
The Who. L'histoire illustrée



Littérature française

Revue illustrée des provinces de l'Ouest

Le Grelot Date de l'édition originale : 1893 La présente revue s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale de la presse française mise en place avec la BnF. Hachette Livre et la BnF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BnF ayant numérisé ces publications et Hachette Livre les imprimant à la demande. Certains de ces titres reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables. Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique. Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces revues sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.



Animaux sauvages

Les animaux des Pyrénées. L'encyclopédie illustrée

Retrouvez les animaux des Pyrénées illustrés par Solène Holuigue : les mammifères (l'ours, l'isard, le labrit, le pottock...), les oiseaux (le gypaète barbu ou le vautour percnoptère, le tichodrome...), les arachnides, les reptiles, etc. Les + : - Des pictogrammes dans les fiches d'identité pour symboliser, les caractéristiques des animaux, pratique pour la mémorisation et pour les enfants qui ne sont pas encore entrés dans la lecture - 43 animaux à découvrir - Un atout pour visiter le Parc Naturel des Pyrénées




L'encyclopédie illustrée de Tolkien. Edition collector

Retrouvez l'encyclopédie illustrée de Tolkien dans une magnifique édition collector : jaquette, jaspage et poster exclusif. Un panorama complet des 37 000 années couvertes par la cosmologie imaginée par l'écrivain J. R. R. Tolkien. En abordant tous les récits et tous les lieux, en étudiant les liens entre les périodes et les personnages, David Day a réalisé le premier guide à l'usage des passionnés. 500 entrées alphabétiques pour tout connaître de la Terre du Milieu et des Terres Immortelles : l'histoire, la géographie, les peuples, la faune et la flore, les protagonistes. Des cartes, des arbres généalogiques, des tableaux chronologiques, illustrés de dessins originaux, permettent de situer aisément événements et personnages. Un guide du monde imaginaire de Tolkien, l'un des plus riches de la littérature.



Loisirs et jeux

L'encyclo illustrée (avec un gros nez)

Dans l’esprit bien connu des illustrations de la série Cherche et trouve, Thierry Laval nous propose un imagier d’une grande richesse. Dans une suite logique de thèmes, les planches se succèdent, toutes plus riches les unes que les autres. Chaque double offre un classement différent : comparaisons, chronologie, familles, ressemblances, particularités. Un aperçu du contenu : Les gens, la famille, les fonctions sociales, les métiers, les personnages historiques, les personnages imaginaires, les monstres, le corps, les actions, les sports, les véhicules, sur la route, dans les airs, les machines agricoles, les bateaux, les habitations, les monuments, les regroupements d’habitations (village, ville, métropole), les outils, les instruments de musique, les saisons, les éléments climatiques, les végétaux, les arbres, les plantes, les fleurs, les légumes, les fruits, les animaux, les animaux domestiques, les bébés animaux, les poissons, les oiseaux, les reptiles, les insectes…



Histoire de France

Un Français sous l'Occupation. Chronique illustrée

Fondé sur le journal intime tenu sous l'Occupation par un habitant de la région parisienne, ce livre est une chronique incisive de la vie quotidienne des Français entre 1940 et 1945. Par une nouvelle approche, cet ouvrage vous propose de comprendre l'Histoire en lui redonnant vie par l'image ; des images fantasmées d'une époque lointaine mais encore présente grâce à des passionnés et des collectionneurs qui ont décidé de préserver objets et documents de cette période. Ce récit est illustré par un travail de mise en scène où les acteurs composent une tranche de vie devant le photographe, comme si celle-ci s'était déroulée il y a plus de soixante-dix-ans. Rationnement, pénuries, questions politiques et culturelles y sont abordées de façon inédite.



Beaux arts

Catalogue de livres modernes illustrés, des ouvrages sur le théâtre et l'histoire

Catalogue des livres modernes illustrés, des ouvrages sur le théâtre et l'histoire... Date de l'édition originale : 1882 Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF. HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande. Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables. Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique. Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces oeuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.




