
Google Books Authors Guild




Escape book : Prisonnier de la Grande Histoire

Votre oncle, un brillant inventeur, a inventé une machine à remonter le temps. Illico, vous décidez de l'essayer. Vous vous retrouvez au milieu de la jungle primitive ! Des dinosaures carnivores se mettent à vous poursuivre ! Vous voulez revenir en arrière, mais l'engin vous propulse d'une époque historique à une autre... Arriverez-vous un jour à rentrer chez vous en toute sécurité ? Dans ce livre de jeux, il existe de nombreux types d'énigmes qui doivent être résolues à l'aide de logique, d'un sens de la déduction et d'intelligence - un régal pour tous ceux qui aiment les escape games et les jeux de logique ! - Jouable seul ou à plusieurs. - Si vous ne savez pas comment résoudre les énigmes, des indices vous aideront. Retrouvez à la fin du livre toutes les solutions ainsi qu'une grille pour évaluer les points obtenus.




Escape book : Prisonnier d'une maison hantée

Lors d'une nuit sombre, vous vous retrouvez dans une vieille maison de campagne, qui fait l'objet de toutes sortes de rumeurs effrayantes. Inébranlable, vous entrez dans la demeure. Soudain le sol cède sous vos pas et vous tombez dans un sous-sol obscur. Vous entendez tour à tour un bruissement, un sifflement et un hurlement... La vieille villa serait-elle vraiment hantée ? Et comment en sortir aussi vite que possible ? Dans ce livre de jeux, il existe de nombreux types d'énigmes qui doivent être résolues à l'aide de logique, d'un sens de la déduction et d'intelligence - un régal pour tous ceux qui aiment les escape games et les jeux de logique ! - Jouable seul ou à plusieurs. - Si vous ne savez pas comment résoudre les énigmes, des indices vous aideront. Retrouvez à la fin du livre toutes les solutions ainsi qu'une grille pour évaluer les points obtenus.




Tokyo Revengers : Character Book. Tome 3, Tenjiku

Tout sur l'arc Tenjiku Le troisième character book de Tokyo Revengers se concentre sur Tenjiku ! Toutes les informations sur Izana et sa bande, des illustrations inédites en couleur, un épisode emblématique également en couleur, et même une plongée dans la première exposition qui a eu lieu à Tokyo ! Une bible incontournable pour tous les membres du Tokyo Manjikai.



Sur les traces de Monet. Escape book

Au cours d'une visite au musée d'Orsay à Paris, tu te retrouves subitement au coeur de la gare Saint-Lazare. Mais quel drôle de décor, les lieux te semblent comme peint. Tu as été projeté dans l'oeuvre que tu observais ! Balade-toi de tableau en tableau, échange avec de célèbres peintres du XIXe siècle et réponds à leur énigmes pour espérer retrouver l'illustre Claude Monet, le seul à pouvoir te faire retrouver le monde réel. Un livre d'escape game en coédition avec le musée d'Orsay, dans lequel l'enfant, dès 9 ans, doit résoudre des énigmes. Une manière amusante et originale de découvrir l'impressionnisme, ses peintres et ses tableaux célèbres.




Answers Book. Pour communiquer avec les défunts

Le nouveau Answers Book pour communiquer avec les défunts Ô Answers Book, réponds-moi... Quel message ce défunt a-t-il pour moi ? Que ressent-il à mon égard ? Que fait-il dans l'au-delà ? Tu as sûrement déjà prêté attention aux signes sur ton chemin, sollicité les cartes ou interrogé la célèbre boule magique, dans l'espoir de recevoir un signe d'une personne disparue... Et si je te disais que je contiens toutes les réponses à tes questions sur l'au-delà ? Pense fort à ta question. Respire. Feuillette mes pages rapidement et arrête-toi sur celle qui t'attire. Voilà ta réponse ! Alors, que souhaites-tu savoir ?




La brigade des cauchemars. L'Escape Book

Un livre jeu avec une histoire spin-off originale de la Brigade.



