
Favourite pictures in the Louvre




Le secret de l'Ecole du Louvre

Un tableau de Raphaël qui disparaît en plein jour, le conservateur du musée du Louvre qui se volatilise... Quatre étudiantes de l'Ecole du Louvre, cocktail décapant de caractères aussi différents que complémentaires, mènent l'enquête pour dénouer l'énigme qui frappe le plus grand musée du monde. Poussées par la curiosité et finalement prises dans un engrenage, elles cambriolent, fouillent et prennent en filature, avant que l'étau ne se resserre et que commence une course contre la montre.



Autres collections (9 à 12 ans

Les enquêtes impossibles : Le fantôme du Louvre

Claude Bellais, le directeur du musée du Louvre a été assassiné ! On l'a retrouvé dans une des pièces de la grande exposition consacrée à Julius Maupaz. Le problème, c'est que la porte de la salle était verrouillée... de l'intérieur ! Comme souvent quand une " enquête impossible " se présente, c'est à toi que le commissaire Fariah fait appel. Préfères-tu te rendre sur la scène de crime ou interroger tes premiers suspects ? C'est à toi de décider car, désormais, c'est toi qui mènes l'enquête !



Autres personnages

Barbapapa Tome : Barbapapa au Louvre. Edition collector

La famille Barbapapa visite le musée du Louvre ! Barbouille travaille comme gardien au musée du Louvre. Lorsque le musée ferme, il prend plaisir à se promener dans les salles vides. Mais ce soir : catastrophe ! Il découvre que des sculptures ont été vandalisées ! Qui peut bien être derrière cela ? Une version collector grand format avec des stickers pour une incroyable visite au musée du Louvre avec les Barbapapa ! Barbapapa au Louvre, un bel album collector en collaboration avec le Louvre, qui aborde l'art et la conservation des oeuvres de manière ludique.



Beaux arts

Louvre Abu Dhabi. Naissance d'un musée

A travers plus de 300 oeuvres, cet ouvrage révèle les acquisitions du futur musée du Louvre Abu Dhabi. Il relate aussi l'histoire de la création d'un musée, les volontés qui ont présidé à son invention, et la manière dont, à notre époque, se constitue une collection de qualité exceptionnelle pour un musée qui marquera le XXIe siècle. Les oeuvres sont présentées chacune dans son contexte culturel et suivent le parcours chronologique et thématique du musée, tout en étant replacées dans la perspective des grandes cultures, des plus immémoriales aux plus actuelles, de l'archéologie à l'art contemporain. Cet ouvrage apporte sa contribution à la définition d'un musée universel - le premier dans le monde arabe - où se côtoient des oeuvres emblématiques issues des différentes civilisations, aires géographiques et périodes de l'humanité, et participe à l'écriture d'une histoire de l'art mondial, reprenant, pour l'étendre jusqu'à Abu Dhabi, la belle formule de Cézanne, qui voyait le Louvre comme "le livre où nous apprenons à lire ".



Beaux arts

Histoire du Louvre. Le palais devenu musée

Sais-tu qu'avant de devenir un musée, le Louvre était un palais ? C'était même une forteresse au temps de Philippe Auguste ! Plusieurs rois de France, dont Charles V, François Ier, Henri II et Louis XIV, y ont habité, avant de le délaisser. Aujourd'hui, c'est l'un des musées les plus célèbres. Il attire les touristes du monde entier grâce aux oeuvres qu'il abrite : saurais-tu en citer quelques-unes ?




Hilma af Klint. The Five Notebook 1

In 1896, Hilma af Klint and four other like-minded women artists left the Edelweiss Society and founded the "Friday Group", also known as "The Five". They met every Friday for spiritual meetings, including prayers, studies of the New Testament, meditation and séances. The medium exercised automatic writing and mediumistic drawing. Eventually they established contact with spiritual beings whom they called "The High Ones". In 1896, the five women began taking meticulous notes of the mediumistic messages conveyed by the spirits. In time, Hilma af Klint felt she had been selected for more important messages. After ten years of esoteric training with "The Five", aged 43, Hilma af Klint accepted a major assignment, the execution of The Paintings for the Temple. This commission, which engaged the artist from 1906 to 1915, changed the course of her life. In 1908, Rudolf Steiner, leader of the German Theosophical Society, held several lectures in Stockholm. He also visited af Klint's studio and saw some of the early Paintings for the Temple. In 1913, Steiner founded the Anthroposophical Society, which af Klint joined in 1920 and remained a member for the rest of her life.