Sustainable Design. Tome 10, Le territoire : menace ou opportunité ? Edition bilingue français-anglais

Le Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, fondé en 2006, distingue chaque année cinq architectes qui partagent les principes du développement durable et d'une approche participative de l'architecture aux besoins des sociétés, au nord comme au sud de la planète. L'édition 2022 avait pour thème : "Le territoire : menace ou opportunité ? " A cette question cruciale, les lauréats choisis par le jury scientifique ont répondu à l'unisson : "La plus grande opportunité ! " Martin Rauch (Autriche), pionnier de la construction en terre, déclare le territoire comme sa première ressource. Dorte Mandrup (Danemark), Ömer Selkuc Baz et Okan Bal (Turquie) se nourrissent de l'Histoire et des histoires qui ont modelé les territoires sur lesquels ils travaillent. Anupama Kundoo (Inde) travaille avec le territoire, mais surtout avec ses habitants, leur savoir-faire et la force de leurs rêves. Le paysagiste Gilles Clément (France) transforme poétiquement chaque territoire, avec un minimum de gestes, en faisant confiance au vivant. Every year, the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, which was founded in 2006, honours five architects who share the principles of sustainable development and a participative architectural approach to the needs of the societies of both the Global North and the Global South. The subject of the 2022 edition was "The territory : threat or opportunity ? " - a vital question that the award winners selected by the scientific jury responded to in unison with the answer : "The greatest possible opportunity ! " Martin Rauch (Austria), a pioneer of clay building, declares that territory is his primary resource. Dorte Mandrup (Denmark), Ömer Selkuc Baz and Okan Bal (Turkey) are inspired by History and the stories which have shapes territories on which they work. Anupama Kundoo (India) works with the territory but, above all, with its inhabitants, their savoir-faire and the power of their dreams. Landscape architect Gilles Clément (France) poetically transforms each territory with a minimum of intervention and by trusting in the living.




Development Program Monitoring and Evaluation System Effectiveness

This book is a contribution to the building of a knowledge base for the effectiveness of M&E-Systems in the field of development management. The primary focus is to contribute to the clarification of what rigorous frameworks would apply to understand and meaningfully measure M&E-System effectiveness. The book has the aim of translating outcomes from Dr. Ba's thesis research on M&E-System effectiveness into an actionable contribution to better reach development practitioners and managers. The book is mainly devoted to development managers and M&E experts who wish to find superior ways of managing M&ESystems for improved decision-making and measured risk-taking in moving development policies and programs towards the greater freedom and welfare of people mainly in Africa. The book focuses on M&E-System effectiveness and how it influences the dynamic capabilities of development organizations and institutions in managing development programs and projects. The book presents the challenges in seeking an effective M&E-System, examines the gaps and limits in assessing it, and finally proposes ways to rigorously measure its effectiveness. The book may also contribute to the scientific and professional discussions on what would be the meaningful framework to better understand the success factors that underlie an effective M&E-System and also how they help improve development management.




Foundation Course for Advanced Computer Studies

In the modern world, computer systems are playing a greater and greater part in everyday life. From office work, to entertainment, to providing information, the personal computer is quickly becoming a more integral part of the home. However, most PC users have no idea how most of the parts which make up their computer work internally. I am one of those who find that the framework provided by the school curriculum in the United Kingdom is of great assistance in planning lessons and learning plans but the curriculum does not plan out the work for us. We therefore need to invest a lot of time and effort into developing schemes of work that will suit the people we are going to teach. For me, it is a fantastic opportunity to employ our imagination and creativity to make lessons useful and interesting for children of different abilities. It is why I wrote this book. This book is a foundation course for Advanced Computer Studies and designed as a blueprint to teach users with a basic knowledge of computer science. Computer science is a subject that combines the use of technology which is ICT (Information Communication Technology) and the creation of technology. To use ICT (the subject about how to use technology to communicate information) more effectively, we need to know how technology works. Computing or computer science will create a generation of young people able to work at the forefront of technology change. It is the umbrella term for the subject that comprises 3 elements : computer science, information technology and digital literacy. It is helpful to think of these as the foundations, applications and implications of digital technology. The new focus on computer science will provides a well-defined and rigorous academic discipline and a unique lens through which pupils can understand the world. Children must therefore be taught computing if they are to be ready for tomorrow technology challenges. Our ingenuity to invent new means of communicating with each other, our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries however still a lot remain to be done with the arrival of quantum computing. A more rigorous approach to computer science teaching will help compete across the full spectrum of digital industries. This can only be achieved by equipping ourselves with the foundation skills, knowledge and understanding of computing do the necessity to introduce "computational thinking" at school via the new national curriculum (programmes of study and targets), the 2014 national curriculum that introduces computing which will replace ICT.




