the highly empirical approach found in some engineering publications. Although there are no formal proofs, the essential characteristics of the various schemes are mathematically derived in a style familiar to physical scientists. Numerical examples illustrating the theoretically derived properties of the various methods are presented throughout the book to establish a concrete link between theory and practice. Both theoretical and applied problems are provided at the end of each chapter. Numerical Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics will be useful as a senior undergraduate and graduate text, and as a reference for those teaching or using numerical methods, particularly for those concentrating on fluid dynamics.



Droit européen des affaires

Antitrust Between EU Law and National Law. Textes en anglais et en italien

The most salient and current issues in the antitrust field, at international, EU and national level The book includes the papers drafted by the authors who took part as speakers in the XV Treviso Antitrust Conference, regarding the most salient and current issues in the antitrust field, at international, EU and national level.



Littérature étrangère


Sara Lövestam est professeur de suédois pour les immigrés et écrit une rubrique pour l’important magazine gay qx. Pour ce premier roman elle s’est vu décerner le prix du Swedish Book Championship. Son deuxième roman, Il y a tant de gros poissons dans la mer, paraîtra chez Actes Sud en 2014.




K.O.S.H.K.O.N.O.N.G. n°25

Sommaire du numéro 25 de K. O. S. H. K. O. N. O. N. G. : Kathy Acker : Troisième lettre à Paul Buck - Robert Creeley : Proses (A Day Book) - Ghassan Zaqtan : Poème - J. H. Prynne : Que la tienne pardonne à la mienne - Isabelle Sbrissa : Une fable - Michèle Cohen- Halimi : Chronique - Norma Cole : Dessin



Sciences de la terre et de la

Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences. 2nd edition

Modern studies of atmospheres, oceans, and Earth and planetary systems require a good knowledge of basic chemical principles. This book provides a clear, concise grounding in these principles. Undergraduate and graduate students with little formal training in chemistry can work through the chapters, and the numerous exercises, within this book before accessing more advanced texts in atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry, and the environmental sciences. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences covers the fundamental concepts of chemical equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, solution chemistry, acid and base chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, and photochemistry. This new edition has been updated and revised from the first edition. In a companion volume entitled Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (2000, Cambridge University Press) Peter Hobbs provides an introduction to atmospheric chemistry itself, including its applications to air pollution, acid rain, the ozone hole, and climate change. Together these two books provide on ideal introduction to atmospheric chemistry for a variety of disciplines.



Autres éditeurs (U à Z)

La baleine tombée du ciel

Un grand tremblement secoue la campagne, un bruit sourd fait vibrer l'air. Du serpent à l'oiseau, du lièvre au renard, les animaux s'interrogent. Une ombre gigantesque traverse le ciel. C'est une baleine ! Arraché à la mer par une vague géante, le cétacé retombe dans un pré. Et le cycle de la vie continue. Des illustrations magnifiques, réalisées avec une technique rare : la porcelaine peinte. L'artiste chinois Yuke Xi a bien voulu confier au Chat la nuit le fruit de son savoir-faire magistral. Les images créées ainsi ont la finesse d'un travail à la plume, le tremblé fragile de l'aquarelle ; ou comment une technique ancestrale donne un souffle poétique à une création contemporaine. La baleine tombée du ciel a été publié en Chine par Daylight Publishing House (2019). Récompenses : ⢠Prix Sunflower Picture Book 2018 (prix national chinois) ⢠Best Picture Book Chen Bochui International Children's Literature Award, 2020. ⢠Prix Le plus bel album de Chine 2020.



Guides de France

Le Tour du Mont-Blanc. Classique ou alpin, deux boucles autour du Géant des Alpes

Un trekking book à glisser dans son sac à dos, pour vous accompagner sur le mythique tour du Mont-Blanc et ses variantes alpines, entre France, Italie et Suisse. Une autre façon pour l'auteure, accompagnatrice en montagne, de vous guider sur les sentiers de cette merveilleuse boucle autour du plus haut sommet des Alpes. Des infos pratiques et les cartes pour chacune des étapes : distance, profil, dénivelés, temps de marche, plus hauts points, panoramas. Mais aussi une mine de conseils et de bons plans, des curiosités et un patrimoine incontournable, un brin d'histoire, des sentiers méconnus ou encore des pauses gourmandes. Côté pratique, les hébergements, commerces, transports, raccourcis et solutions de repli, conseils pratiques... tout ce dont le randonneur a besoin pour préparer son trek et boucler la boucle. Sur l'itinéraire classique ou sur les sentes d'altitude des variantes alpines, ce trekking book vous invite à parcourir les sentiers autour du massif du Mont-Blanc !



