
The Fighter : For chance



Lectures graduées

Death of a Salesman

Willy Loman is a salesman who believes in the American Dream. He has spent his whole career on the road, going all over New England to sell products. At sixty, he is far from retiring : he needs to keep on working to earn money in order to pay his mortgage and loans. But he does not sell as much as he used to and struggles to make ends meet. His relationship with his elder son, Biff, is chaotic : he does not understand why his son does not live up to his expectations. Thus, they fight all the time. But at the heart of the tension between them lies a secret that only the two of them know... Death of a Salesman explores the depth and complexity of human relationships and shows what happens when a man gets lost in his own dreams.




Hardy's Wessex. The landscapes that inspired a writer

This fascinating book tells the story of Thomas Hardy's Wessex. Accompanying a multi-venue exhibition, it explores Hardy's life and work. Internationally-acclaimed writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is best known for his evocative depictions of the West Country landscape and its people, a region that he called 'Wessex'. What is less well-known is that this landscape also inspired him in many other aspects of his life, from campaigning for animal welfare to questioning the way society viewed women. This publication accompanies a blockbuster, multi-venue exhibition of the largest collection of Thomas Hardy memorabilia ever to be displayed at once. Hardy was born in the West Country, a few years after Queen Victoria came to the throne, and spent most of the rest of his life among its landscapes and people. When he turned writer, these landscapes and people re-emerged as his 'partly-real, partlydream country' of Wessex, in novels like Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Far from the Madding Crowd and Jude the Obscure. 'Hardy's Wessex' now conjures up a range of mental images : from raging seas on the coast to haunting ancient monuments, Victorian towns packed with life to peaceful hillsides grazed by sheep. However, through Hardy's 87-year life span, the West Country changed dramatically. Ideas of the role of women, humans' responsibility to animals, the realities of war, love and courtship, superstition, social structure, religion and how people related to the world around them altered fundamentally. Through his stories and campaigning, Hardy was keen to show not only the rural idyll, but also the tensions and diffi culties that lay beneath these views. These dramatic landscapes were the lens through which Hardy presented his worldview to his readership. From the tragedy of a woman saying farewell to her sailorlover on the end of Portland Bill, to a shepherd losing his flock and facing ultimate ruin on the chalky hills. The landscapes shape his characters, whose stories in turn convey his messages of social change to his readers. This publication will explore the impact that Wessex had on Hardy's works, and how living there shaped his views on the often divisive social issues of the period. Uniting beautiful landscape imagery with a selection of personal items from Hardy's life, this book will show you the man behind the literature.




Integral Bridges. A fundamental approach to the time-temperature loading problem

Integral bridges have become increasingly popular in the UK over recent years. Problems and costs associated with failed expansion joints in conventional bridges not only make integral bridges a cost-effective option but also means they have longer lifespans that their counterparts. The Highways Agency standards now require that, wherever possible, all new bridges of less than 60 m length should be of integral form. The growing importance of integral bridges has highlighted the need for more information and guidance to assist in improving bridge design. This book presents the results of research commissioned by the Highways Agency into the thermally induced soil/structure interaction created by environmental temperature changes and the associated cyclical displacements imposed on the granular backfill of bridge abutments. It : develops a better theoretical understanding of temperature-induced cyclic displacements ; in particular the strain ratcheting in backfill soil in contact with a 'stiff' structure, identifies the governing soil parameters and examines their influence, develops numerical modelling procedures to predict soil behaviour, identifies and quantifies the controlling features of bridge structures relevant to the interaction problem This book provides essential information for bridge designers to aid their understanding of the cyclical changes in backfill pressures and settlement due to diurnal and annual changes in bridge deck temperature - a crucial factor when designing integral bridges.