Paul’s Sexual and Marital Ethics in 1 Corinthians 7

Paul's Sexual and Marital Ethics in 1 Corinthians 7 : An African-Cameroonian Perspective provides readers with an innovative interpretation of Paul's pastoral and pedagogical approach and solutions to the multifaceted ethical problems presented to him by the Corinthian community, revealing a wide-ranging, complex, and flexible decision-making process. Alice Yafeh's analysis also illuminates two different evaluations of the same ethical problem may be simultaneously relevant where operating assumptions diverge : first as a community in pursuance of the goal of undistracted devotion to the Lord, and, second, as individual members who must pursue that goal within the specific lifestyles in which they have been called. The author argues that Paul's pastoral and theological approach, which is deeply motivated by a desire to inspire faithful Christian living and witness, can serve as a new model for evaluating pre-conversion polygyny ; a model that is oriented toward positive and substantive change in the lives of women and children. Consequently, the implication of Paul's approach and judgments for contemporary Christian communities suggests the same believing community may adopt different ways of faithfully living out the practical implications of Christian view of marriage extended by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7.



Non classé

Polygyny in Pre-christian Bafut and New Moral Theological Perspectives

Polygyny, commonly called polygamy, has been one of the main obstacles to evangelisation in Africa. After Vatican II many theologians began to question the traditional church policy towards polygamists and their wives who, after receiving the faith, asked for baptism. The two main solutions proposed were the baptism and the life catechumenate solutions. The present work studies polygyny in pre-christian Bafut and traces the history of the problem of polygynous converts from 1201. It suggests that the real obstacle to their baptism is polysex, not poly-marriage. In the concluding chapter, a solution is offered to polysex, according to which the polygamist, after baptism, becomes a special kind of monogamist.



Scolaire lycée général et tech

Histoire Tle. Edition 2020

Un manuel d'Histoire Tle avec : - Une richesse documentaire qui permet de traiter tout le programme en laissant choix et liberté aux enseignants - Des parcours pédagogiques différenciés pour varier les approches - Des pages de repères cartographiques systématiques, pour situer et appréhender visuellement les problématiques essentielles des chapitresPour la préparation au Bac : - Un manuel adapté au besoin d'autonomie des élèves de Terminale : des leçons claires et complètes, des outils efficaces pour la mémorisation active, des fiches méthodes visuelles et rassurantes. Existe également en version tout-en-un Histoire-Géographie.



Scolaire lycée général et tech

Histoire Tle. Edition 2020

- Une étude pour chaque Point de passage intégrant systématiquement une question type Bac d'analyse de document. - Une variété d'études et de sujets pour préparer aux nouvelles épreuves E3C. - Un questionnement progressif et différencié. - Des activités numériques réparties dans les études et les pages de leçon. - De nombreuses leçons et des fiches de révision et d'autoévaluation pour les élèves.



Histoire, Géographie

Histoire-EMC, Géographie Tle

Tout pour maîtriser le programme d'Histoire-Géographie de tronc commun en Terminale ! L'ensemble du cours d'Histoire-Géographie de Terminale abordé. La méthode pour réussir les différents types d'exercices du nouveau Bac. Des sujets corrigés pour se préparer aux évaluations communes.