Enseignement primaire

English All-stars! CE2. Pupil's Book

Une méthode rédigée par une équipe de pédagogues camerounais francophones et anglophones pour apprendre l'anglais pas à pas.Pour l'élève :un apprentissage de la langue à travers des situations simples de la vie quotidienne,des exercices progressifs de vocabulaire et de grammaire afin d'acquérir des bases solides en anglais,des activités pour travailler les quatre compétences langagières (parler, écouter, lire, écrire),des révisions à la fin de chaque séquence.Un livret d'activités pour consolider les acquis de la leçon.Pour l'enseignant :Le guide pédagogique donne tous les éléments nécessaires pour bien préparier les leçons et exploiter le manuel comme le livret.Un CD audio complète la méthode afin de rendre l'enseignement de l'anglais plus vivant et plus efficace.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences. 2nd edition

Modern studies of atmospheres, oceans, and Earth and planetary systems require a good knowledge of basic chemical principles. This book provides a clear, concise grounding in these principles. Undergraduate and graduate students with little formal training in chemistry can work through the chapters, and the numerous exercises, within this book before accessing more advanced texts in atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry, and the environmental sciences. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences covers the fundamental concepts of chemical equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, solution chemistry, acid and base chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, and photochemistry. This new edition has been updated and revised from the first edition. In a companion volume entitled Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (2000, Cambridge University Press) Peter Hobbs provides an introduction to atmospheric chemistry itself, including its applications to air pollution, acid rain, the ozone hole, and climate change. Together these two books provide on ideal introduction to atmospheric chemistry for a variety of disciplines.



Anglais apprentissage

Drama with children

Resource Books for Teachers give guidance on the key aspects of language teaching, and provide examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques. This new primary sub-series, in a larger format, specifically addresses the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains guidance for the teacher, 60 to 100 activities for primary children, and up to 20 photocopiable worksheets. The activities are explained clearly and simply, with aims, age range, and level clearly laid out. Drama with Children provides practical ideas for introducing drama activities into the English class, including role play, mime, chants, puppets, and short plays. As well as developing speaking and pronunciation, drama helps children to develop self-confidence and express their imagination, personalities, and creativity. The book shows how activities can be integrated into day-to-day teaching, as well as providing inspiration for performances at open days or end-of-term shows.




A Study of Conversion Among The Angas of Plateau State of Nigeria With Emphasis on Christianity

This is so far the most-detailed information on the Angas (Ngas), the largest ethnic group on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria. The book draws up a sketch of both the political and ecclesiastical history of the people. This is followed by socio-anthropological data about the people including a description of the traditional religion of the Angas (Ngas). The material serves as the necessary springboard for discussing the factors that were responsible for the conversion of the Angas (Ngas) people of Nigeria. The author concludes his thesis by giving a theoretical analysis of some of the theories of conversion per se and opting for a Hortonian theory as the most cogent. It is certainly an indispensable work dealing with conversion to and from any religion although in this case Christianity is used as a focus.




Western European Integration in the 1980s

The Single European Act was formally approved by the European Council in February 1986. When Maastricht hit the headlines in the early 1990s, the Single European Act instantly became history. However, it was the Single Market programme - the main content of the Single European Act - and the years of preparation leading up to it which really gave new momentum to European integration after the "Eurosclerosis" of the 1970s. The process which led to the Single European Act was never publicly discussed. The architects and initiators of the Single Market have not become household names, however, it is these protagonists and their efforts which are the subject of this book. With information gathered from extensive interviews with key players and EC documentation, the author reviews the forces behind the acceleration of European integration.



Non classé

Has Bertrand Russell Solved the Problem of Perception?

The guiding spirit of the philosophical engagement of Bertrand Russell was to outline a scientific philosophy with the intention of introducing progress and continuity in the subject. With this aim in view, he developed the analytic method which has inspired one of the most influential philosophical currents of this century. Russell's confidence was confirmed by the result of his analysis of perception and physics. This book examines three different theories that Russell used in an effort to provide a lasting solution to the problem of perception and its relation with the external world. Despite the merits of Russell's attempts, the author is convinced that Russell failed to achieve his aim, but that his failure points the way to a better understanding of the nature and purpose of philosophy.