Littérature française


The mere fact of existing is already a battle of every moment, but that of being born a woman is seen as the most arduous of battles, in a society that considers women not only less than men, but below men. The simple attributes devolved to human being are sometimes denied to them, under the indifferent eye of the society. Who is to blame for this general contemptuous attitude vis-à-vis the woman ? The man ? Society ? Or the woman herself ? Woman parenthood, excision, rape, sexual harassment, the prison, early marriages and widowhood are core points tackled in the seven short stories of this book where the main characters ; Micheline, Amina, Jenaëlle, Ann-Lise, Lucie, Violet and Bernadette shall each take the reader through their stories using their own words. Based on true stories, these fictions are a personal move to throw more light on the stumbling blocks faced by the woman in her struggle for optimal fulfillment. Through the life stories clearly depicted in this book, most readers can picture their own lives, the lives of a mother, a sister, a friend or a daughter. Two objectives constitute the backbone of this book ; draw attention on the way the woman is perceived by the African society and Cameroon in particular and raise awareness in the woman so that she can come to understand that the key to her destiny lies within herself and nowhere else. Hence the need to portray womanhood as society sees it : a handicap.




Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan

From serious illness to natural disasters, humans turn to communication as a major source of strength to help us bounce back and to keep growing and thriving. Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan addresses the various ways in which communication plays an important role in fostering hope and resilience. Adopting a lifespan approach and offering a new framework to expand our understanding of the concepts of "hope" and "resilience" from a communication perspective, contributors highlight the variety of "stressors" that people may encounter in their lives. They examine connections between the cognitive dimensions of hope such as self-worth, self-efficacy, and creative problem solving. They look at the variety of messages that can facilitate or inhibit experiencing hope in relationships, groups, and organizations. Other contributors look at how communication that can build strengths, enhance preparation, and model successful adaptation to change has the potential to lessen the negative impact of stress, demonstrating resilience. As an important counterpoint to recent work focusing on what goes wrong in interpersonal relationships, communication that has the potential to uplift and facilitate responses to stressful circumstances is emphasized throughout this volume. By offering a detailed examination of how to communicate hope and resilience, this book presents practical lessons for individuals, marriages, families, relationship experts, as well as a variety of other practitioners.




Gladky's Art Deco Patterns and Designs in Full Color

Architect, designer and world traveler, Serge Gladky was a major figure in the rise of the modernist aesthetic and the decorative style known as Art Deco. In that style, he created a series of compositions widely regarded as among the most inspired and innovative in modem design. Among them are intricate lattice works of geometric inspired motifs, bizarre compositions containing surreal animals and images, bold abstracts, mysterious collages of symbolic forms and shapes, whimsical Cubist-flavored constructions resembling heads, and much more. This beautiful volume, faithfully reprinted in glowing full color from rare original French portfolios, contains over 60 of Gladky's finest designs. A landmark achievement in the evolution of a great international design style, the patterns are now available for the first time to artists and craftspeople for copyright-free use in design and craft projects. Because of Gladky's far-ranging travels and studies throughout Asia and Eastern Europe, his designs and use of color brought a new and potent exoticism to the essentially Western European, Paris-centered Art Deco aesthetic. His striking originality and innovative conceptions are on display here, ready to delight and inspire artists, illustrators and craftspeople, who will find Gladky's work one of the most imaginative and beautifully wrought achievements in 20th-century design.



Non classé

German-Irish Corporate Relationships

The book addresses the question of whether, in an age of internationalisation and globalisation, cultural differences are still relevant to German-Irish corporate relationships ? The first three chapters establish the theoretical framework for the analysis by exploring the notion of culture, profiling the business cultures of both countries, and examining existing approaches to the study of parent company-foreign subsidiary relationships. In the following three chapters, using interviews carried out with two sample groups (fifteen German parent companies and fourteen of their Irish operations ; seven Irish parent companies and nine of their German operations), the parent companies in both groups are examined to see whether they demonstrate characteristics which are in keeping with their national business cultures. Their foreign operations are then analysed as is the parent company-foreign subsidiary relationship to determine whether any parent company influences are visible. The general approaches adopted by the two groups of parent companies to their foreign operations are compared and contrasted. Finally differences in national attitudes and values are identified and their impact assessed.