Histoire régionale

Histoire de la conquête de la Guyenne par les Français. Edition illustrée

" J'ai cru que je pouvais, moi aussi, malgré son insuffisance, travailler à l'émancipation de mon pays, en rappelant à des hommes qui ne sont plus rien ce qu'ont été leurs aïeux du moyen-âge", C'est en ces termes audacieux et iconoclastes que Henry Ribadieu présente son ouvrage au titre provocateur : Histoire de la conquête de la Guyenne par les Français, publié à Bordeaux en 1866. Entreprise téméraire, puisqu'elle entend être un acte " patriotique de sensibilisation et même de libération (" d'émancipation ") de la " nationalité gasconne" car Ribadieu use délibérément et constamment de cette terminologie très marquée d'un point de vue politique, qui désigne la volonté d'existence autonome d'une population dont les traits distinctifs sont soulignés. Entre­prise irrévérencieuse, puisqu'elle ne tend à rien moins qu'à prendre le contre-pied de l'histoire officielle nationale et nationaliste française, volontiers glorificatrice de " cette belle centralisa­tion " que chante Michelet. Cette lecture d'une histoire plus nationale que provinciale ne pou­vait déranger. C'est sans doute pour cela que l'oeuvre de Ribadieu est si peu mentionnée, encore moins commentée. Après le reprint de l'édition originale réalisé en 1990, voici une nouvelle édition, entièrement recomposée et surtout accompagnée d'un grand nombre de miniatures d'époque ou d'illustra­tions ultérieures.



Histoire littéraire

Pen International. Une histoire illustrée. La littérature ne connaît pas de frontières

PEN - "Poets, Essayists, Novelists" - a été fondé à Londres en 1921 pour promouvoir l'amitié, la coopération intellectuelle et l'échange entre écrivains du monde entier. L'organisation s'est développée depuis lors pour constituer aujourd'hui un réseau international d'écrivains, une véritable communauté qui s'étend sur plus de cent pays. Cet ouvrage raconte l'histoire extraordinaire de la manière dont PEN a mis la liberté linguistique et la défense de la liberté d'expression au centre de la lutte de l'humanité contre la répression et la terreur. De la résistance contre les autodafés et la persécution des écrivains dans l'Allemagne nazie au soutien d'écrivains dissidents pendant la Guerre froide et aux campagnes en faveur d'écrivains et de journalistes emprisonnés en Chine aujourd'hui, PEN n'a cessé de s'élever contre toutes sortes de censure et d'autocensure. Parmi les formidables auteurs qui ont constitué autant de "cas" dans son combat, on retrouve notamment Federico Garcia Lorca, Stefan Zweig, Musine Kokalari, Wole Soyinka, Salman Rushdie, Ngügï wa Thiong'o, Anna Politkovskaïa, Hrant Dink ou Svetlana Alexievitch. Cet ouvrage raconte leur histoire et celle de tant d'autres, notamment par le biais de photographies d'archives et de nombreux documents souvent inédits. Les voix de ces écrivains et celles, nombreuses, de tous ceux qui ont combattu pour défendre la devise qui ouvre la Charte de PEN - "La littérature ne connaît pas de frontières" - continuent à résonner parmi nous. Leur courage a fait de PEN International le mouvement fort, vibrant et dynamique qu'il est aujourd'hui.




Soldats du feu. Histoire illustrée des sapeurs-pompiers, Edition revue et augmentée

Qu'il combatte les flammes armé d'une lance à incendie, qu'il escalade une grande échelle pour secourir une victime ou qu'il fasse des acrobaties pour délivrer un chat, le pompier demeure, aux yeux des Français, ce héros familier. Grâce à une formidable collection réunie par son père le commandant Raymond Deroo, ancien conservateur du musée de la Brigade des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris, Eric Deroo nous invite à découvrir la passionnante histoire de ces soldats du feu qui ont pour devise "Sauver ou Périr" . A l'occasion du bicentenaire de la création, par Napoléon Ier, du bataillon des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris, ancêtre de la brigade actuelle, ce livre fait revivre grâce à plus de 400 photographies superbes, et pour la plupart inédites, le quotidien et les exploits de ces héros anonymes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.



Non classé

The Christology of Mark

In our world of research, logics and measurement many of the ideas of (the New Testament and of) the Fathers (pre-existence, incarnation, Virgin Birth, demons,etc.) are today no longer acceptable. For those people who, like the author, see in the Chalcedonian Jesus Christ a mythological creature, Markus' christology is an alternative which at present will surely be more welcome. "Jesus could be, ontologically speaking, nothing more than a man and, nevertheless, he could have been used by God... in a unique way for the sake of our salvation".



