
European Studies in Sports History N° 14/2024 : Youth and Physical Education in History



Histoire du sport

European Studies in Sports History N° 14/2024 : Youth and Physical Education in History

Les ESSH sont une revue scientifique consacrée à l'histoire du sport. Elle paraît annuellement et chaque livraison accueille, à la manière d'un varia, or ce onzième opus est un numéro spécial dédié à la jeunesse et à l'éducation physique dans l'histoire.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


In modern industrial society, the tic between science and technology seems clear, even inevitable. But historically, as James E. McClellan III and Harold Dorn remind us, the connection was far less apparent. For much of human history, technology depended more on the innovation of skilled artisans than it did on the speculation of scientists. Technology as "applied science," the authors argue, emerged relatively recently, as industry and governments began funding scientific research that would lead directly to new or improved technologies. In Science and Technology in World History, McClellan and Dorn offer an introduction to this changing relationship. McClellan and Dorn review the historical record beginning with the thinking and tool making of prehistoric humans. Neolithic people, for example, developed metallurgy of a sort, using naturally occurring raw copper, and kept systematic records of the moon's phases. Neolithic craftsmen possessed practical knowledge of the behavior of clay, fire, and other elements of their environment, but though they may have had explanations for the phenomena of their crafts, they toiled without any systematic science of materials or the self-conscious application of theory to practice. Without neglecting important figures of Western science such as Newton and Einstein, the authors demonstrate the great achievements of non-Western cultures. They remind us that scientific traditions took root in China, India, and Central and South America, as well as in a series of Near Eastern empires, during late antiquity and the Middle Ages, including the vast region that formed the Islamic conquest. From this comparative perspective, the authors explore the emergence of Europe as a scientific and technological power. Continuing their narrative through the Manhattan Project, NASA, and modern medical research, the authors weave the converging histories of science and technology into an integrated, perceptive, and highly readable narrative. "Professors McClellan and Dorn have written a survey that does not present the historical development of science simply as a Western phenomenon but as the result of wide-ranging human curiosity about nature and attempts to harness its powers in order to serve human needs. This is an impressive amount of material to organize in a single textbook." - Paula Findlen, Stanford University




Peace - A Topic in European History Text-Books?

War and violence are of eminent importance in the accounts of history in our school text-books. The author examines whether efforts to mitigate violence and to strengthen peace are given similar weight in standard history books used in the schools of the Federal Republic of Germany and other European countries such as England, France, Switzerland, the German Democratic Republic, and Poland.



Non classé

Henry VIII in History, Historiography and Literature

If this anthology on the literary appreciation of the life and times of Henry VIII can show how history, historiography and the history of literature are woven together as threads in a tapestry, if this book can show how varied the sources are from which historical images are fed, especially those of significant historical figures, then it will have surely fulfilled its purpose.





Apre?s un premier roman situe? dans l’univers de l’heroi?c fantasy, l’auteur nous livre avec ce 2e?me ouvrage une enque?te se de?roulant aux 4 coins de la plane?te, ou? se co?toient deux policiers atypiques. Henry Kilmer, californien bourru au grand cœur, et Angela Margulies, enque?trice du SIS torture?e et au mal-e?tre profond. Ils vont croiser la route de Green, mercenaire violent et implacable sous les ordres d’un industriel londonien, ambitieux et vindicatif. Green de?couvrira l’amour et la re?demption dans les bras de la douce Natalia sous les yeux d’Alice, un ordinateur surpuissant dont la seule envie est de devenir humaine. Avec ce roman d’une noirceur e?vidente et teinte? d’humour, Emmanuel de Rhune exploite avec brio les tre?fonds de l’a?me humaine. Il revisite l’histoire, point de de?part de son re?cit, installant ses protagonistes dans un jeu de piste sanglant, sexuel, passionnel et philosophique pour sauver Londres du chaos.


