The Transcendental Way to God According to Bernard Lonergan

Dariusz Oko

The question of God is or can be the central question of all human existence. This dissertation is an attempt to present the philosophical way to God according to Bernard Lonergan - one of the most prominent exponents of modern Catholic philosophy and theology. According to the inner dialectic between that which is existential and that which is rational in human knowing of God, the new meta-proof of God's existence is presented in the perspective of existential conditions for the acceptance of such a proof. Particular attention is devoted to the solution of Kant's critical problem, which is a necessary condition for every critically grounded affirmation of God, for every affirmation up to our time. In this way a sketch of the philosophy of God is presented here which can well serve as a sketch of the textbook in this philosophy.

Par Dariusz Oko
Chez Peter Lang

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01/12/1991 352 pages 71,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9783631442821
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