Classroom for Heroes - The Return of the Former Brave Tome 11 : Avec 1 planche de stickers exclusifs

Demain, c'est l'anniversaire d'Earnest ! Et qui dit "anniversaire", dit "cadeau". Mais pour acheter un cadeau à sa belle, Blade va devoir gagner de l'argent pour la première fois de sa vie ! Il sera donc "homme à tout faire" et vendra ses services sur la place publique. Parviendra-t-il à satisfaire ses futurs clients sans dévoiler sa qualité d'ex-brave ? Après l'anniversaire, le mariage ! En effet, l'Impératrice de l'académie Rosewood a décidé de dire "oui" à un charmant prince venu d'une contrée lointaine ! Blade restera-t-il de marbre devant ce projet de noces princières ? Tout est possible dans le monde complètement déjanté de l'Académie Rosewood !



Ecrits sur l'art

Seeing loud. Basquiat and music

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, New York City was financially and socially bankrupt, but the art and music scene was flourishing. During these years, the downtown New York music scene - no wave, hip-hop, disco funk and club culture - shaped Jean-Michel Basquiat as both a musician and an artist. This catalog for a traveling exhibition explores how Basquiat's painting has parallels in his music (sampling, cut-up, rapping), and takes a new look at his production as a writer and a poet in light of his connections with the then-emerging hip-hop culture. This beautifully illustrated exhibition catalog of rarely seen photographs and images sheds new light on Basquiat as a musician, exploring how his art and music are related, and how they reflect on his identity as a Black artist in the United States, the downtown New York music scene, and contemporary culture.



Mouvements artistiques

Real Families. Stories of Change

What is a family ? And how is family experienced ? These questions, explored through artists' eyes, are at the heart of the exhibition, Real Families : Stories of Change, a collaboration between the Fitzwilliam Museum and the University of Cambridge Centre for Family Research. The book provides a catalogue of the exhibition in four sections, containing twelve illuminating essays that discuss the concept of the family. Real Families : Stories of Change focuses on art produced in the past 50 years, a period of significant change in how families are created and structured, with historical works woven into the exhibition to examine what is genuinely new, and what has remained the same, about the family. The catalogue includes reproductions of paintings, photography and sculpture. In the first section, 'What is a Family ? ', artists portray new forms of family, including families formed by assisted reproduction and families with LGBTQ+ parents, as well as families affected by divorce, adoption and infertility. The works prompt viewers to consider stereotyped beliefs about what makes a family and society's prejudice against childlessness. Second, 'Family Transitions' starts with artists' representations of motherhood, followed by an examination of the positive role that fathers play. Works on siblings speak to the dynamic and intense relationships that exist between siblings, and those on grandparents and grandchildren highlight the benefit of having each other in their lives. Artists also convey their complex feelings about their ageing parents. 'Family Dynamics' explores positive and negative relationships between couples, parents and children, and extended family, with works that foreground affection and rejection, comfort and conflict, enmeshment, estrangement and not fitting in. The works also examine the wider social, cultural and political influences on family relationships. Finally, 'Family Legacies' highlights the importance to many people of a sense of connection and belonging. This section explores the transmission of family from one generation to the next through genetic inheritance, social and cultural practices, language and objects, which can forge emotional connections and give rise to family memories.



Littérature française

La jangada. .

"La Jangada" is a novel written by the renowned French author Jules Verne. This adventure novel is part of Verne's extraordinary voyages series and features the Amazon River as its central setting. The story follows the journey of a Brazilian family aboard the riverboat Jangada. As they navigate the mighty Amazon River, they encounter various adventures, challenges, and mysteries. The novel combines elements of exploration, adventure, and romance as the characters explore the exotic and dangerous landscapes of the Amazon rainforest. "La Jangada" is known for its vivid descriptions of the Amazon River and the surrounding environment, offering readers a captivating and immersive experience of this unique setting.