Histoire internationale


This volume asserts that there was tacit cooperation in the Nazi extermination of the Jewish population of Europe by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Second World War. Although the Allies publicly recognized the Nazi massacre of the Jews in the London Declaration of December 17, 1942, the policies they pursued allowed the genocide to continue. They did so, the author claims, in three ways : (1) refusal to publicly and personally speak about and against the Nazi extermination of the Jews ; (2) refusal to commit even one soldier, one plane, or one warship to any forcible opposition to the "Final Solution" throughout the Second World War ; and (3) obstruction of Jewish escape from Hitler's Europe. This book explores the motivation for the policies Churchill and Roosevelt pursued.



Physique, chimie

Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry. 4th edition

This popular textbook gives a clear and lucid account of the underlying principles of statistical methods. The fourth edition has been revised and updated to reflect the growing popularity of statistics and chemometric methods and new approaches in optimisation and experimental design. The authors have also addressed the quality of analytical chemistry data and experimental results, an area of increasing concern to chemists testing the safety of food and medicines. Key features of the new edition: - Expanded material to create new chapters on "Experimental Design and Optimisation" and "Multivariate Analysis" - Completely new chapter on "The Quality of Analytical Measurements" - Revised questions with complete solutions throughout the text - Updated worked examples including calculations performed using Microsoft Excel and Minitab - Glossary and a flow chart to guide readers in their choice of significance tests - Instructors' manual and companion website available. This book will suit undergraduate, M.Sc. and graduate courses in Analytical Chemistry and related topics, and will also be valuable for researchers and chemists working in analytical chemistry everywhere.



Littérature française

Willa Cather my Antonia. Unabridged Text with Introduction, Biography and Analysis

Willa Cather My Ántonia : Unabridged Text with Introduction, Biography and Analysis My Ántonia is a novel published in 1918 by American writer Willa Cather, considered one of her best works. It is the final book of her "prairie trilogy" of novels, preceded by O Pioneers ! and The Song of the Lark. The novel tells the stories of an orphaned boy from Virginia, Jim Burden, and the elder daughter in a family of Bohemian immigrants, Ántonia Shimerda, who are each brought as children to be pioneers in Nebraska towards the end of the 19th century. Both the pioneers who first break the prairie sod for farming, as well as of the harsh but fertile land itself, feature in this American novel. The first year in the very new place leaves strong impressions in both children, affecting them lifelong. This novel is considered Cather's first masterpiece. Cather was praised for bringing the American West to life and making it personally interesting. This edition includes the full original version of the Willa Cather's book and provides other valuable features under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, including a commented introduction, helpful bibliography, author's biography, notes, references, and much more.



Littérature française

Letters of Kavi Yogi, Volume 1, Correspondence of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Preface Letters of Kaviyogi is a book which is an inspiration to any reader. This giant of a man was the author of the epic Bharata Shakti but remained a humble seeker after truth and God's grace. During his lifetime, Kaviyogi wrote many letters to his family, fellow poets, fighters for Indian independence and other great thinkers he met during his travels. In these letters he sets out his philosophy and beliefs, describing the struggles he had to overcome in order to live according to his principles. He offers many wise words of guidance on important matters ; including the correct education of young men and women, and the need for justice and fairness in society. We cannot fail to be touched by the insights he offers and his generosity in sharing his thoughts with us. Daye Craddock Editor's Notes A warm thank you to Daye Craddock for her help in careful editing of this book. It is a real pleasure for me to present Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. Christian Piaget



Littérature française

Letters of Kavi Yogi, Volume 2, Correspondence of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Preface Letters of Kaviyogi is a book which is an inspiration to any reader. This giant of a man was the author of the epic Bharata Shakti but remained a humble seeker after truth and God's grace. During his lifetime, Kaviyogi wrote many letters to his family, fellow poets, fighters for Indian independence and other great thinkers he met during his travels. In these letters he sets out his philosophy and beliefs, describing the struggles he had to overcome in order to live according to his principles. He offers many wise words of guidance on important matters ; including the correct education of young men and women, and the need for justice and fairness in society. We cannot fail to be touched by the insights he offers and his generosity in sharing his thoughts with us. Daye Craddock Editor's Notes A warm thank you to Daye Craddock for her help in careful editing of this book. It is a real pleasure for me to present Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. Christian Piaget



Documentaires jeunesse

Paris au fil du temps

Who made Paris the way it is ? What were the major phases of its construction ? How did Paris adapt to modern times and its growing population ? Discover the Gallo-Roman city of Lutetia, explore the filthy alleys of medieval Paris, admire the royal squares classical era, join the crowds in the Belly of Paris, stroll down the spacious Haussmanian boulevards... This book is an invitation to wander through the different eras that have made Paris the city it is today. With flaps that fold down, panels that open up, wheels to turn, mini-books to flip through, and panoramas to behold on every page !



