
guide librairie ind%C3%A9pendante



Non classé

Marriage and Divorce in the Plays of Hermann Sudermann

This study investigates Sudermann's plays from a socio-historical and literary-historical perspective. His plays are a response to a crisis of marriage. That crisis had its roots in the Romantic period and came to a head when the conservative Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch was introduced in 1900. Of particular significance is Es lebe das Leben (1902). The manuscripts of this play reveal that here Sudermann moved from a Realist treatment of marital difficulties to an exploration of the crisis of the realist literary system and a search for a Modernist treatment of divorce. His plays on marriage, divorce, courtship and the problems of single men and women constitute a sustained attempt to modify or at times radically to challenge the presentation of marriage in the Realist literary system.




Issues in the Philosophy of Language Past and Present

In the light of contemporary perspectives a good deal of traditional philosophical thought can be read as relating to the issue of 'Language versus Reality'. The chapters of this book vindicate this claim ; bringing together thinkers different both in temperament and interests like Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Aquinas, Heidegger and Gadamer they suggest that some of their major tenets reflect conceptual assumptions concerning linguistic meaning and reference. In trying to both identify and elucidate the assumptions at stake the author shows, both historically and systematically, that some of the problems experienced in the past as well as much of our contemporary concern with the same issue form a continuous line and a common endeavour ; and they have not yet come to an end.



Non classé

Variation and Diachrony, with Early American English in Focus

This study of diachronic variation addresses two topics, the development of modal auxiliaries can (could), may (might), shall (should) and will (would), and the emergence of early American English as a new variety in the seventeenth century. Within the framework of socio-historical variation analysis, the author aims at accounting for diachronic change by examining the interplay of various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the light of evidence drawn from various corpora. The study concentrates on the language spoken and written in the New England area between 1620 and 1720, but to widen the scope in time and region, counterparts for comparison are found in the material included in the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts. The results indicate a gradual change (rather than a sudden re-structuring) in the system of the English modals from early stages on. Cumulative evidence is found for the rise of the forms can and will ; in early American English conservative (rather than innovative) tendencies characterize the development.



Non classé

The best Approximation and Optimization in Locally Convex Spaces

This book presents several new results on the best simultaneous approximation in locally convex spaces. The concept of nuclear cone is systematically used to establish some interesting relations with Pareto optimization and the duality for vectorial optimization programs with multifunctions.



Non classé

Frontier and Utopia in the Fiction of Charles Sealsfield

This study examines the work of Charles Sealsfield (1793-1864), the Moravian-American writer, whose fiction marked the first serious literary treatment of America in the German language. More specifically, Sealsfield's work is discussed in the light of his experience in America and, above all, in the light of his change of identity from Karl Anton Postl - Moravian monk to Charles Sealsfield - American writer. It employs two concepts - frontier and utopia - to show how Sealsfield was influenced by the antebellum tradition in America, and how he, in turn, used the governing myths and symbols of his time to create an important statement about the relationship between ideology and power in the Age of Jackson.



Non classé

Ambivalence and Irony in the Works of Joseph Roth

Did Joseph Roth, the socialist, revolutionary and sceptic, become a monarchist, reactionary and believer ? This work attributes the contradictory manifestations in the life and personality of Roth to the attitude of ambivalence and irony that characterised him and his generation. The historical and intellectual situation that led to the dominance of this attitude and Roth's susceptibility to it due to the circumstances of his life are discussed. A meticulous study of Roth's letters, journalistic work and novels follows substantiating the thesis advanced.



Non classé

Black and White Speech in the Southern United States

This study compares the pronunciation of the stressed vowel nuclei of black and white southerners interviewed for the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States. The informants from Maryland (two pairs), Virginia (seven pairs), and North Carolina (seven pairs), were all interviewed in the period 1933-1939 by a single field worker, Guy S. Lowman, Jr., and were matched as closely as possible for age, education, social class, and geographical proximity. The principal findings of the study are that systematic differences exist between black and white speakers in the pronunciation of the stressed vowels, on the phonic or subphonemic level. This is the same type of variation that is used to characterize dialect differences in the United States. The differences in speech, however, while systematic, are not categorical : i.e., there are no speech features examined that exist solely for black or white speakers. Another finding was that regional variation in speech was less apparent for black speakers than for white speakers.