Romans policiers

The tears of the mysterious forest

At the start of the school year in Massata, Galia, an enticing young lady showed up in one of the university classes. Her homeric intelligence and her magical beauty would make her the focus, the subject of monologues and desire. Her allure enticed lecturers and mates, the brightest of the class included. They found her interesting and desirable but mysterious and reluctant about her life. The day before her birthday, the young lady decided to open up to the one she was already falling for. That night, something heart-rending happened.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Thinking about Physics

Physical scientists are problem solvers. They are comfortable "doing" science: they find problems, solve them, and explain their solutions. Roger Newton believes that his fellow physicists might be too comfortable with their roles as solvers of problems. He argues that physicists should spend more time thinking about physics. If they did, he believes, they would become even more skilled at solving problems and "doing" science. As Newton points out in this thought-provoking book, problem solving is always influenced by the theoretical assumptions of the problem solver. Too often, though, he believes, physicists haven't subjected their assumptions to thorough scrutiny. Newton's goal is to provide a framework within which the fundamental theories of modem physics can be explored, interpreted, and understood. "Surely physics is more than a collection of experimental results, assembled to satisfy the curiosity of appreciative experts," Newton writes. Physics, according to Newton, has moved beyond the describing and naming of curious phenomena, which is the goal of some other branches of science. Physicists have spent a great part of the twentieth century searching for explanations of experimental findings. Newton agrees that experimental facts are vital to the study of physics, but only because they lead to the development of a theory that can explain them. Facts, he argues, should undergird theory. Newton's explanatory sweep is both broad and deep. He covers such topics as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, field theory, thermodynamics, the role of mathematics in physics, and the concepts of probability and causality. For Newton the fundamental entity in quantum theory is the field, from which physicists can explain the particle-like and wave-like properties that are observed in experiments. He grounds his explanations in the quantum field. Although this is not designed as a standalone textbook, it is essential reading for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers. This is a clear, concise, up-to-date book about the concepts and theories that underlie the study of contemporary physics. Readers will find that they will become better-informed physicists and, therefore, better thinkers and problem solvers, too.



Documentaires jeunesse

Le petit ami du Louvre. 10 chefs-d'oeuvre du Louvre expliqués aux enfants, Spécial XIXe siècle

Sais-tu que Corot est le père de l'impressionnisme ? Pourquoi Géricault a-t-il peint un fait divers, le naufrage de La Méduse, en format monumental ? Comment l'art qadjar mêle-t-il les techniques orientales et occidentales ? Découvre dix chefs-d'oeuvre romantiques et révolutionnaires exposés au musée du Louvre, et apprends à les connaître grâce à plus de 100 reproductions en couleurs et de nombreux jeux. Avec en prime à l'intérieur, une enquête policière dans les appartements Napoléon III !



Théâtre - Pièces

Micaela ou Princesse et favorite, drame en trois actes, mêlé de chant

Micaela, ou Princesse et favorite : drame en trois actes, mêlé de chant / par MM. Cogniard (frères), Poujol et F. Maillard... Date de l'édition originale : 1837 Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF. HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande. Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables. Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique. Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces oeuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Comics Indépendants

Something is killing the children Tome 6 : The girl and the hurricane

Erica Slaughter pensait-elle vraiment pouvoir se détourner si facilement de l'Ordre de Saint-Georges et rompre le pacte de sang qui la liait à sa famille d'adoption ? Une chose est sûre, le Vieux Dragon a bien l'intention d'éliminer cet agent renégat en envoyant à ses trousses sa plus impitoyable chasseuse. Après s'être débarrassée de Big Gary, l'ultime allié d'Erica, Miss Cutter est désormais en route pour Tribulation, Nouveau Mexique. Que la traque commence.




Louve y es-tu ? Tome 2 : A pas de Louve

Des plans machiavéliques pour attraper des moutons, l'imaginative Louve n'en manque pas ! En revanche, pour ce qui est de la réalisation, c'est souvent bien moins simple : maladroite, impatiente et facilement attendrie, Louve est régulièrement la risée de tout le troupeau, qui prend un malin plaisir à faire gentiment tourner en bourrique leur prédatrice malheureuse, qu'au fond, ils adorent. De tentatives farfelues en hilarants échecs, Louve peut compter sur des alliés plus ou moins utiles, comme son camarade Michel ou Angélique, le mouton qui veut à tout prix l'aider, mais doit aussi faire face à des ennemis plus effrayants qu'elle, comme l'ours ou le chien de berger. Un second tome au sein duquel les scénaristes Armand Robin et Marie Manand se sont amusés une fois de plus à placer leur attendrissante héroïne dans les situations les plus loufoques ! Des gags courts d'une à trois pages mis en scène avec efficacité et expressivité par la talentueuse Caroline Hüe, à déguster sans modération !