Anglais apprentissage

Encountering the Chinese. A Guide for Americans, Second Edition

To fathom the complex culture of China is a daunting task, but Hu Wenzhong and Cornelius Grove, in this substantially revised and updated edition of their popular book, have risen to the challenge. They provide a practical and sensitive cross-cultural analysis of Chinese culture along with insights into how best to communicate and interact with Chinese people. As the economic and diplomatie climate in China has changed, the frequency of contact between Chinese and Americans has increased in all areas : business, academic, scientific, professional, personal and cultural, making this book even more valuable. Relying on Hu's knowledge of his native Chinese culture and Grove's American perspective from his substantial experience in China, Encountering the Chinese will enable Westerners to establish more productive and rewarding relationships with the Chinese, both inside and outside the PRC. As in the first edition, the authors retain fondamental information on basic Chinese values, cultural norms, and mindsets and identify the cross-cultural factors that often lead to failed business negotiations, embarrassing faux pas and misunderstandings when Americans and other Westerners encounter the Chinese. In this second edition they have added a discussion of economic changes and the gradual demise of state-owned companies, and they give special attention to the shift among young urban professionals and businesspeople from traditional collectivist values toward individualism and a market economy mentality. There is also a new section for American women working in China.



Littérature française

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba)

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba) This book is dedicated to the unique One who has assumed a form and name to lead the play of universal existence. He throbs in our loving heart ; He breathes in our living soul. He sings in our fervent spirit and he thinks in our purified mind. That infinite Ancient One from his supernal height, bends towards us to embrace us in his love, and to feed our soul with the nectar of his bliss. Blessed are they that have the mind to know him, the heart to feel him and the love to live in his consciousness ! He may have been born to human parents in Poona, studied in a college, played cricket, left home, have seen great souls, sat alone silent, spoken in gestures, written books - but that is not his history. Many live such a life ; many scholars write books ; many saints sit in contemplation ; many monks leave home for mountain resorts ; but they cannot be one like him. Millions of bulbs challenge in vain the darkness of night. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. We have seen monks, yogins and saints. Some live alone for peace. Some open Ashrams and collect donations to run them. Some comercialise their name and form. Some display miracles to surprise human minds ; some offer boons ; some predict the future ; some curse you when you do not offer them what they want. Some seek pleasure and treasure. But who seeks God and finds God in the self to awaken God-awareness in other men and women ? Who says "I am God and you are God too"? Who rises above the prattle of words, the rattle of weapons and battle of ideologies to the lofty peace of supersonic silence and pours his blessings from the dizzy height of the soul in tune with God ? Who is he that embraces all in the heart and awakens the soul which has none of the human creations of caste, religion, race, pedigree nor colour ? Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget





The geometry of the hyperbolic plane has been an active and fascinating field of mathematical inquiry for most of the past two centuries. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the subject, taking the approach that hyperbolic geometry consists of the study of those quantities invariant under the action of a natural group of transformations. Topics covered include the upper half-space model of the hyperbolic plane, Möbius transformations, the general Möbius group and the subgroup preserving path length in the upper half-space model, arc-length and distance, the Poincaré disc model, convex subsets of the hyperbolic plane, the Gauss-Bonnet formula for the area of a hyperbolic polygon and its applications. The style and level of the book, which assumes few mathematical prerequisites, make it an ideal introduction to this subject and provide the reader with a firm grasp of the concepts and techniques of this beautiful area of mathematics. The Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series (SUMS) is a new series for undergraduates in the mathematical sciences. From core foundational material to final year topics, SUMS books take a fresh and modern approach and are ideal for self-study or for a one- or two-semester course. Each book includes numerous examples, problems and fully-worked solutions.