Livres 0-3 ans

The discovery of magic

Queen Vispa and King Dungammei are the beloved rulers of their respective kingdoms. The two territories live in harmony, sharing a temple that crosses their mutual border, but they pray to different gods and have little in common outside of geography. The monarchs seem an unlikely pair, but when each violates the rules of the temple - one by entering the temple as a woman, and the other by praying to the other kingdom's god - both find themselves abandoned by their people, deciding soon after to declare the approval and presence of both gods in their hearts, as well as their love for each other. The King and Queen's subjects also abandon the shared temple, leaving it to the disobedient pair and building separate temples in their own territories. The monarchs' happy life together is, however, short-lived, as Queen Vispa dies upon giving birth to their child Delarai. The King is urged to repent and return to his kingdom. He complies, leaving princess Delarai with Magi, a nurse from a remote village, to raise her. Delarai rows up in near isolation, far from other people, spending most of her time among flowers and animals of the beautiful temple garden. Meanwhile, battles rage between the two kingdoms following the King's return. Delaware, a son begotten to the King and his next wife, gets badly wounded some years later in an attempt to stop the fighting. On his deathbed, the Prince insists on being taken to the forbidden temple to be buried there. The King, though ill himself, agrees to fulfill his son's dying wish. It is there where Delarai, having become quite an expert at herbal remedies, comes to their aid, preparing a special potion while praying to the temple's two gods in her nurse Magi's native language. As Delarai completes the life-saving act of curing the Prince, she tries to call for Magi, but the word that leaves her lips is "magic". Those who witness the event soon spread the word, and Delarai becomes recognized across both kingdoms as the creator of magic. The King, however, succumbs to old age, imparting his last kernel of wisdom unto his daughter : the two temple gods are one and the same. With this knowledge and their newfound inner strength, Delarai and Delaware unify the two kingdoms, and live happily ever after.




The Turkish Boudoir of Marie Antoinette and Joséphine at Fontainebleau

Ten years apart, Marie Antoinette gives to Fontainebleau two jewels made by the greatest artists of her time : the Turkish boudoir (1777) and the silver boudoir (1786). In these homes of retirement, the queen escapes the label of the Court and combines a fancy Orient with the expression of the most extravagant novelties. The craze for turqueries did not fade in the early nineteenth century and the Empress Joséphine moved a few years later in this women's shelter offering a new sparkle to this universe of the Thousand and One Nights. She had a sumptuous and atypical furniture, which combines mahogany and gilded bronzes with lamé fabrics, embroidered and fringed with gold. After a painstaking restoration, the graceful carved, painted and gilded paneling of Marie Antoinette's boudoir is once again the setting for Joséphine's luxurious furniture. Nestled in a corner of the ancestral castle of Fontainebleau, the Turkish boudoir is the only decoration of its kind preserved in France and one of the most exceptional sets of furniture created for Joséphine.



Non classé

Portraits of Women in Selected Works of Gabriele Reuter

Known primarily for the novel, Aus guter Familie, Gabriele Reuter has not yet been accorded the attention she deserves for her contribution to German literature in general and women's writing in particular. The precisely observed portraits of women in the novels discussed in this volume allow us to experience the complex interplay of societal norms and individual needs which shape feminine existence. Among the themes treated are misguided motherhood, the virtue of the unwed mother, the conflict between the will to be and the need to love and be loved, woman's role in the political sphere and a comparison of womanhood in two generations. One of the enduring pleasures of reading Reuter is the rich variety of female characters from the early part of the twentieth century.




Legal Friction

Legal Friction : Law, Narrative, and Identity Politics in Biblical Israel tracks the mystery of narratives in the Hebrew Bible and their allusions to Sinai laws by highlighting intertextual allusions created by verbal resonances. While the second and the third parts of the volume illustrate allusions to Sinai narratives made by some narratives occurring in the post-Sinaitic era, twenty-three Genesis narratives are analyzed to show that the protagonists were bound by Sinai Laws before God supposedly gave them to Moses, anticipating the Book of Jubilees. Legal Friction suggests that most of Genesis was composed during or after the Babylonian exile, after the codification of most Sinai laws, which Genesis protagonists consistently violate. The fact that they are not punished for these violations implies to the exiles that the Sinai Covenant was unconditional. In addition, the author proposes that Genesis contains a hidden polemic, encouraging the Judean exiles to follow the revisions of laws of the Covenant Code by the Holiness Code and Deuteronomy. Genesis narratives, like those describing post-Sinai events, often cannot be understood properly without recognition of their allusions to biblical laws.