Non classé

Participation and Litigation Rights of Environmental Associations in Europe

This book assembles the revised papers of an international conference and thus offers a comprehensive comparative overview of the participation and litigation rights of environmental associations in Europe. This is supplemented by a compilation of the relevant statutory law in force. Besides the legal background, the focus of interest is above all on practical experience with participation and litigation rights from the point of view of the environmental associations.The contributions show that the effectivity of group actions is extremely high. In none of the analysed countries were there the slightest indications of any undue strain being placed on the judicial system by this instrument. There can be no doubt that the participation and litigation rights of environmental organizations are important instruments in reducing the enforcement deficit in environmental protection. With a view to the fact that Europe is growing more and more into one entity, the need of participation of environmental NGO's on the European level becomes a pressing necessity.



Objets d'art, collection

The Wider Goldsmiths' Trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London

The Wider Goldsmiths' Trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London is the first book to study all aspects of the Goldsmiths' trade. It challenges the assumption that the manufacture of silver plate and gold jewellery was the company's only activity during the seventeenth century. It considers allied trades such as refining, wiredrawing, and the making of small-swords and watches, as well as the development of the modern banking system. On Elizabeth I's accession, England was essentially a 'third world economy', with exports mainly of wool, unfinished woolen cloth and some minerals, whilst imports consisted of a great range of goods including luxuries such as silks, fine linens, and even scissors. By the end of the seventeenth century, the situation was transformed : a burgeoning maritime trade with many parts of the world enabled the import of raw materials as well as some luxury goods and a wide range of exports which included certain goods produced in London with an international reputation for quality, such as beaver hats and mathematical instruments. Throughout the period, religious refugees and economic migrants brought their skills and knowledge to England. At the Restoration, Royalists returning to London from the Continent introduced French and Low Country fashions in dress, manners, cuisine and dining practice. Refining, wiredrawing, and the making of plate, smallwares and jewellery were at the heart of the trade and of concern to the Goldsmiths' Company that had responsibility for ensuring that the correct alloys were used for silver and gold wares. This was not always the case for clocks, watches and swords. Nevertheless, they are included in this study as several members of the Company were instrumental in the development of clock and watch making in the city. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, the great increase in the sale of watches with gold and silver cases forced the Company to become involved in the control of this trade. Similarly, after the Civil Wars, the wearing of the small-sword by all those with aspirations to gentility gave rise to a demarcation dispute between the Goldsmiths' and Cutlers' Companies. Further, during the Commonwealth, goldsmith-bankers developed the clearing system which led to modern retail banking. This book considers the wider Goldsmiths' trade against dynamic changes : the organization and control of its branches and the design, manufacture and sale of its wares. The twelve chapters cover a range of topics - from history and context, to the various branches of the trade.



Non classé

Friendship and Love in the Middle English Metrical Romances

"Friendship and Love in the Middle English Metrical Romances" groups together a representative cross-section of the genre, according to variants of love relationships, and to ideas of friendship. The horizontal and the vertical structure of the relatonship are tripartite. The horizontal stages are attraction, separation-testing-trial, and reunion, the vertical spheres are the personal, social/political, and religious. All relationships fail into two types, the restorative-concordant and the innovative-discordant. These are defined by the relative position of the partners in the social-political sphere of their relationship. The groups of relationship are defined by the initially more active partner : forward heroine, fairy mistress, forward hero, mutual love, married love ; friendship, lords and retainers. Surveys of the Insular understanding of courtly love, and of Caxton's prose romances, complement the findings.



Histoire internationale

Private Life and Communist Morality in Khrushchev’s Russia

Drawing on previously inaccessible records, this book discusses love, sex, marriage, divorce, and child-rearing during Khrushchev's "thaw" of the 1950s and early 1960s. It analyses the Soviet government's attempts to supervise private life and enforce communist morality, and it describes the diverse ways in which people responded to official prescriptions. Written in a lively and accessible style, this book provides an innovative exploration of the interactions between Soviet ideology and everyday life.