Droit international privé

International Economic Law. Text, Cases and Materials

Reconciling all fields of international economic law (IEL) and creating bridges between disciplines in a conceptual as well as practical manner, this book stands out as the first modern, comprehensive international economic law textbook. Containing a technically solid yet critically rich body of knowledge that spans disciplines from trade law to investment, from trade finance to fisheries subsidies, from development to the digital economy and other new-age topics, the book offers the widest possible coverage of issues in current international economic law. Positioning IEL as a truly global practice, the comprehensive coverage includes various treaty texts, landmark cases and new materials, and is supplemented by case studies, real-life examples, exercises and illustrations. The case extracts and legal texts are selectively chosen, with careful editing and serious deliberation to engage modern law students. Mini chapters show examples of interdisciplinary interactions and provide a window into the future disciplines of international economic law.



Anglais apprentissage

Drama with children

Resource Books for Teachers give guidance on the key aspects of language teaching, and provide examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques. This new primary sub-series, in a larger format, specifically addresses the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains guidance for the teacher, 60 to 100 activities for primary children, and up to 20 photocopiable worksheets. The activities are explained clearly and simply, with aims, age range, and level clearly laid out. Drama with Children provides practical ideas for introducing drama activities into the English class, including role play, mime, chants, puppets, and short plays. As well as developing speaking and pronunciation, drama helps children to develop self-confidence and express their imagination, personalities, and creativity. The book shows how activities can be integrated into day-to-day teaching, as well as providing inspiration for performances at open days or end-of-term shows.



Non classé

Labouring Lives

Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life courses of ordinary women over the past one hundred and fifty years, namely the changes in marriage and fertility patterns. Using dynamic data from Dutch population registers and analytical techniques from the life course approach, the book offers new evidence on women's changing position in the labour market, their role in pre-nuptial sexuality, and their contribution to marriage and fertility change in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1960. The author reconstructs the socio-economic and demographic worlds of different groups of working and non-working women, and by doing so she is able to locate the various groups driving the changes. Advanced statistical tools enable the author to analyse differences in fertility strategies, stopping versus spacing, employed by various social and cultural groups in the Netherlands. This book leads to conclusions which challenge a number of orthodoxies in the field.



Littérature érotique et sentim

A.L.F.A Tome 1 : Parish

Leur nom ? L'Agence des Ligues Fédérales d'Alphas. Leur mission ? Servir et protéger l'humanité. Leurs hommes ? Pas tout à fait humains... La brillante scientifique Melinda Caster a découvert une nouvelle souche de virus qui développe l'intelligence animale bien au-delà des facultés humaines, allant jusqu'à leur donner des capacités presque surnaturelles. Lorsque son laboratoire est cambriolé et ses recherches mises en danger, l'A. L. F. A. dépêche l'agent Parish Hamel, un métamorphe jaguar, pour enquêter sur l'affaire. Mais l'importance de cette découverte est peu de chose comparée à celle que fait Parish : que celle qu'il doit protéger est son âme soeur... " Une nouvelle romance paranormale avec des personnages à l'histoire fascinante. Bien joué, Milly Taiden ! " RT Book Reviews " A recommander sans hésiter ! Drôle, sexy et captivant ! " Rockin' Book Review " On peut toujours compter sur Milly Taiden pour une romance à la fois, drôle, tendre et sexy. " Angel's Guilty Pleasures