Histoire internationale

Bomb N : ressources, mysteries and opportunities of the Congo basin. Advocacy of Denis Sassou N'Guesso for the protection of the planet

This book of Michel Innocent Peya is devoted to the Congo Basin, the second largest reserve in the world : its natural ressources, its mysteries, legal and institutional frameworks, national, subregional and international levels that protect it. The basin of Congo is an African opportunity for the whole world. Its preservation and its protection over time are an action of conscience, will, commitment, determination and sacrifices for the benefit of humanity. Nature cannot be defending alone ; the Congo Basin finds among his children in love with nature a spokesperson or a soulmate in the person of the President of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou N'Guesso. He is one with nature. This is why, time and time again, he cries out against the abusive and irrational exploitation of the Earth, which is the source of delayed natural disasters, irreversible, and mass destruction : the Bomb "N". This saving son of the world demonstrates his involvement by his career and his advocacy at several international, subregional and national summits on protection of the global environment. This book puts in the world place the intrinsic qualities of its international environmental policy, an arduous fight for thirty years for the preservation of nature, the balance of global climate. It plays the role of a climatoecological pivot in the Congo Basin subregion. His climate leadership is the result of coordinated sectoral planned policies, implemented, objectives clearly defined and adapted, credible and effective diplomacy. His sacrifices for humanity, its dedication to the cause of our planet and its management for the future of humanity and future generations give it the status of patrimonium of mankind. Protector as well as defender of the Congo Basin, he receives the blows and the backlash from mafia networks who wish to illegally exploit the huge ressources of this part of the Earth. It reveals to the donor community climatic conditions and to all human civilization the opportunities offered by the Congo (ecotourism, development of the pharmaceutical industry and the market Common Forest of Central African Countries). Peat bogs constitute for the Congo Basin the largest terrestrial reserve of organic carbon. They store twice as much carbon as other forests in the world. He calls on the conscience of climate hinders, because the peat bog is an essential source of ecological stability, a precious reserve of carbon and the cradle of unique flora and fauna to the world and its survival also requires the integration of local communities' indigenous peoples through sustainable projects. This book is a reference tool for understanding and analyzing the basin of Congo, its natural wealth, its legal and institutional framework, in the dynamics of climate-political leadership and its myriad opportunities for the planet. As a result, the author believes that the achievement of these objectives is dependent on climate-political leadership that the Congo Basin space exerts in the concert nations. As it is said in Africa, one finger cannot wash the whole face.



Littérature française

Monsieur Raminet's Long Voyage

After a somewhat cloistered, morally upright existence and a life devoted to legal matters, Félix Raminet, at the age of 66, achieves a lifelong ambition in passing his driving test, and immediately embarks upon the ultimate quest for liberty, a 300km drive from Paris to the seaside town of Saint-Malo. His meeting with Jane, a generous, free-spirited, young American at a gas station will irremediably change the course of his existence.




A Year in the French Style. Interiors & Entertaining by Antoinette Poisson

Maison Lescop, a historic residence in Port-Louis, Brittany, has conserved its original eighteenth-century decor that was conceived for a French importer for the East Indian trading company. Today, it is the home and restoration project for the creative duo behind the Parisian design team Antoinette Poisson. Enchanted by the poetic beauty of hand-painted domino paper prints-from floral and fauna to geometric and ikat-they have appointed their new home with elegant decorative touches : handcrafted lampshades, wallpaper-lined cupboards, assorted table settings, and luxurious textiles. Celebrating a French lifestyle inspired by the charm of the eighteenth century-through its objects, gastronomy, and traditional savoir faire-the authors invite readers to share their art de vivre throughout the seasons- from gathering shellfish on the beach to shopping at the local market, from antiquing to foraging, and from indigo textile dyeing to block-printing on artisanal paper. This book is an ode to timeless pleasures and a life well-lived... à la française.