As Linux continues to rapidly gain market share as an alternative to the Microsoft Windows operating system, a comprehensive guide to its most frequently used functions is needed. George Doss provides such a reference with Learn Red Hat Linux OS Tips. This book is a compilation of questions and brief, precise answers covering a broad range of subjects, including administration, commands, hardware, installation, networking, and man pages. An innovative two-part table directs readers to particular chapters according to beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels, and also lists major topics with associated chapters and appendices. The appendices include support documentation such as the table of contents for many HOWTOs and listings of man pages by category. Introductory as well as experienced Linux users will find this book invaluable in improving their efficiency using this popular operating system. These tips cover: > Installation > Major commands and operators > HOWTOs > Man pages > File and directory administration > X and X11 functions > Applications > Internet and intranet operations > Network packaging and configuration issues > Key utilities and operators for using the shell > Components of the global Linux community > Major sources of documentation > Tcl/Tk



Histoire de l'art

A History of Arcadia in Art and Literature: Volume II. Later Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism

Longtemps attendu et extrêmement bien accueilli, A History of Arcadia de Paul Holberton constitue l'examen approfondi et minutieux d'un grand nombre de textes originaux de poésie pastorale classique des époques moderne et contemporaine, de littérature et de théâtre en grec ancien, en latin, en italien, en français, en espagnol, en portugais, en néerlandais, en allemand et en anglais et d'un large éventail d'images prenant fin juste avant 1800. L'ouvrage analyse le développement de la pastorale comme moyen de représentation du bonheur humain sur Terre à travers la cour réciproque entre un garçon et une fille, et leurs sentiments auxquels la pastorale de l'époque donne voix. This tremendous book is an iconographic study of Renaissance and Baroque pastoral and related subject matter, with an important chapter on the 18th century, both in the visual arts, where pastoral is very poorly understood, and in words and performance, about which many false preconceptions prevail. The study begins with Virgil's use of Theocritus and an analysis of what basis Virgil provided for Renaissance pastoral and what, by contrast, stemmed from the medieval pastourelle. Pastoral developed notably in the Venetian High Renaissance. Its texts incorporated Petrarchist and Neoplatonic ideas of love, of which this book charts the development and evolution with unprecedented precision, considering also the female nude in art. There is a novel and polemical discussion of the development of landscape subjects in art, from Giorgione to Claude. The contributions of the most influential or representative authors - Petrarch, Sannazaro, Montemayor, Tasso, Guarino, Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Honoré d'Urfé, Cornelis de Hooft, Shakespeare and lastly Salomon Gessner - are considered beside many interesting more minor ones - Arsocchi, Bernardim Ribeiro, Clément Marot, Cieco d'Adria, John Fletcher, Fontenelle - and the verses of madrigals. There is a chapter on 'Being Rural' - what we can say about the reality of life in the country in the early modern period. There is a chapter on 'Et in Arcadia Ego' that introduces new evidence for the dating of Poussin's famous work by reference to a neglected work by Sébastien Bourdon in Yale ; another on a pastoral composition by Rubens that has not been considered as such. There is an important and bold discussion of self-projection ('metachronic' representation) by monarchs and courtiers across Europe in the 17th century, both within pastoral and without, which illuminates profound differences between Protestant and Catholic culture. Coming from the study of earlier periods, the author is able to throw new light on the Rococo - figures such as John Gay, Watteau, Gessner and Gainsborough - and to explain the termination of pastoral writing and art with the embrace of modernity in form and means of expression. All texts are given in the original language and all translated into English, while the visuals are beautifully reproduced : the book is also an anthology.



Non classé

Benedict Nta Tanka's Commentary and Dramatized Ideas on «Disease and Witchcraft in our Society»

For the first time, autobiographical notes of an African on his own psychosis are presented in print. Mr. Tanka's experiences are related to problems of his environment, characterized by cultural change. Information on his tribe, the Menka, and psychiatric comments provide the necessary background for the notes. The course of Mr. Tanka's illness, followed for twelve years, illustrates results of the International Pilot Study on Schizophrenia (IPSS) of the WHO that schizophrenia in patients from traditional cultures often has a favourable prognosis.



Guides pratiques

Japanese Phrasebook & Dictionary 10ed - Anglais

Lonely Planet's Japanese Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Japanese phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Learn your sushi from your sake, enjoy an elaborate tea ceremony and navigate elaborate transit maps ; all with your trusted travel companion. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation ! Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meanings Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's JapanesePhrasebook and Dictionary : Full-colour throughout User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cues Convenient features 5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go 10 Ways to Start a Sentence 10 Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For - phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases QandA - suggested answers to questions asked Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodation, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice : Lonely Planet'sJapanese Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance ; great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture.



Guides pratiques

French Phrasebook & Dictionary 8ed - Anglais

Lonely Planet's French Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful French phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Order tasty cheeses, talk wine with the locals and seek out hidden villages ; all with your trusted travel companion. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation ! Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meanings Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's FrenchPhrasebook and Dictionary : Full-colour throughout User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cues Convenient features 5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go 10 Ways to Start a Sentence 10 Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For - phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases QandA - suggested answers to questions asked Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodation, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice : Lonely Planet'sFrench Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance ; great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture.