12 ans et +

The Priest : The Priest annoys the King

Après son mariage avec Sasha, le roi Ragô était censé être heureux. Pourtant, depuis que ses sentiments ont réellement atteint son bien-aimé, la souffrance et le tourment l'envahissent. Il veut que Sasha soit à ses côtés à chaque seconde, et que personne d'autre ne pose les yeux sur lui. Ainsi, Ragô se retrouve prisonnier de la souffrance d'avoir enfin obtenu celui qu'il désirait. Au même moment, lui et Sasha n'ont d'autre choix que d'accepter l'invitation qu'ils ont reçue de Saiha, le pays voisin. Ragô va-t-il se mettre en colère au banquet organisé par le roi de Saiha, que la beauté de Sasha a rendu complètement fou... ? Voici le nouveau roman d'amour fantastique de la série du roi et du prêtre !



12 ans et +

Les 8 royaumes mortels Tome 1 : La cité de Pierre-de-Vie

Raised as a slave in the Darkoath camps of Aqshy, Kiri dreams of a better life. Of a city of wonders, the place of her birth… Lifestone ! She despairs of ever reaching it until a fateful day arrives when her barbarian captors are attacked by Sigmar's noblest warriors, the Stormcast Eternals. Seizing her chance, Kiri flees through a mysterious realmgate that takes her far from the fiery lands of Aqshy. She arrives in the realm of Ghyran and finds the city of Lifestone. But a curse lies on this place, withering its noble spirit. Her path leads her to a special group of children who, like her, are realm-marked the prophecised saviours of Lifestone. There's Thanis, the fighter ; Alish, the inventor ; Kaspar ; the sneak and Elio, the healer. But dark forces are allying against the children and will do anything to stop them achieving their destiny.



Histoire internationale

After The Last Ship

After the Last Ship illustrates the author's own history, as well as its connection to the history of other women and children who left India and made the journey across the Kala Pani, the Indian Ocean, and lived as migrants in other countries. In this book the author brings greater understanding of how subjectivities are shaped through embodied experiences of ‘mixed race'. She bears witness to the oppressive policies of the fascist government in Portugal in the 1960's and 1970's and the effects of displacement and exile, by reconstructing her own passage from India to Mozambique and finally to Australia. Further, the author shows the devastation that labels such as ‘half-caste', ‘canecos' and ‘monhe' can cause, when they eat at your flesh, your being, and your body. She sheds light on how identity and culture can serve as vehicles of empowerment, how experiences of belonging can germinate and take root post-diaspora.



Non classé

Ethnic Cultures in the 1920's in North America

This volume contains the fourteen papers that were given at the Third Franco-German Colloquium at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Leading French and German scholars in American Studies address issues of ethic cultures in the U.S. and Canada during the Twenties. The volume presents contributions by historians, anthropologists, and literary historians and has thus an interdisciplinary dimension. The groups and cultures dealt with are Jews, WASPs, Scandinavians, Africans and Italians in North America.



Histoire internationale

Visual Aids in the Productions of the First Piscator-Bühne 1927-28

This analysis of four major productions by Erwin Piscator, Hoppla, Rasputin, Schweik and Konjunktur (1927/28), examines the nature of his pioneering visual effects. The films, projections, cartoons, elaborate sets and machinery - here designated 'visual aids' - are shown to have a didactic function. They 'frame' the action politically, thus evolving a sophisticated new theatrical method. Comparison with Brecht's work establishes differences of emphasis in the approach to a common goal. Piscator's montage of disparate elements is seen as a vital contribution to epic theatre.