Street Fighter Tome 1 : Génération Alpha. Avec un Ex-libris

Alors qu'il vient de terrasser le dieu vivant du muay thai Sagat lors du premier tournoi Street Fighter, le jeune combattant Ryu retrouve le dojo de son maître Gouken pour y découvrir le corps inerte de ce dernier. Au mur, tracé dans le sang de la victime, le kanji ("Ciel") ne laisse aucun doute quant à l'identité du coupable : il s'agit d'Akuma, frère cadet de Gouken et fidèle adepte du Satsui no Hado, "l'Instinct Meurtrier". Au même moment, le lieutenant de l'Air Force Guile et l'agent d'Interpol Chun-Li remontent la trace d'une mystérieuse organisation criminelle : Shadaloo. Contenu : Street Fighter #0-6 .




L'histoire officieuse de Street Fighter raconté par ses créateurs

Ce livre raconte l'histoire de la création de l'un des jeux vidéo les plus importants et les plus appréciés de tous les temps - Street Fighter II - et son impact ultérieur sur l'industrie, ses créateurs et le public de joueurs qui l'a si chaleureusement adopté. En plus de Street Fighter II, le livre revient en détail sur de nombreux jeux de combat de l'époque (de Third Strike à Capcom vs. SNK en passant par Darkstalkers) et fait également un état des lieux d'une période révolue, où l'arcade était encore le modèle dominant. Fruit de plusieurs années de recherches, L'Histoire officieuse de Street Fighter rassemble les témoignages de plus de 60 acteurs de la saga, développeurs, artistes, exploitants de salle, répartis sur plusieurs continents, qui s'expriment avec franchise sur la vision et l'ambition qui ont fait de Street Fighter II un nom connu de tous.



Littérature étrangère

La chance vous sourit

Tour à tour grinçantes, bouleversantes, drôles et déchirantes, ces six novellas offrent au lecteur une nouvelle façon de voir le monde, s'imposant chacune comme un bijou de subtilité et d'intelligence. On y croise notamment un ancien gardien de prison de la Stasi, qui reçoit devant sa porte d'étranges colis anonymes tout droit venus du passé ; deux déserteurs ayant fui la Corée du Nord et son régime totalitaire pour tenter de reconstruire leur vie à Séoul ; un homme en plein désarroi face à la grave maladie de sa femme, qui ressuscite à la vie sous forme d'avatar le président américain récemment assassiné afin de profiter de ses conseils ; ou encore un livreur UPS à la recherche de la mère de son fils de deux ans après que celle-ci a disparu en Louisiane lors du passage de l'ouragan Katrina... Récompensé par le National Book Award, ce livre surprenant et audacieux confirme la voix singulière d'Adam Johnson, lauréat du prix Pulitzer pour La Vie volée de Jun Do, et son oeil aiguisé pour décrire le monde d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. "Ses phrases chantent et crépitent et déferlent et s'embrasent sous les yeux du lecteur". Lauren Groff, auteure de Floride et Les Furies "Un recueil magistral". The Washington Post



Lecture 6-9 ans

Trop de chance, Gabi !

Gabi a sept ans et une vie bien remplie. Il y a l'école, bien sûr, et sa copine Oumou qui sait rire comme personne. Il y a les histoires qu'elle se raconte toute seule et son chat Kit Kat qui dort dans sa chambre. Il y a des moments impressionnants, comme quand sa mère tombe en patin à roulettes ou quand les policiers viennent au square. A partir de 7 ans.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Saisis ta chance, Calypso !

Ne jamais, jamais, l'avoir rencontré. Voilà ce que voudrait Calypso, en ce beau matin de novembre, alors qu'elle pense à sa récente rupture avec Yann. Yann est l'homme de sa vie – et il l'a quittée. Brutalement. Une blessure qui jette une ombre sur tout le reste de sa vie si parfaite. Plongée dans ses pensées, Calypso ne voit pas venir la voiture qui la percute violemment. Cela pourrait être la fin de l’histoire… ce n’est que le début. Car le choc l’a projetée six mois plus tôt, dans une vie à laquelle Yann n’appartient pas encore. Tout est donc encore possible et Calypso va devoir saisir sa chance pour tenter de réécrire l’histoire, son histoire. Une merveilleuse comédie romantique au ton enjoué, vif et résolument moderne, dans laquelle amour et amitié tiennent des places essentielles. Irrésistible Calypso !