Non classé

Peter Altenberg

This study offers a revaluation of the works of Peter Altenberg, a neglected writer of the Viennese "Jahrhundertwende", who influenced such diverse figures as Karl Kraus, Robert Musil, Rainer Maria Rilke, Franz Kafka and Georg Kaiser. Presenting Altenberg within the context of Vienna at the turn of the century, it provides a comprehensive analysis of his thought, literary theory and practice. It examines : his socio-cultural critique ; his blueprint for a new society ; the principle of aesthetic reductionism which he pioneered ; his conception of woman ; and his presentation of modern man's existential crisis.



Histoire mondiale

Operation Al-Aqsa flood. 75 years of war between Israel and Palestine

Why is the conflict between Israel and Palestine still unresolved ? What are the Israeli and Palestinian strategies and how have they evolved over the past 75 years ? What are the relations between Israel, Palestine and its neighbors ? Why did Operation Deluge Al Aqsa take place ? What has happened on the ground since October 7 ? What is the impact of this conflict on our security ? What are the possible options for Israel and Palestine in the coming years ? Following on from his best-selling books Putin, the Master of the Game, Operation Z and Ukraine Between War and Peace, which won international acclaim for their analysis, Jacques Baud revisits the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from its origins, analyzes the "Deluge Al Aqsa" operation of October 7, 2023, and in particular its impact on the region and Western countries, and explains the workings of Israeli intelligence services in matters of terrorism. Colonial Jacques Baud is a former member of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence, a specialist in Eastern Europe and former head of Doctrine of the United Nations Peace Operations. Within NATO, hewas involved in programs in Ukraine, including after the Maidan Revolution of 2014 and 2017. He is the author of several books on intelligence, war and terrorism, including Putin, Game master ? , Governing by Fake News and The Navalny Affair, all published by Max Milo.



Non classé

The Whitman-Hartmann Controversy

The facts in the relationship of Sadakichi Hartmann and Walt Whitman have never been clarified, particularly Hartmann's controversial interview with the poet and its publication in the "New York Herald", April 14, 1889. Of more importance was Hartmann's attempt to found a Whitman Society and the opposition of jealous Whitman associates who frustrated his efforts, although a Whitman Society was founded as the result of his initial work. Further, Hartmann's life-long interest in the poet and his various publications are not generally known. The introduction and edition of his writings will elucidate this literary association.



Non classé

Boethius and the Liberal Arts

This collection of essays by authors in a variety of specialities should demonstrate how, in the Middle Ages, Boethius' texts helped shape the essential concepts of the educated person who underwent a course of the Liberal Arts studies. These essays should be of interest to philosophers, logicians, musicologists, historians of mathematics and ideas and to literary scholars. Not only is each paper written by a known authority in his field, but the collection into one volume shows how closely related these various disciplines were in the principles which Boethius chose as his basis for the Study of the Liberal Arts.



Instruments de musique

Suite Nr. 1. Für Blasorchester und Schlagzeug. Volume IX opus 7. wind band and percussion

Erich Schmid (1907 - 2000) was an orchestra conductor, choir director and university lecturer who promoted world premieres and radio broadcasts of contemporary music in Switzerland. He himself studied with Bernhard Sekles, among others, then with Arnold Schönberg and followed the aesthetics of the New Viennese School in his compositions. The historical-critical Erich Schmid Edition publishes for the first time all sixteen opus-numbered works as well as three additional piano works. Suite No. 1 is an interesting hybrid that conveys the most modern compositional structure in the genre of light music. Schmid composed it shortly after the end of his year as a master student of Schönberg in Berlin. Like his other works of the time, its unusual instrumentation already shows an effort to move on from classical "high forms" and compose in looser structures, with the free use of the twelve-tone technique providing inner coherence. "Dance", "Waltz", "March" are linked by two inserted "Intermezzi" and introduced by an "Introduction". Not all movements require full instrumentation and are designed for solo rather than group performance. Professional playing techniques such as flutter tonguing and alienating sound effects through damping and muting are used. Instrumentation : wind band and percussion op. 7