Littérature française

La plus belle des raisons

Niels est journaliste pour le magazine Lisez donc. Sa spécialité, réaliser des articles sur les innombrables librairies nichées dans les coeurs de villes et villages, au détour de ruelles. Lorsqu'il interviewe Masha, libraire passionnée de quarante ans, il lui apprend malgré lui une nouvelle qui pourrait bien provoquer la mort de la petite boutique. Touché par sa peine et son amour des livres, il décide de monter un plan d'attaque et d'embarquer Masha dans une "opération sauvetage"...



Anglais apprentissage

Commercially speaking. Workbook

Commercially Speaking is an elementary to pre-intermediate level course in language and communication skills for students on vocational courses. It will be especially useful to those working towards a qualification to help them find work in a commercial environment where they will need to use some English. There is a strong focus on commercial correspondence and telephoning skills, which are practised within a realistic framework designed to reflect the situations students will meet on entering the workplace. This Workbookfollows the syllabus of the Student's Book, with greater emphasis on reading and writing tesks, and activities which can be carried out for homework or as extension activities in the classroom. Material from authentic sources is included where appropriate. Answers to Workbook exercises are included at the end of the corresponding unit in the Teacher's Book. The complete course comprises the Student's Book, this Workbook, a Teacher's Bookwith a complimentary diskand photocopiable progress tests, and one audio cassette.



Littérature française

Le salon

L'histoire inclassable d'un homme qui, en découvrant la littérature à trente-neuf ans, fait connaissance avec la vie. " Vous connaissez une personne, vous, qui a lu La Tentation de saint Antoine ? " Le malentendu commence devant le bac à un euro d'une librairie de quartier. Le narrateur de cette histoire ne saurait expliquer pourquoi ce livre l'appelle, mais il tend une pièce au libraire pour que Gustave Flaubert ne fasse plus le trottoir. Le malentendu se poursuit chez un styliste visagiste où notre héros, à la faveur d'un mauvais coup de tondeuse, se retrouve dans l'obligation de rembourser une dette colossale. Sans un sou dans le portefeuille, mais persuadé du trésor que contient son livre de poche, il propose de faire salon littéraire dans ledit salon de coiffure. Le Salon est l'histoire inclassable et enchanteresse d'un éveil à la vie par le biais de la littérature, sur fond de relation triangulaire entre un coiffeur autodidacte, un libraire au grand coeur, et un adolescent... de trente-neuf ans.




Soul of Lisbonne. Guide des 30 meilleures expériences

La collection " Soul of " est une nouvelle approche de l'art du voyage, faite de vagabondages, de rencontres fortuites, d'expériences inoubliables. Des guides pour ceux qui veulent pousser les portes secrètes d'une ville, capter les battements de son coeur, en phosphorer les moindres recoins pour atteindre son âme. DANS CE GUIDE VOUS NE TROUVEREZ PAS - L'itinéraire du Tram 28 - L'adresse de l'ascenseur Santa Justa - Le dîner-fado le plus touristique EN REVANCHE, DANS CE GUIDE VOUS TROUVEREZ - Des champignons hallucinants (à défaut d'être hallucinogènes) - Un cocktail à remonter le temps - Le plaisir de courser les nuages /courir-contempler - Une fête grande comme un palais - Cinquante nuances de vert au milieu de la ville - Le faim mot sur la morue - Le 06 du libraire venu d'un autre monde - Un dîner clandé - Le palmier qui peut vous faire prendre l'avion - Où trinquer avec un vieux de la vieille




Coloriages codés Moyenne Section. Spécial lettres

Grâce à des activités simples et efficaces et à sa progression syllabique, ce cahier permet une entrée facile dans la première phase de la lecture : l'association d'un son son à chaque lettre, et la reconnaissance des sons dans les mots.




Le secret des Enfants-Rouges

En ce jour d'avril 1892, à Paris, toute l'équipe de la librairie de la rue des Saints-Pères est sens dessus dessous ! L'appartement de Kenji Mori, l'associé et père adoptif de Victor Legris, vient d'être cambriolé. Mais, fait étrange, les voleurs n'ont emporté qu'une coupe exotique sans valeur. Bientôt, le libraire enquêteur va découvrir combien cet objet attise les convoitises... Dans un Paris hanté par la peur des attentats terroristes, au lendemain de l'arrestation d'un certain Ravachol, Victor Legris est entraîné dans une enquête en forme de cache-cache fatal qui le conduira jusque dans le milieu des chiffonniers parisiens et au cœur du quartier des Enfants-Rouges.




