
Object oriented PERL. A comprehensive guide to concepts and programming techniques



Non classé

The Anglo-Welsh Dialects of North Wales

This book is the first major study of the English spoken in North Wales. It presents a full description of the English speech of the native 60-plus age group in the counties of Gwynedd and Clwyd. It includes a comprehensive analysis of the vowel sounds and non-standard consonant sounds of northern Anglo-Welsh, together with exhaustive descriptions of non-standard lexis and morphology and syntax. It forms part of the survey of Anglo-Welsh Dialects and can be seen as a companion to Volumes 1 and 2 of that survey. The book also contains a short atlas section, etymologies of non-standard lexis, and cross-references to the main national surveys of regional spoken English and Welsh in England and Wales.



Histoire internationale

Ethnicity, Children & Habitus

This book is concerned with the ethnic experience of Chinese secondary school children living in Northern Ireland. The author analyses two sub-groups of Chinese children : those with parents coming from Hong Kong and those with parents coming from Mainland China. The purpose of this study is to investigate how these apparently ‘Chinese' children feel about their ethnic identity. By drawing upon Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, and a cultural studies' approach to ethnicity and identity in general, the author examines the characteristics of cultural specificity and heterogeneity. Methodologically, the author has chosen an ethnographic approach. Prominence is given to the definitions, perspectives and voices of the children themselves by conducting open-ended, indepth and informal interviews and by doing so on an extended basis. The whole process continued for two and half years. Close attention was paid to the children's immediate circumstances, their parental occupations and their general social and cultural conditions.




Venetian Disegno. New Frontiers

Venetian Disegno : New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 offers a fresh perspective on the art of Venice and the Veneto. The volume brings together the contributions of scholars and curators specialist on a wide variety of artists and art forms including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and architecture. Venetian Disegno : New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 takes disegno as its central theme, that in its plurality of meaning allows for a consideration of the conceptual role of design and the act of drawing. The relationship between disegno and Renaissance Venetian art has historically been a problematic one, with emphasis instead being placed on the Venetian predilection for colore. This volume is reflective of an ongoing challenge to this perspective and draws attention to the importance of Venetian disegno and the study of drawings for understanding various art forms. The book commences with a critical study of what constitutes disegno in Venetian art. It does so through questioning the historiography of Venetian artistic scholarship and the restrictive framework and preconceptions that have emerged before setting out the merits of a broader, more inclusive approach. Disegno is applied in its multifaceted nature to address the physical act of drawing, the tangible drawn object and the role of design in artistic practice. The term 'Venetian' is taken to encompass both Venice and its mainland territories not least because of the mobility of artists across and beyond the region. Contributions are divided into five thematic sections. The first, entitled 'Peripheries', frames the art of Venice within a wider discourse on the movement of ideas across and beyond the Veneto in locations including Padua, Verona and Rome. A section on Media considers the origins and innovations that took place in the use of materials such as blue paper, oil and coloured chalks. In another, the theories that have developed on Venetian notions of disegno are brought under scrutiny, addressing topics such as the long upheld perspective that Venetian artists did not draw, the role of sculpture in Tintoretto's drawing practice and the interrelation between the written and drawn line in Palma Giovane's draftsmanship. The section on Invention reflects on the technical innovations that were facilitated through the uptake of printmaking and the intellectual freedom granted by humanist patrons. Finally, Function gets to the heart of the practical purpose of disegno. Contributions focus on the workshops of the Bellini family and Titian to consider the diverse ways they used drawing within their artistic practices with an emphasis on technical analysis. These sections are all preceded by introductions that provide an overview on each theme while the volume is bookended by two reflections on the state of research into Venetian disegno and the potential for further progress. Sumptuously illustrated with over 100 images with a comprehensive bibliography, Venetian Disegno : New Frontiers circa 1420 to 1620 represents a significant contribution to scholarship on the art of Venice, Renaissance workshops and drawing studies.