Romans policiers


Apre?s un premier roman situe? dans l’univers de l’heroi?c fantasy, l’auteur nous livre avec ce 2e?me ouvrage une enque?te se de?roulant aux 4 coins de la plane?te, ou? se co?toient deux policiers atypiques. Henry Kilmer, californien bourru au grand cœur, et Angela Margulies, enque?trice du SIS torture?e et au mal-e?tre profond. Ils vont croiser la route de Green, mercenaire violent et implacable sous les ordres d’un industriel londonien, ambitieux et vindicatif. Green de?couvrira l’amour et la re?demption dans les bras de la douce Natalia sous les yeux d’Alice, un ordinateur surpuissant dont la seule envie est de devenir humaine. Avec ce roman d’une noirceur e?vidente et teinte? d’humour, Emmanuel de Rhune exploite avec brio les tre?fonds de l’a?me humaine. Il revisite l’histoire, point de de?part de son re?cit, installant ses protagonistes dans un jeu de piste sanglant, sexuel, passionnel et philosophique pour sauver Londres du chaos.



Sciences politiques

Politique européenne N° 71/2021 : Le Parlement européen et la politique de la mémoire. Explorer la constellation des acteurs

Au sommaire : Le Parlement européen et la politique de la mémoire / The European Parliament's youth policy, 1952-1979 : An attempt to create a collective memory of an integrated Europe / Victimizing Europeans : Narrating Shared History in the European Parliament's House of European History / Competing Regimes of Memory ? The European Day of Remembrance in Romania / Acting at the margins Italian mnemonic activism in the European Parliament / (Un)shared memory : European Parliament and EU. Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism




European Drama and Performance Studies N° 3, 2014

European Drama and Performance Studies est une revue scientifique consacrée à l'histoire des arts du spectacle. Les numéros thématiques sont publiés en français et/ou en anglais.




European Drama and Performance Studies N° 2, 2014

European Drama and Performance Studies est une revue scientifique consacrée à l'histoire des arts du spectacle. Les numéros thématiques sont publiés en français et/ou en anglais.



Scolaire lycée général et tech

History Geography 1e. Classes européennes

L'ouvrage vise à offrir aux professeurs un support pour leurs cours d'Histoire-Géographie en classes européennes d'anglais. Il propose une sélection de thèmes du programme de 1ère vus sous l'angle du monde anglo-saxon. 9 chapitres (5 en Histoire / 4 en Géographie) Chaque chapitre comprend : En ouverture : une courte introduction, la "Key question", un grand document questionné, une ou deux cartes afin de se repérer en anglais. En histoire, une frise pour resituer la période dans le contexte anglo-saxon. 2 ou 3 leçons ouvertes par une problématique, des documents variés regroupés par thème, une "Word box" (du vocabulaire pour comprendre les documents et les commenter) et une synthèse à faire par l'élève ou le professeur avec sa classe. "Get ready for the exam" et "On your own" : des sujets guidés ou non pour s'entraîner à l'épreuve orale du bac. "To sum up" : une synthèse rassemblant les connaissances des leçons accompagnée des "keywords" (sélection des notions essentielles du chapitre). "Express yourself" : un exercice inspiré des pratiques anglo-saxonnes, pour encourager la prise de parole par un jeu de rôle, un débat... "Digging deeper" : des suggestions de lectures, de sites, de films.



Sciences de la vie

History and description of the Royal Museum of natural history. Translated from the French

History and description of the Royal Museum of natural history ... translated from the French of M. Deleuze... Date de l'édition originale : 1823 Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF. HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande. Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables. Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique. Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces oeuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.