Objets mécaniques, circuits électriques simples CE-CM. Avec 1 CD-ROM

24 séquences, soit près de 50 séances détaillées et réalistes. Des projets complets et précis, directement exploitables, pour mettre en oeuvre facilement les nouveaux programmes de l'école dans les domaines de la découverte du Monde, des sciences et de la technologie.



Littérature française


" Vous connaissez une personne, vous, qui a lu La Tentation de saint Antoine ? " Le malentendu commence devant le bac à un euro d'une librairie de quartier. Le narrateur de cette histoire ne saurait expliquer pourquoi Il tend une pièce au libraire pour que Gustave Flaubert ne fasse plus le trottoir. Le malentendu se poursuit chez un styliste visagiste où notre héros, à la faveur d'un mauvais coup de tondeuse, se retrouve dans l'obligation de rembourser une dette colossale. Sans un sou dans le portefeuille, mais persuadé du trésor que contient son livre de poche, il propose de faire salon littéraire dans ledit salon de coiffure.


Littérature érotique

122 rue du Chemin-Vert

Anne a depuis l'enfance un don particulièrement encombrant : elle entend les pensées sexuelles des gens. Devenue journaliste parisienne, elle a réussi à occulter cette faculté, mais s'en trouve à nouveau investie lorsqu'elle se rend dans une librairie érotique pour écrire un article. Tout d'abord accablée par ces images qui la propulsent dans la vie intime de ceux qu'elle croise, la jeune femme tente d'apprendre à maîtriser cette aptitude pour le moins perturbante. C'est avec l'aide d'une vieille dame, d'un arbre et d'un libraire qu'elle réussira à vaincre ses préjugés et magnifier cette apparente malédiction.



Contes et nouvelles

Aïcha et les 40 lecteurs. Scènes d'une vie de libraire

C'est une jeune femme de notre temps ; c'est un comptable, c'est une bibliothécaire, c'est un père empli de fierté pour sa fille : ce sont une soixantaine de portraits sensibles, parfois drôles, toujours justes. Ce sont les clients qui passent la porte de la librairie de Willy Hahn. Libraire indépendant, Willy Hahn nous offre avec ces portraits un aperçu de son métier, et l'incroyable richesse que lui offrent les lecteurs qui franchissent son seuil. Ses textes courts nous font aimer sans retenue, moquer sans méchanceté, ils nous font rire et réfléchir. Aux rencontres que Willy Hahn partage avec nous, on mesure combien les libraires ne sont pas juste des marchands de livres. Ce petit recueil fait un bien fou.



Enseignement primaire

Méthode de lecture syllabique Pilotis CP. Guide pédagogique, Edition 2019

Conforme aux programmes 2018 : La partie "apprentissage du code" Les activités orales et écrites introductives aux leçons(manipulation de sons, de syllabes, de mots, comptines, jeux...). Le travail sur le graphème et le geste graphique. Les activités de combinatoire, de déchiffrage et de fluence. La partie "lecture-compréhension" L'exploitation détaillée de chacun des albums. Des propositions pour construire un réseau autour du thème étudié. Des pistes de différenciation, notamment sur la quantité d'écrit.



Enseignement primaire

Maths tout terrain CP Cycle 2. Guide pédagogique, Edition 2019

Les ressources numériques pour le professeur. Le fichier numérique : La licence du fichier numérique est offerte aux enseignants qui choisissent le fichier pour leurs élèves. Le site ressources : De nombreuses ressources à télécharger gratuitement.



Enseignement primaire

Méthode Heuristique Mathématiques CP. Guide des séances + Ressources, Edition 2019

Cette pochette comprend : le guide des séances : la présentation détaillée des 160 séances ; la programmation de cycle ; les ressources : le matériel individuel et collectif pour chaque séance sous forme de fiches à photocopier.



Enseignement primaire

Méthode de lecture Guide pédagogique CP. Unités 17 à 28

Ce guide propose : - la présentation de la démarche et des fiches types pour la conduite des activités des unités 17 à 27 correspondant aux trois albums (à partir de février). Sur le site www. atiredaile-hatier. com vous pourrez également télécharger gratuitement ce guide ainsi que des ressources pédagogiques.
