Exceptions and Rules:- Brecht, Planchon and The Good Person of Szechwan

This book examines the Brechtian influence on Roger Planchon's three stagings of Brecht's The Good Person of Szechwan (July 1954 ; October 1954 ; December 1958). The meaning of a Brechtian mise en scène is determined by an analysis of the Berliner Ensemble production of the same play (1957). A comparison of these stagings not only reveals the clash between the German and French theatrical traditions but the German mise en scène also provides a point of reference which underlines the similarities and differences between Planchon's and Brecht's staging methods.

Chez Peter Lang

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Peter Lang

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01/12/1987 334 pages 65,40 €
Scannez le code barre 9783820497441
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