Histoire de l'art

A History of Arcadia in Art and Literature: Volume II. Later Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism

Longtemps attendu et extrêmement bien accueilli, A History of Arcadia de Paul Holberton constitue l'examen approfondi et minutieux d'un grand nombre de textes originaux de poésie pastorale classique des époques moderne et contemporaine, de littérature et de théâtre en grec ancien, en latin, en italien, en français, en espagnol, en portugais, en néerlandais, en allemand et en anglais et d'un large éventail d'images prenant fin juste avant 1800. L'ouvrage analyse le développement de la pastorale comme moyen de représentation du bonheur humain sur Terre à travers la cour réciproque entre un garçon et une fille, et leurs sentiments auxquels la pastorale de l'époque donne voix. This tremendous book is an iconographic study of Renaissance and Baroque pastoral and related subject matter, with an important chapter on the 18th century, both in the visual arts, where pastoral is very poorly understood, and in words and performance, about which many false preconceptions prevail. The study begins with Virgil's use of Theocritus and an analysis of what basis Virgil provided for Renaissance pastoral and what, by contrast, stemmed from the medieval pastourelle. Pastoral developed notably in the Venetian High Renaissance. Its texts incorporated Petrarchist and Neoplatonic ideas of love, of which this book charts the development and evolution with unprecedented precision, considering also the female nude in art. There is a novel and polemical discussion of the development of landscape subjects in art, from Giorgione to Claude. The contributions of the most influential or representative authors - Petrarch, Sannazaro, Montemayor, Tasso, Guarino, Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Honoré d'Urfé, Cornelis de Hooft, Shakespeare and lastly Salomon Gessner - are considered beside many interesting more minor ones - Arsocchi, Bernardim Ribeiro, Clément Marot, Cieco d'Adria, John Fletcher, Fontenelle - and the verses of madrigals. There is a chapter on 'Being Rural' - what we can say about the reality of life in the country in the early modern period. There is a chapter on 'Et in Arcadia Ego' that introduces new evidence for the dating of Poussin's famous work by reference to a neglected work by Sébastien Bourdon in Yale ; another on a pastoral composition by Rubens that has not been considered as such. There is an important and bold discussion of self-projection ('metachronic' representation) by monarchs and courtiers across Europe in the 17th century, both within pastoral and without, which illuminates profound differences between Protestant and Catholic culture. Coming from the study of earlier periods, the author is able to throw new light on the Rococo - figures such as John Gay, Watteau, Gessner and Gainsborough - and to explain the termination of pastoral writing and art with the embrace of modernity in form and means of expression. All texts are given in the original language and all translated into English, while the visuals are beautifully reproduced : the book is also an anthology.



Beaux arts

Brief history of venise

Breve storia di Venezia a été écrite par un célèbre abbé vénitien, Rinaldo Fulin et elle a été publiée pour la première fois en 1873 comme cadeau de mariage. Fulin rappelle l'histoire de Venise des origines à la chute de la République, à travers le passé glorieux et la splendeur de la Sérénissime et de ses principaux acteurs. Un bref chapitre sur l'histoire moderne et contemporaine de la ville a été ajouté au texte original. Le volume est enrichi d'une collection d'illustrations tirées de Il gran teatro di Venezia de Domenico Lovisa (1717).




The Stutter of History

This French-language catalogue accompanies a major retrospective exhibition of Thomas Demand's work at Jeu de Paume, Paris, as part of a worldwide tour. Thomas Demand has spent the last two and a half decades bringing together his talents as both a sculptor and a photographer to capture the feedback loop between the world we inhabit and the photographic documents of it which lie at the root of our contemporary image culture. Bringing together a wide-ranging survey of photographs that span the arc of his career, The Stutter of History provides both an overview of the artist's way of seeing the world and lesson in how we might approach the onslaught of historical events that we consume through the world of images. This extensive book displays the breadth and depth of Demand's artistic accomplishment, demonstrating in one volume why he is considered one of the world's foremost contemporary artists. Includes new short stories by award-winning authors Ali Smith and Maylis de Kerangal written in response to a work by Demand, as well as illuminating essays by Douglas Fogle, curator of the exhibition, and critic Margaret Iversen. All texts published in French language. Co-published with Jeu de Paume