Littérature érotique et sentim

A.L.F.A. Tome 4 : Josh

Ils ont juré de protéger et servir l'humanité. Josh Tumbel a enfin trouvé son âme soeur. Et elle fait tout son possible pour se débarrasser de lui, alors qu'il lutte pour maîtriser ses instincts d'union. Le major Candace Obermier s'est présentée au Q. G. de l'A. L. F. A. avec un objectif en tête : la fermer. Celle-ci a beau avoir pour vocation de protéger les humains des menaces paranormales, elle n'a été qu'une source d'ennuis. Mais quand l'équipe A. L. F. A se retrouve au coeur d'une prise d'otages, Josh a l'occasion de montrer la nature particulière de son agence et de prouver à Candy son aptitude à la protéger et à l'aimer. " Bouleversant, plein d'action et des moments torrides à profusion. " Angel's Guilty Pleasure " Une romance paranormale assurément torride. " So, I Read This Book Today " A recommander sans hésiter ! Drôle, sexy et captivant ! " Rockin' Book Review




Object oriented PERL. A comprehensive guide to concepts and programming techniques

Perl is a great language for throw-away programming hacking quick solutions to urgent tasks. It can also be a great language for developing large, robust and reusable solutions to real-life problems. The object-oriented techniques taught in this book will help you write cleaner, more readable and more maintainable Perl programs. Whether you're a complete newcomer to object orientation, a refugee from C ++, or just another Perl hacker looking to extend your skills, this book will take you from first principles to practical techniques, and on to the deepest mysteries of object orientation. What's inside : building objects from hashes, arrays, scalars, pseudo hashes, subroutines, regular expressions, or typeglobs ; mastering encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism ; advanced topics : operator overloading, tied variables, generic programming, multiple dispatch, and persistence ; practical examples : databases, pattern matching, source code manipulation, multiprocessing, encryption, search trees, filtering 1/0 streams, debugging ; transition guides from C ++, Java, Eiffel, and Smalltalk.




Nebulae of Discourse

Nebulae of Discourse takes its inspiration from Peirce's philosophy, but merges its horizon with that of current critical theory, as well as confronts certain issues posed by post-Heideggerian hermeneutics. Its principal themes include the nebular nature of texts and of human subjectivity, questions of textual boundaries and limits, and interpretation construed as an ontological category. The book proposes a methodology which explores terrain feared by hermeneutics, but at the same time advocates a need for methodological rigour defied by deconstructive trends in post-structuralism. Unlike hermeneutics, this methodology recognizes the fact that there is no non-discursive reality ; unlike deconstruction, it refuses to rely on the innocence of praxis without theory. The conditions of possibility of contemporary discourse themselves require conditions of possibility : an infrastructure of discursive mechanisms, of signs and semioses that allow specific practices to take place and to be meaningful. It is this fundamental, rudimentary infrastructure that constitutes the book's main focus.



Histoire internationale

Early Soviet Postmodernism

Soviet postmodernism is part of a long-term cultural development that began with the death of Stalin in 1953 and has continued on up to the present day. The book treats the early phase of Soviet postmodernism, which began to emerge in the late 1950's and lasted until the mid-1970's. Early Soviet postmodernism agrees with later, neoavantgardist postmodernism in that it distrusts modernist figures of thought such as utopianism, dialectical argumentation, and mythopoetic "grand narratives." Unlike late postmodernism, which appropriates these figures ironically, early Soviet postmodernism is still involved in a serious, agonized attempt to "correct" or rework them in a serious way. The epistemological failure of these efforts marks this literature as specifically postmodern. The book charts the development of this epoch in four important "genres" of postwar Soviet literature : in village prose (Nagibin, Solženicyn, Belov, Rasputin); in Vasilij Suksin's short stories about eccentric characters ; in Jurij Trifonov's urban prose ; and in the lyric poetry of Evgenij Evtusenko and Andrej Voznesenskij.



Physique, chimie


Since physicists introduced supersymmetry in the mid 1970s, there have been great advances in the understanding of supersymmetric quantum field theories and string theories. These advances have had important mathematical consequences as well. The lectures featured in this book treat fundamental concepts necessary for understanding the physics behind these mathematical applications. Freed approaches the topic with the assumption that the basic notions of supersymmetric field theory are unfamiliar to most mathematicians. He presents the material intending to impart a firm grounding in the elementary ideas. The first half of the book offers expository introductions to superalgebras, supermanifolds, classical field theory, free quantum theories, and super Poincaré groups. The second half covers specific models and describes some of their geometric features. The over-all aim is to explain the classical supersymmetric field that are basic for applications in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, thereby providing readers with sufficient background to explore the quantum ideas.