Clashing Cultures. Annang Not(with)standing Christianity – An Ethnography

Clashing Cultures is an anthropological study of the Annang, an ethnic people of Southern Nigeria. The book provides a succinct historical and ethnographic description of the impacts of various cultural and religious influences upon the Annang people and the transformations that have taken place as a result. The consideration of Christianity's influence on the Annang is part of the broader historical and anthropological picture. Although it is an academic work, Clashing Cultures is also a living text. It reflects the evolving culture of the Annang regarding issues such as marriage, male/female roles and supernatural beliefs. The book deals with ritual as a practice that produces meaning, by means of images and metaphors in an unfolding drama. It looks at how the Annang extract meaning from themselves, their bodies, their gestures, their actions in social, spatial and historical contexts. The book creates a "time-oriented anthropology" in which local processes are mirrored in the context of larger ones.




Everyday Men

This study is about everyday men. They are approached through a unique marriage of biblical theology and empirical research which gives birth to a missionary challenge. Part One attempts to build a theological foundation for looking at people from the aspect of belief and unbelief. It sees this distinction as a crucial theme in the biblical material which remains relevant to men everywhere. The author discovers five elements of Christian belief in the biblical material while unbelief spans the five elements by its void, denial, or choice of an alternative. Part Two starts with a random sample, in-depth interview of fifty men in a "working-class" area of Birmingham, England. The interviews attempt to discover the nature and saliency of the men's belief and unbelief in the Christian faith. The analysis stresses the qualitative response with the emphasis on listening to the men describe their lives, values, beliefs, and lack of beliefs in their own words. The findings are also compared to other related studies, prompting some conclusions regarding the meaning of these findings. The author attempts to bring the biblical material to bear on the findings about ordinary people and asks whether they can be described as believers or unbelievers. From this starting point, it becomes obvious that the scope of unbelief is very broad. Part Three takes the understanding of God's Word and men's words and moves toward a missiological goal of approaching unbelievers with a gospel for today. It sees both the content and context of the gospel as important. The cultural problem is briefly considered and specific approaches are suggested in relation to the climate of unbelief in "working-class" English culture.




Henri Bergson en Espagne. Une histoire contrariée (1875-1930)

A la fin du XIXe siècle, alors que l'Europe assiste au retour triomphal de la métaphysique dont Henri Bergson est une figure de proue, sur le positivisme, l'Espagne de la Restauration bourbonienne fait figure de résistante. La répartition bipolaire de l'intellectualité espagnole, entre les conservateurs néo-thomistes et les réformateurs de plus en plus attirés par la psychologie scientifique notamment, rend le dialogue primordialement impossible avec le bergsonisme. Seul Leopoldo Alas, dit Clarin, tente alors de faire entendre la "philosophie nouvelle", dans son pays. Après que le bergsonisme a été boudé durant ces premières décennies d'existence par l'Espagne, la crise théologique moderniste de 1907 précipite son entrée dans la péninsule. Les premiers acteurs "philosophiques" du bergsonisme sont anti-bergsoniens et catholiques. Cet anti-bergsonisme religieux se double d'un rejet politique, pendant la Grande Guerre, principalement lors de la visite diplomatique de Bergson à Madrid, en mai 1916. Parallèlement, les réformateurs, férus de pédagogie, qui ont créé en 1876 la Institucion Libre de Ensenanza, découvrent la conceptualité bergsonienne qu'ils intègrent progressivement, entre 1900 et 1930, dans leur nouvelle science psychopédagogique. Toutefois, les grands acteurs espagnols de la régénération métaphysique sont les littéraires, les poètes symbolistes, appelés "modernistes" dans ce pays, puis les avant-gardes esthétiques. Ce sont eux qui métabolisent le bergsonisme en une (méta-)physique intime et organique. Ce n'est que dans un second temps, dans les années 1910, et non sans obstacles, que les spécialistes espagnols de philosophie intègrent et diffusent le bergsonisme.



Droit européen des affaires

Code de la place financière de Luxembourg. Edition 2022

Recueil des textes de loi luxembourgeois relatifs à la place financière. Recueil des textes de loi luxembourgeois relatifs à la place financière, ce Code est enrichi de références aux principaux textes européens en la matière. Continuellement mis à jour par ses auteurs grâce à l'App Larcier Code.



Littérature française

What a prank life can be!. Novel

In this tragic narrative, the author makes you discover Peter's stunning story. Admixture of African and Western cultures, in this novel the writer lifts the veil on our new society sprinkled with vices. Perfidy, plot, deceit, dissimulation, stinginess are among so many other aspects of this new society, that the author describes and disapproved.