How to love. Un guide universel des sentiments & relations

Que faire lorsqu'un coup de foudre nous tombe dessus subitement ? Lorsque les sentiments arrivent et qu'on se sent alors écrasé par le poids de ce qu'on ressent pour ce nouveau crush ? Et lorsque les étincelles se dissipent, que faire ? Alex Norris répond à ces questions dans ce guide universel, drôle et moderne. Il utilise des métaphores simples pour accompagner le lecteur dans les grandes étapes d'une relation amoureuse. Du célibat à la naissance de l'amour, la vie en couple ou la rupture, l'artiste queer met en scène avec humour toutes ces questions que chacun se pose à un moment de sa vie, sans tabous, en s'adressant à tous. Ses illustrations sont à l'image de son texte : pleines d'humour, tout en simplicité, et sans jamais perdre en efficacité. Un livre drôle et profondément juste, offrant des conseils indispensables pour nous guider. Pour les ados, mais pas que !




Black Culture and Experience

Black Culture and Experience : Contemporary Issues offers a holistic look at Black culture in the twenty-first century. It is a collection of work that creates a synergy among authors and leads to a valuable resource on contemporary issues. Part One examines institutional, societal, and political issues like identity politics ; the Rooney Rule ; prosperity gospel ; inequality in the criminal justice system ; the American dream ; the future of Black and Africana studies ; and President Obama's double consciousness. Part Two investigates social, cultural, and community issues such as the Affordable Care Act ; Black women and obesity ; Black men's experience in marriage and relationships ; sexual decision making ; interracial relationships ; and cultural racism. Part Three explores media, pop culture, and technology issues including the rise of urban fiction ; hip hop and feminism ; race in Super Bowl commercials ; the construction of Black Diasporic identities ; Whiteness in Black-oriented films ; Black masculinity in Django Unchained ; and the power of Black Twitter. This anthology contains work from leading scholars, authors, and other specialists who have been brought together to highlight key issues in black culture and experience today. The goal is to help readers understand where we are and where we still need to go, what is working and what we still need to work on, what is right and what is still wrong.



12 ans et +

How to save a life

J'ai appris de la manière la plus difficile qui soit à quel point les étiquettes vous collent à la peau. Laura avait déjà pris " loyale " et le professeur m'avait proposé " lumineuse ". Cela resta, même pendant mes années de lycée. Comme si je ne serais jamais rien d'autre que ce mot. Jusqu'à ce que tout change. Lamentable Lia. Lugubre Lia. Lia, la lâche. Lia, la loser. Maintenant, le choix semble infini, mais je ne veux pas que ces mots me résument. Me définissent. Mon nom est Lia Stanton. Et voici mon histoire.




Telefoniczna akwizycja. 4 kluczowe kroki przed randką telefoniczną

Telefoniczna akwizycja to strategia marketingowa, która sluzy zwiekszeniu ksiazki adresowej i promocji firmy wsród potencjalnych klientów, co jest niezbedne do rozwoju biznesu. Trzeba jednak wiedziec, jak zrobic to dobrze. W czterech krokach, obok licznych wskazówek i metod, dowiesz sie, jak postawic wszystkie szanse po swojej stronie, aby zmaksymalizowac skutecznosc pozyskiwania klientów ; bedziesz wtedy gotowy do stawienia czola róznym sytuacjom, przewidywania ewentualnych obiekcji, zarzadzania kampania telemarketingowa, slowem - unikniesz wszystkich pulapek.





Do you like to learn by doing? Do manuals leave you craving for real-world examples? Are you looking for concrete training that goes beyond theory and reference materials? Learn Dreamweaver by following classroom-proven exercises that will teach you to build sophisticated web pages. This book is geared toward people who have never written HTML or those who would like to switch from coding by hand to a visual HTML editor. Complete with insider tips, illustrated with detailed graphics, and accompanied by a CD-ROM that's loaded with guided exercises, demo software and QuickTime movies, this book ensures that you'll learn all the key features of Dreamweaver 2.




Guide pratique des textiles. Tissés, tricotés, techniques, 2e édition

Pratique, complet et pédagogique, cet ouvrage présente sous forme de doubles pages les principales étoffes utilisées dans l'habillement et l'ameublement. Il analyse plus de 100 tissus et tricots couramment employés et offre un focus sur les étoffes techniques (microfibres, membranes, enduction, etc.). Pour chacun d'eux sont précisés : - l'appellation et l'origine ; - les représentations schématiques des armures et liages ; - les propriétés principales ; - les différentes utilisations ; - les éventuels textiles dérivés. Cette nouvelle édition présente de nouveaux textiles et s'adresse aux étudiants des écoles textiles, aux vendeurs, vendeuses en habillement, aux stylistes, modélistes et personnel des bureaux de création mais aussi à toutes les personnes qui s'intéressent à ce domaine et qui souhaitent découvrir ou approfondir leurs connaissances.