Argument Selection

A new thematic theory is demonstrated in this book. Thematic theories and their antecedents (Gruber 1965, Fillmore 1968) are to account for morphosyntactic phenomena (concerning argument structures) whose determining factors are likely to be of a semantic nature/origin. But what is the relevant semantic information ? And how is it to be captured (and formalized)? As is shown by the wide variety of competing current thematic theories, there is no consensus upon these crucial questions. The novel starting-point proposed in this book is the creation of a semantic basis where traditional roles (Agent, Patient, Instrument, etc.) are dispensed with. Instead, a special comparative analysis of morphologically related argument structure versions will provide the relevant semantic information, which makes it possible to associate argument frames with rich internal structures via exact formal calculations. Abstract positions in these internal structures are substituted for thematic roles, in harmony with the spirit of Saussure's structuralism.




Interpreting Quebec’s Exile Within the Federation. Selected Political Essays

This book combines the approaches of political theory and of intellectual history to provide a lucid account of Québec's contemporary situation within the Canadian federation. Guy Laforest considers that the province of Québec, and its inhabitants, are exiled within Canada. They are not fully integrated, politically and constitutionally, nor are they leaving the federation, for now and for the foreseeable future. They are in between these two predicaments. Laforest provides insights into the current workings of the Canadian federation, and some of its key figures of the past fifty years, such as Pierre Elliott Trudeau, René Lévesque, Stephen Harper and Claude Ryan. The book also offers thought-provoking studies of thinkers and intellectuals such as James Tully, Michel Seymour and André Burelle. Laforest revisits some key historical documents and events, such as the Durham Report and the 1867 and 1982 constitutional documents. He offers political and constitutional proposals that could contribute to help Québec moving beyond the current predicament of internal exile.



Histoire de France

The External Relations of the European Union

The book analyses the attitudes of non-EU countries towards European integration in historical and contemporary perspectives. The authors study a range of actors in Europe and beyond to explain the impact of the creation of the European Communities on the international system and how the EU is perceived in the world. The book further shows the significance of the institutional interplay within the EU, and between EU institutions, member states and external actors led by their own internal dynamics to explain policy outcomes. It investigates to what extent the perceptions of the international community towards the European Communities and the EU have been influenced by the complexity of their decision-making and the difficulty of reconciling the views of member states on key external relations issues. The authors also study the interplay of non-EU countries and the EU within the broader context of international and regional institutions and forums for international cooperation.



Généralités médicales

How I stopped snoring.. Exercises to treat snoring and sleep apnea

We don't talk about it and avoid the tension generating subject. Snoring makes us laugh or even cry. We very much want to get rid of it. There are ways to fight it. You will find an inventory of them herein, complete with advice on how to improve them, but that's not all ! This book sets forth a natural and original manner of curing snoring and sleep apnea. It's an actively engaging method as opposed to others which confine the snorer to a passive role (drugs, surgery, etc.), proposing exercises by which the snorer strengthens and activates his oral cavity and refines its sensations. Validated by numerous doctors, physical therapists and practitioners of alternative medicine, this book can be read on different levels : by those who are just discovering their snoring problem as well as by those who are well aware of it but haven't yet found a satisfactory solution.



Guides pratiques

Camping road trips. France & Germany

Fancy a scenic meander along the Seine or braving the vertiginous mountain passes of the Pyrenees ? Or perhaps you would rather island hop along the German coast or delve deep into the Black Forest ? In this inspiring book, ardent campervanner Caroline Mills has selected 30 of her favourite routes across France and Germany. Along the way, stop in some of the region's most beautiful towns and villages, sample l&al delicacies, cycle forgotten lanes or take a wander through some of the finest countryside. These are journeys to be savoured. Packed with practical information on recommended roads, campsites and more, this book will satisfy seasoned road trippers and absolute novices alike - whether you're i a solo adventurer, making memories as a family, or planning a romantic getaway, you'll find these self-guided tours will provide all the inspiration you need to set out and explore a locale or region of France and Germany slowly.