BD tout public

La Cathédrale des Abymes Tome 2 : La guilde des assassins. Avec un ex-libris

"Quelle que soit la puissance des dieux, bâtir une cathédrale nécessite des fonds inestimables. Et je suis riche ! " à Anselme, capitale bruyante et puante de l'empire du nord, le bâtisseur Pier de La Vita engage l'avocat Don Coskarelli afin d'intenter un procès contre le mage Ronfield qui refuse de payer l'artisan, tout en étant le responsable de la mort de sa femme et d'un de ses enfants. Commence alors un jeu des plus tordus aux mortelles conséquences... Parallèlement, Sinead fait connaissance avec le druide Brahnann. L'heure est grave puisque une armée marche vers eux avec pour objectif de s'emparer de l'évangile d'Ariathie. Celui qui dirige cette armée est lié directement au passé de Sinead, lorsque naguère, dans les rues de Dakareen, elle croisa Don Costelnau et son mage nécromant, Lazerath.



Histoire internationale

National Heroes and National Identities. Scotland, Norway and Lithuania

This book investigates the concept of the heroic, questions what it is that makes the national hero an indispensable appendage to any possible interpretation of national identity, and asks why scholars stop short before coming to terms with this elusive phenomenon. It finds answers by following heroic traditions in Scotland, Norway and Lithuania from the early modern period to the twentieth century. The book argues that heroic traditions – prevailing trends in situating heroes in national history – owe much to the early modern state. Both national heroes and the nation state had been conceived with a similar moral political mindset that looked for new ways to identify sources for commonality. The confluence of political theory and Realpolitik attested to three classical types of polities, i.e. civitas popularis (democracy), regnum (kingship), and optimatium (aristocracy), as found at that time in Scotland, Norway and Lithuania respectively. The author shows the varied impact these patterns had on heroic traditions. The long record of national heroes in Scotland is explained as a vestige of the legacy of civic humanism, the continuing traditions of the heroic king-lines in Norway are seen as a result of long-standing absolutism, while the belated arrival of national heroes in Lithuania is excused by the country's aristocratic if at times oligarchic past.



Non classé

Embracing Democracy

Hermann Broch wrote two of the most significant novels of German modernism, The Sleepwalkers and The Death of Virgil, which established his importance to German literature. His writings on democracy, mass delusion and internationalism are more obscure. Embracing Democracy examines the central political, social and psychological tenets of Broch's concept of "total democracy" as an expression of the synthesis of his European intellectual development – his Viennese Bildung – and his new position as an exile from fascism. This book chronicles Broch's experiences from the founding of the Austrian First Republic to his exile in the United States (1918 to 1951). The author traces two seemingly contradictory narratives in Broch's political consciousness. On the one hand, Broch held an intellectual position in his post-exile political theory that was consistent with the philosophy of history, psychology and epistemology of his Viennese milieu. On the other hand, he significantly reconceived the utility of politics for his theory of value construction, while also becoming more involved in political activism. This book provides new perspectives on the work of Hermann Broch beyond his literary oeuvre and offers insights into the development of political theory among exiled European intellectuals in the United States.




The Dramatic Encounter of Divine and Human Freedom in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar

This book surveys the major theological writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar from the perspective of the relationship between finite and infinite freedom. The first part examines Balthasar's early treatment of the question in the context of the analogy of being. The second part concentrates on his more mature work, the Theological Dramatics, with its understanding of the relationship between finite and infinite freedom in terms of a 'dramatic encounter' in which, controversially, human freedom is thought to actively participate in an ever-greater exchange of love in God. But this book is more than a survey. Observing the persistence of the 'analogy of proportionality' within the Dramatics leads the author in the third part to a critique of Balthasar's thought. It is argued that the continuation of the earlier perspective explains Balthasar's emphasis on the freedom of the individual to the neglect of social structures and their transformation. While the 'historical' as such is not neglected, as some claim it is, the focus is on the history of the individual and his or her relationship with God. It is therefore contended that Balthasar's theology of the Trinity is more concerned with 'interpersonal' relationships than truly 'social' ones and that this is what inhibits a fruitful dialogue with social theologies.