Faits de société

Mon père m'a exilé vingt ans

Marqué par la trahison de son père, un jeune homme se retrouve exilé dans un monde qu'il ne connaît pas. Voici l'histoire de ses 20 ans en pays étranger.




Edward Burtynsky. Mounds and voids: from human to global scale

L'exposition de Edward Burtynsky, Mounds and Voids : From Human to Global Scale, propose un regard percutant mais également paradoxal sur les coulisses de notre monde, nous invitant à prendre la mesure des enjeux locaux et globaux de l'exploitation des ressources. C'est aussi une réflexion sur la construction de l'image et sa puissance propre. Le regard que porte Burtynsky sur notre monde interpelle notre conscience et notre raison jusqu'aux plus sceptiques et jusqu'aux moins convaincus. De très belles images, témoignages très fortsâ : plus éloquentes que tous les meilleurs discours.



Non classé

Central and Eastern Europe on its way to European Union

The transition of the Eastern Central European countries from centrally planned economies to developed market economies has been one of the major structural changes in Europe. It started a new stage of enlargement of the European Union. The monograph presents the results of an international research effort aimed at the analysis of macroeconomic aspects of joining the European Union by the Central European countries. This analysis was based on country and world economy models and rests on a series of alternative scenarios of economic development up to the year 2010. It provides the reader with a broad historical background and a discussion of recent trends of Central Europe. It summarises the experience of the new members of the European Union. The scenario simulations show the likely path of future economic development for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, analysing the pros and contras of joining the European Union.




Mindful places to stay. Sublime destinations for yoga and meditation

Fresh summer air, leaves rustling at the backdrop of beautiful sunset, subtle wind caressing your skin as you quietly meditate -- if this feels anything like a perfect vacation, Mindful Places to Stay is just the book for you. Through captivating photography and easy reads, the visual pages unveil the most astonishing yoga and meditation retreats and stories behind them. Join Mindful Places to Stay in the discovery of peace and quiet in breathtaking spots scattered across the world.




Guide pratique d'électricité appliquée à l'automobile pour l'enseignement technique

Ce livre est une contribution à l'amélioration des connaissances en électricité automobile dans l'enseignement technique. C'est un ouvrage technique qui met en exergue, dans un langage simplifié, les connaissances théoriques et pratiques dans la filière électromécanique automobile. Les apprenants y trouveront également une gamme de photos et d'exercices multiples et variés avec corrections.



Sciences de la terre et de la

The Biomechanics of Insect Flight. Form, Function, Evolution

From the rain forests of Borneo to the tenements of Manhattan, winged insects are a conspicuous and abundant feature of life on earth. Here, Robert Dudley presents the first comprehensive explanation of how insects fly. The author relates the biomechanics of flight to insect ecology and evolution in a major new work of synthesis. The book begins with an overview of insect flight biomechanics. Dudley explains insect morphology, wing motions, aerodynamics, flight energetics, and flight metabolism within a modern phylogenetic setting. Drawing on biomechanical principles, he describes and evaluates flight behavior and the limits to flight performance. The author then takes the next step by developing evolutionary explanations of insect flight. He analyzes the origins of flight in insects, the roles of natural and sexual selection in determining how insects fly, and the relationship between flight and insect size, pollination, predation, dispersal, and migration. Dudley ranges widely - from basic aerodynamics to muscle physiology and swarming behavior - but his focus is the explanation of functional design from evolutionary and ecological perspectives. The importance of flight in the lives of insects has long been recognized but never systematically evaluated. This book addresses that shortcoming. Robert Dudley provides an introduction to insect flight that will be welcomed by students and researchers in biomechanics, entomology, evolution, ecology, and behavior.