Histoire de l'art

A History of Arcadia in Art and Literature: Volume I. Earlier Renaissance

Longtemps attendu et extrêmement bien accueilli, A History of Arcadia de Paul Holberton constitue l'examen approfondi et minutieux d'un grand nombre de textes originaux de poésie pastorale classique des époques moderne et contemporaine, de littérature et de théâtre en grec ancien, en latin, en italien, en français, en espagnol, en portugais, en néerlandais, en allemand et en anglais et d'un large éventail d'images prenant fin juste avant 1800. L'ouvrage analyse le développement de la pastorale comme moyen de représentation du bonheur humain sur Terre à travers la cour réciproque entre un garçon et une fille, et leurs sentiments auxquels la pastorale de l'époque donne voix. This tremendous book is an iconographic study of Renaissance and Baroque pastoral andrelated subject matter, with an important chapter on the 18th century, both in the visual arts, where pastoral is very poorly understood, and in words and performance, about which many false preconceptions prevail. The study begins with Virgil's use of Theocritus and an analysis of what basis Virgil provided for Renaissance pastoral and what, by contrast, stemmed from the medieval pastourelle. Pastoral developed notably in the Venetian High Renaissance. Its texts incorporated Petrarchist and Neoplatonic ideas of love, of which this book charts the development and evolution with unprecedented precision, considering also the female nude in art. There is a novel and polemical discussion of the development of landscape subjects in art, from Giorgione to Claude. The contributions of the most influential or representative authors - Petrarch, Sannazaro, Montemayor, Tasso, Guarino, Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Honoré d'Urfé, Cornelis de Hooft, Shakespeare and lastly Salomon Gessner - are considered beside many interesting more minor ones - Arsocchi, Bernardim Ribeiro, Clément Marot, Cieco d'Adria, John Fletcher, Fontenelle - and the verses of madrigals. There is a chapter on 'Being Rural' - what we can say about the reality of life in the country in the early modern period. There is a chapter on 'Et in Arcadia Ego' that introduces new evidence for the dating of Poussin's famous work by reference to a neglected work by Sébastien Bourdon in Yale ; another on a pastoral composition by Rubens that has not been considered as such. There is an important and bold discussion of self-projection ('metachronic' representation) by monarchs and courtiers across Europe in the 17th century, both within pastoral and without, which illuminates profound differences between Protestant and Catholic culture. Coming from the study of earlier periods, the author is able to throw new light on the Rococo - figures such as John Gay, Watteau, Gessner and Gainsborough - and to explain the termination of pastoral writing and art with the embrace of modernity in form and means of expression. All texts are given in the original language and all translated into English, while the visuals are beautifully reproduced : the book is also an anthology.



Non classé

The History and some Problems of Television Service in Anambra State of Nigeria

The television medium has reached the heights of complication. This complication is the aftereffect of the fact that broadcasting in itself (both TV and Radio) recognizes little or no boundaries. Broadcasting breaks the boundaries of, inter alia, political, cultural, linguistic, socio-economical and socio-psychological identities. It reaches extensive "possibilities" embracing, collecting and connecting nationalities and people, languages and cultures. This situation must continue to raise the question why such a global-transcontinental and transnational communications' "inter-flux". This work is in this context an aid towards possible solutions of the present question on the TV-medium. The interest of this work can be said to be the presentation of facts that brought Anambra State of Nigeria to this "embrace" of the world's extensive television technology.



Théâtre - Essais

European Drama and Performance Studies N° 18/2022 : Molière and After. Aspect of the Theatrical Enterprise in 17th - and 18th - Century France

European Drama and Performance Studies est une revue consacrée à l'histoire des arts du spectacle. Les numéros thématiques sont publiés en français et/ou en anglais.



Scolaire lycée général et tech

History & Geography Tle. Classes européennes

L'ouvrage vise à offrir aux professeurs un support pour leurs cours d'Histoire-Géographie en classes européennes d'anglais. Il propose une sélection de thèmes du programme de Tle vus sous l'angle du monde anglo-saxon. Chaque leçon propose ainsi de nombreux documents inédits. Des sujets guidés et bruts permettent aux élèves de se préparer à l'épreuve orale du bac. En fin de chapitre, une synthèse résume les grandes lignes à retenir et offre des pistes de recherche ou de travail.