Histoire de France

«Die Welt war meine Gemeinde»- Willem A. Visser ’t Hooft. A Theologian for Europe between Ecumenism and Federalism

Willem A. Visser 't Hooft (1900–1985), Dutch pastor and theologian, was one of the most significant personalities in the Protestant Ecumenical movement. Deeply influenced by Karl Barth, and filled with a strong Ecumenical spirit, he was closely involved in the founding of the World Council of Churches, of which he was elected General Secretary. During the Second World War, many Protestants became convinced of the need for an international political system which, beside uniting the nations and peoples of Europe, would guarantee them fundamental freedoms and mutual respect for their historical, cultural and confessional traditions. The directors of the WWC were strongly committed to federalism, partly because of the political traditions of the states from which their member churches originated (Switzerland ; Great Britain and its Commonwealth ; the United States), and partly because of their conviction that a simple confederation of states, based on the model of the League of Nations, would be completely incapable of containing national ambitions. In spring 1944, Visser 't Hooft welcomed into his Geneva home the representatives of the European Resistance, who, under the leadership of Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi, signed the International Federalist Declaration of the Resistance Movements. These historic transnational encounters, aimed not only at coordinating military action or seeking diplomatic contacts but at exploring ways to "build" peace and re-establish the future of the Continent on new foundations, marked a profound break with the past.



Anglais apprentissage

A Christmas carol

An unkind, mean, lonely old man gets a surprise when he reaches the front door of his home on the night before Christmas. As he looks at the door knocker, lit turns into a face - the face of a friend who pas been dead for many years ! This is just the beginning of a long night in which Ebenezer Scrooge talks to pis dead friend, and meets three other ghosts. The first two show him Christmas in the post and the present. The third lets him see what might happen in the future. Find out what Scrooge saw, and whether or not lit made him change his ways.



Documentaires jeunesse

Paris au fil du temps

Who made Paris the way it is ? What were the major phases of its construction ? How did Paris adapt to modern times and its growing population ? Discover the Gallo-Roman city of Lutetia, explore the filthy alleys of medieval Paris, admire the royal squares classical era, join the crowds in the Belly of Paris, stroll down the spacious Haussmanian boulevards... This book is an invitation to wander through the different eras that have made Paris the city it is today. With flaps that fold down, panels that open up, wheels to turn, mini-books to flip through, and panoramas to behold on every page !




Putting an end to the reign of financial illusion. For real growth

"We all know that our world has become very indebted over the past decades and that its 'financialization' has reached proportions never observed before, at least in peacetime. But how serious is this phenomenon ? What are its consequences on the solidity of our financial system, on the functioning of our economy and on the future of our society ? Above all, we must understand how our world has surreptitiously changed its model for the past two decades. It has slipped to a strange paradigm, one in which the bulk of economic activity is now reflected in the rise in the value of financial assets at the expense of growth, wage income and productive investment. It is time to put an end to the reign of illusion and to reinstate the fundamental economic springs without which there can be no real growth. " J. de L. "No one alive today combines Jacques de Larosière's experience with an acuity about global finance. His sharp and cogent expression of alarm in this timely volume deserves and even demands the attention of the global financial community. " Lawrence Summers, Former Secretary of the United States Treasury and President Emeritus of Harvard "This is a must-read for those who want to understand the 'economic illusions' hiding in plain sight. And for those who are prepared to step-up to the benefit of a new generation. " Kevin Warsh, member of the Federal Reserve Board (2006-2018), and professor at Stanford "The book is a harsh criticism of the fairy tales that have guided monetary theory and the actions of central bankers in recent decades. " Vito Tanzi, Honorary President of the International Institute of Public Finance