Burmese Silver from the Colonial Period

This stunning catalogue presents an exceptional collection of rare Burmese silver. Accompanied by detailed photographs and explanatory texts, this ground-breaking book proposes a new way of looking at Burmese silver. Names, dates, places, and stories - identifying the who, when, where, and what of Burmese silver has been the focus of publications on the topic. Are these questions the best way to understand silver, however ? Alexandra Green argues that they are not. Too few pieces provide reliable information about silversmiths, production locations, and dates to allow for a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Instead, a close examination of silver patterns reveals strong links with Burmese art history reaching as far back as the Bagan period (11th to 13th centuries), connections with contemporary artistic trends, and participation within the wider world of silversmithing. The first European to write about Burmese silver was H L Tilly, a colonial official from the late 19th into the early 20th century. Tasked with collecting objects for various fairs and exhibitions, he took an interest in Burmese art, publishing articles and books from the 1880s onwards. While much of what he wrote was factually inaccurate and coloured by the prejudices and stereotypes common at the time, his two volumes on Burmese silver published in 1902 and 1904 contain pictures of pieces from the early to mid 19th century. These enable a reconstruction of how silver designs evolved as the country was absorbed into the Indian Raj, and British and other Westerners became consumers of local silver products. Tilly was also correct in his interest in silver designs. Green uses the visual information from his books to describe the continuities and innovations of designs found on silver from the mid 19th through the mid 20th century, and she places these trends within local, regional, and global flows of ideas. Many studies of Burmese silver have been plagued by a lack of understanding of the Burmese context. In contrast, Green examines silver from a local perspective, drawing on Burmese texts and information that allows for a nuanced view of the motifs, designs, and patterns that appear repetitively on silver pieces. Using Graham Honeybill's collection, formed over many years, as a basis, she explores how designs and patterns circulated around the country and were innovatively combined and recombined on pieces by silversmiths producing objects for Burmese, Western, and commercial clients.




Minecraft, la collection des guides. Le guide Nether & Ender ; Le guide Redstone ; Le guide Création ; Le guid Exploration

Ce coffret rassemble 4 guides fondamentaux pour maîtriser les bases du jeu et évoluer rapidement : - "Le guide Création" pour jouer en mode Créatif et savoir utiliser toutes les ressources de ce jeu en construisant tout ce que l'on peut imaginer. - "Le guide Exploration" pour jouer en mode Survie et connaître toutes les astuces pour survivre dans ce monde hostile et déjouer les attaques des monstres. - "Le guide Redstone" pour apprendre à se servir de cette ressource essentielle, à la fois source d'énergie et câble pour la conduire. - "Le guide Nether & Ender" pour réussir à parcourir sans dommage ces deux mondes parallèles redoutables où se trouve des ressources uniques.




Upper Crust : Homemade Bread the French Way. Recipes and techniques

An introduction to the French art of baking bread-including ingredient selection, levain cultivation, and bread-making techniques-with more than one hundred illustrated recipes. The humble baguette is the quintessential staple of French cuisine, but the country has a vast and diverse bread-baking tradition. With an introduction to the history of French bread, guidelines to help the home baker select the right ingredients - grain and flour varieties, water, salt, and levain-this book details the step-by-step techniques and fundamentals of bread making : from feeding the levain, kneading and preparing the dough, and baking, to more than 100 recipes. Eighteen expert bakers and pastry chefs share the sweet and savory recipes that have forged the French bakery's enviable reputation-from rounds of rustic pain de campagne or loaves of olive and oregano bread to regional favorites like fougasse or the Basque taloas tortillas. A new generation of bakers has expanded the classic French repertoire to include original creations-such as charcoal-sesame baguettes ; matcha swirl bread ; buckwheat and seaweed rolls ; and fig, hazelnut, and honey rye bread. In their French style, they also reinterpret heritage breads from across the world-including pita, focaccia, bagels, cheesy Georgian khachapuri, Swedish crispbread, and Indian chapati. Additional bread-based recipes include "surprise bread" finger sandwiches, croque monsieur, onion soup with cheese croutons, and desserts such as French toast and kouign-amann. For each recipe, pictograms indicate the level of difficulty, time and material required, and whether a recipe is gluten-free. This is the ultimate reference book for baking homemade bread the French way.