The Reform of Port Royal

The monastery of Port-Royal has been a favorite subject of scholarly research mainly because of its involvement with the founder of Jansenism in France, St-Cyran, and its family connections with Antoine Arnauld who was the theologian of the movement. Less studied, but also significant, was the role played by the reform of port-Royal by Mère Angélique Arnauld, and its continuance by her niece, Soeur Angélique de St-Jean Arnauld d'Andilly, in the Cistercian reforms of the Seventeenth Century. F. Ellen Weaver, who completed her doctorate at Princeton University and is now teaching Church History at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, has traced the evolution of this important reform from its Cistercian beginnings to its emergence as a model of Jansenist ideal and practice, pointing toward its final enduring influence in French Catholicism as a mythic symbol of heroic resistance of a community to oppressive authority in the name of freedom of conscience. She has done a careful textual analysis of the development of the Constitutions de Port-Royal during the period in which the controversies were raging (1948-1684) to illustrate this evolution fromCistercian to Jansenist character of the reform, and to point out continuities which have semetimes been overlooked in the polemic against the Jansenists. This work represents a significant contribution to studies in the religious history of modern France in general, and to monastic and counter-reformation studies in particular. Une étude neuve, unique en son genre, sur la place tenue par Mère Angélique Arnauld à Port-Royal et sur le rôle joué par sa nièce dans les réformes cisterciennes du dix-septième siècle. L'examen approfondi des Constitutions de Port-Royal révèle l'idéal janséniste et fournit une contribution non négligeable aux recherches sue l'histoire religieuse de la France moderne.



Guides pratiques

Camping road trips. France & Germany

Fancy a scenic meander along the Seine or braving the vertiginous mountain passes of the Pyrenees ? Or perhaps you would rather island hop along the German coast or delve deep into the Black Forest ? In this inspiring book, ardent campervanner Caroline Mills has selected 30 of her favourite routes across France and Germany. Along the way, stop in some of the region's most beautiful towns and villages, sample l&al delicacies, cycle forgotten lanes or take a wander through some of the finest countryside. These are journeys to be savoured. Packed with practical information on recommended roads, campsites and more, this book will satisfy seasoned road trippers and absolute novices alike - whether you're i a solo adventurer, making memories as a family, or planning a romantic getaway, you'll find these self-guided tours will provide all the inspiration you need to set out and explore a locale or region of France and Germany slowly.



Physique, chimie

What is energy?

The word 'energy' was used to confuse me. I know that energy is. It is the capacity of a physical system to perform work, the ability to do work. Work is moving something against a force. I also know that without energy life cannot exist. At the same time, I could not picture Energy in my mind to better understand what it is. This book is design to given you a concrete understandasing of that energy is. Remember in reallity, no one can see, touch or observe energy. We can only constact the presence of energy by mouvement, motion and mesure it by its speed. We shall use this opportunity to introduce you to a pattern, the geometric shape torus that holds the key to the fuel of the future, to the world that works for everyone - Clean and universal energy. I consider the torus to be the best ever explanation of our evolutionary process. Evolution means to enfold, to roll out. The question is what the universe is rolling out ? I realised that we are not a mistake, we are simply mistaken. We have been blended to our brilliance, ignorance to our genius, unaware of our true power and magnificence. The Torus, the Zero Point Energy Field = Creation Story




The City & the City

Deux villes, un seul territoire… Beszèl et Ul Qoma se partagent un labyrinthe de rues enchevêtrées, s'ignorant mutuellement. Le passage de l'une à l'autre, un simple regard même, implique l'intervention d'une milice transnationale et omnipotente. Côté Besz, l'assassinat d'une jeune étudiante en archéologie va mettre le feu aux poudres… En charge d'une enquête délicate, entre secrets d'histoire et brouillard juridictionnel, l'inspecteur Borlù avance en terrain miné…  Ce roman a reçu cinq prix en Grande-Bretagne et aux États-Unis. Il a été cité dans la liste des meilleurs livres de l'année par le Los Angeles Times, le Seattle Times et Publishers' Weekly.



Livres 3 ans et +

Little Zebra is gifted

Little Zebra is at kindergarten. He reads and he has an amazing memory. The teacher wonders if Little Zebra is gifted. She talks to his parents. Then Little Zebra will meet a psychologist with whom he will make funny activities to determine if he is gifted. The psychologist will also explain to Little Zebra, his parents and the teacher what is intellectual precocity.