12 ans et +

Sa dernière chance. 0

A trente-neuf ans, Elise, célibataire, vit dans la famille de sa soeur, gynécologue réputée, et de son beau-frère, agent immobilier. Elle tient la maison, s'occupe des quatre enfants du foyer, et son existence s'écoule ainsi, dans une espèce de rythme immuable : depuis toujours, Elise vit dans l'ombre de sa soeur. Aux yeux de l'extérieur, elle passe pour une femme fragile, d'une timidité maladive, incapable de se débrouiller seule. Tout à coup, elle se met en quête d'un homme sur Internet – et c'est le grain de sable qui va enrayer la mécanique parfaitement huilée de cette famille de notables. Mais quelle mouche a donc piqué Elise ? Personne ne comprend. Elle affirme qu'elle a envie de vivre, c'est tout. Et qu'aucune mise en garde, aucun chantage, aucune menace ne la fera renoncer au type charmant, un antiquaire, qu'elle vient de rencontrer. L'enfer, dit-on, est pavé de bonnes intentions. N'est-ce pas ce qui attend Elise sur le chemin de son émancipation, comme tous ceux qu'elle entraîne à sa suite dans cette rencontre qui n'aurait jamais dû avoir lieu ?


Littérature française

Les jours de chance

Nos jours sont rythmés par des imprévus, ce que l'on pense être le destin. Au gré des hasards et des rencontres, ils animent et construisent notre chemin. A la lecture de ses six nouvelles, vous découvrirez les surprises que le hasard nous réserve parfois et vous verrez que finalement la vie est une chance.



Littérature érotique et sentim

C'est ta chance

Marion a trente ans et le jour de son anniversaire est un vrai cauchemar : elle est virée de son job, victime d'un accident de voiture et se casse deux orteils en tentant de fuir sa mère envahissante ! Pire encore, elle n'a toujours pas de petit ami et la vie romantique dont elle rêve. Dans un sursaut de survie, et alors qu'elle a un peu forcé sur les antidépresseurs, la jeune femme postule à toutes les offres d'emploi qui lui passent sous le nez. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle séduise une entreprise qui l'engage comme détective chargée de vérifier l'honnêteté de ses salariés. Mais Marion n'est vraiment pas taillée pour ce métier et sa discrétion laisse totalement à désirer... le comble pour une apprentie enquêtrice ! De gaffes en galères, elle est décidée malgré tout à relever le défi. Mais évidemment rien ne tourne comme elle l'avait imaginé...




Mon cancer, quelle chance !

Et si le cancer pouvait être la plus belle opportunité d'une vie ? Adeline Pasteur a toujours travaillé sans relâche, dans l'espoir d'atteindre la perfection dans tous les domaines de sa vie. Lorsqu'elle découvre qu'elle a un cancer, son monde s'écroule. Pourtant, avec le recul, une fois sortie de cette "aventure" , elle portera un jugement acéré sur les années où elle a "semé les graines" de cette maladie en s'obligeant à rester dans un rôle qui ne convenait pas à son être profond. Le cancer, dit-elle, est "comme un hurlement du corps" , ce corps qui a envoyé auparavant une somme d'autres symptômes qui ont été ignorés. Comprenant qu'il faut être persuadé de son pouvoir personnel pour avancer vers la rémission, elle entreprend un travail global sur elle-même, à l'aide de diverses thérapies alternatives, tout en se livrant à une visualisation positive de la chimiothérapie, particulièrement efficace. Aujourd'hui libérée de ce qui l'entravait, elle affirme que le cancer est "la meilleure chose" qui lui soit arrivée.