Littérature française

Absolument dé-on-to-lo-gi-que

Comment enseigner à vos enfants quand on enfreint la loi ? " Le chiffre, 1 162 850, représente l'effectif du personnel au ministère de l'Instruction Nationale. 296 350 exercent des fonctions administratives. 866 500 enseignent. Parmi ces enseignants, moi ". Des raisons qui l'ont poussé à choisir cette carrière, désormais sinistrée, à sa rencontre avec Rustaud, son proviseur aussi aimable et finaud qu'une porte de prison à Fresnes, Paul Graff combat avec un humour ravageur, toutes ces petites (et grandes) injustices du quotidien. Il nous explique comment on évince le professeur compétent au profit d'un contractuel totalement nul (aux frais du contribuable) ; les coulisses peu reluisantes de la répartition des classes ; ces collègues dangereux pour les élèves qu'on persiste à laisser devant eux ; les relations sexuelles à la limite de la pédophilie ; les coulisses de la salle des profs ; les rivalités d'ego qui tournent au pugilat ; le mépris de l'institution pour les élèves défavorisés ; le népotisme éhonté au profit d'enfants de collègues lors de la procédure d'affectation Parcourplus... Tout en fraîcheur, il dénonce aussi les dérives actuelles du numérique (à cent millions d'euros pour un système qui plante dès le premier confinement), les inspecteurs carriéristes totalement déconnectés du terrain, les pressions et menaces (parfois physiques) de la hiérarchie, les DRH incompétents, les syndicats gauchistes, plus préoccupés par leurs petits avantages que par la défense des collègues, les postes d'administratifs pléthoriques et inutiles... bref toutes ces aberrations qui font de l'IN le premier budget de la nation, pour des résultats pitoyables à l'international.



Littérature française

L'ombre du chardon : Fuki-no-tô

Atsuko est heureuse dans la petite ferme biologique dont elle a longtemps rêvé. Ses affaires vont bien, il lui faudra bientôt embaucher de l'aide. Quand son mari a accepté de quitter la ville pour partager avec sa famille cette vie à la campagne qui ne lui ressemble pas, elle a su reconnaître les sacrifices qu'il lui en coûtait. Mais une amie qui resurgit du passe la confronte elle aussi à des choix : Atsuko va devoir débroussailler son existence et ses désirs, aussi emmêlés qu'un bosquet de bambous non entretenu.



Romance sexy

Black's soldiers T4 - His to Protect

Albane travaille dans l'unité scientifique de la police de Fremont. Pour cette jeune femme au caractère flamboyant, rien n'est plus précieux que son indépendance. Alors, quand son frère, policier à Chicago, lui apprend qu'il l'a mise sous la protection d'un membre des Black's Soldiers, son sang ne fait qu'un tour. Hors de question de laisser un homme la protéger. Et encore moins un biker ! Cameron, alias Weasel, est l'informaticien des Black's Soldiers. Têtu et impulsif, il aime les histoires sans lendemain. Lorsque son ami Nolan lui demande de protéger sa soeur, il accepte immédiatement. Il sait que la tâche ne va pas être simple, car Albane est tout sauf docile. Mais la menace qui plane sur elle est de plus en plus forte. Et quand un homme s'introduit chez elle, l'évidence s'impose : il n'y a qu'au club qu'elle sera en sécurité. Contre sa volonté, le biker emmène la jeune femme avec lui. Cette cohabitation forcée n'est pas du tout au goût de Cameron qui, tiraillé entre la promesse faite à Nolan de ne pas toucher sa soeur et les charmes de la jeune femme, a de plus en plus de mal à résister. De son côté, Albane, loin d'être insensible au regard perçant du ténébreux biker, se met en tête de le rendre dingue. Comment résister aux charmes de cette furie aux yeux vert-de-gris et à la langue bien pendue ?



Calendriers adulte

Ma to-do list de la semaine

52 listes dédiées à tous ceux qui aiment s'organiser semaine après semaine ! Idéalement conçu pour un usage à la maison (à fixer au réfrigérateur grâce à sa bande aimantée au dos), le bloc propose pour chaque semaine : - Le planning de la semaine - La liste des choses à faire - Les choses urgentes à traiter - La liste des courses - Au verso, une page entière dédiée aux notes Titre à dater soi-même et à commencer quand on le souhaite.



Critique littéraire

The failed infanticide

Simply go through the pages of this piece of work and discover in all sincerity the story of a life, full of philosophy. It all started from the denial of a pregnancy in 1974 and the desire to share the course of my life. I confide in you today a piece of my story. I am sharing with you what I have lived so as to show you that a birth near death is not a fatality, if you walk with a determined step by converting your suffering into strength and courage, in order to be able to live and expand yourself.