Anglais apprentissage

History & Geography . Vocabulaire, outils, méthodes

Comprendre et parler l'anglais de l'histoire et de la géographie exige la maîtrise d'un vocabulaire spécifique et une connaissance des pièges linguistiques. Si certaines entrées dans ce lexique peuvent avoir des allures d'évidence, d'autres évitent tout contresens en traquant les faux amis. Ainsi Christianity signifie christianisme, quand Christendom renvoie à la Chrétienté. Conquête de l'Ouest se dit Western Settlement un Israélien est an Israeli, High Middle Ages n'évoque pas le haut Moyen Age, etc. Le choix d'un classement thématique de plus de 5 000 mots et expressions, des méthodes générales et des focus linguistiques font ainsi de cet ouvrage un outil indispensable pour tous les élèves et étudiants amenés à pratiquer l'anglais historique et géographique.



Théâtre - Essais

European Drama and Performance Studies N° 17, 2021-2 : Les émotions en scène (XVIIe-XXIe siècle)

Contributeurs : Fabien Cavaillé, Sabine Chaouche, Julia Gros de Gasquet, Sylvaine Guyot, James Harriman-Smith, Emmanuelle Hénin, Judith le Blanc, Claire Lechevalier, Jeffrey Leichman, Véronique Lochert, Laurence Marie, Sarah Nancy, Edward Nye, Cécile Schenck et Michael Subialka.



Théâtre - Essais

European Drama and Performance Studies Hors-série 2021 : La Décentralisation théâtrale en revues

Contributeurs : Jana Altmanova, Danielle Candel, Anne Condamines, Bruno Courbon, Pascaline Dury, Wael Farouq, Paolo Frassi, Julie Humbert-Droz, John Humbley, Aurélie Picton, Francesca Piselli, Anne-Delphine Rousseau et Maria Teresa Zanola.




The History of German Lutheran Congregations in England, 1900-1950

Between 1900 and 1950, the development of German congregations in England was characterised by sudden unprecedented changes. Growth was followed by decline, marginalisation by expansion. The situation during and after World War I contrasted sharply with that during and after World War II. Being drawn into the German Church struggle German congregations in England experienced the conflict between nationalistic and ecumenical attitudes. They were challenged in particular by Bonhoeffer's theological stance and became a meeting-place for different cultural, political and spiritual traditions. World War II saw a new emphasis on the ministry among German-speaking refugees, as well as among civilian internees and military prisoners.



Théâtre - Essais

European Drama and Performance Studies N° 16, 2021-1 : Percevoir et transmettre le spectacle vivant

Contributeurs : Caroline Barbier de Reulle, Emilie Combes, Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota, Sabine Gadrat, Françoise Gomez, Julia Gros de Gasquet, Jos Houben, Thibaut Julian, Don Kent, Pascale Lecoq, Jean-Pierre Léonardini, Daniel Loayza, Amélie Mons, Florence Naugrette, Patrice Pavis, Lucas Serol et Sandrine Siméon.




Europe's Role in a South African Methodology

This work consists of essays on the so-called Middle Ages, seen from two perspectives. Writing from a sideline perspective, as opposed to the perspectives of historically mainstream theologies, in the first part of the book the author proposes a method for reading religious political texts with European philosophical insights but with a relevance for South Africa. This is done by comparing so-called Medieval texts with South African texts and situations within the demands of liberation, contextualisation, and communalism.In the second part of the book, from a female perspective, the author reevaluates the post-Biblical history of Christianity, criticising the terms "Patristics" and "Middle Ages". A South African women's theology is then offered as the outcome of the sideline perspective on the Bible, history and theology discussed in this book.