Santé, diététique, beauté

1 chance sur 666

Une chance sur 666. C'est la probabilité qu'avait Vanessa d'accoucher d'un enfant porteur de trisomie 21, à trente-deux ans. Lorsque Valentine pointe le bout de son nez en juillet 2009, elle est effondrée. Sans qu'elle le sache alors, cet événement qui porte la robe de la tragédie est en fait le point de départ d'une nouvelle existence riche de sens. Se frotter à la singularité bouleverse les repères et fait prendre conscience que certains partis pris de notre société sont faux et réducteurs. L'homme ordinaire vit dans la tyrannie de la norme et de la perfection. Quelle est donc cette normalité ? La réussite d'une vie ne s'incarne-t-elle pas plutôt dans la joie et dans l'amour inconditionnel ? Ce livre est une bouffée d'amour, de vie, de réflexions que l'auteure sait si bien faire partager à ceux qui la suivront dans toutes les directions qu'elle emprunte. Une confrontation à la différence pour un chemin vers la résilience.



Light novel

Fat Chance, Charlie Vega

Fat Chance Charlie Vega est le premier roman de son autrice. Grâce à ses qualités, il s'est imposé comme un véritable succès. Il a par ailleurs remporté le New England Book Award, été élu Cosomopolitan Best New Book et POPOSUGAR Best New Young Adult. Charlie Vega peut être décrite de plein de manières : intelligente, drôle, artiste, ambitieuse, grosse. Mais certaines personnes ont parfois un problème avec ce dernier mot, surtout sa mère ! Charlie veut un rapport sain à son propre corps, mais c'est difficile dans la société actuelle, surtout quand sa mère laisse sur sa commode des boissons amincissantes. Le monde entier et toutes les personnes qui l'entourent semble avoir une opinion le physique qu'elle devrait avoir : plus fine, plus légère, un visage moins joufflu, des cheveux plus raides. Et puis surtout, elle devrait être plus petite, plus blanche, plus calme. Heureusement, il y a une personne qui est toujours de son côté : Amelia, sa meilleure amie. Qui est maigre, populaire et sportive. Bref, elle assure ! Aussi, quand Charlie essaie de sortir avec Brian, son camarade de classe sexy (et premier mec au monde à la remarquer), tout semble parfait... jusqu'à ce qu'elle apprenne une chose : il avait demandé, d'abord, à Amelia de sortir avec lui. Doit-elle comprendre qu'elle n'est qu'un lot de consolation ? Est-ce qu'il s'intéresse réellement à elle ? Parce qu'il est vraiment temps que le monde la voit, elle, Charlie Vega !



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Une (toute) dernière chance

A trente-deux ans, Sadie Frost trouve que son petit ami, exemplaire sur tous les plans, tarde à lui demander sa main. Qu'à cela ne tienne, elle décide de se lancer ! Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu. La soirée est un échec. Et, comme un malheur n'arrive jamais seul, elle apprend que son père adoré vient d'avoir une crise cardiaque. Ni une ni deux, Sadie se rue à son chevet et s'improvise infirmière. C'est l'excuse parfaite pour prendre de la distance avec sa vie new-yorkaise monotone. A Stoningham, la situation n'est pourtant pas des plus réjouissantes, Sadie se retrouve face à un père affaibli, une mère moralisatrice, une soeur faussement modèle. Et surtout elle ne doit pas succomber aux charmes de Noah, son amour de jeunesse, qu'elle n'a jamais oublié. Cela dit, il ne semble pas particulièrement ravi de la revoir... Ce retour pourrait-il être synonyme de dernière chance ? Traduit de l'anglais (Etats-Unis) par Axelle Demoulin et Nicolas Ancion. A propos de l'autrice Avec plus de 200 000 lectrices conquises, KRISTAN HIGGINS se pose en reine incontestée de la comédie. Antidote contre la morosité ambiante, ses romans sont des bouffées de bonne humeur ! " [Higgins] ne fait que s'améliorer à chacun de ses livres. " The New York Times " Une exploration magistrale de l'amour sous toutes ses formes - romantique, familial et amical - quine laissera personne de marbre. " Kirkus Reviews " Une exploration incroyable des relations familiales, et en particulier de la façon dont l'amour change tout au long des années de mariage. " Booklist