Concepts bibliques clés

La collection PENSER & CROIRE présente 4 ouvrages alliant culture biblique, enseignement chrétien et apologétique. Ils visent à stimuler la réflexion chez les croyants comme chez les sceptiques. Ensemble, ils analysent comment Dieu s'est exprimé à travers la Bible, et en tirent les conséquences par rapport à la réalité de la vie contemporaine avec ses questions, ses problèmes, sa beauté et son potentiel. CONCEPTS BIBLIQUES CLES explore et clarifie les principaux termes et les concepts de base de la pensée chrétienne issue des Ecritures, offrant des éclairages concis et à la portée de chacun.



Critique littéraire

The truth about the Harry Quebert affair

In this clear and detailed reading guide, we've done all the hard work for you ! The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker is an admirable novel with an intoxicating plot mixing shady past and shifting present. It recounts the investigation of Marcus Goldman, a successful novelist, who attempts to clear the name of his former professor, accused of having murdered a young girl. This practical and insightful reading guide includes : - A complete plot summary - Character studies - Key themes and symbols - Questions for further reflection Why choose BrightSummaries. com ? Available in print and digital format, our publications are designed to accompany you in your reading journey. The clear and concise style makes for easy understanding, providing the perfect opportunity to improve your literary knowledge in no time. Shed new light on your favorite books with BrightSummaries. com !



Guides pratiques

Fast Talk French 5ed -anglais

Although you can get by in France without speaking the language, knowing just a few essential phrases can help you make friends, enjoy service with a smile, and discover richer, more rewarding travel experiences. Fast Talk French is the concise language guide that is guaranteed to get you talking with confidence. Taste your way around the cellars of Champagne, explore the sights of Paris, or grab that great shopping bargain. Essential phrases to meet all your travel needs How to get local recommendations Easy-to-use pronunciation guides Expert tips to boost your confidence



Santé de l'enfant

Guide de santé des 0 à 14 ans

Plus de 150 fiches classées par maux répondent à toutes vos questions. Quand consulter ? Comment réagir face à tel ou tel symptôme ? Comment attendre la venue du médecin ? Faut-il attendre ?Des pictos vous guident et des tableaux récapitulatifs détaillés répondent en un coup d'oeil à vos questions sur l'alimentation, le calendrier des vaccins, etc.



Sciences politiques

The European Union Transformed. Community Method and Institutional Evolution from the Schuman Plan to the Constitution for Europe

This book has established itself as one of the most concise and authoritative guides to the institutional development of the European Union. Covering the evolution from the original European Communities to the Constitution for Europe, Youri Devuyst introduces the reader to the divisions and dilemmas that have resulted in today's European Union. In doing so, the book provides much-needed clarification of the principles and practice behind the Union's institutions, decision-making and external relations. This knowledge is of crucial importance in grasping not just the Union's way of doing business but also the current debate on the future of the enlarged European Union and its new Constitution. Written in a clear and comprehensible style throughout, The European Union Transformed includes 20 topic-specific guides to further reading, making it the ideal source for all those who wish to understand the functioning of the European institutions.



Non classé

Ruling Class Men

What is it like to be a master of the universe ? The authors have researched the desires and fears of the world's most powerful men. The Murdochs, Packers, Kennedys, Agnellis and other men like them, directly determine the fates of thousands and influence the future of the world like no other people. Described as ‘sacred monsters' by one of their own, they are carefully created to be what they are and to enjoy shaping the world in their own likeness. To learn about these often reclusive men, the authors extended the life-history technique to interrogate autobiographies, diaries and biographies and have created a composite picture, a collective portrait, of tycoons over three generations. The book carefully explores the childhoods, schooling, work and play, sexual activities, marriages and deaths of the wealthiest men who have ever lived. It exposes the nature of ruling-class masculinity itself.




Keri-waza karate-do. Techniques de jambes

Ce livre constitue une approche pratique du travail de jambes en karate-dô. Il a été conçu pour vous permettre d'améliorer vos connaissances techniques et compétitives. Certaines personnes sont naturellement plus aptes que d'autres ; même pour celles-là, leur efficacité peut être améliorée par une assiduité constante à leur pratique. Ce livre est constitué de deux parties : une consacrée à la technique pure présentée par Jean-Pierre Lavorato (8e dan), une seconde par Pierre Blot (7e dan) pour la pratique en compétition. Ce livre est uniquement consacré aux jambes car depuis quelques années, cette technique, aussi bien en salle qu'en compétition, est totalement négligée, ce qui limite l'évolution générale du karate-dô.