Critique littéraire

Marsilio Ficino in Germany from Renaissance to Enlightenment. A Reception History

The philosopher and humanist Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499) has attracted scholarly attention as translator of Plato, the Corpus Hermeticum, Plotinus and other Neoplatonists, and for his complex synthesis of Platonism and Christianity. While most previous studies of Ficino's reception have focussed on Italy, France, England and Spain, this book presents a comprehensive study of his reception in Germany and neighbouring areas, examining how Northern writers between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries remembered and reinvented Ficino's person and work. Focused chapters examine the ways German authors adapted his theories of the Ancient Theology, melancholia, celestial influence and poetic inspiration, and used his writings in related fields such as alchemy and witchcraft. It also studies those who rejected Ficino's work, providing context for those who embraced his ideas. The most comprehensive bibliography of printed editions of Ficino's work since Kristeller forms the basis for a bibliometric analysis.



Histoire de l'Eglise

Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques. Fascicule 195

Leading databases in theology and religious studies : Index Religiosus - An international reference bibliography for academic publications in Theology, Religious Studies, and Church History. Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques - An incomparable source of information on the history of the Church. Also including 2200 biographical notes on bishops, drawn from the reference work Die Bischöfe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches.



Histoire de l'Eglise

Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques. Tome 33, Fascicule 193b-194

Leading databases in theology and religious studies : Index Religiosus : An international reference bibliography for academic publications in Theology, Religious Studies, and Church History. Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques : An incomparable source of information on the history of the Church. Also including 2200 biographical notes on bishops, drawn from the reference work Die Bischöfe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches.



Non classé

Lenz and Büchner: Studies in Dramatic Form

This study challenges Volker Klotz's widely accepted notion that the plays of Lenz and Büchner are seminal or exemplary open form dramas. This involves an account of the theory of the open and closed form, its origins in art-historical writings and German "Geistesgeschichte", its implications and place in recent criticism of drama. This leads to close studies of (a) the major plays of J.M.R Lenz (Der Hofmeister, Die Soldaten) the emphasis being on the dramatic structure, suggesting a rarely appreciated development in dramatic technique ; and (b) Georg Btechnique ; and (b) Georg Büchner's Dantons Tod (complexity of dramatic structure, presence of dramatic conflict, absence of open ending) and Woyzeck, where particular attention is devoted to the order of scenes and unsolved editorial problems, reference being made to the newly published facsimile edition of the manuscripts.




Education in Mission / Mission in Education

The dissertation investigates the work of the Project in Partnership between Black and White which is based in Birmingham, England. The focus of this experiment in theological education is dialogical and intercultural within the British socio-cultural setting. This programme is compared with the Alternative Theological and Staff Development Experiment of Colgate Divinity School in Rochester, New York ; and the Black Church Experience, the Research in Black Church Studies and Research Study in Oral History at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary, Evanston, Illinois in USA. This study further probes into the trends in general education in South Africa and their influence on the socio-political dynamics and how these in turn influence education for mission. The research analyses these approaches in the light of the work done by the Programme on Theological Education of the World Council of Chruches. The enquiry points to the need to re-think our approach to theological education in all our pluralistic societies.



Beaux arts

House of European History. Chaix & Morel et Associés - JSWD Architekten, Edition français-anglais-allemand

Comment réunir dans un nouveau lieu, l'histoire d'un continent et d'une idée ? Située à Bruxelles, dans le quartier européen, en plein coeur du parc Léopold, la Maison de l'histoire européenne a été inaugurée en 2017. Le concours portant sur la rénovation et l'extension d'un bâtiment historique en musée - ancien Institut dentaire George Eastman - a été remporté, en 2011, par les agences Chaix & Morel et Associés et JSWD Architekten. Sous la direction de Sophie Trelcat, l'ouvrage "House of European History", conçu par les graphistes Baldinger et Vu-Huu, présente l'histoire du projet architectural, de sa conception à sa réalisation. Edition trilingue français-anglais-allemand.