Andrea Sacchi and Cardinal del Monte. The Rediscovered Frescoes in the Palazzo di Ripetta in Rome

This fascinating and beautifully illustrated book presents for the first time the rediscovered frescoes painted by Andrea Sacchi (1599-1661) for the loggia of Cardinal del Monte's Roman palace near via di Ripetta, Rome. Considered lost by generations of scholars, Andrea Sacchi's fresco cycle has survived in a private apartment in Rome. Largely unpublished and rarely mentioned in recent literature, the frescoes underwent a revelatory restoration in 2010-11. For the past three years, the author was granted exclusive access to study them thoroughly - resulting in this monograph. Accompanied by beautiful and full photographic documentation, this study aims to compare the painted images with the detailed description given by the biographer Giovan Pietro Bellori ; to shed light on the iconography and style, above all with respect to the sources used ; and to integrate this key commission within Sacchi's early career. The cycle's iconography is explored with careful verification of early sources that now allows us to resolve some particularly complex problems of interpretation - above all those relating to alchemy. Cardinal del Monte's Palazzo di Ripetta housed a fully equipped pharmacological laboratory. Research on this cycle of frescoes has also made it possible to discover new archival evidence regarding Sacchi's date and place of birth.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are getting married. Numéro 22

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are celebrating the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary. Numéro 15

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Non classé

Brides on Sale

Beginning in the 1990s large numbers of women from Mainland China and Southeast Asia married men in Taiwan. They now number over 400,000, warranting some to call them "Taiwan's Fifth Ethnic Group". This book argues that the rise of these marriages is a gendered and relational phenomenon, linked to the forces of globalization. Traditional ideas of marriage, such as the belief that a woman "marries out" of her natal family to be dependent upon her husband and his family, and the idea that a man should "marry down" to a woman of a lesser social and economic status, have not kept pace with changes in women's educational and career opportunities. How these relationships are formed, how they impact gendered understandings of women and men, how families are constituted and relationships developed, and how they affect the children of these families and their education, are the issues explored in this book. It breaks new ground in our understanding of transnational and cross-border marriages by looking at the long-term effects of such marriages on communities, families, and individuals.



Tourisme étranger

Moroccan tracks Volume 11. The sagho djebel

The Sagho djebel is the eastern extension of the Anti-Atlas, a volcanic mountain with granitic mamelons, basaltic organs, chaos of black shales, pink sandstones... at the gates of the Sahara. As far as the eye can see, large wild, arid spaces. A desolate land made for the lonely DPM. And for a thousand miles around, silence is the only companion. Absolute plenitude and the desire to take to the track. From flat expanses to rolling hills, from sharp relief to steep canyons : pure, original nature. The character is strong, rustic but the heart is soft. The colours are soft and gentle. Ochre, pink, brown, violet, the colour chart stretches in a gradation of shimmering pastels, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming heat. Eldorado in the heart of the desert, rare are the oases ; modest green spots in the infinitely large, they are the reminders that we are on African soil. The wild charm of the Sagho is due to its exceptional geology : high cliffs and steep peaks, tabular escarpments and deep canyons in the middle of which caravans of camels and mules circulate. When you arrive on these immense plateaus, the lunar horizon is so vast that you want to go everywhere at once to see if it is really as beautiful elsewhere ! The Sagho also surprises by the richness of its lights : limpid like those of the nearby Sahara, or sometimes in half-tone, as in the neighbouring Dades valley. The Sagho is also the Morocco of the last Berber nomads, descendants of the ancient lords Aït Atta. In autumn, after leaving the snows of the High Atlas, they set up their dark wool tents on the slopes of the jebel until spring. They can neither read nor write, but they are sure of their way through the Atlas Mountains and the Moroccan desert. In the Sagho, they have built houses of unbaked stone, dug wells, planted almond trees, grown wheat, barley and various vegetables. Others built herds of goats and sheep, and caravans of camels. Most of them are now sedentary, semi-nomadic or nomadic...




Louve qu'à moitié

Chelly, est une louve-garou, mais une louve pas tout à fait complète. Ses problèmes de transformation rendent sa capacité à être une vraie louve impossible. Elle cherche des réponses à ses questions en compagnie de sa famille et de sa meute, "the Moon". Et si tous ses soucis étaient liés à une très vieille époque ? Pour le découvrir, il lui faudra explorer livres, histoires et contes de ses ancêtres. Parallèlement à ses recherches, de nouvelles attaques ont lieu dans le monde entier, et viennent bouleverser l'équilibre établi entre vampires, loups-garous et sorciers qui se sont révélés aux humains et cohabitent parfaitement avec ces derniers. Ces créatures sont-elles les seuls êtres surnaturels à exister sur la planète ? Qui perpètre ces attaques ?



Loisirs et jeux

Ouvre bien les yeux

Mon premier ouvre bien les yeux. Mon deuxième s'amuse et réfléchit. Mon troisième découvre les secrets de la nature. Mon tout est un petit lecteur curieux. Et si c'était toi ?