Gladky's Art Deco Patterns and Designs in Full Color

Architect, designer and world traveler, Serge Gladky was a major figure in the rise of the modernist aesthetic and the decorative style known as Art Deco. In that style, he created a series of compositions widely regarded as among the most inspired and innovative in modem design. Among them are intricate lattice works of geometric inspired motifs, bizarre compositions containing surreal animals and images, bold abstracts, mysterious collages of symbolic forms and shapes, whimsical Cubist-flavored constructions resembling heads, and much more. This beautiful volume, faithfully reprinted in glowing full color from rare original French portfolios, contains over 60 of Gladky's finest designs. A landmark achievement in the evolution of a great international design style, the patterns are now available for the first time to artists and craftspeople for copyright-free use in design and craft projects. Because of Gladky's far-ranging travels and studies throughout Asia and Eastern Europe, his designs and use of color brought a new and potent exoticism to the essentially Western European, Paris-centered Art Deco aesthetic. His striking originality and innovative conceptions are on display here, ready to delight and inspire artists, illustrators and craftspeople, who will find Gladky's work one of the most imaginative and beautifully wrought achievements in 20th-century design.




Fuseli and the Modern Woman. Fashion, Fantasy, Fetishism

This catalogue accompanies the first exhibition devoted to a fascinating group of drawings by the Anglo-Swiss Henry Fuseli (1741-1825), one of eighteenth-century Europe's most idiosyncratic, original and controversial artists. Best known for his notoriously provocative painting The Nightmare, Fuseli energetically cultivated a reputation for eccentricity, with vividly stylised images of supernatural creatures, muscle-bound heroes, and damsels in distress. While these convinced some viewers of the greatness of his genius, others dismissed him as a charlatan, or as completely mad. Fuseli's contemporaries might have thought him even crazier had they been aware that in private he harboured an obsessive preoccupation with the figure of the modern woman, which he pursued almost exclusively in his drawings. Where one might have expected idealised bodies with the grace and proportions of classical statues, here instead we encounter figures whose anatomies have been shaped by stiff bodices, waistbands, puffed sleeves, and pointed shoes, and whose heads are crowned by coiffures of the most bizarre and complicated sort. Often based on the artist's wife Sophia Rawlins, the women who populate Fuseli's graphic work tend to adopt brazenly aggressive attitudes, either fixing their gaze directly on the viewer or ignoring our presence altogether. Usually they appear on their own, in isolation on the page ; sometimes they are grouped together to form disturbing narratives, erotic fantasies that may be mysterious, vaguely menacing, or overtly transgressive, but where women always play a dominant role. Among the many intriguing questions raised by these works is the extent to which his wife Sophia was actively involved in fashioning her appearance for her own pleasure, as well as for the benefit of her husband. By bringing together more than fifty of these studies (roughly a third of the known total), The Courtauld Gallery will give audiences an unprecedented opportunity to see one of the finest Romantic-period draughtsmen at his most innovative and exciting. Visitors to the show and readers of the lavishly illustrated catalogue will further be invited to consider how Fuseli's drawings of women, as products of the turbulent aftermath of the American and French Revolutions, speak to concerns about gender and sexuality that have never been more relevant than they are today. The exhibition showcases drawings brought together from international collections, including the Kunsthaus in Zurich, the Auckland Art Gallery in New Zealand, and from other European and North American institutions.



Comics divers

We Only Find Them When They're Dead Tome 3 : La Vie

2452. Cinquante ans après les événements sur la planète l'Envolée de Malik... Thierry-9, intelligence artificielle créée à partir du corps du Dieu Malik se réveille face à Jason Hauer. La discussion qu'ils entament embarque Thierry-9 dans un voyage à travers l'espace, le temps et les souvenirs de Malik, et revient sur le vol tragique du Vihaan II. Une quête qui les mènera, définitivement, à l'origine des Dieux. Les frontières entre l'humanité et le divin s'estompent encore davantage dans cet arc final magistral de Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk, Avengers...) et Simone Di Meo (Tortues Ninjas & Power Rangers) de la série multi-nommée aux Eisner Awards. " Cette épopée spatiale poursuit son éclosion comme une fascinante fleur extraterrestre. " AIPT " C'est l'une des séries les plus complètes que j'ai jamais lues. Le dessin est incroyable, l'histoire est captivante et brillamment menée. " But Why Tho ? " We Only Find Them When They're Dead est un comics cinématographique, tout aussi inventif que passionnant. " Multiversity Comics
